Banten, 3 Desember 2002

Assalamu'alaikum wr wbr.

Yusuf bin Jussac MR



Saya baru membaca beberapa artikel/opini jurnalis & kolumnis Barat di bawah ini (dimuat Nov. 2002) awal minggu ini. Namun, silahkan disimak, yang selama ini saya tulis (sejak 2000 di Internet dan koran besar sejak 1994, dan sejak saya masih mahasiswa); tidak jauh berbeda dengan banyak isu krusial yang diungkapkan para penulis di bawah ini. Terutama, mengenai kepalsuan penguasa di Amerika dan di Barat pada umumnya: pemalak, penjarah, penipu, penindas!

Ini saya tulis tgl. 25 bulan ini (bbii – istilah berita/laporan via teleks di lingkungan Deplu dan Perwakilan RI di Luar Negeri/Perwakin), tetapi saya edit di sana sini (tambah/kurangi) hari Minggu, 30 bbii. Hal itu berkaitan dengan perkembangan terkini di NKRI, khususnya menyangkut FAKTA semakin represifnya penguasa/rezim Presiden Megawati Soekarnoputri (MS – kok ya sama singkatannya dengan "sohib dekat" suami beliau Taufik Kimas/TK, eks boss langsung saya Marimutu Sinivasan alias MS).

Saya telah menulis panjang-lebar tentang "penyakit" penguasa yang disebut "pemerintah", yakni di curah-pikir INDONESIAKU: NEGERI MALING & PENYAMUN (revisi 3). Juga di Opini tentang PERPU 1 & 2 dan "CILUKBA: BELANG PENINDAS NONGOL! yang lalu. Ketikan di Google, "THE NATURE OF GOVERNMENT".

Yang menamakan diri "pemerintah", di mana pun di bumi -- kecuali pemerintahan yang dijalankan berdasarkan Syari’at Islam murni (Hukum Allah SWT, di atas segala hukum buatan manusia berdasarkan "Triaspolitika" ciptaan Kafirun sesat!) seperti di Arab Sauditerbukti TIDAK AMANAH terhadap yang disebut "rakyat" yang WAJIB dilayani dan DIAYOMI kelompok yang menamakan diri "pemerintah"!

Tidak amanah, sebab yang menamakan diri "pemerintah" (termasuk para badut politik di DPR/MPR) justru menjadikan "rakyat" sebagai BUDAK/"andahan"; yang selain diwajibkan MENGHAMBA kepada "pemerintah -- juga terus menerus dipasung, dibelenggu, diatur dengan berbagai perangkat hukum "t**k kucing". Antara lain, berbagai jenis/bentuk pajak termasuk "Pajak Pendapatan Pribadi" yang merupakan ciptaan/ide Karl Marx si cucu Rabbi Zionis!

Kini, di satu negara bagian Amrik, warga masyarakat "berontak" (bahkan nyaris secara nasional) terhadap pengenaan pajak tsb oleh The Internal Revenue Service/IRS ciptaan "The Maha Dalang" Illuminati dalam rangka memelaratkan warga Amrik!

Bacalah, di serial artikel tentang Israel, bagaimana pajak pendapatan pribadi seluruh warganegara Amrik LEBIH BANYAK diberikan GRATISAN kepada rezim penguasa Zionist Israel sebagai hibah! Kini, tahun anggaran 2002-2003, via U.S. Congress, Amrik akan dirampok lagi oleh Israel sebanyak USD 10 Milyar! Untuk apa? Mesin perangnya vs. bangsa Palestina!

Itu yang ngomong bukan Yusuf orang bodoh ini, melainkan orang orang cerdas di Amrik, Inggris dan bahkan tokoh tokoh Yahudi ta’at kepada ajaran Musa (Taurat). Saya telah kupas tuntas masalah masalah krusial global itu, di opini opini terdahulu. Di satu artikel kutipan yl, anda sudah baca bagaimana sabda Yesus Kristus (Isa a.s. bagi Muslim), tentang "tribute" atau pajak yang diberlakukan penguasa ROMAWI atas warga Yahudi di Yerusalem di era Isa a.s.

Yesus/Isa a.s. bersabda (ada juga di Injil Barnabas yang DIHARAMKAN oleh penguasa Vatican!) bahwa Allah TIDAK mewajibkan ummat Yesus membayar pajak kepada penguasa! Dalam ajaran Islam pun, yang DIWAJIBKAN adalah membayarKAN zakat (selalu, di dalam perintah Allah mengenai kewajiban shalat – Isa a.s. pun shalat seperti disebut di Injil Barnabas!) – perintah shalat diikuti perintahNya mengeluarkan/membayarKAN zakat.

Harta emas dan PERAK pun WAJIB dizakati; otherwise (jika tidak dizakati), kelak pemiliknya di neraka akan dimandikan dengan perak dan emasnya yang mendidih karena dicairkan Allah! Demikian pula atas properti (tanah/ladang/kebun/rumah. Berbagai jenis zakat itu ditampung di dalam Baitu Mal yang diurus/dikelola secara Islami oleh petugas yang dipercaya raja.

Itu semua untuk "rakyat", terutama yang tergolong kaum dhuafa/fakir miskin. Juga untuk membayar para petugasnya, dengan jumlah secukupnya untuk menjalankan tugas & fungsinya; serta menghidupi diri (petugas) dan keluarga masing masing. Tidak ada rumah dinas untuk para "aparat kerajaan" itu! Apalagi Vila hibah menteri "anu" untuk presidennya! Ya, kan; Bu Mega?

Simak, lihat, cermati negeri negeri yang menjalankan Hukum Allah secara konsekuen. Misalnya pun belum secara kaffah (sempurna 100 persen), a/l Arab Saudi, Kuwait, dan Brunei Darusallam di ASEAN. Sekolah (sampai perguruan tinggi) GRATIS; rumah sakit GRATIS pula.

Toh begitu, pemerintah Amrik (dan Barat umumnya) serta beberapa jurnalis/analis gebleg di Amrik, terus menerus memfitnah negeri negeri Arab itu dikuasai oleh penguasa tiranikal anti demokrasi! Itu, para Kafirun paling TOLOL, menafikkan FAKTA bagaimana di negeri negeri Islami itu "rakyat" telah disejahterakan.

Sebaliknya, mereka (para Kafirun STUPID itu) mengagung-agungkan Israel dan India, sebagai "the Champion of Democracy" di luar Amrik, Inggris, Australia dll. Silahkan baca sendiri di artikel artikel tentang Israel di bawah, terutama yang ditulis oleh seorang Yahudi (ta’at) Amrik bekas warganegara Israel; mengenai "demokrasi" yang sesungguhnya di Israel. Di Israel ada dua KASTA Yahudi. Kasta unggulan, mayoritas Yahudi SESAT Zionis berasal dari Eropa, sangat menarik dicermati: namanya mengandung kata NAZI! Maka perilakunya FASCIST pula!

Simak pula secara JUJUR, sistem KASTA di India. Itukah demokrasi? Seperti yang telah saya tulis di NEGERI MALING, sistem seperti itu – "kastaisme"—di era moderen juga diterapkan di kalangan angkatan bersenjata di seluruh dunia. Kasta Prajurit ("Private"); Kasta Bintara; Kasta Perwira/Pamen; dan Kasta tertinggi para PATI, brigjen s/d 4-star generals.

Dua rasul terkasihNya, Isa. a.s. dan Muhammad saw, tidak diperintah Allah mengajarkan penghambaan manusia terhadap sesama manusia macam seluruh sistem sesat di atas. Seluruh sistem non-Islami itu terbukti menimbulkan kesengsaraan di bumi.

Kelompok sesat di atas, HAMBA Illuminati penyembah LUCIFER/Iblis, gigih mem-perjuangkan REALISASI semua itu melalui berbagai modus-operandi, menuju "ultimate goal" mereka – yakni: "Tata Dunia Baru" atau "New World Order" (=DISorder!). Semua yang kini berkembang di Amrik, Australia, Inggris, yaitu pemberlakuan undang-undang/hukum "Big Brother-ism" – utamanya U.U. Anti Terorisme – merupakan pra-kondisi menuju NWO!!!

Dan rezim FASCIST Megawati, kini, membeoria! Simak, persetujuan DPR atas U.U. Penyiaran. Bukankah sudah saya tulis, di "PERPU 1 & 2" serta "CILUKBA", perilaku fascist itu? Anda tahu, siapa Wakil Ketua Pansus RUU Fascist itu? Tuan Effendi Choiri, Wakil Ketua Komisi 1 DPR dari PKB kubu Abdurrahman Wahid! Itulah hadiah Lebaran 2002 untuk "wajib pajak"! Kalau kelak, di PEMILU 2004, anda masih mau nyoblos Banteng beri beri, PKB, dan Partai GOLKAR – maaf, anda te-o-el-o-el. Partai saya satu: "Partai Gusti Allah! Titik.

Mari kita kilas balik ke era Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid. Beliau selaku presiden tidak mau memberedel media massa, sebab beliau "self-proclaims" (mendaku) seorang demokrat. Itu yang beliau katakan kepada publik. You never know, apa yang ada di benak beliau sesungguhnya. Semoga saya dilaknat Allah, jika saya mengada-ada tentang hal ini:

Ketika posisi beliau semakin kritis (akibat ulahnya sendiri), seseorang yang sangat fanatik terhadap "Da Kiyai" itu, sebut saja Polan (aktivis orsospol "radikal kiri" yang punya akses ke elit DPP PKB Kuningan dan dihormati oleh kader senior PDIP di DPR) yang dekat dengan tokoh di Istana era "Da Kiyai" (sehingga banyak tahu "policy"/pemikiran "Da Kiyai") – Polan berucap di depan hidung saya sbb: (saya sampaikan tidak verbatim)

Yaitu bahwa (dengan asumsi "Da Kiyai" tidak dilengserkan MPR) kelak akan dilakukan pemberedelan terhadap beberapa media cetak, yang selama itu dinilai "ngercoki" terus Sang Kiyai Presiden! Polan mengatakan bahwa beberapa media cetak telah "di-black list", yang mana yang kelak perlu dibredel! Paling tidak, NIAT yang extremely undemocratic itu telah ada!

Allah berkehendak lain (seperti saya mohonkan kepadaNya di dalam satu Posting saya di, 2 - 3 bulan sebelum Da Kiyai dilengserin; yaitu agar Allah MENCABUT kekuasaan sang presiden jika kepemimpinannya tidak membawa kemaslahatan bagi "rakyat"). Sebagai akibat kengototannya menyangkut "Dekrit Presiden", Da Kiyai akhirnya dilengserkan! Subhanallah, Allah mendengarKAN permohonan saya juga. Itu pula yang KINI saya mohonkan bagi Mega!

Sebab Presiden "Ratu" Megawati semakin ngaco kepemimpinannya. Ia TIDAK amanah. Ia memperkaya diri. Ia TIDAK pedulikan nasib dan keterpurukan wong cilik. Ia, persis ayahnda-nya, semakin DIKTATORIAL pula. Ia MELINDUNGI, MENGAYOMI, dan lebih mengutama-kan kepentingan Konglomerat JAHAT. Megawati telah MENYELEWENGKAN amanah Allah!

Ya Allah, hamba memohonMu LAGIAKHIRI, CABUT pula kekuasaan Megawati. Amin, amin, amin. 80-an juta orang di negeri jahiliyah ini jadi KERE, sementara itu Megawati dan suaminya serta sebagian pembantunya (menteri/pejabat tinggi dan sebagian elit PDIP) memperkaya diri! Mereka sama sekali TIDAK PEDULI terhadap keterpurukan "rakyat".

Yang Mulia Presiden, kejatuhanmu akan SANGAT menyakitkan. Jok nyalahke aku. Aku wis ngelingke panjenengan nok suratku Agustus 2002. Ingat,"IDU GENI". Jangan anda sesali apa yang bakal anda alami – jika panjenengan tetap "nggugu kerepe dewe" & ndableg! We DO NOT need a president like you are. Goodbye, Madam Megawati; your DOWNFALL will be extremely PAINFUL. You ask for it. "Ratu" tidak amanah, ratune Konglomerat. PDIP = Partai "Despots" Insensitif & Pengkhianat". Banteng konyol, bukan Marhaen.

Saya bukan jenius, bukan mau "sok minteri". Tapi, sekali lagi – simak artikel "Bom Bali" 13 Oktober 2002 – bagaimana anda mampu menjelaskan, prediksi saya kok tepat menyangkut Russia sebagai next target teror ASPAL bom, paska Bom Bali? Saya pun tidak mampu menjelaskannya, saya katakan mungkin "bisikan dari langit".

Seorang kenalan baru, "wartawan" Muslim yang menurut saya "berilmu", menilai (dari diskusi dua jam menjelang makan sahur) "… seperti Pak Yusuf, sudah (mampu) berdialog dengan Allah." Beliau nasehati saya memperbanyak shalat tahajjut (jarang melakukan, kadang lebih suka shalat sunat malam tasbih) dan mandi di tengah malam (+ pk. 02.00!) lalu shalat tahajjut. Beliau bukan Kiyai palsu. Seorang S3 Muslim, dalam risetnya, menemukan bahwa shalat tahajjut rutin bahkan berhasil menyembuhkan kanker, sakit jantung, dll. Subhanallah.

Bodohnya saya! Dalam setahun, shalat tahajjut bisa dihitung dengan jari, ngapain shalat sunat malam lain? Subhanalah, matur sembah nuwun Gusti Allah; Engkau pertemukan aku dengan orang seiman itu. Masalahanya, saya susah tidur. Padahal kata "Ulama", syarat shalat sunnat tahajjut itu harus didahului tidur? Siapa bilang?!

Saya cari di Al-Qur’an, tidak ada ayat yang menyatakan secara spesifik tentang syarat tsb. Di Hadith Qudsy pun, saya sisir dari halaman depan sampai habis (1. K.H.M. Ali Usman dan Dr. H.M.D. Dahlan, Bandung, 3/11/1975 430 halaman; 2. SYARAH MUKHTAARUL AHAADITHS, Sayyid Ahmad Al-Hasyimi, 1147 halaman, Bandung 1987), kok belum saya temukan pula? Mata saya sudah rabunkah atau ada sebab lain? Saya jadi ingat tentang "syarat" tidur dulu itu, sbb:

Ramadhan tahun 2000, acara "Kuliah Subuh" di satu TV swasta oleh K.H. Zainuddin MZ. Beliau jelaskan, Rasulullah pernah bertanya kepada dua (saya lupa, Umar r.a. dan Abubbakar r.a., kita sebut saja X dan Y) sahabatnya (berkaitan dengan kontroversi itu, mau tahajjut mesti tidur dulu atau tidak): X menjawab, "Aku selalu melakukannya sebelum tidur." "Berarti, kamu (X) orang yang berhati-hati (cermat)." Kata Rasulullah. Sedangkan Y menjawab, "Aku selalu lakukan setelah tidur lah!" "Berarti, sampeyan orang yang kuat (kontrol "body clock" hebat)." Ujar Nabi.

Doel Koclok pun (sudah baca NEGERI MALING?) bertanya kepada saya, "Jadi, Cup; lantas itu artinya apa dong?" "Lo memang te-o-el-o-el, Doel. Artinya, kau boleh melakukannya (shalat la’il tahajjut) dengan salah satu cara yang dipraktekkan dua sahabat Rasulullah itu." "Lha, lalu, gimana dong yang ditulis di beberapa buku itu?" Doel tukang protes nanya melulu. "Yah, menurutku sih, yang menulis kagak tahu atau sok pinter, biar bukunya laku. Nggak sedikit "Ulama" atau "Ustadz" yang sok tahu macam itu."

"Contohnya?" Doel tanya lagi. "Doel, Lo, kalau bukan sohib gue, gue kampleng tenan! Nanya, apa mau nguji gue?" "mBokya jangan galak gitu, Cup. ‘Ntar, kesaktianmu luntur lo!" Doel malah nyengir. "Sakti gundulmu, Doel. Lha wong Pakdeku Wakil Ketua DPR, Ketua DPP PDIP, ‘penasehatnya" mBak Mega saja; aku kagak pernah minta surat sakti buat jadi Dubes, kok." "Itu, cah cah cilik, Banteng Beri Beri di Senayan, sok minteri. Takkuampleng baru tahu!

Eee, ngomongin shalat sunnat tahajjut, kok kebablasan (lagi). Anda bisa bayangin, nggak; kalau saya nyerocos menjadi penyiar radio FM swasta? Tahun lalu, berapa kali ditelewancara tiga FM swasta di Jakarta (lagi di jalan/rumah/kantor) menyoal isu polekkam (Bom Kedubes Pilipina) dan masalah menyangkut Islam. Ada satu penyiar gaek menawari, via telpon bukan telewancara, bagi saya untuk bergabung di stasiun FM tempat dia bekerja (salah satu radio Muslim).

Saya bilang suka nanyi Golden 60’s & 70’s, maka suka meng-handle acara macam itu. Dari pengalaman beberapa kali saya mengkontribusikan opini/analisis saya di FM itu (interaktif), ketika menelpun penyiar itu (OFF-Air) menilai bahwa "Dengan kaliber Mas Yusuf, mas cocok jadi producer; bukan sekedar penyiar." Sayang, saya kok belum temukan e-mail FM yang satu itu.

Jadi, sekali lagi; gimana kalo saya jadi penyiar/producer di FM Muslim? Setujukah anda? Kalau masih pakai gaya penuturan cemplang cemplong macam begini, salah salah stasiun FM itu diberangus penguasa. Sudah pas setahun, peluang di atas belum saya respons. Gebleg, kan?

Tahun 1999, pernah ikuti test "simulasi On-Air" di satu TV swasta terkenal; menyisihkan lima pesaing calon presenter dialog interaktif politik. Saya "ngabur", gara gara gajinya di bawah sejuta rupiah perbulan (sami mawon balik jadi PNS lagi, di direktorat "kering"!). Suatu malam, sebulan setelah saya ngabur (belum mulai kerja); seseorang di TV itu mengirim pesan urgent via Pager: "Mas, lihat acara di ….. SEKARANG! Itu acara yang harus kamu pegang!"

Bagus presenternya, tetapi ybs BUKAN salah satu dari enam peserta testing (dua tahap) simulasi On-Air di atas. Ybs "orang dalam" (bagian pemberitaan) TV itu. Mungkin, akibat saya ngabur sebulan tidak "check-in" setelah lolos testing tersebut, lantas orang itu dijadikan presenter acara itu. What is wrong with me, folks? "Lo terlalu idealis, Cup!" kata seseorang di Pejambon 6.

Ya ndak heran kalo saya dicap begitu, wong cita cita saya mau jadi PRESIDEN RI kok. Menteri? gembus, apalagi cuma Duta Besar RI. Wong dengan sebagian KBTU-nya berkolusi, kok! Pokoknya, selama kaum fundamentalis-nasionalis masih ngotot menghalangi amendemen UUD 1945, maka paling berkuasa di NKRI adalah seorang presiden! Lihat, "Ratu" Megawati.

Pelanggar berat HAM (tak peduli "aparat", sipil maupun pebisnis WNI-Cina seperti dulu boss Marsinah), koruptor di birokrasi sipil/non-sipil (minimal Rp. 100 juta), Konglobejat penyuap ejabat/politisi/ "aparat" dan penindas buruh – manusia KHIANAT/keji macam itu, I swear to God, akan kuhukum mati! Termasuk para jaksa korup. Satu persatu digelandang ke Laut Kidul, lalu cemplungin di sana. Mereka merupakan SAMPAH bangsa, musuh rakyat dan USELESS scum!

Ada petinggi "aparat" yang coba coba jadi beking para sampah itu? Para herder sontoloyo sok jagoan macam itu, yang lebih dulu WAJIB di-DOR jidatnya! Pokoknya, saya berlakukan "PERPU 2005", untuk Opsus "cuci NKRI". NKRI keluar pula dari WTO!

Coba, percaya nggak, di satu kota di Pulau Jawa ini ada "aparat", bukan TNI, berpangkat letnan kolonel (di kota besar berpangkat kolonel); ternyata berpenghasilan ekstra Rp. 6 juta/bulan (baca: enam juta rupiah perbulan = gaji Eselon satu di DEPLU dan manajer di swasta).

Itu baru dari SATU pebisnis WNI-Cina di kota kecil (saya ulang di sini, istilah Cina tidak berkonotasi negatif. Sebab RRC resmi disebut People’s Republic of China; bukan "of Tionghwa"; "China Town" bukan "Tionghwa Town"). Lha, kalau di kota kecil itu ada minimal dua MAL? Itu Letkol sontoloyo dapetin berapa puluh juta rupiah dari seluruh pebisnis macam itu, di kotanya? Hanya dari 15 pebisnis sekelas itu, "aparat" non TNI itu minimal dapetin UANG HARAM (jelas yang menyetor tidak RIDHO/Ikhlas, alias terpaksa) RP. 90 juta perbulan! Bedebah itu letkol!

Mau tahu, berapa "setoran wajib" itu untuk si Wakilnya? Cuma Rp. 1 juta/bulan dari (satu) pebisnis itu! Gila, letkol dan mayor upetinya beda Rp. 5 juta! Semoga Allah melaknat kalau saya mengada ada tentang temuan terbaru itu. Otentik, wong saya membaca datanya dalam format Spreadsheet daftar 30-an "aparat" non-TNI!) penerima setoran "wajib" itu. Mula mula, saya kira itu daftar penerima THR Lebaran 2002 (THR juga selalu WAJIB disetor!). Ternyata, daftar penerima "setoran wajib" perbulan!

Sungguh edan, ini negeri memang NEGERI MALING & PENYAMUN. Letkol saja sudah berpenghasilan Rp. 90 juta rupiah/bulan (dari "setoran wajib"). Lha, kelak kalau berbintang dua, memimpin daerah/propinsi -- seperti itu yang kini hobi memburu dan nangkepin Ulama/Santri -- lantas berapa ratus juta rupiah penghasilannya perbulan? Pantes, ngadalin KPKPN!

Mbak Megawati, inilah negerimu. Ketidak-becusanmu dalam manajemen pemerintahan, mengembang-suburkan praktik busuk itu. Saya pengin NGAMPLENG muka letkol itu! Emang takut? Kalau terus di "dinas" (tidak keluar 1 Oktober 1997), jenjang pangkat saya sejak Januari yl. setara dengan brigjen TNI. Wong ketika dulu keluar sudah setara kolonel senior.

Toh berjiwa garong macam itu, komandan lama kantor sama di kota itu, tahun 1999 berani menggebrak meja di depan hidung Jaffar Umar Thalib Panglima Laskar Jihad! Letkol berjiwa maling! Baru confirmed, kini, "aparat" non-TNI itu (letnan ke atas) sebagian ternyata "tukang palak" pebisnis! Ko Ping-Ho menggambarkan sitkon seperti itu di NKRI.

Sungguh, aparat non-TNI macam itu (para Pamen ke atas); yaitu "tukang palak" pebisnis WNI-Cina maupun pribumi, termasuk yang membiarkan anakbuahnya para non-Pamen menyiksa tahanan termasuk mahasiswa; juga yang suka menyalahgunakan pistol/bedil DINAS mereka vs. wong sipil – sekali lagi, kalau saya Presiden RI – mereka, those bloody scum, akan saya hukum pancung! Atau ceburin ke laut buat empan ikan hiu! Rumahya hasil maling, dilelang!

Petetang petenteng, kalau sudah jadi direktur cengengesan mengigau tentang teroris! Di depan pangkat dan di belakang namanya, berderet gelar S1-nya; Drs dan S.H. Ternyata, diklat di akademi dan diklat lanjutan di Jakarta, menjadikan sebagian unsur "aparat" itu berjiwa penindas warga sipil/"Wajib Pajak", mahasiswa, Ulama/Santri; pemalak pebisnis, dan manipulator harga jual "barang khas" (di Amrik anyar gres hanya USD 150.00 s/d USD 600.00, di sini dijual via hanya 10 agen/importir resmi) antara Rp. 15 juta – Rp 60 juta plus "surat izinnya" (atas dasar hukum yang mana pula, HAK mengeluarkan "izin terbatas" itu?).

Kalau izin tidak diperpanjang, atas dasar berbagai dalih usang dicari-cari buat memeras; atau pemegang izin meninggal; maka barang khas berharga puluhan juta rupiah itu menjadi milik kesatuan "aparat" itu! Anda mau sebut mereka apa., kalau bukan PERAMPOK berseragam?! Mending sebut saja di "surat izin", itu barang sewaan (tapi peminat HARUS beli, kan edan!). Lots of things are NOT right with this country! Gusti Allah, jadikan hambamu ini presiden; aku sikat SEMUA maling rakus macam itu. Kukembalikan NKRI kepada "rakyat".

Bukan mendahului kersane Allah (kehendak Allah), namun believe me Mbak Megawati – seperti secara lugas telah saya tulis di surat saya Agustus yl – PDIP (saya lebih suka menyebutnya Banteng "Beri Beri") bakal KALAH dalam Pemilu 2004. Why? Sebab selaku Ketua Umum, anda semakin mengecewakan tidak sedikit elit DPD dan eks DPP, serta terutama kalangan wong cilik; yang dalam PEMILU 1997 mencoblos Banteng Gemuk (kini beri beri, ngorok di bawah beringin).

Segelintir elit PDIP di DPR/MPR pun, tidak lebih daripada badut konyol. Petantang-petenteng, cengengesan dan sok paling pinter serta paling benar -- seperti yang saya indikasikan di dalam opini yl., MEGAWATI SELINGKUH DENGAN "KONGLOMERAT HITAM".

Pada awal atau pertengahan bulan ini, seorang fungsionaris PDIP (lupa namanya, tetapi jelas bukan wong Jawa/Muslim) dikutip Harian RAKYAT MERDEKA menyatakan, bahwa DPP sudah menyiapkan (istilah saya) "skenario Kiamat". Yakni referendum nasional meng-antisipasi "gegeran" 2004! Orang itu, entah barusan teler makan obat apa, mengigau bahwa PDIP tetap akan menang dalam PEMILU 2004. Sungguh amat takabur kader PDIP itu, yang so PASTI tidak pernah mengalami era PNI-FM 1960-an (s/d 30/9/1965) menghadapi teror pisik/mental PKI!

Mbak Mega, anda "ketar-ketir" ya, setelah membaca wanti wanti saya tentang "skenario besar" pra-2004 versus PDIP? Maka, not surprising, KINI, Islam dilibas habis dengan teror aspal Bom Bali. Pola lama, sungguh menjijikkan! And Theo Syafei Anti-Islam, bagian dari rezim lama!

Kelompok mana pula, yang dulu ngamuk total, bakar properti (di Bali); anarkis di Klaten antara Solo dan Yogya, nebangin pohon perindang jalan menggunakan mesin chainsaw (berniat ngaco di Yogya, tetapi ngeper karena dicegat "laskar Islam" di wilayah Perambanan-Kalasan); dan ngamuk di Semanggi menghajar seorang anggota TNI (Babinsa, seseorang merebut pistol dinas ybs, FN-46 9mm Parabellum, dan menodongkannya ke arah pasukan POLRI/Brimob anti huru hara. Di Amerika, orang gila macam itu PASTI diDOR mati di tempat! Kalau saat itu saya ada di TKP, gue "sebul") – yaitu ketika Megawati tak jadi presiden? Siapa lagi, kalau bukan massa PDIP! Tidak ada massa Marhen BRUTAL bekasakan macam itu, dulu, di era 1963 – 1967!

Apakah setelah kini Theo Safei, itu bekas mayor jenderal TNI sangat anti Islam, ditugasi sebagai "panglima" pemenangan Pemilu 2004 bagi PDIP; lantas menjamin PDIP bakal menang lagi? Lha, wong 1997 saja cuma menang 36 persen, kok. Awas Theo, kalau macem macem b’rani MEMFITNAH LAGI kalangan Muslim! Mau bikin skenario kotor macam mana lagi? Sekali lagi coba coba memfitnah kalangan Muslim, semoga Allah melaknatmu!

Itu fungsionaris PDIP (tentu antek Theo Safei), ndak pernah turba ke wilayah Jabotabek, merekam kejengkelan banyak kalangan Muslim (pencoblos Banteng Beri Beri, 1997) terhadap PDIP. Believe me, moron; mereka TIDAK akan nyoblos PDIP lagi! Begitu pula di sebagian DIY dan Jateng. "Wis digawekke dalan Pak Harto bae, ora becus ngopeni!" ("Sudah dibuatkan jalan oleh Pemerintah Soeharto pun, PDIP tidak becus merawatnya!").

Itu komentar salah satu tokoh muda Muslim, di Yogya, dulu simpatisan Marhen! Yaitu tentang para bupati, anakbuah Megawati di berbagai daerah. Pakde Tardjo, kados pundi niku? Dongakke, Pakde. Kulo mawon ingkang dados presiden …

Sedangkan seorang pedagang (Madura), di satu kota di Jawa Tengah, mengatakan: "Megawati, dikongkon turu, terus digugah dikongkon mangan. Terus mengko turu maneh." (Megawati, disuruh tidur saja, lalu dibangunin untuk makan; tidur lagi."). Maka, sori ya Mbak Mega, penjenengan kini "ginuk ginuk", overweight seperti Kangmas Taufik Kimas, dan itu – ampun, menjijikkan – Ketua Fraksi PDIP luar biasa overweight-nya!

Hei, Bung; kau kan sudah jadi Muslim kini; tahukah kau bahwa Allah MEMBENCI orang yang overweight, tanda rakus makan? Baca Hadith, Bung. Maka "Banteng Beri Beri". ‘Ntar stroke, nyaho’ Lo.

Tidak ada habisnya bicarakan kekonyolan sebagian besar elit PDIP, kecuali, Insya’Allah, "kepernah" Pakde saya – mBah Tardjo, yang sejak di Anak Cabang Melati, Sleman; ya begitu itu gayanya – merakyat. Gimana nggak konyol, kalau ada segelintir elitnya yang justru doyan suap?

Kasus JAMSOSTEK (Laporan Utama majalah "G", kalau tidak salah tahun 2000/ 2001 sudah saya tulis di artikel yl); Kasus BPPN (2002); dan indikasi kuat "Tim Penjinak" Laksamana Sukardi berkaitan dengan Skandal mega-KKN yang melibatkan seorang "Konglomerat Hitam" (lha gimana, wong narasumber saya seorang kader senior PDIP).

Pokoknya, Insya’Allah, selama Megawati tidak berobah sikap (tetap berpihak kepada Konglomerat Super Jahat) – PDIP bakal kalah dalam Pemilu 2004. Amin. Kalangan Nasionalis-Muslim, WASPADAI manuver politik (tersembunyi) Theo Syafei. He’s a DIEHARD Anti-Islam!

Sementara itu, Megawati selaku Muslimah, bahkan HAJJAH, nekad MENAFIKKAN peringatan Allah di Al-Qur’an tentang menyahabati dan MEMPERCAYAI orang Anti-Islam! Sumbangkan saja Qur’an sampeyan ke masjid, Mbak Megawati; dan baca Kitab TALMUD; kitab Zionis yang amat sangat MENGHINAKAN ummat Nasrani!

Tetapi, sungguh moron, jelas dihina malah sebagian besar mereka di Amrik dan Barat mau diperbudak Zionis. Bacalah artikel/analisis, tentang bagaimana Zionis Israel ngerjain tokoh tokoh Nasrani di Amerika. Siapa bilang Bush Jr., Kristen? Kristen kok menyembah LUCIFER! Baca, SKULL AND BONES; baru meringis. Semua anggotanya WAJIB meludahi SALIB!!!

Bicara tentang George W(icked) Bully Bush, dalam artikel BOM BALI yl., saya sebut dia cacingan. Eee, ada Netter ANTI ISLAM, menghujat saya dan ummat Islam. Itu Netter GEBLEG, kalau di depan saya takkasih sambel mulutnya, heheee… Dia tidak percaya bahwa Bush Jr. bener bener CACINGAN. Bukan hanya Bush Jr., melainkan juga SELURUH pemakan daging BABI, perut dan darahnya dihuni JUTAAN cacing dari daging babi!

Silahkan baca, di salah satu artikel yang saya impor di bawah. Makanlah terus BABI, yang Allah MENGHARAMKANNYA bukan hanya bagi ummat Muslim, melainkan seluruh ummat. Isa a.s., juga Musa a.s., TIDAK makan babi. Ya ampun, untung saya belum pernah nyipok cewek pemakan daging babi. Please, DO read artikel tentang bahaya mengkonsumsi daging babi itu.

Di Yogya, dulu ketika saya mahasiswa, ada ayam goreng terkenal (banyak cabangnya di Jabotabek). Ayam goreng itu luar biasa "crispy". Kalau anda perhatikan, di kulitnya ditaburkan semacam serpihan serpihan halus (sekaligus ketika digoreng). Gurih rasanya. Anda mau tahu, dari bahan apa itul? Semoga Allah melaknat saya, jika saya berbohong tentang hal ini. Serbuk/ "spread" ayam goreng itu, (dulu), dari KULIT BABI. Kulit Babi, Doel!

Informasi itu saya dengar langsung dari (dulu) sahabat saya, Co’in Muslim (saya juga ada darah Cina, Tjoa Gin Sing alias KRT Setjodiningrat di Yogyakarta era Diponegoro, dari garis mBah buyut puteri saya dari pihak ayah; makamnya di Desa Ganjuran, Bantul; sedangkan adik puteri mBah Tjoa dimakamkan di makam leluhur kami, di Sleman), kini Eselon 3 atau 2 di salah satu lembaga penting di NKRI. Eks sahabat itu, ibunya menjual KULIT BABI, dan restoran ayam goreng terkenal itu pelanggannya! Itu era 1970-an s/d 1980. Entah kini, apakah ayam goreng itu masih "disawuri" (ditaburi) serpihan kulit babi goreng atau tidak, saya tidak tahu.

Enak kan, baca tulisan saya yang cemplang-cemplong, bludas-bludus, kampleng sana kampleng sini tak peduli "aparat", birokrat, jurnalis o’on tetapi sok pinter/sok patriotik, serta politisi korup sok moralis dan sok nasionalistik? Dari ngomong mengenai isu UFO, metafisika, poleksosbudkam, nyinggung pula rekayasa pangan (MONSANTO), bahaya SUSU SAPI sampai bahaya mengkonsumsui daging babi. Ndak perlu berlangganan Harian KOMPAS, to?

Alhamdulillah, tidak sedikit (sejak tahun 2000) yang mengapresiasi artikel-analisis/ opini saya di Inetrnet. Sori, tidak bermaksud ujub/riya’/pamer; yang serial di koran besar, 1998, dinobatkan jadi "Artikel Terbaik Tahun 1998 Mengenai Masalah Kepolisian" oleh Kapolri.

Serial mengenai peluang ekspor non-migas di Afrika (1994), direspons Pak Harto. Kepala BPEN, dan DirJen Daglu, diperintahkan menggarap serius peluang ekspor RI di Afrika.

Paling tidak ada dua khatib masjid di Jakarta Selatan, tahun 2001 yl. menyinggung isu krusial di dalam salah satu artikel saya, yang oleh Moderator ( di4ward ke banyak Homepage/Milis di NKRI dan manca negara. Yang mencaci-maki saya, berkaitan dengan artikel saya di Internet, tidak lebih dari empat orang.

Lebih banyak yang menghargai dan memberikan dukungan (mostly, Muslims), bagi saya untuk terus menulis vs. praktik KKN dan berbagai bentuk kezaliman penguasa. Beberapa mengirimkan e-mail perkenalan, bahkan mengundang saya menjadi pembicara dalam acara diskusi (belum saya penuhi, maaf). Para birokrat? Emang gue pikirin. Those timid souls …

Jadi kalau masih ada yang hendak memaki dan mencerca saya, be my guest. Silahkan lakukan sesuka anda. Insya’Allah, saya tidak terbawa emosi malah membalas menghujat. Kalau di forum diskusi terbuka, paling paling saya "kuliti" habis morons macam itu. Berani nggak?

Tanya tuh, Bung Rizal Malarangeng dkk eks S3/S2 Amrik; kami terbiasa debat di kelas tanpa harus berantem. Dalam satu debat tentang Drugs Abuse di Amrik, saya dikeroyok bule sekelas. Eee; analisis saya malah diBENARKAN seorang siswa kulit hitam, cewek, relawan panti asuhan bekas para narkobais. Satu – Nol untuk para bule Amrik, yang sok tahu itu.

Sekian dulu untuk yang ini. Silahkan baca artikel artikel kutipan di bawah, semoga membuka kesadaran baru bagi kita, terutama mengenai DUSTA BESAR elit penguasa/Pers/DPR di Amerika dan Barat (media di Inggris, tergolong lebih FAIR terhadap Islam dan Irak). Di akhir kutipan itu, ada halaman catatan saya. Mbak Megawati, DO read that, too. OK? Ojo m’rengut.

Wassalam. Selamat ber-Iedul Fitri dan mudik. Insya’Allah, saya dan keluarga juga akan mudik, mengecek lahan warisan almarhum kedua orangtua saya. Kalau dengan 0,9 H.A. tanah sawah serupa, plus 1000 m2 (di Sleman dan Batas Kota Yogya), tetapi di Jakarta; apakah saya bukan Milyarder? Buat apa jadi anggota DPR, tetapi rakus uang suap? Jadi Dubes sajalah, saya nggak nolak kok; tetapi kalau presidennya Pakde Tardjo! Hehee. Mbak Mega: "Huh, Ucup!"

Lha, orang GEBLEG dan KORUP pun bisa jadi DUBES, kok. Engga’ ah, saya pengin jadi PRESIDEN. Mau LIBAS habis pelaku mega-KKN dan "aparat" KEJI terhadap wong cilik dan Ulama. Tidak ada kompromi, mereka akan saya hukum mati! Penguasa Vietnam dan RRC berani melakukannya, why not kita NKRI? Mbak Megawati cs? Maaf, Mbak; gembus! Sampeyan TIDAK AMANAH, dan mengkhianati IKRAR anda tentang KKN. Entar kuwalat, kemakan sumpah; baru tahu. Kalau anda masih shalat, semoga Allah mengampuni anda. Amien.

Tetapi, kalau anda tetap NEKAD membiarkan Kafirun Bush cs. dan budak lokalnya di NKRI terus menzalimi ummat Muslim dan Ulama Istiqomah, bukan Kiyai PALSU sohib Zionis; saya khawatir anda cs. diazabNya. Please, ingat; "idu geni". Jok nyalahke aku nek ana opo-opo. Go to HELL Tuan Theo Syafei, diehard ANTI-Islam! Bertobatlah anda, selagi masih bernafas.

Orang JELAS menghina Muslim, kok dibiarkan bebas merdeka. Jaksa Agung gembus, pula. Ada suara burung, calon pengganti Jaksa Agung a/l Pak Edo (Hendropriyono, S.H.). Habis itu Theo Syafei, kalau Pak Edo Jaksa Agung RI. Watch out, General Edo, that man is reported to have been holding a grudge against you. Pak MA Rachman, sampeyan pensiun bae Cak, jualan sate ayam … waroeng sampeyan ‘ntar buat arisan. Tik-tok-tik-tok, tuek (sate) ayam …

Berikut ini, imported artikel tentang banyak isu krusial terkini. Enjoy. Semoga dapat "enlighten" anda semua. Yang mau tetap jadi moron, ya silahkan saja. Kewajiban saya cuma menyampaikan; semoga Allah memberkahi kita semua. Semoga, seperti atas OPERATION BLUE LIGHT di Iran (1979?), Allah kirim pula BADAI PASIR terhadap pasukan Amrik dan sekutunya di Irak! Amin.

Kepada beberapa milis yang mengundang partisipasi saya, saya ucapkan terima kasih. Milis humor, maaf, saya tidak perlu gabung lah. ‘Ntar, sesekali, Insya’Allah saya kirim jokes tabungan saya.

Orisinil saya atau "kulakan" dari kawan kawan dan senior diplomat, jenderal, dll. Segar, menggelitik, juga bikin jengkel. a/l "My Ball"; "Tangkap T****ku"; "Pendeta Pegolf"; kisah semut bingung, gajah sebel, kuda kurangajar eks penumpang Kapal Nuh; Geroge Bush Senior disuruh bikin GOLKAR; Dona Rice pacar eks Sentor Gary Hart, "Mololo", dll

Kilobyte curah pikir ini besar, 1 MB, sebab ada 30-an lampiran artikel menarik mengenai isu isu terkini di Amrik, Australia, Israel, dll. Itu semua hanya untuk yang mau mencerdaskan diri. Ingat, dalam salah satu FirmanNya, Allah meninggikan derajat orang orang yang mau mencari ilmu (dunia apalagi akhirat); bahkan di atas derajat ahli ibadah. Ndak percaya? Baca Hadith.

Yang mau latah agnostik ya sakkarep sampeyan. Hanya orang gersang qalbu dan dangkal otak yang tidak mengaku eksistensi Allah Ta’ala. Orang yang gemar banget mengandalkan akal pikirnya doang, disebutNya disesatkan syaiton. Lha, disuruh nyembah Gusti Allah saja, kok banyak berargumentasi? Diajak shalat Jum’at, malah mengumpat: "Koyok kalian. Kalian yang berdoa, aku yang cari uang!" Gitu kok mendaku Muslim!

Berikut ini daftar LAMPIRAN artikel/analisis, termasuk U.U. ANTI TERORISME di Amrik & Australia, yang JELAS JELAS melibas HAK HAK SIPIL & HAM! Ditulis PAKAR hukum, termasuk oleh tokoh Yahudi Non-Zionist!

Artikel/analisis lain menyangkut BUSUKNYA Zionis Israel, ditulis oleh YAHUDI. Satu Surat Terbuka kepada TIGA PENDETA Amrik yang MENGHINA Muhammad saw dan ISLAM! Saya sedang menyusun surat terbuka serupa, untuk dikirim ke beberapa media-online Patriot di Amerika, Inggris, Israel, dan Australia. Juga kepada Pak Saddam. Hayo, punya E-mail beliau?

Artikel artikel mengenai ISAREL di bawah, sangat bagus dipergunakan PERS Islam. Silahkan terjemahkan sendiri, saya tidak ada waktu lagi. AWAS, JANGAN LUPA menyebutkan sumbernya di Barat, sebab beberapa artikel CopyRighted!

Biasakan menjadi profesional yang TERTIB, menghormati Hak Properti Intelektual orang lain, JANGAN menjadi PLAGIAT! Saya tahu, paling tidak DUA media cetak terkenal (Harian dan majalah), selama tiga bulan terakhir memakai sebagian tulisan dan komentar saya -- di opini opini mereka tanpa menyebut saya sebagai narasumber.

Silahkan terus memakainya. Saya tidak keberatan sama sekali. Sebab koran perjuangan Jussac Senior, Harian kemudian Koran Minggu PELOPOR YOGYA (1966); telah DIBREDEL oleh DEPPEN tahun 1979 ketika almarhum sedang di Komisi 1 DPR. Sebab koran itu memerangi KKN di wilayah Jawa Tengah dan DIY serta mengungkap BANYAK pelanggaran HAM di sana. Seperti telah saya tulis di NEGERI MALING, pemberedalan itu diotaki sebagian elit GOLKAR di Pusat dan di Jawa Tengah. Semoga Allah mengazab mereka!

Kalau koran itu kini masih ada, saya tidak perlu melakukan ini di Internet. Apa kabar Bung Emha di PadhangMbulan? Apakabar pula Bang Umbu Landu Paranggi? Lima universitas negeri di Australia, BERLANGGANAN koran wong Yogya itu. Kini, "reinkarnasinya" ada di Jakarta: Harian RAKYAT MERDEKA. Tetapi beda JAUH editorialnya.

PemRed, jangan hanya "ngublek-ublek" GARONG BLBI. Kalian sengaja melupakan, bahwa hutang TEXMACO Rp. 19 TRILYUN? Tuan Tuan pun (selain EMPAT media cetak/TV lain) SENGAJA memboikot Draft Buku "TEXMACOGATE". Takut atau ada deal? Boss koran lain sih (Harian), saya tahu (dari sumber info A-1), sengaja MENGKHIANATI saya. Sebab boss kagak shalat itu (tapi ngaku Muslim!), justru berkolusi dengan Konglomerat Jahat!

NKRI memang dipenuh-sesaki manusia manusia KHIANAT terhadap Sang Pencipta. Sungguh congkak. Kita diciptakanNya dari setetes air hina, sperma; tetapi terus mempertuhan diri sendiri! Dengan menghambakan dirinya (boss koran) kepada Konglomerat JAHAT, ybs juga terang-terangan MENGKHIANATI mayoritas unsur bangsa di negeri jahiliyah ini!

Hai orang takabur, saya ulang di sini. Bermegah-megahlah dengan kekayaanmu. Ketika kelak kau mati, mampukah kau merangkak sendiri ke kuburmu? For sure, you will be Resting In PIECES! Kita semua, pendosa, di kubur bakal berantakan (in pieces) tulang tulang kita.

Buang saja (sudah?) tiga buku Islam dan Al-Qur’an kiriman saya Maret yl, kalau kau tetap tidak menjalankan shalat lima waktu dan terus hobi berjudi! Bertaubatlah, SEBELUM malaikat maut menjemputmu … You’re NOT gonna be living perpetually, Bung. If you do not mend your way, for sure you gonna die bloody STUPID.


  1. Journalist Helen Thomas Condemns Bush administration - (MetroTV, bacalah ini)
  2. The Tide Of Lies Keeps Rising - (Imigran Indonesia di Amrik, baca ini)
  3. America - Soon To Be The Largest Police State Ever - (Yang ini juga)
  4. Your Guide to Domestic Terrorism 1993-2002 (Cari, "Operation Northwood")
  5. Terrorism: Fascism's best, most loyal, helpmate in ending democracy;
  6. Pork May Contain Even Worse Bacteria Than Poultry (BACA!!!)
  7. Israel's Stranglehold On Capitol Hill – "Rubber-Stamp" U.S. Congress, YES 100% !
  8. Banyak Diplomat Kita Tak Punya Leadership Posting saya di MANDIRI.Com
  9. SPSI : Cabut Keputusan Menakertrans 78/2001 – Posting saya di Mandiri.Com
  10. Us Financial Aid To Israel - Figures, Facts And Impact
  11. The Strategic Functions Of U.S. Aid To Israel
  12. US Aid To Israel: What U.S. Taxpayer Should Know
  13. US Aid To Israel: Interpreting The ‘Strategic Relationship’
  14. The Cost Of Israel To US Taxpayers: True Lies About US Aid To Israel
  15. Zionism And Its Impact
  16. Paul de Rooij: US Aid to Israel, Feeding the Cuckoo
  17. The Life Of An American Jew In Racist-Marxist Israel (BACA!)
  18. External Terrorist Attack Is Illuminati Propaganda
  19. Israelis Kick Own Goal Outside Tel Aviv Disco (TEROR ASPAL ISRAEL)
  20. German Experts Press For Truth Of Pre-911 Stock Activity
  21. Massacre? ‘Jewish Worshipers’ Were All Armed Men (PERS Barat BOHONG!)
  22. The Zionist Roots Of The 'War On Terror' Israel's Policy Of 'Covert Aggression'
  23. Open LetterTo Messrs. Falwell, Robertson, Swaggert, Etc (re: Fitnah vs. Muhammad saw)
  24. Langley' Hacks 911 Poll! - Results Turned Upside Down - Hack Discovered (FAKTA!!!)
  25. House Approved Anti-Terror Bill WITHOUT EVEN READING IT! (Konggres Gombal!)
  26. Dictatorship At Your Door - How 'Anti-Terror' Laws Threaten You (U.U. Anti Teror!)
  27. EFF Analysis of USA PATRIOT Act (Oct. 31, 2001) Menteri Yusril, BACA INI.
  28. Homeland Security Horrors (Neo-KOPKAMTIB di Amrik)
  30. More On Australia's Wiretap-Crazed Spooks (Intel Aussie MENYADAP HP dll!)
  31. Australian Anti-Terrorism Law Could Stiffle Protest (Bung Yusril, BACA)
  32. Grandma With Handgun Rids Community Of One Dirtbag (Para Lawyers Senpi-Fobia, dan PENGUASA FASCIST, baca ini. Melindungi diri/keluarga/lingkungan RT-RW/Ruko/Rumah/Properti dll – adalah HAK & Kewajiban Setiap Warga Sipil! U.U. DARURAT (ORLA) 1952, Melucuti Warga Sipil = Inkonstitusional = Menginjak- injak HAM Sipil! Maka, hanya bandit bersenpi-ria dan "Aparat Sok Kuasa")
  33. Pravda - US Wants To Use BioWeapons On Iraq (Bush Maling Teriak Maling vs. Iraq!)
  34. A History Of Worldwide US Violence Washington’s War Crimes (Wow!)
  35. BLACK WALL STREET: Konspirasi "White Supremacists" membantai penduduk di satu kota komunitas "Negro" KAYA di A.S.! Pernahkan anda baca di buku buku sejarah Amerika Serikat? Suku Indian dibantai, "Negro" dibantai; kini Arab/Muslim dilibas!
  36. PENTAGON Briefing Declares Saudi Arabia An Enemy Of The US.

Seperti yang telah saya tulis di opini opini yl, rezim George Wicked Bully Bush cs. dan Sekutunya, terutama Inggris (Tonny Blair), PD-3 perang nuklir sudah diambang pintu, dipicu INVASI A.S. dan Sekutunya ke Iraq. Ini bukan omong kosong!

Israel TELAH memiliki 300-an hulu ledak nuklir. Dua kapal selamnya dilengkapi rudal nuklir, satu digelar di perairan di luar Iraq siap membumi-hanguskan Baghdad dan kota lain. Termasuk Syria, Lybia, Mesir, Iran dan Arab Saudi! Baca "OPERATION SHEKINAH". Toh begitu, PERS Barat utamanya CNN dsb tidak melabelnya sebagai "Jewsih Bomb", ketika Palistan memiliki bom nuklir dilabelnya "Islamic Bomb"! Nuklir India bukan "Hinduism Bomb". Nuklir A.S., Perancis, Inggris bukan "Christians Bomb"!

A.S. telah mem-black-list TUJUH negara, termasuk Iran sebagai target serangan NUKLIRnya. Selama ini (sampai detik ini) Russia, Perancis, dan RRC masih bersikap menentang rencana invasi A.S. ke Irak. Tetapi rezim Bush sinting memegang kartu tiga negara itu. Why? RRC is DESPERATE dengan kebutuhan meningkat akan BBM murah dari Iraq dan kawasan Teluk. Apalagi Perancis.

Russia? Memiliki CADANGAN bbm besar sekali. Tetapi ongkos eksplorasinya (production costs) EMPAT KALI LIPAT ongkos produksi BBB di Iraq! A.S. tidak berani "main-main" vs. terutama RRC, sebab RRC memiliki rudal antarbenua yang mampu mencapai sentra sentra bisnis penting di A.S. Selain itu, satu bumn RRC (dirutnya jenderal PLA, People’s Liberation Army, A.D. Cina Komunis) TELAH menguasai Selat PANAMA!

Untuk "menyelamatkan" akses kepada sumber BBM di Iraq, Russia KINI mempertimbangkan "skenario tandingan" gila-gilaan. Yaitu "melengserkan" Saddam Hussein, dalam rangka menyabot NIAT edan Bush membumi-hanguskan Iraq!

"This is a very interesting development." Kata Redaktur "koran" Online "gila". Gila, sebab BERHASIL membongkar kebusukan CIA, NSA, Bush dll. Selain RENSE.Com, bacalah analisis di Website tsb. Cerdaskan diri anda. Temukan, di sana (, analisis SUPER AKURAT seorang PhD mengenai jejak jejak MOSSAD Israel dalam peristiwa WTC 911. Download, terjemahkan komplit, artikel tsb: "STRANGER THAN FICTION". Buruan, sebelum dibredel CIA, ADL da MOSSAD.

Setelah membaca tuntas analisisnya, didukung data yang bisa diverifikasi, kalau anda masih meyakini bahwa Osamah bin Laden dan Al-Qaedanya mengotaki WTC, sori, you ARE moron. Temukan di salah satu artikel di bawah, CIA telah "ngoprek-oprek" Polling di Amrik tentang otak WTC 911. Kini, Bush sinting menunjuk "Most Wanted Crook" dunia, Henry Kissinger, iblis Zionist "otak" serbuan atas Timor Leste (1975) – sebagai Ketua "Pansus" Investigasi WTC 911. Akal-akalan Kafirun Bush Jr. menutup-tutupi otak teror aspal WTC 911!

Mengapa Bush sangat bernafsu merampok Iraq? Sebab 2/3 cadangan bbm dunia ada di sana! Tahukah anda, bahwa sebagian BENSIN yang anda beli selama ini berasal dari wilayah Teluk? Sebab ongkos produksi di NKRI lebih mahal. Maka diimpor dari sana. Mudeng?

Kini, setelah NIAT invasi Bush ke Iraq semakin ditentang warga dunia (Kristen dan Yahudi ta’at, Bung!), Bush kehabisan dalih usang. Ia sebarkan kebohongan atas Iraq. Kini, di A.S. segara digelar program IMUNISASI secara PAKSA! Yaitu imunisasi cacar! 500 ribu pegawai federal DIPAKSA akan disuntik; demikian pula warga sipil. Nevermind dengan robot robot tentaranya! Sudah disuntik, seperti dalam Perang Teluk 1: "GULF WAR SYNDROME".

Dalihnya? Irak akan menyerang dengan senjata biologis cacar! Maka, rezim Zionis pun melakukan persiapan imunisasi sama. Amrik dan Israel berniat menyebar TEROR ASPAL wabah cacar (sperti teror aspal ANTHRAX oleh A.D. Amrik yl). Tujuannya? Memfitnah Saddam Hussein sebagai penyebar "Weapon of Mass Destruction" (WMD) termasuk senjata biologi cacar, anthrax, dan West Nile Virus – yang seluruhnya DIBUAT oleh A.D. Amrik!

"Grand Design" wabah cacar itu akan digunakan sebagai PEMBENARAN invasi ke Iraq. Anda tidak percaya bahwa di NKRI pun ada seorang ahli senjata biologi(bio-weapon). Orang itu tabungannya, tahun lalu, USD 12 juta. Ybs S2 dari Amrik dan murid profesor Zionis di Israel! Kucing percobaanya dia suntik sekian miligram cairan ciptaannya, dalam tiga jam tinggal tulang-belulang. Kantor Pusat pakar itu di Jakarta Barat.

Gimana kalau anda diculik (pengendali pakar itu), lantas disuntik? Anda jadi "jerangkong", alias tengkorak dalam tiga jam! Sebarkan di PAM DKI, dan Jakarta pun KIAMAT! Keluarga gue kagak terkena, wong pakai sumur sendiri! Hehee …

Di depan saya singgung tentang U.U. PENYIARAN yang FASCIST. Wakil Ketua Pansus RUU tsb. tokoh PKB Kuningan (bekas wartawan). Dengan pemberlakuan U.U. Fascist itu, apakah itu bukan berarti REALISASI pemberangusan atas insan PERS (elektronik) NKRI? Yaitu yang menurut Polan pernah digagas "Da Kiyai"? Have I, accordingly, told you B.S.?


Journalist Helen Thomas condemns Bush administration

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By Sarah H. Wright, News Office

Veteran journalist Helen Thomas brought the grit and whir of a White House press conference to Bartos Theater on Monday evening, speaking with passion about the media's role in a democracy whose leaders seem eager for war.

Actually, the 82-year-old former United Press International reporter didn't just speak: she surged into her topic, giving everyone present an immediate sense of the grumpy wit and fierce precision that gave her reporting on American presidents Kennedy through Bush II such a competitive and lasting edge.

"I censored myself for 50 years when I was a reporter," said Thomas, who is now a columnist for Hearst News Service. "Now I wake up and ask myself, 'Who do I hate today?'" Her short list of answers seems not to vary from war, President Bush, timid office-holders, a muffled press and cowed citizens, pretty much in that order.

Angered by what she views as the Bush administration's "bullying drumbeat", Thomas referred early and often to her own hatred of war, quoting from poets and politicians to bear down on President Bush and his colleagues. (Maka, saya sebut George Wicked BULLY Bush)

Winston Churchill, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Louis Brandeis, George Santayana, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Martin Luther King Jr. all made appearances in Thomas' sweeping portrayal of what she sees as the administration's betrayal of both the character and will of the American people and the principles of democracy.

"I have never covered a president who actually wanted to go to war. Bush's policy of pre-emptive war is immoral - such a policy would legitimize Pearl Harbor. It's as if they learned none of the lessons from Vietnam," she said to enthusiastic applause.

Thomas ignored the clapping just as she once ignored the camera flashes and shouting matches of the Washington press corps.

"Where is the outrage?" she demanded. "Where is Congress? They're supine! Bush has held only six press conferences, the only forum in our society where a president can be questioned. I'm on the phone to [press secretary] Ari Fleischer every day, asking will he ever hold another one? The international world is wondering what happened to America's great heart and soul."

Like any star, Thomas, who resigned from UPI in 2000, appreciated her audience's thirst to get the insider's view of our national leaders, and she gave generously, in snapshots, though the Reagan and both Bush regimes were cast in darker hues.

"Great presidents have great goals for mankind. During my years of covering the White House, Kennedy was the most inspired; Johnson rammed through voting rights and public housing; Nixon will be remembered for his trip to China and for his resignation; Ford for helping us recover from Nixon; and Carter for making human rights the centerpiece of foreign policy," Thomas said in an even, respectful tone. She just sighed over Clinton, who "tarnished the Oval Office."

Thomas' mood became visibly more somber at the mention of Ronald Reagan's military buildup and at the name Bush. Again and again, Thomas warned the MIT audience, "It's bombs away for Iraq and on our civil liberties if Bush and his cronies get their way. Dissent is patriotic!"

After her talk, Thomas participated in a panel discussion with MacVicar Faculty Fellows David Thorburn, professor of literature, and Charles Stewart III, professor of political science. Philip S. Khoury, dean of the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, introduced the speakers.

"Helen Thomas offered a very powerful indictment of the current behavior of the Bush presidency in her comments on the incoherence and inconsistency of Bush's policies and the danger to civil liberties of Bush's rhetoric," said Thorburn.

He compared the lack of public awareness of an antiwar movement in 1965 and 1966 with the wide public debate about Iraq going on today. "An aroused citizenry can instruct the government," he said.

Stewart also focused on the current public debate about Iraq, declaring that it may be a "hopeful sign. The polls say Americans don't want to talk about Iraq - they want to talk about the economy, about education. But the press has continued to point out the important thing. Everyone knows there's been a dance between the President and Congress over Iraq."

Thomas didn't let the press off the hook, though. "Everybody learned the lessons of Vietnam, including the Pentagon. In Vietnam, correspondents could go anywhere - just hop on a helicopter and report on the war. Now we don't have that access. It's total secrecy. The media overlords should be complaining about this. I do not absolve the press. We've rolled over and played dead, too". she said.

Asked to advise young journalists, Thomas pounced. "Remind the politicians you interview that you pay them, that they are public servants. Remember every question is legitimate. And don't give up. There's always a leak. There's always someone who's trying to save the country," she said.

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The Tide Of Lies Keeps Rising (Sekali PENDUSTA, tetap pendusta berat!)
By John Kaminski 11-12-2

Maybe it has always been this way. Phony pretexts - repeated often enough - become real reasons. Things that we know for certain are not true become true in the public mind simply through endless repetition.

Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Former weapons inspector Scott Ritter, a card-carrying Republican who voted for Bush, debunked that hysterical assertion months ago; yet the Bush administration fanatics carry on with their murderous mantra: "Iraq has weapons of of mass destruction," and eventually, the whole world falls into line, repeating the phrase as if in a hypnotic trance.

It is the formula devised by the arch Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels: Invent the lie and repeat it often enough and it becomes the truth, no matter what the facts actually are.

True - this is not exactly a new thing. Nor does false propaganda arise from just one side of the political spectrum. Our newest Nobel Peace Prize winner, former President Jimmy Carter, once canceled U.S. participation in the Olympic Games because of Soviet aggression in Afghanistan.

But recently we have learned that Carter's top foreign policy adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, admitted starting that fight and creating the conditions that lured the Soviets to attach themselves to that toxic tar baby. Many Americans complained at the time about how many athletic careers were betrayed by the withdrawal from the Olympics, but I tend to think of how many people were needlessly killed by what was essentially a capricious political intrigue, although it did eventually lead to the breakup of the Soviet megastate.

Perhaps the quintessential phony pretext was Adolf Hitler's 1934 use of a fire in Germany's Reichstag building, which he insisted was a crime perpetrated by Communists, but most historians theorize was a ruse used to institute new repressive measures throughout Nazi Germany. Many people theorize that the destruction wreaked on Sept. 11, 2001 in the United States was an event belonging in the same category, a false terror incident used to implement more repressive measures in the U.S. as well as serve as a bogus justification for murderous, hideous target practice in hapless Afghanistan. As the Bush adminstration continues to block numerous inquiries into relevant aspects of that tortuous day, the suspicion grows that he and his petronazi cabal arranged and supervised those horrible attacks.

The Vietnam war, which cost the world some 3 million lives, is now largely believed to have been started by just such a phony pretext: the infamous Gulf of Tonkin incident, which initially was reported as a minor attack on an American ship off the coast of Hanoi but now is consensually regarded as a total fabrication by American warmongers. The similarity to what is happening now in regard to Iraq is eerily familiar.

And the events leading up to this present day - when the U.S. is perched to strike with its finger on the trigger of its massive war machine - give even more credence to the suspicion that claims about Iraq's aggressive nature are just a smokescreen with multiple purposes.

The first deception is of course the amount of oil beneath the ground of that country, second in quantity in the world only to Saudi Arabia. It would certainly help the disintegrating American economy to suddenly be in control of a huge new source of oil, for which we could then name our own price.

The second deception is the creation of a U.S. staging area for eventual military control of that whole oil-producing region. With our foreign policy sadly reflecting Israel's genocidal intent to carve out a much larger area of control for itself, the U.S. would undoubtedly pick fights with Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Libya and even Saudi Arabia and Egypt, just like America has arbitrarily picked this current fight with Iraq, simply because the bully is large enough and there is no country, nor coalition of countries, tough enough to resist it.

The third deception is that we are doing this for the welfare of the American people, who surely will not profit from a windfall cache of cheap oil (the profits will be kept by the corporate titans), and who surely will suffer from sending troops into an area poisoned by discarded radioactive ordnance. Even the American troops themselves have been poisoned by supposedly preventive innoculations which contain ingredients whose purpose the government will not reveal. What benefit will Americans get from this? None. Only more insoluable tragedy.

But it is the fourth deception that is the most egregious of all, and provides the key to all those other deceptions perpetrated in the name of American dominance. Ten weeks ago, Saddam Hussein was off the radar screen, a minor Middle Eastern despot kept in check by sadistic sanctions and random bombings that have taken a heavy toll over the past decade without serious objection by the so-called civilized world.

Then came the new round of lies. A meeting in Czechoslovakia, long since debunked, alleged a terror connection between al-Qaida and Iraq. Then an endless succession of unprovable claims from the White House, repeated with increasing frequency until they became the consensus truth in the world's brainwashing, corporate media.

The use of the supposed threat from Saddam Hussein is directly connected to - and meant to deflect scrutiny from - the Bush cabal's attempt to block legitimate inquiries into the World Trade Center slaughter and the corporate thievery of Enron, Halliburton, and Harken corporations. If we're writing about aspects of Iran, we can't be writing about Vice President Cheney's illegal refusal to reveal how he tilted America's energy regulations to benefit the corporate plunderers he represents.

Now we are going to war, to kill and maim thousands, and the poison even many of own finest young people, just in order to keep embarrassing questions from being asked of the rogue aristocrats who have hijacked American democracy and turned it all into their own Ku Klux Klan version of corporate truth. There is no politician in American powerful enough or brave enough to oppose this atrocity.

The ugly American people remain cowered by fear in their own financial self-centeredness, unable to confront the genuine truth of the matter: that American leaders of both parties have worked to cover up the murders of thousands of their own people, and countless more thousands around the world, and no one of any consequential reputation has the guts to stand up and say so.

And through it all, the tide of lies keeps rising. What will become of us? 

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the coast of Florida. 

America - Soon To Be The Largest Police State Ever (NKRI, juga!)
By Doreen Miller Columnist (US) 7-24-2

America, humility has never been thy forte! We are the arrogant masters of the game of one-upmanship in a nation known for its excesses where bigger is better and having more is a measure of personal status. We are a land of super-sized fries, giant soft-drinks, king-sized burgers and overall superfluous portions, and we have the mega-sized waistlines to prove it!

We drive the biggest, most wasteful, gas-guzzling vehicles on the planet. The world's most gluttonous consumers of natural resources, we spew forth the most pollution of any nation. We live in homes that are virtual palaces compared to the living quarters of most of the population in the rest of the world.

We own gargantuan-sized TV's purchased in city-sized shopping malls. We have many of the world's tallest skyscrapers and are home to mammoth, predatory corporations. We brag of having the largest military equipped with the world's most extensive arsenal of high-tech weapons of mass destruction bar none.

Today, we are standing on the threshold of the addition of yet another superlative to our long, dubious list of boasts: soon we are to be the largest police state that has ever existed. Our government, under the pretext of homeland security, is in the process of creating a division of secret informants whose scope promises to far surpass the level of spying achieved by the Stasi, secret police, in former Communist East Germany.

Brainchild of the Department of Justice, the Terrorism Information and Prevention System, otherwise known as Operation TIPS, falls under the Citizen Corps division of the USA Freedom Corps established earlier this year by executive order. According to the Citizen Corps website (, Operation TIPS will be "a nationwide program giving millions of American truckers, letter carriers, train conductors, ship captains, utility employees, and others a formal way to report suspicious terrorist activity.

The pilot stage, set to begin this August, will be set up in 10 cities across the nation and will involve 1 million workers whose jobs place them in the unique position to go where regular law enforcement officials routinely cannot enter without permission or a warrant - namely, into the homes of unsuspecting U.S. residents.

Based upon their training on what to observe and listen for with regards to suspicious and potentially terrorist-related activities, these volunteers, using a toll-free hotline number, are expected to report back to the appropriate law enforcement authorities anything they may have seen or overheard. This information will then be entered into a database available to the Justice Department, related agencies and local police forces for future reference or action without the targeted individuals ever having been made aware of either the existence or the contents of such a report.

While Operation TIPS is said to be an expansion and extension of Neighborhood Watch, a popular crime prevention program in place in many communities throughout the nation, it ventures far beyond the spirit of any well-intended vigilance against crime by cutting right into the very sphere and heart of privacy expressed in the commonly accepted phrase, "My home is my castle."

The next cable TV or dishwasher repair person who enters your home could now very possibly be a government spy. Who is to say that your kid's science project - replete with wires, switches, metal tubes and batteries - laid out on the dining room table will not be mistaken for the makings of some sort of terrorist bomb? Or that a copy of "The International Socialist Review, a Journal of Revolutionary Marxism," on one's coffee table will not raise a suspicious eyebrow and unfounded fears of potentially subversive, unpatriotic behavior? 

Our government officials have twisted the Miranda Rights which advise you upon arrest that "anything you say, can and shall be used against you in a court of law" to include anything "suspicious" you may say, do, listen to, or read in the privacy of your own home can and will be used against you! 

Several civil liberties groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Rutherford Institute, are very much alarmed by the prospect of Operation TIPS serving to further undermine our Constitutional rights currently under attack by the USA Patriot Act. In an interview conducted by Bill Berkowitz, ACLU President Nadine Strossen warns of "potential ethnic and religious scapegoating," destructive "fear-mongering," and "the erosion of basic civil liberties in the name of unproven security measures."

The "unproven security measures" she is speaking about perhaps refer back to the track record of the Neighborhood Watch program on which Operation TIPS is based. The results of most research concerning the effectiveness of Neighborhood Watch in reducing crime rates have been mixed at best. Although some studies show some level of success, specifically in terms of burglary and property crimes, more extensive studies conducted in Chicago came up inconclusive, with some areas showing decreases, some increases, and some showing no change. Extensive research done in Minneapolis in the late 80's also found no significant differences in crime rates.

There is also the strong possibility that by "unproven security measures" Strossen is alluding to the problems inherent in relying on informants for one's information. Cited in a July 15 article by Ritt Goldstein, a 1992 report by Harvard University's Project on Justice calls into serious question the accepted practice of using informants: "The accuracy of informant reports is problematic, with some informants having embellished the truth, and others suspected of having fabricated their reports."

Representative Dennis Kucinich's quote in The Progressive should be regarded not merely as a statement of observation but as the warning it is: "It appears we are being transformed from an information society to an informant society." A discerning look back into history reveals that such informant systems have been the tool of choice among non-democratic states in controlling and eliminating "undesirables" within the populace.

At least one branch of our government service agencies refuses to be part and parcel to this invasion of our homes and privacy. According to a Bloomberg release in the local Metro paper, "Officials of the U.S. Postal Service have refused to have mail carriers participate in a government program.... proposed by President Bush as part of a terrorism prevention program."

Even the Washington Post has voiced its reservations about this highly questionable spy program, "It is easy to imagine how such a program might produce little or no useful information but would flood law enforcement with endless suspicions that would divert authorities from more promising investigative avenues."

While vigilance is generally a commendable practice, especially if carried out by caring neighbors who know and speak to one another and are attuned to the daily routines within their own neighborhood, Operation TIPS runs the danger of turning trusted family members, friends, neighbors, hired workers, and public employees into cynical spies seeking to augment their own egos by being declared the next U.S. hero for doing their part to turn in "suspicious," unpatriotic, anti-American "terrorists." After all, who among us would not like to be a real, honest-to-goodness, American hometown hero? No doubt, there are millions of our fellow citizens out there just itching at the chance to be an official spy for Uncle Sam.

More and more, under the pretense of "security measures" as dictated by the ever-expanding reach of the Office of Homeland Security, the USA is becoming a mirror image of the dreadful, freedomless society so eloquently described in George Orwell's 1984.

It is all the more imperative that we remain vigilant and outspoken against any and all measures our government is undertaking to intrude into the private lives of its citizens, lest we, too, like 1984's Winston Smith, find ourselves one day furtively writing in a forbidden journal: "You had to live - did live, from the habit that became instinct - in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized."

Doreen Miller lived, studied, worked and traveled abroad for several years, and is currently a Senior Lecturer and educator of international students. She dedicates part of her time to serving the elderly and Alzheimer patients. Mother, musician and poet, she pursues an avid interest in Buddhist and Eastern philosophy. She advocates human rights, social justice, fair trade, and environmental protection. Doreen lives in the United States.

Doreen Miller encourages your comments: encourages its material to be reproduced, reprinted, or broadcast provided that any such reproduction must identify the original source, Internet web links to are appreciated.


Your Guide to Domestic Terrorism 1993-2002 (Teror ASPAL!)

By Ken McCarthy 10-20-2

Domestic terror in the Clinton era 

'Truck bombs' against large office buildings 

  • World Trade Center: FBI had informant in the cell, but lost interest in the case right before the actual attack. (Penyedia alat perakit bom WTC 1993: Agen MOSSAD di New York) 
  • Murrah Building: 'Truck bomb' violates the laws of physics and dematerializes concrete support pillars deep within the target building's structure. 

No forensics testing of building remains is done in spite of formal pleas from Oklahoma assemblyman and former head of R&D for conventional weapons of the US Air Force. Building is demolished and remains buried in a locked land fill. The crime's 'mastermind' is executed without ever revealing anything substantive about how the atrocity was actually carried out.

School shootings 

  • Columbine: Shooters 'commit suicide' in the only room in the school lacking a video surveillance camera. Numerous un-detonated bombs found in the building removed, reported once and then never discussed again for the public record again. Persistent reports of a third shooter from students on the scene (including one video image of shooter who looked different than the two accused) ignored. 

Waco - Mt. Carmel 

  • Specially trained by the US military for the operation, a small army of ATF agents stage an armed attack on a communal housing unit using drug dealing and systematic child abuse as the grounds, charges later proven to be entirely false. 

A widely reported 'arms cache' turns out to be the inventory of a duly licensed gun dealership business, a fact known to the ATF in advance of the attack. The vast majority of those in the residence who were killed the first day were women and children. The final attack, now confirmed to have involved active US military, killed many more. Voluminous photographic and video documentation of these events taken by the ATF, FBI and others is officially 'lost.

All terrorist acts attributed to religious fanatics and/or unbalanced and armed US citizens.

Result: Severe curtailment of traditional of civil liberties in the United States.

The state of the economy: Rampant and obvious financial fraud, creating a false sense of prosperity, tolerated by regulatory agencies. 

Domestic terror in the Bush era 

9-11 attacks 

  • Success of the attacks requires a complete breakdown of normal US air defense procedures. Numerous falsehoods widely published the days right after the attacks - and never corrected - regarding transponders, the availability of jet fighters, established procedures for dealing with 'stray' aircraft etc. 

A third building - not struck by a plane - which housed primary evidence depositories for the IRS, FBI, and CIA collapses evenly later in the day, largely unreported, and is described by government-hired investigative engineers as the first modern, steel-reinforced building in history to collapse due to fire alone. 

The attacks exhibit a level of operational sophistication FAR in excess of the capacity of anything demonstrated by the group charged with the attacks before - or since. 

Anthrax attacks

  • After months of investigative bungling, it is finally admitted that the substance used in the attacks can be traced directly to specific US military biological weapons labs. No charges filed.

DC sniper 

  • A sniper (or more likely sniper team) with military level skills in insertion, concealment, marksmanship and evasion, kills numerous people in the suburban Washington DC area over the course of a few days. The news media and local law enforcement fixate on a 'lone' gunman as the most likely culprit. 

Terrorist acts attributed to religious fanatics, unbalanced and armed US citizens or agents unknown.

Result: Extreme curtailment of traditional of civil liberties in the United States. Establishment of a massive new federal agency designed to spy on all forms of public and private transportation, far in excess of anything employed in countries under direct and frequent attack.

The state of the economy: Continuously deteriorating business and financial conditions, partially the result of years of unchecked fraud, misrepresented by the mass media as a 'temporary' correction and not addressed in an substantive way by the government.

Terrorism: Fascism's best, most loyal, helpmate in ending democracy

By Tina Staik, Online Journal Contributing Writer

November 21, 2002— Can a nation with a history of home grown terrorism, used even to "influence" elections, claim to be "pro-democracy"? No!

Racism in the United States, like no other industrial nation, is rampant, and the "pro-democracy" mantle appears to be a mere strategic cover. The crime of 9/11, however, exposed our international policy to many who had not before seen it clearly for what it is: imperialism. And, another big piece of the mask fell off in the 2002 elections.

Sad to say, U.S. history is marred with state-sponsored terrorism against our Black and Hispanic brothers and sisters, and other minorities. Even sadder, instead of addressing the issues of racism, sexism, classism—which many now realize are not only the roots of most terrorism worldwide, but also the root causes of most of our domestic social problems, including those in education, health, crime, poverty, homelessness, incarceration, capital punishment, family violence and dissolution, and so on— big money continues to sabotage democratic processes at every turn, in ever more devious ways. *

The U.S. a democracy? Well . . . DemoCRAZY, Yes! (Yusuf)

Consider how this country has nothing that even resembles a true liberal major party, rather only two pro-business parties—and token liberalism. What do I mean by "token liberalism"? A political system in which corporate politicians, lobbyists and media, some wittingly and others unwittingly, work together within a top-down structure to enact:

(1) liberal policies that function to temporarily appease people (i.e., 40-hour work week or affirmative action) and are later unraveled in one way or another behind the scenes; and (2) pro-chaos policies that are labeled "liberal" (i.e., current "immigration" policies, pro-sex/violence entertainment, and an array laws that go against the grain of cherished traditions of a majority of the people.

Laws in the second category are particularly interesting, since the ulterior motives have gone unnoticed for so long. These anti-tradition or pro-chaos laws have played key roles in that conservatives use them to gain support for elite-rule conservatism. One function of these "laws" is to associate liberalism and liberals with "weakness," "immorality," "ungodliness," "national security threats," "evil," "communism," "anti-family," and so on. **

This moves the majority to the right, and also fuels right wing religious fundamentalism. According to historian Karen Armstrong, author of, "A History of God: The 4,000 Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam", the rise of religious fundamentalism in the twentieth century did not begin in the Middle East, but rather in the United States. It began when Christians felt threatened by a law banning teaching creationism in schools, later fueled more by laws ending school prayer. These actions, Armstrong maintains, are perceived as threats to the existence of conservative views.

The overall purpose of "anti-tradition" laws is to "prove" that conservatives are "right" and liberals are wrong. This is especially important to conservatives, as one of their main arguments against liberalism, since the founding of our country, has been to say that any real change to the status quo white male supremacy structure would lead to "instability," chaos, violence, immorality, bestiality, and so on.

This fear-based emotional appeal, for example, was used in the antebellum South to keep black slaves and women in "their place," warning them of the dangers associated with leaving the "protection" of their masters—and "God's will.

This fueling of fears of immorality, chaos, God's wrath, etc., was particularly effective in preventing southern women from joining their northern counterparts in the women's suffrage movement. Conventional social science thinkers and researchers, of course, also widely promoted this view in their work, effectively the only view until the 1970s when female and minority scholars brought new scholarship.

Of course, since conservatives at top levels of decision-making have known all along that egalitarian relations and democracy do not create violence and chaos, but rather enhance democracy and middle class affluence. Organizing chaos and sabotaging democracy to prove themselves right has become the conservatives "raison d'etre." (Alas, the human ego can be the enemy of maturity, common sense, wisdom, peace . . . democracy.) Nah Lo, Allah berfirman apa di Qur’an?!

There's a crisis of rape and child sexual abuse in the United States, yet this is not even an election issue. Why? Rape is a significant motivating force in military strategy.*** Uncle Sam needs to keep men's taste for rape alive—in order to forge unified combat platoons across racial and class animosities and in order to get out there and blow the heads off "the enemy."

Electoral politics do not disrupt the status quo of militarism, and they therefore do not disrupt the status quo of rape. Fellow Americans must become keenly aware of how Hollywood has been used to control and shape the minds and behavior of the "masses."

Speaking of organized chaos, isn't this the underlying function of state-sponsored right wing terrorism and terrorists, like the post-Civil War KKK and COINTELPRO, that is, to organize democracy-associated "chaos" to "force" people into accepting return of an elite-rule regime for their "protection"? Furthermore, is there any such thing as terrorism that is not state sponsored?

Would terrorism survive if top decision makers really decided to do away with terrorism through redirecting one-third of the money for military defense to true nation building, peace keeping efforts, Marshall-type plans, democratization, and so on? Another way to up it, is there a perverted relationship between terrorism and right wing regimes, in which elite conservative rulers depend on terrorism as an "enemy" force for their own survival? 

How many times, since WWII, have our politicians and corporate media been heard to justify U.S. support of tyrants and dictators in one nation after another as a necessity for "stability," including Saddam, Osama bin Laden, the Taliban?

In sum, "token liberalism" is a political system, home-grown in the U.S.A, designed to incrementally shape the public mind into accepting a topsy-turvy world of "democracy." In this world, everything that is in the interests of plutocrat industrialists—war, capitalism, mass imprisonment, assassinations, capital punishment, "freedom" to make profits at all cost, consumption, wasteful use of resources, indebtedness, limitless pleasure and convenience, drug cure-alls, militarism, mergers, corporate rights of "personhood," and last, but not least, the promotion of individualism at the expense of fellow human beings — is labeled "pro-democracy." 

Meanwhile, everything that is in the interests of the vast majority of people—equality, participative government of, by and for the people, peace, centralized regulations, citizen oversight of government/ military, progressive taxation, use of taxes to make life (education, healthcare) better for people, and so on—is labeled Soviet-style socialism or communist totalitarianism!

Big money has made this possible.

We have often heard that the United States is an "experiment in democracy." It may well be. But the real purpose of this "experiment" remains hidden from public view. Judging by the results so far, the intentions of this "experiment" appears to have been to test the development of methods of reconstructing the very meaning of "democracy," in short, duping the American public's minds into accepting a "new" corporate-defined version.

What else has this "experiment" achieved since WWII, after all, but to incrementally force (cripple) American thinking into a black-and-white elevation of the pro-war and domination agenda of conservatism as "good and moral," and, simultaneously, the humiliation of the pro- peace and democracy agenda of liberalism as "evil and ungodly"?

Isn't this precisely just what Hitler had in mind when he said, 

"Through clever and constant application of propaganda people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise"? (Mein Kampf, 1923) Speaking of Hitlerian ideology, friends, it's time to critically examine what has been done to manipulate our minds.

How about examining the careful and deliberate use of "fascism," "socialism" and "communism" since the rise of Nazi Germany? Is it a coincidence, for example, that the Nazi's brand of fascist totalitarianism was labeled "National Socialism"? 

How about the avoidance of the word "fascism" in appropriate contexts since WWII, such as what has been happening to Third World Nations, one after another, with the establishment of U.S. -sponsored dictators who are trained to use science-based methods of controlling the masses —isn't that hard core fascist totalitarianism sponsored by the U.S./Britain? (Even the movie, "The Nuremberg Trials," does not mention "fascism.")

Does it make sense that, while fascism gave birth to totalitarian science-based methods of control of the masses, in our minds, we have been conditioned to associate totalitarianism with Soviet style communism, when, in actuality, the basic tenets of Marxist communism and neo-Marxist socialism are antithetical to beliefs espousing the use of totalitarian methods of force-based rule?

Let me say, for the record, I am not promoting communism or socialism, or any other ideology for that matter. What is essential, however, is a close examination of history in the last century to gain deeper understanding of how these ideologies—along with major religions of Christianity, Islam, Judaism—have been exploited, some reconstructed beyond recognition, and used to serve the interests of plutocrat industrialists' agenda for an economic "new world (DIS)order."

How many Americans, for example, know that socialism was a popular and non-threatening movement in the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s? Or, that many, if not most, of the members or supporters of socialism were Christian believers who at the time concluded that an egalitarian ideology of governance was aligned with the teachings of Jesus? Dan ISLAM, Neng!

These women and men led the labor protests against corporate ruthlessness, which brought us the 40-hour work week and an end to child labor, among other things—yet—they are given little, or negative if any, mention in our corporate-sponsored history school books.

This may explain why plutocrat industrialists have been obsessed with finding methods of breaking up the power of people organized to build a socially just world! That's exactly what COINTELPRO, an FBI-sponsored program, paid for with our tax dollars, was about. And, since the majority keep insisting on democracy and freedom . . . how about conducting research to ask: can people be conditioned to think they have what they do not?

It's time to critically examine the decades long process of reconstructing the true meaning of democracy around the world! 

Let's examine what really happened in the last 50 years to countries, for example, in South America and the Middle East. Look closely at the countries that are embraced warmly by U.S. foreign policy as examples of "democracy": Israel and Turkey. Are these democracies or military fascist states? 

Can they be labeled democracies on the basis of "elections," considering their main sponsor— the U.S.—has been perfecting its own systematic array of methods, including state-sponsored terrorism and corporate media, to rig elections and ensure "conservative" outcomes? Was it coincidence that a right wing conservative was recently "elected" in Turkey? (And, by the way, a couple of years ago Turkey passed a law forbidding women to wear head coverings, supposedly to promote "modern democracy." 

I don't think so. It was more likely a premeditated step to fuel a right wing fundamentalism movement . . . just watch it grow in Turkey.) Rezim KAFIR Turki! Hukum Allah diberangus!

Now, consider what countries are currently on the U.S. foreign policy hit list, condemned as "not pro-democracy": Venezuela and Brazil. Both of these countries have populist, democratic leaders who oppose NAFTA, and who, of course, are being pressured with punishments and rewards to conform to the world order fascist doctrine, which gives plutocrats the "freedom" to hoard and establish slave labor. NKRI? Chicken!

Of course, at the top of the hit list are Iraq and Iran. What do they have in common? In different ways, each of these countries has made significant gains in middle class affluence and growth in pro-democracy opposition. Iraq's success story is particularly remarkable, having the largest middle class of any country in the Middle East, despite U.S. efforts to demoralize, impoverish and organize chaos (proving the strength and resiliency of the human spirit).

Doesn't it seem like whatever shows any promise of people governing themselves, of a rising middle class, of workers organizing to obtain the right to work and living wages, of people attempting to rise out of poverty, is put a hit list, labeled "communist," or "terrorist," then attacked by a swarm of fascist methods of terrorism and oppression? Dita Sari cs. belain buruh, dicap antek Marxist! ****

Let's not fooled any longer. The bottom line is that whatever the U.S. labels a "left" threat is democracy, and whatever the U.S. labels "pro-democracy" is corporate-free-rein fascism, in following with Hitler's plans for merging all nations under the "new world (DIS)order"!

Also, unlike socialism and communism, democracy is much more than an ideology, it is an overarching worldview that very simply espouses the notion that all people are innately endowed with the wisdom to govern themselves.

To make it easier, there are only two basic worldviews for governance: classical liberalism, which intrinsically organizes to build democratic structures of governance, and classical conservatism, which by nature organizes to establish elitist hierarchical rule.

Furthermore, there are three simple key questions to ask in determining which worldview any particular ideology or ideologue espouses: (1) Who will be the rulers (heroes)? (2) How will the rulers be selected? (3) By what principles will they govern? If all these questions cannot be answered directly, for example, upon examining a particular ideology, such as libertarianism, then it may be one of the many "Orwellian doublethink" tools contrived by right wing social research thinkers to dupe citizens, cripple critical thinking, and otherwise, break up liberal organizing for democracy.

In a democracy, the answers to these questions are simple, forthright and self-evident: The people rule, the people elect representatives to be their voices acting in the public interest, and the principles of governance are based on transparency, rule of law, and various mechanisms for checks-and-balances; the most important one of which is the active role of leaders in the empowerment of an informed, educated and participative citizenry (This means quality education for all citizens and a truly free press are top priorities!)!

All the above must be present, otherwise, the whole thing is a contrived lie by elitists in power.

In contrast to democracy, an elitist system has self-appointed rulers who are glorified as infallible, and people are ruled using the principles of fear, force, violence, and every possible method of deception. (Plato, in his "Republic," recommended people be told myths and stories of bogeymen to keep the masses under control . . . ) Intellectuals, critical thinking, quality education are unwanted, as all information and education structures serve to support the interests of the ruling elite. What does it sound like the people living in the Whitehouse have had in mind, my friends?

Our country can no longer parade itself as a "democracy," not to its citizens—not to the world. Its racist agenda has been exposed to be one in the interest of an elite few and not that of its citizens. Its use of, or "turning a blind eye" to, state sponsored terrorism to maintain status quo racist elections, and other policies, is an abomination to democracy and an insult to human intelligence.

A complete understanding of how reconstructed meanings of "communism" and "socialism" have effectively given U.S./British imperialists a protective cover for the spread of world economic, political, and military domination since WWII is vital. More than just investigate and expose, as essential as these are to us today, it remains for journalists and historians to write the history of fascism's double-faced poisons against humanity in the last 100 years, in a manner that teaches and equips citizens from early childhood to fulfill their mandates of citizenship.

In the words of John K. Stoner, "A country which has dangled the sword of nuclear holocaust over the world for half a century and claims that someone else invented terrorism is a country out of touch with reality." (2001) See? Gue bilang apa sejak th. 2000?

Wake up, friends. Since the time of Nazi Germany, terrorism and fascism are one another's loyal partners. They feed each other's common goal of ending hopes for realizing democratic ideals. And, they are working today. The actions of the Bush administration must be critically examined, asking: Is its ultimate goal to end terrorism — or democracy? An honest answer, and due action, are warranted!

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Pork May Contain Even Worse Bacteria Than Poultry 12-29-1

CHICAGO - New studies on food safety have found pork may contain even more dangerous germs than poultry.

The findings were presented at the 2001 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy in Chicago.

A team of researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tested nearly 600 packages of ground pork purchased from different grocery stores in five states.

They found high levels of Enterococci bacteria, a common cause of food poisoning that is resistant to antibiotic drugs.

Scientists say patients who have antibiotic-resistant enterococcal infections have a death rate of 37 per cent. Enterococci were found on three per cent of ground pork. "With pork chops or steaks, you've got bacteria contamination on the outside," says lead researcher Jennifer McClennan.

And with ground meats, the bacteria are found throughout, making them more dangerous.

"You've got to make sure to cook (pork) thoroughly." As a result, McClennan says cooks should follow stringent practices when they prepare pork and anything cooked less than medium is probably not a good idea. Another study presented at the symposium raised further concerns about pork.

Dutch researchers found the Enterococci bacteria in pigs cause more trouble for humans than the same type of bacteria found in poultry. The researchers recommended farmers use antibiotics sparingly on their animals. About half of the antibiotics given to animals worldwide are used so they can grow bigger and remain disease-free.

The continuous exposure to antibiotics can also alter the balance of good to bad germs, promoting the antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria in the animal.

Resistant strains can be passed on to humans when they consume the meat of the animal. Researchers found these bacteria in pork seemed to survive and thrive longer in humans than those found in poultry.

Written by CBC News Online staff.

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Meskipun hanya empat bulan, alhamdulillah saya pernah menjadi asisten Congressman dari satu Distrik di Kalifornia. Seharusnya, tiga bulan berikutnya di Kantor Senator Bob Dole, tetapi DCM tidak setuju karena saya digaji Jakarta USD 4 ribuan dollar/bulan. Maka gaji USD 1,5 ribu/bulan di Konggres pun DILARANG saya terima! Itu gara gara DCM "dikompori" senior saya di KBRI. Kualat orang itu, ketika Konsul RI (1997), ia kena kasus KKN berat berkomplot dengan KBTU malingan! Siapa, imigran RI di A.S., mau ngeyel lagi tentang FAKTA bahwa Penguasa Amrik BUDAK Zionist? Jika mendebat, please kuasai dulu banyak isu krusial Poleksosbudkam Amrik. Baru "nyanyi". Berikut ini, salah satu FAKTA tentang hal itu. Enjoy, folks.

Israel's Stranglehold On Capitol Hill (Konggres A.S. Budak Zionis!)

A Congressional Staffer Details Israel’s Stranglehold on Capitol Hill: "We are All Members of Likud Now." A CounterPunch Special Report: Our Vichy Congress. By George Sunderland* 5-11-2

Should John Walker Lindh be found guilty of taking up arms against the United States, pursuant to a fair trial before a court of competent jurisdiction, this writer would have no objection in principle to seeing him executed, or put away for a long period. The law is the law; one may say this without engaging in bloodthirsty rancor or the cheap, pseudo-patriotic histrionics that are the custom on talk radio or the cable "news" channels.

That having been stipulated, the American Taliban case raises fundamental questions of group loyalty, and what it means to cross the line between Constitutionally-protected activities and openly treasonable behavior. Moreover, if Walker Lindh’s youth and alleged naivete turn out to be mitigating circumstances, how are we to judge disloyalty committed by older, presumably responsible citizens who swear an oath to protect the Constitution when they assume elective office?

What happens, indeed, when inverted and transferred loyalty becomes so general as hardly to be noticeable?

Probably the emblematic example of this kind of generalized disloyalty to the country of one’s birth is the Vichy government of France. Histories of the fall of France, such as William Shirer’s Collapse of the Third Republic, or Alistair Horne’s To Lose a Battle, take pains to emphasize that France’s military collapse and generally subservient loyalty to German occupation had their source not in military weakness per se, but in the profound cynicism, corruption, and attenuated loyalty of interwar France’s professional class of politicians.

One of the archetypes that reverberates in our extended historical memory is the thoroughly distasteful picture of the dozing, senile Petain, the feral, rat-like Leval, and a supporting cast of seedy hack politicians clenching acrid Gauloise cigarettes between tobacco-stained fingers. When Petain spoke of the "duty of loyalty" of France’s citizens to a collaborationist regime, the modern reader has no difficulty in calculating that black is white and up is down.

Loyalty to France was not the loyalty preached and practiced by the politicians in Vichy. At the end of World War II, many of these politicians found themselves at the end of a rope.

What, then, is one to make of our representatives and senators in Congress assembled?

For expressions of sheer grovelling subservience to a foreign power, the pronouncements of Laval and Petain pale in comparison to the rhetorical devotion with which certain Congressmen have bathed the Israel of Ariel Sharon.

In March, Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma took the Senate floor and said the September 11 attacks were punishment by God in response to U.S. policy toward Israel. Asserting that Israel is "entitled" to the West Bank, he also criticized his fellow citizens who counselled the Israelis to use restraint, in effect blaming them for the terrorist attacks of September 11: "One of the reasons I believe the spiritual door was opened for an attack against the United States of America is that the policy of our government has been to ask the Israelis, and demand it with pressure, not to retaliate in a significant way against the terrorist strikes that have been launched against them."

According to this Tornado-Belt St. Augustine, God in effect allowed airliners to be flown into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon because U.S. actions towards Israel offended the Almighty. In other words, the United States was punished because the Bush administration had been insufficiently worshipful towards Israel (the $3 billion annually that Congress squeezes out of the taxpayer as tribute to the Jewish State is apparently not sufficient in the opinion of this self-styled "fiscal conservative"—and in the opinion of the Almighty Himself, Whose inscrutable will Inhofe claims to be able to interpret).

Like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, Inhofe believes America suffered divinely-ordained punishment; but the Senator adds a new twist: those 3,000 innocent Americans died, he believes, because their government demonstrated insufficient obeisance to a foreign country. For sheer treacherous Quislingism, Inhofe’s statement is hard to top. But top it we can.

A perusal of the May 6, 2002 Jerusalem Post reveals the following headline: "Visiting Congressmen Advise Israel to Resist US Administration Pressure." The Israeli newspaper chronicles the pilgrimage of a group of Congressional wardheelers to the Promised Land, carrying with them a copy of the resolution of support for the Israeli government which passed Congress by a vote of 352-21 with 29 abstentions.

The delegation’s leader, Rep. James Saxton of New Jersey, displayed a copy of the resolution to reporters, which he said they wanted to "hand deliver" to the Israeli people. Saxton’s enthusiasm for Israel is a matter of long standing, and extends to providing Congressional employment to Israeli citizen—and rumored Mossad asset—Yosef Bodansky.

An ironic aspect to this Congressional junket is that these are precisely the public officials who routinely suggest that dissent against the Bush administration’s conduct of the war in Afghanistan is tantamount to treason.

Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle’s tepid criticism of Bush’s policies in March elicited a firestorm of self-righteous indignation from Republicans, and Daschle, duly chastised, slunk offstage. No criticism of President Bush is warranted, apparently, except where Israel is involved. In that case, one is seemingly permitted to travel to foreign countries at taxpayer expense for the purpose of publicly undercutting one’s own government’s foreign policy.

What gives this circumstance added savor is the recollection that Jesse Jackson’s erstwhile forays into hostage negotiation in Lebanon and the Balkans met with grumbling from Republicans that Jackson ought to be prosecuted for violating the Logan Act. Again, apparently the Israel exception applies.

A further example of Vichyite subservience is provided by John McCain, adored pet of newspaper editorial boards and in relentless competition with Joseph Lieberman as Conscience of the Senate pro tempore. Addressing the closing plenary session of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee at the Jefferson Memorial on April 23, McCain plighted his troth with Sharon’s Israel in a manner that would have been denounced as fellow-travelership or useful idiocy had it been Henry Wallace praising the Soviet Union.

Invoking Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson (the founder, as it were, of Congressional Vichyism: a truly odious pork-barreling errand boy of the military industrial complex whose chief contribution to American statecraft was launching the careers of the smoothly sinister Richard Perle and howling militarist Frank Gaffney) McCain described the indissoluble moral bond between the American Republic and the Middle Eastern apartheid state run by an ex-general currently under indictment by a Belgian court for war crimes.

Indeed, "To be proudly pro-American and pro-Israeli is not to hold conflicting loyalties. As

Scoop understood, it is about defending the principles that both countries hold dear. And I stand before you today, proudly pro-American and pro-Israel." It is notable that McCain produced this effusion at an American national memorial, surrounded by Israeli flags. The Senator apparently thinks that this scene would be so impressive to his Arizona constituents that he put a picture of it on Command performances before AIPAC have become standard features in the life of a Washington elected official, like filing FEC reports and hitting on interns.

The stylized panegyrics delivered at the annual AIPAC meeting have all the probative value of the Dniepropetrovsk Soviet’s birthday greeting to Stalin, because the actual content is unimportant; what is crucial is that the politician in question be seen to be genuflecting before the AIPAC board. In fact, to make things easier, the speeches are sometimes written by an AIPAC employee, with cosmetic changes inserted by a member of the Senator's or Congressman's own staff.

Of course, there are innumerable lobbies in Washington, from environmental to telecommunications to chiropractic; why is AIPAC different? For one thing, it is a political action committee that lobbies expressly on behalf of a foreign power; the fact that it is exempt from the Foreign Agents’ Registration Act is yet another mysterious "Israel exception." For another, it is not just the amount of money it gives, it is the political punishment it can exact: just ask Chuck Percy or Pete McClosky. Since the mid-1980s, no Member of Congress has even tried to take on the lobby directly. As a Senate staffer told this writer, it is the "cold fear" of AIPAC’s disfavor that keeps the politicians in line.

This scam has been going on for decades. The main purpose, other than to maintain the flow of weapons and loot to Israel, is to keep Congress’s investigatory apparatus turned off. AIPAC appears to be batting a thousand.

Lyndon Johnson’s decision to cover up the deliberate and protracted Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty in June 1967 (and which resulted in 34 deaths: almost double the deaths suffered by the crew of the U.S.S. Cole) was pointedly not investigated by Congress. Instead, the surviving crew were shamefully bullied into silence by the gargoyle Johnson and his functionaries; those who did break their silence later were reviled by the lobby as delusional anti-Semites.

Likewise, the Congressional investigation into the Beirut barracks bombing stuck to the narrow issue of the incompetent U.S. military chain of command, and avoided the wider issue of the Marines’ presence as sitting ducks in the midle of Sharon’s first war of conquest. A retired officer has asserted that the Mossad had intelligence from informers that the frame of a truck was being reinforced to carry a heavy load of explosives, but chose to keep the intelligence secret.

Despite the lobby’s claim that the U.S.-Israel relationship is one of mutual intelligence sharing, the real relationship is a starker one: according to old intelligence hands, Israel takes all and gives nothing, even if U.S. lives are at stake.

The way for then-National Security Advisor Bud McFarlane’s "opening to Iran" was paved by the fact that Israel was already providing F-4 Phantom spare parts (manufactured in the United States and transported to Israel at American taxpayer expense) to Iran on the sly as a way of counterbalancing Iraq’s military power.

The extent to which President Reagan’s privatized foreign policy used these pre-existing links to pursue the Iranian opening is uncertain. What is certain is that the joint House-Senate I nvestigating committee, chaired by long-time AIPAC favorite Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, took some pains to steer the investigation away from Israel, so that those links would not be made public in a way that would embarrass our Major non-NATO Ally.

Finally, for a country that loves a good spy mystery—whether it is Alger Hiss, the Rosenbergs, or Robert Hansen, each one eliciting from Capitol Hill cries for an investigation, more polygraphs, increased use of the death penalty, etc., etc.Congress’s deafening silence over the Israeli "art students" saga, particularly after 9/11, is astonishing for those unfamiliar with Congress’s reticence about embarrassing Israel.

All the more amazing that only two years before, the Hill was in an uproar over the Chinese spy hysteria (the fact that Wen Ho Lee, the apparently falsely accused Los Alamos employee, had been fingered in the columns of manic Zionist and Sharon confidant William Safire supplies an almost O. Henry quality of irony to the tale).

The full story of how hundreds of Mossad agents-in-training were literally inundating Federal facilities in the year and a half prior to 9/11 may never be known, thanks to a total smothering by the Justice Department, Congress, and the major media, < but a good summary may be read in the following here.

As year chases year, the lobby’s power to influence Congress on any issue of importance to Israel grows inexorably stronger. In 1995, coincidentally the year her then-husband became Speaker of the House, Marianne Gingrich was hired by the Israel Export Development Co., Ltd (IEDC) as its vice president for business development. Mrs. Gingrich’s interest in Israel began during an eight-day trip to Israel she and her husband made in August 1994 at AIPAC’s expense. Was it a political payoff from a foreign power?

"If I were going to get a political payoff, it would not be for the amount of money I am making," said Mrs. Gingrich, who had no experience in the field. Her salary was $2,500 per month, "plus commissions," the size of which neither she nor anyone connected with the business would reveal.

By an even odder coincidence, the newly-minted Speaker Gingrich’s foreign policy prescriptions became stridently pro-Israel and bellicosely opposed to the countries that Israel designates as enemies. One of Gingrich’s notable forays into diplomacy at the time was his public call for the CIA to overthrow the government of Iran. Someone apparently failed to remind the Speaker that the agency had already engineered an Iranian coup in 1953--and look how well that little enterprise turned out.

Israel’s strategy of using its influence on the American political system to turn the U.S. national security apparatus into its own personal attack dog—or Golem—has alienated the United States from much of the Third World, has worsened U.S. ties to Europe amid rancorous insinuations of anti-Semitism, and makes the United States a hated bully. And by cutting off all diplomatic lines of retreat—as Sharon did when he publicly made President Bush, the leader of the Free World, look like an impotent fool—Israel paradoxically forces the United States to draw closer to Israel because there is no thinkable alternative for American politicians than continuing to invest political capital in Israel.

We have now reached the point where there may be no turning back as nuclear Armageddon beckons from the Middle East. Writing recently in The Washington Post, Chris Patten, the European commissioner for external relations, says "a senior Democratic senator [alas, Patten does not name him] told a visiting European the other day: ‘All of us here are members of Likud now.’"

So it has come to this: members of the world’s greatest deliberative body, the heirs of Clay, La Follette, and Taft, now identify themselves with a radical political movement that grew out of the terrorism of Judeo-Fascist and Mussolini admirer Vladimir Jabotinsky; Menachim Begin, co-conspirator in the bombing of the King David Hotel; and Ariel Sharon, the butcher of Sabra and Shatila.

Whether they identify with Sharon’s Israel because of crass political advantage, or because, like those of Senator Inhofe’s, their views are indistinguishable from the delusions of a certifiable lunatic, our Vichy Congress is driving us down the path of a final, fatal clash of civilizations.

All Americans, be they old-line conservatives who hate seeing their country hopelessly embroiled in the Old World’s perpetual quarrels, or liberals in the honorable anti-imperilialist and antimilitarist tradition of William Jennings Bryan, or the apolitical who resent the prospect of becoming an irradiated corpse, must put aside their differences and start loudly and persistently identifying these Congressional Likudniki for what they are: Quislings.

George Sunderland is the pen name of a Congressional staff member.

Comments to Sunderland can be sent to

Itu tadi tulisan STAF U.S. CONGRESS, jauh lebih tahu dari kita semua "inlander" tentang BUSUKnya Kongres Amrik. Berikut ini, analisis jurnalis nggak GEBLEG di Inggris, tentang JONGOS Zionis. Pernahkah tulisan anda dimuat TIME magazine dan majalah mingguan lain di New York? Maaf, dua Opini pendek saya pernah dimuat dua majalah (satu di TIME magazine Januari 1995). Ya jelas dong, ndak pakai bahasa Jawa atau Sunda. Hehee.

Sori ya, bukan RIYA’dan UJUB, sebagai contoh saja; seorang pembaca artikel artikel saya di Internet, S2 dari Amrik, kini pejabat senior di bumn penting di NKRI; berkomentar: harapan beliau terhadap diplomat RI pernah tenggelam, sebab bertemu seorang diplomat RI (di Amrik), yang menurut beliau berkualitas payah.

Yang macam itu, ndak dikit, mas; seperti yang mas dkk saksikan di seluruh dunia. Yang bener bener damn smart, nggak sedikit juga: tuh, di KBRI Washingtopn, D.C., Dino Jalal, PhD; Hafaz, LLM, terakhir di Portugal; DCM kita di KBRI Singapura; kawan muda Sinambela, LLM, di Geneva; Gary Jusuf, M.A., kini direktur di DEPLU, dll. Sebagian yang lain? Orang orang baik berpredikat "diplomat", pengetahuan cukup luas; tapi tidak sedikit yang cuma "birokrat".

Ternyata, menurut beliau, ada (eks) diplomat RI yang tidak gebleg. Ya wong bodo yang satu ini, Yusuf. Alhamdulillah. Karunia Allah. Pujian mas, saya kembalikan kepada yang paling berHAK: Allah Ta’ala. Tolong, jangan terus memujilah; kritiklah saya secara pedas pun. Yang menghujat dan nyinyir, sori Doel – ndak akan saya gubrislah. Engga’ level, kata orang Jakarta.

Ditele-wancara BBC London (1994) juga pernah; apalagi TVRI (ketika Trade Show dan mengawal Tim Pecinta Alam TRISAKTI, "blusukan" di RIFT Valley, Kenya, sarang singa; tanpa bawa beceng! Kami cuma dikawal seorang "Warrior" bertombak, suku Maasai. Entah berapa kali, 1994, wawancara TVRI itu ditayangkan di NKRI; sehingga kawan di Pejambon nyeletuk (bukan meledek), "Yang jadi DUBES itu Pak ‘Anu’, atau Pak Yusuf sih?" Lha, bukan saya yang minta diwawancarai, kok. Wong saya ditugasi mempromosikan produk non-migas RI!

Ada lho, presiden, yang manakala pidato cuma bisa ngomong persatuan, persatuan, dan persatuan. Gembus, Mbak. Ngono bae, aku ya bisa dadi Presiden RI! Ndak perlu Penasehat Politik dua PhD pula. Penasehat ekonomi/perdagangan/investasi dan urusan akhirat – YES! Presiden Yusuf bin Jussac MR – lho, opo ora hebat? Heheheee …. Amin. Wapresnya, eks jenderal TNI.

Menlu RI? Sudah di dalam daftar saya …… Itu tuh, Denmase yang sekarang Sekjen DEPLU. Lho, cuma berencana, kan nggak tabu, to? Wong dulu, awal 1970-an, Jussac Senior sudah bikin Kabinet bayangan, kok. Diplomat gembus, parkir – pensiun dini; ketimbang ngabisin anggaran ratusan ribu dollar PERTAHUN! Daftarnya, veeery long; sudah di kantong pula.

Diplomat gembus, di Kemlu Amrik, disebut "deadwood"; sampai kiamat nggak bakal berjenjang diplomat Minister Counselor. Diparkir pada jenjang Counselor. Di NKRI, yang gebleg, yang bener bener smart, sami mawon. Urut kacang, kalau umur panjang, minimal jadi Konsul RI.

Semua calon DUBES dan DCM serta Konsul Jenderal/Konsul RI; kita uji di depan publik (bukan di Komisi 1 DPR); presentasi isu krusial manajemen dalam salah satu bahasa resmi di PBB; utamanya bahasa Inggris—TANPA teks! Nah Lo, BANYAK yang bakal semaput/Comma. Terutama para diplomat gembus, yang dulu gara gara dapetin bocoran Questionnaire riset S2 saya (1990); nyebar racun: "Ucup jangan jadi SEKJEN lah, ‘ntar kita dipecat." Ya, diplomat gembus dan KBTU malingan, ane parkir tenan. Apalagi, ane jadi Presiden RI! Heheee …

Lho, siapa tahu; "wolak-walike jaman"? Umur juga masih di bawah 50 tahun, kok. Pak Amien Rais, panjenengan minggir saja, ya? Panjenengan kan TIDAK pernah belasan tahun ikut ngurusin birokrasi negara, to? Jaksa Agung, saya cari tokoh Buddhist saja. Dan seperti sudah saya tulis di artikel yl, seluruh pejabat eselon 3 ke atas, sipil/non-sipil’, disumpah pakai Hukum Adat Dayak. Kalau masih berjiwa malingan, langgar sumpah, biar LUMPUH TOTAL, macam sayur!

Lha, gimana; disumpah pakai Al-Qur’an; Bible, Kitab Suci Hindu, dan Buddhist; masih juga berjiwa maling, keji terhadap yunior/bawahan, dan KHIANAT! Jadi, pakai saja Hukum Adat Suku Dayak! Melanggar sumpah itu, LUMPUH TOTAL macam sayur basi! Siapa tidak setuju? Acungkan jari tinggi-tinggi. Saptamarga, sumpah polisi/hakim/jaksa, semua harus dirombak total pula! Gubernur DKI, wong Betawi 100 persen!

Buktikan, mampu ngga’ mengatasi kembelingan sebagian Muslim Betawi; yang BURUK sekali adab-bertetangganya! Lha, gimana nggak buruk? Wong hobi bakar mercon. Mantu, bakar mercon! Berangkat haji, bakar mercon! Balik dari Tanah Suci, bakar mercon! Sunatan, bakar mercon! Pinter ngaji, sudah khatam pula berapa kali; PERANGAINYA TIDAK Islami!

Apa mereka pikir, seluruh warga RT dan RW serta Kalurahan itu Muslim? Apa mereka pikir, ummat Katholik, Protestan, Hindu, Buddhist, Konghucunggak sebel menyaksikan perilaku JAHILIYAH sebagian wong Muslim di Jabotabek itu?

Lebih GEBLEG lagi, ada satu masjid, sekaligus "sekolah" Islam, di wilayah Tangerang dekat Jakarta Barat/Selatan; setiap bulan Ramadhan, pukul 02.00 WIB, santrinya bengak bengok pakai pengeras suara masjidnya (masjid Jami F……) begini: "… Para ibu ibu dan remaja puteri, yang berkewajiban menyiapkan makan saur; BANGUN, BANGUN! Banguuuuun!"

Siapa yang bodoh? Ustadznya dan Ulamanya! Mereka tidak mengajarKAN, bahwa Rasulullah tak jarang terlambat memimpin shalat Isya’ (pk. 02.00!), sebab beliau membantu istri-itri beliau memberesi urusan dapur dan rumah!

Dengan perilaku "Macho" di atas, some Ulama dan Ustadz masjid aneh itu mengajarkan, bahwa kaum lelaki Muslim adalah RAJA; yang WAJIB terus menerus DILAYANI istri dan puteri perempuan mereka. Ulama/Uztadz TIDAK MEMAHAMI perilaku dan ajaran Rasulullah!

Potong kelingking saya, yang sudah putus kesamber Hollow Point peluru BERRETA (bukan BARETA, wartawan blo’on!); kalau ada 10 saja Santri/Ustadz/Ulama "aneh" itu, yang suka bantu istrinya cucu piring di dapur! AjarKAN, kepada anak anak kita, laki/perempuan untuk melakukan itu. Itulah yang diajarKAN bukan haji Jussac Senior, sejak kami di SD setelah balik dari Australia. Padahal, kami punya DUA bedinde. Hei Bapak, bisa masak kagak? Bisa bikin sambel terasi kagak? Wuah, kalau saya bikinin, makan tanpa lauk bisa habis dua piring nasi.

Saya saja, yang Muslim bodoh, SANGAT JENGKEL mendengar cerminan penyakit GHURUR itu. Apalagi, warga ummat non-Muslim! Coba, kalau ada gereja Katholik/Protestan lantas pendeta dan pasturnya juga LATAH, bengak bengok pakai loudspeaker; apa nggak bakal ditimpukin para Muslim geblek gereja tsb? Lha wong dzikir, setelah shalat Tarawih saja, kok ya pakai pengeras suara! Mereka pikir Gusti Allah itu BUDEK!? "Aku lebih dekat dari urat lehermu." FirmanNya. Allah SWT juga TIDAK suka sikap berlebih-lebihan. Paham, Ustadz?!

Itulah gambaran nyata Muslim RIYA’, UJUB, dan Ulama GHURUR dan bloody ignorant. Baca, di internet, "BAD MUSLIM", oleh Ulama besar di Timur Tengah. Baru menepuk dada terus, I am a good Muslim. Bapak bapak, perdalamlah "ilmu" Hadith Qudsy anda …..

Plus "budaya" Jahiliyah bakar mercon (TIDAK diajarkan Rasulullah dan empat sahabat beliau!) di atas, hobi UJUB bengak bengok di masjid pakai loudspeaker itu (buanyaak sekali di Jabotabek!) ketika dzikir dan Salawat Nabi – indikasi betapa dangkal pemahaman mereka tentang ADAB BERTETANGGA, yang oleh Malaikat Jibril diajarkan kepada Rasulullah saw.

Lha, gimana Islam di NKRI mau maju; wong di BANYAK masjid manakala sedang shalat Jum’at, BANYAK anak anak siswa PTA (!) ribut melulu bermain-main; bahkan ada beberapa pemuda (slta dan bahkan MAHASISWA) NGOBROL ketika Khatib sedang berkhotbah.

Saya saksikan baru SATU orang Khatib (di Kompelk DEPLU, Pondok Aren, tahun 2000), yang sebelum mulai khotbah WANTI WANTI, agar tidak ada jema’ah yang MENGOBROL. Di banyak masjid lain? GEMBUS! Itulah selemah lemah IMAN, Tidak punya nyali untuk beramar ma’ruf nahi munkar. Adakah ummat Kristen sedang kebaktian di GEREJA mengobrol seperti itu? Di Vihara? Di Kelenteng? Itulah generasi muda Muslim kita. Sebagian besar konyol!

Bengak bengok, khotbah Jum’at, mengeritik pemerintah dll; tetapi MEMBISU ketika di depan hidung mereka SEDANG (terus!) terjadi kemunkaran itu. Ustadz/Ulama macam itu, with all due respect, Bapak Bapak – sampeyan sekolah lagi deh. Pada komunitas Muslim di Afrika Timur, Capetown Afrika Selatan (600-an ribu "Melayu"), apalagi di Makkah dan Jeddah – TIDAK ada kedegilan dan kemunkaran macam itu! Nggak usah jauh jauhlah, datanglah ke Kauman Yogya.

Nggak ada JAHILIYAHISME macam itu di Kauman Yogya. Inilah Jakartamu, Doel. Bubrah di seluruh lini kehidupan. BRAVO untuk Gubernur DKI dan Ka-POLDA, atas sikap TEGAS memberantas mercon pada tahun ini. Lha wong sunatan, kok ya bakar mercon! Gantungin saja tuh, mercon cabe di t***t anak yang disunat, lalu dibakar. Atau gantungin di kuping babenya! "Lho, Cup; kamu sedang marah ya? Tanya Doel Koclok. "Iya! Marah terhadap KEZALIMAN dan KEMUNKARAN itu HALAL. Tahu?!" "Baca lagi Al-Qur’an, Hadith dan Hadith Qudsy."

Jadi jika calon gubernur DKI Betawi Muslim, tetapi kagak becus mengoreksi perilaku jahiliyah macam itu; STOP mimpi menjadi gubernur, deh! Mending, eks Pati TNI saja LAGI. Nah, itu, sekali lagi, kelak jika Gusti Allah mengijinkan saya jadi presiden NKRI … Cuma pengin saja, mosok tabu sih? Siap siap, siapa merasa layak menjadi asisten saya di Kabinet, OK? Megawati, lengserlah. Jogging bae, Mbak. Bhen ora ginuk-ginuk overweight. Hehee …

Nah, Ibu Ibu, Bapak Bapak yang mulia; lagi nih artikel mengenai JONGOS Zionis (Amrik dan Aussie). Tetapi, please; kiranya anda berkenan membaca dulu DUA Postings saya di Mandiri.Com tahun 2000/01 ini (dinobatkan Posting Terbaik Kedua Januari 2001, lumayan, mendapat hadiah Rp. 250 ribu dari Redaksi. Thanks, guys. Buat beli solar waktu mudik).

Yang kedua, menyangkut gonjang ganjing perburuhan, akibat KEPANDIRAN mayoritas orang orang HRD/Personalia di SELURUH instansi pemerintah dan korporasi swasta! Contoh, MIS-manajemen di TEXMACO! Eks kolega saya, GM pakar HRD beneran (bukan Human Resources DEMOLISHER), kini jadi VP di Grup swasta raksasa nasional – sebelum resigned bilang: "Mas, di sini bukan MISmanajemen; there is NO management!" He’s damn right.

Lha gimana, asal psikholog, S.H. atau ekonom, kagak mudeng isu isu krusial dalam Organizational Behavior & Organizational Development, kok dijadiin Manajer/GM/Direktur HRD ngurusin pekerja dan buruh? Semrawut jadinya! Buruh bergolak terus menerus, akibat manajemen yang ZALIM dan pekak nurani! ("Bad Bosses", "Problem Bosses", "Toxic Executives").

Apalagi sebagian Kepala Kepegawaian di DEPLU! Ada bekas Pejabat Eselon 3, orang Dit. Jen. Politik, sebagai Kepala Sekretariat Kantor Menlu (kerjanya lebih banyak protokoler dan mencatat masuk-keluarnya teleks/surat Menlu); kok didapuk menjadi Kepala BiroKepegawaian. Semrawut! Yang gebleg yang memilih/mensponsori, ndak mudeng "People Management".

Ybs kedodoran (1997), diatur stafnya Kabag yang KORUP (hobi manipulasi anggaran Diklat!). Orang DEPLU ndak usah ribut, saya sudah bikin laporannya. LANGSUNG kepada Pak SEKJEN Dubes Abdul Irsan, S.H. sebelum saya QUIT! Kalau tidak memahami manajmen, nggak usah cengengesan memimpin orang. Presiden Megawati pun, SUDAH saya beri masukan. Cuek bebek beliau! Nurani beliau nyangkut di pohon beringin penuh codot alias kelelawar kudisan!

Mbak Mega, panjenengan itu PUNYA perasaan opo ORA to? KUWALAT nanti, menzalimi saya! Jangan kalang kabut, ya; kalau bulan depan kasus yang saya ADUKAN kepada anda (vs. Konglomerat JAHAT sohib suami anda itu) terekspos di media massa. Saya sudah serahkan kepada seorang LAWYER gaek NKRI.

Maaf, Mbak Megawati; jelek jelek begini; selain JUGA (seperti anda) keturunan "Ratu" Mataram; ebes saya ikut perang Clash 1 & 2, di Sektor Timur Yogya, di bawah komando (dulu) Letkol Soeharto. Emang takut sama Satgas sampeyan? Satgas mbelgedes, TIDAK membantu POLRI memerangi kriminalitas! Sama preman Terminal Bis saja takut, kok. Gembus, Mbak.

Petentang-petenteng, emangnya KOPASUS? Berani nggak, SATGAS sampeyan FREE FALL dari 10 ribu kaki, buka parasut 500 meter? Saya pernah, di Solo, buka parasut telat pada ketinggian 300 meter. Alhamdulillah, selamat. Gitu kok b’rani-b’raninya menepuk dada sebagai Satgas Parpol! Pakde Tardjo, piye niku? Mbok dikirim bae ke Aceh, kalo br’ani sama GAM!

Bhen bae, Pakde Tardjo, kulo pancen lagi NESU karo Mbak Mega sing ORA amanah iku! Tolong, yang punya jalur langsung kepada Sang Ratu; sampaikan print-out tulisan ini. Bhen, Mbak Mega arep NESONI aku, takrungokke. Asal ora ngirim Oknum Satgas PDIP bae; bisa ono janda Satgas PDI, mengko nek wani nyerang (ngeroyok) aku! "Taksebul" bae, wassalamCukup Allah Ta’ala pelundungku. Nobody scares me.

<<<<<ó >>>>>

January. 25, 2001 19:41:24 WIB
Banyak Diplomat Kita Tak Punya Leadership

Tanggapan Berita Soal Sepuluh Calon DUBES Digodok Komisi I DPR RI

Nama : Joe , Alamat : , Posting : 01/25/2001 18:19:03

Assalamu`alaikum Wr. Wbr,

Pertama-tama selamat buat bung Eki Syahrudin atas penunjukkan sebagai Dubes di Kanada. Kang Eki, Ambassador-designate to Ottawa, Canada: Apa khabar, Kita pernah berbincang briefly dalam break acara Bedah Buku Gus Sola (Salahuddin Wahid,red) last December.

Saya adalah mantan diplomat RI (terakhir First Secretary, Economic, accelerated promotion). Anda harus baca "paper mbeling" saya kepada top-management DEPLU (April 1995), tentang perlunya DEPLU berbenah diri, termasuk peningkatan kompetensi Pejabat Dinas Luar Negeri RI.

Kecenderungan selama ini adalah, mayoritas diplomat kita dari sejak Attache s/d Dubes, memacu diri hanya menguasai substansi pekerjaan masing masing.

Yang di Direktorat Jenderal Politik, Ekonomi, dll (operasional), diobsesi jadi jago substansi. Giliran memegang posisi memimpin, Kabid apalagi DCM dan Dubes di Perwakilan RI di Luar Negeri, ketika menyaksikan kasus KKN seperti marking up anggaran Perwakilan RI -- apa yang selama ini dilakukan???

Ingat Tuan Tuan, jabatan anda adalah amanah dari Allah swt. Jangan lupa itu. You gentlemen will get at least cool USD 4K to USD 6K per-month.

Berapa itu kalau dirupiahkan? Bisa buat menghidupi berapa puluh pekerja di Tanah Air? You are wrong if you believe that being an Envoy overseas, one must be a politician. Salah, Kang. Selamat bekerja.

Ingat, CEGAH dan hindarkan KKN! Itu uang rakyat, kami para profesional dan pekerja di bisnis swasta, gaji kami dipotong Pajak Pendapatan Pribadi. Itu, antara lain, untuk membayar Tuan Tuan birokrat.

Wassalam, Joe, Mantan Diplomat (resigned), Kolumnis Poleksosbudkam.

Posting Terbaik Kedua bulan Januari 2000, di MANDIRI.Com

SPSI : Cabut Keputusan Menakertrans 78/2001
Lihat Berita || Kirim Komentar Anda
Jun. 15, 2001 11:41:23 WIB
Yusuf Jussac, Jr.

Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatullahi wabarokatuh, 

Sekitar dua minggu yl, saya bernawaitu hendak "puasa" tidak posting dulu re: isu isu polsoskam di sini. Saum atau puasa beneran pun, boleh "mokah" atau "putus" kalau ada uzur atau halangan.

Maka, "puasa" posting pun saya hendak "mokah", artinya, menulis lagi. Insya'allah, berkat kritik membangun, nasehat, dan cercaan dari segelintir penanggap posting saya yl re: demo segelintir mhs ITB vs Wapres Megawati -- kali ini dst saya menulis lebih santun. Tanpa menggunakan kata kata keras dan yg tidak pantas lagi.

Re: judul berita ini, keputusan tsb kalau dikaji secara obyektif memang terkesan lebih mengutamakan kepentingan sebagian pebisnis menengah dan kakap, apapun background etnis mereka. Di dalam manuskrip buku saya, TERIAKAN ORANG YOGYA DI AFRIKA (ttg kusutnya manajemen di berbagai bidang/sektor di negeri ini), yg saya tulis Mei 1997, saya telah angkat masalah "industrial relations" seperti ini.

Di sana saya tulis, a.l., maraknya aksi unjuk rasa buruh di kawasan Jabotabek selama periode 1996 - 1997. Dari berbagai sumber literatur di Barat dll (oleh para pakar industrial relations dan pelaku bisnis), dapat disimak bahwa kemelut industrial relations seperti yg marak terjadi di sini dipicu oleh:

Antara lain, perilaku buruk dan tidak ideal jajaran manajemen dan top management, di berbagai (saya tidak katakan SELURUH) korporasi di Barat dan di kawasan dunia yg lain (baca: WHEN CORPORATE RULES THE WORLD, 1996; juga, FISH ROTS FROM HEAD TO TAIL); THE BAD BOSSES dan THE TOXIC EXECUTIVES). Yakni terhadap bawahan (baca: anak buah).
Jajaran pemimpin, di strata manapun, dari Asisten Manajer s/d CEO, tidak seluruhnya mampu mengayomi dan memahami "concerns", "fears", "justified complaints", "dreams", dan "justified frustration" kalangan di bawah mereka, utamanya di production lines dan marketing force.

Para pimpinan itu (di strata manapun di atas), pada umumnya memaknai posisi empuk mereka -- seperti being a director of a division -- sebagai REWARD. Mereka LUPA atau sengaja melupakannya, bahwa jabatan itu AMANAH. "This is what I deserve to get, after so many years of working and working hard!" That's what they firmly believe.

Mereka lupa, di tataran direktur tugas pokok dan fungsi utama mereka, a.l., adalah "giving directions" atau "directing" (direction-giving). Sekali lagi mesti ditekankan di sini, TIDAK seluruhnya seperti itu. Artinya, masih ada di sana sini (bahkan justru di kalangan penisnis WNI Cina!), jenis pemimpin yang benar benar manusiawi, "care", dan perduli terhadap nasib dan keterpurukan anak buah mereka. 

Namun, sayang, jumlah pemimpin ideal seperti ini sedikit sekali. Yaitu figur figur pebisnis yg ber EQ tinggi -- mereka itu, WNI-Cina, Arab, India, "pribumi", meski bukan muslim, namun perilaku dan "leadership style" nya mencerminkan ajaran Islam, alias berperilaku islami. Contoh begini tidak sedikit di kalangan militer dan POLRI.

Dari pengamatan selama 15 th di birokrasi pemerintahan, utamanya SIPIL, ada missing link di sana (PNS). Para direktur (sekali lagi, tidak seluruhnya) lebih enjoy life, dengan membuang waktu dan jam kerja mereka berhaha-hihi di padang golf.

Apa yg dirintis dan jadi acara rutin di kalangan TNI-AD, dan POLRI, yaitu "jam komandan", tidak ada di kalangan para pimpinan sipil kita (cuma satu dua melakukannya di kantor atau di luar kantor, yakni peran "mentoring").

Di Kantor Atase Pertahanan RI sebuah Kedutaan Besar RI besar di manca negara, misalnya, Atase Pertahanan yang berpangkat Kolonel senior (kemudian naik Brigjen TNI) RUTIN sekali dlm seminggu mengadakan temu muka dengan seluruh stafnya, para PBU (Mayor) dan Asisten ATHAN RI serta staf sipil mereka.

Di forum minguan seperti ini dicoba diidentifikasi, persoalan persoalan kedinasan sampai hal hal kecil bersifat pribadi, utamanya yang dideteksi menimbulkan keresahan anak buah. Misalnya, konflik di dlm keluarga, sitkon belajar anak anak di sekloah, dll.

Seorang pemimpin seperti itu, ATHAN dlm kasus ini, TIDAK self-proclaims bahwa ybs bakal mampu menawarkan solusi atas beraneka problim di atas yg dirasakan anak buahnya. Persoalannya adalah, ia ada KEMAUAN dan kemampuan membuka diri berdialog dengan anak buah, untuk secara BERSAMA SAMA mengupayakan solusi masalah berdasarkan urutan prioritasnya.

Tidak ada "quick fixing" dalam masalah di atas. Peran serupa juga dilakukan oleh para pemimpin yang "educated" dan punya hati nurani di kalangan pebisnis swasta. Sekali lagi, ternyata tidak sedikit pebisnis WNI Cina yang MAMPU dan memiliki leaderships ideal seperti di atas (seperti di kalangan sebagian Pati dan Pamen TNI serta POLRI).

Bukan berarti di kalangan pribumi tidak ada kualitas seperti dan semacam itu. Ada. Cuma belum banyak. Yang lebih banyak adalah perilaku "Ndoro Kakung" dan "Pak Radenisme". "Gue boss, tahu. Lu anak buah. Just do what I want you to be doing!" That's it. Gue mau golfing, tahu!"

At the end of the day, jika terjadi "glicth" di bidang atau sektor tertentu, anak buah lah yang dikenai sanksi! Gaji diturunkan, pangkat didegradasi pula. Uang lembur tidak dicairkan.

Pemimpin berkualitas tidak elok semacam itu, BANYAK di kalangan PNS! They are (NOT ALL!) adalah kategori leaders palsu atau "Bad Bosses", yang gemar sekali "problem avoiding" alias "escapists". Buruk muka cermin dibelah. They can do no wrongs. Selalu dan selalu bawahan dan/atau anak buah yang dipersalahkan.

Apa pasal? Banyak "pemimpin" (siapa pun yang membawahi anak buah adalah pemimpin) di kalangan PNS dan korporasi swasta serta BUMN berkualitas seperti itu (minus), sebagai akibat berbagai latar belakang. Antara lain, "upbringing" mereka di keluarga masing masing.

Seseorang yang dimanjakan oranguanya sejak kecil sampai ABG, dan selalu dibela meski salah vs kakak kakaknya; maka ybs berpotensi menjadi "problem people" (dan Problem Bosses ketika memimpin) di lingkungan sosialnya, di sekolah, di kampus, dan di lingkungan kerjanya.

Di manapun ia hadir ketika dewasa, termasuk di organisasi perkantoran sipil dan swasta; maka ia akan menjadi sumber malapetaka manajemen. Utamanya terhadap jajaran bawah atau anak buahnya. Anak buah diperkuda & dimanipulir. Anak buah perempuan digombali pula, diajak "jalan" dll. Lots of womanizers di perkantoran swasta, Pemerintah, BUMN, bahkan "non-sipil". 

Faktor lain penyebab kegagalan di atas (so-called "Bad Leaders/Bosses") bersumber pada organisasinya. Top management TIDAK pernah menyiapkan mereka menjadi pemimpin ideal (sejak masa induksi di perusahaan/kantor). Di USA, seorang CEO pun masih "sekolah" mengikuti trainings kepemimpinan, dll.

Di sini? Sampai 10 th yl, boro boro. Baca buku buku pengembangan diri pun jarang yg mau melakukan. Yang mengaku Muslim pun lupa, bahwa selaku pemimpin mereka harus memimpin orang sesuai ajaran Islam dan sunnah Rasul. Yang WNI-Cina pun masih ada yang tidak memahami gaya memimpin ajaran Konghucu (ada beberapa bukunya, a.l., "THE WAY OF THE LEADERS).

Ketiga, penyebab kekusutan industrial relations juga kecenderungan pemimpin (sekali lagi, di strata manapun) bersikap MBUDEGI (baca: mbudeki -- Jawa), alias pekak telinga mereka terhadap berbagai "suara" sah dari bawah. Masih ada, pemimpin macam itu yang menyalah-gunakan kewenangan formalnya, untuk memenuhi his/her "immediate personal needs" masing masing.

Misalnya, anak buah disuruh mengurus tagihan listrik, telpun, pesankan makan siang/malam mereka (si pemimpin palsu itu). Terjadi, di kalangan segelintir pemimpin tergolong "cluthak" (Jawa: womanizers"), bahkan secara bodoh membuka aib sendiri. Yaitu menyuruh (bisik bisik) anak buah kepercayaannya mencarikan atau pesankan "nyamikan khas" ("ngamar" untuk "nge-seks" dengan bini orang lain, dll).

Seorang staf lokal Kedubes RI, di manca negara mengisahkan, jika "Pak Anu" (pejabat eselon 1) datang tugas inspeksi, maka semua jadi sibuk menyiapkan "helipad"; alias "kuda putih" untuk menggembirakan sang pejabat eselon 1 itu (kan di Jakarta tidak ada "kuda putih" yang dapat dibeli?).

Seorang Konsul RI korup, bahkan ketika didatangi pejabat eselon II bidang pengawasan internal dari Pusat, sengaja mengajak tamu dari Jakarta itu seharian golfing! Apa pasal? agar laporan resmi ke Pusat baik baik saja kinerja sang Konsul korup itu!

Ketika kemudian para staf lokal "fed up" dengan gaya kepemimpinannya yang zalim selama dua tahun terakhir, mereka melakukan "demarche" menggugat ke Pusat agar ybs ditarik ke Pusat. Apa yg terjadi? Sang Konsul (tentu dengan "blessings" dari pejabat eselon 1 di Pusat) justru memecat para pentolan Staf Lokal tsb. Padahal, mereka adalah para patriot bangsa, ada yg bergelar S-2 pula!

Singkatnya, nyaris semua kasus unjuk rasa di kalangan pada umumnya buruh kita, dipicu oleh perilaku manajemen yang zalim! Diskriminasi masih dijalankan di banyak korporasi. Simak, demo karyawan BBI di Jakarta dua mingguan yl.

Kesalahan rejim ORBA dlm menyikapi gejolak buruh adalah, mereka (berkolusi dengan top management tim korporasi swasta) dlm nyaris setiap aksi demo selalu meurunkan aparat KORAMIL (baca: TNI), yang sama sekali TIDAK memiliki kewenangan formal menangani masalah perburuhan. Kasus Marsinah adalah sebuah contoh, KEBODOHAN segelintir aparat TNI di KODIM dan Koramil setempat!

Pada kesempatan Hari Buruh dunia 1 Juni yl, seorang tokoh advokasi kepentingan buruh RI, Ibu Dita Sari, menyatakan antara lain; bahwa tidak dapat dibenarkan lagi mengaitkan gerakan perlawanan buruh (versus pebisnis zalim!) dengan Komunisme! Saya setuju dengan beliau. Namun, ia TIDAK jujur sepenuhnya tentang hal itu.

Saya tidak hendak berdebat di sini, tentang keterkaitan gerakan buruh internasional dengan "grand design" Komunisme internasional. Silahkan kunjungi, utamanya sub-link mengenai "grand design" kaum "kiri" dunia (disokong kaum Yahudi sesat -- sebab banyak Yahudi Reformis yg mentTAATi Taurat!) terhadap kalangan buruh.

Kembali pada kasus terkini di berbagai sentra industri di Indonesia, kalaupun ada penunggang dari pihak kaum "kiri radikal" semacam yg dicoba diungkap website Yahudi Reformis itu; maka hal itu bukanlah faktor utama terjadinya keresahan, yang kemudian mengekskalasi menjadi amuk buruh dimana mana.

Seorang Menlu A.S. di era awal 1950an pernah menyatakan, bahwa "The main Battlefield Against Communism Is In The Kitchen". Artinya, kalau mau menangkal perluasan dan penyebaran ajaran Komunisme yang anti Tuhan (tolong, buktikan kalau kaum Diehard Communists tidak anti Tuhan YME!), maka sejahterakanlah rakyat.

Dalam kaitan ini, Kepmen konyol di atas No. 78 th 2001, jelas tidak bertujuan menyejahterakan MAYORITAS unsur bangsa ini. Maka penciptanya, sponsornya (termasuk oknum oknum pebisnis kakap), dan Presiden RI yang MENOLAK mencabutnya; adalah sama dengan memfasilitasi grand design kaum kiri radikal vis-a-vis kaum buruh.

Selain itu, mereka (sponsor Kepmenaker itu dan yang menentang pencabutannya) juga TIDAK amanah terhadap keprihatinan dan keterpurukan mayoritas wong cilik para buruh kita itu. Semoga Allah melaknat mereka yang TERUS hendak mempurukkan kaum dhuafa itu.

Kepmenaker itu jelas tidak memihak kepada kepentingan rakyat banyak. Ingat, Kiai Wahid, ingat Pak Menteri -- 40 juta orang sudah menjadi penganggur! Tuan Tuan menikmati segala fasilitas negara, gaji besar, TANPA bayar Pajak Pendapatan Pribadi.

Tuan Tuan mengaku Muslim, pimpin dan kelolalah bangsamu secara islami pula. Semoga Allah memberi Tuan Tuan petunjuk dan hidayah. Otherwise, jangan sesali kelak kalau seluruh buruh kita MURKA. Hancurlah negeri ini, akibat kebodohan Tuan Tuan.

Parting shot: dalam "FAKE TERRORISM" alias "Teror Aspal", penolakan pencabutan Kepmen tsb juga ada indikasi untuk memperkeruh sitkon yg sudah parah di negeri ini. It is too obvious: dengan menolak mencabut Kepmen itu, maka Kiai Wahid sengaja memicu eskalasi kemarahan mayoritas kaum buruh Indonesia.

Maka, terjadilah amuk buruh di Jawa Timur dan Bandung dll. Got it? Sitkon seperti itulah yang dibutuhkan Sang Presiden, sebagai justifikasi bagi pemberlakuan Undang Undang Darurat Perang atau apapun namanya itu! Such a cunning Grand Design! Kiyai, panjenengan tidak pernah mengangur bukan? Tepo selirolah terhadap mayoritas unsur bangsamu ini. Buka mata hati & nuranimu.


Yusuf Jussac, Jr.
Pemerhati Organizational Behavior & Organizational Development 


Berikut ini serial JONGOS Zionis, dll. Baca ya? Biar tambah pinter dan tidak asal nJeplak, sok tahu tentang Zionisme dan Neo-Fasisme Amrik dan Australia. Mau tetap blo’on, ya monggo bae.

Di bawah juga ADA analisis tentang Undang Undang Anti Terorisme di Amrik dan Aussie. Tuan Besar Profesor Yusril, juga kawan kawan di POLDA dan Mabes POLRI, please itu disimak. Juga Bung Ambong, Ketua Komisi 1 DPR dan Bung eks Diplomat Yasril Ananta Baharuddin, please cermati lah. JANGAN membeo kemauan Eksekutif re: RUU ANTI TEROR.

Sedangkan re: RUU Parpol 2002, kini para Banteng Ber Beri di Fraksi DPR sedang sowan Ibunda tersayang, menyangkut TAP MPRS No. 25/1966. Baca, di, artikel LAMA saya (2000) Surat Terbuka kepada Presiden Wahid tentang isu peka itu (di-forward ke beberapa milis/portal NKRI). Awas, kalau elit Fraksi PDIP dan PKB b’rani MENCABUT TAP tsb. Semoga kalian DILAKNAT Allah! Jangan main main dengan Komunisme!

Komunisme, seperti saya tulis di beberapa artikel di Internet, DIBANGUN, DISPONSORI dan DIDANAI oleh elit ZIONIS dan Kristen PALSU di New York! Lebih 80% operator lapangan dan Politbiro BOLSHEVIKS adalah Kaum Yahudi Sesat alias Zionis. Mereka PEMBANTAI ummat Gereja Ortodoks di Russia (30 juta lebih di era Stalin).

Pakde Tardjo, harap diingat dini-hari 1 Oktober 1965 di rumah kami. Ingat kawan kawan aktivis GPM/Marhenisme (non-faksi kiri!). Ingat pula, 22 pemuda Marhen, yang di Kalasan, Sleman, dibantai PKI; dikubur berdiri dengan PAKU REL KERETA API ditancapkan di kepala masing-masing, ditulis "Banteng Kok Ora Duwe Sungu" (Banteng kok tidak bertanduk).

Sekali lagi, AWAS kalau elit PDIP dan PKB nekad mensponsori PENCABUTAN TAP MPRS No. 25/1966. Mbak Mega, anda jangan main main dengan Komunisme! Tengok Korea Utara, RRC, Kuba. Baca artikeldibawah oleh Yahudi ta’at eks WN Israel, tentang Komunisme di Israel! Communism is NOT dead! Fasisme=Komunisme=Zionisme. Yang ngomong, Yahudi ta’at itu!

SAYA MENYATAKAN PERANG VS. NEO-PKI dan SIMPATISAN MEREKA! Kalian sebagian elit PDIP Non-PNI/FM dan PKB pecinta PKI/Komunis, hidupkan lagi Komunisme di NKRI dengan mencabut TAP MPRS No. 25/1966 – kalian gali sendiri liang kubur kalian!

<<<<<<ó >>>>>>


Washington Report On Middle East Affairs, 11-9-2

Benefits to Israel of U.S. Aid Since 1949 (As of November 1, 1997)

Foreign Aid Grants and Loans


Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid)


Interest to Israel from Advanced Payments (jika Amrik telat kirim ke Israel, kena bunga! Edan!)


Grand Total


Total Benefits per Israeli


Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S. Aid to Israel

Grand Total


Interest Costs Borne by U.S.


Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers

$134,791,507,200 (Masih BANGGAKAH anda jadi Warganegara A.S.? Ngempanin Zionists!)

Total Cost per Israeli


Special Reports:

U.S. Aid To Israel:

The Strategic Functions U.S. Aid to Israel:

What U.S. Taxpayer Should Know U.S. Aid to Israel:

Interpreting the 'Strategic Relationship' The Cost of Israel to U.S. Taxpayers:

<>True Lies About


By Stephen Zunes

Dr. Zunes is an assistant professor in the Department of Politics at the University of San Francisco

Since 1992, the U.S. has offered Israel an additional $2 billion annually in loan guarantees. Congressional researchers have disclosed that between 1974 and 1989, $16.4 billion in U.S. military loans were converted to grants and that this was the understanding from the beginning. Indeed, all past U.S. loans to Israel have eventually been forgiven by Congress, which has undoubtedly helped Israel’s often-touted claim that they have never defaulted on a U.S. government loan. U.S. policy since 1984 has been that economic assistance to Israel must equal or exceed Israel’s annual debt repayment to the United States.

Unlike other countries, which receive aid in quarterly installments, aid to Israel since 1982 has been given in a lump sum at the beginning of the fiscal year, leaving the U.S. government to borrow from future revenues. Israel even lends some of this money back through U.S. treasury bills and collects the additional interest.

In addition, there is the more than $1.5 billion in private U.S. funds that go to Israel annually in the form of $1 billion in private tax-deductible donations and $500 million in Israeli bonds. The ability of Americans to make what amounts to tax-deductible contributions to a foreign government, made possible through a number of Jewish charities, does not exist with any other country. Nor do these figures include short- and long-term commercial loans from U.S. banks, which have been as high as $1 billion annually in recent years.

Total U.S. aid to Israel is approximately one-third of the American foreign- aid budget, even though Israel comprises just .001 percent of the world’s population and already has one of the world’s higher per capita incomes. Indeed, Israel’s GNP is higher than the combined GNP of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza. With a per capita income of about $14,000, Israel ranks as the sixteenth wealthiest country in the world; Israelis enjoy a higher per capita income than oil-rich Saudi Arabia and are only slightly less well-off than most Western European countries.

AID does not term economic aid to Israel as development assistance, but instead uses the term "economic support funding." Given Israel’s relative prosperity, U.S. aid to Israel is becoming increasingly controversial. In 1994, Yossi Beilen, deputy foreign minister of Israel and a Knesset member, told the Women’s International Zionist organization, "If our economic situation is better than in many of your countries, how can we go on asking for your charity?"

US Aid To Israel: What U.S. Taxpayer Should Know

By Tom Malthaner

This morning as I was walking down Shuhada Street in Hebron, I saw graffiti marking the newly painted storefronts and awnings. Although three months past schedule and 100 percent over budget, the renovation of Shuhada Street was finally completed this week. The project manager said the reason for the delay and cost overruns was the sabotage of the project by the Israeli settlers of the Beit Hadassah settlement complex in Hebron.

They broke the street lights, stoned project workers, shot out the windows of bulldozers and other heavy equipment with pellet guns, broke paving stones before they were laid and now have defaced again the homes and shops of Palestinians with graffiti. The settlers did not want Shuhada St. opened to Palestinian traffic as was agreed to under Oslo 2. This renovation project is paid for by USAID funds and it makes me angry that my tax dollars have paid for improvements that have been destroyed by the settlers.

Most Americans are not aware how much of their tax revenue our government sends to Israel. For the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, the U.S. has given Israel $6.72 billion: $6.194 billion falls under Israel’s foreign aid allotment and $526 million comes from agencies such as the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Information Agency and the Pentagon.

The $6.72 billion figure does not include loan guarantees and annual compound interest totalling $3.122 billion the U.S. pays on money borrowed to give to Israel. It does not include the cost to U.S. taxpayers of IRS tax exemptions that donors can claim when they donate money to Israeli charities. (Donors claim approximately $1 billion in Federal tax deductions annually. This ultimately costs other U.S. tax payers $280 million to $390 million.)

When grant, loans, interest and tax deductions are added together for the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, our special relationship with Israel cost U.S. taxpayers over $10 billion.

Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

I am angry when I see Israeli settlers from Hebron destroy improvements made to Shuhada Street with my tax money. Also, it angers me that my government is giving over $10 billion to a country that is more prosperous than most of the other countries in the world and uses much of its money for strengthening its military and the oppression of the Palestinian people.


By Stephen Zunes

"The U.S. aid relationship with Israel is unlike any other in the world," said Stephen Zunes during a January 26 CPAP presentation. "In sheer volume, the amount is the most generous foreign aid program ever between any two countries," added Zunes, associate professor of Politics and chair of the Peace and Justice Studies Program at the University of San Francisco.

He explored the strategic reasoning behind the aid, asserting that it parallels the "needs of American arms exporters" and the role "Israel could play in advancing U.S. strategic interests in the region."

Although Israel is an "advanced, industrialized, technologically sophisticated country," it "receives more U.S. aid per capita annually than the total annual [Gross Domestic Product] per capita of several Arab states." Approximately a third of the entire U.S. foreign aid budget goes to Israel, "even though Israel comprises just . . . one-thousandth of the world’s total population, and already has one of the world’s higher per capita incomes."

U.S. government officials argue that this money is necessary for "moral" reasons-some even say that Israel is a "democracy battling for its very survival." If that were the real reason, however, aid should have been highest during Israel’s early years, and would have declined as Israel grew stronger. Yet "the pattern . . . has been just the opposite." According to Zunes, "99 percent of all U.S. aid to Israel took place after the June 1967 war, when Israel found itself more powerful than any combination of Arab armies . . ."

The U.S. supports Israel’s dominance so it can serve as "a surrogate for American interests in this vital strategic region." "Israel has helped defeat radical nationalist movements" and has been a "testing ground for U.S. made weaponry."

Moreover, the intelligence agencies of both countries have "collaborated," and "Israel has funneled U.S. arms to third countries that the U.S. [could] not send arms to directly, . . . Iike South Africa, like the Contras, Guatemala under the military junta, [and] Iran." Zunes cited an Israeli analyst who said: "’It’s like Israel has just become another federal agency when it’s convenient to use and you want something done quietly."’ Although the strategic relationship between the United States and the Gulf Arab states in the region has been strengthening in recent years, these states "do not have the political stability, the technological sophistication, [or] the number of higher-trained armed forces personnel" as does Israel.

Matti Peled, former Israeli major general and Knesset member, told Zunes that he and most Israeli generals believe this aid is "little more than an American subsidy to U.S. arms manufacturers," considering that the majority of military aid to Israel is used to buy weapons from the U.S. Moreover, arms to Israel create more demand for weaponry in Arab states. According to Zunes, "the Israelis announced back in 1991 that they supported the idea of a freeze in Middle East arms transfers, yet it was the United States that rejected it."

In the fall of 1993-when many had high hopes for peace-78 senators wrote to former President Bill Clinton insisting that aid to Israel remain "at current levels." Their "only reason" was the "massive procurement of sophisticated arms by Arab states." The letter neglected to mention that 80 percent of those arms to Arab countries came from the U.S.

"I’m not denying for a moment the power of AIPAC [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee], the pro-Israel lobby," and other similar groups, Zunes said. Yet the "Aerospace Industry Association which promotes these massive arms shipments . . . is even more influential."

This association has given two times more money to campaigns than all of the pro-Israel groups combined. Its "force on Capitol Hill, in terms of lobbying, surpasses that of even AIPAC." Zunes asserted that the "general thrust of U.S. policy would be pretty much the same even if AIPAC didn’t exist. We didn’t need a pro-Indonesia lobby to support Indonesia.

"An increasing number of Israelis are pointing out" that these funds are not in Israel’s best interest. Quoting Peled, Zunes said, "this aid pushes Israel ‘toward a posture of callous intransigence’ in terms of the peace process." Moreover, for every dollar the U.S. sends in arms aid, Israel must spend two to three dollars to train people to use the weaponry, to buy parts, and in other ways make use of the aid. Even "main-stream Israeli economists are saying [it] is very harmful to the country’s future."

The Israeli paper Yediot Aharonot described Israel as "’the godfather’s messenger’ since [Israel] undertake[s] the ‘dirty work’ of a godfather who ‘always tries to appear to be the owner of some large, respectable business."’ Israeli satirist B. Michael refers to U.S. aid this way: "’My master gives me food to eat and I bite those whom he tells me to bite. It’s called strategic cooperation." "To challenge this strategic relationship, one cannot focus solely on the Israeli lobby but must also examine these "broader forces as well." "Until we tackle this issue head-on," it will be "very difficult to win" in other areas relating to Palestine.

"The results" of the short-term thinking behind U.S. policy "are tragic," not just for the "immediate victims" but "eventually [for] Israel itself" and "American interests in the region." The U.S. is sending enormous amounts of aid to the Middle East, and yet "we are less secure than ever"-both in terms of U.S. interests abroad and for individual Americans. Zunes referred to a "growing and increasing hostility [of] the average Arab toward the United States." In the long term, said Zunes, "peace and stability and cooperation with the vast Arab world is far more important for U.S. interests than this alliance with Israel."

This is not only an issue for those who are working for Palestinian rights, but it also "jeopardizes the entire agenda of those of us concerned about human rights, concerned about arms control, concerned about international law." Zunes sees significant potential in "building a broad-based movement around it."

The above text is based on remarks, delivered on. 26 January, 2001 by Stephen . Zunes - Associate Professor of Politics and Chair of the Peace and Justice Studies Program at San Francisco University


The Cost Of Israel To US Taxpayers: True Lies About US Aid To Israel

By Richard H. Curtiss

For many years the American media said that "Israel receives $1.8 billion in military aid" or that "Israel receives $1.2 billion in economic aid." Both statements were true, but since they were never combined to give us the complete total of annual U.S. aid to Israel, they also were lies—true lies.

Recently Americans have begun to read and hear that "Israel receives $3 billion in annual U.S. foreign aid." That’s true. But it’s still a lie. The problem is that in fiscal 1997 alone, Israel received from a variety of other U.S. federal budgets at least $525.8 million above and beyond its $3 billion from the foreign aid budget, and yet another $2 billion in federal loan guarantees. So the complete total of U.S. grants and loan guarantees to Israel for fiscal 1997 was $5,525,800,000.

One can truthfully blame the mainstream media for never digging out these figures for themselves, because none ever have. They were compiled by the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. But the mainstream media certainly are not alone. Although Congress authorizes America’s foreign aid total, the fact that more than a third of it goes to a country smaller in both area and population than Hong Kong probably never has been mentioned on the floor of the Senate or House. Yet it’s been going on for more than a generation.

Probably the only members of Congress who even suspect the full total of U.S. funds received by Israel each year are the privileged few committee members who actually mark it up. And almost all members of the concerned committees are Jewish, have taken huge campaign donations orchestrated by Israel’s Washington, DC lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), or both. These congressional committee members are paid to act, not talk. So they do and they don’t.

The same applies to the president, the secretary of state, and the foreign aid administrator. They all submit a budget that includes aid for Israel, which Congress approves, or increases, but never cuts. But no one in the executive branch mentions that of the few remaining U.S. aid recipients worldwide, all of the others are developing nations which either make their military bases available to the U.S., are key members of international alliances in which the U.S. participates, or have suffered some crippling blow of nature to their abilities to feed their people such as earthquakes, floods or droughts.

Israel, whose troubles arise solely from its unwillingness to give back land it seized in the 1967 war in return for peace with its neighbors, does not fit those criteria. In fact, Israel’s 1995 per capita gross domestic product was $15,800. That put it below Britain at $19,500 and Italy at $18,700 and just above Ireland at $15,400 and Spain at $14,300.

All four of those European countries have contributed a very large share of immigrants to the U.S., yet none has organized an ethnic group to lobby for U.S. foreign aid. Instead, all four send funds and volunteers to do economic development and emergency relief work in other less fortunate parts of the world.

The lobby that Israel and its supporters have built in the United States to make all this aid happen, and to ban discussion of it from the national dialogue, goes far beyond AIPAC, with its $15 million budget, its 150 employees, and its five or six registered lobbyists who manage to visit every member of Congress individually once or twice a year.

AIPAC, in turn, can draw upon the resources of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, a roof group set up solely to coordinate the efforts of some 52 national Jewish organizations on behalf of Israel.

Among them are Hadassah, the Zionist women’s organization, which organizes a steady stream of American Jewish visitors to Israel; the American Jewish Congress, which mobilizes support for Israel among members of the traditionally left-of-center Jewish mainstream; and the American Jewish Committee, which plays the same role within the growing middle-of-the-road and right-of-center Jewish community.

The American Jewish Committee also publishes Commentary, one of the Israel lobby’s principal national publications.

Perhaps the most controversial of these groups is B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League. Its original highly commendable purpose was to protect the civil rights of American Jews. Over the past generation, however, the ADL has regressed into a conspiratorial and, with a $45 million budget, extremely well-funded hate group.

In the 1980s, during the tenure of chairman Seymour Reich, who went on to become chairman of the Conference of Presidents, ADL was found to have circulated two annual fund-raising letters warning Jewish parents against allegedly negative influences on their children arising from the increasing Arab presence on American university campuses.

More recently, FBI raids on ADL’s Los Angeles and San Francisco offices revealed that an ADL operative had purchased files stolen from the San Francisco police department that a court had ordered destroyed because they violated the civil rights of the individuals on whom they had been compiled.

ADL, it was shown, had added the illegally prepared and illegally obtained material to its own secret files, compiled by planting informants among Arab-American, African-American, anti-Apartheid and peace and justice groups.

The ADL infiltrators took notes of the names and remarks of speakers and members of audiences at programs organized by such groups. ADL agents even recorded the license plates of persons attending such programs and then suborned corrupt motor vehicles department employees or renegade police officers to identify the owners.

Although one of the principal offenders fled the United States to escape prosecution, no significant penalties were assessed. ADL’s Northern California office was ordered to comply with requests by persons upon whom dossiers had been prepared to see their own files, but no one went to jail and as yet no one has paid fines.

Not surprisingly, a defecting employee revealed in an article he published in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs that AIPAC, too, has such "enemies" files. They are compiled for use by pro-Israel journalists like Steven Emerson and other so-called "terrorism experts," and also by professional, academic or journalistic rivals of the persons described for use in black-listing, defaming, or denouncing them. What is never revealed is that AIPAC’s "opposition research" department, under the supervision of Michael Lewis, son of famed Princeton University Orientalist Bernard Lewis, is the source of this defamatory material.

But this is not AIPAC’s most controversial activity. In the 1970s, when Congress put a cap on the amount its members could earn from speakers’ fees and book royalties over and above their salaries, it halted AIPAC’s most effective ways of paying off members for voting according to AIPAC recommendations. Members of AIPAC’s national board of directors solved the problem by returning to their home states and creating Political Action Committees (PACs).

Most special interests have PACs, as do many major corporations, labor unions, trade associations and public-interest groups. But the pro-Israel groups went wild. To date some 126 pro-Israel PACs have been registered, and no fewer than 50 have been active in every national election over the past generation.

An individual voter can give up to $2,000 to a candidate in an election cycle, and a PAC can give a candidate up to $10,000. However, a single special interest with 50 PACs can give a candidate who is facing a tough opponent, and who has voted according to its recommendations, up to half a million dollars. That’s enough to buy all the television time needed to get elected in most parts of the country.

Even candidates who don’t need this kind of money certainly don’t want it to become available to a rival from their own party in a primary election, or to an opponent from the opposing party in a general election. As a result, all but a handful of the 535 members of the Senate and House vote as AIPAC instructs when it comes to aid to Israel, or other aspects of U.S. Middle East policy.

There is something else very special about AIPAC’s network of political action committees. Nearly all have deceptive names. Who could possibly know that the Delaware Valley Good Government Association in Philadelphia, San Franciscans for Good Government in California, Cactus PAC in Arizona, Beaver PAC in Wisconsin, and even Icepac in New York are really pro-Israel PACs under deep cover?

Hiding AIPAC’s Tracks

In fact, the congressmembers know it when they list the contributions they receive on the campaign statements they have to prepare for the Federal Election Commission. But their constituents don’t know this when they read these statements. So just as no other special interest can put so much "hard money" into any candidate’s election campaign as can the Israel lobby, no other special interest has gone to such elaborate lengths to hide its tracks.

Although AIPAC, Washington’s most feared special-interest lobby, can hide how it uses both carrots and sticks to bribe or intimidate members of Congress, it can’t hide all of the results.

Anyone can ask one of their representatives in Congress for a chart prepared by the Congressional Research Service, a branch of the Library of Congress, that shows Israel received $62.5 billion in foreign aid from fiscal year 1949 through fiscal year 1996.

People in the national capital area also can visit the library of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Rosslyn, Virginia, and obtain the same information, plus charts showing how much foreign aid the U.S. has given other countries as well.

Visitors will learn that in precisely the same 1949-1996 time frame, the total of U.S. foreign aid to all of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean combined was $62,497,800,000--almost exactly the amount given to tiny Israel.

According to the Population Reference Bureau of Washington, DC, in mid-1995 the sub-Saharan countries had a combined population of 568 million. The $24,415,700,000 in foreign aid they had received by then amounted to $42.99 per sub-Saharan African.

Similarly, with a combined population of 486 million, all of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean together had received $38,254,400,000. This amounted to $79 per person.

The per capita U.S. foreign aid to Israel’s 5.8 million people during the same period was $10,775.48. This meant that for every dollar the U.S. spent on an African, it spent $250.65 on an Israeli, and for every dollar it spent on someone from the Western Hemisphere outside the United States, it spent $214 on an Israeli.

Shocking Comparisons

These comparisons already seem shocking, but they are far from the whole truth. Using reports compiled by Clyde Mark of the Congressional Research Service and other sources, freelance writer Frank Collins tallied for theWashington Report all of the extra items for Israel buried in the budgets of the Pentagon and other federal agencies in fiscal year 1993.Washington Report news editor Shawn Twing did the same thing for fiscal years 1996 and 1997.

They uncovered $1.271 billion in extras in FY 1993, $355.3 million in FY 1996 and $525.8 million in FY 1997. These represent an average increase of 12.2 percent over the officially recorded foreign aid totals for the same fiscal years, and they probably are not complete. It’s reasonable to assume, therefore, that a similar 12.2 percent hidden increase has prevailed over all of the years Israel has received aid.

As of Oct. 31, 1997 Israel will have received $3.05 billion in U.S. foreign aid for fiscal year 1997 and $3.08 billion in foreign aid for fiscal year 1998. Adding the 1997 and 1998 totals to those of previous years since 1949 yields a total of $74,157,600,000 in foreign aid grants and loans. Assuming that the actual totals from other budgets average 12.2 percent of that amount, that brings the grand total to $83,204,827,200.

But that’s not quite all. Receiving its annual foreign aid appropriation during the first month of the fiscal year, instead of in quarterly installments as do other recipients, is just another special privilege Congress has voted for Israel. It enables Israel to invest the money in U.S. Treasury notes. That means that the U.S., which has to borrow the money it gives to Israel, pays interest on the money it has granted to Israel in advance, while at the same time Israel is collecting interest on the money.

That interest to Israel from advance payments adds another $1.650 billion to the total, making it $84,854,827,200. That’s the number you should write down for total aid to Israel. And that’s $14,346 each for each man, woman and child in Israel.

It’s worth noting that that figure does not include U.S. government loan guarantees to Israel, of which Israel has drawn $9.8 billion to date. They greatly reduce the interest rate the Israeli government pays on commercial loans, and they place additional burdens on U.S. taxpayers, especially if the Israeli government should default on any of them. But since neither the savings to Israel nor the costs to U.S. taxpayers can be accurately quantified, they are excluded from consideration here.

Further, friends of Israel never tire of saying that Israel has never defaulted on repayment of a U.S. government loan. It would be equally accurate to say Israel has never been required to repay a U.S. government loan. The truth of the matter is complex, and designed to be so by those who seek to conceal it from the U.S. taxpayer.

Most U.S. loans to Israel are forgiven, and many were made with the explicit understanding that they would be forgiven before Israel was required to repay them. By disguising as loans what in fact were grants, cooperating members of Congress exempted Israel from the U.S. oversight that would have accompanied grants.

On other loans, Israel was expected to pay the interest and eventually to begin repaying the principal. But the so-called Cranston Amendment, which has been attached by Congress to every foreign aid appropriation since 1983, provides that economic aid to Israel will never dip below the amount Israel is required to pay on its outstanding loans. In short, whether U.S. aid is extended as grants or loans to Israel, it never returns to the Treasury.

Israel enjoys other privileges. While most countries receiving U.S. military aid funds are expected to use them for U.S. arms, ammunition and training, Israel can spend part of these funds on weapons made by Israeli manufacturers. Also, when it spends its U.S. military aid money on U.S. products, Israel frequently requires the U.S. vendor to buy components or materials from Israeli manufacturers.

Thus, though Israeli politicians say that their own manufacturers and exporters are making them progressively less dependent upon U.S. aid, in fact those Israeli manufacturers and exporters are heavily subsidized by U.S. aid.

Although it’s beyond the parameters of this study, it’s worth mentioning that Israel also receives foreign aid from some other countries. After the United States, the principal donor of both economic and military aid to Israel is Germany.

By far the largest component of German aid has been in the form of restitution payments to victims of Nazi attrocities. But there also has been extensive German military assistance to Israel during and since the Gulf war, and a variety of German educational and research grants go to Israeli institutions.

The total of German assistance in all of these categories to the Israeli government, Israeli individuals and Israeli private institutions has been some $31 billion or $5,345 per capita, bringing the per capita total of U.S. and German assistance combined to almost $20,000 per Israeli. Since very little public money is spent on the more than 20 percent of Israeli citizens who are Muslim or Christian, the actual per capita benefits received by Israel’s Jewish citizens would be considerably higher.

True Cost to U.S. Taxpayers (kasihan deh, imigran Indonesia di Amrik!)

Generous as it is, what Israelis actually got in U.S. aid is considerably less than what it has cost U.S. taxpayers to provide it. The principal difference is that so long as the U.S. runs an annual budget deficit, every dollar of aid the U.S. gives Israel has to be raised through U.S. government borrowing.

In an article in the Washington Report for December 1991/January 1992, Frank Collins estimated the costs of this interest, based upon prevailing interest rates for every year since 1949. I have updated this by applying a very conservative 5 percent interest rate for subsequent years, and confined the amount upon which the interest is calculated to grants, not loans or loan guarantees.

On this basis the $84.8 billion in grants, loans and commodities Israel has received from the U.S. since 1949 cost the U.S. an additional $49,936,880,000 in interest.

There are many other costs of Israel to U.S. taxpayers, such as most or all of the $45.6 billion in U.S. foreign aid to Egypt since Egypt made peace with Israel in 1979 (compared to $4.2 billion in U.S. aid to Egypt for the preceding 26 years). U.S. foreign aid to Egypt, which is pegged at two-thirds of U.S. foreign aid to Israel, averages $2.2 billion per year.

There also have been immense political and military costs to the U.S. for its consistent support of Israel during Israel’s half-century of disputes with the Palestinians and all of its Arab neighbors. In addition, there have been the approximately $10 billion in U.S. loan guarantees and perhaps $20 billion in tax-exempt contributions made to Israel by American Jews in the nearly half-century since Israel was created.

Even excluding all of these extra costs, America’s $84.8 billion in aid to Israel from fiscal years 1949 through 1998, and the interest the U.S. paid to borrow this money, has cost U.S. taxpayers $134.8 billion, not adjusted for inflation. Or, put another way, the nearly $14,630 every one of 5.8 million Israelis received from the U.S. government by Oct. 31, 1997 has cost American taxpayers $23,240 per Israeli.

It would be interesting to know how many of those American taxpayers believe they and their families have received as much from the U.S. Treasury as has everyone who has chosen to become a citizen of Israel. But it’s a question that will never occur to the American public because, so long as America’s mainstream media, Congress and president maintain their pact of silence, few Americans will ever know the true cost of Israel to U.S. taxpayers.

Richard Curtiss, a retired U.S. foreign service officer, is the executive editor of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.

ZIONISM AND ITS IMPACT (Yang bilang Ann, lho. BUKAN Arab Muslim!)

By Ann M. Lesch, Washington Report On Middle East Affairs,m 11-9-2

The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine and to establish a Jewish state on as much of the LAND as possible. The methods included promoting mass Jewish immigration and acquiring tracts of land that would become the inalienable property of the Jewish people. This policy inevitably prevented the indigenous Arab residents from attaining their national goals and establishing a Palestinian state. It also necessitated displacing Palestinians from their lands and jobs when their presence conflicted with Zionist interests.

The Zionist movement-and subsequently the state of ISRAEL-failed to develop a positive approach to the Palestinian presence and aspirations. Although many Israelis recognized the moral dilemma posed

by the Palestinians, the majority either tried to ignore the issue or to resolve it by force majure.

<>Historical Background

<>The British Mandate

<>The Zionist Movement

<>Practical Zionism

<>Policies Toward the Palestinians


Historical Background

The Zionist movement arose in late nineteenth-century Europe, influenced by the nationalist ferment sweeping that continent. Zionism acquired its particular focus from the ancient Jewish longing for the return to Zion and received a strong impetus from the increasingly intolerable conditions facing the large Jewish community in tsarist Russia. The movement also developed at the time of major European territorial acquisitions in Asia and Africa and benefited from the European powers’ competition for influence in the shrinking Ottoman Empire.

One result of this involvement with European expansionism, however, was that the leaders of the nascent nationalist movements in the Middle East viewed Zionism as an adjunct of European colonialism.

Moreover, Zionist assertions of the contemporary relevance of the Jews’ historical ties to Palestine, coupled with their land purchases and immigration, alarmed the indigenous population of the Ottoman districts that Palestine comprised. The Jewish community (yishuv) rose from 6 percent of Palestine’s population in 1880 to 10 percent by 1914. Although the numbers were insignificant, the settlers were outspoken enough to arouse the opposition of Arab leaders and induce them to exert counter pressure on the Ottoman regime to prohibit Jewish immigration and land buying.

As early as 1891, a group of Muslim and Christian notables cabled Istanbul, urging the government to prohibit Jewish immigration and land purchase. The resulting edicts radically curtailed land purchases in the sanjak ( district) of JERUSALEM for the next decade. When a Zionist Congress resolution in 1905 called for increased colonization, the Ottoman regime suspended all land transfers to Jews in both the sanjak of Jerusalem and the wilayat (province) of Beirut.

After the coup d’etat by the Young Turks in 1908, the Palestinians used their representation in the central parliament and their access to newly opened local newspapers to press their claims and express their concerns. They were particularly vociferous in opposition to discussions that took place between the financially hard-pressed Ottoman regime and Zionist leaders in 1912-13, which would have

The Zionists did not try to quell Palestinian fears, since their concern was to encourage colonization from Europe and to minimize the obstacles in their path. The only effort to meet to discuss their aspirations occurred in the spring of 1914. Its difficulties illustrated the incompatibility in their aspirations. The Palestinians wanted the Zionists to present them with a document that would state their precise political ambitions, their willingness to open their schools to Palestinians, and their intentions of learning Arabic and integrating with the local population. The Zionists rejected this proposal.

The British Mandate

The proclamation of the BALFOUR DECLARATION on November 2, 1917, and the arrival of British troops in Palestine soon after, transformed the political situation. The declaration gave the Zionist movement its long-sought legal status. The qualification that: nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine seemed a relatively insignificant obstacle to the Zionists, especially since it referred only to those communities’: civil and religious rights, not to political or national rights.

The subsequent British occupation gave Britain the ability to carry out that pledge and provide the protection necessary for the Zionists to realize their aims.

In fact, the British had contracted three mutually contradictory promises for the future of Palestine. The Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 with the French and Russian governments proposed that Palestine be placed under international administration. The HUSAYN-MCMAHON CORRESPONDENCE, 1915-1916, on whose basis the Arab revolt was launched, implied that Palestine would be included in the zone of Arab independence.

In contrast, the Balfour Declaration encouraged the colonization of Palestine by Jews, under British protection. British officials recognized the irreconcilability of these pledges but hoped that a modus vivendi could be achieved, both between the competing imperial powers, France and Britain, and between the Palestinians and the Jews. Instead, these contradictions set the stage for the three decades of conflict- ridden British rule in Palestine.

Initially, many British politicians shared the Zionists’ assumption that gradual, regulated Jewish immigration and settlement would lead to a Jewish majority in Palestine, whereupon it would become independent, with legal protection for the Arab minority .The assumption that this could be accomplished without serious resistance was shattered at the outset of British rule. Britain thereafter was caught in an increasingly untenable position, unable to persuade either Palestinians or Zionists to alter their demands and forced to station substantial military forces in Palestine to maintain security.

The Palestinians had assumed that they would gain some form of independence when Ottoman rule disintegrated, whether through a separate state or integration with neighboring Arab lands. These hopes were bolstered by the Arab revolt, the entry of Faysal Ibn Husayn into Damascus in 1918, and the proclamation of Syrian independence in 1920.

Their hopes were dashed, however, when Britain imposed direct colonial rule and elevated the yishuv to a special status. Moreover, the French ousted Faysal from Damascus in July 1920, and British compensation-in the form of thrones in Transjordan and Iraq for Abdullah and Faysal, respectively-had no positive impact on the Arabs in Palestine. In fact, the action underlined the different treatment accorded Palestine and its disadvantageous political situation. These concerns were exacerbated by Jewish immigration: the yishuv comprised 28 percent of the population by 1936 and reached 32 percent by 1947 (click here for Palestine’s population distribution)

The Palestinians’ responses to Jewish immigration, land purchases, and political demands were remarkably consistent. They insisted that Palestine remain an Arab country, with the same right of self-determination and independence as Egypt, Transjordan, and Iraq.

Britain granted those countries independence without a violent struggle since their claims to self-determination were not contested by European settlers. The Palestinians argued that Palestinian territory COULD NOT AND SHOULD NOT be used to solve the plight of the Jews in Europe, and that Jewish national aspirations should not override their own rights.

Palestinian opposition peaked in the late 1930s: the six-month general strike in 1936 was followed the next year by a widespread rural revolt. This rebellion welled up from the bottom of Palestinian society-unemployed urban workers, displaced peasants crowded into towns, and debt-ridden villagers.

It was supported by most merchants and professionals in the towns, who for only one of the Palestinian political parties was willing to limit its aims and accept the principle of territorial partition: The NATIONAL DEFENSE PARTY, led by RAGHIB AL-NASHASHIBI (mayor of JERUSALEM from 1920 to 1934), was willing to accept partition in 1937 so long as the Palestinians obtained sufficient land and could merge with Transjordan to form a larger political entity.

However, the British PEEL COMMISSION’s plan, announced in July 1937, would have forced the Palestinians to leave the olive- and grain- growing areas of Galilee, the orange groves on the Mediterranean coast, and the urban port cities of HAIFA and ACRE. That was too great a loss for even the National Defense Party to accept, and so it joined in the general denunciations of partition.

During the PALESTINE MANDATE period the Palestinian community was 70 percent rural, 75 to 80 percent illiterate, and divided internally between town and countryside and between elite families and villagers. Despite broad support for the national aims, the Palestinians could not achieve the unity and strength necessary to withstand the combined pressure of the British forces and the Zionist movement.

In fact, the political structure was decapitated in the late 1930s when the British banned the Arab Higher Committee and arrested hundreds of local politicians. When efforts were made in the 1940s to rebuild the political structure, the impetus came largely from outside, from Arab rulers who were disturbed by the deteriorating conditions in Palestine and feared their repercussions on their own newly acquired independence.

The Arab rulers gave priority to their own national considerations and provided limited diplomatic and military support to the Palestinians.

The Palestinian Arabs continued to demand a state that would reflect the Arab majority’s weight-diminished to 68 percent by 1947. They rejected the UNITED NATIONS (U.N.) partition plan of November 1947, which granted the Jews statehood in 55 percent of Palestine, an area that included as many Arab residents as Jews.

However, the Palestinian Arabs lacked the political strength and military force to back up

their claim. Once Britain withdrew its forces in 1948 and the Jews proclaimed the state of Israel, the Arab rulers used their armed forces to protect those zones that the partition plans had ALLOCATED

to the Arab state. By the time armistice agreements were signed in 1949, the Arab areas had shrunk to only 23 percent of Palestine. The Egyptian army held the GAZA STRIP, and Transjordanian forces dominated the hills of central Palestine. At least The Zionist Movement

The dispossession and expulsion of a majority of Palestinians were the result of Zionist policies planned over a thirty-year period. fundamentally, Zionism focused on two needs:

1) to attain a Jewish majority in Palestine;

2) to acquire statehood irrespective of the wishes of the indigenous population. Non-recognition of the political and national rights of the Palestinian people was a KEY Zionist policy.

Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, placed maximalist demands before the Paris Peace Conference in February 1919. He stated that he expected 70,000 to 80,000 Jewish immigrants to arrive each year in Palestine. When they became the majority, they would form an independent government and Palestine and would become: "as Jewish as England is English".

Weizmann proposed that the boundaries should be the Mediterranean Sea on the west; Sidon, the Litani River, and Mount Hermon on the north; all of Transjordan west of the Hijaz railway on the east; and a line across Sinai from Aqaba to al-Arish on the south.

He argued that: "the boundaries above outlined are what we consider essential for the economic foundation of the country Weizmann’s policy was basically in accord with that of the leaders of the yishuv, who held a conference in December 1918 in which they formulated their own demands for the peace conference. The yishuv plan stressed that they must control appointments to the administrative services and that the British must actively assist their program to transform Palestine into a democratic Jewish state in which the Arabs would have minority rights.

Although the peace conference did not explicitly allocate such extensive territories to the Jewish national home and did not support the goal of transforming all of Palestine into a Jewish state, it opened the door to such a possibility. More important, Weizmann’s presentation stated clearly and forcefully the long-term aims of the movement. These aims were based on certain fundamental tenets of Zionism:

1) The movement was seen not only as inherently righteous, but also as meeting an overwhelming need among European Jews.

2) European culture was superior to indigenous Arab culture; the Zionists could help civilize the East.

3) External support was needed from a major power; relations with the Arab world were a secondary matter.

4) Arab nationalism was a legitimate political movement, but Palestinian nationalism was either illegitimate or nonexistent.

5) Finally, if the Palestinians would not reconcile themselves to Zionism, force majeure, not compromise, was the only feasible response.


Adherents of Zionism believed that the Jewish people had an inherent and inalienable right to Palestine. Religious Zionists stated this in biblical terms, referring to the divine promise of the land to the tribes of Israel. Secular Zionists relied more on the argument that Palestine alone could solve the problem of Jewish dispersion and virulent anti-Semitism. Weizmann stated in 1930 that the needs of 16 million Jews had to be balanced against those of 1 million Palestinian Arabs:

"The Balfour Declaration and the Mandate have definitely lifted [Palestine] out of the context of the Middle East and linked it up with the world-wide Jewish problem. ...The rights which the Jewish people has been adjudged in Palestine do not depend on the consent, and cannot be subjected to the will, of the majority of its present inhabitants."

This perspective took its most extreme form with the Revisionist movement. Its founder, Vladimir Jabotinsky, was so self-righteous about.


Zionists generally felt that European civilization was superior to Arab culture and values. Theodor Herzl, the founder of the World Zionist Organization, wrote in the Jewish State (1886) that the Jewish community could serve as: "part of a wall of defense for Europe in Asia, an outpost of civilization against barbarism."

Weizmann also believed that he was engaged in a fight of civilization against the desert. The Zionists would bring enlightenment and economic development to the backward Arabs. Similarly, David Ben-Gurion, the leading labor Zionist, could not understand why Arabs rejected his offer to use Jewish finance, scientific knowledge, and technical expertise to modernize the Middle East. He attributed this rejection to backwardness rather than to the affront that Zionism posed to the Arabs’ pride and to their aspirations for independence.


Zionist leaders recognized that they needed an external patron to legitimize their presence in the international arena and to provide them legal and military protection in Palestine. Great Britain played

that role in the 1920s and 1930s, and the United States became the mentor in the mid-1940s. Zionist leaders realized that they needed to make tactical accommodations to that patron-such as downplaying their public statements about their political aspirations or accepting a state on a limited territory - while continuing to work toward their long-term goals.

The presence and needs of the Arabs were viewed as secondary. The Zionist leadership never considered allying with the Arab world against the British and Americans. Rather, Weizmann, in particular, felt that the yishuv should bolster the British Empire and guard its strategic interests in the region. Later, the leaders of Israel perceived the Jewish state as a strategic asset to the United States in the Middle East.


Zionist politicians accepted the idea of an Arab nation but rejected the concept of a Palestinian nation. They considered the Arab residents of Palestine as comprising a minute fraction of the land and people of the Arab world, and as lacking any separate identity and aspirations (click here, to read our response to this myth).

Weizmann and Ben-Gurion were willing to negotiate with Arab rulers in order to gain those rulers’ recognition of Jewish statehood in Palestine in return for the Zionists’ recognition of Arab independence elsewhere, but they would not negotiate with the Arab politicians in Palestine for a political settlement in their common homeland.

As early as 1918, Weizmann wrote to a prominent British politician: "The real Arab movement is developing in Damascus and Mecca. ..the so-called Arab question in Palestine would therefore assume only a purely local character, and in fact is not considered a serious factor."

In line with that thinking, Zionists’ premise that Arab statehood could be recognized while ignoring the Palestinians was thus rejected by the Arab rulers themselves.


Finally, Zionist leaders argued that if the Palestinians could not reconcile themselves to Zionism, then force majeure, not a compromise of goals, was the only possible response. By the early 1920s, after violent Arab protests broke out in Jaffa and Jerusalem, leaders of the yishuv recognized that it might be impossible to bridge the gap between the aims of the two peoples.

Building the national home would lead to an unavoidable clash, since the Arab majority would not agree to become a minority. In fact, as early as 1919 Ben-Gurion stated bluntly: "Everybody sees a difficulty in the question of relations between Arabs and Jews. But not everybody sees that there is no solution to this question. No solution! There is a gulf, and nothing can fill this gulf. ... I do not know what Arab will agree that Palestine should belong to the Jews. ...We, as a nation, want this country to be ours; the Arabs, as a nation, want this country to be theirs."

Practical Zionism

In order to realize the aims of Zionism and build the Jewish national home, the Zionist movement undertook the following practical steps in many different realms:

1) They built political structures that could assume state functions 2) Created a military force.

3) Promoted large-scale immigration.

4) Acquired land as the inalienable property of the Jewish people

5) Established and monopolistic concessions. The labor federation, Histadrut, tried to force Jewish enterprises to hire only Jewish labor

6) Setting up an autonomous Hebrew-language educational system.

These measures created a self-contained national entity on Palestinian soil that was ENTIRELY SEPARATE from the Arab community . The yishuv established an elected community council, executive body, administrative departments, and religious courts soon after the British assumed control over Palestine.

When the PALESTINE MANDATE was ratified by the League of Nations in 1922, the World Zionist Organization gained the responsibility to advise and cooperate with the British administration not only on economic and social matters affecting the Jewish national homen they would try to block Jewish immigration and the purchase of land by Zionist companies. Zionist opposition was couched indirectly in the assertion that Palestine was not ripe for self-rule, a code for not until there’s a Jewish majority.

To bolster this position, the yishuv formed defense forces (Haganah) in March 1920. They were preceded by the establishment of guards (hashomer) in Jewish rural settlements in the 1900s and the formation of a Jewish Legion in World War I. However, the British disbanded the Jewish Legion and allowed only sealed armories in the settlements and mixed Jewish-British area defense committees.

Despite its illegal status, the Haganah expanded to number 10,000 trained and mobilized men, and 40,000 reservists by 1936. During the 1937-38 Arab revolt, the Haganah engaged in active defense against Arab insurgents and cooperated with the British to guard railway lines, the oil pipeline to Haifa, and border fences. This cooperation deepened during World War II, when 18,800umber of Jews had doubled and the relative number had increased from 11 percent to 17 percent.

Two-thirds of this growth could be attributed to net immigration, and one third to natural increase. Two-thirds of the yishuv was concentrated in Jerusalem and Jaffa and Tel Aviv, with most of the remainder in the north, including the towns of HAIFA, SAFAD, and Tiberias.

The Mandate specified that the rate of immigration should accord with the economic capacity of the country to absorb the immigrants. In 1931, the British government reinterpreted this to take into account only the Jewish sector of the economy, excluding the Palestinian sector, which was suffering from heavy unemployment. As a result, the pace of immigration accelerated in 1932 and peaked in 1935-36. In other words, the absolute number of Jewish residents doubled in the five years from 1931 to 1936 to 370,000, so that they constituted 28 percent of the total population.

Not until 1939 did the British impose a severe quota on Jewish immigrants.quals approximately one-quarter of an acre). By 1930, the amount had expanded to 1,164,000 dunums and by 1936 to 1,400,000 dunums. The major purchasing agent (the Palestine Land Development Company) estimated that, by 1936, 89 percent had been bought from large landowners (primarily absentee owners from Beirut) and only 11 percent from peasants. By 1947, the yishuv held 1.9 million dunums. Nevertheless, this represented only 7 percent of the total land surface or 10 to 12 percent of the cultivable land (click here for a map illustrating Palestine’s land ownership distribution in 1946)

According to Article 3 of the Constitution of the Jewish Agency, the land was held by the Jewish National Fund as the inalienable property of the Jewish people; ONLY Jewish labor could be employed in the settlements, Palestinians protested bitterly against this inalienability clause. The moderate National Defense Party , for example, petitioned the British in 1935 to prevent further land sales, arguing that it was a life

1) The economic suitability of the tract

2) Its contribution to forming a solid block of Jewish territory.

3) The prevention of isolation of settlements

4) The impact of the purchase on the political-territorial claims of the Zionists.

The stockade and watchtower settlements constructed in 1937, for example, were designed to secure control over key parts of Galilee for the yishuv in case the British implemented the PEEL PARTITION PLAN. Similarly, eleven settlements were hastily erected in the Negev in late 1946 in an attempt to stake a political claim in that entirely Palestinian-populated territory.

In addition to making these land purchases, prominent Jewish businessmen won monopolistic concessions from the British government that gave the Zionist movement an important role in the development of Palestine’s natural resources. In 1921, Pinhas Rutenberg’s Palestine Electric Company acquired the right to electrify all of Palestine except Jerusalem.. Moshe Noizers picketed citrus groves and evicted Arab workers from construction sites and factories in the cities. The strident propaganda by the Histradut increased the Arabs’ fears for the future. George Mansur, a Palestinian labor leader, wrote angrily in 1937:

"The Histadrut’s fundamental aim is ‘the conquest of labor’ ...No matter how many Arab workers are unemployed, they have no right to take any job which a possible immigrant might occupy. No Arab has the right to work in Jewish undertakings."

Finally, the establishment of an all-Jewish, Hebrew-language educational system was an essential component of building the Jewish national home. It helped to create a cohesive national ethos and a lingua franca among the diverse immigrants. However, it also entirely separated Jewish children from Palestinian children, who attended the governmental schools.

The policy widened the linguistic and cultural gap between the two peoples. In addition, there was a stark contrast in their literacy levels (in 1931): 93 percent of Jewish males (above age seven) were literate 71 percent of Christian males but only 25 percent of Muslim males were literate. Overall, Palestinian literacy increased from 19 percent in 1931 to 27 percent by 1940, but only 30 percent of Palestinian children could be accommodated in government and private schools.

The practical policies of the Zionist movement created a compact and well-rooted community by the late 1940s. The yishuv had its own political, educational, economic, and military institutions, parallel to the governmental system.

Jews minimized their contact with the Arab community and outnumbered the Arabs in certain key respects. Jewish urban dwellers, for example, greatly exceeded Arab urbanites, even though Jews constituted but one-third of the population. Many more Jewish children attended school than did Arab children, and Jewish firms employed seven times as many workers as Arab firms.

Policies Toward the Palestinians

The main view point within the Zionist movement was that the Arab problem would be solved by first solving the Jewish problem. In time, the Palestinians would be presented with the fait accompli of a Jewish majority. Settlements, land purchases, industries, and military forces were developed gradually and systematically so that the yishuv would become too strong to uproot. In a letter to his son, Weizmann compared the Arabs to the rocks of Judea, obstacles that had to be cleared to make the path smooth.

When the Palestinians mounted violent protests in 1920, 1921, 1929, 1936-39, and the late 1940s, the yishuv sought to curb them by force, rather than seek a political accommodation with the indigenous people. Any concessions made to the Palestinians by the British government concerning immigration, land sales, or labor were strongly contested by the Zionist leaders. In fact, in 1936, Ben-Gurion stated that the Palesty would receive financial subventions and their members would be helped to obtain jobs and loans. This policy was backed by Weizmann, who commented that: "extremists and moderates alike were susceptible to the influence of money and honors."

However, Leonard Stein, a member of the London office of the World Zionist Organization, denounced this practice. He argued that Zionists must seek a permanent modus vivendi with the Palestinians by hiring them in Jewish firms and admitting them to Jewish universities.

He maintained that political parties in which Arab moderates are merely Arab gramophones playing Zionist records would collapse as soon as the Zionist financial support ended. In any event, the World Zionist Organization terminated the policy by 1927, as it was in the midst of a financial crisis and as most of the leaders felt that the policy was ineffective.

Some Zionist leaders argued that the Arab community had to be involved in the practical efforts of the Zionist movement. Chaim Kalvarisky, w (ada yang hilang dari teks aselinya).

- How many Arab officials have we installed in our banks? Not even one.

- How many Arabs have we brought into our schools? Not even one.

- What commercial houses have we established in company with Arabs? Not even one.

Tow years later, Kalvarisky lamented: "We all admit the importance of drawing closer to the Arabs, but in fact we are growing more distant like a drawn bow. We have no contact: two separate worlds, each living its own life and fighting the other."

Some members of the yishuv emphasized the need for political relations with the Palestinian Arabs, to achieve either a peacefully negotiated territorial partition (as Nahum Goldmann sought) or a binational state

(as Brit Shalom and Hashomer Ha-tzair proposed). But few went as far as Dr. Judah L. Magnes, chancellor of The Hebrew University, who argued that Zionism meant merely the creation of a Jewish cultural center in Palestine rather than an independent state.

In any case, the binationalists had litartition. At first, the majority proposed a voluntary transfer of Palestinians from the Jewish state, but later they realized that the Palestinians would never leave voluntarily.

Therefore, key leaders such as Ben-Gurion insisted that compulsory transfer was essential. The Jewish Agency then voted that the British government should pay for the removal of the Palestinian Arabs from the territory allotted to the Jewish state.

The fighting from 1947 to 1949 resulted in a far larger transfer than had been envisioned in 1937. It solved the Arab problem by removing most of the Arabs and was the ultimate expression of the policy of force majeure.


The land and people of Palestine were transformed during the thirty years of British rule. The systematic colonization undertaken by the Zionist movement enabled the Jewish community to establish separate and virtually autonomous political, economic, social, cultural, and military institutions. A state within a state was in place by the time the movement launched its drive for independence.

The legal underpinnings for the autonomous Jewish community were provided by the British Mandate. The establishment of a Jewish state was first proposed by the British Royal Commission in July 1937 and then endorsed by the UNITED NATIONS in November 1947.

That drive for statehood IGNORED the presence of a Palestinian majority with its own national aspirations. The right to create a Jewish state-and the overwhelming need for such a state-were perceived

as overriding Palestinian counterclaims. Few members of the yishuv supported the idea of Ann M. Lesch.


Abu Lughod, Janet L. "The Demographic Transformation of Palestine." In The Tansformation of Palestine, ed. by Ibrahim Abu-Lughod. Evanston, Ill.: Northestern University Press, 1971.

Caplan, Neil. Palestine Jew1Y and the Arab Question, 1917-25. London: Frank Cass, 1978.

Farsoun, Samih K., and Christina Zacharia. Palestine and the Palestinians. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1996. Flapan, Simha. Zionism and the Palestinians. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1979.

Granott (Granovsky), Avraham. The Land System in Palestine. London: Frank CaBs, 1978.

Hadawi, Sami. Bitter Harvest Palestine 1914-1979. Rev. ed. Delmar, N.Y.: Caravan Books, 1979.

Hattis, Susan Lee. The Bi-National Idea in Palestine during Mandato1Y Times. Haifa: Shikmona Publishing Co., 1970. Hertzberg, Arthur, ed. The Zionist Idea. New York: Atheneum, 1969.

Hurewitz, J. C. The Struggle for Palestine. Reprint. New York: Schocken Books, 1976.

Lesch, Ann Mosely. Arab Politics in Pale . The Above article was quoted from Encyclopedia Of The Palestinians. Edited by Philip Mattar. U.S Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact,

Para pembaca yang budiman dan cerdas, LIMA artikel-analisis sangat kritis terhadap Zionis Israel dan BUDAKnya di U.S. Congress (serta PERS dll di A.S.), anda lihat didukung data angka angka milyaran dollar A.S. yang dirampok Israel! Artikel/analisis itu ditulis BUKAN oleh Muslim atau Arab-Muslim, melainkan oleh jurnalis/komentator/Staf Congress KRISTEN pembela Bangsa Palistina yang TERJAJAH Zionists.

So, sungguh menjijikkan, how can bloody STUPID Indonesians, termasuk WNI-Co’in ANTI-Islam (banyak asal tulis di Inrternet!); yang tidak tahu menahu sejarah pencaplokan tanah Palistina oleh Zionis (dibantu Inggris) – kok b’rani-b’raninya MELECEHKAN dan MENGHINA bangsa Palistina! Yaitu melabel mereka bangsa Teroris! Zionis, juga JESUIT – seperti yang sudah saya tulis yl. DIDUKUNG data OTENTIK "Sumpah Jesuit" (disimpan di perpustakaan Konggres A.S.) – merupakan TERORIS tulen 100 persen! CIA didonimansi pentolan JESUIT/Vatican.

Jadi, JANGAN asal nJeplak kalau menulis/bicara tentang Arab/Palistina dan ISLAM; kalau anda tidak PAHAM mengenai semua isu di atas. Konyol, kalian gemar menghujat Soeharto memalsukan sejarah. Kini, kalian memalsukan sejarah Palistina dan ISLAM. Muslim teroris!

Lha, yang membantai & merampok emas bangsa Indian Inca (oleh Spanyol); Indian Amerika; Aborigin di Aussie; "inlander" di Nusantara (oleh VOC); 60 ribu Muslim Sulawesi Selatan (Kol. Westerling); 30-an JUTA ummat Gereja Ortodoks di Russia dan Eropa Timur; bangsa Vietnam dll --- mau tahu; kuat jantung kalian? Baca: "THE VATICAN ASSASSINS". Dan menangislah …..

Baca, di bawah, surat perempuan Yahudi TA’AT (Taurat, bukan TALMUDIC) di bawah, tentang BOM BALI. Semua POLISI RI dan Tuan Besar Mayor Jenderal (Purn) Muchdi P.R., Deputi V BIN, baca pula! Wong Amrozi cs. kok mengotaki Bom Bali! Emang mereka pernah sekolah "anti teror" di Israel, seperti beberapa anggota Paskhas TNI? Lha, yang bilang eks Letkol MOSSAD di bukunya? Baca, EVERY SPY A PRINCE. Baru "njegok", menyalak tentang "Teroris Muslim"!

Jadi, diklat AKABRI empat tahun plus enam bulan diklat perwira di Bandung, Sesko/Sesgab dll – cuma menjadikan intel-Melayu macam itu, to? Pantas, ketika di Tidar disebut "jangkrik" oleh cewek cewek di Magelang. Jangkrik jadi boss intelijens. Bubrah NKRI, Islam diacak-acak terus! Denmas Muchdi, ternyata, sampeyan tidak berbeda dengan Theo Syafei: ANTI ISLAM!

Di bawah ini, FAKTA berdasarkan data VALID, tentang bagaimana PAJAK warga negara Amrik tersedot (diberian oleh Konggres A.S. BUDAK Israel) negara Zionis-Komunis Israel. Dulu, saya mengajari para birokrat NKRI, manakala berdebat dengan orang Amrik kita pakai data angka. Bakal kelimpungan mereka (Amrik). "National Debt" Amrik, kini, USD 6 TRILYUN!

Salah satu mitra saya, Senior Economist BANK DUNIA, awal 1990 membuat kajian menarik: perbandingan (persentase) PERAN KAUM PEREMPUAN Amrik dan NKRI di pemerintahan dan parlemen. Hasilnya? Ternyata, Ibu Ibu yang dimuliakan Allah (tetapi MAYORITAS justru menghinakan/menistakan diri kalian dengan TERUS swa-telanjang diri melecehkan Q.S. An-Nuur: 31 & Al-Ahzab: 59 tentang KEWAJIBAN menutup AURAT); perempuan kita unggul!

Catat Ibu Ibu & Bapak Bapak, terutama yang selama ini NYINYIR terhadap Islam termakan DISinformasi Kaum Orientalis Anti-Islam re: perlakuan Islam terhadap kaum perempuan – minggu ini (27 November 02), bulan yang diberkahi Alah, FRAKSI PPP di DPR mengusulkan agar persentase perempuan di parlemen (sesuai tuntutan advokasi perempuan NKRI) ditingkatkan menjadi 30 persen (RRU Parpol). Ternyata, usul PPP (Islam, Doel!) dimentahkan oleh Fraksi besar lain! Artinya, usulan PRO peningkatan peran perempuan di DPR itu DITOLAK!!!

Jawab secara jujur Ibu Ibu; siapa (Fraksi besar di DPR) yang TERBUKTI TIDAK AMANAH? PPP? PBB? PK? Jangan MEMFITNAH LAGI "Parpol Islam" (dan ISLAM), Ibu Ibu! Di NEGERI MALING & PENYAMUN, di Bab "Pelecehan Terhadap Hak Hak Allah", saya kupas cukup panjang masalah "pamer aurat" itu. Saya sebut beberapa buku tentang KEWAJIBAN menutup aurat itu. Di satu buku oleh 4 - 5 sarjana Muslim, disebutkan (berdasarkan Qur’an dan Hadith Shahih serta ijtihad para Ulama besar) bagi perempuan aqil baliq (sudah mens) yang mengaku Muslimah, tetapi MENOLAK KEWAJIBAN itu; maka shalat mereka BATAL!

Rambut kepala merupakan satu bagian dari beberapa AURAT perempuan yang WAJIB ditutup! Kristen dan Yahudi pun mewajibkannya, walaupun didasarkan pada argumentasi berbeda. So, bertelanjanglah terus, teruslah SOK TAHU (seperti beberapa wanita menulis di PadhangMbulan) tentang HIJAB (disalahkaprahkan sebagai JILBAB, yang artinya Busana Muslimah longgar tidak ketat dan tidak transparan; hijab adalah penutup kepala, VEIL bahasa Inggrisnya). Itu para Netters wanita Indonesia, kalau mau SESAT, sesatlah sendiri; jangan mengajak perempuan lain! Menulis dan ngomong kok TANPA didasari pengetahuan; melainkan didasari NAFSU akal pikir Iblis!

Paul de Rooij: US Aid to Israel, Feeding the Cuckoo

CounterPunch, November 16, 2002. By PAUL de ROOIJ

Since Sept. 11, Americans have thought of themselves as the target of terrorists, emanating mainly from the Middle East. It may thus surprise them to learn that their own actions are in large part responsible for their problems and resentment in the Middle East. In particular, we argue that the massive aid flows and armaments transfers to Israel are largely responsible for the problems between Israelis and Palestinians today. The repercussions of this conflict reverberate everywhere in the region to the great detriment of the rights of the people in the area, but remarkably, also to the detriment of the US's long-term interests.

Americans by nature tend to look closely at their government's expenditures, to trim the fat wherever they can find it--welfare, social security, health care, education 85 all except when it comes to Israel. A valuable exercise for any American would be to examine the huge handouts given to Israel, which may reveal shocking facts and motivate them to a take closer look at what is done in their name.

Here is a quick overview of US aid flows to Israel. There are open and upfront economic and military handouts, and the table below lists the official numbers. Economists say that in the presence of inflation, a dollar yesterday is worth more than a dollar today, and an adjustment must be made to obtain meaningful comparable figures over time.

It is highly desirable to express the aid flows in constant 2001 dollars, so that these figures mean something to us today. Inexplicably, this simple and standard transformation is never done pertaining aid flows to Israel -- an omission that understates the aid flows. Now, adjusting the data and expressing it in 2001 constant dollars shows that the visible aid flows to Israel were $35.7bn over the past decade, and $143bn since 1967 [note 1]--the date after which US aid to Israel really took off. The latter stands in stark contrast with the unadjusted $83bn US aid since 1967 that is usually quoted. US aid to Israel: 1992 -- 2001, and expressed in constant 2001 USD

USD Billion=

Year Military Economic Total BN adjustment Total BN USD

1992 1.801.303.101.263.91

1993 1.801.303.101.233.80

1994 1.801.303.101.203.70

1995 1.801.303.101.163.61

1996 1.801.353.151.133.55

1997 1.801.333.131.103.46

1998 1.801.

1999 1.861.


2001 1.980.902.881.002.88

Total 31.7835.70 Inflation adjustment derived from the CPI-U index Col(5) 3D Col(3) * Inflation Adjustment

Now, one must put that into perspective. Take the Jewish population of Israel (5.24m) -- the primary beneficiaries of the aid, and one obtains a $540 per capita benefit just for 2001--four times as much as the touted Tax Cut of 2001 to Americans! [Note 3] Now, if the hard-working American families ever find this out, what can one suppose they would think of it? NB: The calculable aid flows to Israel constitute about 40% of the US's foreign aid budget (depending on how loans are accounted).

Up to now we have only dealt with the aid flows that are visible to all Americans -- the government's audit agency, the GAO, will have no problem computing such numbers. But in addition, one must now account for the long list of hidden subsidies.

The biggest unofficial additional subsidy comes in the form of US loans to Israel subsequently forgiven by an act of Congress. That is, every year Congressmen engage in an ingratiation-frenzy to show that they are "friends of Israel," and this often entails forgiving loans. It is difficult to determine the sums involved, but this practice explains why Israel is overjoyed to obtain loans--these will eventually be forgiven in any case. As Stephen Zunes stated, " 85all past U.S. loans to Israel have eventually been forgiven by Congress, which has undoubtedly helped srael's often-touted claim that they have never defaulted on a U.S. government loan." [note 2

A few years ago Israelis bombed Lebanon with American-made F16 fighters. What was remarkable about this is that the bombs used were "on loan from the US." It is rather odd to lend anyone a bomb. There are deeply disturbing implications that an American owned bomb is thrown on Lebanese people by a third party, but we'll avoid this discussion. The explanation for this odd arrangement is that the Pentagon budget is being used to subsidize Israel.

Thus, the Pentagon procures the bombs, and then they are shipped on loan to Israel. This amounts to a clear additional subsidy, especially if those bombs are never seen again. The extent of this underhand subsidy can't be calculated. There are also questions about the "pre-positioned" armaments to be used by the US military; Israelis can use these at any time.

The Pentagon budget often includes programs developed by Israeli defense contractors. Once again, this is a direct subsidy of Israeli industry. While one may ask whether the Pentagon obtains any benefit from, an even more pertinent question is whether US defense technology is compromised by this practice.

In fact, Israel receives all the latest military gadgets. Usually these weapons don't carry a price tag, and it is difficult to determine how much was spent on the military transfers. It is easy for the US government to manipulate these figures to "under invoice" military transfers to Israel--again, hiding the true cost from the US taxpayer. Certainly, Israelis won't accept the $10,000 military toilet seat, but maybe will take it for $0.50.

Egypt, the second largest US foreign aid beneficiary, receives the disbursements on a quarterly basis, and hundreds of American bureaucrats oversee the use of the funds. In contrast, the disbursement of aid to Israel is done in a lump sum once a year, and the funds disappear into the general kitty with no American auditor in sight. The additional cost to American taxpayers of disbursing the aid once a year equates to $250m per year.

Every so often, an American president will state that aid to Israel will be made conditional on it not being spent in the Occupied Territories. However, once the aid is handed over to Israel, then there is absolutely no control over it. Israelis can always disingenuously claim that the funds for the settlements come from other accounts--American's gullibility is always taken for granted.

Countries in Northern Africa have on occasion requested USAID technicians for various projects. Sometimes the technician showing up for the project is an Israeli contractor, or the aid recipient is asked to contact the Israeli company directly. This is an odd practice, and no other nationals are used in a similar fashion. Once again, what is at play is an indirect subsidy to Israel using the foreign aid budget.

Israel has on several occasions obtained "US loan guarantees" on huge loans that Israel placed in various markets. If Israel doesn't default on those loans, then the cost to the taxpayer will be zero. However, the general accounting practice is to allot for the possibility of default, and thus costing a portion of those loan guarantees. In the case of Israel, such a standard practice isn't implemented.

The implications of the loan guarantees are also enormous. In the early 1990s, Israel received guarantees on loans of $10bn, and it is currently lobbying for another batch of $10bn loans guaranteed by the US taxpayer. If in the future the US decides to become more assertive and perhaps reduce its economic aid to Israel, then Israel could default on its loans--a likely possibility. The US would be left with massive bills to cover the loan guarantees. The loan guarantees further tie in US policy to Israeli whims, and therefore they should be rejected.

For the same reasons one has to be wary of the loan guarantees one also has to be wary of the huge issuance of "Israel bonds" in American markets. Often such bonds enter the pension funds of ordinary Americans, and thus future of Israeli and US policy impinge on the welfare of ordinary Americans. Scrutiny of the policy pertaining to the inclusion of such bonds in pension funds is something ordinary Americans should be concerned about.

One often hears that Irving Moskowitz, the "bingo parlor" magnate, transfers funds from his California operations to pay for the development of illegal settlements. In the process, he obtains various US tax advantages because the funds putatively go to humanitarian projects. Why should such funds disappear in Israel without paying the requisite US taxes? At a time when the US gov't is clamping down on numerous humanitarian organizations operating in the region, it would seem that projects in the illegally occupied territories should also be off limits. Once again, it isn't possible to verify the extent of this abuse.

Jordan recently obtained a preferential trade agreement with the US. However, the agreement is often conditional on products being produced in partnership with Israeli companies. This equates to a low value added assembly in Jordan, and Israeli companies reaping the bulk of the benefits. Nowhere else has such a conditionality been applied to US aid or trade agreements. It costs the US because even more cheap products pour into the US with lower tariffs. Although the agreement is meant to aid Jordan, it also benefits Israel. The cost in terms of Jordanian resentment is always ignored.

On several occasions, the disbursement of funds to Israel has been delayed. As soon as this happens, Israelis will clamor to receive the interest due for the days that the funds weren't in their possession, a preposterous situation. Assume that you promise someone a handout on a certain date, and if you delayed, would you pay interest on the handout?

Cuckoos make nice cooing sounds in the forests. They also deposit their eggs amidst the nests of sparrows. The cuckoo chick is about three times larger than the sparrow chicks, and will often drive them from the nest or starve them out. The mother cowbird will nearly exhaust herself attempting to feed the demands of the cuckoo in its nest--a parasite that it doesn't recognize as an alien in its midst, even when it is bigger than the mother sparrow herself! The parasite gains control not only of the nest, but also of the mother sparrow that frantically seeks to feed the parasite. Israel is America's cuckoo.

Massive aid flows go in ever increasing quantities to the cuckoo, and the negative aspects of this are evident for all to see. It is increasingly dangerous for Americans to set foot in the Middle East, the hostility directed at them originates primarily from Israeli actions in the area. Few people forget that the bomb dropped on them was US-made (maybe even US-owned), dropped by a US-made F16, piloted by an Israeli pilot, and the whole thing made possible by US funds. We all know that some Middle Eastern hostility has hit America's home soil.

Why Americans should subject themselves to the whims and demands of the cuckoo remains as one of today's greatest mysteries. All the justifications proffered for the aid flows ring increasingly hollow, and raise significant questions on why this detrimental relationship continues.

It is only when Americans start adding up all the handouts and adjusting them to inflation that perhaps they will realize that its relationship with Israel is truly harmful. Americans may also start costing the resentment and hatred that Israel has engendered to themselves. A simple step to change the situation is to determine who is boss, who really controls the US budget and its foreign policy. The nature of democracy in America--and elsewhere--depends on this. The peace of the region, and alas, peace in the rest of the world, depend on it too.

Paul de Rooij is an economist living in London. He can be reached at

All items referred to in this article can be found in various issues of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. Summary:

Note 1: There are many issues arising when computing such numbers, and on valid grounds, several can be justified. The primary one will be how to account for loans--given that most of them are subsequently forgiven, it may be valid to equate them as actual transfers.

A more accurate measure would entail obtaining figures on loans that actually have to be repaid--figures we don't have. However, the numbers quoted as US aid to Israel don't include the loans. The figure produced here from 1967 onwards equates the loans as economic aid--assuming most of those loans will never be repaid. NB: No adjustment was made for interest due on loans.

Note 2: Note 3: The Tax Cut of 2001 amounted to about $500 / family on average. Assuming a family of four on average, the Israeli above board handout of 2001 was about four times this amount 85 and that happens every year!

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The Life Of An American Jew In Racist-Marxist Israel

By Jack Bernstein, © 1984 by Jack Bernstein and Leonard (Len) Martin, 11-16-2

Before Israel became a state in 1948, Jews world-wide were filled with the Zionist propaganda that Israel would be a homeland for all Jews, a refuge for persecuted Jews, a truly democratic country, and the

fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.

I am an Ashkenazi (KHAZAR) Jew who spent the first 25 years of my life in the United States, the country that has given ALL Jews freedom and the opportunity to prosper—and prosper we Jews did, to the point that one segment of the Jewish population (the Zionists) have gained a position of political and economic dominance in the U.S. To fully understand the story I am about to tell, it is important that you understand what Zionism really is. Zionist propaganda has led the American people to believe that Zionism and Judaism are one and the same and that they are religious in nature. THIS IS A BLATANT LIE.

Judaism is a religion; but Zionism is a political movement started mainly by East European (Ashkenazi) Jews who for centuries have been the main force behind communism and socialism. The ultimate goal of the Zionists is one-world government under the control of the Zionists and the Zionist-oriented Jewish International Bankers. Communism and socialism are merely tools to help them accomplish their goals.


After the l967 War we Jews were filled with pride that "our homeland" had become so powerful and successful. Then, too, we had been filled with the false propaganda that Jews in America were being persecuted. So, between l967 and l970, approximately 50,000 American Jews fell for this Zionist propaganda and migrated to Israel. I was one of those SUCKERS.

After being filled with all this false Zionist propaganda, I felt that I would have a better chance to succeed in the new Jewish state. There was an added enticement—the spirit and challenge of pioneering and

of helping my fellow Jews.


I had no emotional conflict with leaving the U.S. because I was still able to keep my U.S. citizenship and could return to the U.S. at any time. You see, Jews are allowed to be citizens of both Israel and some countries—the U.S. is one of those countries. The U.S. government allows a Jew to be a citizen of both the U.S. AND Israel. German Americans cannot be citizens of both the U.S. and Germany. Italian Americans cannot be citizens of both the U.S. and Italy. Egyptian Americans cannot be citizens of both the U.S. and Egypt ... BUT, a Jewish American can be a citizen of both Israel and the U.S. THIS IS A PRIME EXAMPLE OF THE KIND OF POWER THE ZIONIST JEWS HAVE OVER THE U.S. Government.


Before leaving for Israel, a Jewish friend of mine had made arrangements for me to stay a few days with her sister, Fawzia Daboul and her spinster aunt. After arriving at Lord Airport just outside of Tel Aviv, I took a bus to the home of Miss Daboul and her aunt. When I saw Fawzia, it was love at first sight. I started calling her "Ziva," her Hebrew name. Ziva is a Sephardic Jewess from Iraq who, like myself, had fallen for

the Zionist propaganda and had migrated to Israel. She was employed as a hairdresser.


After visiting with Ziva and her aunt for two days, I left to spend six months at Kibbutz "Ein Hashofet," one of the well over l50 such communes then operating in Israel. Since then many more have been started—especially in the territory taken from the Palestinian Arabs. A kibbutz is a farming and sometimes industrial venture.

It is important to understand that Israel’s Kibbutz system is a Marxist idea brought to Israel by the Ashkenazi Jews who migrated to Israel mainly from Poland and Russia. These Jews are part of that

bunch of Jews known as the Bolsheviks. Before l9l7, they were the force that laid the foundation for the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia and the beginning of communism. (Russia was known as the Union

of Soviet Socialist Republics.) Again, I want to point out, even emphasize, that it is some of that same bunch of (Ashkenazi) communist/socialist (Bolshevik) Jews who migrated to Israel, gained control of the Zionist movement and have dominated the government of Israel since its beginning in 1948.

Now back to the Kibbutz. Prior to l967, most of the work on the Kibbutzim was done by Jews. But, since the l967 War, the work has been done by Arabs who are paid a very low wage, and by volunteers from overseas. Members of the kibbutz (all Jews) share all things equally. They receive clothing, food and a small allowance. All profits from the venture go into the kibbutz account for future use. Each of these kibbutz are affiliated with one of Israel’s Marxist parties ranging from socialist to hard-core communist. The kibbutz I was in was not hard-core communist. Yet I was happy to leave after four months—two months earlier than originally planned. During the time I was working in the kibbutz, I carried on a courtship with Ziva. She was one of the reasons I left the kibbutz after only four months—we were to be married.

OUR MARRIAGE CREATED PROBLEMS (sistem KASTA non-Islamic seperti di India!)

The marriage ceremony was held in the Sephardic Synagogue. It was a simple but beautiful ceremony. Ziva and I were very happy, but our marriage created serious problems. You see, Ziva is a Sephardic Jewess and I am an Ashkenazi. To understand why we had such difficulties, you must realize the difference between the Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews.

The powerful Zionist propaganda machine has led the American people to believe that a Jew is a Jew—one race of people and that they are "God’s Chosen People." I will deal with the "God’s Chosen People" LIE later. First, it is important for you to understand that Jews are NOT one race of people.

There are two distinct groups of Jews in the world and they come from two different areas of the world— the SEPHARDIC Jews from the Middle East and North Africa, and the ASHKENAZI Jews come from Eastern Europe. The SEPHARDIC is the oldest group and it is they, if any, who are Jews described in the Bible. They are blood relatives to the Arabs—the only difference between them is religion.

The ASHKENAZI Jews, who now comprise 90% of the Jews in the world, had a rather strange beginning. According to historians, many of them Jewish, the Ashkenazi Jews came into existence about 1200 years ago. It happened this way:

At the eastern edge of Europe, there lived a tribe of people known as the Khazars. About the year 740 A.D., the Khazar king and his court decided they should adopt a religion for their people. So,

representatives of the three major religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, were invited to present their religious doctrines. The Khazars chose Judaism, but it wasn’t for religious reasons. If the Khazars had chosen Islam, they would have angered the strong Christian world. If they had chosen Christianity, they would have angered the strong Islamic world. So, they played it safe—they chose Judaism.

It wasn’t for religious reasons the Khazars chose Judaism; it was for political reasons. Sometime during the 13th century, the Khazars were driven from their land and they migrated westward with most of them settling in Poland and Russia. These Khazars are now known as Ashkenazi Jews. Because these Khazar (Ashkenazi) Jews merely chose Judaism, they are not really Jews—AT LEAST NOT BLOOD JEWS.

Throughout their history, these Polish and Russian Ashkenazi Jews practiced communism/socialism and worked to have their ideas implemented in these countries. By the late 1800’s significant numbers

of these communist/socialist Jews were found in Germany, the Balkans, and eventually all over Europe.

Because of their interference in the social and governmental affairs of Russia, they became the target of persecution by the Czars. Because of this, migration of these communist/socialist oriented Jews began. Some went to Palestine; some went to Central and South America; and a large number of them came to the U.S.


In l897, the First Zionist Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland. At this Congress, it was decided to work toward the establishment of a Jewish state and a search for land on which to build this Jewish state began.

Great Britain offered the Zionist land in Africa. This the Zionists rejected—THEY WANTED PALESTINE!

At the time, Palestine was inhabited by a half a million Palestinian Arabs and a few Palestinian Jews who are blood related and who had lived together in peace for centuries. With Palestine as their choice for a homeland, European Ashkenazi Jews began migrating to Palestine.

As I explained earlier, most were communist/socialist oriented with some of them being radical Bolshevik communists whose aim is world domination. So when you think of Jews, especially as related to Israel, keep in mind that there is a great difference between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews. They are not one united people. They are divided socially, politically and especially racially. Now, back to Ziva, a Sephardic Jewess, and I an Ashkenazi Jew, and our lives in the so-called democratic country of Israel.


For the first three years of our marriage, it was necessary for us to live with Ziva’s aunt. This was because of the critical housing shortage in Israel and because of racism. Housing is allotted as follows:

*Ashkenazi Jews who have LIVED IN ISRAEL FOR MANY YEARS are given first choice.

*Second in line are Ashkenazi Jews FROM EUROPE—especially if they

marry and Israeli born Ashkenazi Jew

*The next favored are Ashkenazi jews FROM THE U.S.- especially if they

marry an Israeli born Ashkenazi

*Sephardic Jews have the next choice of whatever housing is left.

*At the bottom of the list are Moslems, Druze and Christians.

Opportunities for employment follow the same pattern: Ashkenazi Jews get the choicest jobs, Sephardic Jews next, and Moslem, Druze and Christians fill the menial jobs with a great many left unemployed.

Even though I was an Ashkenazi Jew from the U.S., I was placed lower on the list for housing because I had married a Sephardic Jewess. Being denied housing was my second experience of the intense racism that exists in Israel. From the very beginning of my arrival in Israel, many slurs were yelled at me. We American Jews were barely being tolerated.

Because Israel, to survive, must depend on gifts of American taxpayers’ money, donations from American Jews and sale of worthless Israeli Bonds in America, there is jealousy among the elite Israeli Ashkenazi Jews toward American Jews. Even if the American Jews are also Ashkenazi. Many times I was told, "Go home!" and "We want your money, but not you."

However, there was a segment of the American Jews who were welcome and given favored treatment—they were the card-carrying COMMUNIST JEWS. Of the 50,000 American Jews who, like myself, had migrated to Israel between l967 and 1970, about 20% (10,000) OF THEM WERE MARXIST ORIENTED WITH A GREAT NUMBER OF THEM ACTUAL CARD-CARRYING COMMUNISTS.

They were welcomed by the Israeli authorities and local Ashkenazim and were given favored treatment —housing, jobs and social life. It must be noted that besides coming from the U.S., a great number of communist Jews were migrating to Israel from Chile, Argentina and South Africa. Of the 50,000 who had migrated to Israel during that time, 80% of us eventually returned to the U.S. THE 20% WHO REMAINED WERE THOSE WHO WERE CARD-CARRYING COMMUNISTS OR SYMPATHETIC TO MARXISM.


From what I have told you so far, you must have the ideal that Israel is a Marxist (socialist/communist) country. This would be correct. But Israel has three faces: communism, fascism and democracy.

The Ashkenazi Jews who migrated to Israel from Russia brought with them the ideology of socialism/ communism and have put into practice much of that ideology.

The Ashkenazi Jews who migrated to Israel from Germany, while sympathetic to communism and support it, tend to favor the practices of Nazi-style fascism. During World War II in Germany these elite Zionist Ashkenazi Jews worked closely with Hitler’s Gestapo in persecuting the lower class German Jews and delivering them to concentration camps. Now living in Israel, these elite Zionist Jews, who were well trained in Nazi-style fascism and favor it, have imposed many facets of fascism on Israel.

To give the impression that Israel is a democracy, members of the Knesset (Israel’s Congress) are elected—but it’s an odd kind of election. This is where Israel’s so-called democracy stops. It doesn’t make any difference which party wins an election, the Likud or the Labor party, the elite Zionist Jews rule in a dictatorial manner—giving favors to the elite clique and brutally suppressing any dissent.

In the Zionist/communist scheme of world domination, it is Israel’s role to continually stir up trouble in the Mid-east. Since wars are a big part of this scheme of aggression, it is only natural that, from early childhood on, Israeli youth are trained mentally and physically for war. For instance:

Israel has its equivalent of Hitler’s youth group. It is the GADNA; and ALL high school and junior high students are required to participate-boys and girls. Like Hitler’s youth group, the youth in Israel’s GADNA are dressed in khaki uniforms. They take training and engage in paramilitary exercises. Even at play, guns and thoughts of war are present. When on a picnic, instead of taking along baseball or soccer equipment, they take submachine guns and assault rifles, and practice shooting in playing military games.

Once graduated from high school, all young boys are required to serve three years in the army (two years for girls) of 4 years in the navy or air force (three for girls). Ultra-orthodox religious Jews are exempt from military service. Once out of this service, a number of the ex-service people join the Shin Bet, the equivalent of Hitler’s Gestapo. Like the Gestapo, they engage in repressing anyone who acts or speaks out against the Marxist/fascist government of Zionist dominated Israel.

Like in Nazi Germany, all people in Israel are required to carry identity booklets called "Teudat Zenhut" in Hebrew. One day I changed jackets and forgot to take out my ID booklet when I went to downtown Tel Aviv. A police officer approached me and asked for my "Teudat Zenhut." I told him I had left it in my other jacket. Because I didn’t have my ID booklet with me, I was taken to the police station.

At the police station the desk sergeant informed me that for not having my ID booklet with me, I could be jailed for up to 16 days without even being taken before a judge. All that was necessary was for the police lieutenant to sign a "Remand Order."

I asked permission to make a telephone call to my wife and tell her to bring my ID booklet to the station. The sergeant allowed me two hours to produce my "Teudat Zenhut." I called my wife just minutes before the two-hour deadline expired. If she had been late in arriving, I would have been jailed for 16 days for not having my ID booklet with me. This is just one indication that Israel is more of a police state than a democracy.

Concerning Nazism/fascism, please let me clear a point. Germans are an admirable people—I dare say even great. But in Germany, the general population were victims of the Nazis who through cunning and brutality gained power. In Germany, the AVERAGE Jews were victims of the Zionist elite who worked hand in hand with the Nazis.

Many of those same Zionist Jews who, in Germany, had worked with the Nazis, came to Israel and joined hands with the Zionist/communist Jews from Poland and Russia. It is the two faces of communism and Nazi-style fascism that rule Israel. DEMOCRACY is merely an illusion.

Regarding the tie between the elite Ashkenazi Jews and the Nazis, take a look at the word "Ashkenazi"—look again—"AshkeNAZI," Interesting isn’t it? There is great confusion regarding the relationship of fascism to communism. Fascism is NATIONAL socialism. Communism is INTERNATIONAL socialism.


Economically, Israel is bankrupt. Of course, this could have been predicted because Israel’s economic structure is based on socialism. Wherever a government of a state and its citizens spend more money than the value of the goods produced, economic bankruptcy will result. If it were not for aid from America, Israel’s economy would have collapsed long ago. ISRAEL IS A "WELFARE STATE" IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD—IT IS AMERICA’S MOST FAVORED WELFARE RECIPIENT.

While America’s farmers, small businessmen and laborers are struggling to survive, the U.S. government, dominated by Zionist Jews, is draining the pockets and purses of American taxpayers to support Israel’s socialist economy and war machine. Since the Israeli government knows, and the favored Zionists know, that the Zionist pressure in America will ensure that America will keep sending them massive amounts of money, the Israeli government and its favored citizens spend money like drunken sailors. This practice leads to inflation and eventually to economic collapse.

Comparing Israel to drunken sailors is unfair to sailors. Sailors spend THEIR OWN money — Israel spends money IT GETS FROM AMERICA. Because Israel is a welfare state depending mainly on American aid for survival, it is on a downhill slide. In 1962, Israel’s inflation rate was 130%. In 1983, it was 200%, and this year (1984) it is expected to exceed 400%. That means a hamburger that cost $1.00 last January will have risen to $5.00 by the end of December. History shows that no nation mired in economic problems as Israel has become, has ever avoided an economic collapse.

Only with a massive increase in American financial aid can an economic collapse be averted— even then, the solution would only be temporary. Regarding the destructive tendencies of socialism, there are ircumstances that allow a country to successfully provide social programs to help its people.

It is possible in a country that has sufficient financial resources and where its citizens are deeply religious and considerate of their fellow men. NONE OF THIS EXISTS IN ISRAEL. Even in countries where conditions are ideal there lingers a danger. Since the government of the country provides for the needs of its citizens, most of these citizens have a tendency to lose incentive to work hard; and a country with a complacent citizenry is easily conquered.


Tourism is one of Israel’s main sources of income. The largest group of visitors are American Jews. But, there are also many American Christians who want to visit the holy shrines and to see the land of "God’s Chosen People." These Christians come away very impressed and filled with religious fervor.

While in Israel, Jews and Gentiles alike are carefully watched so that they do not stray and happen to see the sordid side of Israel—the true Israel. Like in Soviet Russia and other communist countries, visitors to Israel are taken on carefully planned guided tours.

They are shown the religious sites, the universities, the lush orchards, the technical accomplishments, the arts and to stir sympathy, they are taken to visit the Holocaust Museum. But, kept from the eyes of the tourists are the ghettos, the prisons where political prisoners, mostly Arabs and Sephardic Jews, are subjected to the most inhumane forms of torture. The tourists do not see the widespread crime activities and the corruption and cooperation between organized crime bosses and government and police officials (pasar Ecstacy terbesar dunia di Israel!).

The tourists do not learn of the true inner workings of Israel’s Marxist/fascist government; nor do they see Israel’s racism. I met one American tourist who couldn’t help telling me about the wonderful religious feeling she had from just being in Israel—the Holy Land. I remarked to her, "Just try giving a bible to a local Jew and you will see how much religion and religious freedom there is in Israel. If seen by the police, you will be arrested."

Regarding the Holocaust Museum, I cannot help but comment: THE HOLOCAUST MAY NOT HAVE HAPPENED—IF—

1. If the Zionist leadership in Germany had not cooperated with the Nazis.

2. If the Zionists, world-wide, had not persuaded various countries to refuse to accept Jews from Germany.

The Zionists in America persuaded President Roosevelt to shut the door and not allow Jewish refugees into America before the war when there was still a chance for Jews to leave Germany. It must be added that many people, including Jews, question whether the Holocaust happened as portrayed by the Zionist propagandists—at least to the extent the Zionists claim.


The land on which the present state of Israel has been built, formerly Palestine, was once walked upon by Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. Since Palestine was the site of many religious events and has many religious sites, it is rightfully referred to as the HOLY LAND. So, one would think that Palestine, now Israel, would tend to have an air of holiness about it.

When Palestinian Moslems and Palestinian Jews occupied Palestine, there was a religious aura. But, since the Zionist took over the area and set up the state of Israel, it is one of the most sinful nations in the world where only about 5% OF THE JEWS ARE RELIGIOUS..

It is interesting to note that those who are strongly religious are Arab Moslems and Arab Christians who make up a small minority in Israel. ISRAELI LAWS SUPPRESS ALL RELIGION—For instance, it against the law to try and convert a Jew to another religion even if the Jew is an atheist or humanist.

A Christian is permitted to preach the gospel in a church building, but for the clergy or anyone to even tell anyone about teachings in the Bible outside the church building will bring a 5 year prison sentence. The same law of religious suppression applies to those of the Islamic faith who in any act of kindness give a gift of any kind to a Jew. A five-year prison sentence can result.

The treatment of religious Jews is touchy for the ruling Zionists. World-wide, Jews and Non-Jews view Israel as a land where Jews may practice their religion without persecution. Therefore, the Zionists

do not dare risk suppressing Judaism for fear of arousing world opinion against them. So, the ruling Zionists merely TOLERATE the religious practices of the small minority of religious Jews in Israel.


The American people have been led to believe that Jews are "God’s Chosen People." This MYTH was started by a small group of Jews. A few Jewish leaders took excerpts from the Bible and interpreted them to mean that God designated them as "Chosen People." But, isn’t it odd that it is not the religious Jews who claim to be "God’s Chosen People." It is the atheistic non-believing Jews who claim that honor.

Leading the cry, "We are God’s Chosen People" are the Zionist/Marxist (Ashkenazi) Jews who for POLITICAL purposes chose Judaism and who DON’T HAVE A DROP OF BIBLICAL JEWISH BLOOD IN THEM. One Israeli religious Jew said it well, "At one time we Jews were chosen by God TO BE HIS MESSENGERS. But, long ago we forfeited that right."

Anyone who has read the Bible with an open mind knows that God gave Jews OF THAT TIME special favors. But, it was in the form of covenants. In these covenants were conditions—the conditions were that God demanded the Jews obey his word. Time after time the Jews broke the covenants. They rejected God and turned to adoring mammon. It doesn’t take a biblical scholar to realize that long ago EVEN THE REAL JEWS lost the right to be God’s chosen people. In comparing the degree to which the followers of the three major religions practice their beliefs, I make this observation:

JUDAISM—Few Jews, Sephardic or Ashkenazi, are religious. This is true in America, in Israel and world-wide.

CHRISTIANITY—The Christian religion has felt the influence of Jewish meddling and infiltration (especially in America) resulting in confusion and bickering between the various Christian denominations. This has led to a "luke warm" attitude among most Christians toward their religion. There is evidence to prove that Jews, or one of their many fronts, have started many of the Christian denominations and thus dominate doctrine.

ISLAM—Moslems, who follow the teachings of Islam, are by far the most fervent of the three major religions in following their religious beliefs.

The JUDEO-CHRISTIAN ethic we hear so much about in America is a big joke—the result of an intense Zionist propaganda campaign.

I’ll toss in one last thought about the "God’s Chosen People myth." God said, "Beware of those who call themselves Jews and are not, for they lie." (Rev. 2:9; 3:9) COULD IT BE THE ASHKENAZI JEWS ARE THE PEOPLE TO WHOM GOD WAS REFERRING?

ISRAEL STIRS UP PERPETUAL WAR (Perang IS bisnis, baca artikel saya yl di

In the Holy Land, it would seem that there would be peace. Instead, war and preparation for war is ever present. The Israeli military machine is recognized as the fourth most powerful in the world. From the standpoint of the amount of planes, tanks and other fighting equipment, plus the fact that they are of the latest designs, the military machine of Israel is very powerful. But, in the army, serious weaknesses have developed. Before exploring the weaknesses of Israel’s army, let’s briefly review each of the wars in which Israel has been involved—an average of one every 8 years since it became a state in 1948.

1948 WAR—Just after Israel had declared itself a state, Palestinians and other Arabs attacked the Israeli Army which had been formed out of the terrorist groups, the Irgun and Stern Gang. The reason for the attack by the Palestinians was to try and regain their homes which, through murder and terrorism, the Zionists had

confiscated. The Palestinians had been a peaceful people and were not trained in the art of warfare, while the Ashkenazi Zionist Jews who had migrated from Soviet Russia, Poland and Germany had more knowledge

of tactical warfare. In addition, Zionists had built up a large amount of arms which they had purchased FROM THE U.S. AND COMMUNIST COUNTRIES and had illegally smuggled into the area. The Arabs were defeated and in the process Israel conquered more Palestinian territory.

1956 WAR—Egypt owned the land through which the Suez Canal flows. Egypt’s President Nasser declared his intention of taking over operation of the canal from England. This would have hurt England’s colonial empire. So, England along with France and Israel conspired to attack Egypt. With Egypt nearly subdued, America’s President Eisenhower stepped in and ordered England, France and Israel to withdraw. At the time, the United States was still militarily strong enough to back up Eisenhower’s order, so England, France and Israel did withdraw. This was the ONLY time during U.S.-Israeli relations that a U.S. president

put the interests of America ahead of Israel’s interests.

1967 WAR—Tension was mounting between Egypt and Israel over territory located between the two countries—the Sinai and Gaza strip. To help Israel get an unfair advantage, the Soviet Union resorted to

trickery: Soviet diplomats in Egypt told President Nasser to threaten war but NOT ATTACK. This act of treachery enabled Israel to attack while Egypt was "off-guard" and destroy Egypt’s military capacity in 6


It has been the goal of Israel’s leaders to take over all the land between the Nile and Euphrates Rivers. Besides the Sinai and Gaza Strip which Israel intended to take from Egypt during the war, they desired the WEST BANK which was part of Jordan, and the GOLAN HEIGHTS which was part of Syria. So, during the 1967 War, Israel resorted to trickery.

Israel had the technical equipment to intercept radio messages and change these messages ("boil" them) and then send them on to their destination. During the war, Israel intercepted messages from Egypt to Jordan and Syria and changed the messages, tricking Jordan and Syria into entering the war. The Arab countries were defeated and Israel took a big step toward its goal of conquest by occupying the Golan Heights and West Bank as well as the Sinai and Gaza Strip.

Even though Israel’s attack on Egypt is called the 1967 WAR and often referred to as the SIX- DAY WAR, it can hardly be called a war. EGYPT, the most powerful Arab nation at that time, didn’t have a chance to fight. Trickery on the part of the Soviet Union and Israel as I have explained, rendered the so-called loyu WAR nothing more than a treacherous act of TERRORISM FOR WHICH THE SOVIETS AND ISRAEL ARE FAMOUS.


During the 1967 War, one of the most daring acts of treachery was committed. It was the attack on an American ship, the U.S.S. LIBERTY, by America’s so-called friend and ally, Israel. During Israel’s treacherous attack on Egypt, the U.S.S. LIBERTY, an American surveillance ship, was cruising off the coast of Israel monitoring the progress of the attack.

Realizing the U.S.S. LIBERTY was learning and recording Israel’s acts of treachery, Israeli leaders decided to "get rid" of the evidence. Israeli planes and torpedo boats attacked the LIBERTY with the obvious intent of sinking it. If the ship was sunk, thus destroying the evidence, Israel then could blame Egypt for the attack—and the Zionist controlled news media in America would have given the LIE as FACT with the intent of turning the American people against Egypt. Rings a bell kah ini? WTC 911 vs. Islam! Juga BOM BALI. Mossad ada di NKRI & Australia. BACA, wawancara di bawah!

But, fortunately, bravery on the part of the LIBERTY crew kept the ship afloat. Israel failed in its act of treachery against America, its ally, but during the attack, Israel killed 34 crew members of the LIBERTY and wounded 171.

Israel claimed the attack on the LIBERTY was a case of mistaken identity. But, reports by the surviving crew and other evidence prove the attack by Israel WAS INTENTIONAL. Facts about the attack on the U.S.S. LIBERTY were conveniently omitted by the Zionist controlled American news media. All that the Zionists told the American people was that Israel had sunk an American ship, but that it was a case of mistaken identity.

An investigation by the U.S. government was suppressed and the matter quickly forgotten— a good example of the tremendous influence the Zionists exercise over the U.S. government. The cover-up of the whole scandalous affair by the U.S. government could not have succeeded if the news media had done its duty and reported the facts surrounding the attack. This is a good example of the power the Zionist controlled news media in America exercises to distort or withhold important information from the American people.

1973 WAR—The treachery on the part of Israel and the Soviets that led to the 1967 War embittered the Arab people and immediately they began arming with the intent of retaliating for this Israeli treachery

and to try and take back the land that Israel had taken from them. By 1973 they were prepared.

Even though several Arab countries were preparing militarily, they were trying to peacefully work out a solution with Israel. But, Israel was assured that their Zionist brethren in America would use their power over the U.S. government to make sure that the U.S. would support Israel.

So, Israel’s leaders continued to maintain a belligerent attitude. Realizing the hopelessness of further negotiating with Israel’s leaders, Egypt along with Jordan, Syrian and Iraq attacked Israel — and they were winning.

With Israel facing defeat, the powerful Zionists in America pulled the string of their power over the U.S. government and the U.S. government officials obeyed their Zionist masters. Massive amounts of U.S.

military equipment and arms were AIRLIFTED AT TAXPAYERS’ EXPENSE to Israel to bolster the retreating Israeli forces. This U.S. aid enabled Israel to turn the tide and emerge victorious.

Yes, Israel was saved, but so much U.S. military equipment was airlifted to Israel at that time that the U.S. armed forces were left in short supply and in a weakened position. U.S. government officials are so much under the influence of the Zionists that they had alerted the 82nd airborne division stationed at Ft. Bragg, N.C. and U.S. troops stationed in Germany for the purpose of being sent to aid Israel, if necessary. It is pretty sad that to please the Zionist power in America, U.S. government officials are willing to sacrifice the lives of American boys to save Zionist/Marxist Israel.

Young men already in the U.S. armed forces and their parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters should especially be concerned about Israeli precipitated wars and attempts to involve the U.S. in these wars, because if necessary to save Israel in one of their acts of aggression, the U.S. government will bow to the American Zionists and send American boys into combat—the boys will have no choice but to fight on the side of Zionist/Marxist Israel. If American boys die in a future Mideast war, you will know that those

responsible will be the Zionist Jews in America and the weak-spined politicians in Washington, D.C. who bow to their Zionist lords.

NEW YORK/MOSCOW/TEL AVIV TRIANGLE (Asal muasal Bolshevics Russia 1917 di New York)

At this point, you may be confused. Israel and the Soviets are ideological allies—both follow the ideas of Karl Marx, so both are communist/socialist. Yet, the Soviets supplied military equipment to the Arabs—Israel’s enemies; and at the same time, the soviet union’s enemy, the United States, was arming Israel.

To understand the treachery of which Zionist/bolshevik jews are capable, and to understand the treachery which took place before and during the 1973 War, I must explain the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv triangle, to do so, it is necessary to go back a few years in history.

A heavy migration of Jews from Russia to America started in 1881. Most of these were communist Jews. So many of these communist/bolshevik Jews settled in New York City that New York has been referred to as "Moscow on the Hudson." It has been pointed out, and with good reason, that decisions regarding Communist policies come NOT FROM MOSCOW, BUT FROM NEW YORK CITY. Whether this is a fact or not is immaterial. What is important is the fact that there is a close tie between the Zionist/bolshevik Jews in New York City and the Zionist/bolshevik Jews in Moscow, and extending to include the Zionist/ bolshevik Jews who dominate Israel’s government.

The Zionist power over the U.S. government in Washington, D.C. stems from the Zionist/bolsheviks centered in New York City. It is from New York that orders go out to the vast Zionist network all over the U.S. a network that influences the economic and political affairs for not merely our federal government, but nearly all, if not all, state governments, and to a great extent the governments of larger and even medium size cities. This power of the Zionist/bolshevik Jews over the U.S. gives the New York leg of the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv triangle a tremendous influence over communist policies. (tunggu terjemahan saya buku The UNSEEN HANDS, detail tentang hal itu)

In viewing the 1973 War, most people and it seems most Arabs are under the impression that since Soviet Russia sold equipment to Egypt and other Arab countries, the Soviets were in support of the Arabs in the 1973 War. THIS IS A FALSE IMPRESSION. To understand that this is the result of more deceit on the part of Israel and the Soviet Union, you must be aware of the Golda Meir/Stalin/Kaganovich Pact.

Golda Meir had been born in Russia, grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and in 1921 migrated to Israel. In 1949, she became Israel’s first ambassador to the Soviet Union. Representing Israel, Ambassador Meir, a bolshevik Jewess, met with two representatives of the Soviet Union: Kaganovich, a Bolshevik Jew, and Stalin who had married a bolshevik Jewess. They made a secret agreement—a pact.


1. Israel would NOT allow any Western country, ESPECIALLY THE U.S., to build military bases on Israeli territory.

2. Israel would allow an official communist party to function freely in Israel.

3. Israel would NOT make any agreement to solve the Palestinian problem

4. Israel would persuade world Jewry, especially in the U.S., to have the Western powers adopt a policy of favoring Israel over the Arabs.

5. Israel was to continue its Marxist economic policies and thwart any free-enterprise tendencies in that country.


1. The Soviets would institute a pro-Arab policy SOLELY AS A CAMOUFLAGE for its true intentions which was to furnish aid to the Arabs, BUT NEVER ENOUGH to enable the Arabs to destroy Israel.

2. The Soviets would open the gates of Soviet satellite countries to Jewish immigration to Israel. Should this be insufficient, Soviet Russia then would open its own gates to emigration.

3. The Soviets would absolutely GUARANTEE THE SECURITY OF ISRAEL. Both the Soviet Union and Israel would exchange intelligence reports.

From the terms of this pact, you can see it was, and still is, the aim of the Soviet Union and Zionist/Marxist Israel to prevent peace between the Arab countries and Israel until all the Arab countries ARE FORCED to adopt socialism under Soviet leadership. In the conduct of the 1973 WAR you can see part of this deceitful

agreement being utilized—in particular the part about the Soviet Union helping the Arabs—BUT NOT HELPING ENOUGH TO DEFEAT ISRAEL.

In planning the 1973 War, Israel was aware that the Arab countries around Israel were buying equipment from the Soviets, and Israeli ally. But because of the Golda Meir-Stalin/Kaganovich Pact, Israeli leaders knew the Soviets would NOT help the Arabs enough to defeat Israel—that the aid the Soviets were giving the Arabs was only "bait" to draw the Arab countries into the Soviet trap. Also, Israeli leaders knew that their American Zionist brethren were making sure the U.S. government was supplying enough arms to stop the Arabs; and would send more equipment, even troops if necessary.

When the 1973 War started, Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Iraq surprised Israel with their improved fighting capabilities. The Egyptian Army faced what would seem an impossible task in its attempt to penetrate Israeli territory. First, there was the water barrier, the Suez Canal, to cross. Then, they would face a high wall of sand and fine dust erected by Israel. Behind that wall was a third barrier—a line of Israeli fortifications. These fortifications were stronger than the Maginot Line erected by France before World War II to stop any German invasion of France.

Yet, by ingenuity, the Egyptian Army crossed the Suez Canal, went over the sand and dust barrier and broke through the heavy fortifications in a matter of a few hours. Israel was in trouble; the Arabs were winning the war. But, AS PRE-PLANNED—IF NECESSARY, the U.S. airlifted huge amounts of military equipment and supplies to Israel and, as I mentioned before, the U.S. Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg, N.C. and U.S. troops stationed in Germany were placed on alert and would have been sent to help the Israeli forces if it became necessary. Fortunately for America, American troops weren’t needed to enable Israel to survive.

The additional arms were enough. However, the Arab forces were strong enough to stop Israel from taking over more Arab land. In fact, Egypt was able to take back part of the Sinai. Egypt’s President Sadat realized that the Soviets had no intention of helping the Arabs win the war; that the Soviets in selling them some

equipment were only trying to trap Egypt in the Soviet net. So, Sadat kicked Soviet military advisors and civilian technicians out of Egypt.


In Israel most Jews have become tired of Israel’s involvement in war and aggressive acts, and want peace. It is only the communist faction that wants war. Sadly, it is these communists who are in power in Israel.

The 1982 invasion of Lebanon by Israel further divided the Jewish population of Israel—even within the more militant Zionist Jews there is a split.

The reason given by Israeli leaders for the incursion into Lebanon was to root out the Palestine Liberation Army (PLO) and stop their terrorist attacks against Israel. Many Israelis have dared speak out and condemn this reason as FALSE. they have pointed out that in an effort to achieve peace with Israel, the PLO had for 11 months refrained from making any attacks on Israel. The real reasons for Israel’s attack on Lebanon were:

  1. It is the intention of Israel’s Zionist/Marxist leaders to carry on perpetual war. The attack on Lebanon was merely another phase of Israel’s "wars of aggression" policy.
  1. Water is scarce in the Mideast, especially in Israel. Ever since Israel became a state it has wanted the waters of the Latani River for use in Israel, and the only way it could get it was to go in and take it militarily.

Israeli leaders and the general population figured the war would last only a few days. But, the Palestinians and other Arabs fought heroically against the Israeli invaders who had far superior equipment. As the months passed without victory, and as more Israeli soldiers were brought home and buried, dissent within Israel spread. In the Israeli military forces, many members resigned or refused to carry out orders because it would have meant killing innocent civilians.

The deaths of 250 Marines serving in Lebanon has been blamed on the Arabs. This is as it has been reported by the Zionist controlled news media in America. But, THIS HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN! In fact, reliable reports coming out of Lebanon indicate the terrorist attack on the American Marine base was planned by Israeli military personnel, or the MOSSAD, Israel’s secret service. In that case, who actually carried out the attack is immaterial—Israeli personnel planned and instigated the attack. It is a common practice of the Zionist/Marxists to plan a covert act and then get someone else to do the dirty work.

By instigating the attack on the marine base, the Israeli "War Hawks" had hoped the attack would turn the American people against the Arabs and that America could be drawn into the war and further help Israel

in its aggression against the Arabs. Fortunately, the American people didn’t fall for the trap.

A good example of how the Zionist will commit an act of terrorism with the intention of someone else getting the blame is the LAVON AFFAIR.

In 1954 a group of Israelis set off a series of bombings of American institutions in Egypt, including the American Embassy. They expected that Egypt would be blamed for the bombings and thereby cause a break in U.S.-Egyptian relations. Fortunately, Egyptian authorities caught the Israeli agents in the act of setting one of the bombs and the whole Israeli plot was exposed.

Most Americans are not aware of the treacherous LAVON AFFAIR because the Zionist-controlled U.S. news media failed to report it; just as they failed to report the facts surrounding the Israeli shelling of


When will Israel stir up another war? It is difficult to predict, but it is certain that Israel will cause another war—unless the American people learn the truth about Zionist/Marxist Israel and act to stop the politicians in Washington from bowing to the American Zionists and stop using American taxpayers’ money to finance Israel’s war machine.


there is no doubt that Israel has a powerful military force. The base of Israel’s military power is the massive amounts of the latest equipment supplied by the U.S. and paid for by the American taxpayers. But serious weaknesses have developed in Israel’s military. It is in the makeup of the personnel that weaknesses emerge. This is due to two main reasons:

1. Because Israel has continuously been involved in war or preparing for war, the cream of Israel’s youth is leaving Israel or finding excuses to not serve in the armed forces. The Israeli army is so short of manpower that it is openly recruiting HOMOSEXUALS of which Israel has an abundant supply. In 1976 an Israeli army officer testifying before the Knesset (Israel’s congress) said in effect, If we do not

recruit homosexuals, we will not have enough manpower to fill the ranks. Also, it has been learned that Israel has had to resort to hiring foreign mercenaries (paid fighters).

2. Another weak point is the growing ill-will between Ashkenazi Jews and Sephardic Jews in the Israeli Army. This has developed because nearly all the officers are Ashkenazi Jews and most of the lower ranks who must do the fighting are Sephardic Jews. Due to the shabby treatment of Sephardic Jews by the Ashkenazi Jews in the Army, a mutiny by Sephardic Jews is a strong possibility.


The Marxist Zionists who rule Israel and the Marxist Zionists in America have been trying to trick the U.S. into a Mideast war on the side of Israel. They almost succeeded when U.S. Marines were sent to Lebanon in 1982. The blood of the 250 American Marines who died in Lebanon is dripping from the hands of the Israeli and American Zionists.

If more Americans are not made aware of the truth about Zionist/Marxist Israel, you can be sure that, sooner or later, those atheists who claim to be God’s Chosen People will trick the U.S. into a Mideast war against the Arabs who in the past have always been America’s best friends. Then more American boys will die because of these clever murderous Zionists, who, incidentally, have been responsible for pushing America

into World War I, World War II, as well as the Korean War and Vietnam Wars.

While Zionist international bankers and other Zionist Jews were busy counting their profits for those wars, American mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters were mourning the loss of their sons and brothers. Will YOU someday be mourning the loss of your son or brother—because of Zionist treachery?


Since Israel (formerly Palestine) is the land where Moses, Jesus and Mohammed once walked, it would seem the inhabitants would have some respect for this holy land and for the religious sites that exist on it.

Nearly all Arab Moslems and Arab Christians do have respect, even reverence, toward the holiness of the land; but, only a small minority of the Jews have the same respect. 95% of the Jewish population are

atheists or secular humanists and are not impeded by the Ten Commandments or other restraints on sinful human behavior.

When the Zionist/Bolshevik Jews won control of the "Holy Land," every form of sin began seeping into this land. Within a few short decades, the holy land became a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah. Drug trade, drug abuse, illegal weapons sales, prostitution, gambling, labor racketeering, murder, extortion, blackmail, insurance fraud, loan-sharking and corruption of government officials and police became part of daily life in Israel. Israel has a highly organized crime syndicate headquartered in Bat-Yam near Tel Aviv. Many members of the syndicate are ex-convicts and ex-commandos from the Israeli Army, highly skilled in the use of weapons and explosives.

The crime syndicate in Israel operates openly because of corruption in government and police circles. Some of the police and government officials are paid off by the crime syndicate and some officials are

actively associated with criminal operations. The average American doesn’t hear of this real side of Israel, because the Zionist-controlled press, radio and TV in America keeps the lid on it. But in Israel some newspapers report the facts.

For instance, right in the middle of page one of one of the Hebrew language newspapers a couple of years ago was an article that said in effect that what the Italian mafia couldn’t accomplished in 40 years, the Israeli mafia accomplished in five years. It has developed the largest illegal drug exporting ring in the Mideast, selling drugs mainly to Germany and the U.S. It has even set up a distribution network within Germany and the United States.

Except for a few religious Jews who have emotional and religious ties to the holy sites in Israel, and lower-class Jews who can’t afford to leave, all other decent Jews have left or are planning to leave. One big reason is that the sin permeating virtually every phase of Israeli society and life is just too much for decent Jews to endure.


Since terrorism, violence and war are a way of life in Israel, it is only natural that the manufacturing of military equipment and arms has become Israel’s main industry and export. During the first few years of its existence, Israel acquired its military needs from the U.S. and communist countries. But gradually, WITH U.S. ASSISTANCE, Israel developed its own arms industry.

Zionist domination of the U.S. government has led to an "Israel first" policy. This "Israel first" policy has severely hurt the U.S. economy. Instead of manufacturing certain military materials in the U.S. and

thus provide jobs for American workers, factories were set up in Israel with U.S. FINANCING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO MANUFACTURE THESE PRODUCTS.

The U.S. has also helped Israel set up factories to produce electronic equipment, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, home appliances, etc., all products that could have been produced in the U.S. While Israel profits from these "help Israel" ventures, American workers are left standing in unemployment lines.

Manufacturing of certain war materials is so vast that they have become Israel’s main exports. This WAR CREATING country which has been portrayed as "the only barrier to communism in the Mideast" sells its war products to anyone who has the money—including repressive dictatorships—FASCIST or COMMUNIST. Israel not only sells weapons made in Israel, but also sells weapons supplied to Israel by the U.S. It has been discovered that some weapons used by Soviet forces in Afghanistan were MADE IN AMERICA and originally shipped to Israel.

Also, it has been learned that some weapons used by Cuban forces in Angola were MADE IN AMERICA and originally shipped to Israel. It is ironic that the United States has been in a life-and-death struggle against the spread of communism, yet our Zionist- dominated U.S. government allows military equipment to be shipped to communist forces VIA ISRAEL. ISRAEL’S RACIST POLICIES.

You will recall that I mentioned my troubles in Israel began when I, an Ashkenazi jew, marred a Sephardic Jewess. Anti Sephardic treatment by Ashkenazi Jews is even official government policy. This racism runs

very deep in Israel and sharply divides the Jewish population. One day I entered a caf in Tel Aviv. The place was crowded and I sat down on the only seat available. Also sitting at this table were five Sephardic Jews from Morocco. They learned that I was studying the Hebrew language, so they were helping me with my studies when a blue-eyed, Nazi-type Israeli police officer walked into the cafe.

He ordered me to "Get away from those Kooshim." "Kooshim" in Hebrew means "Niggers."

I replied, "After I finish eating." The officer drew his service revolver and said, "You move NOW!"

"You had better listen to him," the caf owner advised. So, I got up. Standing close to me, the officer pointed his gun right at my face and ordered, "Throw your coffee and pastry on the floor."

With a gun pointed at me, I didn’t argue, I threw the coffee and pastry on the floor. Then he said, "Get out of here and don’t come back." Later, I learned that I was lucky. He could have arrested me if he had wished; and he could have even shot me under vague Israeli laws. In the U.S., if anyone complains of police brutality or misconduct there is an investigation, but NOT IN ISRAEL. The person registering a complaint can expect police reprisal, often on the form of a severe beating.

Besides being denied decent housing and decent employment because I had married a Sephardic Jewess, I was the target of racial slurs. Several times I was even ATTACKED by Ashkenazi Jews because I had

married a Sephardic Jewess. Other American Askenazim who had gone to Israel and married Sephardic

Jewesses received the same treatment as I. Because Sephardic Jews are victims of the racist practices against them, I had often heard in Israel a Sephardic Jew tell a European Ashkenazi Jew, "Hitler didn’t kill enough of you bastards."

Please read this next paragraph carefully. I was born in the United States, attended public schools, worked in various parts of the U.S., and served two years in the U.S. Army. Not even once was I persecuted or made the butt of racist remarks because I was a Jew. It is ironic that once in Israel, the so-called "Paradise for ALL Jews," I, A JEW, suffered because of racism.

The Zionist-controlled news media in America has kept from the American people the news that Israel is intensely racist. Most Ashkenazi Jews in America are not aware of the racism in Israel. Even those Jews who have visited Israel are not aware because they are carefully kept from witnessing racist incidents.

However, Sephardic Jews in America have spread the truth about the practice of racism against the Sephardic Jews in Israel. Knowing this, Sephardic Jews have not been among those migrating to Israel from

America. From what I have written so far, you should now realize that few Jews practice Judaism. Most Jews are atheists or they follow humanism—an anti-God religion. So the portrayal that Jews are a religious people who look to Israel as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy is a myth.

Also, the portrayal that Jews are one race of people is a myth. The Sephardic/Ashkenazi division is adequate proof. Racism as practiced in Israel is one reason that Israel will sooner or later destroy itself.


The Zionist-controlled news media in the U.S. has led the American people to believe that Israel is the only barrier holding back communism in the Mideast. This would be humorous if it did not have such serious implications for the United States. From what I have said so far, you should now realize that Israel is basically a Marxist country mixed with some Nazi-type fascism. A rather large book could be written about it, but for now I only wish to add:

1. Israel is the only country in the Mideast that allows communist parties to operate—and there are three. Ironically, it is the Arab countries which forbid communist parties to operate. (The exception is North Yemen which, through treachery, was taken over by the communists.) Some of the Arab countries buy military equipment from communist countries because they can’t get enough form the U.S. to offset the huge amounts the U.S. provides Israel. But that’s as far as any Arab/Soviet ties go.

2. The Soviet Union allows a good number of Jews to leave if they promise to go to Israel, and ISRAEL WELCOMES THESE COMMUNIST-ORIENTED JEWS. It must be noted that once out of the Soviet Union many, if not most, Soviet Jews come to the U.S. instead of Israel. It must also be noted that hundreds of thousands of Jews have left Israel since its founding; some sources put the number at a MILLION. Some of these Jews have requested to go back to the Soviet Union rather than live in Israel. Life for these Jews is better in Soviet Russia.

3. The latest scientific developments that the U.S. provides Israel are channeled on to the Soviet Union. The main center through which this scientific information passes is Israel’s Weizman Institute in

the town of Rehoovot, about 50 kilometers from Tel Aviv.

4. About one-third of the Knesset belongs to one of Israel’s communist, socialist or other Marxist oriented parties. That alone should put to rest the lie about Israel being the only barrier against communism in the Mideast. IN FACT, IT IS THE Arab COUNTRIES THAT FORM THE BARRIER THAT HAS STOPPED THE SPREAD OF COMMUNISM IN THE MIDEAST. ISRAEL IS ONE LEG OF THE NEW YORK/ MOSCOW/TEL AVIV TRIANGLE WHICH IS BEHIND THE COMMUNIST MOVEMENT.


At the first Zionist Congress, held in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland, one of the goals was to create a Jewish state in the land of Palestine. At that time only a few jews were living in Palestine and they were nearly all native Sephardic jews who are blood-related to the Arabs. These Palestinian (Sephardic) jews and the Palestinian Arabs were living in peace as they had for centuries.

After the Zionist Congress in 1897, European Ashkenazi Jews began migrating to Palestine and buying land wherever they could. Yet, by 1920 Jews owned ONLY 2% of Palestine. By 1948 when Israel declared itself a state, these invading Jews had increased their land ownership; but IT WAS STILL LESS THAN 6%.

To accommodate the increasing European Jewish migration, the Jews needed more land, but the Palestinian Arabs refused to sell. So, to get more land from the Palestinians, these communist-oriented European

(Ashkenazi) Jews resorted to the one thing at which they are adept—TERRORISM.

Their first major act of terrorism against the Palestinians was at the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin. During the night of April 9, 1948, two Zionist terrorist gangs, the IRGUN and the STERN GANG attacked and massacred over 250 men, women and children. Menachem Begin, leader of the attack on Deir Yassin and later Prime Minister of Israel, had this to say: "The massacre was not only justified, but there would not have been a state of Israel without the ‘victory’ at Deir Yassin."

The massacre caused other Palestinians to flee their homes in fear. Zionist terrorists drove trucks with loud-speakers through the streets and over the roads of Palestine warning Palestinians that what happened at Deir Yassin would happen to them if they didn’t leave. These Zionist terrorists weren’t bluffing. For example:

They killed 60 Palestinians at Balad Esh-Sheikh. They blew up 20 homes in Sa’sa’, killing 60 women and children. They killed a number of women who were working in Saint Simon Monastery in Jerusalem.

They massacred 250 at Lydda. They killed 200, mostly old people, in the village mosque in Ed-Dawayimeh.

They killed 51 workers as they returned from their fields at Kafr Qasem. Christian inhabitants of Kaba Bir’im were expelled from the village and the village destroyed. The village cemetery was desecrated,

including the smashing of 73 crosses.

During the few months when these and other acts of terrorism were taking place, 300,000 Palestinian Christians and Moslems were forced to leave their homes or be killed by the terrorist groups made up of European, communist-oriented Jews. It was these same Marxist-oriented Jews who were soon to become the ruling elite of the State of Israel.

From the beginning, and to the present, these terrorist Marxist-oriented Zionists have ruled Israel.

After Israel declared itself a state on May 14, 1948, Israeli terrorism continued in an effort to push more Palestinians from their homes.

Since 1948, 350 Christian churches and Moslem mosques have been destroyed by these Zionist terrorists.

At this point, I wish to give this warning to all God-believing people in the United States, Christians, Moslems and Jews: THE DESTRUCTION OF RELIGION BY THE ZIONIST JEWS IS WELL UNDERWAY IN THE U.S; IN ISRAEL, IT HAS NEARLY BEEN ACCOMPLISHED.


To accomplish their goals, the Zionists will let NO ONE STAND IN THEIR WAY. During world war II, the Zionist leadership cooperated with the Nazis by delivering lower class jews to the concentration camps. So,

it is not surprising that they sank the ship PATRA carrying 252 Jewish immigrants who the Zionists feared might oppose Zionism. In another incident, 760 Jewish lives were lost when the Zionists sank the ship

STRUMA for the same reason.

Even well-known world figures are not immune to Zionist terrorism and violence. In 1948, in an effort to bring about a peaceful settlement in the Israeli/Palestine area, the United nations sent Count Folke

Bernadotte of Sweden to mediate. Count Bernadotte favored a partition of the area—a portion of the land for Jews and a portion for Palestinians. This enraged the Zionists who demanded ALL THE LAND. In

a brazen show of disregard for diplomacy, justice and common decency, the Zionists "eliminated" Count Bernadotte. He and his driver were assassinated while driving in the streets of Jerusalem.

Tens of millions of people have been killed since the Zionist/bolshevik Jews, backed by the Zionist-oriented Jewish international bankers, took over Russia. In the Mideast, the same Zionist/bolshevik Jews are using the very same tactic: to rout the Arabs from their land they have killed untold thousands of Arabs and

rendered hundreds of thousands homeless.

The question arises: how many Arabs will the Zionist/bolsheviks kill when they gain control over the Mideast and when they gain PHYSICAL control over America? They already have control of nearly every phase of American life. If the Zionists ever succeed in imposing GUN CONTROL on the American people, there will be nothing to stop them from a complete takeover of America.

DISASTER AHEAD (Dipicu Serangan Zionist Bush atas Iraq. Perang Nuklir/PD 3!)

Ephraim Sevilla, a Russian Jew, migrated to Israel in 1971. After five years of frustration in Israel, he left as have nearly all other decent Jews. In his book, FAREWELL ISRAEL, Sevilla predicted that Israel would only last another ten years. He wrote this in 1985. Israel’s existence could drag on past 1995, but I agree with Sevilla that Israel stands on the brink of disaster.

In anticipation of Israel’s collapse, corrupt Israeli leaders and other Jews in positions of power have already been charged with embezzling large amounts of American taxpayer money given to Israel, along with Jewish donations, and depositing this money in foreign accounts. It must be kept in mind that because of Israel’s policies, the free countries of the world have turned against Israel and against the U.S. for supporting it. This has hurt Israel and especially the U.S.

If Israel AS IT NOW EXISTS simply collapsed and ceased to exist, the world would certainly be better because of it. Unfortunately the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv triangle will not allow Israel to die quietly. As the collapse of Israel draws nearer one of two courses of action by the triangle is likely to be taken:

1. Israel could trigger a large-scale Mideast war, a war which Israel could not win alone. Then the New York leg of the triangle would use its influence on the U.S. government to send U.S. military forces to aid Israel. It isn’t expected that the Moscow leg of the triangle will become militarily involved. Moscow will merely sit back and let the U.S. weaken itself in helping Israel fight the Arabs. At some point during the war, when the U.S. military is deeply involved and the U.S. citizens demoralized, the Zionist-oriented Jewish international bankers will make their move. (Ingat "Operation Shekinah"?)

Evidence leads to the conclusion that it is these bankers who own the Class A Stock of the U.S. Federal Reserve, America’s central bank. In this position of power these Zionist bankers can, and likely will, trigger an economic collapse in America—like they did in 1929 when they caused the stock market crash and started the severe depression of the 1930’s.

Since the money system currently used in the U.S. is NOT backed by gold, silver, or anything of value, the paper dollars and tin coins now in use will be worthless. In the resulting state of confusion and in an effort to obtain food and other necessities, the American people will accept the "New States Constitution" which has already been written. This will place the American people under the dictates of one-world government run by the Zionist-oriented international bankers and Zionist/bolshevik Jews. Exactly what direction the war in the Mideast will take only the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv triangle and God can know.

When it is all over, the main LOSERS will be: The American people. The Arab people. The Sephardic Jews and those Ashkenazi Jews who stand for justice and freedom. The only WINNERS will be: The Zionist international bankers and the Zionist/bolshevik (communist/socialist) Jews.

2. The other likely course of action would be a back-up plan, IF the American taxpayers say, "We’ve had enough!" The cost of supporting a bankrupt Israel is draining increasing amounts of money from the American taxpayers. At some point, the taxpayers are going to say "enough!" When that happens, the Moscow leg of the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv triangle will move in to fill the void.

To neutralize the United States, the Zionist international bankers will likely create an economic collapse and throw the U.S. into a state of chaos. What military action the Soviet bolshevik Jews and the Israeli Zionist/ bolshevik Jews will take against the Arab countries only the TRIANGLE and God can know. It is likely they will strike at the Arab oil fields first.

But whatever action is taken, one thing is certain—the LOSERS will be: The American people. The Arab people. The Sephardic Jews and those Ashkenazi Jews who are for justice and freedom. The only WINNERS will be: The Zionist international bankers and the Zionist/ bolshevik (communist/socialist) Jews.

Based on developing military, economic and political actions in both the U.S. and Israel, the two courses of action I have mentioned appear to be the most logical for the triangle to follow. Whether one of the two develops, or whether a surprise is in store for us, only the Zionist/bolshevik war lords and God know.

This raises the question: What can we in America do to stop these war lords?

THE STAKES—FREEDOM OR SLAVERY (sama dengan United SLAVES of America!)

In deciding the course for action to be taken to stop the Zionist/bolshevik war lords two points are the keys and must be restated and emphasized:

One leg of the triangle is based in New York City. It was from this base that financial and organizational aid were given to carry out the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. This revolution enabled the

establishment of the second leg of the Zionist/communist power, MOSCOW.

If it were not for the continued support by the New York Zionist/bolshevik Jews and their nationwide network, communism would have collapsed long ago. But the various facets of power held by these

Zionists in America have enabled them to trick the American people into supporting communism.

Communism would not have gotten started and most problems faced by Americans would not have developed if the NEWS MEDIA had kept the American people informed about the actions of the Zionist/ bolsheviks.

However these Zionist/bolshevik (communist) Jews are clever. Before they began their acts of subversion in America, they gained control of the major newspapers and especially the news services that supply national and international news to the smaller daily newspapers. Since they controlled, and still control, the major news media outlets, including radio and television, they have been able to distort or omit the truth about their subversive acts.

EXPOSURE IS THE SOLUTION (sama dengan mega-KKN Tex-Gate dan Parpol Gede!)

In 1920 Henry Ford, Sr. wrote this: "If the American people ever become aware of the truth about this coterie of Jews, it would be the solution. " What Henry Ford meant was: If the American people ever

learned the truth, they would take WHATEVER ACTION NECESSARY to stop this bunch of Zionist/bolshevik Jews.

Many individuals and groups are in the process of trying to inform the American people about the Zionist and the danger they present to America and to the free-world nations, but it is still far too little to be effective. It would be in the interest of nearly every person who IS AWARE, to quietly but energetically help to spread the information to others. People who have an interest would include:

The American-American who wishes to preserve his or her freedom. Arab-Americans who wish to remove this thorn of oppression in the Mideast. People from the captive nations of Europe who wish to rid their

homelands of the bolshevik scourge. Ethiopian-Americans and other Afro-Americans who have seen their

homelands taken over by these bolshevik/communists. Chinese-Americans, Vietnamese-Americans, Korean-Americans and other Oriental-Americans who have felt the heavy hand of communist oppression

Since each and every one of these nationalities are fighting the same destructive enemy—the Zionist/bolshevik (communist/socialist) Jews, it would be far more effective if all joined hands in a ooperative effort.

I might add that leading the fight against the Zionist Jews should be the PRO-AMERICAN Jews, like myself, who love America and realize the suffering and destruction the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv triangle has brought to the world.


Since the land now occupied by Israel is rightly referred to as the "Holy Land," all Christians, Moslems, and anti-Zionist Jews should cooperate in an effort to transform Israel into a de-militarized Holy Land state under international supervision. Then, from this holy land could come the WORD OF GOD instead of TORTURE, WAR AND DRUGS.


I want to re-emphasize a key point of this book. It is a WASTE OF TIME to talk about the internal problems facing America UNLESS THE MAIN CAUSE OF THOSE PROBLEMS HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED. The cause, of course, is the Zionist oriented Jewish international bankers and the Zionist Jews who operate behind a cloak of secrecy.


The contents of this book are expected to bring a strong reaction from the Zionist Jews. I am well aware of the tactics YOU, my Zionist brethren, use to quiet anyone who attempts to expose any of your subversive acts. If the person is a gentile, you cry, "you’re anti-Semitic," which is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide your actions. But if a Jew is the person doing the exposing, you resort to other tactics:

First, you ignore the charges, hoping the information will not be given widespread distribution. If the information starts reaching too many people, you ridicule the information and the person or persons giving the information. If that doesn’t work, your next step is character assassination. If the author or speaker hasn’t been involved in sufficient scandal, you are adept at fabricating a scandal against the person or persons. If none of these are effective, you are known to resort to physical attacks.

But NEVER do you try to prove the information wrong. So, before you commence efforts to silence me, I offer this challenge: (Seperti saya menantang sebagian elit TEXMACO re: "TecmacoGate"!)

You Zionists assemble a number of Zionist Jews and witnesses to support your position; and I will assemble a like number of anti-Zionist, pro-American jews and witnesses. Then, the Zionists and anti-Zionists will state their positions and debate the material in this book as well as related material—and the debate WILL BE HELD ON PUBLIC TELEVISION. (Sama tantangan saya vs. Sebagian Elit TEXMACO!)

Let’s explore the information both sides can present and let the American people decide for themselves if the information is true or false.


Certainly, you will willingly accept the challenge if what I have written is false. But if you resort to crying "Lies, all lies" and refuse to debate, you will, in effect, be telling the American people that what I have

written here are the true facts. Jack Bernstein


From M. Johnson Hawaii 11-18-2

Thanks for this article.

You must be making some powerful and angry enemies, Mr Rense, allowing the other side of the story to be told like this. And I have no trouble imagining who they are. Most people are not aware of the difference between the Sephardim and Ashkenazim, especially Christians. I have understood this for some time, and it puts the lie to biblical land claims. You will hear Zionists shriek when talks of DNA testing arise for this very reason.

But mostly it makes ridiculous the law of "Right of Return," for how can anybody return to someplace neither they nor their ancestors have ever lived? Keep up the honesty.


Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum


Posted By: GUEST, Date: Wednesday, 19 September 2001, 4:57 a.m.

A fellow researcher told me that the airliner that crashed in Pennsylvania was probably heading for a secret underground military command center called "Raven Rock". He said that it is like a "back up" Pentagon. Here is something from the following article that seems to confirm what my friend told me:

"The only part hit at the Pentagon was the exact location of the Military Command Centre assigned to the supervised implementation of the NESARA bill.

"The White Knights of Justice have advised that an undisclosed military control centre, also important to the NESARA implementation, was located exactly where the aircraft was caused to crash in Pennsylvania."

Hello Dear Friends,

I suspected that the people at the Principality of Caledonia, (Australia) had good connections with the USA White Knights. Below is a letter from the Governor of Sherwood, Caledonia, who obviously has his own White Knight sources of info. He’s sharing some details about the World Trade Center IMF computer center’s activities that I confirm from my own sources.

There is only one incorrect statement in the letter below and I have deleted it. The "HEAD" who escaped is the archenemy of the White Knights and of all of us! He escaped in the chaos following the WTC attack and was recaptured within hours. Just thought you might like to know that other people WELL- CONNECTED in the financial network worldwide KNOW the truth. It’s only the average American person who is brainwashed by the opposition- controlled media in the U.S.

WAR is CANCELLED. ONLY the U.S. citizens who are our opposition ORDERED these travesties meant to trick American people into a devastating war, loss of personal rights, loss of prosperity and their very lives. ALL the culprits are KNOWN; the evidence is complete.

They will pay for what they did. By the way, the architect of our new monetary and banking system is THE worldwide acknowledged EXPERT in banking and monetary systems. Our new systems will work wonderfully and most other nations have already prepared to implement their own new systems similar to ours. Blessings and Love,

Dove of Oneness




>Subject: FYI: Caledonia/NESARA

>Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 14:30:56 -0400

>This came from my friend in Australia. . . D.

----- Original Message -----

From: Governor

To: Reclaim Australia; GST Mandate

Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 5:10 AM

Subject: RE: [ReclaimAustralia] Caledonia/Nesara/WTC.

Hi Paul, I have been informed that once again unauthorized incorrect comments have been made on behalf of the Principality of Caledonia, and I have visited this website to once again correct such fabrications. Brian Mc Dermott has incorrectly stated that "Caledonia is unofficially pushing NESARA!!!"

Nothing from Caledonia is official unless such a statement comes from our website, or directly via emails that are signed by Caledonian government officials such as the signature to be found at the foot of this email.

While I have personally discussed the importance of NESARA to America, in seminar presentations recently, with NESARA’s possible flow-on benefits to Australia thereafter, Caledonia has never endorsed NESARA either officially or unofficially. We have simply drawn people’s attention to NESARA’s existence. Brian’s research is most inaccurate!

NESARA was 100% endorsed by US Congress last Sunday, 9th Sep 2001, after which our intelligence research implies that the passing of NESARA had a very significant possible cause for the WTC attack by "INTERNAL USA CITIZEN ILLUMINATI INFLUENCED/CONTROLLED" personnel. The insinuation that it was an external terrorist attack is purely Illuminati propaganda, that I might add is holding very well in influencing USA citizen opinions at the moment, and is designed by the Illuminati to cause fighting between the Muslims and the Christians, a tactic that they have been engaging in for many years now.

Their goal is to create a World "Holy" War III, setting the Muslims against the Christians, while they (Illuminati/Jewish) fund both sides to the ultimate demise of both their enemy religions, just as they have done many times in the history of this planet. As a pilot of fixed wing and helicopter aircraft, with a gas turbine endorsement (jet engine), I watch with great amusement at the make believe stories of Lisa King (alias Graham Carman?) and Scott ??? 1 gallon of petrol = 2 sticks of gelignite (what a load of rubbish)! Len Clampett however, at least talks accurately from an experienced pilot’s point of view.

Upon the 100% acceptance of the USA NESARA bill on Sunday 9th Sep 2001, the bill’s implementation was to be carried out by a specially set-up Military Command centre, and at 9:00am Tue 11th Sep, all pre- trained USA banks were to begin the changeover to the new Treasury Note banking rules stipulated in the NESARA bill. The computer rooms that were to initiate the NESARA bill data feed changeover at 9:00 a.m. on Tue 11th Sep were apparently located on 1st/2nd floors of the North Tower of the WTC.

The only part hit at the Pentagon was the exact location of the Military Command Centre assigned to the supervised implementation of the NESARA bill. The White Knights of Justice have advised that an undisclosed military control centre, also important to the NESARA implementation, was located exactly where the aircraft was caused to crash in Pennsylvania.

So far, one of the expected "INTERNAL USA TERRORISTS" was found to be the Head…[Dove deleted inaccurate info here]. Unfortunately he had alluded all, as a high ranking Illuminati official. He managed to escape the FBI after his 1st arrest, however, we have been advised that he was recaptured shortly after his initial escape from custody. As the pending success and revolutionary changes to USA expected by the implementation of the NESARA bill were detrimental to the worldwide controlling and manipulative activities of the Illuminati, the WTC, Pentagon, Pennsylvania attack was not surprising, considering how devastating an effect the NESARA bill will have on the Illuminati worldwide movement.

Unfounded claims that the creators of NESARA have no idea of what they are doing, particularly now that the bill has been discussed in March & August 2000 by the Clinton government, and passed by the Bush government in September 2001, implies that all NESARA parties, and all USA Congress have no idea what they are doing economically!

What is of considerable concern to USA intelligence at the moment, is that the 3 targets hit, (as long as one does not assume that these 3 targets were accidentally the three most significant locations to have been responsible for the initial launching of NESARA), were only 3 of 17 possible targets that could interfere with NESARA’s implementation. Does this mean that the USA is clear of any residual attack problems that may be outstanding by the Illuminati re the remaining 14 targets?

Yesterday, it was interesting to note that possible INTERNALLY LOCATED TERRORISTS, in full pilot uniforms were apprehended at a couple of USA airports, reporting for duty, but fortunately were apprehended as soon as they were identified as not being on the payroll of any of the airlines operating from those locations. The location airports were close to other of the remaining 14 NESARA implementation centers.

One of the "good guys", Colin Powell, was identified as a White Knight of Justice as recognised in the NESARA plan, and if you listen carefully to the care with which he speaks of the apprehension of those concerned with the disaster last Tuesday, he cautions Americans to wait for a full investigation to eliminate internal possible terrorists before assuming overseas terrorist activities!

Regardless of whether people on these websites agree or even have the knowledge or economic training to comment on the sophistication of NESARA, we can assure you that its implementation is now unstoppable, and its pending implementation in the USA, is the worst possible thing that can happen to the worldwide Illuminati One World Order plans for mankind.

That is why there were 12 USA Federal agents shot in Washington DC in the weeks leading up to the WTC disaster, with many others being disarmed by the White Knights of Justice, ably assisted by the USA military under the command of another of the White Knights of Justice. In excess of 20 people were shot during these preceding weeks, all of whom are fortunately expected to live through their ordeal.

Have a good look at the many replays available re the WTC towers collapse, and ask yourselves why there were many different pre-set-up camera angles, aimed in advance at both towers, filming accurately the aircraft collisions? Hanya orang STUPID yang percaya, Osama teroris WTC 911!

How did these camera crews know that day, at that time, to have their cameras and crews set to film the WTC? One report has said that CNN was alerted by one of the aircraft passenger’s via their mobile telephone!! Really, how stupid do they think people are? Do you really think that onboard terrorists are going to discuss their plans with the passengers while simultaneously controlling cockpit activities, and which of any of you, had you been on board those aircraft, would make potentially your last mobile telephone call before imminent death, to CNN rather than your loved ones?

The USA intelligence reports of finding a vehicle with pilot/aircraft maps in Arabic seems to contradict the fact that 1) the international language used in flying aircraft is English and 2) the FAA has announced that there are no known USA area maps ever produced in anything other than the English language for reason 1). TIDAK ADA Flight Manualdalam BAHASA ARAB! FBI Shit!

Why has there been so far only some 4,000-5,000 people found in the WTC wreckage, when the estimated occupation of two towers of 110 floors of people is estimated at 50,000 people? What you should be asking yourself, is how many people were knowledgeable, or at least caused to be away from the WTC building at a time when most would normally have turned up for work and should have been at least within the vicinity of their desks by 8:45am on a normal working Tuesday morning?

Isn’t it interesting how each tower, with the lower floors showing no pre-collapse straining, collapse vertically, exactly as one would expect in a professional modern-built building demolition exercise? Isn’t it interesting how the South Tower collapsed in exactly the same perfect "vertical-demolition" mode as the North Tower?

Demolition experts have commented that the only way to demolish any modern day building, which was constructed using computer designing facilities, and for which the original blueprints are not available at the time a building’s demolition, is to bomb it using carefully pre-set explosives, so as to insure that the building collapses vertically, thereby not damaging adjacent buildings. The reason is given that computer constructed buildings are designed with such accurate computer calculated stress tolerances, that the removal of one wrong pillar, wall, girder, could cause the building to explode "in all directions"!!

Not so with the WTC was it? Surely the unexpected impact of a collision with a passenger aircraft could hardly be equated with the careful blueprint controlled demolition/dismantling of a computer designed 110 floor building?

That’s right, you got it, the North Tower collapsed about 1.75 hours after the aircraft impact, with absolutely no prior signs of lower floor stress or damage - no building material blowouts, no lower floor fires, no broken windows, as a matter of fact, that is why it was reported that so many people were able to get out of the towers before the entire structure was bombed internally!

Dr. David R. Siminton Governor - State of Sherwood Principality of Caledonia


PENTING! Di artikel yl, BOM BALI, dan PERPU; saya kutip kesaksian AHLI SEISMOLOGI di New York City, bahwa SEBELUM WTC amblas ke bumi, tercatat LONJAKAN pada SKALA RICHTER pencatat aktivitas gempa di New York. Itu INDIKASI SANGAT KUAT bahwa WTC diledakkan dari BASEMENT!

Bukti (1): rangka baja fondasi LUMER akibat titik bakar DI ATAS 2000 derajat celcius jenis peledak berdaya ledak sangat tinggi seperti C4! (2) Kesaksian bebapa orang yang selamat (lari) sebelum WTC ambruk, mereka dengar ledakan ledakan DI BAWAH WTC! (3) Kesaksian petugas Pemadam Kebakaran tentang ledakan ledakan awal yang sama! (3) seperti ditulis di atas dan oleh kesaksian PAKAR "demilition job", WTC AMBRUK TEGAK LURUS, persis EFEK DEMOLISI memakai BOM! Peranah ke lantai teratas WTCatau belum? Jangan ngeyel kalau belum pernah! I have been there, man. WTC didisain TAHAN terjangan BOEING 707 = BOEING 757!

Bukti lain, WHY Bush Iblis menghalangi NIAT Konggress melakukan investigasi atas ambruknya WTC? Why, CIA meng-HACK "polling" re: peristiwa WTC, yang TERNYATA, warga Amrik TIDAK menempatkan Osamah bin Laden di urutan teratas? Melainkan White House sebagai otak WTC 911? Baca, artikelnya di bawah. Baru nyinyir, menghujat LAGI saya.

Juga sudah saya kutip UTUH, analisis jurnalis JOE VIALLS, tentang WTC 1993. Ternyata, penyedia BOM WTC 1993 adalah agen dinas intel MOSSAD di New York! NYPD menemukan di apartemennya, alat perakit bom tsb dan jejak jejak kimia bom yang SAMA! Yang dituduh, Arab!

Dari belasan artikel/analisis di atas dan di bawah, CUKUP bagi anda untuk menjadi cerdas, tidak TERCEKOKI Disinformasi anti Islam oleh CIA, FBI, dan MOSSAD tentang WTC 911 dan BOM BALI! I just presented the information, YOU guys decide. Mau terus dibodohi intel antek Zionis, silahkan. It’s YOUR DAMN RIGHT. I DON’T WANNA DIE STUPID.

Saya bukan "pakar intelijens" seperti Letkol (Purn) Juanda, tetapi sejak SLTA bacaan saya buku INTELIJENS bukan NOVEL FIKSI PICISAN. Maka, seperti saya tulis yl, ketika saya berniat masuk BAKIN (1982), Jussac Senior tidak mendukung juga tidak melarang, hanya berucap: "You have read all those books (on Counterintelligence). Kamu nanti dimakan sendiri oleh intelijens!" Kalau tidak saya ikuti advis Jussac Senior, sangat mungkin KINI (PNS Golongan IV-B kalau terus di DEPLU) di BIN sudah direktur. Sori Pek, jadi bawahan Muchdi P.R. Deputi V BIN.

Saya tidak meng-KLAIM paling benar & paling tahu mengenai masalah masalah yang telah saya tulis. "Kulo niki sinten?" "Who am I", cuma wong bodoh, hamba Allah, yang seperti juga anda, tidak luput dari cacat diri lahir-batin selaku insan DHA’IF (lemah, Imperfect – bukan Unperfect, seperti diucapkan PemRed LATIVI beberapa bulan yl). Tetapi, FAKTA, tidak sedikit pembaca yang "appreciated" analisis saya, dan menyakan mendapat manfaatnya. Kecuali para "intel Melayu" hamba Zionists!

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Israelis Kick Own Goal Outside Tel Aviv Disco (Teror Aspal Zionis)

Descendents of Stern Gang Massacre Israeli Children in Media Spectacular

Copyright Joe Vialls, 2 June 2001

Pacha's Disco, Tel Aviv, Friday 11.30 pm (apa bedanya dengan PADDY Disco, Legian?)

Grim-faced Jewish intelligence experts are claiming that the bombing outside Pacha's Disco which killed 18 and wounded 100 was the work of Israeli fanatics rather than Islamic Jihad or a new (media invented) organization described as "Palestinian Hizbollah".

There is considerable credibility in these claims, because if and when Hamas, Islamic Jihad or Hizbollah sends in a suicide bomber, the responsible organization invariably names him and publishes a photograph within 12 hours of the bombing itself. Not this time. For days the western media has been frantically naming one Islamic organization after another for the attack, but there is not one iota of proof at this time to support any of the allegations.

Pacha's Disco is part of the old converted Dolphinarium on Tel Aviv's upmarket seafront hotel strip, an area vigilantly patrolled by the police, IDF, and private security firms. It is an area frequented by young trendy Israelis of Russian descent, and a Palestinian bomber bulked out by several kilos of high explosive and 20 - 30 kilos of bullet and nail shrapnel, would be spotted and arrested in seconds flat. No-one reported any such unusual individual, no-one sounded an alarm, and no-one made an emergency telephone call before the explosion. One second patrons were milling around outside Pacha's, and the next they were dead.

What the bombing achieved internationaly was outrage from the "International community", and calls for Israel to break off its unilateral ceasefire declared last week for purely cosmetic reasons, after it attacked unarmed Palestinian women and children with American taxpayer-funded F-16 bombers. Whoever ordered the carnage at Pacha's has now generated the appropriate media environment necessary for Israel to bomb the hell out of the Gaza Strip all over again.

If anyone objects, a mealy-mouthed Israeli Government spokesman will swiftly point to the "Palestinian" atrocity at Pasha's as "justification". Expect a bloodbath in the Occupied Territories, and expect it sooner rather than later.

As for the dead teenagers and others outside the disco, no particular worries. Pacha's is a favourite with immigrants from the former Soviet Union, a social grouping not included on Israeli VIP lists and therefore nothing to be concerned about from the viewpoint of Zionist fanatics. Sacrifices have to be made for the "greater good", and all the other ideological baggage. The Stern Gang in particular is already on the documented record as killing its own citizens on a number of different occasions, when geopolitically necessary. (Legian Bali, is geopolitically necessary juga!).

Indicative of things to come was a statement by former Likhud Prime Minister and ultra-hawk Benjamin Netanyahu, who said: "The government must change its policy of ceasefire because clearly it is unilateral and not matched by Arafat. Israel can and should use all means at its disposal. One only has to think what the British government would do if every day citizens were gunned down in cars or bombed in malls, schools and discos. The public would rightly demand action."

Netanyahu clearly is not concerned about how differently the British Government might react if its "every day citizens" had first been shelled and bombed by a fanatical religious cult determined to take over Great Britain. Netanyahu also coyly omits the harsh realty that since "Intafada II" started last October, Jewish forces have slaughtered 483 Palestinians, most of them unarmed women and children.

Historically the Stern Gang (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel), was "officially" disbanded in 1948, but exists to this day in covert form. In post-war British-mandated Palestine the words Stern Gang equalled "terrorism" - assassinations, bombings, the full works. Even after independence, mainstream Jews continued to regard these Jewish terrorists as an extremist and ultimately insignificant aberration in the Zionist movement - until that is it was revealed that the Likud foreign minister of the 1970s, Yitzhak Shamir, had been the gang's operations commander.

By appointing Shamir Foreign Minister, Prime Minister Menachem Begin had selected the organiser of two famous assassinations: the killing of Lord Moyne, the British Minister representative in the Middle East, in 1944, and that of Count Folke Bernadotte, the UN's special Mediator on Palestine, in 1948. Shamir later went on to become prime minister.

The word used today in Hebrew to describe a terrorist is 'mekhabbel'. It is used liberally to describe anyone who fights the state with political violence. It is in fact, exactly the same word that Yitzhak Shamir and his colleagues used to describe themselves - with pride - in their armed guerrilla struggle against the British. In those days it was roughly translated as 'saboteur', although the Stern Gang did a lot more than mere sabotage.

The meaning changed from positive 'saboteur' to extremely negative 'terrorist' in the early days of the Israeli state - once the battle for independence had been won and what had been won had to be protected from others seeking to take it away by the same means. In reality the Stern Gang never disbanded at all, Pacha's Disco is lethal proof of that.

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German Experts Press For Truth Of Pre-911 Stock Activity By Erik Kirschbaum 12-19-1

PIRMASENS, Germany (Reuters) - German computer experts are working round the clock to unlock the truth behind an unexplained surge in financial transactions made just before two hijacked planes crashed into New York's World Trade Center on September 11.

Were criminals responsible for the sharp rise in credit card transactions that moved through some computer systems at the WTC shortly before the planes hit the twin towers?

Or was it coincidence that unusually large sums of money, perhaps more than $100 million, were rushed through the computers as the disaster unfolded? A world leader in retrieving data, German-based firm Convar is trying to answer those questions and help credit card companies, telecommunications firms and accountants in New York recover their records from computer hard drives that have been partially damaged by fire, water or fine dust. Using a pioneering laser scanning technology to find data on damaged computer hard drives and main frames found in the rubble of the World Trade Center and other nearby collapsed buildings, Convar has recovered information from 32 computers that support assumptions of dirty doomsday dealings.

"The suspicion is that inside information about the attack was used to send financial transaction commands and authorizations in the belief that amid all the chaos the criminals would have, at the very least, a good head start," said Convar director Peter Henschel.

"Of course it is also possible that there were perfectly legitimate reasons for the unusual rise in business volume," he told Reuters in an interview.


"It could turn out that Americans went on an absolute shopping binge on that Tuesday morning. But at this point there are many transactions that cannot be accounted for," Henschel said.

"Not only the volume but the size of the transactions was far higher than usual for a day like that. There is a suspicion that these were possibly planned to take advantage of the chaos."

Nearly 3,300 people were killed in the attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center. Some 30,000 people in the buildings, symbols of America's financial might, were able to escape between the time the planes crashed and about an hour later when they collapsed -- even though many of the unmanned computers continued working.

The United States blames the al Qaeda group led by Saudi-born Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) for the attack and has since waged war on the Taliban regime in Afghanistan (news - web sites) that sheltered them.


There are several data retrieval companies in the United States and Europe, but Convar said it has won the lion's share of the contracts from the World Trade Center because of its laser scanning technology.

Convar developed the laser scanner two years ago that made it possible to retrieve data from badly damaged computers. With a staff of 30 in its high-security facility in Pirmasens near the French border, the firm has worked with the U.S. armed forces in Germany as well as German federal police for the last 15 years.

Its offices in Pirmasens, a town of 36,000 still suffering from the departure of some 4,000 American soldiers stationed here during the Cold War, are closely guarded behind high fences and monitored by dozens of security cameras.

Inside the building, an endless series of code-operated door locks keeps unwelcome visitors away. In the center of the facility is a 120 square meter (1,292 square foot), dust-free "clean room" where the damaged computer drives are coaxed back to life.

Citing client privacy, Henschel declined to say which companies Convar is working for, or provide details about the data retrieved so far. But he said the raw material, up to 40 gigabytes per computer hard drive, is sent immediately by satellite or courier back to New York.


Richard Wagner, a data retrieval expert at the company, said illegal transfers of more than $100 million might have been made immediately before and during the disaster.

"There is a suspicion that some people had advance knowledge of the approximate time of the plane crashes in order to move out amounts exceeding $100 million," Wagner said. "They thought that the records of their transactions could not be traced after the main frames were destroyed."

The companies are paying between $20,000 and $30,000 for each computer recovered, Henschel said.

The high recovery costs are one reason why only a limited number of hard drives are being examined. Convar has turned down a request by one British newspaper to try to recover personal last hour e-mails sent by someone trapped in the doomed building.

Henschel said the companies in the United States were working together with the FBI (news - web sites) to piece together what happened on September 11 and that he was confident the destination of the dubious transactions would one day be tracked down.

"We have been quite surprised that so many of the hard drives were in good enough shape to retrieve the data," he said.

"The contamination rate is high. The fine dust that was everywhere in the area got pressed under high pressure into the drives. But we've still been able to retrieve 100 percent of the data on most of the drives we've received.

"We're helping them find out what happened to the computers on September 11 as quickly as possible. I'm sure that one day they will know what happened to the money."

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MASSACRE? 'Jewish Worshippers' Were All Armed Men

Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum By Zelie Pollon, By ChristopherBollyn 11-17-2

In the wake of the "Sabbath Massacre" Americans are getting a censored and very misleading report of who was killed in Hebron. All 12 of the Israelis killed were commanders or soldiers of the occupation army, members of the notorious Israeli "border police," or armed-settlers.

The vicious armed settlers are always escorted and protected by well armed soldiers as they occupy Hebron and humiliate Palestinians on a daily basis [see below].

The Israeli Foreign Ministry said Palestinians had carried out a "Sabbath massacre." What Americans are not being told is that all 12 Israelis killed in the massacre were all well-armed and uniformed soldiers who were escorting well-armed settlers. The fact that these settlers and soldiers are in Hebron in violation of international law and a host of U.N. Security Council resolutions has also been omitted in the U.S. mass media.

As the Israeli paper Ha'aretz reported on its English website: "Twelve Israelis were killed and 14 wounded Friday evening when Palestinian gunmen opened fire and tossed grenades at a group of Jewish settlers and IDF soldiers escorting themAmong the Israelis killed were two IDF officers, including Hebron Brigade Commander Colonel Dror Weinberg, 38, a Border police officer, two soldiers, four Border Police troops and three civilian members of the Jewish settlement in Hebron who were part of an emergency security team, Israel Radio reported."

From this Ha'aretz report we can see that all 12 Israelis killed were armed-men, and that 9 of them were actually uniformed soldiers who are part of the illegal military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The continued Israeli presence in the West Bank town of Hebron is illegal and in flagrant defiance of a raft of U.N. Security Council resolutions going back more than 35 years.

The Israelis who died in Hebron on Friday night were not simply innocent "Jewish worshippers" as Associated Press would have us believe. AP clearly left out the most important details from the Israel Radio report and did everything to portray the dead as religious, innocent, and unarmed Jews returning from Sabbath prayers. This is extremely misleading and provides a good example of how the U.S. media constantly distorts what really happens in Palestine under the brutal Israeli occupation:

"HEBRON, West Bank Nov. 16 (AP)- Jewish worshippers walking out of a shrine in the West Bank city of Hebron were caught in a hail of bullets fired by Palestinian militants an ambush that killed 12 Israelis and wounded 15.There was gunfire from left and right, from every possible angle, they were shooting at us from above," one man, who gave his name only as Arik, told Army Radio. "The group of Jews were slaughtered." [from 11/16 AP report]

What is omitted is the fact that the 12 dead Israelis were all part of the extremely well-armed and brutal occupation force that has forced itself into the Palestinian West Bank town of Hebron and imposed itself with brute force on the more than 130,000 Palestinian Moslems that have lived in that lovely town for hundreds of years.

One of the dead was clearly a senior commander of the illegal Israeli force in the area. From a less biased perspective, the ambush was a normal and legitimate response to an illegal and brutal military occupation from people who have suffered under foreign rule for decades. It was a punishing military response from brave Palestinian freedom fighters who simply outsmarted and outgunned the Israeli military.

Clearly, the reason the U.S. media has omitted the fact that all of the Israelis killed were soldiers or armed settlers is because the facts do not reflect well on the highly-vaunted Israeli army. The massacre occurred when brave Palestinian civilians killed a dozen well-armed professional soldiers and militant settlers.

Had this been a colonial American attack on British soldiers in 1776 it would be recorded in American history books as an honor to brave American patriot fighters.

Sic Semper Tyrannis is the universal motto of patriots fighting military occupation.

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The Zionist Roots Of The 'War On Terror' Israel's Policy Of 'Covert Aggression' By Henry Makow, PhD, 11-18-2

Until recently, I accepted Israel's self-image as a beleaguered, peace-loving nation in a sea of blood-thirsty Arabs. The idea that this tiny state had imperialist designs seemed ludicrous.

But what if, unknown to most people, including Israelis, the world's power elite were using Israel to advance their New World Order?

What if Israel's role were to colonize the Middle East, and to become the seat of the World Religion?

Israel's Sacred Terrorism" (1980) by Livia Rokach, a 63-page on line monograph suggests that this bizarre scenario may not be so preposterous.

Rokach's monograph is based on revelations from the personal diary of Moshe Sharett, who was Israeli's first Foreign Minister from 1948-1956, and Prime Minister from 1954-1956.

According to this diary, which Israel tried to suppress, Israel's image of vulnerability was a ruse. Israel has always planned to become the dominant power in the region, and "invented dangers" in order to dupe its citizens and provoke wars.

In his diary, Sharett quotes a conversation with Army Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan in May 1955:

"We face no danger at all of an Arab advantage of force for the next 8-10 years...Reprisal actions which we couldn't carry out if we were tied to a security pact are our vital lymph...they make it possible for us to maintain a high level of tension in our population and in the army. Without these actions we would have ceased to be a combative people... "

Sharett concludes: "The state.... must see the sword as the main if not the only, instrument with which to keep its morale high and to retain its moral tension. Toward this end it may, no it MUST invent dangers, and to do this it must adopt the method of provocation and revenge.... And above all, let us hope for a new war with the Arab countries so that we may finally get rid of our troubles and acquire our space." (41, emphasis mine)


This policy of "reprisals" or "provocation and revenge" was also called "covert aggression." The U.S. "war on terror" is a continuation of it. Essentially it involves disguising a policy of aggression as retaliation for sham provocations.

For example, Israeli patrols would cross the border to attack Jordanians or Egyptians, and then claim the actions took place in Israel. Once attacked, the army pursued the "aggressors" into enemy territory and wreaked havoc. Ariel Sharon was the leader of a squad ("Unit 101") that specialized in these murderous forays. His 1953 raid on the Jordanian village of Kibiyah killed dozens of civilians. (30)

In March 1954, an Israeli bus travelling between Eilat and Beersheba was attacked and 10 passengers were killed. The UN armistice Commissioner, a Col. Henderson said, "from the testimonies of the survivors, it is not proved that all the murderers were Arabs." He attributed the attack to "terrorists intent on increasing the tensions in the area." (28) Thereupon the Israelis left the Armistice Commission in protest.

In June-July 1954 an Israeli terrorist squad blew up many British and American institutions in Cairo in an attempt to sour relations between the Arabs and the West. Dubbed the "Levon Affair," possibly this was a precursor to the attack on the World Trade Centre.

From the point of view of "covert aggression", if terrorism didn't exist, Israel would have to create it. Possibly, Israel's security establishment inspired some recent attacks on Israelis. In some instances, the terrorists are described as "white." Remember the sniper who killed 10 Israeli reservists at a checkpoint? If he were Arab, wouldn't he have struck again?

Most Arab terrorism is no doubt authentic. But I wouldn't be surprised if at critical junctures, Israel's "security establishment was behind it.

Israeli commentators lament that Israel is not a democracy. They say its security establishment has hijacked the country. One pundit remarked, "Israel is not a state with an army, but an army with an affiliated state." They also lament that a culture of corruption, brutality and immorality pervades the army. (See Ran Ha-Cohen, "Israeli Elections. So What" I believe the Illuminati controls Israel's security establishment.


The world's wealthiest families have more in common with each other than they do with humanity. From their perspective, we are "useless eaters." In the guise of "globalism," they plan to increase and consolidate their wealth and power, and reduce everyone else's.

The heart of the Illuminati's power is the banking and oil cartels, (Rothschild, Rockefeller) but it includes many interlocking cartels like media, pharmaceuticals, defence, illegal drugs and prostitution.

It operates through the world's intelligence agencies, and groups like the Council on Foreign relations, which grooms all US leaders.

Esoterically, the Illuminati is a secret society within another secret society, the Freemasons who are dedicated to sacrificing mankind to Lucifer.

All this sounds fantastic because it is kept out of the media and education systems, which are mental caretakers in an invisible asylum. Recently, Americans have been recruited to do the grunt work of subjugating Islam.

This is not the first time the Illuminati has used the U.S. in this fashion. America was embroiled in World War One to free a million British soldiers to conquer Palestine for the Zionists. In the Second

World War, the U.S. saved Communist Russia's bacon. Both Communism and Zionism are creations and instruments of the central bankers.


The Illuminati has always used anti Semitism to trick Jews into advancing its nefarious goals.

In the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" the speaker confesses the illuminati has "wiped out every kind of rule except our own."

Nevertheless it allows attacks on its plan for world domination in order to create anti Semitism. "Anti Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren." (9-2)

From childhood Jews are taught that they are disliked for no rational reason and Israel is insurance against another holocaust. This attitude dehumanizes their opponents and obviates the need for genuine self-criticism. Often, the question is not, is something true or false? Right or wrong? But, "Is it good for the Jews?"

Traumatizing people and convincing them that irrational fiends threaten their survival is an effective form of mind control. Such people will throw morality and reason to the wind and, if necessary, become savage, mindless killers themselves. They are easily exploited by forces that may not be Jewish at all, that may be anti Semitic, and plot their destruction.

Now, the Illuminati is using the same tactic on Americans. The Mossad's fingerprints are all over 9-11. Apparently, Israel's Zim Container Lines moved their 200-man office out of the WTC the week before and no Israelis died in the attack. Seven of the supposed Arab "hijackers" seem to be alive.

If Osama bin Laden didn't exist, the United States and Britain would have created him. Osama may be genuine but there is evidence that he has received money from (the British MI-6 as recently as 1996.,3858,4543555,00.html According to the French daily Le Figaro, Ben Laden met with the CIA station chief in Dubai) in July 2001. He serves the purpose of those inciting a bogus "clash of civilizations."

In the domestic sphere, the persecution of Jews has become a cultural paradigm. Lately, women and gays are the Jews, taught they're oppressed by heterosexuality, and homosexuality is normal. Millions of lives are being ruined. The Illuminati's hidden agenda is to destroy society's immune system (its ability to resist totalitarianism) by attacking its red blood cell, the nuclear family.

In conclusion, "covert aggression" is the primary means by which the Illuminati enacts its long-term plan. Americans have been incited to become oppressors by a phoney Muslim threat. Unaware of what's done in their name, Americans are now like Jews asking, "Why do they hate us?"

Henry Makow, Ph.D. is the inventor of the board game Scruples and author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles on feminism and the New World Order are archived at his web site He enjoys receiving your comments at (Note - Dr. Makow is a noted Jewish scholar and political commentator.)

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Open LetterTo Messrs. Falwell, Robertson, Swaggert, Etc 11-17-2

Dear Esteemed Sirs:

For many years now, Christians everywhere in the world have looked to you for guidance and counsel, and to light their path to the Cross and Blood of Jesus Christ, the Forgiver, Redeemer and Savior. In this regard, your every word is special and important, for they become the opinions and attitude-builders of many millions of Christians.

Your prominence and position as leaders of vast numbers of Christians the world over, carry a great weight and are a most terrible responsibility delegated to you by God himself. It is therefore with great care and attention that you should speak publicly, always ensuring that your pronouncements are validated by the pure word of scripture, and reflect the humility and love of Jesus Christ.

This is why I am dismayed and disturbed by the recent rash of statements made by you and your peers, and why I am not encouraged by the fact that no Christian anyway has taken you to task for uttering those statements. Please do not misunderstand. I am quite aware of my lack of qualification and I am certainly not one to criticize such esteemed gentlemen as you. However, I feel that in this case, at least, you have failed to represent the real interest of Christianity, or for that matter, to truly represent Christ. In this regard, therefore, it is my duty to speak out.

Already there has been much embarrassment as one of you has already had to apologize for stating that "Mohammed was a terrorist", and I do not doubt that decent Muslims will be demanding similar apologies for other statements. The evidence of the effect of such a hate-filled statement was the rioting it occasioned in India. This is also the evidence that persons such as you must be careful in public speech.

You well know how Christians respond when Jesus is portrayed in an unfavorable light in books, movies and plays. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Pr. 23:7) I am troubled that such prominent leaders of the Christian Churches in the World should be now revealing a serious "heart" problem, and that their words, motivating to so many innocent people, point to a heart contaminated with hatred, not Christian love.

It saddens me to think that you harbor such thoughts of hatred against Muslims as is revealed in such statements as "what the Muslims want to do to the Jews is worse than the Holocaust", attributed to Mr. Robertson; "We ought to tell every other Muslim living in this nation that if you say one word, you're gone", attributed to Mr. Swaggart, and also his characterization of Mohammed as a "sex-deviant". Why are you so intent on stoking the fires of war in the Mid-East? What is the Christian role in all this? What side should the Christian take in this conflict? It seems very clear that you have chosen a side. I wonder if you have consulted the Bible, and specifically the words of your savior, Jesus Christ, to find out what he thinks?

It might be well to bear in mind the fact that the Arabs are the seed of Abraham, the father and progenitor of their brothers, the Jews. He was forced by his wife to abandon Hagar and the child he fathered in her. Of course, we have a massive system in place now to ensure that abandoned mothers and children do not become a burden to the State and that the fathers take care of them. However, back then, this system did not exist and Hagar and her son, left to die in the desert, survived only by the mercy of an intervening God.

As such, regardless of their current religious orientation, for those who claim to believe the Bible is the word of God, respect for the children of Abraham is a duty. This may be a weak point, but we must not forget that these Arabs are also originally tied to the Bible as the seed of Abraham. If what you have expressed can even be remotely described as Christian respect, then you have certainly missed the point of Christianity, and your followers also.

Jesus was very clear on these things. His teachings are precise and unambiguous. He stung his listeners by telling them to "love your enemies. Do good to them that curse you" (Luke. 6:37) "Love your enemies. Bless them that curse you" (Matt. 5:44) Now if your enemy keeps on cursing you, even after you have blessed him, you might want to look at what you are doing wrong to earn his cursing. Jesus also said, "turn the other cheek." Are such teachings now out of fashion among professing Christians? Many seem too willing to kill for their religion. But who is ready to die for it as Christ was? He also said, "Love thy neighbor as thyself".

This important statement is mentioned in Matthew, Mark and Luke, and repeated again in different ways in such books as Acts, Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, Hebrews and James, obviously a very important concern. Once, a clever lawyer sought to trap Jesus by asking him, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus' reply was to recount the story of the Good Samaritan.

The point, however, is that we are all neighbors on this planet. The Samaritan did not care that the man he was nursing back to life was someone who hated him and someone who might have left him for dead, had the roles been reversed. The Christian's duty is to show the love of Jesus to all men without discriminating. The Christian's love must be like the cloud-raining on everyone, good and bad, like the Sun-shining on everyone, good and bad, unconditional, just like our Savior's. Otherwise it makes a mockery of the statement "love the sinner, not the sin".

The most important point that I want to make, however, is this, that you have obviously not consulted the Words of Jesus, in order to understand the Christian's duty at this most difficult and dangerous time. It is a time of woe and great tribulation. That much is evident.

It is a time of great deception, and of wars and rumors of wars. In all this, Jesus has very kindly instructed his followers how to react and deal with such a situation. His instructions are found in the Sermon on the Mount. Please read it carefully and instruct your followers to study it day and night. There, you will find Jesus describing the nature of the true Christian.

He says, "Blessed are they who 1) are seeking God; 2) who mourn; 3) who are humble; 4) who hunger and thirst after righteousness; 5) who are merciful; 6) who are pure in heart (sinless); 7) who are peacemakers; 8) who have suffered persecution. There are also specific blessings from God attached to each quality.

We will have no difficulty today identifying the true Jesus follower because, not only is he seeking God and hungering and thirsting after righteousness with a pure, sinless heart, you will also find him mourning, sorrowing for the great sins that are being committed on the planet, humbly going about his business because he knows that God says that "to this man will I look who is humble, of a contrite heart and trembles at my word" (Isa. 66:2). You will know him because he is full of compassion for all, even the less fortunate animals, what to speak of other human beings. And you will know him because, in spite of all persecutions, he endeavors to stand on the side of peace, promoting peace, making peace by becoming himself peaceful in the grace of God and representing that quality to all.

Please tell me how this description in Matthew 5, describes you, your words or your congregation which has not taken you to task for uttering them.

The Lord has placed you in your high positions as leaders of the Christian flock, at least, he has allowed you to occupy those positions. Why should we not expect to see in you the epitome of the qualities spoken of by Jesus and elaborated on by Paul in the book of Galatians? Where is the love that Paul demands of the true follower?

Should it not be evidenced in you? And if you do not have it, how can you give it to your flock? And why should they follow you if you do not dispense the pure message of Jesus and the love of Christ?

Sirs, I humbly request that you withdraw your statements, apologize to those attacked by them, and also to the nation and your congregations for using your God-assigned office to misrepresent the pure message of Jesus. Kindly study these simple teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5, and Paul's discourse on the "Fruits of the Spirit" in Galatians, and instruct your followers worldwide to meditate on these things daily.

How else can you and they learn to embody the teachings of Jesus, and represent them to the world thus earning his blessings? He has given the instructions for hungering and thirsting after righteousness. Why not follow them?

In Love, Malcolm Owensby

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Langley' Hacks 911 Poll! - Results Turned Upside Down - Hack Discovered 7-9-2 -- FAKTA CIA Memfitnah Al-Qaeda! CIA = CROOKED I ntelligence!

Note - Kudos to Henry Ayre for his sharp eye and follow-through on this. Just another example of how YOUR information is managed. Next time you read a poll, keep in mind how easily the results can be skewed. – ed.. From Henry Ayre 7-9-2

Dear Jeff,

First, I received an email from a group about the ECC Poll and I thought it important - 5682 Total poll votes! So, I forwarded it on its way to my list:

Combining logically: Arabs, 26.5%; Zionist/NWO/Judeo-Christian Putschists, 71% .....

The Big Poll Result: Majority Of Americans Believe 911 Was Homegrown/NWO Operation!!!

Americans have been eating those smart pills!

Here's is the poll as I first saw it: Ecclesiastic Commonwealth Community 7-7-2

Poll Question:

More than six months has passed since the 9-11 disaster. Whom do you honestly believe actually caused and was the major force behind the destruction of the World Trade Center?

Results: 5682 votes counted as of 7-7-02

Osama bin Laden (4.4 %) 250 votes

American militias (0.3 %) 18 votes

The White House (21.9 %) 1243 votes

The Pentagon (1.1 %) 65 votes

The Taliban - al-Qaida (18.2 %) 1035 votes

Sadaam Hussein (Iraq) (3.9 %) 224 votes

The New World Order (48.0 %) 2728 votes

Other (2.1 %) 119 votes

OK. Then, a bit later, I went back to the poll to see how it was doing. It had changed strangely, radically! So, I sent out the alert below.........

Heads up! It looks like the New World Order didn't like the results of this poll a few hours ago and decided to stuff the ballot box. Whereas all other categories are up less than 50%, the "Taliban/al-Qaida" category is up 251% by a neat 2600 votes!! As usual, Fedgovt propagandists lack finesse!

Here it is:

More than six months has passed since the 9-11 disaster. Who do you honestly believe actually caused and was the major force behind the destruction of the World Trade Center?

Results: (9015 votes counted so far)

Osama bin Laden (4.0 %) 363 votes was 250 - up 45%

American militias (0.3 %) 23 votes was 18 - up 27%

The White House (15.3 %) 1379 votes was 1243 - up 11%

The Pentagon (1.0 %) 87 votes was 65 - up 34%

The Taliban / al-Qaida (40.3 %) 3635 votes was 1035 - up 251.2%!!

Sadaam Hussein (Iraq) (2.8%) 251 votes was 224 - up 16.5%

The New World Order (34.6 %) 3121 votes was 2728 - up 14.4%

Other (1.7 %) 156 votes was 119 - up 31%

I alerted the Administration of the ECC website. A few hours later I received a reply from ECC which I reformatted and sent on its way to my list as follows: "We also traced the hacker to an AOL server near Langley, Virginia. Just guess which alphabet group was responsible for the intrusion!" The developing tale of the hacker... Langley, Langley... now where have I heard that name before? Here is the exact message from ECC:

----- Original Message -----

From: ECC Admin

To: Henry Ayre

Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 3:45 PM.

Subject: ECC Poll hacker

Thanks for alerting us.

We changed the poll tallies back to the last good known count from about 2 hours ago at 5PM EDT (this is our own private server and we make a database back-up automatically every 3 hours). We also traced the hacker to an AOL server near Langley, Virginia. Just guess which alphabet group was responsible for the intrusion! (Ya mana lagi kalau bukan "C" = CIA! Tolol bener itu intel bule!!!)

He got in by using a Java script we haven't seen before, but he won't be using that one the next time since we now blocked that script from ever executing on the server again. Thanks again for letting us know the ballot box was "stuffed"! Michael Edward. ECC Bondservant.

My observation is as follows: if the big boys in the CIA have illegally to hack a small religious site to adulterate the figures so they conform to Washington, D.C.'s brand of the truth, then was the entire 9-11 episode a fabrication to start with? Henry Ayre


  1. White House MENGHALANGI investigasi U.S. Congress atas bencana WTC dan proses AMBRUKnya dua WTC secara tegak lurus (Efek Demolition = C4 di Basement & rangka!);
  2. "Insider Tradings" terutama atas "PUT OPTIONS" SEBELUM WTC 9-11; ternyata melibatkan beberapa eks CIA di dunia bisnis "Futures Tradings";
  3. Dengan secara "kampungan" itu Hackers CIA (tidak canggih, sebab pakai SERVER CIA, bukan via WARNET, atau di WDC bisa di komputer Online Perpustakan Umum) mengoprek oprek hasil Polling di atas; MEMITNAH Al-Qaeda, MEMBUKTIKAN belang Bush cs.!
  4. Semua dinas Intel dunia, maaf, BANGSAT! Operatornya rata-rata "sakit jiwa", maka gemar main perempuan, tancap sana, tancap sini; kalau perlu BINI lelaki lain! (ADA!!!). Sekali anda masuk (kerja) di dinas Intel; KONTRAK MATI, tidak bisa keluar! Anda keluar, suatu hari MATI "tabrak lari"; "ditembak perampok"; "bunuh diri"; "Overdosis Putaw, dll". Memang, uang MELIMPAH, dari "dana operasi" (dalih: untuk bayar "informan") dan dapetin gaji DOBEL dari instansi anda "ditanam" (banyak di NKRI termasuk some KBRI!).
  5. Ditulis di Buletin Al-Islam: Pemerintah Australia MENGHAPUS laporan KESAKSIAN salah seorang tentaranya (seputar tragedi Bali 12 Oktober 02) pada Situs resmi Australia, karena dinilai bisa menjadi BLUNDER bagi Pemerintah Australia di masa depan!
  6. Indikasi macam mana pula tindakan Intelijens Australia itu re: Bom Bali? Melindungi Al-Qaeda? Mbahmu, Doel! Baca, di bawah, CONFIRMED, Aussie kerjasama dengan MOSSAD; begitu pula dengan Pemerintah NKRI!!! Baca sendiri Wawancara dengan eks Lt. Kol. Mossad.

<<<<ó >>>>

House Approved Anti-Terror Bill WITHOUT EVEN READING IT! By Kelly Patricia O'Meara, Insight Magazine., 11-10-1

"Our forefathers would think it's time for a revolution. This is why they revolted in the first place. They revolted against much more mild oppression." – Rep. Ron Paul (Rep = Anggota DPR).

Rep. Ron Paul says the text of the USA PATRIOT bill was not made available for review before the vote.

If the United States is at war against terrorism to preserve freedom, a new coalition of conservatives and liberals is asking, why is it doing so by wholesale abrogation of civil liberties? They cite the Halloween-week passage of the antiterrorism bill - a new law that carries the almost preposterously gimmicky title: "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act" (USA PATRIOT Act).

Critics both left and right are saying it not only strips Americans of fundamental rights but does little or nothing to secure the nation from terrorist attacks. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, one of only three Republican lawmakers to buck the House leadership and the Bush administration to vote against this legislation, is outraged not only by what is contained in the antiterrorism bill but also by the effort to stigmatize opponents.

Paul tells Insight:

"The insult is to call this a 'patriot bill' and suggest I'm not patriotic because I insisted upon finding out what is in it and voting no. I thought it was undermining the Constitution, so I didn't vote for it and therefore I'm somehow not a patriot. That's insulting."

Paul confirms rumors circulating in Washington that this sweeping new law, with serious implications for each and every American, was not made available to members of Congress for review before the vote.

"It's my understanding the bill wasn't printed before the vote - at least I couldn't get it. They played all kinds of games, kept the House in session all night, and it was a very complicated bill. Maybe a handful of staffers actually read it, but the bill definitely was not available to members before the vote."

And why would that be? "This is a very bad bill," explains Paul, "and I think the people who voted for it knew it and that's why they said, 'Well, we know it's bad, but we need it under these conditions.'" Meanwhile, efforts to obtain copies of the new law were stonewalled even by the committee that wrote it.

What is so bad about the new law? "Generally," says Paul, "the worst part of this so-called antiterrorism bill is the increased ability of the federal government to commit surveillance on all of us without proper search warrants." He is referring to Section 213 (Authority for Delaying Notice of the Execution of a Warrant), also known as the "sneak-and-peak" provision, which effectively allows police to avoid giving prior warning when searches of personal property are conducted.

Before the USA PATRIOT Act, the government had to obtain a warrant and give notice to the person whose property was to be searched. With one vote by Congress and the sweep of the president's pen, say critics, the right of every American fully to be protected under the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable searches and seizures was abrogated.

The Fourth Amendment states: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which is joining with conservatives as critics of the legislation, the rationale for the Fourth Amendment protection always has been to provide the person targeted for search with the opportunity to "point out irregularities in the warrant, such as the fact that the police may be at the wrong address or that the warrant is limited to a search of a stolen car, so the police have no authority to be looking into dresser drawers." Likely bad scenarios involving the midnight knock at the door are not hard to imagine.

Paul, a strict constructionist (see Picture Profile, Sept. 3), has a pretty good idea of what Americans may anticipate. "I don't like the sneak-and-peak provision because you have to ask yourself what happens if the person is home, doesn't know that law enforcement is coming to search his home, hasn't a clue as to who's coming in unannounced & and he shoots them. This law clearly authorizes illegal search and seizure, and anyone who thinks of this as antiterrorism needs to consider its application to every American citizen."

The only independent in the House, Rep. Bernie Sanders from Vermont, couldn't support the bill for similar reasons: "I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and I'm concerned that voting for this legislation fundamentally violates that oath. And the contents of the legislation have not been subjected to serious hearings or searching examination."

Nadine Strossen, president of the ACLU and professor of law at New York University, tells Insight, "The sneak-and-peak provision is just one that will be challenged in the courts. We're not only talking about the sanctity of the home, but this includes searches of offices and other places. It is a violation of the Fourth Amendment and poses tremendous problems with due process. By not notifying someone about a search, they don't have the opportunity to raise a constitutional challenge to the search."

Even before the ink on the president's signature had dried, the FBI began to take advantage of the new search-and-seizure provisions. A handful of companies have reported visits from federal agents demanding private business records. C.L. "Butch" Otter (R-Idaho), another of the three GOP lawmakers who found the legislation unconstitutional, says he knew this provision would be a problem.

"Section 215 authorizes the FBI to acquire any business records whatsoever by order of a secret U.S. court. The recipient of such a search order is forbidden from telling any person that he has received such a request. This is a violation of the First Amendment right to free speech and the Fourth Amendment protection of private property."

Rep. Otter says the new "PATRIOT law" gives federal agents unconstitutional police powers.

Otter added that "some of these provisions place more power in the hands of law enforcement than our Founding Fathers could have dreamt and severely compromises the civil liberties of law-abiding Americans.

This bill, while crafted with good intentions, is rife with constitutional infringements I could not support."

Like most who actually have read and analyzed the new law, Strossen disagrees with several provisions not only because they appear to her to be unconstitutional but also because the sweeping changes it codifies have little or nothing to do with fighting terrorism. "There is no connection," insists Strossen, "between the Sept. 11 attacks and what is in this legislation. Most of the provisions relate not just to terrorist crimes but to criminal activity generally. This happened, too, with the 1996 antiterrorism legislation where most of the surveillance laws have been used for drug enforcement, gambling and prostitution."

"I like to refer to this legislation," continues Strossen, "as the 'so-called antiterrorism law,' because on its face the provisions are written to deal with any crime, and the definition of terrorism under the new law is so severely broad that it applies far beyond what most people think of as terrorism." A similar propensity of governments to slide down the slippery slope recently was reported in England by The Guardian newspaper. Under a law passed last year by the British Parliament, investigators can get information from Internet-service providers about their subscribers without a warrant. Supposedly an antiterrorist measure, the British law will be applied to minor crimes, tax collection and public-health purposes.

Under the USA PATRIOT Act in this country, Section 802 defines domestic terrorism as engaging in "activity that involves acts dangerous to human life that violate the laws of the United States or any state and appear to be intended: (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping."

The ACLU has posted on its Website,, a comprehensive list of the provisions and summarizes the increased powers for federal spying. The following are a sample of some of the changes as a result of the so-called USA PATRIOT Act. The legislation:

* minimizes judicial supervision of federal telephone and Internet surveillance by law-enforcement authorities.

* expands the ability of the government to conduct secret searches.

* gives the attorney general and the secretary of state the power to designate domestic groups as terrorist organizations and deport any noncitizen who belongs to them.

* grants the FBI broad access to sensitive business records about individuals without having to show evidence of a crime.

* leads to large-scale investigations of American citizens for "intelligence" purposes. More specifically, Section 203 (Authority to Share Criminal Investigative Information) allows inormation gathered in criminal proceedings to be shared with intelligence agencies, including but not limited to the CIA in effect, say critics, creating a political secret police. No court order is necessary for law enforcement to provide untested information gleaned from otherwise secret grand-jury proceedings, and the information is not limited to the person being investigated.

Furthermore, this section allows law enforcement to share intercepted telephone and Internet conversations with intelligence agencies. No court order is necessary to authorize the sharing of this information, and the CIA is not prohibited from giving this information to foreign-intelligence operations in effect, say critics, creating an international political secret police.

According to Strossen, "The concern here is about the third branch of government. One of the overarching problems that pervades so many of these provisions is reduction of the role of judicial oversight. The executive branch is running roughshod over both of the other branches of government. I find it very bothersome that the government is going to have more widespread access to e-mail and Websites and that information can be shared with other law-enforcement and even intelligence agencies. So, again, we're going to have the CIA in the business of spying on Americans something that certainly hasn't gone on since the 1970s."

Strossen is referring to the illegal investigations of thousands of Americans under Operation CHAOS, spying carried out by the CIA and National Security Agency against U.S. activists and opponents of the war in Southeast Asia.

Nor do the invasion-of-privacy provisions of the new law end with law enforcement illegally searching homes and offices, say critics. Under Section 216 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Modification of Authorities Relating to Use of Pen Registers and Trap and Trace Devices), investigators freely can obtain access to "dialing, routing and signaling information."

While the bill provides no definition of "dialing, routing and signaling information," the ACLU says this means they even would "apply law-enforcement efforts to determine what Websites a person visits." The police need only certify the information they are in search of is "relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation."

This does not meet probable-cause standards that a crime has occurred, is occurring or will occur. Furthermore, regardless of whether a judge believes the request is without merit, the order must be given to the requesting law-enforcement agency, a veritable rubber stamp and potential carte blanche for fishing exhibitions.

Additionally, under Section 216, law enforcement now will have unbridled access to Internet communications. The contents of e-mail messages are supposed to be separated from the e-mail addresses, which presumably is what interests law enforcement. To conduct this process of separation, however, Congress is relying on the FBI to separate the content from the addresses and disregard the communications.

In other words, the presumption is that law enforcement is only interested in who is being communicated with and not what is said, which critics say is unlikely. Citing political implications they note this is the same FBI that during the Clinton administration could not adequately explain how hundreds of personal FBI files of Clinton political opponents found their way from the FBI to the Clinton White House.

And these are just a few of the provisions and problems. While critics doubt it will help in the tracking of would-be terrorists, the certainty is that homes and places of business will be searched without prior notice. And telephone and Internet communications will be recorded and shared among law-enforcement and intelligence agencies, all in the name of making America safe from terrorism.

Strossen understands the desire of lawmakers to respond forcefully to the Sept. 11 attacks but complains that this is more of the same old same old. "Government has the tendency," she explains, "to want to proliferate during times of crisis, and that's why we have to constantly fight against it. It's a natural impulse and, in many ways, I don't fault it.

In some ways they're just doing their job by aggressively seeking as much law-enforcement power as possible, but that's why we have checks and balances in our system of government, and that's why I'm upset that Congress just rolled and played dead on this one."

Paul agrees: "This legislation wouldn't have made any difference in stopping the Sept. 11 attacks," he says. "Therefore, giving up our freedoms to get more security when they can't prove it will do so makes no sense. I seriously believe this is a violation of our liberties. After all, a lot of this stuff in the bill has to do with finances, search warrants and arrests."

For the most part, continues Paul, "our rights have been eroded as much by our courts as they have been by Congress. Whether it's Congress being willing to give up its prerogatives on just about everything to deliver them to an administration that develops new and bigger agencies, or whether it's the courts, there's not enough wariness of the slippery slope and insufficient respect and love of liberty."

What does Paul believe the nation's Founding Fathers would think of this law? "Our forefathers would think it's time for a revolution. This is why they revolted in the first place." Says Paul with a laugh, "They revolted against much more mild oppression." Kelly Patricia O'Meara is an investigative reporter for Insight Magazine

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Dictatorship At Your Door - How 'Anti-Terror' Laws Threaten You By James R. Elwood and Jarret B. Wollstein, International Society For Individual Liberty, 7-21-2

"I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people, and the West in general, into an unbearable hell and a choking life." Osama bin Laden, October, 2001 (quoted in 2/1/02).

At 5 am in the morning on September 12, 2001 -- less than one day after the 9/11 Attack -- a half-dozen heavily-armed federal agents raided the home of Dr. Al-Hazmi in San Antonio, Texas. Without any search warrant, the agents ransacked his home, while his wife and young children (6 & 8) were held at gunpoint. Then -- without being charged with any crime -- Dr. Al-Hazmi was shackled and thrown naked into a freezing cold FBI holding cell. Even his eyeglasses and bronchitis medicine were taken away. Next, Al-Hazmi was flown to a New York prison, where he says he was repeatedly beaten while the FBI interrogated him.

One week later, he was finally allowed to talk to an attorney and learned the reason for his arrest: Dr. Al-Hazmi's name (the "Smith" of the Middle East) is similar to that of two 9/11 hijackers, and he had booked flights through, which some 9/11 hijackers (along with a few million other people) had used.

On September 24th -- 12 days after he was arrested,Dr. Al-Hazmi was released -- without his belongings and without even an apology from the FBI. He says he may now have to quit his job and leave the U.S. because his co-workers no longer trust him. (Source: "Justice Kept In the Dark," Newsweek,12-10-01, p. 41.)

Since September 11th, over 2,000 people, including many U.S. citizens, have been imprisoned by the FBI and police in the name of "fighting terrorism." Only two of them have been charged with a crime associated with 9/11. Many say they have been denied food and sleep, access to an attorney, and have even been beaten. The FBI has even called for legalizing torture of such "suspects."

In the wake of the horrific 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, America is a changed country. Dozens of "anti-terrorist" laws have already been enacted by Congress and state legislatures, and many more are on the way. As you are about to learn, these laws are a much greater danger to you than to terrorists.

The USA Patriot Act authorizes an American police state The centerpiece of the new "anti-terror" laws is the USA PATRIOT ACT (Public Law 107-56). Here is how this law affects you.

Cops can now rob your house or office at will: Under Section 213, police can now secretly break into your home or business if they merely suspect you're involved in any criminal activity involving a computer.

Once they break in, they can seize your records, alter or destroy your computer files, and even plant bugs that report every keystroke you type. They can also secretly seize anything and everything you own, including family heirlooms, your computer, cash, jewelry, and gold.

Since the "search" is secret, it will be impossible to legally challenge it -- much less get your property back. In effect, the USA Patriot Act legalizes home break-ins and robberies by cops nationwide -- not unlike the corrupt LA police Rampart Division which routinely robbed and assaulted citizens they were sworn "to serve and protect."

Big Brother is Watching: Under Section 207(III) the Feds can now eavesdrop on your phone calls, faxes, and e-mail at will -- without any search warrant. Internet Service Providers must turn over your e-mail records and customer information upon government demand.

Telephone companies also must turn over detailed phone records, including any credit-card or bank-account numbers used for payments. According to (11/21/01), the FBI is developing new "Magic Lantern" software that can record every keystroke you make on your computer. It could be inserted into your PC via the Internet, and may even be capable of real- time monitoring! [Shades of 1984]

Your financial privacy is being wiped out. Section 358 compels U.S. and foreign banks -- along with stockbrokers, credit-card companies, and credit-reporting agencies -- to provide detailed information about you to intelligence agencies on demand. You won't even be notified that this information has been requested.

Section 361 greatly expands the power of the IRS Financial Crimes Center (FINCEN) to collect financial information on you from "non-bank networks" (like check-cashing services and barter-systems). This information will be entered into a new federal database accessible to thousands of cops and bureaucrats, who can use the information to criminally prosecute you or seize your assets.

The IRS has already forced MasterCard and American Express to turn over all records of millions of U.S. citizens who have foreign credit cards. If you are a foreigner who owns U.S. assets, they can be seized upon the mere request of a U.S. prosecutor.

Finally, carrying $10,000 cash in or out of the US (without reporting it) is by itself now considered a federal crime. Your cash will be immediately confiscated.

Anything and everything you own can be seized without trial. Section 302 allows "forfeiture of any assets in connection with the anti-terrorist efforts of the United States." If you contribute even $1 to an organization that the President brands "terrorist," everything you own can be confiscated.

Since September 11th, over $400 million in assets has been seized, including all of the assets of the Global Relief Foundation in Bridgeview, Illinois, which raises some $5 million a year for poor Muslims. According to CBS News, FBI agents removed "furniture and fixtures as well as records." Justice Department officials say they will also go after large contributors to Global and 39 other Muslim charities.

We are all possible "domestic terrorists" Section 802 of the USA Patriot Act says "domestic terrorism" includes any illegal acts which are "dangerous to human life" or which are "intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population [or] to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion."

This wording is so vague, that police could brand you a 'supporter of terrorism' simply for protesting an unjust law, taking part in a political demonstration where a fist-fight breaks out, or even writing an article that criticizes the War on Terror! Already, similar laws have been used to arrest protesters at anti-abortion demonstration, seize the assets of some defense attorneys, and even arrest 6-year-old children for making "terrorist threats."

Section 813 further states that such "terrorist acts" fall under RICO (the Racketeer-Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act), which allows police to confiscate everything you own based upon mere "suspicion." The USA Patriot Act is just the beginning

In the wake of 9/11, scores of new anti-terrorist laws and policies have already been enacted including:

Robbing and assaulting airline passengers. Airports (and many other public places) are now "rights-free zones." Under the eye of armed soldiers, thousands of airline passengers have had legal items like toenail clippers, jewelry, and belts confiscated as potential "weapons." Many are also being molested.

Columnist Rebecca Hagelin reports that a female airport security guard "ran her hands across my breast and up my thighs." Then her 9-year-old daughter was subjected to the same treatment. publisher Joseph Farah says his 15-year-old daughter was "told to unbutton her pants and roll them down below the beltline." In Atlanta, 72 women have filed suit for sexual molestation by male airport security screeners.

National ID cards and internal passports. The "Drivers License Modernization Act of 2002" (HR 4633) mandates that all state drivers licenses be standardized "smart cards" that would include your Social Security number, digitized photo, and "biometric" identifiers such as your fingerprints or retinal scan. This won't stop criminals or terrorists, who routinely steal or forge IDs.

However, your license will be linked to a national database now being created which will enable the government to control your every movement and track every dollar you spend.

Some officials are even calling for these ID cards to be mandatory for boarding a bus, train, or cruise ship -- or even to rent a car! That would transform your driver's license into an internal passport. Just like in the former Soviet Union, government bureaucrats could prevent you from traveling!

"Star chamber" military tribunals. These tribunals strip away your most basic legal protections. Before these tribunals, you have no presumption of innocence, hearsay evidence can be used to convict you, and there is no independent jury. Instead you are judged by military officers who work for the same boss as the prosecutors trying to convict you. Military tribunals can even order that you be summarily executed -- without appeal.

So far, these military tribunals are supposed to try only foreign "terrorist" suspects. But a Presidential Executive Order could make you subject to them in a heartbeat -- just as Lincoln ordered during the Civil War.

Dictatorship is at our doorstep Universal surveillance, arbitrary property seizures, imprisonment without trial, "kangaroo-court" tribunals, and summary execution of "suspects" were the hallmarks of the brutal dictatorships in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia -- and continue today in repressive countries like Saddam Hussein's Iraq. These abuses have no place in a free and civilized society.

But now in America, the USA Patriot Act and the other new anti-terror laws and edicts virtually wipe out our Bill of Rights and give government officials absolute power over your life and property. As Lord Acton warned: "Power corrupts -- and absolute power corrupts absolutely".

We can still stop dictatorship Certainly in the wake of 9/11 and the continuing terrorist threat, government should hunt down and get rid of real terrorists. But vicious attacks on our freedom and privacy will not make our country one whit safer.

There is still time to fight back, as many people -- including some members of Congress -- are starting to do. Join us in insisting as a free and just people, that the "rule of law" enshrined in the Bill of Rights -- which protects the innocent -- must be strictly upheld, and that the new "anti-terrorist" laws be repealed.

Allowing government to destroy our liberty in the name of fighting terrorism will destroy everything that has made America a great, prosperous and decent society -- and give Osama bin Laden and his wretched ilk their final victory.

James R. Elwood is the executive vice-president of ISIL. Jarret B. Wollstein is a director of ISIL, a prolific writer, and the author of 25 books including "Surviving Terrorism, Protecting yourself, your business and your community from terrorism and martial law." First published May, 2002.


From Dr. James S. Mortellaro, Jr. 7-22-2

Thank God I won't see our end ... maybe. Comparatively speaking... I am 59. There is longevity in my family, on both sides. Grandma lived to 99 plus. My Dad will be 90 this August 2002. Mom is 86. My aunt is 87. All are still alive, more or less well, still driving and still kicking.

But at 59, my body is ill with the sicknesses my family had in their 80's. Little good the genes will do me. But this is my fault, not the fault of my genes. I ate wrong, smoked too long, never got enough sleep, demanded of myself more than my body could give and led a very stressful life. Typical am I, of the type "A" personality.

Having set the stage, let me continue. This nation is in a sever decline. It's citizens are lemmings, allowing their so-called government to manage every aspect of their affairs without complain.

And if they do complain, they are likely to be reported to the NAZI tattle tales now being recruited by our government. Reminds me so much of pre and post World War Two Germany. And the fall of Rome.

We are no longer living that Constitution which was just a few short years ago, itself, a living document; the writings from which governed every aspect of law, order and government. No longer.

Today, our rights under the Constitution are in dire jeopardy. The man I voted into office because I believed he was the lesser of the two lunatics running, turned out to be the Gestapo. His police state, now in the formative stages of development, will undo everything which I admired, indeed, loved, about my country.

Everything. I love to shoot. I am now concerned over losing that right. I love to write. I loath to wonder what will happen to this right, the one I now exercise on this venue. I wonder indeed. And I am afraid. Truth be told, I've never before been afraid for my country or it's citizens. I lived and grew up in the nuclear age. I was taught to hide under my classroom desk or hide in the shelters, which were everywhere in those days.

I learned that in an instant, even if I was not injured in the initial blast, I would likely cease to exist by virtue of radiation, fire, crumbling buildings and the like. It was not very pleasant. About the same as we now fear from terrorism. But worse? Maybe. I don't know. But even in those frightening times, I was secure in the knowledge that our nation would survive. I had faith in the system, in our people.

Even as a kid not even 11 years of age. I had a family as well. That level of security which is provided by an extended family (mother AND father and mother at home to raise me) made my life more bearable. But now, what do young people have? Not even an education.

In the news this past week, the numbers which measured our children's learning ability were indeed terrifying. Seventy-five percent of our students (this is in NYC) were unable to read at their grade level. As much were not able to add, subtract or multiply. What happened to dividing? That was left for our government.

Early colonists fought for Independence due primarily to what they called, "taxation without representation." Today, New Yorkers pay more than SEVEN DOLLARS for a pack of cigarettes. Seven dollars.

In this state, you cannot use a cell phone without a hands free kit. In this state, getting a license to carry concealed is like going to the Spanish Inquisition. One is forced to enure a serious indignity at the hands of police officers and judges who are clearly against having citizens carry. That right is left to police, politicians and people with connections. Everyone else suffers.

It's why I am glad that I may not see the actual downfall. I won't likely live long enough. But if I do, I may seriously blow my brains out. It is just not worth living, if I cannot live free. Not worth living. Live free or die. That's me.

I hold the truths of our Constitution to be self evident. Who the hell else does? Not too many. And those who do are mysteriously quiet. Why is that?

I don't know. Neither do I know why there are less than 5% of American flags on cars and residences than there were a week after 911. Now why is that?

Too many questions. Too few answers. I give up. It is consummated.

Dr. James S. Mortellaro, Jr.

EFF Analysis of USA PATRIOT Act (Oct. 31, 2001)

That Relate To Online Activities (Oct 31, 2001). DPR RI, Please CERMATI INI.


On October 26, 2001, President Bush signed the USA Patriot Act (USAPA) into law. With this law we have given sweeping new powers to both domestic law enforcement and international intelligence agencies and have eliminated the checks and balances that previously gave courts the opportunity to ensure that these powers were not abused. Most of these checks and balances were put into place after previous misuse of surveillance powers by these agencies, including the revelation in 1974 that the FBI and foreign intelligence agencies had spied on over 10,000 U.S. citizens, including Martin Luther King.

A Rush Job (Sebab DISETUJUI Konggres TANPA DIBACA!!! Akibat "teror" Anthrax!)

The bill is 342 pages long and makes changes, some large and some small, to over 15 different statutes. This document provides explanation and some analysis to the sections of the bill relating to online activities and surveillance. Other sections, including those devoted to money laundering, immigration and providing for the victims of terrorism, are not discussed here.

Yet even just considering the surveillance and online provisions of the USAPA, it is a large and complex law that had over four different names and several versions in the five weeks between the introduction of its first predecessor and its final passage into law. While containing some sections that seem appropriate -- providing for victims of the September 11 attacks, increasing translation facilities and increasing forensic cybercrime capabilities -- it seems clear that the vast majority of the sections included have not been carefully studied by Congress, nor was sufficient time taken to debate it or to hear testimony from experts outside of law enforcement in the fields where it makes major changes.

This concern is amplified because several of the key procedural processes applicable to any other proposed laws, including inter-agency review, the normal committee and hearing processes and thorough voting, were suspended for this bill.

Were our Freedoms the Problem?

The civil liberties of ordinary Americans have taken a tremendous blow with this law, especially the right to privacy in our online communications and activities. Yet there is no evidence that our previous civil liberties posed a barrier to the effective tracking or prosecution of terrorists. In fact, in asking for these broad new powers, the government made no showing that the previous powers of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to spy on US citizens were insufficient to allow them to investigate and prosecute acts of terrorism.

The process leading to the passage of the bill did little to ease these concerns. To the contrary, they are amplified by the inclusion of so many provisions that, instead of aimed at terrorism, are aimed at nonviolent, domestic computer crime. In addition, although many of the provisions facially appear aimed at terrorism, the Government made no showing that the reasons they failed to detect the planning of the recent attacks or any other terrorist attacks were the civil liberties compromised with the passage of USAPA

Executive Summary

Chief Concerns

The EFF's chief concerns with the USAPA include:

Expanded Surveillance With Reduced Checks and Balances. USAPA expands all four traditional tools of surveillance -- wiretaps, search warrants, pen/trap orders and subpoenas. Their counterparts under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) that allow spying in the U.S. by foreign intelligence agencies have similarly been expanded. This means:

Be careful what you put in that Google search. The government may now spy on web surfing of innocent Americans, including terms entered into search engines, by merely telling a judge anywhere in the U.S. that the spying could lead to information that is "relevant" to an ongoing criminal investigation. The person spied on does not have to be the target of the investigation. This application must be granted and the government is not obligated to report to the court or tell the person spied up what it has done.

Nationwide roving wiretaps.

FBI and CIA can now go from phone to phone, computer to computer without demonstrating that each is even being used by a suspect or target of an order. The government may now serve a single wiretap, FISA wiretap or pen/trap order on any person or entity nationwide, regardless of whether that person or entity is named in the order. The government need not make any showing to a court that the particular information or communication to be acquired is relevant to a criminal investigation.

In the pen/trap or FISA situations, they do not even have to report where they served the order or what information they received. The EFF believes that the opportunities for abuse of these broad new powers are immense. For pen/trap orders, ISPs or others who are not named in the do have authority under the law to request certification from the Attorney General's office that the order applies to them, but they do not have the authority to request such confirmation from a court.

ISPs hand over more user information. The law makes two changes to increase how much information the government may obtain about users from their ISPs or others who handle or store their online communications. First it allows ISPs to voluntarily hand over all "non-content" information to law enforcement with no need for any court order or subpoena. sec. 212. Second, it expands the records that the government may seek with a simple subpoena (no court review required) to include records of session times and durations, temporarily assigned network (I.P.) addresses; means and source of payments, including credit card or bank account numbers. secs. 210, 211.

New definitions of terrorism expand scope of surveillance. One new definition of terrorism and three expansions of previous terms also expand the scope of surveillance. They are 1) § 802 definition of "domestic terrorism" (amending 18 USC §2331), which raises concerns about legitimate protest activity resulting in conviction on terrorism charges, especially if violence erupts; adds to 3 existing definition of terrorism (int'l terrorism per 18 USC §2331, terrorism transcending national borders per 18 USC §2332b, and federal terrorism per amended 18 USC §2332b(g)(5)(B)). These new definitions also expose more people to surveillance (and potential "harboring" and "material support" liability, §§ 803, 805).

Overbreadth with a lack of focus on terrorism. Several provisions of the USAPA have no apparent connection to preventing terrorism. These include:

Government spying on suspected computer trespassers with no need for court order. Sec. 217.

Adding samples to DNA database for those convicted of "any crime of violence." Sec. 503. The provision adds collection of DNA for terrorists, but then inexplicably also adds collection for the broad, non-terrorist category of "any crime of violence." Wiretaps now allowed for suspected violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. This includes anyone suspected of "exceeding the authority" of a computer used in interstate commerce, causing over $5000 worth of combined damage.

Dramatic increases to the scope and penalties of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. This includes:

    1. raising the maximum penalty for violations to 10 years (from 5) for a first offense and 20 years (from 10) for a second offense;
    2. ensuring that violators only need to intend to cause damage generally, not intend to cause damage or other specified harm over the $5,000 statutory damage threshold;
    3. allows aggregation of damages to different computers over a year to reach the $5,000 threshold;
    4. enhance punishment for violations involving any (not just $5,000) damage to a government computer involved in criminal justice or the military;
    5. include damage to foreign computers involved in US interstate commerce;
    6. include state law offenses as priors for sentencing;
    7. expand definition of loss to expressly include time spent investigating, responding, for damage assessment and for restoration.

Allows Americans to be More Easily Spied Upon by US Foreign Intelligence Agencies. Just as the domestic law enforcement surveillance powers have expanded, the corollary powers under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act have also been greatly expanded, including:

General Expansion of FISA Authority. FISA authority to spy on Americans or foreign persons in the US (and those who communicate with them) increased from situations where the suspicion that the person is the agent of a foreign government is "the" purpose of the surveillance to anytime that this is "a significant purpose" of the surveillance. Increased information sharing between domestic law enforcement and intelligence.

This is a partial repeal of the wall put up in the 1970s after the discovery that the FBI and CIA had been conducting investigations on over half a million Americans during the McCarthy era and afterwards, including the pervasive surveillance of Martin Luther King in the 1960s. It allows wiretap results and grand jury information and other information collected in a criminal case to be disclosed to the intelligence agencies when the information constitutes foreign intelligence or foreign intelligence information, the latter being a broad new category created by this law.

FISA detour around federal domestic surveillance limitations; domestic detour around FISA limitations. Domestic surveillance limits can be skirted by the Attorney General, for instance, by obtaining a FISA wiretap against a US person where "probable cause" does not exist, but when the person is suspected to be an agent of a foreign government. The information can then be shared with the FBI. The reverse is also true.

Future Actions

The EFF urges the following:

That law enforcement and the intelligence agencies will use these new powers carefully and limit their use to bona fide investigations into acts of terrorism.

That if these laws are misused to spy on innocent people, that the courts will appropriately punish those who misuse them and that Congress will reexamine its decision to grant such broad, unchecked powers.

That if these laws are misused to harm the rights of ordinary Americans involved in low level crimes unrelated to terrorism, the courts will refuse to allow evidence collected through use of these broad powers to be used in prosecuting them.

That the many vague, undefined terms in the USAPA will be defined in favor of protecting civil liberties and privacy of Americans. These include:

That ISPs and others served with "roving" wiretaps and other Orders that do not specify them will require that the Attorney General give them certification that the order properly applies to them.

That Congress will require the law enforcement and intelligence agencies who operate under provisions of the USAPA that are set to expire in December, 2005, to provide them with comprehensive reports about their use of these new powers to enable Congress to reasonably determine whether these provisions should be renewed. (see related EFF statement)

I. Expanded Surveillance with Reduced Checks and Balances

A. A Brief, Incomplete Introduction to Electronic Surveillance under US Law.

US law has provided four basic mechanisms for surveillance on people living in the United States: interception orders authorizing the interception of communications; search warrants authorizing the search of physical premises and seizure of tangible things like books or other evidence; "pen register" and "trap-and-trace device" orders (pen/trap orders), which authorize the collection of telephone numbers dialed to and from a particular communications device; and subpoenas compelling the production of tangible things, including records. Each mechanism has its own proof standards and procedures based on the Constitution, statutes, or both.

US law also provides two separate "tracks" with differing proof standards and procedures for each of these mechanisms depending upon whether surveillance is done by domestic law enforcement or foreign intelligence. All of these have been expanded by the USAPA.

For instance, when surveillance is conducted for domestic law enforcement purposes, the probable cause standard of the Fourth Amendment applies to interception orders and search warrants. But a court order compelling an ISP to produce e-mail logs and addresses of past e-mail correspondents uses a lower standard: the government must show specific and articulable facts showing reasonable grounds to believe that the records are relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation. A pen/trap order uses an even lower standard: the government need only tell the court that the surveillance is relevant to a criminal investigation. The standard for subpoenas is also very low.

Where foreign intelligence surveillance is concerned, however, the standard of proof and procedures for each mechanism has been different. One key difference is that foreign intelligence surveillance is not based on the concept of criminality. Under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), the key issue is whether the intended surveillance target is an "agent of a foreign power" or a "foreign power." Only if the target is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien must the government show probable cause of criminality.

Second, FISA allows a secret court to authorize US intelligence agencies to conduct surveillance using each of the four basic mechanisms listed above. For instance, FISA interception orders involving U.S. persons are issued by the secret court based on an application from the Attorney General stating reasons to believe that the surveillance target is an agent of a foreign power or a foreign power, certifying that "the purpose" of the surveillance is to gather foreign intelligence information, and several other facts and representations.

The secret court's role here, however, is quite limited: it is not supposed to "second-guess" the government's certifications or representations. (Unsurprisingly, the secret FISA court has only denied one application in its over twenty-year existence.)

Moreover, unlike ordinary interception orders, FISA does not require reports to the court about what the surveillance found; no reports of what is being sought or what information is retrieved are ever available to the public. Thus, the secret court's only practical accountability is in a district court when a surveillance target is prosecuted and seeks to suppress the fruits of FISA surveillance.

FISA's requirements are even weaker if the electronic surveillance is directed solely at means of communications used exclusively between or among foreign powers and when it is unlikely that communications to which a U.S. person is a party will be intercepted; in such cases, surveillance may proceed for up to a year without a court order.

Immediately after the September 11 attacks, electronic surveillance was conducted pursuant to FISA orders. There have been no reports that the limitations of FISA power posed any problems for the government.

Domestic Law EnforcementForeign Intelligence Surveillance

1. Intercept Orders.

Title III (named after the section of the original legislation, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968) surveillance is a traditional wiretap that allows the police to bug rooms, listen to telephone conversations, or get content of electronic communications in real time.

Obtained after law enforcement makes a showing to a court that there is "probable cause" to believe that the target of the surveillance committed one of a special list of severe crimes.

Law enforcement must report back to the court what it discovers. Up to 30 days; must go back to court for 30-day extensions (Courts do not treat unopened e-mail at ISPs as real-time communications.) 1. FISA Intercept Orders.

Secret Court. No public information about what surveillance requested or what surveillance actually occurs, except for a raw annual report of number of requests made and number granted (the secret court has only refused one request)

Previous standard was certification by Attorney General that "the purpose" of an order is a suspicion that the target is a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power. Attorney General is not required to report to the court what it does. Up to 90 days, or 1 year (if foreign power)

2. Pen/Trap.

Pen/Trap surveillance was based upon the physical wiring of the telephone system. It allowed law enforcement to obtain the telephone numbers of all calls made to or from a specific phone.

Allowed upon a "certification" to the court that the information is relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation. Court must grant if proper application made Does not require that the target be a suspect in that investigation and law enforcement is not required to report back to the court.

Prior to USAPA there had been debate about how this authority is to be applied in the Internet context. 2. FISA Pen/Trap. Previous FISA pen/trap law required not only showing of relevance but also showing that the communications device had been used to contact an "agent of a foreign power."

While this exceeds the showing under the ordinary pen/trap statute, such a showing had function of protecting US persons against FISA pen/trap surveillance.

2. Physical search warrants

Judicial finding of probable cause of criminality; return on warrant. Previously, agents were required at the time of the search or soon thereafter to notify person whose premises were searched that search occurred, usually by leaving copy of warrant. USAPA makes it easier to obtain surreptitious or "sneak-and-peek" warrants under which notice can be delayed. 3. FISA Physical search warrants. See FISA 50 USC § 1822. USAPA extends duration of physical searches.

Under previous FISA, Attorney General (without court order) could authorize physical searches for up to one year of premises used exclusively by a foreign power if unlikely that US person will be searched; minimization required. A.G. could authorize such searches up to 45 days after judicial finding of probable cause that US target is or is an agent of a foreign power; minimization required, and investigation may not be based solely on First Amendment-protected activities.

3. Subpoenas for stored information.

Many statutes authorize subpoenas; grand juries may issue subpoenas as well. EFF's main concern here has been for stored electronic information, both e-mail communications and subscriber or transactional records held by ISPs. Subpoenas in this area are governed by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA).

4. FISA subpoenas

Previously, FISA authorized collection of business records in very limited situations, mainly records relating to common carriers, vehicles or travel, and only via court order. USAPA permits all "tangible things," including business records, to be obtained via a subpoena (no court order).

Domestic Law EnforcementForeign Intelligence Surveillance

II. Increased Surveillance Authority

The USAPA removes many of the checks and balances that prevented both police and the foreign intelligence agencies from improperly conducting surveillance on US citizens who are not involved in criminal or terrorist activity. For Internet users, it opens the door for widespread surveillance of web surfing, e-mails and peer to peer systems. In addition, the protections against the misuse of these authorities -- by the foreign intelligence agencies to spy on US citizens and by law enforcement to use foreign intelligence authority to exceed their domestic surveillance authority -- have been greatly reduced.

A.) Law enforcement intercept orders (Wiretaps)

Wiretaps (for telephone conversations) can only be issued for certain crimes listed in 18 USC §2516. USAPA adds to this list. This restriction has never applied to interception of electronic communications.

1. Adds Terrorism.

USAPA sec. 201 adds terrorism offenses (Note: this is probably redundant since list already included most if not all terrorist acts --e.g., murder, hijacking, kidnapping, etc.)

2. Adds Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), 18 USC §1030.

USAPA sec. 202 adds felony violations of the CFAA (see below for discussion of changes to CFAA).

3. Removes voicemail from Title III purview.

USAPA sec. 209 allows police to get voicemail and other stored wire communications without an intercept order; now, only search warrant needed.

4. Exempts certain interceptions from requirement of judicial authorization

Computer trespassers, see below.

B. Law enforcement search warrants.

1. Single-jurisdiction search warrants for terrorism and for electronic evidence.

In general, search warrants must be obtained within a judicial district for searches in that district. Fed.R.Crim.Pro. 41. USAPA relaxes this rule. USAPA sec. 219 Adds terrorist investigations to the list of items where single-jurisdiction search warrants may be issued. Allows issuance in any district in which activities related to terrorism may have occurred for search of property or person within or outside the district. USAPA sec. 220. Once a judge somewhere approves a warrant for seizing unopened e-mail less than 180 days old, that order can be served on any ISP/OSP or telecommunications company nationwide, without any need that the particular service provider be identified in the warrant.

2. "Sneak-and-peek" warrants greatly expanded.

USAPA sec. 213. Can delay notification for "a reasonable period" and can be "extended for good cause shown" to court for any wire or electronic communication or tangible property. Problematic because notice to a searched person is a key component of Fourth Amendment reasonableness.

C. Law enforcement Pen/Trap orders

Pen/trap orders are issued by a court under a very low standard; USAPA does not change this standard. USAPA instead expands the reach of pen/trap orders.

1. Expressly includes Internet information, e.g., e-mail and Web browsing information.

USAPA sec. 216 modifies 18 USC § 3121(c) to expressly include routing, addressing information, thus expressly including e-mail and electronic communications. "Contents" of communications excluded, but USAPA does not define what it includes (dialing, routing, addressing, signalling information) or what it excludes (contents). Serious questions about treatment of Web "addresses" and other URLs that identify particular content. DOES NOT SUNSET.

Applies to those not named (nationwide). Previously, pen/trap orders limited by court's jurisdiction, so had to be installed in judicial district. Now, court shall enter ex parte order authorizing use anywhere within the US if court has jurisdiction over crime being investigated and attorney for US Government has certified that information "likely to be obtained" is "relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation." Order applies to any provider "whose assistance may facilitate the execution of the order, " whether or not within the jurisdiction of the issuing court.

But if entity is not named, may require that US attorney provide written or electronic certification that the order applies to the person or entity being served. DOES NOT SUNSET.

IF government agency uses its own technology (e.g., Carnivore), then and "audit trail" is required, e.g., 30 day report back to court. No mandate that equipment facilitate surveillance. sec. 222 (prevents CALEA application here).

D. Law enforcement subpoenas (and some court orders) for stored information

1. USAPA sec. 210 amends Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA).

Expands records that can be sought without a court order to include: records of session times and durations, temporarily assigned network addresses; means and source of payments, including any credit card or bank account number.

Allows disclosure of customer records by the service provider on the same basis that it currently allows content.

Expands "emergency" voluntary disclosure to government of both content and customer records if reason to believe immediate danger of death or serious physical injury. Also expands ECPA 2703(d) court-ordered mandatory disclosure to government. USAPA Sec. 212.

2. USAPA sec. 211. Reduction of Privacy for Cable Records.

Previously, the Cable Act had mandated strong privacy protection for customer records of cable providers; USAPA overrides these protections for customer records related to telecommunications services. This is a major change because several courts have already held that these privacy protections don't apply for telecommunications services.

E. Information sharing between law enforcement and intelligence community

Because foreign intelligence surveillance does not require probable cause of criminality and because of the fear that foreign intelligence surveillance aimed at foreign agents would violate the rights of US persons, the law has tried to keep foreign intelligence surveillance (including evidence gained therefrom) separate from law enforcement investigations. USAPA greatly blurs the line of separation between the two.

1. Easier to Use FISA authority for Criminal Investigations.

USAPA Sec. 218 Foreign intelligence gathering now only needs to be "a significant purpose" not "the purpose" (edits to 50 USC § 1804(a)(7)(b), and 1823 (a)(7)(B)). FISA court only looks to see that certifications present and are not "clearly erroneous". Courts have said that it is not the function of the courts to "second guess" the certifications.

2. Now Can Disclose Formerly Secret Grand Jury Information to Intelligence Services.

USAPA §203(a). Amends Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 6. Grand jury information now can be disclosed to intelligence services when "matters involve foreign intelligence or counterintelligence per 50 USC §401a or foreign intelligence information (defined below)".

3. Foreign Intelligence Information.

New category of information that can be disclosed to foreign intelligence agents. Any info, whether or not concerning a US person, that "relates" to the ability of the US to protect against an actual or potential attack, sabotage or international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities; any info, whether or not concerning a US Person, that "relates" to the national defense or security or the conduct of foreign affairs. DOES NOT SUNSET.

4. Disclose Criminal Wiretap Information With Any Government Official,

Including Foreign Intelligence Services Section 203(b) amends 18 USC §2517. Allows disclosure of contents of wiretaps or evidence derived therefrom to any other government t official, including intelligence, national defense and national security, "to the extent such contents include foreign intelligence or counterintelligence or foreign intelligence information (see definition above)

5. General Authority to Disclose

Section 203(d). Notwithstanding other law, lawful for foreign intelligence or counterintelligence or foreign intelligence information (see definition above) to be disclosed to anyone to assist in performance of official duties. USAPA Sec. 504 also authorizes general coordination between law enforcement and FISA surveillance.


1. Intercept orders: adds "roving wiretap" authority to FISA.

USAPA §206 amends 50 USC §1805. FISA court now may authorize intercepts on any phones or computers that the target may use. The foreign intelligence authorities can require anyone to help them wiretap. Previously they could only serve such orders on common carriers, landlords, or other specified persons. Now they can serve them on anyone and the Order does not have to specify the name of the person required to assist. No requirement that request for authority identify those.

Roving wiretap authority raises serious Fourth Amendment problems because it relaxes the "particularity" requirements of the Warrant Clause. Such authority already exists under Title III. Increases duration of FISA intercept orders. USAPA §207 amends 50 USC §1805(e)(1) concerning surveillance on agents of a foreign power (not US persons) from 90 to 120 days.

2. FISA search warrants

Extend time for surveillance. USAPA §207 amends 50 USC §1824(d) for judicially authorized physical searches to a) 90 days (up from 45), or b) if agent of a foreign power (employee or member of a foreign power but not US persons), 120 days.

3. FISA pen/trap orders

USAPA Sec. 214. Amends 50 USC 1842 and 1843 (emergency) to allow pen/trap orders when they are concerning foreign intelligence information and: are not concerning a US person or; ARE concerning a US person, and to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities, provided that such investigation is not conducted solely upon the basis of 1st Amendment activities.

4. FISA subpoenas and similar authorities

Broad authority for compelling business records. Under current law, only records of common carriers, public accommodation facilities, physical storage facilities and vehicle rental facilities can be obtained with a court order. USAPA 215: Amends 50 USC §1862 to allow application to FISA court for an order to compel the production of any business record from anyone for any investigation to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities (but cannot investigate a US person solely for First Amendment activities).

No showing needed that the person is the agent of a foreign power. Order to a court--MUST be granted if application meets requirements. Order won't say that it is under this section. Persons served by it are gagged Semiannual list of applications and list granted, denied but no reporting of actual documents seized or their usefulness required to court or to Congress.

G. Other changes related to surveillance

1. New surveillance of communications "relevant" to computer trespasser investigation

USAPA sec. 217; Changes to 18 USC § 2510. In addition to the three traditional forms of surveillance, the USAPA adds another area where any government employee, not just law enforcement, may conduct content surveillance of US persons. This is when computer owner and operator "authorizes" surveillance and law enforcement agent "has reasonable grounds to believe contents of communication will be relevant" to investigating computer trespass and does not acquire anyone else's communications.

Allows interception of messages suspected of being sent through a computer without "authorization." The term "authorization" is not defined, giving the owner/operator of protected computer and the government agent great discretion. BUT this does not include someone who is known to have an existing contractual relationship to access all or part of the computer. According to DOJ, ISP customers who send spam in violation of ISP's terms of service would not be trespassers.

2. Civil liability for certain unauthorized disclosures.

USAPA sec. 223. This provision provides a small bit of relief for those who discover that law enforcement or the foreign intelligence authorities have disclosed information about them improperly.

- Allows Administrative discipline.

- Amends 18 USC §§ 2520, 2707

- Allows §2712 Civil actions with a $10,000 recovery limit, but only for willful disclosures. [It's a $10K statutory damages minimum ("actual damages, but not less than $10,000, whichever amount is greater")]

3. Disclosure of Educational Records. amends 20 USC §1232g. USAPA sec. 507-8.

Upon written application to a court (pen/trap standard), the Attorney General may require an educational agency to collect educational records "relevant" to an authorized investigation of a listed terrorist offense or "domestic or international terrorist offense." If application correct, court shall grant. (pen/trap standard) Same for National Education Statistics Act surveys.

4. Similarly expands quasi-subpoena power for many other records.

USAPA §505 authorizes issuance of national security letters for certain phone billing records, bank records, credit records on same showing as for FISA pen/trap (but no court order).

III. Changes With Little Relationship to Fighting Terrorism.

The EFF is also deeply dismayed to see that the Attorney General seized upon the legitimate Congressional concern following the September 11, 2001 attacks to pad the USAPA with provisions that have at most, a tangential relationship to preventing terrorism. Instead, they appear targeted at low and mid-level computer defacement and damage cases which, although clearly criminal, are by no means terrorist offenses and have no business being included in this bill.

A. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA 18 USC § 1030).

The CFAA provides for civil and criminal liability for acts exceeding the "authority" to access or use a computer connected to the Internet. It is used to prosecute those engaging in computer graffiti, website defacement and more serious computer intrusion and damage. It has also been applied in civil cases to spammers and those sending unwanted bots to gather information from the websites of others.

The USAPA makes several changes to this law, none of which seems aimed at preventing or prosecuting terrorist offenses -- which are separately defined and already include the use of computers to commit terrorism . An earlier version of the bill would have made many violations of the statute "terrorist" offenses.

After outcry from EFF members and many others, most, but not all see below, of the offenses under §1030 were removed from the "terrorist" definition. However, instead the penalties and scope of §1030 were greatly expanded. The changes include:

"Loss" under the statute now expressly includes time spent responding and assessing damage, restoring data, program, system or information, any revenue lost, cost incurred or other consequential damages. Sec. 814.

B. Computer Crimes under CFAA Defined as "Terrorist Offenses"

As far as the investigation has revealed so far, computer crime played no role in the September 11, 2001 attack or in any previous terrorist attacks suffered by the United states. Computer crime, especially when it results in danger to lives, is a serious offense, the USAPA adds it to the list of "terrorist offenses."

Although it is obviously possible that a computer crime in the future could be part of a terrorist offense, the definition of "terrorism" already includes murder, hijacking, kidnapping and similar crimes that would be the result of a "cyberterrorist" attack. Yet without explanation, early versions of the USAPA included even low level computer intrusion and web defacement as "terrorist offenses." The final bill was not so draconian, but still includes the following (among others unrelated to computer crime) as a "terrorist offense" under 18 USC §2332b(g)(5)(B):

An act calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion or to retaliate against government conduct (this lsnguage was in existing law AND EITHER violates 18 USC §1030(a)(1) accessing restricted or classified information on computers that require protection for reasons of national security, national defense or §11(y) of Atomic Energy Act of 1954 with reason to believe could that the information could injure US or advantage a foreign nation, and who willfully communicates the information to one not entitled to it, OR violates 18 USC §1030(a)(5)(A)(i) resulting in damage that:

Causes medical care problem, physical injury, public health or safety, OR affects computer system used by or for a government entity in furtherance of the administration of justice, national defense, or national security.

If an offense is a federal terrorism offense per 18 USC 2332b(g)(5)(B):

RICO procedures apply. Sec. 813. This includes seizure of assets pre-conviction, forfeiture post-conviction and many other procedural provisions previously applicable just to organized crime and the drug war. 8 year statute of limitation §3286 (sec. 809)

Alternate maximum penalties (sec. 810) 15 year max penalty 810(c)(1) and if death of a person results, for any term or for life.

Included in 803: harboring or concealing terrorists

Included in 805: Material support 18 USC 2339A

806 Assets: "of any individual, entity or organization engaged in planning or perpetrating any act of domestic or international terrorism" and all assets, "affording any person a source of influence over any such entity or organization."

USAPA sec. 805. Amends 18 USC 2339A. Material support for terrorists now includes "expert advice or assistance"; e.g., biochemist's advice on how to increase lethality of biological agents.

Previous 2339A included "training"; statute requires "knowing or intending that they [material support or resources] are to be used in preparation for, or in carrying out, a violation . . .. [of, inter alia, 2332b] -- so this requires knowing or intentional facilitation. Under 2339A facilitator may be culpable whether or not underlying offense committed; also, scienter does not require "specific intent to commit the underlying action," but only knowledge that "are to be used" for a specified offense -- however, normally this is interepreted to mean that facilitator "aware that that result is practically certain to follow from his conduct."

If a facilitator was virtually certain that particular recipients would in fact use the provided resources to commit a terrorist crime, it would be immaterial whether the facilitator knew precisely when or where the criminal conduct would occur. Major First Amendment problem for information otherwise available in the public domain.

IV. Sunset Provisions (artinya, ada masa kadaluwarsa)

USAPA sec. 224. Several of the surveillance portions of the USAPA will expire on December 31, 2005. The EFF is pleased that at least some of the more severe changes in the surveillance of U.S. persons contained in the USAPA will expire on December 31, 2005 unless renewed by Congress.

We are concerned, however, that there is no way for Congress to review how several of these key provisions have been implemented, since there is no reporting requirement to Congress about them and no requirements of reporting even to a judge about several others. Without the necessary information about how these broad new powers have been used, Congress will be unable to evaluate whether they have been needed and how they have been used in order to make an informed decision about whether and how they should continue or whether they should be allowed to expire without renewal.

  1. The provisions that expire include:

Sec. 201. Authority To Intercept Wire, Oral, And Electronic

Communications Relating To Terrorism.

Sec. 202 .Authority To Intercept Wire, Oral, And Electronic

Communications Relating To Computer Fraud And Abuse Offenses.

Sec. 203(b), (d). Authority To Share Criminal Investigative Information.

Sec. 206. Roving Surveillance Authority Under The Foreign Intelligence

Surveillance Act Of 1978.

Sec. 207. Duration Of FISA Surveillance Of Non-United States Persons Who

Are Agents Of A Foreign Power.

Sec. 209. Seizure Of Voice-Mail Messages Pursuant To Warrants.

Sec. 212. Emergency Disclosure Of Electronic Communications To Protect

Life And Limb.

Sec. 214. Pen Register And Trap And Trace Authority Under Fisa.

Sec. 215. Access To Records And Other Items Under The Foreign

Intelligence Surveillance Act.

Sec. 217. Interception Of Computer Trespasser Communications.

Sec. 218. Foreign Intelligence Information.

Sec. 220. Nationwide Service Of Search Warrants For Electronic Evidence.

Sec. 223. Civil Liability For Certain Unauthorized Disclosures.

B. The following provision do not expire:

Sec. 203(a),(c): Grand jury sharing of info

Sec. 208: Designation Of Judges: increases number of FISA judges

Sec. 210: ECPA Scope of Subpoenas for records of electronic

communications--clearly allowing e-mails routing information :

Sec. 211: ECPA Clarification of scope: privacy provisions of Cable Act

overridden for communication services offered by cable providers (but

not for records relating to cable viewing)

Sec. 213: Sneak & Peek: delay notification of execution of a warrant

Sec. 216: Modification of pen/trap authorities: (in original PATRIOT,

would have sunsetted)

Sec. 219: Single jurisdiction search warrants for terrorism

Sec. 222: Assistance to law enforcement

Sec. 225. Immunity For Compliance With Fisa Wiretap. Can continue all

investigations active at the time of expiration.

<<<<ó >>>>

Homeland Security Horrors (Kopkamtib Amrik: a/l Vaksinasi Paksa!) By Alan Bock, 7-23-2

Most of the administration's paper grandly proclaiming a "National Strategy for Homeland Security" is the kind of innocuous bureaucratic blather one finds in a report on waste management or wetlands maintenance.

I'm not sure whether it's alarming or reassuring to be confronted by such soporific sentences as "This is an exceedingly complex mission that requires coordinated and focused effort from our entire society ñ the federal government, state and local governments, the private sector, and the American people." Or to be told that "the challenge is to develop interconnected and complementary systems that are reinforcing rather than duplicative and that ensure essential requirements are met."

Despite the bland bureaucratese, there is much in the document to worry those who still cherish traditional American liberties. And despite the fact that the House, under direction from Majority Leader Dick Armey (is he feeling able to express whatever quasi-libertarian impulses he has only now that he has announced his retirement?) the re-creation of the Cuban block committee system and a nationalized drivers license/ID card, much of what is left is even more worrisome.


It is fascinating and seldom predictable what issues of many that should have the potential to do so will attract the attention of enough of the great public, or of those in the media who claim to have their finger on the public pulse, to convert a policy question into an issue. The Terrorist Information and Prevention System, or TIPS, announced as being in the early stages of formation by the Justice Department, managed to make the cut.

To be sure, it was ripe with opportunities not just for snooping but for cartoons and wise remarks about cable guys as spies and the like. And the House under Dick Armey has announced that it is opposed to such a systematic, federally supervised use of people who are ordinarily in neighborhoods to spy on Americans.

That doesn't mean that the issue might not resurface, or that the system might not be quietly implemented with less fanfare and attention. It was set to be put in place by the Justice Department without any new legislation being required, after all. And to some people, including some in the media, the reaction was a tempest in a teapot.

This wasn't Sovietism in America, but kind of a glorified Neighborhood Watch program, a community-oriented kind of thing. Opposition to it, in some eyes, was simply a sign that knee-jerk ACLUism is still all too prevalent in the United States, despite the obvious fact that wartime demands some attitude adjustment.

In fact, if I were the FBI, I would at least make arrangements to talk to mail delivery people on a fairly regular basis, preceded by an informal discussion about the kinds of things to look for ñ and the time-wasters to avoid. Mail carriers generally know a good deal about who is in a neighborhood on a regular, who has relatives living with them, who is seeing big changes in the kind of mail they get, what addresses have mail sent to pseudonyms and the like. There might be one person on every 10 or 50 carriers' route legitimately deserving of attention because of patterns a carrier might notice.

But it's of no concern to those genuinely seeking intelligence on potential terrorist acts who is getting pornography, or even who is getting magazines or mailings from wiggy political outfits. And that's the weakness of such a program. You know that amateur surveillers would find something suspicious in numerous instances of harmless eccentricity.

They would want to feel as if they were contributing, so they would redouble their efforts to find something on which they could report. An "informer" mentality would become predominant in some of them. They would find a way to find something suspicious about increasing numbers of people. They would begin to look at people from the assumption that they are probably doing something that bears watching rather than from the assumption that they are probably ordinary, innocent Americans who are supposed to get protection rather than harassment from government.

All this would not only have a chilling effect on freedom, it would be a tremendous waste of time and resources. By concentrating attention on something other than legitimate threats it might even make the success of the next terrorist attack attempt more likely.


The idea of a national drivers' license or some form of national ID, of course, has been around for a while, long enough for a constituency opposed to the idea to have developed. (In fact, one of the more striking aspects of the plan is how much of it has been seen and rejected before, but has been waiting on the shelf, ready to put forward again with a few tweaks in the language and a different justification.) So it's not surprising that a national drivers' license bit the dust.

However, as Jefferson knew, the natural way of things is for government to advance and liberty to retreat. However, it's not exactly a "natural" or inexorable process built into the way things are.

Government advances because as "public choice" theorists have demonstrated rather convincingly and most non-academics know as a matter of simple common sense people in bureaucracies tend to assume for themselves the institutional interests of the bureaucracies in which they are ensconced, which include growing and having control of more money and more power.

So the uniform drivers' license idea will be back, probably in the form of uniform "voluntary guidelines" for states in terms of the kind of proof of identification required, information collected, electronic encoding and the like. It will be sold so as to imply that only a covert ally of terrorism could oppose these simple, sensible, minor reforms. Eternal vigilance and all that.


The fact that the Homeland Security proposal (and it seems telling to me that they have stuck with an Orwellian formulation with Mussolinian overtones) is full of half-baked ideas and vague promises to "integrate information sharing," And "integrate separate federal response plans into a single all-discipline incident management plan" is not the worst of it. The bureaucratic language almost masks the more fundamental problems.

The first is that "terrorism" is not a state, not an enemy, not an adversary, not a phenomenon that can be eliminated with proper inoculation and sanitation, like malaria. It is not a new phenomenon; it was used in ancient times and people have been writing books about modern terrorism since the 1960s.

Terrorism is a tactic, a tactic used by people with mostly political goals who find themselves at a disadvantage vis-a-vis their enemies who seek a dramatic way of announcing themselves or demoralizing the other side. The Homeland Security paper, aside from a brief mention of al Qaida and some murmuring about people trying to acquire nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, does not discuss who the enemy is and why the enemy should wish to harm anybody in the United States.

This seems like more than a minor oversight. It strikes me more as a way to expand the size, scope and power of the government using the World Trade Center bombing as a pretext, while being completely unserious about trying to get to the bottom of why terrorist incidents occur, which would seem to a normal person like the first step in trying to minimize them.

Now some would argue that we face a world revolutionary movement seeking to undermine and destroy Western civilization, while others would argue that we face a small coterie of fanatical Islamists who are well outside the mainstream of Islam generally. Some would argue that the problem is a few psychologically unbalanced people able to use political pretexts and technology to be the equivalent of playground bullies, while others would argue that capitalist or statist exploitation or poverty or inequality or arrogant U.S. interventionism are among the root causes of the willingness to commit terrorist acts.

It would seem to make a difference, in designing a strategy, which cause or through a combination of causes promotes the modern terrorist phenomenon. Especially if terrorism is a tactic, not a strategy, goal or cause, those who embrace political causes are likely to use other tactics along the way, and to focus on terrorism is to be unprepared for other possible tactics.

What is striking about the White House document is that there is no discussion ñ zip, zero, nada of any of this. There are terrorist enemies out there who are ruthless, and this is the extent of official curiosity. The way to defeat them is to give the government more power to coordinate all aspects of society, to peer into previously private places, to assume more direct control over more areas of human endeavor.


A huge blind spot in the report is the assumption that the key to coordination is minutely exercised central control. The Hayekian insight that real societal coordination arises from thousands and millions of independent decisions taken with consideration for but imperfect understanding of what other independent actors are doing, reating what could be called "spontaneous order," is completely absent.

The insight is, of course, frightening to those who have made careers of controlling others. It is also potentially frightening to people who haven't given the matter much thought, because freedom doesn't offer ironclad guarantees that nothing bad will ever happen. The fact that government guarantees of safety through central control or planning might be delivered but are seldom valid (see September 11 for an example of government failure to perform the minimal function even limited-government advocates would concede as part of its legitimate job on a massive scale) is seldom stressed or even mentioned.

So our Republican leaders ("the appalling people who govern us" as Richard Cowan of is fond of putting it) use terrorism as a pretext for increasing central government power, continuing the process of Sovietizing America and even resurrecting the age-old desire to have the military perform more essentially civilian law enforcement functions, which failed abysmally when tried in the War on Drugs and which most military people have no desire to do. Just more than 10 years on, they seem to have missed the lesson that it was the highly centralized, highly "coordinated," highly governed system that failed, while the "chaotic," relatively free society succeeded and triumphed.

Our leaders, in both parties, not only don't appreciate but seem downright hostile to the freedom and independence that has made the United States the leader and sole superpower of the world. If they have their way, the problem of American hegemony, if it is a problem, will not trouble the world for very long, at least in world-historical terms.



Ex-Mossad Agent Speaks Out Tells of the Mossad-Australia Connection

NewDawn.Com. A Journal of Alternative News & Information; Real total war has become information war, it is being fought now...

Victor Ostrovsky, a former Israeli Mossad agent and now best-selling author, became internationally famous in 1990 when he published his first book By Way of Deception, which documented the outrages committed by the Israeli secret service.

The Mossad, considered by intelligence experts to be the most ruthless spy agency in the world, doesn't take kindly to defectors, and Ostrovsky's life has been in danger ever since he went public with his first blockbuster book.

Last year Ostrovsky brought out his second explosive expose The Other Side of Deception, creating a furore in the Zionist state when excerpts were published in the largest Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot.

Over the years there have been claims and counter-claims of Mossad involvement in Australia. The Israeli secret service prefers to operate well away from the spotlight of publicity. In this exclusive interview

New Dawn asked the courageous whistle blower, Victor Ostrovsky about his books, the current situation in the Middle East, the powerful U.S. Israeli lobby, and Mossad links in Australia.

New Dawn: As the author of two best selling books on the Mossad, can you provide a brief outline of what led to your efforts to expose the machinations of the Israeli secret service?

Ostrovsky: I believe in my second book The Other Side of Deception I explained what brought this action. I joined with a group of people to bring an end to the actions of the Mossad. I wanted to stop the Mossad's uses and abuses of the Israeli and outside Jewish communities. The sad thing is many people who are suffering from the Mossad's abuse of power, also support it.

New Dawn: What was the reaction of the Israeli government and the Israeli lobby worldwide to the revelations in your first book By Way of Deception?

Ostrovsky: Interesting. The Mossad desperately wanted to buy time. In response to questions in the [Israeli] Knesset, the Mossad admitted they wanted to buy time to stop the publication of By Way of Deception so they could kidnap me. Thus, even if the book were published, there would be no author available to back up, verify and promote its contents.

The Mossad in kidnapping Mordechai Vanunu and putting him away in jail, stopped him from elaborating his story. The Israeli government attempted to legally stop the book from being published. However, they found it practically impossible to fulfil, what was essentially, Mossad's request. Jewish communities around the world reacted to the book as told to by the Israeli government. Actually, the organised Jewish communities have no opinion of their own - they are driven communities - told what to think. They respond accordingly. It's sad.

New Dawn: From our experience here in Australia, whenever an individual or organisation speaks out against Mossad activities or Israeli actions, they are immediately branded an 'anti-Semite', 'lunatic', or 'right-wing extremist'...

Ostrovsky: Well, this is a modus operandi. This is how the Mossad activates all its forces or groupies to stop any activities against them. This is what the ADL [Anti-Defamation League] does regularly. Of course, they are well connected with the media and a lot of media rely on their financial support.

Also a misconception is formed through the use of these terms - if somebody is against the policies of the Israeli government, it means they're anti-Israel, not an anti-Semite. An anti-Semite is an ugly person who hates a group of people because of their origin. Anti-Israel can be equated with being anti-Chinese, anti-South Africa, etc. There is a big difference here. People have the right to disagree with the policies of countries.

New Dawn: In April this year you were interviewed on ABC Radio about your latest book The Other Side of Deception. You commented that "a lot of the segments of the Australian secret service report first to Mossad."

Ostrovsky: Here we are dealing with operandi. Look at Vanunu's case. Australian intelligence agencies immediately told the Mossad about Vanunu [when Vanunu was in Australia just before his kidnapping]. Why? They admit it. It's not a secret. Australian intelligence agencies have people directly linked to the Mossad - they work with them. Usually it's people on the mid-level who will be liaising with the Mossad, and will pass everything on. The Mossad will make an intelligence request, and the Australian intelligence services will give. They view it from the perspective that Israel is a Western country, so why not help?

New Dawn: In the same interview you said that the Mossad goes into Jewish communities around the world and uses them as a resource. Is this happening in Australia?

Ostrovsky: Of course it does. It happens everywhere. But they don't like to admit it. To give an example, when an Israeli 'celebrity' comes to visit and speak at a Jewish community function or the like, you'll find all these local people checking for bombs, doing the security, etc.

Where do you think they got their training? Look in my first book [By Way of Deception] to discover in detail what I'm saying.... The Mossad gives instructions to all [Israeli] lobbies over the world, so you're not unique in any way.

New Dawn: What about Mossad activities in the Asia/Pacific region?

Ostrovsky: I think it's generally friendly territory. There's no real need for the Mossad to play a major role while the situation stays as it is. They do have a lot of companies which are used for deep cover activities. The Mossad is very well entrenched in Indonesia and Japan. In fact, they're in Indonesia with the knowledge of the government, and with their permission.

New Dawn: Given the changes in the Middle East since the 1991 Gulf War, what role does the Mossad currently play in both regional and international affairs?

Ostrovsky: Put simply - doing everything it can to stop the Middle East peace process.

New Dawn: A number of fearless, 'dissident' Jewish writers such as Alfred Lilienthal, Noam Chomsky and Israel Shahak document the special relationship between Israel and the U.S. How does the Mossad influence U.S. foreign policy, particularly as it relates to the Middle East?

Ostrovsky: Money, money, money. They obtain vast sums of money from the United States, only to use it to buy politicians - and not just in the United States, it happens everywhere. What's an honest politician? One that's once bought, stays bought! = di NKRI!

New Dawn: In your 1990 book By Way of Deception you wrote that the "Zionist dream" has degenerated into the "present day nightmare". Would you care to elaborate on this degeneration and the current state of Israeli affairs? Do you see any positive developments on the horizon?

Ostrovsky: In fact, I think there's a change for the better. We have a very courageous government in Israel, but it's really a funny situation.

The former governments of Israel created a monster in the diaspora [dispersed Jews who haven't returned to the Israeli state]. The diaspora had been told that things are really bad, and they reacted accordingly in supporting, financially and otherwise, Israeli government policies.

Now, the current Israeli government says peace is possible, and the same Jewish communities who had fed them so much have turned against them.

Now the diaspora communities are trying to stop Israeli government efforts for peace, so it's quite a futile situation. [And] we have the messianics and right-wingers, especially those on the West Bank - which is occupied territory - in Israel pushing for a 'Greater Israel'. These people use the outside Jewish communities to pressure the Israeli government into give into their demands.

New Dawn: Finally, what can the individual do to help focus world public attention on the Mossad's destructive activities?

Ostrovsky: Yes, individuals can do a lot. Write about it, talk about it, ask The above article appeared in New Dawn No. 33 (November-December 1995)

<<<<ó >>>>

Australian Anti-Terrorism Law Could Stiffle Protest (Lho, baru tahu to?) By Bob Burton 6-28-2

CANBERRA, Australia (ENS) - Environmental groups are alarmed that provisions in anti-terrorism legislation passed by the Australian Parliament Thursday may be used against environmental groups involved in civil disobedience protests.

After 26 hours of debate in the Australian Senate over four days, a coalition of unity groups succeeded in forcing concessions to the most draconian provisions of a package of anti-terrorism legislation drafted in the wake of the September 11 attacks in the United States.

Still, provisions enabling the minister for foreign affairs to freeze the assets of organizations and individuals and a definition of terrorism that could include peaceful protests, were adopted.

The legislation has environmental groups worried. "The definition of terrorism remains so wide ... that we can envisage a situation in which the government wouldn,t be sorry to freeze the assets of groups who they took a dislike to, said Shane Rattenbury, a spokesman for Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

While the coalition of community groups has welcomed the concessions, they deplore the erosion of longstanding civil rights. "There has been some significant changes made by the opposition parties ... because the of widespread public discontent, but the legislation is still a significant attack on the fundamental rights of citizens, said Damien Lawson, the spokesperson for the Federation of Community Legal Centres.

The original 120 pages of legislation was tabled in the House of Representatives in March and rushed through unamended the next day.

The following day the legislation was introduced to the Senate which warily referred the bills to a committee of inquiry.

Faced with a groundswell of opposition from community and legal groups, even a hastily convened inquiry by the Senate Legal and Constitutional committee balked at the proposals and recommended substantial amendments.

In introducing the revised legislation with amendments to the Senate on Monday, the Minister for Justice and Customs Chris Ellison argued the legislation was "to bolster our armory in the war against terrorism.

The Opposition Labor Party agreed that the original definition of terrorism as constituting any actions to advance a "political, religious or ideological cause" that involved "coercing or influencing by intimidation" was unacceptable. Instead it negotiated with the government to amend the definition to exclude all actions unless the intent was to "create a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public.

Australian Greens Senator Bob Brown argued in the Senate that peaceful protests were still vulnerable to on the grounds of claims that they were a risk to public health or safety.

"People protesting in the trees against the logging of forests in Australia have frequently been claimed to be endangering life and limb by the logging corporations," he said. "It is surely not the intention of the government to put conservationists who are acting in that fashion [blockading logging] into the category of terrorists, because they are not terrorists, Brown maintained.

Senator Bob Brown wears handcuffs outside the office of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation to dramatize what could happen to environmental protesters under the new law. Unidentified supporter looks on.

While Ellison insisted non-violent protests would not be affected, he and the Opposition Labor Party refused to support amendments to confine the definition of terrorism to violent acts.

Other proposals in the Security Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Bill 2002 that provided for the attorney general to ban any groups deemed to be "terrorist organizations were also amended. The final legislation allows organizations identified by the United Nations as terrorist organizations to be banned by regulation - which can be disallowed by a majority vote of the Senate.

However, a provision in the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism Bill 2002 - one of a package of five bills proposed by the government - provides for the assets of individuals, companies or organisations to be frozen at the discretion of the foreign affairs minister.

While the government claims there are safeguards, Lawson points out that in January the attorney general froze the bank accounts of a Melbourne businessman, James Milne, and had the bank accounts of his Shining Path Records frozen. Milne says he had never heard of the

Peruvian Shining Path guerrillas until he discovered his bank accounts had been frozen and checks began to bounce. Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Alex Downer can freeze the assets of individuals and organizations under the new law.

In a vigorous rearguard action in the Senate debate, Senator Brown argued the provisions allowing for the freezing of assets of organizations were simply a "backdoor method of banning organizations.

Brown was dismayed when the Opposition Labor Party voted with the government to enable the measure to pass. "The only criteria by which a future government has to use to freeze the bank accounts of organizations is that the organization is deemed to be a threat to public health and safety, Brown said.

The protracted debate on the initial bills has also forced the government to reluctantly defer consideration of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Bill until the mid-August sitting of the Senate.

Proposed provisions allow life sentences to be imposed on those directly or indirectly involved with "terrorist organizations and allow "suspects to be held without charge or access to a lawyer for potentially extended periods.

Lawson is confident that the ASIO legislation can be defeated. "There is significant disquiet in the backbench of both the Liberal and Labor Party ... so I think there is an opportunity over the next month and a half that the Labor Party can be convinced to oppose it completely, he said.

Copyright Environment News Service (ENS) 2002. All Rights Reserved.



Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:26:03 -0700


Subject: FC: More on Australia's wiretap-crazed spooks

From: Declan McCullagh <>

Previous Politech message:

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 17:31:52 +1100

From: Nathan Cochrane <>

Organization: The Age newspaper


Subject: Re: FC: Australia: Tap-crazed spooks; court orders website deleted

Hi Declan

The rate of phone taps on mobiles and landlines is likely much higher than this figure from one of our reporters would suggest. Telstra (national half-owned telecom incumbent) has the ability to tap phones at will for purposes of maintaining network integrity. It has long been suspected that thousands of phone taps a year are initiated at the request of security agencies and police simply by asking a friendly Telstra techie to do a maintenance check on its lines.

FYI the article below from the Guardian in 2000 suggested the FBI even back then wanted to quadruple the number of wiretaps it did. The writer, Duncan Campbell, wrote another piece in 1999 where he says the Australian government was instrumental in pushing for interception, doubtless at the behest of the US administration.,3605,293985,00.html

BIG BROTHER IS BACK (baca: Alvin Toffler, "1984")

Duncan Campbell

Governments all over the world have suddenly become embroiled in controversy about electronic surveillance of the Internet.

In the United States, a political storm has arisen over a new FBI Internet-tapping system codenamed Carnivore. In Britain, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIP) Act has just extended telephone-tapping powers to cover Internet service providers (ISPs), and allows the Government to arrange indiscriminate tapping or email interception for foreign police

forces and security agencies.

In the Netherlands, the Dutch security service BVD admitted two weeks ago that it has been collecting emails sent abroad by companies. In the Hague, legislation is being prepared to allow the Justice Ministry to tap into email and subscriber records, scan messages and mobile phone calls, and track users' movements.

The Australian Government has passed laws allowing security agents to attack and modify computers secretly in order to obtain information. Many other governments have similar schemes in the pipeline.

These developments are no coincidence, but are the direct result of secret planning over seven years by an international co-ordinating group set up by the FBI, after the US Congress twice refused to extend its telephone tapping powers for digital networks.

Under the innocuous title of the International Law Enforcement Telecommunications Seminar (ILETS), the group has met annually to plan for and lobby to make telecommunications systems ``interception-friendly''.

ILETS excluded lawyers and industry specialists who might have advised on the arrangements to protect privacy and human rights, or on the feasibility and cost of the intelligence officers' wish list of interception requirements. As a result, the laws based on their recommendations have often caused controversy.




Byline: By LYN DUNLEVY Source:The Age

MELBOURNE: A new mobile phone system - billed as untappable - is being delayed because ASIO and law enforcement agencies have insisted that they e able to listen in on conversations carried on the network.

The new network, GSM (or Global System for Mobile), was due to be introduced by Telecom and Optus tomorrow.

Nathan Cochrane, Deputy IT Editor


The Age and Sydney Morning Herald

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 17:38:07 +1100

From: Nathan Cochrane <>



From April 1993

Telecom launches its new (tappable) mobile phone

(Semua Ponsel di Australia WAJIB dapat DISADAP intelijens!)

Lyn Dunlevy

Telecom will launch its version of the controversial digital GSM mobile-phone system this morning after convincing the Federal Government that calls made on the system will be able to be tapped by law-enforcement agencies.

Telecom will launch its version of the controversial digital GSM mobile-phone system this morning after convincing the Federal Government that calls made on the system will be able to be tapped by law-enforcement agencies.


Nathan Cochrane

Deputy IT Editor


The Age and Sydney Morning Herald


Australian government alters FOIA to conceal Net-censorship

Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2002 02:25:20 -0400


Subject: FC: Australian government alters FOIA to conceal Net-censorship

From: Declan McCullagh <>

From: "Mackenzie, Kate" <>

To: "'Declan McCullagh'" <>

Subject: Australian Govt changes FOI legislation to hide banned websites

Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 14:42:40 +1000

Hi Declan,

The Australian Government has basically refused to allow Electronic Frontiers Australia to find out which websites have been banned under the federal web censorship laws introduced in 2000.

Government spokespeople generally insist that "they're all hardcore pedophilia" etc, but the issue of which websites are banned has become more interesting since the NSW Police Minister called for websites run by WTO protestors to be shut down.

So in order to ward off continuing inquiries from the likes of EFA, the Government is introducing changes to FOI laws.,7204,5200940^15306^^nbv^,00.html


Kate Mackenzie

Online Editor

The Australian IT


Australian minister allegedy wants WTO protest sites restricted

Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 02:00:20 -0400


Subject: FC: Australian minister allegedy wants WTO protest sites restricted

From: Declan McCullagh <>


You should consider the below message to be unverified. For one thing, the alleged press release spells Costa's first name incorrectly (it's Michael):

Matthew X (aka proffr) is an Australian anarchist and Politech subscriber who's having his own battles with the local constabulary:


Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 16:09:36 +1000

To: chuck Munson <>

From: Matthew X <>

Subject: Police minister threat to websites.


Mime-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Press Release from Micheal Costa, NSW Minister for Police concerning "WTO protest websites". The minister has reportedly contacted Richard Alston, the Communications Minister, and Chris Allison, the Justice Minister, asking the websites be "shut down" or "restrict access to them."


Statement by Micheal Costa on WTO Protest Websites

24 September 2002

I am deeply concerned about websites providing information designed to aid the violent distruption of the forthcoming World Trade Organisation meeting in Sydney in November.

I support the community's right to peaceful, lawful protest. But it's clear to me comments and information on these sites are designed to incite violence against NSW police, who will be providing security for the meeting.

These people have gone too far. They are telling protestors to arm themselves with baseball bats, sling shots, firecrackers, gas masks and marbles.

They intend to harm police and police horses and put community saftey at risk. That's why I have written to the federal government today asking them to

shut down these websites or restrict access to them.

And that's why I will take the matter to the next meeting of the Australasian Police Ministers Council.


Though the statement does not explicitly mention indymedia, through conversations with journalists we have discovered that the melbourne and sydney indymedia's are included in the unmaned 3 offending websites.Melbourne Indymedia is currently formulating a response.


Pravda - US Wants To Use BioWeapons On Iraq

By Dmitry Litvinovich Translated by Dmitry Sudakov 11-14-2

The American government is concerned about the information that Iraq ordered a large quantity of medicines from Turkey. Those medicines are allegedly capable of protecting Iraqi soldiers from chemical weapons.

The Iraqi order was for 1.25 million atropine doses, as the New York Times wrote. The size of that order is a much larger than the quantity that could satisfy medical needs. This drug is usually used on to treat heart attacks. However, it can also be used as to protect people from chemical weapons. It can be particularly used to protect people from nerve gas poisoning.

US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher claimed that the United States is very concerned about Iraq's order of atropine, which was made beyond the scope of humanitarian needs. Boucher suggested that such a large purchase of medicines might testify to Iraq's preparation for chemical warfare.

For the time being, it is not known if Iraq already purchased the antidote or just placed an order. The Turkish government stated that they do not know anything about such order. Atropine is not included on the list of drugs banned by the international embargo on Iraq.

It is quite possible that the situation described by the New York Times is true. However, it is not ruled out that a group of American gentlemen and one lady (Secretary of State Colin Powell, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice) simply went mad over the fact that Saddam ruined their game plan.

It is an open secret that Americans are developing new kinds of biological and chemical weapons. This information periodically appears in the press. Therefore, there can be one conclusion made: the United States did not stop such programs at the end of the Cold War. On the contrary, America increased funding for these illegal programs. We are also certain that Russia has not stopped such programs.

The mysterious gas that was used during the storming of the theater in Moscow proves this very well. Nevertheless, America's policy in this respect is rather surprising. The United States claims that the so-called "axis of evil" continues to develop "weapons of mass destruction," Whereas America itself is absolutely pure and clean and has nothing like that at all.

In addition, the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera has recently published an article about the gas that was used to destroy the hostage-takers in Moscow. It was particularly said that the Russian gas was nothing in comparison with the Pentagon's secret experiments.

The author of that article wrote that America has cluster bombs that spray gas. Genetically altered anthrax spores that can withstand antibiotics are also being created. There are also cocktails of gases developed: blends of drugs, tear gas, and pepper gas. There is also supergas, the shells of which can be shot from a mortar.

The newspaper referred to information that was received from two British scientists. They said that it is the USA and Great Britain are working on the new generation of chemical and biological weapons. Below, we present some facts.

First, the CIA has been conducting secret research in the field in order to catch up with Russians, who never observed the chemical weapons treaty of 1997. Washington expressed protest in July of the current year against the inspections of the international organization (the UN Committee for Chemical Disarmament) that were meant to guarantee the supervision of the fulfillment of the above-mentioned treaty. The United States even forced the chairman of that committee resign, thinking that he was too "pro-Iraq." The Pentagon has a department for non-lethal arms, which denies any secret developments.

However, the budget for the development of chemical and biological weapons was considerably increased for the year 2005.

The US Defense Department has acknowledged the use of sarine nerve gas in one of Hawaii's forest reserves in 1967, when the Cold War was underway. It was a part of the experiment with chemical and biological weapons within the framework of Project 112. The project was implemented from 1960 until 1970. The Pentagon performed 150 tests for checking the efficiency of new weapons of mass destruction.

The recent confession of the US Defense Department is meant to warn American veterans that they could have been subjected to chemical weapons back in those days. Yet, the Pentagon did not say which military units were implicated in those tests, or if there were any casualties. Some of these tests were carried out onboard US Navy ships. The Pentagon sent letters to some 1.4 thousand naval veterans, recommending them to undergo medical examinations.


Grandma With Handgun Rids Community Of One Dirtbag Sierra, 9-3-1

As she prepared for bed on November 18, 2000, Colorado Springs esident Jean Zamirripa heard noises - noises that sounded like someone trying to break in through her back door. Aware that a 56-year-old woman and 74-year-old woman in her neighborhood had recently been raped, the 72-year-old grandmother decided to take no chances. She retreived the loaded .38-caliber revolver, purchased at a friend's insistence, from its hiding place beneath her bed. Barefoot and clad in her nightgown, the retired medical assistant made her way to the back of her house and braced her elbow on a countertop to steady her shaking hands.

She heard the storm door open and within an instant, a man was bursting through the back door, ripping it off its molding. Full of fear, but prepared to act, Jean held her position as the intruder fell to the floor. When he at last stood up, Jean fired. Four shots rang out from her revolver, 3 of which hit their target. The intruder fled. Jean reloaded and dialed 9-1-1.

The intruder, Anthony Peralez, bleeding from two wounds to his arm and one to his abdomen made his way to his parked automobile. As he raced from the scene, he hit two parked cars and eventually came to a stop in the parking lot of a car dealership, where he was found by police and arrested.

As the investigation took shape in the ensuing days, police became aware of similarities between the invasion of Jean's home and the rapes of three other women in the Colorado Springs area, including the two rapes in Jean's neighborhood. Through DNA and other evidence, police were able to connect Peralez to those crimes and on August 22, 2001, Peralez was found guilty of 51 charges, including sexual assault. Peralez will likely spend the rest of his life in prison.

Immediately following the break-in Jean told reporters, "I've always felt that homeowners should have the right to have protection. It's time people know they can defend themselves from this kind of thing.

It doesn't matter where live or how old you are. This is how the world is." Later, Jean expressed gratitude to her friend Carl Duncan for persuading her to keep a gun in her home. "Were it not for him," she said, "I might not be here." Jean's advice to the rest of us: "The only thing I could say to anyone is you can never let your guard down at any age."

Good advice. But Jean's story conveys so much more. Her story clearly illustrates the benefit of armed citizens - armed neighbors. In a day and age when anti-self-defense activists are encouraging their followers to harass, shame and badger their neighbors into giving up their best means of self-defense, Jean has used that same means - a gun - to secure safety for her neighbors and her community.

She has used a gun to rid her community of a terrible threat - a danger to the health, even the lives, of those living near her. How many women in Colorado Springs can rest easier because of Jean's actions? Ten? A hundred? A thousand? More?

If Jean had not had a gun, what would the outcome of her story be? Would we be reading about her brutal rape or even her murder? Would Peralez have continued to add to his list of victims? How many more?

How many lives ruined? Should people like Jean continue to be vilified because they have chosen to own a firearm and are willing to use it to protect not only themselves, but their families, their neighbors, even strangers, from those who prey upon us?

Jean Zamirripa is a bona fide hero. Sgt. Rod Walker, head of the Colorado Springs Police Department's major crimes unit said of Jean, "She did everything right and kept her wits about her. She's a hero, not because she shot someone, but because of all the clear thinking and everything she did prior to the shooting."

Jean's actions not only put a career criminal - a serial rapist - behind bars for good, but protected all of us from any further assaults by this scum.

Anti-self-defense advocates should thank their lucky stars that people like Jean are still willing to face danger dead on and stop it. They should thank her for doing what they cannot, or will not, do - take responsibility for the protection of themselves and their loved ones.

I have but one question for the anti-rights activists: If Jean Zamirripa had not had a gun and had not been willing to use it for lawful self-defense, who would Peralez have targeted next? You, your mother, your daughter? If you think an armed neighbor is a threat to your safety, perhaps it is time to think again. Your life may depend upon it.

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Seperti inikah yang selama ini digembar-gemborkan sebagai "Negara sahabat" oleh para birokrat senior kita? Masih adakah di antara kita, yang akan membabi-buta ngeyel tentang Amerika Serikat (baca: penguasanya)? Simak, cermati sebagian KRONOLOGI premanisme A.S. berikut ini:

A History Of Worldwide US Violence Washington’s War Crimes 11-15-2

When George W. Bush announced that the U.S. bombing campaign against Afghanistan had begun, he declared, "We are a peaceful nation."

Not exactly. A look at its history shows that the U.S. is the most violent and interventionist nation ever known. For more than a century, the U.S. government has used military force or covert operations - or backed local thugs and dictators - to enforce its interests around the globe. A full list of U.S. interventions would fill whole books.

Here, ANTHONY ARNOVE and ALAN MAASS compile a partial time line of America’s imperialist adventures - and the tragic toll they’ve taken.

1846-48: "We have not one particle of right to be here," Col. Ethan Allen Hitchcock wrote of the U.S. expansion into territories that were then part of Mexicoñ - but were coveted by President James Polk and the slaveholders he served. The U.S. incited Mexico, hoping to draw it into a war over disputed territory. The conflict caused massive casualties. When it was over, the U.S. controlled all of New Mexico and California, and more of the territory of Texas.

1850-57: When en anti-U.S. protest stormed the American foreign ministry building in San Juan del Norte in Nicaragua, the USS Cayne sailed into the port and bombarded the city. This was one of four U.S. interventions in the 1850s. In 1855, a U.S. mercenary named William Walker came to Nicaragua with a band of supporters and declared himself president of the country - with crackpot plans to make Nicaragua a U.S. state where slavery was legal. Robber baron Cornelius Vanderbilt organized a private army to force Walker to surrender.

1898: On February 15, 1898, the USS Maine exploded while in the harbor off Havana, Cuba - and that became the pretext for the U.S. war against Spain. The Spanish-American War was justified by U.S. leaders with talk about democracy and human rights. But the U.S.’s real goal was to make off with Spain’s remaining colonial possessions. With its victory, the U.S. took charge in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam and the Philippines.

1899-1901: Immediately after the war with Spain, the U.S. military went into the Philippines to smash a movement for independence. The war claimed hundreds of thousands of Filipino lives, with U.S. troops committing numerous mass slaughters. "I wish you to kill and burn; the more you kill and burn the better you please me," Gen. "Howling" Jake Smith told his soldiers.

1903-14: The Country of Panama owes its existence to the U.S. government. In 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt sent two warships to support a revoltñsponsored by U.S. big business - for Panama to secede from Colombia. Five days after Panama gained independence, the U.S. got its reward treaty for the building of a canal to link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, something of immense commercial and military value. The U.S. maintained military control over a strip of land called the Panama Canal Zone until the end of the 20th century.

1912-33: U.S. MARINES hit the shores of Nicaragua to back a Conservative Party revolt against President Jose Santos Zelaya, whose nationalism threatened U.S. interests. Washingtonís occupation army left in 1925 and returned a year later, again to prop up Conservative Party rule. U.S. troops failed to defeat the liberation army of Augusto Cesar Sandino. But before withdrawing in 1933, Washington established the National Guard under the leadership of Anastasio Somoza. Somoza ordered the murder of Sandino in 1934, and a few years later took power in a coup against the president. The Somoza family ruled Nicaragua with an iron fist for nearly half a century.

1914-34: The U.S. sent warships into the waters off Haiti 24 times between 1849 and 1913 - and finally invaded in 1914. During the 20-year occupation, American troops "murdered and destroyed, reinstituted virtual slavery [and] dismantled the constitutional system," wrote Noam Chomsky. At least 15,000 people died as a result. When the U.S. finally withdrew, it left the country in the hands of the brutal National Guard.

1918-20: The U.S. sent troops as part of an intervention of more than a dozen countries to oppose the spread of the successful workersí revolution in Russia in October 1917. U.S. and allied forces worked with savage reactionaries who hoped to restore the rule of the tsar.

1941-45: The U.S. entered the Second World War in December 1941 after Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, something that U.S. leaders had advance warning about. The U.S. delayed its invasion of Northern Europe until 1944 - after the USSR, at enormous cost, had beaten back Germany on the eastern front. The U.S. used saturation bombing against Germany. More than 100,000 people (many reports peg the figure at 400,000-500,000) were killed when warplanes bombed Dresden, a city with no military targets. But the U.S. never bombed the rail lines leading to the Nazi death camps. The war against Japan ended with President Harry Trumanís barbaric decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. The U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey concluded that "Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped."

1948-2001: Washington has provided military and economic assistance to Israel from its foundation in 1948 and increasingly after the 1967 war. Israel has long been the largest recipient of U.S. aidñtoday getting more than $3 billion annually, despite its ongoing illegal occupation of Palestinian land, widespread human rights abuses and its brutal invasions of Lebanon.

1950-53: NEVER OFFICIALLY declaring a war, as many as 2 million people died in the "police action" in Korea between the U.S.- backed South and the North backed by the USSR. The fighting "reduce[d] Korea, North and South, to a shambles, in three years of bombing and shelling," Howard Zinn wrote. The Korean War ended in a stalemate, and to this day, the U.S. maintains a huge military presence there.

1953: The CIA organized a coup in Iran to overthrow President Mohammed Mossadegh. Mossadegh’s crime was to nationalize the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and carry out land reform, threatening the profits of the Western oil giants. The U.S. backed the brutal dictatorship of the Shah of Iran, until the Shah was overthrown in the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

1954: President Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala was overthrown in a 1954 coup organized by the CIA. Arbenz had undertaken land reform measures that threatened the United Fruit Co. - now known as Chiquita Brands - which ran Guatemala like its private plantation. United Fruit lobbied its friends in the Eisenhower administration for the coup-and helped to carry it out at every level. The coup ushered in decades of military regimes that led to the murder of tens of thousands.

1954-75: U.S. Military involvement in Vietnam - at first covert, later an open war - led to more than 2 million deaths. The U.S. used carpet bombing, napalm, chemical weapons and psychological warfare to terrorize the civilian population. And Richard Nixon’s savage "secret war" in neighboring Laos and Cambodia took as many as 2 million more lives and created the conditions for the rise of Pol Pot in Cambodia. The U.S. brought all of its military might to bear on Southeast Asia. But the Vietnamese resistance and growing opposition to the war inside the U.S. army and at home led to the U.S. governmentís first major military defeat.

1959-2001: From the moment that dictator Fulgencio Batista was overthrown by a rebel army led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, the U.S. government declared war on Cuba. In 1961, the CIA helped to coordinate an invasion of the island by right-wing exiles at the Bay of Pigs, which was defeated. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy brought the world closer than it has ever been to nuclear war in a showdown with the USSR over missiles in Cuba. Despite numerous plots, the U.S. never toppled Castro. But the U.S. economic embargo - which continues to this day - strangled the country’s economy.

1960-64: After The Democratic Republic of the Congo achieved independence in 1960, the U.S. helped to engineer the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, the country’s first prime minister. The U.S. backed Joseph Mobutu (who later renamed himself Mobutu Sese Seko). Mobutu took power as a military dictator in 1965 and became one of the world’s most notorious tyrants, bleeding the poverty-stricken country dry as he amassed a billion- dollar fortune.

1963-65: In 1963, the U.S. helped to remove democratically elected Dominican Republic President Juan Bosch in an army coup. Two years later, an invasion force of 22,000 U.S. Marines landed after falling sugar prices led to a popular uprising against the U.S.- backed military dictatorship. More than 4,000 Dominicans were killed. Even the New York Times admitted at the time that Dominicans were "fighting and dying for social justice and constitutionalism."

1965-98: With U.S. approval and support, President Sukarno of Indonesia was overthrown in a coup led by Gen. Suharto. The coup was followed by massacres of peasant organizers, labor leaders and others identified as "communists" on lists supplied in part by the CIA. As many as 1 million Indonesians were killed. The U.S. approved Suharto’s invasion and annexation of East Timor in the mid-1970s. One-third of East Timor’s population was killed during Indonesia’s occupation. Washington backed Suharto to the hilt until just before he was toppled in 1998. "He’s our kind of guy," a top Clinton administration official said in 1996.

1973: The CIA helped to engineer the overthrow of socialist Salvador Allende, the democratically-elected president of Chile. "I don’t see why we should let a country go Marxist because its people are irresponsible," then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger explained. The coup against Allende brought to power the dictator Augusto Pinochet, who ruled Chile with an iron fist until 1990. Thousands of Chilean dissidents were murdered and "disappeared" under Pinochet.

1979-90: The U.S. backed a proxy army in Nicaragua against the Sandinista government that came to power after toppling the Somoza dynasty. The contras were instructed by the CIA to "kill, kidnap, rob and torture," admitted former contra leader Edgar Chamorro. "Many civilians were killed in cold blood. Many others were tortured, mutilated, raped, robbed and otherwise abused." When the U.S. Senate forbade funding for the contra army, the Reagan administration organized an illegal scheme to sell arms to Iran and use the proceeds for its dirty war in Central America. The U.S. governmentís war reduced Nicaragua to one of the poorest countries in the world.

1983 Claiming that it was a threat to the U.S., U.S. Marines invaded the tiny island nation of Grenada in Operation Urgent Fury. The invasion overturned Grenada’s government and helped to make the country a "haven for offshore banks," as the Wall Street Journal put it.

1989: When The U.S. decided that its long-term friend Gen. Manuel Noriega had outlived his usefulness, George Bush Sr. sent 26,000 troops into Panama in December 1989. Thousands of Panamanians were killed before Noriega was seized and brought to Florida to stand trial on drug charges. The U.S. claimed that it brought democracy to Panama. "[B]ut they left all the little Noriegas in place," said Miguel Bernal, a professor of international law at the University of Panama.

1991-2001: In January 1991, the U.S. launched the most intensive bombing campaign in world history against Iraq. The country’s dictator Saddam Hussein had been a U.S. ally - until he stepped out of line with the invasion of Kuwait. U.S. warplanes deliberately targeted Iraq’s civilian infrastructure, reducing the country to "a pre-industrial state," according to the UN. Strict economic sanctions continued after the Gulf War and are responsible for the deaths of more than 500,000 children under the age of five over the past decade, according to UNICEF.

1992-93: Claiming that it was intervening to provide humanitarian assistance during a famine, Bush Sr. sent troops to Somalia. U.S. and UN soldiers were responsible for 10,000 Somalians killed or wounded. The intervention complicated relief efforts and encouraged infighting among Somalian factions seeking U.S. favor.

1999: The U.S. fell out with another former friend, Slobodan Milosevic, in its war against Yugoslavia. Bill Clinton claimed that the U.S. was intervening to prevent the "ethnic cleansing" of Albanians in Kosovo. But U.S. intervention only escalated the crisis, and during the postwar occupation, NATO "peacekeepers" stood by as Albanians forced ethnic Serbs to flee from Kosovo. U.S. saturation bombing wreaked environmental havoc. Today, the countryside remains littered with the remains of shells made of depleted uranium.

Find out the facts about the worldís cop: Among the resources used to compile this time line are: Tom Barry and Deb Preusch, The Central America Fact Book (Grove Press) William Blum, Killing Hope (Common Courage Press); Noam Chomsky, Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs (South End Press); Noam Chomsky, Year 501: The Conquest Continues (South End Press); Ellen Collier, "Instances of Use of United States Forces Abroad, 1798-1993," Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, October 7, 1993

Zoltan Grossman, "A Century of U.S. Military Interventions," Znet (

Sidney Lens, The Forging of American Empire (Thomas Y. Crowell Co.)

Lance Selfa, "U.S. Imperialism: A Century of Slaughter," International

Socialist Review, Spring 1999.

Howard Zinn, A Peopleís History of the United States (HarperCollins)

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Di depan (persis di atas) anda sudah baca sejarah premanisme penguasa Amrik. Itu semua FAKTA, bukan sebuah novel fiksi picisan! Di dalam negerinya sendiri, premanisme tsb digelar juga terhadap kaum minoritas kulit hitam (African-Americans; dinyinyirkan sebagai "Negro" dan disebut secara hina "Nigger", terutama oleh penganut "White Supremacists" dalam "geng" skala regional KU-KLUX-KLAN).

FBI menggelar Opsus Rahasia mengganyang tokoh karismatik "Negro" DR. Martin L. King (MLK) dan pengikutnya, pejuang kesetaraan hak di Amrik. Ia dibunuh oleh "The Maha Dalang". Itu di awal dekade 1960-an. "Negro" dipinggirkan, dimarginalkan, di-kelas-dua-kan, dan generasi mudanya dirusak dengan narkoba.

Seorang eks non-perwira A.D. Amrik, "Negro", di kutip sebuah majalah bulanan di Afrika (diterbitkan di London) "nyanyi"; bahwa virus HIV diciptakan laboratorium rahasia (sinjata biologi – seperti halnya Anthrax; West Nile Virus; Virus Flu; dan Virus Cacar yang SAAT INI digelar di Amrik dalam rangka memfitnah LAGI Saddam Hussein!) A.D. Amrik. Yaitu dalam rangka pemusnahan warga "Negro"! Kesaksian ybs didukung lebih 100 dokter di Eropa.

Why? Sebab kaum kulit hitam (termasuk yang di benua Afrika Hitam/Sub-Sahara) dianggap sebagai ras inferior yang menghabiskan pangan dunia (cari dengan Google, "AIDS", "Population Control")! Afrika Selatan merupakan negara Sub-Sahara tergolong termaju infrastrukturnya; gudang sumber mineral strategis (cobalt, dll – sudah saya singgung di artikel Negeri Maling). Pertengahan tahun ini, 50 persen penduduknya HIV positive! Draw your conclusion.

Di bawah, diungkapkan "sejarah gelap" rasialisme kulit putih Amrik terhadap komunitas "Negro" di Oklahoma. 3000-an "Negro" kelas menengah-atas dan kotanya serta infrastruktur perekonomian mereka, DIBANTAI dan diluluh-lantakkan "White Supremacists" yang didukung pemerintah kulit putih! Fakta tsb sampai hari ini ditutup-tutupi oleh penguasa Amrik!

Istilah "Picnic" berasal dari era anti "Negro" di wilayah itu dll. Artinya "PICK a NIGGER" (culik orang "Negro") untuk dibantai beramai-ramai. Pernah menyaksikan film Mississipi? Pembantaian massal itu dipicu kecemburuan sosial terhadap keberhasilan BISNIS kaum Kulit Hitam!

Serupa dengan yang terjadi di Ambon. Sebuah majalah Islam di NKRI dalam investigasinya mengangkat masalah itu. Warga (SAH!) Bugis/Sulawesi Selatan dan Madura yang ulet dalam berniaga/bisnis, dicemburui oleh sebagian besar warga lokal yang secara "tradisional" pada umumnya PNS ("Sadariman" – dimotivasi uang pensiun, fasilitas dinas gratis, jabatan).

Faktor lain juga "berperan" di Ambon/Maluku: unsur separatis RMS yang didukung kekuatan di Barat! Eksistensi warga non-lokal (pada umumnya pebisnis berhasil berkat keuletannya), dalam konteks "gegeran" Ambon 1, 2, 3; hanya "sasaran antara". Sudah saya singgung pula di artikel lain, di Indonesia Timur (Poso) juga terdapat sumber BBM! Sedangkan di Sulawesi Tenggara ada sumber URANIUM (komoditas strategis). Maka kekuatan Barat pun ikut "bermain" di sana! Dalam konteks artikel di bawah, komunitas "Negro" juga menempati wilayah "kaya" BBM! Aceh sangat kaya BBM termasuk gas alam! So? Simpulkan sendiri. GAM = "pion" Barat.


Please pass this on to the Iota Family. It's an important part of history that every Black person should know, if they don't know already.

Ron Wallace: co-author of Black Wallstreet: A Lost Dream Chronicles a little-known chapter of African-American History in Oklahoma as told to Ronald E. Childs. If anyone truly believes that the attack on the federal building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was the most tragic bombing ever to take place on United States soil, as the media has been widely reporting, they're wrong-plain and simple. That's because an even deadlier bomb occurred in that same state nearly 75 years ago.

Many people in high places would like to forget that it ever happened. Searching under the heading of "riots," "Oklahoma" and "Tulsa" in current editions of the World Book Encyclopedia, there is conspicuously no mention whatsoever of the Tulsa race riot of 1921, and this omission is by no means a surprise, or a rare case. The fact is, one would also be hard-pressed to find documentation of the incident, let alone an accurate accounting of it, in any other "scholarly" reference or American history book.

That's precisely the point that noted author, publisher and orator Ron Wallace, a Tulsa native, sought to make nearly five years ago when he began researching this riot, one of the worst incidents of violence ever visited upon people of African descent. Ultimately joined on the project by colleague Jay Jay Wilson of Los Angeles, the duo found and compiled indisputable evidence of what they now describe as "A Black

Holocaust in America." The date was June 1, 1921, when "Black Wallstreet," the name fittingly given to one of the most affluent all-black communities in America, was bombed from the air and burned to the ground by mobs of envious whites. In a period spanning fewer than 12 hours, a once thriving 36-black business district in northern Tulsa lay smoldering-A model community destroyed, and a major Africa-American economic movement resoundingly defused.

The night's carnage left some 3,000 African Americans dead, and over 600 successful businesses lost. Among these were 21 churches, 21 restaurants, 30 grocery stores and two movie theaters, plus a hospital, a bank, a post office, libraries, schools, law offices, a half-dozen private airplanes and even a bus system.

As could be expected, the impetus behind it all was the infamous Ku Klux Klan, working in consort with ranking city officials, and many other sympathizers. In their self-published book, Black Wallstreet: A lost Dream, and its companion video documentary, Black Wallstreet: A Black Holocaust in America!, the authors have chronicled for the very first time in the words of area historians and elderly survivors what really happened there on that fateful summer day in 1921 and why it happened.

Wallace similarly explained to Black Elegance why this bloody event from the turn of the century seems to have had a recurring effect that is being felt in predominately Black neighborhoods even to this day.

The best description of Black Wallstreet, or Little Africa as it was also known, would be to liken it to a mini-Beverly Hills. It was the golden door of the Black community during the early 1900s, and it proved that African Americans had successful infrastructure. That's what Black Wallstreet was about.

The dollar circulated 36 to 1000 times, sometimes taking a year for currency to leave the community. Now in 1995, a dollar leaves the Black community in 15 minutes. As far as resources, there were Ph.D's residing in Little Africa, Black attorneys and doctors. One doctor was Dr. Berry who also owned the bus system. His average income was $500 a day, a hefty pocket of change in 1910. During that era, physicians owned medical schools.

There were also pawn shops everywhere, brothels, jewelry stores, 21 churches, 21 restaurants and two movie theaters. It was a time when the entire state of Oklahoma had only two airports, yet six blacks owned their own planes. It was a very fascinating community.

The area encompassed over 600 businesses and 36 square blocks with a population of 15,000 African Americans. And when the lower-economic Europeans looked over and saw what the Black community created, many of them were jealous. When the average student went to school on Black Wallstreet, he wore a suit and tie because of the morals and respect they were taught at a young age.

The mainstay of the community was to educate every child. Nepotism was the one word they believed in. And that's what we need to get back to in 1995. The main thoroughfare was Greenwood Avenue, and it was intersected by Archer and Pine Streets. From the first letters in each of those names, you get G.A.P., and that's where the renowned R&B music group The GAP Band got its name.

They're from Tulsa. Black Wallstreet was a prime example of the typical Black community in America that did business, but it was in an unusual location. You see, at the time, Oklahoma was set aside to be a Black and Indian state.

There were over 28 Black townships there. One third of the people who traveled in the terrifying "Trail of Tears" along side the Indians between 1830 to 1842 were Black people. The citizens of this proposed Indian and Black state chose a Black governor, a treasurer from Kansas named McDade. But the Ku Klux Klan said that if he assumed office that they would kill him within 48 hours. A lot of Blacks owned farmland, and many of them had gone into the oil business. The community was so tight and wealthy because they traded dollars hand-to-hand, and because they were dependent upon one another as a result of the Jim Crow laws.

It was not unusual that if a resident's home accidentally burned down, it could be rebuilt within a few weeks by neighbors. This was the type of scenario that was going on day-to-day on Black Wallstreet. When Blacks intermarried into the Indian culture, some of them received their promised '40 acres and a Mule,' and with that came whatever oil was later found on the properties. Just to show you how wealthy a lot of Black people were, there was a banker in a neighboring town who had a wife named California Taylor.

Her father owned the largest cotton gin west of the Mississippi [River]. When California shopped, she would take a cruise to Paris every three months to have her clothes made. There was also a man named Mason in nearby Wagner County who had the largest potato farm west of the Mississippi. When he harvested, he would fill 100 boxcars a day. Another brother not far away had the same thing with a spinach farm. The typical family then was five children or more, though the typical farm family would have 10 kids or more who made up the nucleus of the labor.

On Black Wallstreet, a lot of global business was conducted. The community flourished from the early 1900s until June 1, 1921. That's when the largest massacre of non-military Americans in the history of this country took place, and it was lead by the Ku Klux Klan. Imagine walking out of your front door and seeing 1,500 homes being burned. It must have been amazing.

Survivors we interviewed think that the whole thing was planned because during the time that all of this was going on, white families with their children stood around on the borders of the community and watched the massacre, the looting and everything---much in the same manner they would watch a lynching.

In my lectures I ask people if they understand where the word "picnic" comes from. It was typical to have a picnic on a Friday evening in Oklahoma. The word was short for "pick a nigger" to lynch. They would lynch a Black male and cut off body parts as souvenirs. This went on every weekend in this country. That's where the term really came from.

The riots weren't caused by anything Black or white. It was caused by jealousy. A lot of white folks had come back from World War I and they were poor. When they looked over into the Black communities and realized that Black men who fought in the war had come home heroes that helped trigger the destruction. It cost the Black community everything, and not a single dime of restitution---no insurance claims-has been awarded to the victims to this day.

Nonetheless, they rebuilt. We estimate that 1,500 to 3,000 people were killed, and we know that a lot of them were buried in mass graves all around the city. Some were thrown in the river. As a matter of fact, at 21st Street and Yale Avenue, where there now stands a Sears parking lot, that corner used to be a coal mine. They threw a lot of the bodies into the shafts. Black Americans don't know about this story because we don't apply the word holocaust to our struggle. Jewish people use the word holocaust all the time.

White people use the word holocaust. It's politically correct to use it. But when we Black folks use the word, people think we're being cry babies or that we're trying to bring up old issues. No one comes to our support. In 1910, our forefathers and mothers owned 13 million acres of land at the height of racism in this country, so the Black Wallstreet book and videotape prove to the naysayers and revisionists that we had our act together.

Our mandate now is to begin to teach our children about our own, ongoing Black holocaust. They have to know when they look at our communities today that we don't come from this.

To order a copy of Black Wallstreet, contact:

Duralon Entertainment, Inc., P.O. Box 2702, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74149 or call 1-800-682-7975

Black Wallstreet: A lost Dream $21.95 ISBN 1-882465-00-8

Black Wallstreet: A Black Holocaust in America! video $29.95

Pentagon Briefing Declares Saudi Arabia An Enemy Of The US , 8-6-2

A briefing to a Pentagon defense panel has described Saudi Arabia as an enemy of the United States and recommended that it be given an ultimatum to stop backing terrorism, The Washington Post said.

"The Saudis are active at every level of the terror chain, from planners to financiers, from cadre to foot soldier, from ideologist to cheerleader," said Rand Corp. analyst Laurent Murawiec in his July 10 briefing to the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board.

"Saudi Arabia supports our enemies and attacks our allies," Murawiec said, describing the country as "the kernel of evil, the prime mover, the most dangerous opponent" in the Middle East.

He said Washington should demand that Saudi Arabia stop funding fundamentalist Islamic outlets around the world, cease anti-US and anti-Israeli statements and "prosecute or isolate those involved in the terror chain, including the Saudi intelligence services".

If Riyadh did not comply, Saudi oil fields and overseas financial assets should be "targeted", Murawiec added in his briefing, without specifying exactly how.

Murawiec's comments did not reflect the Pentagon panel's views or official US policy, although they had "growing currency" within the administration of President George W. Bush, the daily said.

An unnamed US official told the paper opinion about Saudi Arabia was changing rapidly within the US government. "People used to rationalize Saudi behavior," the official said. "You don't hear that any more. There's no doubt that people are recognizing reality and recognizing that Saudi Arabia is a problem."

Copyright © 2002 AFP.

KOMENTAR YUSUF (Maaf, bukan "sok pinter". Ingat bom mobil di Russia paska Bom Bali?)

Seperti yang ditengarai oleh beberapa penulis di atas, kampanye Bush cs. "War On Terrorism", diimplementasikan dalam "harmonisasi global" Undang Undang Anti Terorisme (dan geblegnya Penguasa NKRI membeo!); merupakan "disguisee" atau KEDOK penyesatan global dari NIAT The Maha Dalang KAFIR penyembah LUCIFER – yaitu MELIBAS tuntas ISLAM global!!!

Langkah kedua (setelah eksistensi UNITED NATIONS sebagai boneka Illuminati) realisasi "Pemerintahan Global", telah TEREALISASIKAN dengan penetapan (oleh U.S. Congress bulan Oktober 2002) YERUSALEM sebagai Ibukota ISRAEL! Ini "stroke" atau langkah formal realisasi ISRAEL RAYA. Seluruh bangsa Palistina di Tepi Barat BAKAL diusir!

BERITA di atas tentang NIAT Pentagon mengkonfirmasikan "Grand Design" "Perang Salib 3". Iraq jatuh, seluruh negeri di jazirah Arab bakal rontok satu-persatu (via perang nuklir, sebab Syria; Lybia; Iran, dan Mesir tidak akan tinggal diam). Israel pun bakal musnah dihujani nuklir Iran dan Iraq. NOBODY WINS! Elit NKRI? Colong playu tinggal gelanggang. OKI, dibubarkan saja! Hutang NKRI Milyaran dollar kepada IMF dan CGI, membuat elitnya berperilaku JONGOS!

Dalam kaitan dengan penangkapan beberapa Ulama NKRI oleh Penguasa (bagian integral dari GANYANG ISLAM oleh rezim Kafir Bush, Jr. cs.), dikutip RAKYAT MERDEKA beberapa minggu yl., Rektor IAIN mengeritik pedas kalangan Muslim NKRI sebagai telah bersikap "overacting" (terhadap musibah penangkapan di atas). Siapa yang pesan sponsor kepada Rektor itu, saya tidak tahu. Jelas, beliau MENAFIKKAN "Devilish Grand Design" di atas!

JELAS SEKALI, ceto melo melo – bloody damn obvious – Zionist memperalat JONGOSnya di Amrik dan Inggris (serta beberapa di NKRI) seperti ditengarai para penulis di atas; yaitu at the end of the day MELIBAS seluruh Muslim Arab dan dunia – kok sang Rektor ngomong begitu? Pak Rektor, sampeyan jadi Rabbi saja deh ….

Apakah panjenengan juga menafikkan EKSISTENSI spion MOSSAD di NKRI sejak 1967? Apa perlu saya sebut, berapa (kini rata rata 1- sampai 2-star generals) orang kita yang pernah DILATIH diklat komando "Anti Teror" di Israel, seperti yang disebut di buku EVERY SPY A PRINCE? Apa perlu juga sampeyan saya beritahu, tokoh Zionist di Tower Jl. Jend. Sudirman, DKI? Buat apa?

CATATAN AKHIR: (dari simbol "asterik" * di artikel halaman 16 – 19 di depan)

*Cermati, mega-KKN (Lha, istilahnya kok ya pas. mega!) di NKRI sejak era Presiden Abdurrachamn Wahid s/d kini episode lanjutan "Ratu" Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"Money talks!", Konglomerat JAHAT (penipu konsumen/kreditor/tukang suap/penindas buruh & TERORIS (berani buka-bukaan di Pengadilan & Forum Debat Terbuka?), justru dilindungi! Wanna know the detail? Hanya di Draft Buku saya: "TEXMACOGATE": Dirty Tricks "R" US! (Membongkar Persekongkolan Jahat Tingkat Tinggi) Pelanggaran HAM: Teror Dan Intimidasi Terhadap Buruh, Pengurus SPSI, Aktivis "Pembela" Buruh, PERS; KKN, SUAP, Penipuan, dll.

Seperti ditulis jurnalis di atas, elit Pemerintah, DPR, Konglomerat, Militer/Polisi, dan PERS telah BERKOMPLOT menciptakan dan melanggengkan State-Sponsored Terrorsim! Itu pula yang berkembang di NKRI. Sebagian boss PERS (cetak/elektronik/digital) TERNYATA sama BEJATnya dengan politisi & birokrat korup-sok kuasa, dan Konglomerat Hitam!

Sebagian boss PERS itu SENGAJA melakukan Swa-Bredel Diri atas kasus kasus skandal mega-KKN! Mereka menjadi JONGOS (individu TANPA harga diri!) Konglomerat Jahat! Apa kabar kasus Kuota (ekspor) Tekstil? Jeng Menteri Rini Suwandi, are you being "muffled", too? Please, JANGAN rusak citra (track record) damn good anda selama di PT. ASTRA INTERNASIONAL.

**Di NKRI, sami mawon. Orang yang berani bersikap kritis vs. praktik KKN dan kezaliman, dilabel MELAWAN ARUS. Baca INDONESIAKU: NEGERI MALING & PENYAMUN, bagaimana saya menjawab KENYINYIRAN paling STUPID itu!

Penilaian jurnalis itu tentang FAKTA pembusukan azas demokrasi di A.S., mengingatkan saya pada penilaian miring seorang eks mitra kerja di DEPLU ketika kami sedang diklat SEKDILU (Sekolah Dinas Luar Negeri Angkatan IX 1984), kini ybs Pejabat Eselon 2 di DEPLU (tetapi sudah melupakan saya!): "Cup (Ucup), kowe iki koyo bapakmu; senenge ngelawan arus!" ("Cup, kamu itu persis ayahmu; suka melawan arus!).

If my memory serves me well, at the time I did not say a word terhadap penilaian miring itu. Saya sudah jawab, secara umum, di tulisan NEGERI MALING itu (mid-January 2002) yang copy disket-nya sudah saya kirim kepada Presiden Megawati (24 Agustus 2002). Saya ulang di sini, bagaimana kita tidak melawan arus, wong arusnya butek kok! ("Butek" = keruh).

Lha, sudah menjadi pilihan anda dkk di birokrasi, sebagian "career-minded" (conformists), untuk TERUS enjoy "merenangi" arus butek di birokrasi Sipil/Non-Sipil di NKRI …

Sampeyan kan dulu SMU Muhammadiyah, tentunya "ngelotok" ngaji Al-Qur’an. Kita semua, kelak di akhirat, akan DIADILI oleh Hakim Maha Adil, Allah Ta’ala; ditanya, a/l, dari mana kita peroleh harta kita; halalkah CARA PEROLEHANNYA? [Apa kabar mBak Megawati? Dana PEMILU 1999 dari Konglohitam Tuan "M.S."; dan "LIPPO Group"; Rumah Mewah di Sentul, dll …. Uwenak tenan jadi presiden! Siap siap ditanya Gusti Allah kelak].

MEMANIPULASI tarip sewa rumah/apartemen (Piece of cake, guampang banget, apalagi kalau apartemen milik Staf Lokal KBRI/KJRI/Konsulat/PTRI) dan "entertainment" bulanan memakai Hak "Representasi" yang 10% dari "gaji pokok" (= minimal US$ 400/bln) sebagai "dana lobbying".

Apalagi "kreatif", ketika makan di satu restauran Barat di New York, diam-diam ada yang NYOLONG segepok "form" tagihan AMEX/VISA/MasterCard di meja Cashier restauran itu. Lalu, pergi ke Manhattan (42nd St atau Fifth Avenue), membeli mesin "gesek" Charge/Credit Card (lazim dipakai penjaja seks di NYC, disamarkan sebagai FLORIST).

Berbekal segepok "Strok" lembar tagihan Charge/Credit Card curian dari restauran itu, cukup untuk mengajukan (kepada para KBTU, yang SEBAGIAN berjiwa MALING!) bukti ASPAL pemakaian dana Lobbying atau "Uang Representasi" itu, minimal 24 bulan! Habis? Nyolong lagi. Edan! "Dirty tricks" macam itu, seingat saya, tidak pernah diajarkan di SEKDILU!

Arus BUTEK macam itu, terus saja direnangi! Yang mengaku Muslim, apalagi sudah haji; ijinkan saya mengingatkan hal di atas (tentang HISAB oleh Allah SWT di atas) dengan dua ayat ini: "Kalian pasti akan ditanyai pada hari itu, mengenai kenikmatan yang kalian megah-megahkan di dunia." (Q.S. 102at-Takatsur: 8); dan "Bersabarlah melaksanakan hukum Rabmu, dan JANGAN MENTA’ATI para pendosa dan kafirun." (Q.S. 76 al-Insan: 24).

Buka, baca dan KAJI serta LAKSANAKAN secara ISTIQOMAH/konsekuen, Al-Qur’an anda. Percuma mampu "ngaji", "melagukannya" nyaris sempurna; tetapi tidak memahami maknanya dan TIDAK menjalankannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari! Punya Kitab HADITH QUDSY (shahih) dan sudah tammatkah membaca serta memahaminya? Jika anda masih terus IKUT melakukan praktik KKN, minimal memilih MEMBISU dan membutakan mata versus kezaliman/kemunkaran itu (dll) di depan hidung anda; berhentilah mendaku Muslim!

Ibadah shalat, zakat, sedekah, menyantuni yatim piatu – TIDAK ADA gunanya! Apalagi kalau anda TERUS menikmati RIBA dari "bunga" savings U.S. dollar/Rupiah (dan Valas lain) anda! Baca artikel pendek saya, ada kutipan artikel aseli, yaitu tentang RIBA-nya Credit Cards, di Tidak untuk yang berjantung lemah & munafik …

Mau lebih jelas tentang SANGAT HARAMnya Riba? Baca, KEPADA PARA NASABAH & PEGAWAI BANK, oleh Ahmad Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Hamdani. Insya’Allah saya masih hidup s/d bulan depan, saya pindai (scan) untuk E-mail. Demi Allah, selama hidup sejak mempunyai penghasilan USD (8 tahun di Amrik & Afrika Timur) dan Rupiah, saya TIDAK pernah punya "Savings Account" – sebab hukumnya JELAS 100% HARAM jika "interests" atau bunga tabungan (se-Sen pun!) kita nikmati! Anda BOLEH mengambilnya dan memberikan kepada kaum fakir atau "bunga" disumbangKAN untuk Fasos/Fasum; tetapi TIDAK berpahala!

TAURAT dan INJIL pun MENGHARAMKAN praktik riba! Hanya TALMUD(ic Jews) yang menghalalkannya! Maka, Amrik BANGKRUT akibat penjajahan oleh dinasti ROTHSCHILD dan ROCKEFELLER dan "MahaDalang" KAFIR lain penguasa The FEDERAL RESERVE. Siapa lagi yang mau sok pinter, NYINYIR mendebat; bahwa Amrik tidak bangkrut?!

***Pemerkosaan yang SERING dilakukan TENTARA di seluruh dunia (kecuali tentara Rasulullah!) termasuk pasukan USTASHI (Jesuit di Kosovo terhadap kaum wanita Yahudi non-Talmudic dan Ummat Gereja Ortodoks), dalam konteks artikel di atas oleh tentara Amrik; juga dilakukan oleh sebagian kecil tentara NKRI ketika menyerbu TimTim! Seorang Konsul RI di Dili, Pak "T" (sudah wafat?), tahun 1990 akhir, menceriterakan kepada saya episode itu dia tulis di memoirnya. Tetapi menurut beliau, "LBM" melarang menerbitkannya!

Menurut beliau (Mr. T), kebencian bangsa Timor Leste terhadap TNI akibat KEBIADABAN sebagian kecil (?) prajurit TNI (saya ulang di sin i: TIDAK ada istilah OKNUM, sebab pelaku kebiadaban macam itu memang anggota TNI, bukan disertir! Sama seperti puluhan bahkan mungkin ratusan TNI pembantai warga sipil dalam tragedi Tanjung Priok, September 1984; dan Santa Cruz, Dili, November 1991, DOM Aceh, dll)) yang MEMPERKOSA gadis gadis Timor Leste, terutama "blasteran" Portuges (manis, bo!). Dendam kesumat mereka semakin memuncak, ketika ADA beberapa prajurit TNI bahkan MEMPERKOSA BIARAWATI!

Ndak usah banyak cing-cong; kebiadaban itu benar benar terjadi! Jussac Senior, sebagai jurnalis senior, yang diminta membantu Deputi Ka-BAKIN Ali Moertopo, dalam OPERASI KOMODO 1975 (sebulan penuh di Dili, "menggarap" para pentolan FRETILIN termasuk Playboy Cap Kampak Ramos Horta – saya ada manuskrip buku almarhum Jussac Senior, tentang isu Timor Timur; versi Inggris & Indonesia masing masing 62 halaman. Ada penerbit berminat menerbitkannya? SEGERA e-mail saya, and let’s negotiate the TERMS; sebelum saya tawarkan kepada penerbit di Barat), jelas TIDAK menyaksikan kebiadaban itu. Sebab "Sukarelawan" ASPAL TNI belum diterjunkan ke Dili. Mau tahu, apa yang dilakukan Ramos Horta selama di Bandung (1975)? Tanyakan kepada Letkol gebleg (1975) di BAKIN!

Penerbit buku NKRI, jika ada yang berminat menerbitkan manuskrip tentang isu Timor itu, silahkan hubungi saya. Total 62 halaman format Folio ketik rangkap (2 "spasi"), versi Inggris dan Indonesia. Saya mendapat amanah almarhum untuk mencari penerbit. Anda tidak pernah membaca THE TRUE STORY ON EAST TIMOR di koran/majalah.

****Bagian dari Bab Bab penting di Draft Buku "TEXMACOGATE". Tunggu tanggal mainnya. Bakal banyak elit Parpol gede, birokrasi dan Parlemen/MPR "b’lingsatan", kena "stroke" berat! Prof. DR. Yusril Ihzra Mahendra, saya mau tanya (sori, Mas Jenderal SBY, saya belum buka Homepage mengenai RUU ANTI TEROR); apakah U.U. Anti Teror berlaku surut? Jika ya, TAMMAT itu si Konglomerat Hitam!

Sebab ia & para sohibnya membiarkan Kepala SATPAM (dan kroninya) melakukan TEROR terhadap beberapa "pentolan" buruh pabrik Subang; Pengurus SPSI Purwakarta, dan INIDIKASI KUAT juga terhadap DUA aktivis pembela Hak Hak Buruh (eks Orsospol "radikal kiri"). Pakai pasal pasal KUHP pun, seharusnya komplotan jahat itu sudah dapat diseret ke Nusa Kambangan! Nehi nehi, you are counting your days, dude!

Bagaimana pula dengan NIAT SERIUS menggelar 20-an aktivis B****R Tahan Bacok, untuk "memberi pelajaran" para pentolan buruh Subang (re: demo damai medio Mei 2000, di SENTRA MULIA, Jakarta Selatan). Apa kabar Tuan "BFS", Direktur HRD? NIAT SERIUS itu anda gelar di depan kami, empat GM, Sr. Manager, dan dua orang staf Kantor Lawyer.

Beranikah anda BUKA BUKAAN di forum terbuka dan/atau Pengadilan? You’re history! Anda "Pendeta" baik, kok menskenario RENCANA jahat menggelar "tukang pukul" Muslims vs. buruh Muslim! Apa kabar pula, Cak Haji (GM) R*****n? Buka Qur’anmu, Cak. Istighfar. Memecat 1000 orang buruh dhuafa, TANPA pesangon se-Sen-pun; kok malah mengucapkan alhamdulillah! Ngalamin apa pula, kelak di alam kubur? Tuan direktur sampeyan, apalagi "Da CHAIRMAN", so pasti kelak REST IN PIECES (digebukin malaikat).

Mbak Megawati, sampeyan (saling) mengayomi "Konglomerat Hitam" bos TERORIS!


Yusuf bin Jussac
Banten, dini hari 25 Nopember 2002

Allah karuniakan akal-pikir kepada kita,
bukan untuk menyesatkan orang orang lain.