Banten, 26 Nopember 2002

Assalamu'alaikum wr wbr.

Yusuf bin Jussac MR



Jum’at pagi, 1 November 2002, disiarkan METRO TV, Panglima TNI meminta semua "laskar" membubarkan diri, sebab menurutnya laskar laskar itu sudah menimbulkan kekacauan. Ia mengatakan, dalam sitkon hukum rimba TNI paling kuat, sebab memiliki persenjataan lengkap. Begitu kira kira pernyataannya (saya tidak menuliskan di sini verbatim, persis yang ia katakan). Pernyataan aneh itu disiarkan LIPUTAN Pagi SCTV, pada hari berikutnya.

Sungguh arogan Panglima. Ia "mengancam halus" (ciri khas despots/diktator/penindas) semua laskar (ia tak b’rani menyebut secara terang-terangan laskar Muslim!) membubarkan diri ketimbang ditindak secara hukum. Sementara itu, Kapolri Jenderal Da’i Bachtiar, secara lebih santun menyatakan, berhubung belum ada aturan khusus tentang itu pemerintah perlu membuat aturan (hukum) nya.

Saya lebih menghargai pernyataan Jenderal Da’i ketimbang arogansi di atas, meskipun pernyataan Kapolri pun "debatable"; paling tidak sejauh menyangkut pasal di UUD 1945 tentang bela negara! Pernyataan Panglima TNI itu 100 persen ngawur, bahkan memfitnah laskar tertentu Islam! Kita sebut saja terang terangan di sini: LASKAR JIHAD yang telah dipaksa bubar!

Ngawur 100% sebab: Laskar Jihad baru diterjunkan ke kancah konflik di Ambon dan Maluku, setahun lebih setelah Ummat Muslim di dua daerah itu DIZALIMI unsur jahat dalam kelompok Kristen (not ALL) termasuk "Pasukan Merah"! Pernyataan Panglima, bahwa kehadiran laskar (Islam) telah menimbulkan kekacauan, merupakan FITNAH keji terthadap Laskar Jihad! Panglima SENGAJA menebar DISINFORMASI sangat menyesatkan publik, sebab ia sengaja menyembunyikan FAKTA di lapangan (Ambon, Maluku, dan Poso!).

Konflik panjang (semenjak 1999) di kedua wilayah itu dapat DIBUKTIKAN dipicu aksi sepihak kelompok/unsur tertentu dalam Kristen (apapun "sekte" mereka), termasuk unsur RMS di Ambon. Yaitu PENYERANGAN terhadap Ummat Muslim menjelang Iedul Fitri. Insiden ini kemudian dikenal sebagai "Ambon 1" tahun 1999.

Tim Investigasi majalah SABILI, juga Tabloid ADIL, mengupas tuntas KRONOLOGI (bukan KronologiS, seperti yang tetap diucapkan sebagian Presenter/Reporter TV dan media cetak bodoh; karena tidak mampu membedakan antara "noun" Kronologi dan kata sifat Kronologis) gegeran Ambon, Maluku, dan Poso sejak tahun 1999 s/d 2001.

Saya punya saksi hidup, orang Arab-Solo-Ambon, yang rumah dan tokonya dibakar massa penyerang itu. Menurutnya, seminggu sebelum gerombolan unsur jahat Palangis melakukan serangan dadakan TANPA diprovokasi (pihak Muslim) – Palangis memborong HABIS senjata tajam/linggis/kapak/martil dll di semua toko material di kota Ambon! Jadi FAKTA adalah pihak unsur Palangis itu sudah lama merencanakan NIAT JAHAT tsb! Dan Panglima TNI SENGAJA menebarkan disinformasi dengan tuduhan laskar (Jihad) telah menjadi pengacau!

Selain itu – shame on you, General! – ia juga membutakan publik yang bukan kumpulan orang orang dungu-tolol, tentang "Insiden Kuda Mati" di Maluku, yaitu antara tim operasi Brimob /Polri dan segelintir personil (bukan lembaganya!) unsur Kopasus. Tim investigasi Tabloid Politik ADIL mengungkapkan, insiden berdarah itu diprovokasi (= dimulai) oleh kelompok kecil dalam Paskhas Kopasus itu. Yaitu ketika Tim Brimob/Polri itu akan menangkap provokator (Kristen) atas beberapa kerusuhan di wilayah tsb.

Hasil investigasi (Tabloid ADIL) atas insiden Kuda Mati itu menunjukkan, ternyata, unsur kecil Kopasus itu membekingi salah satu pentolan unsur "Palangis" dalam perangnya melawan juga unsur lain "Palangis" (dalam konteks itu, Laskar Jihad 100% tidak terlibat!). Maka ketika Tim Brimod/Polri akan menciduk pentolan provokator dari unsur Kristen itu (yang dibekingi unsur Kopasus yang menjadikannya informan), niat Brimob/Polisi dihalangi seorang prajurit Kopasus!

Terjadi baku tembak, dan Tim Brimob/Polri itu (lagi-lagi!) menang! Satu Pamen dan non-Pamen unsur baret merah, pelindung provokator unsur Palangis itu, digelandang ke kantor Polri setempat, dan – ternyata -- "dipermak". Dapat dimaklumi kegusaran tim Brimob/Polri itu. Sebab unsur paskhas TNI itu yang memulai menyerang ketika tim Brimob/Polri menjalankan tugasnya.

Hal penting lain yang oleh Panglima TNI juga SENGAJA ditutup-tutupi adalah FAKTA, bahwa Tim Laskar Jihad diterjunkan ke wilayah konflik it juga dalam rangka bakti sosial; bukan melulu "berjihat mengangkat pedang" membela sesama Muslim yang dizalimi "Pasukan Merah Palangis" di Ambon/Maluku (Klik: artikel non-Muslim Barat di bawah, mengapa Muslim murka!).

Jenderal Endiarto Yang Terhormat, pihak mana pula yang nembakin TNI/Polri & Muslim di Ambon selama insiden Ambon 2 dan 3, yaitu "sniper" di lantai atas ruko ruko di kota Ambon?? Siapa, jenderal? Laskar Jihad? Sniper itu juga unsur sesat dari kesatuan tertentu TNI (orang orang "Orba-is menamakannya Oknum!) yang dibayar oleh unsur Palangis berjiwa teroris!

Unsur mana pula, yang tahun lalu secara amat SANGAT brutal memberondong sampai mati belasan Muslim sipil tidak bersenjata api di Ambon; dan membakar Al-Qur’an di salah satu masjid di sana? Siapa jenderal? Unsur FASCIST Bataloyn Gabungan TNI (Yon-Gap)!

Unsur non-TNI dan non-Brimob/Polri yang mana pula, yang selama "Ambon 2 & 3" melempari Masjid Al-Fatah (?) di pusat kota Ambon dengan bom bom molotov? Unsur Palangis, jenderal! How SHORT your memory is, General. Dalam satu insiden, sekonyong konyong turun sinar biru mengurung masjid itu, sehingga bom bom molotov itu terpental tidak menyentuh masjid; sementara itu kemudian turun ribuan tentara MALAIKAT Allah menghalau pasukan Palangis yang menyerang masjid dan unsur Muslim yang bertahan di masjid itu!

Jenderal, TANPA Laskar Jihad pun, manakala kaum Muslim tertindas tetap istiqomah dan tawaqal kepada Allah Ta’ala; maka cukup bacakan surah Ali Imron ayat tertentu, dan (seperti di Ambon itu) Allah akan menurunkan 2000 – 3000 malaikatNya! B’rani ngelawan mereka, yang tidak mempan dibacok bayonet dan diberondong M16/SS-1/AK-47/Styer/FNL tentara/polisi?

Mengapa Taliban tidak mendapat pertolongan yang sama (dari Allah), ketika kubu mereka diluluh-lantakkan oleh pasukan KAFIR Amerika Serikat dan Sekutunya? Sebab pemimpin Taliban ada yang tidak amanah, malah berniaga opium dengan CIA, Russia dll! Demikian pula unsur di dalam GAM, yang dagang ganja dengan unsur jahat di dalam kesatuan tertentu dan bekas orang TNI (barter dengan senjata—simak kasus temuan 3 ton ganja dari Aceh, di Ciputat oleh Polri).

Di Ambon, para Ulama dan santrinya tidak berdagang narkoba! Hobi nenggak miras pun, di kalangan sebagian kecil Muslim di Ambon, dihentikan berkat dakwah Laskar Jihad dan LSM Muslim di Ambon. Bush cs dan Sekutunya kaum KAFIR, mau macem-macem pula terhadap Muslim NKRI? Believe me, General; mereka pun bakal kocar kacir kalau tentara malaikat diturunkan. Wahai kaum Muslim istiqomah, bacakan – selama Ramadhan – ayat ayat itu!

Apakah kemudian, Panglima hendak membungkam mulut seluruh Muslim istiqomah NKRI agar tidak dapat berdoa? Sia sia, General! Kerahkan dua divisi TNI, kagak bakal berhasil; sebab disumpal pakai LAKBAN pun; Muslim tetap mampu berdoa secara "siri" – yang malaikat pun tidak mampu menguping, sebab doa siri (khusu’) langsung "connect" dengan Allah Ta’lla.

Jenderal, konflik Ambon berkepanjangan (sejak Ambon 1 s/d kini), bukan gara gara ulah Laskar Jihad; melainkan akibat kepandiran dua Pangdam yang sudah dilengser! Ya stupid, sebab ketika unsur Palangis bikin onar menyerang LAGI (Ambon 2) Muslim di seputar KODAM, that bloody stupid Pangdam Max, justru melucuti seluruh Pamennya! Itu Pangdam, wong Bali (kini di Diklat Cimahi), bertanggung-jawab atas pembantaian belasan Muslim tidak bersenjata yang dilakukan unsur Yon Gab di atas! Unsur YON haus darah macam itu layak dihukum tembak!

Lantas, how the bloody hell you, General, dare say bahwa Laskar (Muslim) yang bikin kekacauan? Kalau anda Muslim, seyogyanya SEGERA beristighfar, mohon ampunan-Nya, sebab telah menebar FITNAH terhadap laskar (yang anda tidak berani menyebutnya laskar muslim!). Sekali lagi, Insya’Allah anda juga Muslim, WAJIB hukumnya bagi saya selaku sesama Muslim mengingatkan anda. Tindakan mengingatkan TIDAK melanggar U.U. Darurat 1952 & Perpu!

Ora gelem dielingke, ya sak-karep sampeyan! Jok nyalahke aku nek sampeyan nJeglek! Ora ilok, Pemimpin kok memfitnah sesamanya. Kalau anda non-Muslim, no comment-lah. Asal tidak kita nafikkan, di kalangan Ummat Nasrani di Ambon; tidak sedikit yang tidak mengamini kebrutalan dan kebiadaban "Pasukan Merah Palangis" terhadap Muslim!

Kalau selama ini anda dan your "geng" menafikan "ke-sukarela-wan-an" Laskar Jihad di Ambon dan Maluku (serta Poso?); lantas what you and your "geng" will be saying regarding "Sukarelawan" (TNI) ketika menyerbu Timor Timur, dengan dalih diundang kubu Pro-integrasi? (saya mah, Pro-XL saja, meskipun pulsanya macam kuda birahi dan di Pantura budek)

Sama dengan Laskar Jihad membela Muslim Ambon/Maluku! Membela se-iman dan se-Tanah Air. Tidak ada landasan hukum formal-nya (Aneh kan, jelas Al-Qur’an dapat disentuh-diraba-dibaca-dingajikan-dipelajari-untuk ngobati-perlindungan diri dll; kok hukum hukum Allah di dalamnya tidak dianggap formal! Hukum adat, sebagian syirik, justru dilestarikan/dijunjung tinggi dan dijamin oleh negara; hukum Allah alias Syari’at Islam malah dipecundangi!).

Bedanya, tindakan Laskar Jihad (yang tidak melulu berniat perang vs. unsur Palangis yg. menzalimi Muslim), didasari ayat ayat di dalam Al-Qur’an! Sebab sebagian punggawa berbedil dan berpistol di Ambon/Maluku, selama itu inkompeten & tidak fair alias memihak! Perkara ada unsur Nahdliyyin yang melecehkan Jihad ke Ambon itu, ya sak-karep mereka sendiri! Yang jelas, Laskar Jihad TIDAK petakilan dan anarkis menebangi pohon perindang jalan di Jawa Timur, ngamuk ketika "Da Kiyai" panutan mereka menjelang tumbang akibat ulahnya sendiri!

Laskar Jihad juga tidak sesumbar akan membumi-hanguskan gedung DPR/MPR, jika "Da Kiyai" dilengserkan! Lha, wong yang ngomong – kepada saya – salah satu koordinatornya di Jakarta, kok. Maka sebagian warga Banten & Betawi pun siap, menghadapi "Banser Tahan Bacok" yang pernah berniat "menyerbu" Jakarta (padahal sudah dicegah Da Kiyai-nya)— "Ente jual, Ane beli!". Ternyata, para arek (‘brani Free Fall?) jagoan tahan bacok itu "jago kate", ngomong doang!

Benar, dalam satu insiden di Istana vs. Sang Kiyai presiden, sekelompok Laskar Jihad mendatangi Istana RI-1 bawa pedang. Itu salah, sebenarnya tidak perlu! Kemarahan mereka akibat Tabliq Akbar, di Monas (hendak berjihad ke Ambon), dilecehkan oleh "Da Kiyai" yang nampaknya memang hobi NYINYIR, ghibah (beberapa kali bakda shalat Jum’at vs. Muslim non-Nahdliyyin) dan cenderung GHURUR (coba, di depan peserta LEMHANAS, di BINAGRAHA, Allah pun dia protes!). Ia juga yang menyuruh Penguasa menangkap Rizieq dan Abu Ba’asyir!

Perlu dicatat beberapa hal dari pernyataan Panglima TNI itu sbb:

  1. Terbukti, sinyalemen saya, di BOM BALI tertanggal 13 Update 15 Oktober 2002, yaitu kecenderungan Penguasa bersikap "mangkak", arogan berkaitan pemberlakuan PERPU No. Oktober 2002; utamanya versus yang disebut "rakyat" atau warga sipil non-Penguasa.
  2. Pernyataan itu mencerminkan perilaku neo-fasisme; seperti dicontohkan insiden di RS PKO Muhammadiyah, Solo, ketika Tim Mabes POLRI dan Polresta Solo menangkap secara brutal Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba’asyir. Mereka pecahkan kaca kaca pintu RS PKO!
  3. Semua itu berkaitan langsung dengan tekanan politik/diplomatik rezim KAFIR Bush cs, bagi Penguasa NKRI untuk membeo memberlakukan Patriot Act anti teror made in USA, dirakit di NKRI. Yaitu PERPU, versi "Beta" a la MS Windows, sebelum U.U. Anti Teror "Full Version" segera diluncurkan.
  4. TNI akan SANGAT diuntungkan pemberlakuan U.U. Anti Teror RI itu (U2ATRI), a.l., JAMINAN (dari rezim Bush cs.) pelanjutan penyediaan suku cadang mesin perang TNI, utamanya F-16 dan C-130 Hercules. Tanpa Hercules yang siap terbang setiap saat (akibat embargo suku cadang penting), maka TNI-AU dan pelanggan tetap TNI-AD tidak dapat memobilisasi "rapid deployment" satuan tempur khas TNI ke wilayah wilayah konflik Ambon, Papua, Maluku, Poso, Aceh dll. Makanya, TNI siap menggempur GAM!
  5. Bersama Polri, TNI mendapat payung hukum (Fascist!) U2ATRI untuk melibas semua unsur Islam "keras", yang selama ini mereka dakwa sebagai benih benih teroris!
  6. Dua institusi bersenjata itu juga bakal menikmati kucuran bantuan teknis/dana segar, dari penguasa Fascist Amrik dan Sekutunya, yakni dalam rangka "perang melawan teror" (baca: kampanye melibas SELURUH Muslim di dunia, seperti diprogram Pentagon!).
  7. Perang Salib ketiga telah dikumandangkan. Arroyo, presiden imut-imut negeri jajahan Vatican (Pilipina), menulis surat kepada sedulurnya, George Wicked Bully Bush (GW2B), mengajak membentuk poros Kristen (baca: kubu Methodist – panutan Bush – dan Katolik Pilipina) Asia Pasifik. Arroyo imut imut mau jadi premannya penguasa Amrik dan Sekutu.
  8. Demi keuntungan material itu, tentara (di manapun di bumi – kecuali laskar Rasulullah, dan kini milisi Jesuit/Vatican) yang tidak menjadikan agama sebagai ideologinya, dalam hal ini TNI tidak mengangap penting unsur mayoritas bangsa NKRI (Muslim). Muslim NKRI digadaikan, demi kucuran bantuan teknik/dana di atas, termasuk program diklat reguler bagi bintara/tamtama/Pamen TNI di Amrik ("IMET" di War College WDC, Fort Bragg, Montery, San Diego, dll).
  9. FAKTA bahwa TNI dan Polri AGNOSTIK, simak acara Nuzulul Qur’an di era Presiden Abr. Wahid, di Masjid Istiqlal: tentara (bintara dan tamtama) wanita TNI hadir di "rumah Allah" itu bertelanjang diri! Telanjang, sebab MELECEHKAN Masjid besar itu hadir mengenakan seragam rok "span" ketat dan TANPA kerudung – alih alih berhijab! Mereka SENGAJA melecehkan KEWAJIBAN menutup aurat bagi Muslimah, QS. An-Nuur:31, QS. Al-Ahzab:59, dan 3 - 4 Hadith shahih! Gitu itu ngaku Muslimah? Mbahmu, Neng!
  10. TNI tidak peduli Muslim, Protestan, Katolik – libas: contohnya, 300 lebih Muslim dibantai di Tanjung Priok, September 1984; 200-an ummat Katholik TimTim dibantai di Santa Cruz, Dili, November 1991; puluhan warga sipil dibantai dalam kerusuhan di Papua (insiden bendera Papua). Theys (Kristen) diculik dan dibunuh unsur TNI!
  11. Pernyataan Panglima TNI di atas, bahwa TNI pihak "paling jagoan" karena memiliki persenjataan paling lengkap (Den Mas, itu dibeli pakai uang siapa? Mbah sampeyan?), merupakan AROGANSI yang sungguh menjijikkan; mengkonfirmasi anggapan salah kaprah selama ini bahwa TNI di atas segalanya -- termasuk tidak tersentuh hukum!
  12. Terkonfirmasi juga, bahwa LASKAR JIHAD membubarkan diri bukan secara suka rela mengikuti Fatwa Ulama besar di Arab dan Kuwait – melainkan akibat TEKANAN politik Penguasa RI atas order rahasia penguasa Kafir Amrik dan Sekutunya! Pra-syarat kucuran dana perang melawan terorisme, didasarkan PATRIOT ACT yang ilegal (baca di bawah, klik ini: Rumor Mill News Byrd Denounces Bush War Plans as Unconstitutional)!
  13. Panglima TNI melupakan sejarah Revolusi Nusantara versus VOC, Belanda, Jepang dan Sekutu; bahwa mayoritas pejuang Muslim lah (dengan berbagai LASKAR mereka) yang berada di garis terdepan melakukan perlawanan pisik (pahlawan Kristen juga ada)! Di era Cut Nya’ Din, Teuku Umar, Fatahilah, Diponegroro, dll belum ada TNI, Bung!
  14. Memaksa seluruh "Laskar Muslim" membubarkan diri, Panglima sengaja akan melakukan HARAKIRI, bunuh diri paling konyol! Konyol, sebab membuka peluang bagi agresor, neo-imperialis KAFIR Amrik dan Sekutunya LEBIH mudah mengobrak-abrik NKRI -- manakala HARUS dilakukan invasi atas NKRI dengan pretext memburu teroris!
  15. Indikasinya? Hampir 1000 US Marines telah bergentayangan di Pilipina (sepelemparan batu ke Sulawesi Utara). Paska bom Bali, kapal kapal perang Amrik dan Australia merapat ke Pelabuhan Benoa, Bali. Apalagi armada kapal selam A.S. di Guam, pasti rutin menyisir perairan teritorial dan Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif/ZEE NKRI!
  16. Warning PM Aussie, bahwa bakal terjadi rentetan teror lagi paska Bom Bali, yaitu di kota kota besar di Pulau Jawa termasuk Jakarta -- maka Dubesnya di Jakarta diperintahkan mengevakuasi sebagian besar diplomat dan keluarganya dari NKRI -- indikasi apa itu? Mengantisipasi "gegeran" macam mana pula itu? Invasi A.S. dan Sekutunya ke NKRI?
  17. Menyuruh Laskar Muslim membubarkan diri, sama arogannya dengan ketika selama era ORBA sementara petinggi TNI-AD sengaja MENGUBUR, menafikan PERAN penting TNI-Tentara Pelajar selama era Clash 1 & 2! Jussac, eks Brigade 17 TNI/Tentara Pelajar (TP), menggugat penafikan (oleh sementara petinggi TNI-AD) itu langsung kepada Pak Harto via surat pribadi sebelum beliau lengser. TP dianggap anjing kurap oleh TNI!
  18. Ini negeri hendak dijadikan – seperti A.S. saat ini paska pemberlakuan PATRIOT ACT—negara tirani militer/polisi! Panglima TNI pikir, dari mana dana untuk TNI selama ini? Yayasan TNI, yang lebih banyak untuk bikin perumahan mewah Pati, sedikit sekali yang dikucurkan bagi kesejahteraan prajuritnya (buktinya, TNI diberi Rp. 1 T oleh Presiden Megawati!)? Dia pikir, anak buahnya yang capek, tiap tahun negosiasi HUTANG dengan CGI dan Bank Dunia serta IMF? Dia pikir, TNI yang mengurus ekspor non-migas dan PMA? Jangan jangan, ada unsur TNI yang "ngurusin" ekspor pasir ke Singapura??
  19. Panglima pun MENOHOK Kepala BIN. Ketika menyikapi Bom Bali, ia (Panglima) mengatakan perlunya ada badan intelijens koordinator kegiatan intel –sebab, menurut Panglima TNI, BIN "jalan sendiri"! Let.Jen. (Purn) Hendropriyono, Ka-BIN kok malah jadi pihak yang dinyinyiri! Menohok mitranya sendiri, yang diangkat oleh Megawati, sama saja Panglima TNI menohok pula Presiden RI! Pengin jadi presiden, jenderal?



  21. Panglima TNI pengin jadi Presiden RI? Mit-amit, Doel! Mending Jenderal SBY! Profesor Muladi, "Dewa Hukum" RI, sebagai Wapres. Yusril? No way! Hendropriyono sebagai Menhan, okelah. Panglima TNI: Ryamizard Ryacudu, the tough guy! Matori, pensiun, suruh mancing sama Bush cs.! Bung Yasril, gimana kalau jadi Ketua DPR-RI?
  22. Menkopolkam? Saya! Heheheeee. Lho, cuman ngomong saja, bolehkan? Bodo begini, pernah kok secara aktif/full-time 15 tahun ikut mengurus negeri ini. Kualifikasi pun, alhamdulillah, "paramiliter" (Y.M. Ibu Megawati, sudah baca CV lengkap saya?) dan Nasionalis-relijius. Negeri ini harus dipimpin presiden eks jenderal Muslim tawadu’ (logis dong, mayoritas unsur bangsa – FAKTA – Muslim!) seperti Jenderal SBY. Track record-nya nyaris sempurna. Jaksa Agung, DR. Adnan Buyung Nasution.
  23. Jadi, "SBY For President 2004 – 2009" (dua periode saja ya, Mas Jenderal), YES! Wapres, Profesor Muladi, S.H. The rests step aside, please! 80 persen bangsa ini kini menjadi kere, elit politisi dan eks Pati STOP eker-ekeran saling jegal! Yang kagak becus mengurus negara, MINGGIR, dan DIAM! JANGAN coba coba NGACO!


Tahukah anda, kini, gara gara PATRIOT "Fascist" ACT (ilegal vs. US Constitution!), di Amrik sedang dibangun semacam KODAM di seluruh Negara Bagian! Nah, Lo! FEMA sudah menyiapkan sentra sentra penjara politik pula bagi kalangan pembangkang di Amrik!

Terlampir, di bawah, Homepage/Websites re: kajian PATRIOT ACT, dan topik topik oleh tokoh tokoh terkemuka di US Congress yang MENENTANG dan menyebut Patriot Act itu sebagai inkonstitusional. Orang orang Indonesia yang berimigrasi ke Amrik (Green Card holders atau jadi WN Amrik), sudilah kiranya menyimaknya. Biar MELEK, agar tidak kebablasan malah jadi lebih Amrik ketimbang bule aseli Amrik, bela’in mati-matian Bush cs. yang penyembah Lucifer!

Kalau tetap nggak percaya dinasti Bush penyembah Iblis, bacalah "SKULL & BONES", baru nyinyir terus. Ada satu artikel tentang itu, saya impor di bawah. Sudilah membacanya, supaya MELEK, tidak SESAT membabi buta ngebela’in Bush cs. penyembah Lucifer!

Wis, aku capek ngurusin tingkah polah Penguasa NKRI (Negeri Kafirun Represif Indon.) yang semakin MANGKAK. Coba, kalau lembaga TNI dan Polri seperti Universitas Dr. Moestopo Beragama (Kampus Utama Kebayoran Baru, Jkt. Selatan); negeri ini nggak bakal DIAZAB Allah seperti selama 5 tahun terakhir!

Sebagian pemimpin negeri ini, SENGAJA melecehkan hukum hukum Allah SWT. Ke-Tuhan-an Yang Maha Esa cuma di mulut; shalat Jum’at di masjid kantor/ markas mereka, mayoritas cuma "jengkang-jengking", riya’, ritual TANPA makna! Tanpa makna, sebabdalam keseharian mereka, HUKUM Allah dicampakkan, di-nomor-sejuta-kan!

Marhaban RAMADHAN; siapkan diri jihad melawan KAFIRUN Amrik dan Sekutunya! Hasbunullahu wa ni’mal wakiil, ni’mal maula wa ni’man nashiir …Tipu dayaNya lebih canggih ketimbang tipu daya sangat menjijikkan kaum munafikin dan kafirun! Gimana tidak menjijikkan, Muslim NKRI dijadikan obyek permainan kotor melulu!

Wahai sedulur seiman; selama Ramadhan ayo shalat malam, memohon kepada Allah agar Allah MENGAZAB Bush cs dan para klien mereka di negeri Munafikin ini! Allah mengabulkan RINTIHAN ummatNya yang terus DIZALIMI. Lebih 100 juta Muslim NKRI, serentak, sebulan (Ramadhan) melakukan itu, Insya’Allah terkabul! Gemakan Laa illaha illallah setiap malam!

Para Ihwan PPS Panca Daya, bismillah, mari kita "program" agar armada ke-7 Amrik, Delta Force, US Marines dll, serta satuan khas sekutunya HANCUR diterjang badai dan ombak! Ingat "Operation Blue Light" Amrik di Iran? Skuadron helikopter Amrik (Chinook, dll) diporak-porandakan badai pasir! Operasi evakuasi sandera di Kedubes A.S., di Teheran, gagal total! Gunship (derivasi C-130 dilengkapi meriam mitraliur) di atas Teheran Iran, memble pula!

Sudah baca bagaimana PM Italia MENGHINA Islam di artikel saya yl (ada potret dia)? Subhanallah! Belum sampai 10 hari saya memohon kepadaNya, Gunung Etna di Italia "batuk, gempa pula di Italia! Semoga badai menluluh-lantakkan seluruh unsur angkatan bersenjata A.S. dan Inggris! Amin, amin, amin. Hancurlah rezim KAFIR Bush cs. & Sekutunya! Hancur lebur!! Cukup Allah SWT pelindung ummat Muslim istiqomah sejagat. Go to HELL George Wicked Bully Bush et al! Hey, you guys at the NSA, forward this to your bloody lunatic president!

Hai orang orang kafir musuh Allah, bule maupun coklat, kerahkan para dukun kafirmu! Allah TIDAK TERKALAHKAN! Ironis, jutaan bule Amrik aseli Amrik saja sudah muak dengan rezim ZIONIST Bush cs. (Deputi Menhan Paul Wolfowitz aseli Zionist, saudaranya di Israel!), kok imigran Indonesia di sana membabi buta belain mati-matian Bush cs penyembah Lucifer!

Berikut ini beberapa kutipan teks dari dll, berupa opini/analisis/temuan/fakta dll seputar pra- dan paska WTC 9-11; termasuk dampak U.U. Anti Terorisme Amrik (Patriot Act – saya lebih suka menamakannya Unpatriotic Act) terhadap kebebasan & HAM individu, dll. Sori Rek, saya sengaja tidak menerjemahkannya. Otak saya overload, capek mendengar (saya tidak mendengarKAN) ocehan sebagian birokrat senior sipil dan non-sipil paska Kiamat Legian.

Mesej-nya sama (elit penguasa itu): (1) pembenaran diri vs. publik; (2) menutupi AIB mereka ketika terekspos ke publik (yang cerdas, bukan o’on) mereka menggelepar dipecundangi iblis Wicked Bully Bush cs; (3) berapologia tidak menzalimi tokoh tokoh Muslim (statement konyol seorang kolonel polisi, dalam acara debat di TPI kemarin vs. Mahendradata, S.H. salah satu dalam Tim Pembela Abu Ba’asyir). Padahal, JELAS menzalimi tiga Ulama Besar: Jaffar (Laskar Jihad); Rizieq (FPI); dan Ba’asyir! Konglomerat Hitam PENEROR buruh, bebas!!!

Semantara itu, seorang pendeta di Poso ditangkap membawa munisi, senjata dan peledak di mobilnya; kalangan gereja lantas berteriak histeris menuntut pembebasannya! Mana follow-up kasusnya? "Teroris" Muslim melulu yang diburu dan ditangkepin; itu Pendeta teroris dibebasin!

Bahan di bawah ditulis oleh kalangan berbeda di Amrik, Israel, Inggris dll, ada profesor, ada PhD (bukan penasehat politik presiden, bo!), termasuk orang orang Amrik dan Senator senior yang sangat kritis vs. kezaliman penguasa kafir Amrik.

Yang bukan bule Amrik seperti para penulis itu (orang orang waras yang "sober", tidak tercekoki DISinformasi CNN, CIA dll), tetapi beruntung kini tinggal di Amrik sebagai pebisnis atau apapun, please, JANGAN buru buru menafikan seluruh opini/analisis/ekspose fakta para penulis itu sebagai HOAX, sampah B.S. dll. Anda tinggal 20 tahun pun di Amrik, biarpun di MD atau VA dekat WDC, tidak menjamin anda REALLY have the grasp on what is cooking in WDC!

Jika selama di Amrik hidup anda diwarnai monotonitas sehari hari: took a shower - "mojok" alias buang hajat – berangkat kerja – cari lokasi parkir (atau naik Metro bus/Subway) – naruh tas di meja kerja – grap a cup of black coffee – say hello, chit-chat basa basi dulu – lantas mulai melototin monitor PC/terminal – lunch – cengengesan di McD, Red Top dll – balik kantor rutinitas sama dst – dan manakala Jum’at sore lantas latah "Thank God (which one?) it’s Friday – jika itu yang mewarnai your daily chore di Amrik; I don’t blame you manakala lantas nyinyir, ketika ada orang nDeso (kampung) macam saya berani menulis tentang Bom Bali, dll!

Berapa lama (hitungan tahun) kita terpajan pada budaya lain, bukan jaminan otomatis kita mengetahui (let alone mampu mencerna dan mengerti) seluk beluk dan ditail budaya kedua. Tidak semua orang punya kemampuan sama: watch/see/hear/listen/observe, discuss/brainstorm, analyze and take proper actions (meriset, a/l dengan membaca referensi kasus – sekarang enak tinggal cari di Virtual Library di Internet; lalu download) yaitu berbagi with others curah pikir seperti ini.

Fakta menunjukkan, seperti ditengarai beberapa penulis di bawah, warga awam Amrik sebagian besar error otaknya! Bukan salah mereka, melainkan akibat berbagai program jahat para mahadalang dalam Opsus pembodohan terhadap masyarakat Amrik (jangan nyinyir lagi, sebelum baca temuannya!).

Ngeri sampeyan membacanya; program MIND CONTROL, Population Control dll itu, digelar melalui berbagai cara – baca sendiri deh, gue capek ngoceh terus. Cari via Google atawa Yahoo, a/l MK-Ultra, Chemtrails, – dan meringislah, kalau s/d hari ini anda masih cengengesan di Amrik! Sontoloyo tenan, kami empat taon diracuni Flouride dll di Amrik!

Vaksinisasi POLIO, misalnya (sudah gue singgung di artikel yl), ternyata, Gusti Allah --- menimbulkan kanker! Nyinyir lagi, padahal belum baca bagian tentang itu! Kuampleng tenan, Kon ("Galak ya Mah, Oom Ucup?" Iya, galak cuma di tulisan, tapi pemurah kalo kasih nilai DP3 anak-buahnya; tanya tuh, masih hidup semua. Begitu pula sama siswanya. Mana ada dosen killer macam ini? Heheheee…dosen opo, Doel. Salah salah muridnya menjadi pembrontak, diajari dosennya! Ya ndak opo-opo, kalo kita orang mb’rontak vs. kezaliman. Hukumnya KUDU itu!).

Sayang, terlalu berat beban fail di artikel mbeling ini kalo harus dikutip utuh seluruhnya; maka sebagian saya kasihken ke anda cuman (Tahu, mengapa saya tulis cuman ketimbang Cuma? Sebab, tuh, lihat sendiri kan? Komputer Amrik goblok! Selalu dan selalu hurup "c" nya berobah otomatis jadi hurup "C" gede!) judul atau topiknya doang.

Jika anda pengin dikit tambah pinter (jangan "minteri" alias sok paling tahu, seperti kalau udah jadi PhD, hehe….), silahkan bersuse-suse dikit nyari’ sendiri lah teks lengkapnya. Otherwise, don’t blame me, kalo sampeyan keep on groping in the dark; koyo Den baguse iku, "mlaku maju dituntun; arep lungguh bae dituntun, bhen ora nabrak lingir meja! Tahu kagak artinya? Tanyakan saja sama Wong Jawa. Tuh, ada staf Wong Jawa di KJRI, LA, atau staf di KBRI WDC, dll.

Yang mau mencermati Unpatriot(ic) Act 2001, ada juga beberapa kutipan kajiannnya, tapi sayang ada yang hilang dari artikel saya. Sedangkan teks akhir lengkap undang undang Fascist itu, saya beriken hanya daripada topiknya saja di salah satu daftar topik rujukan. Seharusnya Yusril dan anak-buahnya baca dulu, sebelum mereka bikin RUU Anti Terorisme badutan!

Coba, (idu geni!), seperti proses adopsinya oleh US Congress; anggota Konggres ada yang dikirim teror ASPAL Anthrax, sehingga TANPA dibaca draftnya langsung diketok palu secara aklamasi – saya khawatir ‘ntar Komisi 1 dan 2 DPR pun diteror ASPAL; agar SEGERA menyetujui RUU Anti Teror! Jleger, ada bom lagi; DOR, ada Petrus lagi seperti di WDC & VA!

Teror opo, Doel! Tidak sedikit unsur di dalam pemerintah Orla, Orba sampai Deformasi berkelakuan TERORIS vs. warga sipil/wartawan/mahasiswa/pedagang asongan/kaki5 dll, toh tidak diCULIK aparat, boro boro diadili! Kalau saya Presiden RI, birokrat sipil/non-sipil macam itu, kugantung di depan umum setiap minggu, bakda shalat Jum’at!

Lha, penguasa Vietnam dan RRC saja b’rani melakukannya! Rakyatnya senang biarpun penguasa represif, sebab pejabat sipil/non-sipil dan pebisnis JAHAT ditembak mati di depan umum! Pemerintah RRC dan Vietnam BERPIHAK kepada rakyat masing masing!

Sampah negara macam itu, lebih lebih Konglomerat Hitam super jahat PENEROR buruh, Pengurus SPSI di Purwakarta, dan aktivis Orsospol "radikal" (apa kabar, Dita Sari dan Bung Layar?)— cuman ngabis-abisin bbm, beras, air, dll. Sekali lagi, kalo saya RI-1; gue buang ke laut mereka buat "empan" hiu! Nggak peduli bekingnya eks jenderal atau jenderal masih aktif! Yang membekingin mau macem-macem, cemplungin ke kawah Gunung Bromo pula!

Prinsip HAM tidak berlaku bagi sampah negara macam itu! It just does NOT work! So, better take a short cut, the Vietnamese and Chinese way! We must get rid of such bloody scum! "Kamu jadi tiranikal dong, Cup." Ada seorang sohib mengingatkan.

"Sudah kubilang; prinsip ham TIDAK perlu diberlakukan terhadap para garong berdasi, berbaju safari, ber-PDL, berseragam macam itu; dan bagi penindas warga sipil!" "Lha, kamu dosa dong?" "Biar! Itu urusanku sama Allah! Enough dengan segala himbauan, ajakan, dll. Mereka semua pekak kuping dan qalbu; perutnya buncit dihuni ribuan cacing saking rakusnya; darahnya penuh miras -- maka nuraninya mati! Obatnya cuman satu: jadi’in empan hiu! Wassalam!"

"Entar Lo dikucilin dunia internasional, dong." "Moron kau, Doel! Berapa belas Resolusi PBB dicuekin sama Zionis Israel?" "Lo tahu? Ini negeri dan bangsa BANGKRUT, akibat para pemimpinnya berjiwa LEMAH, takut sama Konglomerat Hitam dan Kafirun Amrik dll; tidak amanah kepada seluruh hukum Allah!" "Allah dipecundangi, hukumNya dilecehkan!"

Baru tahu itu para pemimpin (pemimpin rampok dan penindas), kalo ‘ntar sekonyong-konyong "njeglek" kesamber petir, atau Steak haram (karena impor disembelih tanpa bismillah) nyangkut di tenggorokan; wassalam – lantas menjadi santapan belatung di liang kubur! Jandanya cengengesan, menikmati harta dan uang haram hasil jarahannya! Anak anaknya, sakaow semua!

Weleh weleh, gemblung amat itu "lurah" Gedung Bundar" bersilat lidah! Tabungan Rp. 800 juta dibilangnya hasil arisan pula! Iya, arisan sama Konglomerat Hitam di "Kemang", ya?? Hayo, kemana 29 Juni 2001 malam? Mulut waton nJeplak; Rp. 800 juta, kok didaku hasil arisan (malu, mau bilang WArisan kok kagak pantes; maka asal jeplak dibilang ARisan). Kemarin istri saya nyeletuk, "Arisannya Rp. 50 jutaan ya?"

Ya ndak gumun (heran), lha wong ada, eks jaksa (Tangerang, Jakarta dll), punya tiga rumah dan satu toko di Arteri Pondok Indah (zona prima!), Toyota Kijang KRISTA th. 2000 dan Mercy C-200! Dari mana dananya, kalau bukan hasil "arisan"? Dulu (ya ndak semuanya!), ada guyonan, "JakSa" sama dengan "MenginJAK dan memakSA"!

Coba, omongan macam itu, kan tidak pantas diucapkan seorang Pejabat Tinggi Negara? Bener bener kurang ajar, dianggepnya kita semua orang tolol, setolol bawahan ybs -- membebek- ria menyatakan dukungan dan loyalitasnya! Lha, belum ada empat bulan yl, orang ndak bener itu buang uang Rp. 500 juta untuk pesta pernikahan anaknya? Jadi arisannya dapetin total Rp. 1,3 Milyar? Biyuh-biyuh, jadi mitra arisannya sama sama ndak bener pula!

"Jadi, Cup; lantas Lo mau apain pejabat tinggi macam itu?" "Sudah kubilang, tadi kan? Ngga’ ada ampun – langsung digelandang ke Pelabuhan Ratu dan ceburin ke Laut Kidul!" "Ngga’ dihukum tembak mati, seperti di Vietnam dan RRC?" "Sayang pelor TNI, buat nembakin Marinir Amrik saja!" "Lha, apa ‘ntar nggak ada, jenderalmu diam diam makar?" "Ndak ada yang ‘brani, wong aku bisa baca pikiran mereka, kok. Baru punya NIAT saja, Insya’Allah nJeglek!"

"Itu kan tindakan represif, dan mudah mudahan hanya terhadap mereka yang TERBUKTI memang pencoleng kakap, pebisnis jahat, dan penindas wong cilik. Lha upaya pencegahan, agar KKN tidak merajalela, gimana dong?" "Lha, iya; saya selaku presiden juga tidak akan diktatorial; tetapi ekstra keras terhadap bedebah macam itu, YES 100 persen!" "Pokoknya birokrat sipil/non-sipil maling Rp. 100 juta ke atashukumannya MATI!" "Begitu pula buat pebisnis jahat dan aparat penindas warga sipil, pemalsu oli, obat, bandar judi dan narkoba serta pedagang perawan!"

"Nah, mengenai pertanyaan Lo tentang upaya pencegahannya, sumpah jabatan ndak ada lagi pakai Al-Qur’an, Al-Kitab, Kitab Weda dll. Seluruh PNS dan non-PNS, dari golongan dua s/d menteri/setara menteri – disumpah memakai HUKUM ADAT Suku Dayak!" "Bagi yang b’rani melanggarnya, langsung lumpuh total nggak bisa diobatin lagi. Loyo, macam bayam basi!"

"Kamu gelok, Cup. Siapa pula yang mau ngedukung Lo jadi presiden macam itu?" "Lho, Kon baru tau to, kalu aku gelok? Emang gue pikirin! Mending, daripada jadi Ratu Ora Amanah cuman nggemukin badan, ngabisin dana buat p’lesiran ke maca negara; nyalamin bule Kafir!"

"Weleh, Lo nyindir lagi sama itu tuh; ‘braninya cuma di Internet!" "Doel, Kon tak-kampleng, lho. Sok tahu banget. Emang gue mesti lapor sama Lo, ape yang aku sudah sampe’in LANGSUNG ke ‘mBakyune’ itu!" "Tanya’in, tuh; sama misoanya dan kolonel ajudannya."

Di posting ini saya ngomong/nulis "sak-karepku dewe", ibarat "tawon endas’ nyamber kiri-kanan, akhirnya menyengat kuping sampeyan! Jlegerrrr! Shock-wave nya melebihi Bom Bali.

Abis ini saya mau istirohat, bukan sok suci menyambut Ramadhan; cuman wis WEGAH (ogah) ngurusin tingkah polah petakilan sebagian besar birokrat senior sipil/non-sipil -- dan politisi sok pahlawan dan sok nasionalistik, itu macam segelintir yang di "Kebo beri beri" (KB2)! Bocah bocah kemarin sore, cuman berpolitik di kampus, kagak pernah belasan tahun ikut ngurus negara, ujug ujug jadi anggota Dewan, kok b’rani-‘braninya sok minteri! Tak kuampleng, Kon; baru tahu!

The Slow-Motion US Coup d'Etat Continues With Protectors Like These ....
By Joseph R. Stromberg 7-23-2

The slow-motion coup d'état continues. Anyone who compares the Congressional Resolution of September 12, 2001, with the German Reichstag's Enabling Act of April 1933 might come away with the impression that, taking the two texts literally, George W. Bush got a bigger grant of unspecified power than did the Austrian immigrant politician, Adolf Hitler

  Well maybe it isn't a coup d'état per se. After all, the imperial process might be expected to raise up succeeding generations of world-savers and proconsuls who, on returning home, long to use here the methods which worked so well in the overseas provinces. The English Manchester liberal Richard Cobden, asked in 1850: "Is it not just possible that we may become corrupted at home by the reaction of arbitrary political maxims in the East upon our domestic politics, just as Greece and Rome were demoralised by their contact with Asia?" Others warned of such things. 

  What a gloomy lot - and why should 21st-century Americans, heirs to that historical exceptionalism, which lifts us above the normal human condition, worry about such idle warnings? Didn't Cobden realize that empire improves us, by bringing us new ideas, people, diseases, etc.? Didn't he know that diversity is strength, or that peace is war? 

In the manner of a literary historian, I pose the question, "Who now listens to Buck Owen's Live at Carnegie Hall album?" I ask this only because in the course of introducing the band members, Owens characterized one of them as not only not knowing anything but not even suspecting anything. This is to the point, if in reverse, because there are many things one might have suspected of our federal masters, despite their oft-proclaimed loving kindness, even if we did not know the details or have proof. 

Now comes Mr. James Bamford to confirm, nay, to go beyond, our wildest suspicions in his biography (so to speak) of the mysterious National Security Agency, Body of Secrets (New York: Random House, 2002). I do not propose to review the whole book here, but to notice a few highlights, chiefly those in chapter four. These alone are worth the price of admission.

While Bamford's earlier book on the NSA, The Puzzle Palace (New York: Penguin, 1983) was well received, he has come under some fire for writing the sequel. This is because chapter seven deals with the Israeli assault on the USS Liberty - an NSA asset - during the 1967 war. In some quarters, a realistic account of those events is still not welcome. 

A general conclusion to be drawn from the book is that U.S. operatives always pushed the limits and poked their Cold War opponents with a stick. It was great fun to taunt the commies with their relative weakness and lack of effective international sovereignty. These deliberate provocations also led to some famous incidents and disasters, when various "enemies" - with whom we were not legally at war - reacted rudely to the violation of their airspace or territorial waters, e.g., the U-2, the RB-47, the Pueblo, and the Maddox. 

These ships and planes were all involved in "Sigint" (Signal Intelligence) work. Their various tribulations played a role in making the Cold War hotter. Worse luck, the North Vietnamese attack on the Maddox was sold to Congress as proof of that power's ruthless "aggression" on its own shoreline.

DO THE WORST GET ON TOP? (Rencana KUDETA "Dewan Jenderal" USA vs. J.F. Kennedy)

  Perhaps the most disturbing revelations in the Body of Secrets come in chapter four, which deals with the hellbent planning brainstorms of General Lyman L. Lemnitzer and the Joint Chiefs from 1961 to 1963. The outgoing Eisenhower incoming Kennedy administrations, alike, were unhappy about the revolutionary government in Cuba, which had taken power in1959. What is truly astounding is the lengths to which highly placed protectors of the American people were ready to go in order to destabilize and eliminate a government with which we were not at war.

In the last year of the Eisenhower administration, the CIA had developed plans to for "sparking an internal revolution" in Cuba by inserting "a thousand anti-Castro rebels onto the island." At the same time, "Lemnitzer and the Join Chiefs were pressing for all-out war - a Pentagon-led overt military invasion of Cuba from the air, sea, and ground" (Body of Secrets, p. 70). The second line of attack presented certain political problems.

It just looks bad to invade countries that aren't at war with you. It would bring the whole notion of the "good neighbor policy" toward Latin America into doubt. World opinion had to be considered, as much as the war party derided the concept. Even the High Cold War dogma that we were "at war" with communism every minute of every day might not be enough to persuade the American public, much less foreign nations, of the need to invade Cuba. 

Finally, there were still a few sentimentalists around, who believed that international law and the foreign policies of the United States might not always be in agreement. The Cold Warriors' automatic response was, So much the worse for international law. Nevertheless, the doubters had to be humored. Hence, the need for deceit and subterfuge. 

In late January 1961, JFK held a series of meetings with Lemnitzer and the Joint Chiefs. At one of these meetings, CIA Director Allen Dulles, a holdover from the Eisenhower administration, pushed the CIA plan for a small-scale invasion by Cuban exiles, which would spark an uprising against the Castro regime. This was of course the ill-starred plan which led to the Bay of Pigs. 

The CIA's spectacular failure emboldened those who wanted a full-bore U.S. invasion of Cuba. But that would run up against all the problems named above. In November 1961, Kennedy, still "obsess[ed] with Castro" (p. 78), handed the torch to the Pentagon. The gung-ho Air Force General Edward G. Lansdale came up with Operation Mongoose, which is sufficiently well-known - exploding cigars and all that - that Bamford gives no details on it. He does comment that it was soon seen as "simply becoming more outrageous and going nowhere" (p. 83). (as, later in 2001, was the case dengan invasi ke Afghanistan!)


So in a burst of High Cold War craziness calling to mind Seven Days in May and Dr. Strangelove, the Joint Chiefs "drew up and approved plans for the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government. In the name of anticommunism, they proposed launching a secret and bloody war of terrorism against their own country in order to trick the American public into supporting an ill-conceived war they intended to launch against Cuba" (p. 82). 

Better the Chiefs should have smoked a joint, as a famous rock album cover once suggested.... 

Anyway, this new plan, code-named Operation Northwoods, "which had the written approval of the Chairman [Lemnitzer] and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro...." (p. 82, my italics). Persis, SAMA dgn WTC-93, 911, Oklahoma dll! 

  Another gambit suggested by Lemnitzer and the J.C.s, was to blow up the Mercury spacecraft, with John Glenn in it. This would slow down the U.S. space program. On the other hand, it could be blamed on Cuban "electronic interference" (p. 84). 

  Further, Cubans working for the U.S. could stir up riots at the U.S. Guantanamo navy base in Cuba and some could be found inside undertaking "sabotage." My personal favorite is the following (Bamford is quoting original documents): "'We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba'"; "'casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation'" (p. 84). See? PENTAGON/CIA jahat banget, kan? WTC93, 911, Oklahoma …. dan Legian?

This last stroke of genius of course alluded to the battleship Maine, which exploded in 1898. It is nice to see that our protectors actually study American history. Bamford adds, quoting from the documents, "'Hijacking attempts against civil air and surface craft could appear to continue as harassing measures condoned by the Government of Cuba'" (p. 85). 

  Another proposal involved registering U.S. citizens on a civil flight and then substituting for it a drone, which would be shot down over Cuba - the Cubans being touchy about their airspace, unlike normal countries (p. 86). As late as 1963, U.S. attacks on Caribbean nations like Jamaica and Trinidad-Tobago, which could be blamed on Cuba, were considered (p. 89). 


  All these efforts, none of them exactly legal, were thought reasonable in order to establish a bogus casus belli against Cuba. Fortunately, for once, the civilian higher-ups, including, presumably, the president, had the good sense to rein in the overheated brass hats. Never let it be said that an imperial president can never do something good. And even Robert McNamara deserves credit for rejecting these lunatic notions

  The whole thing seems quite unbelievable. But given other revelations of Cold War capers - misshapen sheep in Utah, guys jumping out of hotel windows in Toronto after U.S. operatives made them say "yes" to LSD without their knowledge, or chemicals sprayed on the civil population and U.S. soldiers used as unwitting radiation-experiment guinea pigs - one begins to wonder who our protectors are protecting. One begins to wonder if they are the least bit sane.

  Such incidents might well make one believe that the X-Files series is just a pale reflection of what actually happened. 

  Certainly, these all-too-clever exercises in Big Science put a new angle on empirical studies, as well as on what these great geniuses saw as the purpose of scientific inquiry. The reader will doubtless remember other cases, revealed over the last couple of decades. Taken together, this style of testing and falsification suggests a modification of the Hippocratic Oath: "Do no harm, unless the U.S. Government sponsors your research." 

  So was the entire Cold War a scam? Were we had it for over forty years? It would seem so. Are we now to be had for perhaps another forty years? "War On Terrorism" also IS a SCAM, Tuan!

I suppose we could draw sundry lessons from Bamford's account. One I draw is that we may need to broaden our translation of Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? into something like, "With protectors like these, who will protect us from our 'protectors'?" I think this is worth bringing up now that we are being offered an endless semi-secret struggle against vaguely outlined enemies, a struggle of the scale and unforeseeable duration (according to some its advocates) of the much-missed Cold War itself. 

  People my age lived through the first damned Cold War. I don't know why we should sign on for another one, just so that the ruling elites may be relieved of rethinking their foreign policy. But are they making us an offer we can't refuse? Maybe the libertarian Space Cadets can tell us. 


  Bamford writes that his book was made possible by the NSA, which, wishing to have a more favorable image, gave him access to hitherto classified materials. If anything, he is entirely too sympathetic to the NSA and its mission. Nowhere in his important book does he question the imperial assumptions on which U.S. policy rests. 

Bamford does question the spooks' and policy-makers' "excesses." Thus, he writes as a member of the critical wing of the Establishment. There is much to learn from such critics. 

  The NSA employs the most fantastic array of equipment and trained scientific personnel to listen to everything. This raises, once again, the whole problem of naïve empiricism, which I discussed in another column. Does the endless accumulation of "information" about everything actually give the perpetrators - I'm sorry "protectors" - anything useful with which they can do their work, whatever that might be, and even if we approved of it? 

  Congress is just now making some small show of looking into "intelligence failures." Better they should look into epistemological and moral failures. Meanwhile, in what may be a sign of the demented times, the national leadership of the Libertarian Party - self-proclaimed "party of principle" - has altered the LP platform by removing language calling for the abolition of the CIA and the National Security Agency. 

July 23, 2002 

Joseph R. Stromberg is holder of the JoAnn B. Rothbard Chair in History at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and a columnist for and

Copyright © 2002

Byrd Denounces Bush War Plans As Unconstitutional
Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum. Posted By: Rosalinda, Date: Sunday, 6 October 2002, 1:37 p.m. Source: Sen. Byrd website, 10-3-02

Senior Democratic Senator Robert Byrd, from West Virginia, made further remarks to the Senate on Oct. 3, as debate opened on Senate Joint Resolution 46, a resolution authorizing the President to use whatever force he deems necessary in Iraq or elsewhere. 

In a statement, "Rush to War Ignores U.S Constitution," Byrd began

"The great Roman historian, Titus Livius, said, 'All things will be clear and distinct to the man who does not hurry; haste is blind and improvident.' 'Blind and improvident,' Mr. President. ['Blind and improvident.' 

  "Congress would be wise to heed those words today, for as sure as the sun rises in the east, we are embarking on a course of action with regard to Iraq that, in its haste, is both blind and improvident. We are rushing into war without fully discussing why, without thoroughly considering the consequences, or without making any attempt to explore what steps we might take to avert conflict." 

Condemning the "newly bellicose mood that permeates this White House" as "motivated by campaign politics," Byrd went to the heart of the issue, that the resolution violates the Constitution and internaitonal law: "The resolution before us today is not only a product of haste; it is also a product of Presidential hubris. This resolution is breathtaking in its scope. 

It redefines the nature of defense, and reinterprets the Constitution to suit the will of the Executive Branch. It would give the President blanket authority to launch a unilateral preemptive attack on a sovereign nation that is perceived to be a threat to the United States. This is an unprecedented and unfounded interpretation of the President's authority under the Constitution, not to mention the fact that it stands the charter of the United Nations on its head." 

  Byrd quoted from a letter of then-Representative Abraham Lincoln, who warned: "Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such purpose--and you allow him to make war at pleasure. 

Study to see if you can fix any limit to his power in this respect, after you have given him so much as you propose. If, today, he should choose to say he thinks it necessary to invade Canada, to prevent the British from invading us, how could you stop him? You may say to him, 'I see no probability of the British invading us' but he will say to you 'be silent; I see it, if you don't.'" 

  "The provision of the Constitution giving the war-making power to Congress," according to Lincoln's letter, "was dictated, as I understand it, by the following reasons. Kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, pretending generally, if not always, that the good of the people was the object.

This, our Convention understood to be the most oppressive of all Kingly oppressions; and they resolved to so frame the Constitution that no one man should hold the power of bringing this oppression upon us. But your view destroys the whole matter, and places our President where kings have always stood." 

 The question Byrd posed was: "If he could speak to us today, what would Lincoln say of the Bush doctrine concerning preemptive strikes?" 

  The senior Senator continued, with reference to a Sept. 18 report by the Congressional Research Service, which documented that "the United States has never, to date, engaged in a 'preemptive' military attack against another nation. Nor has the United States ever attacked another nation militarily prior to its first having been attacked or prior to US citizens or interests first having been attacked, with the singular exception of the Spanish-American War.... [in which the] principal goal of United States military action was to compel Spain to grant Cuba its political independence." The same body reported that the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 "represents a threat situation which some may argue had elements more parallel to those presented by Iraq today; but it was resolved without a 'preemptive' military attack by the United States." Congress BOHONG! How ‘bout Bay of Pig?

The U.S. Constitution leaves no doubts regarding the distribution of powers, Byrd made clear: "Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution grants Congress the power to declare war and to call forth the militia 'to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.' 

Nowhere in the Constitution is it written that the President has the authority to call forth the militia to preempt a perceived threat. And yet, the resolution before the Senate avers that the President 'has authority under the Constitution to take action in order to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States, as Congress recognized in the joint resolution on Authorization for Use of Miliary Force' following the September 11 terrorist attack. What a cynical twisting of words!

The reality is that Congress, exercising the authority granted to it under the Constitution, granted the President specific and limited authority to use force against the perpetrators of the September 11 attack. Nowhere was there an implied recognition of inherent authority under the Constitution to 'deter and prevent' future acts of terrorism. Na, Lo! RUU Anti Teror NKRI pun NGACO!!!

  "Think for a moment of the precedent that this resolution will set, not just for this President but for future Presidents. From this day forward, American Presidents will be able to invoke Senate Joint Resolution 46 as justification for launching preemptive military strikes against any sovereign nations that they perceive to be a threat. Other nations will be able to hold up the United States as the model to justify their military adventures.

Do you not think that India and Pakistan, China and Taiwan, Russia and Georgia are closely watching the outcome of this debate? Do you not think that future adversaries will look to this moment to rationalize the use of military force to achieve who knows what ends? 

Perhaps a case can be made that Iraq poses such a clear and immediate danger to the United States that preemptive military ation is the only way to deal with the threat. To be sure, weapons of mass destruction are a 20th century horror that the Framers of the Constitution had no way of foreseeing. But they did foresee the frailty of human nature and the inherent danger of concentrating too much power in one individual. That is why the Framers bestowed on Congress, not the President, the power to declare war.... "Congress has a responsibility to exercise with extreme care the power to declare war. There is no weightier matter to be considered." 

  Byrd went on to detail the cost of war in lives, in regional consequences, and in financial terms. He reiterated that it is Congress, not the White House, which must decide: "The President is using the Oval Office as a bully pulpit to sound the call to arms, but it is from Capitol Hill that such orders must flow." 

  Stressing the fact that he was not defending Saddam Hussein, Byrd continued: "But the principle of one government deciding to eliminate another government, using force to do so, and taking that action in spite of world disapproval, is a very disquieting thing. I am concerned that it has the effect of destabilizing the world community of nations. I am concerned that it fosters a climate of suspicion and mistrust in U.S. relations with other nations. The United States is not a rogue nation, given to unilateral action in the face of worldwide opprobrium." 

  The Senator expressed his concerns regarding the military and political consequences of a war against Iraq, arguing that Iraq would not capitulate, which would require an invasion force, and perhaps occupation force. He emphasized that the UN is the body to deal with the danger of weapons of amss destruction, and concluded, again urging caution and against haste.


2 Big Mind Jobs On The World - 911's Money Trails To Bonesmen
By Roy Sawyer 1-10-2 (elit USA/Jerman TAHU pra-WTC 911)

As this U.S. investigator and a small number of independent research journalist retrace the financial trails connecting the (911) attack and the other acts of bio terrorism; with evidence that the anthrax was made in this country, the overwhelming evidences points to the White House using some members inside the CIA, FBI, NSA, Justice and Treasury departments. 

Those involved that would have profited financially are President Bush's German (Skull and Bones) AKA Bonesmen and the German-based global banking conglomerate Deutsche bank-Alex Brown. 

The combined firm is the single largest bank in Europe. This Bank played several key roles in the events connected to the September 11 attacks. Those responsible for the (911) and Bio attacks have used this mind control act of distraction before.

Mind Job #1

In 1933, shortly after Hitler's appointment as Chancellor of Germany, the German Parliament was set on fire by the Nazis, but the Communists were blamed for this act of terrorism against the German people.

Following the Nazi-inspired arson, Hitler exploited the outrage of the German citizens to arrogate to himself dictatorial powers, which he promised would be used to rid Germany of Communists. 

The next day, Chancellor Hitler demanded from the German cabinet an emergency decree which would enable him to deal decisively with the domestic crisis. President von Hindenburg signed the decree "for the Protection of the people and the State." 

The grandfather of President George W. Bush (Skull & Bones, AKA Bonesmen in the year 1968) was Prescott Bush (Skull & Bones of 1917), and his great grand father was George Herbert Walker. 

Prescott Bush and George Herbert (Bert) Walker were directors of the London-affiliated New York banking house of Brown Brothers-Harriman and its various fronts, which funded and directed the military-industrial complex behind Hitler and the Nazi revolution. In 1919, George Herbert Walker had organized W.A. Harriman & Co which merged with the British Brown Brothers in 1931.

In 1924, Averell Harriman (Skull & Bones, 1913) and Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist who began funding Hitler in 1923, set up the Union Banking Corp. in New York to handle funds supplied to it through Thyssen's Dutch bank for American investment. 

Prescott Bush, who had been an officer of the W.A. Harriman bank since 1926, was a director of the Union Banking Corp from 1934 through 1943. 

According to government documents, "all of the shares of the Union Banking Corp., were held for the benefit of members of the Thyssen family." 

In 1942, the U.S. government investigative report that surfaced during 1945 Senate hearings found that the Union Bank, with Prescott Bush on the board, was an "interlocking concern" with the German Steel Trust that had produced:

50% of Nazi Germany's pig iron 

41% of Nazi Germany's universal plate 

36% of Nazi Germany's heavy plate 

38% of Nazi Germany's galvanized sheet 

45% of Nazi Germany's pipes and tubes 

22% of Nazi Germany's wire 

35% of Nazi Germany's explosives 

Mind Job # 2

A major French publication (Le Figaro) was the first to report that Bin Laden meets with a CIA agent in a Dubai Hospital. It is reported that during the month of July Bin Laden's was visited by the local CIA representative in United Arab Emirates who was seen going into Bin Laden's room and later reported leaving the country after July 14 going back to Washington, after some many information meetings. 

Dubai, is one of the seven emirates of the Federation of the, North-East of Abi-Dhabi. 

This city, population 350,000, was the backdrop of a secret meeting between Osama bin Laden and the local CIA agent. 

A partner of the administration of the Hospital in Dubai claims that Bin Laden stayed at this hospital between the 4th and 14th of July. He was admitted to this American Hospital with four bodyguards, as well as a male Algerian nurse. The American funded Hospital is a glass and marble building situated between the Al-Garhoud and Al-Maktoum bridges. Each floor of the hospital has two "VIP" suites and fifteen rooms. 

The Saudi billionaire Osama bin Laden was treated at this well-respected Urology department run by Dr. Terry Callaway, gallstone and infertility specialist.

Communication between the CIA and Bin Laden began in early 1979 when, as a representative of his family's business, bin Laden began recruiting volunteers for the Afghan resistance against the Russian Army. 

FBI investigators examining the embassy bombing sites in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam discovered that evidence led to military explosives from the US Army, and that these explosives had been delivered three years earlier to Afghan Arab rebels, currently known as the Taliban. The infamous international volunteer brigades involved side by side with Bin Laden's Al Qaida during the Afghan war against the Russian Army. 

The Deutsche Bank Alex Brown

A.B. 'Buzzy' Krongard - The current Executive Director of the (CIA) Central Intelligence Agency was the former Chairman of the investment bank Deutsche Bank Alex Brown as well as the former Vice Chairman of the Board of Bankers Trust. 

Krongard rejoined the CIA in 1998 as counsel to a CIA Director George Tenet. 

He has now been promoted to CIA Executive Director in 2001 by President Bush in March. (911) was used as a cattalos for the bonesmen and the German Deutsche Bank to profit off the blood and terror of people in the summer 2001 as well as aidding the agenda to push the world into a New World Order.

A September 21, 2001 story by the Israeli Herzliyya an international policy institute for counter- terrorism, entitled, Black Tuesday: "The World's Largest Insider Trading Scam" Documents the following trades connected to the September 11 attacks: 

Between September 6 and 7, the Chicago Board Options Exchange saw purchases of 4,744 put options on United Airlines, but only 396 call options. 

Some 4,500 of these options were bought by people with advance knowledge of the imminent attacks, these 'insiders' would have profited by more than $5 million. On September 10, 4,516 put options on American Airlines were bought on the Chicago exchange, compared to only 748 calls. 

There was no public news before (911) that would point to a justifiable reason for this trading activity. Some 4,000 of these options trades for the 'insiders' would gain more than $4 million.

The levels of put options purchased above were more than six times higher than normal. No similar trading on airlines stocks occurred on the Chicago exchange in the days immediately preceding Black Tuesday after the reopening.

Morgan Stanley Dean Whittier & Co., which occupied 22 floors of the World Trade Center, saw 2,157 of its October $45 put options bought in the three trading days before Black Tuesday; this compares to an average of 27 contracts per day before September 6. 

Morgan Stanley's share price fell from $48.90 to $42.50 in the aftermath of the attacks. 2,000 of these options contracts were bought based upon knowledge of the approaching attacks, their purchasers profited by at least $1.2 million. 

Merrill Lynch & Co., with headquarters near the World Trade Center, saw 12,215 October $45 put options bought in the four trading days before the attacks; the previous average volume in those shares had been 252 contracts per day; a 1200% increase! 

When trading resumed, Merrill's shares fell from $46.88 to $41.50; assuming that 11,000 option contracts were bought by 'insiders' their profits would have been some $5.5 million. European regulators are examining trades in Germany's Munich Re, Switzerland's Swiss Re, and AXA of France, all major reinsurers with exposure to the Black Tuesday disaster. 

"FTW Note: AXA also owns more than 25% of American Airlines stock making the attacks a double whammy for them." 

On September 29, 2001 - A cover-up story that has gone unnoticed by the major media - the San Francisco Chronicle reported: "Investors have yet to collect more than $2.5 million in profits they made trading options in the stock of United Airlines before the Sept. 11, terrorist attacks, according to a source familiar with the trades and market data. 

The uncollected money raises suspicions that the investors - whose identities and nationalities have not been made public - had advance knowledge of the strikes. 

The suspension of trading for four days after the attacks made it impossible for some not to cash-out quickly and claim their profits before investigators began looking at unusual stock trading. 

October series options for UAL Corp. were purchased in highly unusual volumes three trading days before the terrorist attacks for a total outlay of $2,070; investors bought the option contracts, each representing 100 shares, for 90 cents each; total represents 230,000 shares. 

Those options are now selling at more than $12 each. There are still 2,313 so-called 'put' options outstanding valued at $2.77 million and representing 231,300 shares according to the Options Clearinghouse Corp." 

The source familiar with the United trades identified Deutsche Bank Alex Brown, the American investment banking arm of German giant Deutsche Bank, as the investment bank used to purchase some of these options. This operation was managed by Deutsche Bank Alex linked to the current Executive Director of the (CIA) AB Krongard.

As reported in other news stories, Deutsche Bank was also the hub of insider trading activity connected to the German Munich Re, Switzerland's Swiss Re, and AXA of France; just before the attacks. The current crisis in America extends far beyond Osama bin Laden's terrorist network to the larger terrorist network of elite Anglo-Americans the AKA Bonesmen -- who financed the Nazi terrorist machine now and in the past; whose objective remains the extermination of all individuals deemed unworthy of survival in the New World Order. 

This story is for the people's freedom and all information sources are verifiable. 

We all need more than one God in this horrifying time in history; let all the Gods, Goddess, Ladies and Lords; the followers of Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism; all faiths need to unite and stop this evil New World Order.

By Roy Sawyer CEO, Editor And Chief Reporter 

Con2versial News and Media Network Inc. 

Anyone still wish to NYINYIR. that WTC 911 diotaki Osamah bin Laden?

Percuma, Matori baca ini! Yang mati-matain ngebelain Bush Bully cs, READ this, please.


USA Today - Anthrax came from US lab.

Army insists Anthrax did not come from their lab (but then, they insisted Gulf War Syndrome was just the veterans imaginations, too).

Biological Warfare Experts surprised that Dugway Proving Grounds has been making the Anthrax used in the letters sent to Daschle and Leahy.

Anthrax used in attacks came from FORT DETRICK BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS LAB.

Discovery News - Greenpeace reporting leak inside US delegation at UN Biological Weapons Conference in Geneva that US Anthrax attacks are "inside job" by member of US Biological Weapons Program.

FBI narrows search for Anthrax letters down to US scientists.

FBI's prime suspect in Anthrax letters is Jewish.

Okay, by now you have probably gotten the point. The letters with the Anthrax came from inside the United States. The letters contained a specific type of weaponized Anthrax made by a United States military lab which had been claiming for a lot of years that it wasn't doing that sort of thing any more. "What? Oh, you mean THAT Anthrax over there! Sheesh, we thought you said 'Pamflax' and shuckies but we quit making that stuff a long time ago. Honest. Really. If we're lying may God strike us... a glancing blow." (Ahem)

The pattern of the mailings of the Anthrax letters was also suspicious. Congress got their Anthrax letters just in time for the vote on the disingenuously named USA Patriot Act (aka the anti-terror bill) which the terrorized Senators voted into law without bothering to read. How convenient for the bill's sponsors that there was a terror attack on the Congress just when Congress was about to vote on the anti-terror bill. Eerie timing, isn't it? So now, knowing that the Anthrax letters came from an American source, take another look at the actual letters (di Homepage Ahmad Sudirman, fotonya see FINAL page)

wpe2.jpg (7700 bytes)
wpe3.jpg (6605 bytes)

wpe4.jpg (4617 bytes)
wpe5.jpg (5453 bytes)

wpe6.jpg (6140 bytes)
wpe7.jpg (6304 bytes)

wpe8.jpg (8470 bytes)

There are several indications of deliberate deception in these items. The first is the quite obvious way the addresses are written at a slight slant, oddly enough matching the look of the posters and flyers at the Post Office warning all America to "watch out for these". While the letters to Congress are intended to appear to be from fourth graders, the letters to the New York Post and Tom Brokow have no need for such an artifice. Dates written by Middle Easterners begin with the day first, then the month, then the year. The above letters follow the American convention for the dates shown. (CIA/FBI penipu & TOLOL!)

One of the letters is a photocopy of another. Most places which have copiers have typewriters or word processors, appliances whose operation is no mystery to the sort of people who go in and out of government laboratories.

In short, the entire look of the letters is a contrived fake, creating what they thought a letter from a third world middle eastern terrorist would look like, so that the phrases "Death to Israel", and "Allah is Great" (a real Muslin says either "Allah Achbar" or "God is Great") would point the finger of blame for the Anthrax at the middle eastern Arabs.

Except that we know for a fact that the Anthrax didn't come from the Middle East. It isn't Saddam's or Osama's, it's the very best high quality mil-spec Anthrax home grown at Fort Detrick, Dugway, and USAMRIID. It's our Anthrax.

And that means that all the slanted writing, the extra crossings on the "T"s, the references to Allah and Israel are a carefully crafted hoax, designed to trick Americans into thinking that Arab Muslims from the middle east were to blame for the Anthrax letters.

The above letters are not evidence of a terrorist attack but of a deception against the people of the United States; a deliberate frame-up of middle eastern Arabs perpetrated by the same party who owns the Anthrax.

That a plan exists to frame Arab Muslims for the crimes of another party is now a proven fact.

Return to top of What Really Happened


EFF Analysis of The Provisions of The USA PATRIOT Act (klik)

That Relate To Online Activities (Oct 31, 2001)

(Ini penting sekali, tapi banyak yang HILANG! Pls cari judulnya via Google dan di serta atau ketikkan "EFF" di Google kajian per-pasal pasal yang mengancam HAM)


On October 26, 2001, President Bush signed the USA Patriot Act (USAPA) into law. With this law we have given sweeping new powers to both domestic law enforcement and international intelligence agencies and have eliminated the checks and balances that previously gave courts the opportunity to ensure that these powers were not abused. Most of these checks and balances were put into place after previous misuse of surveillance powers by these agencies, including the revelation in 1974 that the FBI and foreign intelligence agencies had spied on over 10,000 U.S. citizens, including Martin Luther King.

A Rush Job (persis PERPU dan RUU Anti Teror)

The bill is 342 pages long and makes changes, some large and some small, to over 15 different statutes. This document provides explanation and some analysis to the sections of the bill relating to online activities and surveillance. Other sections, including those devoted to money laundering, immigration and providing for the victims of terrorism, are not discussed here.

Yet even just considering the surveillance and online provisions of the USAPA, it is a large and complex law that had over four different names and several versions in the five weeks between the introduction of its first predecessor and its final passage into law. While containing some sections that seem appropriate -- providing for victims of the September 11 attacks, increasing translation facilities and increasing forensic cybercrime capabilities -- it seems clear that the vast majority of the sections included have not been carefully studied by Congress, nor was sufficient time taken to debate it or to hear testimony from experts outside of law enforcement in the fields where it makes major changes. This concern is amplified because several of the key procedural processes applicable to any other proposed laws, including inter-agency review, the normal committee and hearing processes and thorough voting, were suspended for this bill. 

Were our Freedoms the Problem? Semua rezim TAKUT vs. FREE People!

The civil liberties of ordinary Americans have taken a tremendous blow with this law, especially the right to privacy in our online communications and activities. Yet there is no evidence that our previous civil liberties posed a barrier to the effective tracking or prosecution of terrorists. In fact, in asking for these broad new powers, the government made no showing that the previous powers of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to spy on US citizens were insufficient to allow them to investigate and prosecute acts of terrorism. 

The process leading to the passage of the bill did little to ease these concerns. To the contrary, they are amplified by the inclusion of so many provisions that, instead of aimed at terrorism, are aimed at nonviolent, domestic computer crime. In addition, although many of the provisions facially appear aimed at terrorism, the Government made no showing that the reasons they failed to detect the planning of the recent attacks or any other terrorist attacks were the civil liberties compromised with the passage of USAPA.

Executive Summary

Chief Concerns

The EFF's chief concerns with the USAPA include:

Expanded Surveillance With Reduced Checks and Balances. USAPA expands all four traditional tools of surveillance -- wiretaps, search warrants, pen/trap orders and subpoenas. Their counterparts under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) that allow spying in the U.S. by foreign intelligence agencies have similarly been expanded. This means:

Be careful what you put in that Google search. The government may now spy on web surfing of innocent Americans, including terms entered into search engines, by merely telling a judge anywhere in the U.S. that the spying could lead to information that is "relevant" to an ongoing criminal investigation. The person spied on does not have to be the target of the investigation. This application must be granted and the government is not obligated to report to the court or tell the person spied up what it has done. 

Nationwide roving wiretaps. FBI and CIA can now go from phone to phone, computer to computer without demonstrating that each is even being used by a suspect or target of an order. The government may now serve a single wiretap, FISA wiretap or pen/trap order on any person or entity nationwide, regardless of whether that person or entity is named in the order. The government need not make any showing to a court that the particular information or communication to be acquired is relevant to a criminal investigation. 

In the pen/trap or FISA situations, they do not even have to report where they served the order or what information they received. The EFF believes that the opportunities for abuse of these broad new powers are immense. For pen/trap orders, ISPs or others who are not named in the do have authority under the law to request certification from the Attorney General's office that the order applies to them, but they do not have the authority to request such confirmation from a court.information the government may obtain about users from their ISPs or others who handle or store their online communications. First it allows ISPs to voluntarily hand over all "non-content" information to law enforcement with no need for any court order or subpoena. sec. 212. Second, it expands the records that the government may seek with a simple subpoena (no court review required) to include records of session times and durations, temporarily assigned network (I.P.) addresses; means and source of payments, including credit card or bank account numbers. secs. 210, 211.

New definitions of terrorism expand scope of surveillance. One new definition of terrorism and three expansions of previous terms also expand the scope of surveillance. They are 1) § 802 definition of "domestic terrorism" (amending 18 USC §2331), which raises concerns about legitimate protest activity resulting in conviction on terrorism charges, especially if violence erupts; adds to 3 existing definition of terrorism (int'l terrorism per 18 USC §2331, terrorism transcending national borders per 18 USC §2332b, and federal terrorism per amended 18 USC §2332b(g)(5)(B)). These new definitions also expose more people to surveillance (and potential "harboring" and "material support" liability, §§ 803, 805). 

Overbreadth with a lack of focus on terrorism. Several provisions of the USAPA have no apparent connection to preventing terrorism. These include: 

Government spying on suspected computer trespassers with no need for court order. Sec. 217. 

Adding samples to DNA database for those convicted of "any crime of violence." Sec. 503. The provision adds collection of DNA for terrorists, but then inexplicably also adds collection for the broad, non-terrorist category of "any crime of violence." 

Wiretaps now allowed for suspected violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. This includes anyone suspected of "exceeding the authority" of a computer used in interstate commerce, causing over $5000 worth of combined damage. 

Dramatic increases to the scope and penalties of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. This includes: 1) raising the maximum penalty for violations to 10 years (from 5) for a first offense and 20 years (from 10) for a second offense; 2) ensuring that violators only need to intend to cause damage generally, not intend to cause damage or other specified harm over the $5,000 statutory damage threshold; 3) allows aggregation of damages to different computers over a year to reach the $5,000 threshold; 4) enhance punishment for violations involving any (not just $5,000) damage to a government computer involved in criminal justice or the military; 5) include damage to foreign computers involved in US interstate commerce; 6) include state law offenses as priors for sentencing; 7) expand definition of loss to expressly include time spent investigating, responding, for damage assessment and for restoration. 

Allows Americans to be More Easily Spied Upon by US Foreign Intelligence Agencies. Just as the domestic law enforcement surveillance powers have expanded, the corollary powers under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act have also been greatly expanded, including: 

General Expansion of FISA Authority. FISA authority to spy on Americans or foreign persons in the US (and those who communicate with them) increased from situations where the suspicion that the person is the agent of a foreign government is "the" purpose of the surveillance to anytime that this is "a significant purpose" of the surveillance. 

Increased information sharing between domestic law enforcement and intelligence. This is a partial repeal of the wall put up in the 1970s after the discovery that the FBI and CIA had been conducting investigations on over half a million Americans during the McCarthy era and afterwards, including the pervasive surveillance of Martin Luther King in the 1960s. 

It allows wiretap results and grand jury information and other information collected in a criminal case to be disclosed to the intelligence agencies when the information constitutes foreign intelligence or foreign intelligence information, the latter being a broad new category created by this law. 

FISA detour around federal domestic surveillance limitations; domestic detour around FISA limitations. Domestic surveillance limits can be skirted by the Attorney General, for instance, by obtaining a FISA wiretap against a US person where "probable cause" does not exist, but when the person is suspected to be an agent of a foreign government. The information can then be shared with the FBI. The reverse is also true.

Future Actions

The EFF urges the following: 

That law enforcement and the intelligence agencies will use these new powers carefully and limit their use to bona fide investigations into acts of terrorism. 

That if these laws are misused to spy on innocent people, that the courts will appropriately punish those who misuse them and that Congress will reexamine its decision to grant such broad, unchecked powers. 

That if these laws are misused to harm the rights of ordinary Americans involved in low level crimes unrelated to terrorism, the courts will refuse to allow evidence collected through use of these broad powers to be used in prosecuting them. 

That the many vague, undefined terms in the USAPA will be defined in favor of protecting civil liberties and privacy of Americans. These include:

the definition of "content" of e-mails which cannot be retrieved without a warrant. the definition of "without authority" in the computer trespass statute to include only those who have intentionally broken into computers that they have no relationship with, including educational institutions and other organizations that may not have formal "contractual" relationships with users. 

That ISPs and others served with "roving" wiretaps and other Orders that do not specify them will require that the Attorney General give them certification that the order properly applies to them. 

That Congress will require the law enforcement and intelligence agencies who operate under provisions of the USAPA that are set to expire in December, 2005, to provide them with comprehensive reports about their use of these new powers to enable Congress to reasonably determine whether these provisions should be renewed. (see related EFF statement) 

I. Expanded Surveillance with Reduced Checks and Balances

A. A Brief, Incomplete Introduction to Electronic Surveillance under US Law. 

US law has provided four basic mechanisms for surveillance on people living in the United States: interception orders authorizing the interception of communications; search warrants authorizing the search of physical premises and seizure of tangible things like books or other evidence; "pen register" and "trap-and-trace device" orders (pen/trap orders), which authorize the collection of telephone numbers dialed to and from a particular communications device; and subpoenas compelling the production of tangible things, including records. Each mechanism has its own proof standards and procedures based on the Constitution, statutes, or both. 

US law also provides two separate "tracks" with differing proof standards and procedures for each of these mechanisms depending upon whether surveillance is done by domestic law enforcement or foreign intelligence. All of these have been expanded by the USAPA. 

For instance, when surveillance is conducted for domestic law enforcement purposes, the probable cause standard of the Fourth Amendment applies to interception orders and search warrants. But a court order compelling an ISP to produce e-mail logs and addresses of past e-mail correspondents uses a lower standard: the government must show specific and articulable facts showing reasonable grounds to believe that the records are relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation. A pen/trap order uses an even lower standard: the government need only tell the court that the surveillance is relevant to a criminal investigation. The standard for subpoenas is also very low. 

Where foreign intelligence surveillance is concerned, however, the standard of proof and procedures for each mechanism has been different. One key difference is that foreign intelligence surveillance is not based on the concept of criminality. Under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), the key issue is whether the intended surveillance target is an "agent of a foreign power" or a "foreign power." Only if the target is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien must the government show probable cause of criminality. 

Second, FISA allows a secret court to authorize US intelligence agencies to conduct surveillance using each of the four basic mechanisms listed above. For instance, FISA interception orders involving U.S. persons are issued by the secret court based on an application from the Attorney General stating reasons to believe that the surveillance target is an agent of a foreign power or a foreign power, certifying that "the purpose" of the surveillance is to gather foreign intelligence information, and several other facts and representations. 

The secret court's role here, however, is quite limited: it is not supposed to "second-guess" the government's certifications or representations. (Unsurprisingly, the secret FISA court has only denied one application in its over twenty-year existence.) 

Moreover, unlike ordinary interception orders, FISA does not require reports to the court about what the surveillance found; no reports of what is being sought or what information is retrieved are ever available to the public. Thus, the secret court's only practical accountability is in a district court when a surveillance target is prosecuted and seeks to suppress the fruits of FISA surveillance. 

FISA's requirements are even weaker if the electronic surveillance is directed solely at means of communications used exclusively between or among foreign powers and when it is unlikely that communications to which a U.S. person is a party will be intercepted; in such cases, surveillance may proceed for up to a year without a court order.

Immediately after the September 11 attacks, electronic surveillance was conducted pursuant to FISA orders. There have been no reports that the limitations of FISA power posed any problems for the government.

Domestic Law Enforcement

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance

1. Intercept Orders. 

Title III (named after the section of the original legislation, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968) surveillance is a traditional wiretap that allows the police to bug rooms, listen to telephone conversations, or get content of electronic communications in real time. 

Obtained after law enforcement makes a showing to a court that there is "probable cause" to believe that the target of the surveillance committed one of a special list of severe crimes. 

Law enforcement must report back to the court what it discovers. 

Up to 30 days; must go back to court for 30-day extensions 

(Courts do not treat unopened e-mail at ISPs as real-time communications.) 

1. FISA Intercept Orders. 

Secret Court. No public information about what surveillance requested or what surveillance actually occurs, except for a raw annual report of number of requests made and number granted (the secret court has only refused one request) 

Previous standard was certification by Attorney General that "the purpose" of an order is a suspicion that the target is a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power. 

Attorney General is not required to report to the court what it does. 

Up to 90 days, or 1 year (if foreign power) 

2. Pen/Trap.

Pen/Trap surveillance was based upon the physical wiring of the telephone system. It allowed law enforcement to obtain the telephone numbers of all calls made to or from a specific phone. 

Allowed upon a "certification" to the court that the information is relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation. 

Court must grant if proper application made 

Does not require that the target be a suspect in that investigation and law enforcement is not required to report back to the court. 

Prior to USAPA there had been debate about how this authority is to be applied in the Internet context. 

2. FISA Pen/Trap.

Previous FISA pen/trap law required not only showing of relevance but also showing that the communications device had been used to contact an "agent of a foreign power." 

While this exceeds the showing under the ordinary pen/trap statute, such a showing had function of protecting US persons against FISA pen/trap surveillance. 

3. Physical search warrants

Judicial finding of probable cause of criminality; return on warrant. Previously, agents were required at the time of the search or soon thereafter to notify person whose premises were searched that search occurred, usually by leaving copy of warrant. USAPA makes it easier to obtain surreptitious or "sneak-and-peek" warrants under which notice can be delayed. 

3. FISA Physical search warrants

See FISA 50 USC § 1822. USAPA extends duration of physical searches. 

Under previous FISA, Attorney General (without court order) could authorize physical searches for up to one year of premises used exclusively by a foreign power if unlikely that US person will be searched; minimization required. A.G. could authorize such searches up to 45 days after judicial finding of probable cause that US target is or is an agent of a foreign power; minimization required, and investigation may not be based solely on First Amendment-protected activities. 

4. Subpoenas for stored information.

Many statutes authorize subpoenas; grand juries may issue subpoenas as well. EFF's main concern here has been for stored electronic information, both e-mail communications and subscriber or transactional records held by ISPs. Subpoenas in this area are governed by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA). 

4. FISA subpoenas

Previously, FISA authorized collection of business records in very limited situations, mainly records relating to common carriers, vehicles or travel, and only via court order. 

USAPA permits all "tangible things," including business records, to be obtained via a subpoena (no court order). 

Domestic Law Enforcement

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance

II. Increased Surveillance Authority

The USAPA removes many of the checks and balances that prevented both police and the foreign intelligence agencies from improperly conducting surveillance on US citizens who are not involved in criminal or terrorist activity. For Internet users, it opens the door for widespread surveillance of web surfing, e-mails and peer to peer systems. In addition, the protections against the misuse of these authorities -- by the foreign intelligence agencies to spy on US citizens and by law enforcement to use foreign intelligence authority to exceed their domestic surveillance authority -- have been greatly reduced.

A. Law enforcement intercept orders (Wiretaps)

Wiretaps (for telephone conversations) can only be issued for certain crimes listed in 18 USC §2516. USAPA adds to this list. This restriction has never applied to interception of electronic communications. 

1. Adds Terrorism.

USAPA sec. 201 adds terrorism offenses (Note: this is probably redundant since list already included most if not all terrorist acts --e.g., murder, hijacking, kidnapping, etc.) 

2. Adds Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), 18 USC §1030. 

USAPA sec. 202 adds felony violations of the CFAA (see below for discussion of changes to CFAA). 

3. Removes voicemail from Title III purview. 

USAPA sec. 209 allows police to get voicemail and other stored wire communications without an intercept order; now, only search warrant needed. 

4. Exempts certain interceptions from requirement of judicial authorization

Computer trespassers, see below.

B. Law enforcement search warrants.

1. Single-jurisdiction search warrants for terrorism and for electronic evidence. 

In general, search warrants must be obtained within a judicial district for searches in that district. Fed.R.Crim.Pro. 41. 

USAPA relaxes this rule. USAPA sec. 219 Adds terrorist investigations to the list of items where single-jurisdiction search warrants may be issued. Allows issuance in any district in which activities related to terrorism may have occurred for search of property or person within or outside the district. USAPA sec. 220

Once a judge somewhere approves a warrant for seizing unopened e-mail less than 180 days old, that order can be served on any ISP/OSP or telecommunications company nationwide, without any need that the particular service provider be identified in the warrant.

2. "Sneak-and-peek" warrants greatly expanded.

USAPA sec. 213. Can delay notification for "a reasonable period" and can be "extended for good cause shown" to court for any wire or electronic communication or tangible property. Problematic because notice to a searched person is a key component of Fourth Amendment reasonableness.

C. Law enforcement Pen/Trap orders

Pen/trap orders are issued by a court under a very low standard; USAPA does not change this standard. USAPA instead expands the reach of pen/trap orders. 

1. Expressly includes Internet information, e.g., e-mail and Web browsing information. 

USAPA sec. 216 modifies 18 USC § 3121(c) to expressly include routing, addressing information, thus expressly including e-mail and electronic communications. "Contents" of communications excluded, but USAPA does not define what it includes (dialing, routing, addressing, signalling information) or what it excludes (contents). Serious questions about treatment of Web "addresses" and other URLs that identify particular content. DOES NOT SUNSET. 

Applies to those not named (nationwide). Previously, pen/trap orders limited by court's jurisdiction, so had to be installed in judicial district. Now, court shall enter ex parte order authorizing use anywhere within the US if court has jurisdiction over crime being investigated and attorney for US Government has certified that information "likely to be obtained" is "relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation." Order applies to any provider "whose assistance may facilitate the execution of the order, " whether or not within the jurisdiction of the issuing court. But if entity is not named, may require that US attorney provide written or electronic certification that the order applies to the person or entity being served. DOES NOT SUNSET. 

IF government agency uses its own technology (e.g., Carnivore), then and "audit trail" is required, e.g., 30 day report back to court. 

No mandate that equipment facilitate surveillance. sec. 222 (prevents CALEA application here). 

D. Law enforcement subpoenas (and some court orders) for stored information 

1. USAPA sec. 210 amends Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA).

Expands records that can be sought without a court order to include: records of session times and durations, temporarily assigned network addresses; means and source of payments, including any credit card or bank account number. 

Allows disclosure of customer records by the service provider on the same basis that it currently allows content. 

Expands "emergency" voluntary disclosure to government of both content and customer records if reason to believe immediate danger of death or serious physical injury. Also expands ECPA 2703(d) court-ordered mandatory disclosure to government. USAPA Sec. 212. 

2. USAPA sec. 211. Reduction of Privacy for Cable Records.

Previously, the Cable Act had mandated strong privacy protection for customer records of cable providers; USAPA overrides these protections for customer records related to telecommunications services. This is a major change because several courts have already held that these privacy protections don't apply for telecommunications services. 

E. Information sharing between law enforcement and intelligence community

Because foreign intelligence surveillance does not require probable cause of criminality and because of the fear that foreign intelligence surveillance aimed at foreign agents would violate the rights of US persons, the law has tried to keep foreign intelligence surveillance (including evidence gained therefrom) separate from law enforcement investigations. USAPA greatly blurs the line of separation between the two. 

1. Easier to Use FISA authority for Criminal Investigations.

USAPA Sec. 218 Foreign intelligence gathering now only needs to be "a significant purpose" not "the purpose" (edits to 50 USC § 1804(a)(7)(b), and 1823 (a)(7)(B)). FISA court only looks to see that certifications present and are not "clearly erroneous".

Courts have said that it is not the function of the courts to "second guess" the certifications.

2. Now Can Disclose Formerly Secret Grand Jury Information to Intelligence Services. 

USAPA §203(a). Amends Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 6. Grand jury information now can be disclosed to intelligence services when "matters involve foreign intelligence or counterintelligence per 50 USC §401a or foreign intelligence information (defined below)" 

3. Foreign Intelligence Information.

New category of information that can be disclosed to foreign intelligence agents. 

Any info, whether or not concerning a US person, that "relates" to the ability of the US to protect against an actual or potential attack, sabotage or international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities; any info, whether or not concerning a US Person, that "relates" to the national defense or security or the conduct of foreign affairs. DOES NOT SUNSET. 

4. Disclose Criminal Wiretap Information With Any Government Official, Including Foreign Intelligence Services

Section 203(b) amends 18 USC §2517. Allows disclosure of contents of wiretaps or evidence derived therefrom to any other government t official, including intelligence, national defense and national security, "to the extent such contents include foreign intelligence or counterintelligence or foreign intelligence information (see definition above) 

5. General Authority to Disclose

Section 203(d). Notwithstanding other law, lawful for foreign intelligence or counterintelligence or foreign intelligence information (see definition above) to be disclosed to anyone to assist in performance of official duties. 

USAPA Sec. 504 also authorizes general coordination between law enforcement and FISA surveillance. 


1. Intercept orders: adds "roving wiretap" authority to FISA.

USAPA §206 amends 50 USC §1805. FISA court now may authorize intercepts on any phones or computers that the target may use. The foreign intelligence authorities can require anyone to help them wiretap. Previously they could only serve such orders on common carriers, landlords, or other specified persons. Now they can serve them on anyone and the Order does not have to specify the name of the person required to assist. No requirement that request for authority identify those. 

Roving wiretap authority raises serious Fourth Amendment problems because it relaxes the "particularity" requirements of the Warrant Clause. Such authority already exists under Title III. Increases duration of FISA intercept orders. USAPA §207 amends 50 USC §1805(e)(1) concerning surveillance on agents of a foreign power (not US persons) from 90 to 120 days. 

2. FISA search warrants

Extend time for surveillance. USAPA §207 amends 50 USC §1824(d) for judicially authorized physical searches to a) 90 days (up from 45), or b) if agent of a foreign power (employee or member of a foreign power but not US persons), 120 days. 

3. FISA pen/trap orders

USAPA Sec. 214. Amends 50 USC 1842 and 1843 (emergency) to allow pen/trap orders when they are concerning foreign intelligence information and: 

are not concerning a US person or; ARE concerning a US person, and to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities, provided that such investigation is not conducted solely upon the basis of 1st Amendment activities. 

4. FISA subpoenas and similar authorities

Broad authority for compelling business records. Under current law, only records of common carriers, public accommodation facilities, physical storage facilities and vehicle rental facilities can be obtained with a court order. 

USAPA 215: Amends 50 USC §1862 to allow application to FISA court for an order to compel the production of any business record from anyone for any investigation to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities (but cannot investigate a US person solely for First Amendment activities). 

- No showing needed that the person is the agent of a foreign power. 

- Order to a court--MUST be granted if application meets requirements 

- Order won't say that it is under this section 

- Persons served by it are gagged 

- Semiannual list of applications and list granted, denied but no reporting of actual documents seized or their usefulness required to court or to Congress. 

G. Other changes related to surveillance

1. New surveillance of communications "relevant" to computer trespasser investigation

USAPA sec. 217; Changes to 18 USC § 2510. In addition to the three traditional forms of surveillance, the USAPA adds another area where any government employee, not just law enforcement, may conduct content surveillance of US persons. 

This is when computer owner and operator "authorizes" surveillance and law enforcement agent "has reasonable grounds to believe contents of communication will be relevant" to investigating computer trespass and does not acquire anyone else's communications. Allows interception of messages suspected of being sent through a computer without "authorization." 

The term "authorization" is not defined, giving the owner/operator of protected computer and the government agent great discretion. BUT this does not include someone who is known to have an existing contractual relationship to access all or part of the computer. According to DOJ, ISP customers who send spam in violation of ISP's terms of service would not be trespassers. 

2. Civil liability for certain unauthorized disclosures.

USAPA sec. 223. This provision provides a small bit of relief for those who discover that law enforcement or the foreign intelligence authorities have disclosed information about them improperly. 

Allows Administrative discipline. Amends 18 USC §§ 2520, 2707 

Allows §2712 Civil actions with a $10,000 recovery limit, but only for willful disclosures. [It's a $10K statutory damages minimum ("actual damages, but not less than $10,000, whichever amount is greater")] 

3. Disclosure of Educational Records. amends 20 USC §1232g. 

USAPA sec. 507-8. 

Upon written application to a court (pen/trap standard), the Attorney General may require an educational agency to collect educational records "relevant" to an authorized investigation of a listed terrorist offense or "domestic or international terrorist offense." If application correct, court shall grant. (pen/trap standard) 

Same for National Education Statistics Act surveys 

4. Similarly expands quasi-subpoena power for many other records.

USAPA §505 authorizes issuance of national security letters for certain phone billing records, bank records, credit records on same showing as for FISA pen/trap (but no court order). 

III. Changes With Little Relationship to Fighting Terrorism.

The EFF is also deeply dismayed to see that the Attorney General seized upon the legitimate Congressional concern following the September 11, 2001 attacks to pad the USAPA with provisions that have at most, a tangential relationship to preventing terrorism. Instead, they appear targeted at low and mid-level computer defacement and damage cases which, although clearly criminal, are by no means terrorist offenses and have no business being included in this bill. 

A. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA 18 USC § 1030).

The CFAA provides for civil and criminal liability for acts exceeding the "authority" to access or use a computer connected to the Internet. It is used to prosecute those engaging in computer graffiti, website defacement and more serious computer intrusion and damage. It has also been applied in civil cases to spammers and those sending unwanted bots to gather information from the websites of others. The USAPA makes several changes to this law, none of which seems aimed at preventing or prosecuting terrorist offenses -- which are separately defined and already include the use of computers to commit terrorism. 

. An earlier version of the bill would have made many violations of the statute "terrorist" offenses. After outcry from EFF members and many others, most, but not all see below, of the offenses under §1030 were removed from the "terrorist" definition. However, instead the penalties and scope of §1030 were greatly expanded. The changes include: 

Adds an "attempt to commit an offense" under §1030 to the list of illegal activities with the same penalties as an offense. Sec. 814. 

The law now applies if the damage is done to computers outside the US that affect US Interstate commerce. Sec. 814 

Includes state court convictions under similar statutes as priors for purposes of a second conviction with increased penalties. Sec. 814. Increases penalties for violations of the statute. Sec. 814(1) 

"Loss" under the statute now expressly includes time spent responding and assessing damage, restoring data, program, system or information, any revenue lost, cost incurred or other consequential damages. Sec. 814. 

B. Computer Crimes under CFAA Defined as "Terrorist Offenses"

As far as the investigation has revealed so far, computer crime played no role in the September 11, 2001 attack or in any previous terrorist attacks suffered by the United states. Computer crime, especially when it results in danger to lives, is a serious offense, the USAPA adds it to the list of "terrorist offenses." 

Although it is obviously possible that a computer crime in the future could be part of a terrorist offense, the definition of "terrorism" already includes murder, hijacking, kidnapping and similar crimes that would be the result of a "cyberterrorist" attack. 

Yet without explanation, early versions of the USAPA included even low level computer intrusion and web defacement as "terrorist offenses." The final bill was not so draconian, but still includes the following (among others unrelated to computer crime) as a "terrorist offense" under 18 USC §2332b(g)(5)(B): 

An act calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion or to retaliate against government conduct (this lsnguage was in existing law AND EITHER violates 18 USC §1030(a)(1) accessing restricted or classified information on computers that require protection for reasons of national security, national defense or §11(y) of Atomic Energy Act of 1954 with reason to believe could that the information could injure US or advantage a foreign nation, and who willfully communicates the information to one not entitled to it, OR violates 18 USC §1030(a)(5)(A)(i) resulting in damage that: causes medical care problem, physical injury, public health or safety, OR 

affects computer system used by or for a government entity in furtherance of the administration of justice, national defense, or national security. 

If an offense is a federal terrorism offense per 18 USC 2332b(g)(5)(B): 

RICO procedures apply. Sec. 813. This includes seizure of assets pre-conviction, forfeiture post-conviction and many other procedural provisions previously applicable just to organized crime and the drug war. 

8 year statute of limitation §3286 (sec. 809) 

Alternate maximum penalties (sec. 810) 15 year max penalty 810(c)(1) and if death of a person results, for any term or for life. 

Included in 803: harboring or concealing terrorists 

Included in 805: Material support 18 USC 2339A 

806 Assets: "of any individual, entity or organization engaged in planning or perpetrating any act of domestic or international terrorism" and all assets, "affording any person a source of influence over any such entity or organization." 

USAPA sec. 805. Amends 18 USC 2339A. Material support for terrorists now includes "expert advice or assistance"; e.g., biochemist's advice on how to increase lethality of biological agents. 

Previous 2339A included "training"; statute requires "knowing or intending that they [material support or resources] are to be used in preparation for, or in carrying out, a violation . . .. [of, inter alia, 2332b] -- so this requires knowing or intentional facilitation. 

Under 2339A facilitator may be culpable whether or not underlying offense committed; also, scienter does not require "specific intent to commit the underlying action," but only knowledge that "are to be used" for a specified offense -- however, normally this is interepreted to mean that facilitator "aware that that result is practically certain to follow from his conduct.'" If a facilitator was virtually certain that particular recipients would in fact use the provided resources to commit a terrorist crime, it would be immaterial whether the facilitator knew precisely when or where the criminal conduct would occur. Major First Amendment problem for information otherwise available in the public domain. 

IV. Sunset Provisions

USAPA sec. 224. Several of the surveillance portions of the USAPA will expire on December 31, 2005. 

The EFF is pleased that at least some of the more severe changes in the surveillance of U.S. persons contained in the USAPA will expire on December 31, 2005 unless renewed by Congress. We are concerned, however, that there is no way for Congress to review how several of these key provisions have been implemented, since there is no reporting requirement to Congress about them and no requirements of reporting even to a judge about several others. Without the necessary information about how these broad new powers have been used, Congress will be unable to evaluate whether they have been needed and how they have been used in order to make an informed decision about whether and how they should continue or whether they should be allowed to expire without renewal. 

A. The provisions that expire include:

Sec. 201. Authority To Intercept Wire, Oral, And Electronic Communications Relating To Terrorism. 

Sec. 202. Authority To Intercept Wire, Oral, And Electronic Communications Relating To Computer Fraud And Abuse Offenses. 

Sec. 203(b), (d). Authority To Share Criminal Investigative Information. 

Sec. 206. Roving Surveillance Authority Under The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Of 1978. 

Sec. 207. Duration Of FISA Surveillance Of Non-United States Persons Who Are Agents Of A Foreign Power. 

Sec. 209. Seizure Of Voice-Mail Messages Pursuant To Warrants. 

Sec. 212. Emergency Disclosure Of Electronic Communications To Protect Life And Limb. 

Sec. 214. Pen Register And Trap And Trace Authority Under Fisa. 

Sec. 215. Access To Records And Other Items Under The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. 

Sec. 217. Interception Of Computer Trespasser Communications. 

Sec. 218. Foreign Intelligence Information. 

Sec. 220. Nationwide Service Of Search Warrants For Electronic Evidence. 

Sec. 223. Civil Liability For Certain Unauthorized Disclosures. 

B. The following provision do not expire:

Sec. 203(a),(c): Grand jury sharing of info 

Sec. 208. Designation Of Judges: increases number of FISA judges 

Sec. 210: ECPA Scope of Subpoenas for records of electronic communications--clearly allowing e-mails routing information : 

Sec. 211: ECPA Clarification of scope: privacy provisions of Cable Act overridden for communication services offered by cable providers (but not for records relating to cable viewing) 

Sec. 213: Sneak & Peek: delay notification of execution of a warrant 

Sec. 216: Modification of pen/trap authorities: (in original PATRIOT, would have sunsetted) 

Sec. 219: Single jurisdiction search warrants for terrorism 

Sec. 222 Assistance to law enforcement 

Sec. 225. Immunity For Compliance With Fisa Wiretap. Can continue all investigations active at the time of expiration. 

The Bush Multi-Billion Dollar War On Terror Scam In America
By Michael Jerusalem, Israel 9-17-2

From what you read or see in the mass American media,"terrorists" are everywhere now in America. They just picked up three "terrorists" in Florida. But they turned out to not be real "terrorists" and were released. Now they picked up five supposed "terrorists" in Buffalo, New York. FBI Director Robert Mueller said "there was no evidence these men were planning any attacks. We do not fully know the intentions of those charged today." Yet, these men face 15 year prison terms because the Bush gang needs to show the American people they're getting protection for the tens of billions of dollars {a lot...a LOT of money} being scammed on the American war on terrorism. It's the Mafia protection racket at work in the American government. Keep sending in those tax dollars folks, so we can protect you. 

Stay tuned for daily or weekly "terrorist" alerts to keep the American people in fear so they will keep being submissive to Bushs' rule and not oppose his wars for oil and his policies of trashing the U.S. Constitution

Where are all those "supposed real terrorists" in the U.S.A.? It's been over one full year since 911 and the anthrax attack in the U.S. and, officially, not one more so-called "terrorist' act has been perpetrated on U.S. soil during that time. Nothing, not even one suicide bombing, NOT EVEN ONE BULLET HAS BEEN FIRED BY A "TERRORIST" ON U.S. SOIL. What is going on here if you're suppose to be at war with all these "terrorists" that are going to destroy America at any minute? Where are all the "terrorists" in America??? 

Recently, CNN and other news media showed the videotapes of Osama Bin Laden's "terrorists" who are training and supposedly coming to America to make war. They have some guns, they have some poison gas that will kill a few dogs in a little, small enclosed room, they have other similar "sophisticated" weapons of "supposed mass destruction" and they're coming to get you Americans. And now they've uncovered some supposed "terrorist" cells supposedly being put together by a few American citizens in the US. Your'e probably afraid now in America, aren't you? 

The "terrorists" are probably Muslims, so they're easy to identify in America. They probably have passports and have to go through the new heavy security checks at airports in order to get into America. So how would thousands of Osama Bin Laden's Muslim "terrorrists" even be able to legitimately get into America? The U.S. has the multi-billion dollar FBI and CIA, plus well-armed local police forces in every state and city of the union, and now the new multi-billion dollar Homeland Security Ageency. And don't forget about the huge multi-trillion dollar U.S. Military that has every weapon imaginable. But you better be worried about those terrible "terrorists" attacking America. 

What chance would a "terrorist" group have in America to be successful, let alone survive, especially now after 911? Where would a Muslim urban terrorist group hide in America? If you hear their accent, you can probaly tell they weren't born in America. They wouldn't exactly fit in with a Southern group of good ole boys with heavy Southern accents. In order for a "terrorist" group or any Nation to be able to 'conquer' America, they would need millions of their "terrorist' or military troops on U.S. soil. Do those "terrorists" have all the planes and boats necessary to bring these millions of troops to America? With all the U.S. military weaponery, how would they ever get to the borders of America alive? 

Americans are being propagandized to live in fear while more and more of their freedoms are taken away and their attention is being diverted so that more and more tax dollars and stock market dollars and corporate dollars are being stolen from them right before their very eyes. Terrorist alerts are happening almost every week. Only one thing is missing: "TERRORISTS"!

President Bush, Vice President Cheney and the rest of the oil and war corporation gang are spending billions of American taxpayer dollars on the war against "terrorists" but where are all those "terrorists" that are killing any Americans on U.S. soil? You've got to be on the lookout for suspicious acts of individuals in the US because they may be a "terrorist". But no "terrorist" is even attacking one person in the US since the supposed "terrorist" attack on 911. What gives??? 

It has even come out in the mass American press that Bush and other government officials may have known certain things before 911 happened. U.S. Senator Graham and another government official were having breakfast on the morning of 911 with the Pakistani official who wired $100,000 to the supposed lead "terrorist" who was supposedly on one of the planes that flew into the World Trade Center. President Bush and Vice President Cheney have blocked every attempt to thoroughly investigate the 911 atrocity.

Come on Americans, something really is wrong here. Wake up. You're at war with an enemy you don't even know, crooks in your government and businesses are stealing all your money and your economy is going down the tubes. Get some new leaders, who can get you out of this mess! 

Osama Bin Laden, the "terrorist" supposedly behind the 911 terrorist attack is nowhere to be found. It has been reported that he may not even be alive. If he's not alive, then who is leading his Al Qaeda "terrorists"? Afghanistan has been bombed to smitherines and thousands of innocent Afghani men, women and children have "accidentally" been killed in the war in Afghanistan. AND YET NEITHER AL QAEDA OR ANY OTHER "TERRORIST" GROUP HAS KILLED OR EVEN WOUNDED ONE AMERICAN ON U.S. SOIL SINCE 911. The 911 atrocity has not even been conclusively investigated or brought to a court of law to be sure who were the real perpetrators of that horrific event. 

What is going on here??? The "terrorists" are suppose to be at war with America, where are you guys??? America is spending billions of dollars to get you "terrorists," but you're not fighting back. You would think that Osama and his "terrorists" would at least accomodate Bush et al and have some of his "terrorists" do a "terrorist" act in the U.S. by now, but so far no more "terrorist" acts have been committed in America since 911. 

But billions of American taxpayer dollars are being spent for Homeland Security, and all the remaining Constitutional rights of Americans are being taken away in the war against the "terrorists." However there are no "terrorists" currently doing any "terrorist" acts on American soil. Where are all the "terrorists" in America??? 

Afghanistan is one of the poorest Nations in the world. The so-called "terrorists" in Afghanistan don't have any planes or tanks or warships or atomic bombs. They don't have any money to buy food let alone buy these kinds of weapons. They have some rifles and maybe a few odds and ends of some kind of small little weapons.The U.S. military has every kind of weapon imagenable on the planet including more weapons of mass destruction than all the other countries in the world combined. 

Why is the U.S. making war in Afghanistan and killing innocent civilians? How many real "terrorists" have the U.S. caught or killed in Afghanistan? The U.S. has killed more innocent men women and children in Afghanistan than "terrorists." It's not a fight, it's a slaughter of Afghanis by Americans. Where are all you "terrorists" in Afghanistan??? 

The U.S. says that they captured about a hundred "terrorists" in Afghanistan and brought them back to the U.S. for show-- put on display just like animals. They put them into some kind of makeshift facility to incarcerate them. But you can't even be certain that these so-called 'terrorists" are really "terrorists" because they don't have any rights or even a lawyer and can be held indefinitely without being tried in a court of law in the U.S.

No civilians or reporters can even question them to see if they really are "terrorists." Somethings not quite right here.I mean we're talking about a multi-billion dollar war on supposed "terrrorists" in Afghanistan, but who and where are the "REAL TERRORISTS"? 

It seems like everyone is waiting for a new "terrorist" act to happen in America and at any moment the "terrorists" are going to do some kind of large scale "terrorist" act in the U.S. The multi billion dollar CIA and FBI can't seem to find the huge number of "terrorists" that are supposedly running all over America. Not one bullet is even being fired by a "terrorist" in America, but Americans are being asked to spy on each other because there are "terrorists" supposedly everywhere in the U.S. 

If another large scale so-called 'terrorist" act is perpetrated in America, will the American people be lied to again just like in 911? People are now sensing Bush and company were somehow, in some fashion, involved in 911. Who would benefit from another American atrocity? Tops on the list are the war and oil corporations and the security industry. 

Bush can't wait to go to war against Iraq and steal all that Iraqi oil for his oil corporation buddies. Unocal, the American oil corporation, was the main beneficiary of the estimated $6,000,000,000,000 (six trillion dollars) worth of oil and gas reserves in the Caspian Sea...adjacent to Afghanistan

Who will be the beneficiary of the trillions of dollars of Iraqi oil if there is a war with Iraq? How many thousands of Iraqis and Americans will be killed to get the Iraqi oil? 


The truth is that without a thorough public investigation we really do NOT KNOW all the crucial facts about who did 911. And we probably will not know the truth about who did what if another large scale so-called "terrorist" act happened in the US. 

This is pretty sick stuff being perpetrated by very sick men in high places in the U.S. It’s quite obvious, if one just asks the simple question: Where Are All The "Terrorists" in America? 

Michael Shore, Jerusalem, Israel – Nih, mau menghujat Yahudi baik ini bikin Hoax?

Sebagian dari Kronologi OPSUS PEMBODOHAN warga sipil Amerika Serikat. Bacalah.

The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America (Opsus Pembodohan rakyat USA)
By Samuel L. Blumenfeld © 1999 12-16-99

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt's new book, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America," is without doubt one of the most important publishing events in the annals of American education in the last hundred years. John Dewey's "School and Society," published in 1899, set American education on its course to socialism. 

Rudolf Flesch's "Why Johnny Can't Read," published in 1955, informed American parents that there was something terribly wrong with the way the schools were teaching children to read, and my own book, "NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education," published in 1984, explained in great detail how and why the decline in public education was taking place. 

But Iserbyt has done what no one else wanted or could do. She has put together the most formidable and practical compilation of documentation describing the well-planned "deliberate dumbing down" of American children by their education system. Anyone who has had any lingering hope that what the educators have been doing is a result of error, accident, or stupidity will be shocked by the way American social engineers have systematically gone about destroying the intellect of millions of American children for the purpose of leading the American people into a socialist world government controlled by behavioral and social scientists. 

This mammoth book is the size of a large city phone book: 462 pages of documentation, 205 pages of appendices, and a 48-page Index. The documentation is "A Chronological Paper Trail" which starts with the Sowing of the Seeds in the late 18th and 19th centuries, proceeds to The Turning of the Tides, then to The Troubling Thirties, The Fomentation of the Forties and Fifties, The Sick Sixties, The Serious Seventies, The "Effective" Eighties, and finally, the Noxious Nineties. The educators and social engineers indict themselves with their own words. 

Iserbyt decided to compile this book because, as a "resister" to what is going on in American education, she was being constantly told that she was taking things out of context. 

The book, she writes, "was put together primarily to satisfy my own need to see the various components which led to the dumbing down of the United States of America assembled in chronological order -- in writing. Even I, who had observed these weird activities taking place at all levels of government, was reluctant to accept a malicious intent behind each individual, chronological activity or innovation, unless I could connect it with other, similar activities taking place at other times." 

And that is what this book does. It connects educators, social engineers, planners, government grants, federal and state agencies, billion-dollar foundations, think tanks, universities, research projects, policy organizations, etc., showing how they have worked together to advance an agenda that will change America from a free republic to a socialist state. (sudah saya singgung di artikel PERPU yl

What is so mind boggling is that all of this is being financed by the American people themselves through their own taxes. In other words, the American people are underwriting the destruction of their own freedom and way of life by lavishly financing through federal and state grants the very social scientists who are undermining our national sovereignty and preparing our children to become the dumbed-down vassals of the new world order. 

One of the interesting insights revealed by these documents is how the social engineers use a deliberately created education "crisis" to move their agenda forward by offering radical reforms that are sold to the public as fixing the crisis -- which they never do. The new reforms simply set the stage for the next crisis, which provides the pretext for the next move forward.

This is the dialectical process at work, a process our behavioral engineers have learned to use very effectively. Its success depends on the ability of the "change agents" to continually deceive the public, which tends to believe any lie the experts tell them. 

Iserbyt's long journey to becoming a "resister," started in 1973 when her son, a fourth grader, brought home from school a purple ditto sheet, embellished with a smiley face, entitled, "All About Me." She writes, "The questions were highly personal; so much so that they encouraged my son to lie, since he didn't want to 'spill the beans' about his mother, father and brother. 

The purpose of such a questionnaire was to find out the student's state of mind, how he felt, what he liked and disliked, and what his values were. With this knowledge it would be easier for the government school to modify his values and behavior at will -- without, of course, the student's knowledge or his parents' consent." 

From that time on, Iserbyt became an activist in education. She became a member of a philosophy committee for a school, was elected as a school board member, co-founded Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM), and finally became senior policy advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) of the U.S. Department of Education during President Reagan's first term of office. 

As a school board member she learned that in American education, the end justifies the means. "Our change agent superintendent," she writes, "was more at home with a lie than he was with the truth." Whatever good she accomplished while on the school board was tossed out two weeks after she left office. 

It was during her tenure in the Department of Education in Washington, D.C., where she had access to the grant proposals from change agents, that she came to the conclusion that what was happening in American education was the result of a concerted effort on the part of numerous individuals and organizations -- a globalist elite -- to bring about permanent changes in America's body politic. She was relieved of her duties after leaking an important technology grant -- a computer-assisted instruction proposal -- to the press

Another reason why Iserbyt decided to publish this book is because of the reluctance of Americans to face unpleasant truths about their government educators. She wants parents to have access to the kinds of documents that were only circulated among the change agent educators themselves. She wants parents to see for themselves what has been planned for their children and the kind of socialist-fascist world their children will have to live in if we do nothing to counter these plans. 

Therefore, getting this book into the hands of thousands of Americans ought to be a major project for lovers of liberty in the year 2000. It will do more to defeat the change agents than anything else I can think of.

Samuel L. Blumenfeld is the author of eight books on education, including "Is Public Education Necessary?" and "The Whole Language/OBE Fraud", published by The Paradigm Company, 208-322-4440. His reading instruction program, "Alpha-Phonics", is available by writing The Tutoring Company, P.O. Box 540111, Waltham, MA 02454-0111.

The Enemy Is Inside The Gates By Col. Donn de Grand (US Army-Ret.) 7-19-2 (analisis BANYAK pilot/eks pilot tempur dan komersial & US Army tentang WTC 911, BUKAN Hoax!)

A dedicated group of experienced civilian and military pilots, including combat fighter pilots and commercial airline captains, just finished a marathon 72 hours of non-stop briefings and debate over the current crisis evolving from the use of commercial aircraft as cruise missiles against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 11 September.

The so-called terrorist attack was in fact a superbly executed military operation against the United States, requiring the utmost professional military skill in command, communications and control. It was flawless in timing, in the choice of selected aircraft to be used as guided missiles, and in the coordinated delivery of those missiles to their pre-selected targets.

As a tactical military exercise against two significant targets (world financial center and the citadel of world strategic military planning), the attack, from a psychological impact on the American public, equaled the Japanese "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor 7 Dec 1941. The over-riding questionIf we are at war, who is the enemy?

The group determined that the enemy is within the gates, that he has infiltrated into the highest policy- making positions at the Federal level, and has absolute control, not only of the purse strings, but of the troop build-up and deployment of our military forces, including active, reserve and National Guard units.


The 9-11 activity and horrific destruction of US property and lives was intentionally meant to trigger a psy- chological and patriotic reaction on the part of the US citizens, which is paving the way for "combined UN activity" (using the fig leaf of NATO) for striking key targets in both the Middle East/South Asia and the Balkans. The goal continues to be ultimate destruction of all national sovereignty and establishment of a global government.

The trigger for the 9-11 activity was the imminent and unstoppable world-wide financial collapse, which can only be prevented (temporarily) by a major war, perhaps to become known as WW 111. To bring it off (one more time), martial law will probably be imposed in the United States.

In each of the major wars of the 20th century, the financial manipulators (located in the City of London and New York City) had placed the US (and much of the Western world) in a monetary expansion mode, followed by an ever- tightening vice of a gigantic credit squeeze.

We now have two ongoing and tightly controlled simultaneous events (emanating from the two symbolic targets of 911:

(1) Alan Greenspan, Fed chairman, promising to flood the market with up to $200 billion in FRNs and to further lower interest rates, thus bringing about hyperinflation and dollar devaluation.

Much of these multi billions in largesse will be dumped into the coffers of Wall Street, Defense, bankrupt airlines, insurance companies and into the willing arms of debt-ridden third-world countries in the form of debt repudiation (forgiveness). Call it bribery, in order to get these often reluctant nations to join our coalition of "freedom fighters" in "the war against terrorism". (I told you so – Yusuf)

(2) Paul Wolfowitz, deputy Defense secretary, promised that the US will launch "sustained military strikes against those behind the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington". He said that the "military retaliation would continue until the roots of terrorism are destroyed." -à Jema’ah Ba’asyir!

This bit of saber rattling was seconded by select NATO allies (especially Britain), and by our chief ally in the Middle East, Ariel Sharon, while Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld, with the blessings of Pres. Bush 2, is activating thousands of national guard and reservists, not only to guard the vulnerable airports, but to do fly-overs of our Nation's capital in F16s from the North Dakota Air Guard. Other National Guard units are being jockeyed into potential combat "hot spots" throughout the Middle East/South Asia and the Balkans. See? Yang NEVER studies International politics & Counterintelligence, kok nyinyir?


Following is a summary of the near-unanimous views of the assembled military and civilian pilots concerning cer tain critical factors relating to the WTC/Pentagon hit of 9- 11: Troubling questions arose about the alleged pilot-hi jackers of the four aircraft, who were supposedly trained on Cessna aircraft over the past year at fields in Florida and Oklahoma.

One General officer remarked, "I seriously ques tion whether these novices could have located a target dead- on 200 miles removed from takeoff point...-- much less controlled the flight and mastered the intricacies of 11FR (instrument flight rules) -- and all accomplished in 45 minutes." Ini yang bicara pilot pengalaman dgn wide-bodied aircraft, NOT me, eks SKY DIVER orang kampung!

The extremely skillful maneuvering of the three aircraft at near mach speeds, each unerringly hitting their targets, was superb. As one Air Force officer -- a veteran of over 100 sorties over North Vietnam -- explained, "Those birds (commercial airliners) either had a crack fighter pilot in the left seat, or they were being maneuvered by remote control." Sorties = tugas/operasi terbang/ngebom!

Another pilot warned that "we had better consider whether electro-magnetic pulse or radio frequency weapons were used from a command and control platform hovering over the Eastern Seaboard... I'm talkin' AWACS." Persis kasus TWA-800, ditembak "pulse-weapon" oleh US Navy di atas New Jersey!

Another comment "If there was an AWACS on station over the targeted area, did it have a Global Hawk capability? I mean, could it convert the commercial jets to robotic flying missiles?

A hotly debated question Who would be in command of such an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)? Were they Chinese -- Russians -- Saudis -- Israelis -- NATO? All of these countries possess AWACS-type aircraft. All (except the Saudis) have the capability to utilize electro-magnetic pulsing (EMP) to knock out on-board flight controls and communications of targeted aircraft, and then, to fly them by remote control. Self-explanatory! I have NO further comments on this! Yusuf.

One of the Air Force officers explained that we had already flown a robot plane the size of a Boeing 737 across the Pacific to Australia -- unmanned -- from Edwards AF13 in California to a successful landing on an Aussie base in South Australia. It flies along a pre-programmed flight path, but is "monitored" (controlled remotely) by a pilot from an outside station. Coba, nyinyir lagi!

He explained that the London Economist (20 Sep 2001) published comments from the former CEO of British Airways, Robert Ayling, who stated that an aircraft could be commandeered from the ground or air and controlled remotely in the event of a hijack. Cari ditailnya, klik ini: "Home Run".


An AP story, dateline Brussels - 7 Oct 01 -- "At Washington's request, NATO will soon deploy surveillance aircraft for anti-terrorist operations in the United States in response to the attacks on New York and Washington, NATO officials said Sunday, an unprecedented use of foreign military forces to defend the U.S. homeland."

The assembled group of pilots debated why we would ask for foreign forces to fly AWACS over our sovereign territory when we have a fleet of 33 of them, of which 28 are stationed in Oklahoma. The debate also centered on whether such NATO surveillance aircraft were already here prior to 11 September. Could one of them have commandeered the four airliners?

There seems to be wide discrepancies between what the Federal government is proclaiming -- and their media moguls reporting -- as opposed to the calm and reasoned and ration al views of those men who fly the planes and defend the nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

This writer has been a general aviation pilot since 1946. 1 have flown a variety of single engine prop aircraft since, and installed an FAA-approved airstrip here on my farm in 1980. Two local pilots periodically joined me for short hops; one, a Madison County lawyer, a graduate of the Air Force Academy, who flew for the Air Force before coming home to practice law.

The other, Kent Hill, who lives with his wife, Carol, on a farm close to mine, is an American Airlines captain assigned to the European route. He was a lifelong friend of "Chic" Burlingame, They were graduates of the Naval Academy and flew F-4 Phantoms in Vietnam. Both left the Navy 28 years ago and joined American Airlines. Both planned to retire in 2002. Chic was the captain of AA flight 77, a Boeing 757, which departed Washington Dulles for Los Angeles at 810 am on I I September, with 58 passengers and a crew of 6. Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:41 am.

"We were totally trained on the old type of hijack," Capt Hill said, "where you treat the hijacker cordially, punch a 4-digit code into your transponder to alert ground control you're being hijacked, and then get him where he wants to go, set the plane safely on the ground and let them deal with it on the ground. However, this is a totally new situation... Not one of the planes alerted ground control that they were being hijacked." How come? FAKTA, FAKTA! CIA/FBI/Pentagon/White House PEMBOHONG!

. "The fact is, all the transponders were turned off on the doomed flights virtually at the same time." Look at their departure times -- two from Logan (Boston), one from Newark, another from Dulles (Washington DC) -- all between 8 am and 8:15.

"Shortly after climb-out to flight level, their trans ponders are de-activated.. (they are no longer a blip on the radar screens). This is something that really needs to be looked into. The only reason we turn them off is so they don't interfere with ground systems when we land." (Note Transponders identify a particular aircraft in flight on the radar screens of FAA flight controllers located throughout the country. Vari- ous codes are punched into the transponder, one displaying, "I am being hijacked.")

Although there is much talk among the various flight crews, Hill says they are not privy to any of the investigations into the events of I I September. "We're in the dark -- very much so ... They're playing it pretty tight to the vest."

He is convinced none of the pilots had control of their aircraft when they were flown into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The question then becomes, who was really in control?

"Even if I had a gun at my head, I'd never fly a plane into a building. I'd try to put it in anywhere -- a field or a river --and I'd be scaring the hell out of them (the hijackers) by flying upside down first," Hill said. In fact, the pilot has the best weapon in his hand when threatened with imminent death by a hijacker, namely, the airplane.

Another airline pilot stated. "On hearing a major scuffle in the cabin, the pilot should have inverted the aircraft and the hijackers end up with broken necks." That none of the four pilots executed such a maneuver points toward the fact that none of them had control of their aircraft, but had been overridden by an outside force, which was flying them by remote control.

As an old and not so bold pilot, I became more convinced that the four commercial jets were choreographed by a "conductor" from a central source, namely an airborne warning and control system (AWACS). They have the electronic capability to engage several aircraft simultaneously, knock out their on-board flight controls by EMP (electro-magnetic pulsing) and assume command and remote control of these targeted aircraft. Ini yang bilang Xperienced pilot!

As we consider all the options -- and enemies -- who performed this act of war, whether from China, Russia, an Islamic country, or from NATO, we must also consider that the enemy may be within the gates. If so, then we are dealing with high treason. The same source sent another email to me: Subj OVERVIEW Date 10/23/2001 8:25:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time OVERVIEW I want to start out by responding to that tiny percentage of negative email I receive that accuses me of being anti American. I'm not. I think America is a great place, and the American people by and large are to be admired.

What I am against is any government that lies to its people. This includes the government of the United States which, contrary to Bill Clinton's comments on the matter, is not the same thing as the country. The country is the people. The country is the land. The country is those who build, teach, heal, grow, manufacture, and along the way raise a family. The United States is not found in the marble buildings along the Potomac. The United States i s found in the homes and hearts of 266 million Americans.

The government, its self delusions of grandeur aside, is nothing but a custodian, and a temporary one, hired by the people to care for our nation, and if that custodian fails in that job, like any menial, they should be replaced. Our nation did just that once before, in 1776, and it must be remembered that those who were called "Patriot" were those who stood with the people of the nation, not with the corrupted government.

There is no provision in the Constitution that authorizes the government, as custodian of the nation, to lie to the people. It's just not in there. And yet the government of the United States has been caught repeatedly lying to the people of the nation in recent years, lying about Vince Foster , TWA 800 , Waco , Martin Luther King , John F. Kennedy , The Oklahoma City Bombing , and others too numerous to mention. Suffice it to say that if the government of the United States finds itself with a credibility problem, it has only itself to blame.

When the government of the United States lies to the people, it acts illegally and un-Constitutionally and by the strict interpretation of that document ceases to be the legal government of the land. But let us set that aside for the moment and look at why the US Government lies to the people and what such lies have accomplished in the past. Only then can we understand why the reasoning citizen must have serious doubt we are being told the truth b y the government in the present case.

Some of the biggest lies told by the government of the United States are those used to initiate a war. Modern pundits keep equating the attacks of 9/11 to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

This is a slippery, indeed dangerous analogy, since it has been proven in recent years, by way of recently declas sified documents, that FDR deliberately maneuvered Japan into the attack on Pearl Harbor and kept the Hawaii comman- ders from knowing of the attack so that there would be plenty of dead bodies with which to enrage Americans into support of a war that as of December 6th, 1941, nobody wanted. American boys, shouting "Remember Pearl Harbor", marched off to war. Many did not come back.

The Spanish/American war was likewise started with deception. The Hearst Newspapers flooded the land with stories of Spanish abuses of the Cuban people; stories which turned out to be fictional and which were published solely to fan the flames of a war, not for the benefit of the Cuban people, but to enlarge American territory and influence.

When USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbor, the Captain of that ship insisted that the explosion was not the result of any attack. But he was shouted down by the press, and American boys, shouting "Remember The Maine", marched off to war. Many did not come back. And all because of a lie. In 1975, a review of the evidence by admiral Hyman Rickover, the father of the modern nuclear Navy, concluded that there hadn't been any Spanish mine at all, just as the Maine's Captain had reported. The ships had suffered a fire in a coal bunker, detonating the ship's magazine, imprudently located nearby.

The same with the Gulf of Tonkin. Even as Johnson exhorted the American people to respond to the torpedo attack on the Maddox, Johnson knew there hadn't really been any torpedoes, not had the USS Maddox been as innocent a s claimed. American boys again marched off to war. Many did not come back.

Following the Bay of Pigs, which was by any definition an invasion of a foreign nation, the US Joint Chiefs pro- posed staging fake terrorist attacks that would be blamed on Cuba, to build support for a second invasion.

Of course, there is nothing new about politicians using terror on their own citizens to get what they want. The trick goes back to Roman times, and even Hitler found it useful. So, let's take a moment to push aside those flags being held in front of our eyes like blindfold and take a close look at the current situation.

The United States government, despite nice sounding speeches about freedom and Democracy=20 (sic This author should have said Republics), has a record of overthrowing actual working Democracies=20 (sicThis author should have said Republics) and supporting outright dictatorships.

The US, for example, backed Cuban Dictator Batista, Chile's Pinochet, the Shah of Iran, and the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos, to name just a few. The US backed these regimes because the dictators were willing to do favors for American multi-national corporations. (Freeport, Caltex, MobilOil, NKRI)

Batista, for example, kept the prices of Cuban agricul- tural products below the prevailing market rate. This made American companies like United Fruit and PepsiCo more prof- itable, at the expense of the Cuban farmers, who eventually revolted, bringing Castro to power. Castro let the market set th e price of Cuban produce, whereupon the United States declared an embargo and invaded at the Bay of Pigs. Then we wonder why the Cuban people may not like us.

Another classic example of US foreign policy as it really is was South America. Chile had a working democracy under Allende. But US corporate interests saw a greater chance for profits if the Democracy=20 (sic This author should have said Republics) were to be replaced by a dictator friendly to US interests.

This led to the US backed coup, complete with torture squads trained by US experts. Henry Kissenger flat out stated that the United States had a right to intervene in any Democracy=20=20 (sic This author should have said Republics) that voted contrary to American interests, adding, "The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves."

Same deal in Iran. The US Government backed the Shah of Iran. The rich got richer, the poor got poorer (same as in the United States) and the people of Iran revolted, bringing the Ayatollah Khomeini to power. Iran was our friend, now it's our enemy.

The same with Iraq, once our friend, and now our enemy. Indeed, the United States keeps

switching sides so often, with the American people expected to follow along like lemmings, that one is reminded of George Orwell's "1984" in which the perpetually warring nations are always changing allegiance, and the war weary people wake up one morning to be told, "Eastasia is our friend. Eastasia has always been our friend. Pacifica is the enemy."

This brings us to Osama Bin Laden.

Osama is the modern equivalent of Orwell's "Emmanual Goldstien", the boogie man on whom the government blames everything. Even though careful observers have long known the United States economy was poised for a major decline, the media is spinning the current economic woes as a direct result of the attacks on the World Trade Towers, in the hopes that the general public will be stupid enough to believe it.

If Orwell is not to your taste, then let's try L. Frank Baum and the "Wizard Of Oz", who used a paper mache' mask to scare Dorothy Gale into doing war with the Wicked Witch of the West, something farm girls would not normally be wise to do. After all, witches have air superiority!

Likewise, Osama appears to be a manufactured monster, designed to scare us into doing things we otherwise would not so, including support a war, cease criticizing the government, and surrender our freedoms. Persis, diciptakan HANTU TEROR Abu Bakar Ba’asyir dan JI!

Contrary to the public media image of Osama, he is not a lifelong religious fanatic. At the time the United States covert intervention in Afghanistan triggered the Soviet invasion , Osama, like the rest of his family, was living a westernized lifestyle. One of Osama's brothers was a busi- ness partner with the son of the then vice-president and former head of the CIA, George H. W. Bush.

The CIA needed a front man in Afghanistan to oppose the Soviets, since Vietnam was too fresh a memory for the American people to tolerate another war, especially since the lid had just been blown off of the COINTELPRO scandal , reveal- ing the criminal actions the FBI had engaged in to silence opposition to that war. (Link oleh Yusuf Jussac)

So, trained and financed by the CIA, Osama quit being a westernized Saudi and seemingly overnight became a fanatical muslim and financier/leader of the fight against the Sovi- ets, waging an indirect war on behalf of the United States. Osama was a creation of the CIA and we only have the CIA's word that Osama isn't still in their employ. However, as another CIA asset, David Ferrie, pointed out just prior to his own assassination, you don't leave the agency. Once you are in, you are in for life!

Afghanistan is an interesting place. It has natural gas, petroleum, coal, copper, chromite, talc, barites, sulfur, lead, zinc, iron ore, salt, precious and semipre- cious stones, and more opium than the Burmese Golden Triangle. It is also one of the most deadly places on Earth, having destroyed every invading army since the time of Alexander the Great!

Catatan Yusuf Jussac: perang abad 21 berebut SUMBER mineral (termasuk uranium dan bbm) strategis, COBALT misalnya, pelapis seluruh roket/supersonik, cadangan hanya di A.S., Russia dan Afrika Selatan! Cadangan A.S. & Russia menipis! Maka semua berebut masuk Afsel.

Silahkan baca "GLOBAL RESOURCE AND INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT, Environmental Factors In Strategic Policy And Action" saya sudah tammat baca. Catat: di Sulawesi Tenggara ada sumber URANIUM, Poso bbm! Maka CIA mengacak acak! Mereka memerlukan "Centeng Lokal" ("local friends") bersenjata, bukan Laskar Muslim!!!

Afghanistan also sits on the proposed route for an oil pipeline which would allow the vast oil reserves sitting under the Caspian Sea to be brought to market, and it is no secret that a consortium of American oil companies want to build that pipeline.

However, as John J. Maresca, vice president of international relations, Unocal Corporation, flat out told Congress in 1998, the pipeline would not be built until the Taliban was removed as the government in Afghanistan, even though the United States had installed the Taliban as part of the anti-Soviet strategy.

When one considers the size of the Caspian oil fields, estimated at about 500 years' worth at present rates of consumption, one finds ample motive to start a war of conquest for that wealth. Compared to the trillions of dollars in oil profits which will flow from that pipeline stretching across Afghanistan, the cost of new World Trade Towers and a few thousand lives is a small price to pay to those who lust for wealth beyond dreams of avarice. Maka, 2840-an korban WTC 911 were EXPENDABLE! 140-an warga sipil Aussie di Legian, also were expendable! Simak, hanya DUA Amrik yang mati!!!

Long before the attacks on the World Trade Towers, the United States was already announcing that there would be a war. While the American people were kept distracted by "All Condit All The Time" in the American press, the foreign press was reporting as early as March 2001 that the United States was planning to invade Afghanistan in October, and here it is, October and here the United States is invading. and just like with FDR, a provocation occurred just when the government of the United States most needed one to anger the people into support of a war for oil. (Rekayasa PEARL HARBOR!)

No sooner had the planes crashed into the World Trade Towers than the media was reporting official statements of suspicion that Osama Bin Laden was behind the attacks. The FBI issued names of suspected hijackers, none of which appeared on the actual passenger lists, and all based on what the FBI admits were forged IDs using stolen identities. Kalau tak pernah cermati intelijens, No Nyinyir!

Moreover, the men used those stolen identities the night before the attacks to visit strip bars, making so much noise that they would have to be noticed, ensuring that the credit card slips using the stolen names would be turned over to police. CIA’s and FBI’s Opsus of "evidence planting" !

When Flight Attendant Madeline Sweeney phoned the ground from her hijacked plane, she gave the seat numbers of the hijackers. The passengers assigned to those seats do not appear on the FBI's list of suspects. Then there was tha t suitcase, appearing out of nowhere and assumed to have been left off of one of the crashed planes by accident, containing a flight manual, a Koran, and a handwritten letter which any scholar of Islam would recognize was written by someone ignorant of the religion.

In short, the evidence that purports to link the attacks on the World Trade Towers with Osama appears to be planted, with the scene of the crime looking like the set of a cheap detective movie, with a vital clue always carefully positioned within camera view.

Because of the phony IDs, we do not really know who was on those airplanes, or who they worked for. But it is very obvious who we are all supposed to blame; the people sitting on that oil pipeline right of way! So great is the rush to war in Afghanistan that Osama has himself almost become secondary in the media campaign to sell us all on hatred of the Afghani people.

Indeed it isn't Osama who terrorizes Americans, it is the American media, waving fear all over the place. Yes, Anthrax is nasty, but would a real anthrax attack harm so few people? More people have been gunned down in Washington DC in the last 6 weeks than have died by anthrax. More people are sick with Dengue fever on Maui than are sick with Anthrax. Yet Anthrax, and the fear it is designed to cause, get the headlines, to keep the public scared, so scared that they cannot think.

Because once the people stop being terrorized by the media and start to think, they'll realize that it makes no more moral sense to bomb the Afghani people over what crimes Osama has done than it makes to bomb people of Chicago over the crimes the mafia does.

And once the American people realize this, they'll start to wonder what the real reason for bombing the Afghani people might be. Then they'll start paying attention to John J. Maresca's comments before Congress about that oil pipe-line. Then the American people will notice those foreign news articles that announced the US invasion of Afghanistan last spring. Then the American people will realize that the timing of the attacks on the World Trade Tower s is just a little too convenient to the already scheduled invasion. Saya sudah berulangkali ngingetin hal ini, tapi dinyinyiri sebagai HOAX!

And that is when the American people will realize that, once again, they are being lied to to swindle them out of their support for a war, a war not fought for moral principle but for profit, profit from oil paid for in the blood of our children. Fools! Bangga dibohongi Bush cs.???

Analisis di atas ditulis, dari hasil diskusi dengan puluhan pilot/eks pilot tempur dan komersial USA, oleh eks Kolonel US-Army; orang yang TAHU otak kotor intelijens USA! Yang TIDAK pernah pelajari serius International Politics dan Intelijens – seyogyanya tidak buru buru sok tahu, dan seenak perutnya NYINYIR terhadap analisis semacam ini!

Dengan segala hormat, Let.Jen. ZA Maulani eks Ka-BAKIN, yang di Harian RAKYAT MERDEKA Minggu, 3 Nov. 2002 dikutip menyatakan Bom Legian, Bali diotaki CIA & Mossad – saya tgl 13 Oktober di artikel Bom Bali SUDAH LEBIH dulu menyatakan hal itu.

Seperti kawan sekelas Oom di LEMHANAS, Jussac, saya memang mbeling. Siapa salah, saya juga "diajari" para yunior Oom sejak di Amrik, kini rata rata brigjen TNI, tiga sudah pensiun 3- star dan 2-star TNI generals. Tentara tentara santun, Protestan/Katolik dan Muslim ta’at --- bukan teroris!

Saya TIDAK klaim paling benar dan sok pinter – but, atas petunjuk Allah SWT, most of my analyses (poleksosbudkam) selama 15 tahun di DEPLU; kok diperhatikan serius? How can one explain, "prediksi" teror bom di Russia—tiga hari SETELAH saya tulis di Bom Bali???? Thanks kawan kawan Pati muda di TNI-AD, AL, Udara, dan Marinir – anda semua telah mengajari saya "melek" tentang dunia gelap intelijens (juga berkat hidup 25 tahun dengan Jussac).

The New Communist United States Of America
From Peter K. 8-14-. Nggak percaya, bahwa PLATFORM Partai Demokrat USA adalah "Copycat" Komunis? Ada dokumennya di RENSE.Com, cari sendiri dong.

Dear Jeff,

I was not outraged, but instead, very horrified to learn that, very recently, America has become a Communist Country ! ! !

The way globalisation is progressing, perhaps Australia, could become the next Communist Country, or not too far behind.

I read the recent article, "USDA Approves Terminator Seed Technology Despite Opposition".

According to the article, the government (USDA), will soon own half of America's Food supply. Owning the food supply is not like owning the essential "services", such as electricity and telephone. Owning the food supply is what is done IN COMMUNIST countries.

Half of America's food supply will be owned by the USDA, because, according to this article you posted: the USDA, United States Department of Agriculture, will own a 50% share on the first 3 Terminator Technology patents.

Terminator seeds, would infect other plants via crosspollination, and any farmers nearby, such as Percy Schmeiser, can also be fined for any Genetically Modified plant which the wind blows ont his plants, crosspollinating plants on his farm.

When the government has a ownerhsip (or an ever increasing ownership of a half portion of the food supply), this is Communism.

The USA has been christened a new Communist country, without having a referendum to ask the people if the government should have a private vested interest, in the ownerhship of food, and if it should become a Communist country.

This may be tolerated now by Americans, so that in the future, the government will have the power to ration out out, Genetically Engineered Food, when stocks of it (and food in general) are scarce (the government will own 50 % of the patents. This will set a precedent for the government to own more Terminator seeds in the future, because of the licensing of the first 3 patents.

Genetically Engineered Food will mean, that farmers only get, 10% of their profits, and they would be forced out of business, and big factory food farms would start, owned by Monsanto and others related to the pharmaceutical cartels.

This is what wil happen to Americans, if they accept the introduction of Communism, in this way, starvation and rationing of GENTICALLY ENGINEERED food, by the government.

For Genetically Engineered Food to be approved, via Terminator Technology methods, means that the American people weren't disapproving enough, and didn't try to protect their food with their lives and even their guns. You are what you eat, and you've got to eat something.

If the government wants to own and have the power to ration food, when it pretends it suddenly realises it's mistakes, everyone could forget about this for now, having fun with friends instead, or, ACT, to stop this. We all have to eat. Ref:, A Barnham


From Sheryl Jackson 8-15-1

I would correct your skewered perception. We are not even close to a Communist country. What we are is a Corporate/Paramilitary/Police state. Corporations do not have the common good in mind, they are selfish, avaricious, greedy and cannibalistic.

Corporations in this country no longer value loyalty, inspiration, motivation or efficiency. All of the laws are on the side of the corporations, and the government enforces the NewWorldOrder's Global Economy with an Iron Claw. Are you daft? Have you not heard of the NWO or the Global Economy? Once Amerika becomes a complete Fascist Totalitarian State, the rest of the world is a piece of cake. Those in Power will not stop with AmeriKa. That is just where they will spend the most time to cause dissolution, oppression, suppresion and repression among the population after making them paranoid and mean.

In case you have not noticed white people are being wiped out by the thousands. In England with Anthrax, foot and mouth, and BSE. The food supplies are bing manipulated so that the Brits will have to turn to AmeriKa for its meat, since Oprah Winfrey won the lawsuit against the beef industry. Amerikans are being bombarded with Chemtrails, West Nile virus, Hanta Virus, Legionaires Disease, AIDS, fundamentalist Christians, massive pollution, and BSE in our Wildlife. Farmers are being run off their land by the federal government and PROGRESS, while being villified by the press as squatters and terrorists. Europeans are being brutialized with gangs. As are the Japanese, the Brits and Aussies.

The guns were taken from the population who needed them because the criminals have them. Gun confiscation in the peaceful countries was easy because the population was pretty compliant and co-operative. AmeriKan Gun Confiscation will be a very ugly affair. It is my POSITIVE, STRONG AND WITHOUT A DOUBT, belief that The Chinese Army will be sent here to do just that.

The Corporations in Charge, have been telling the Amerikan people that the Amerikan People do not want to be the world peackeepers. That is why the Chinese Army has been being given and sold AmeriKan Arms. They have the population to fight the coming Capitalist/Anti-Capitalist Wars. We are told daily about the coming Wars, but no one is listening or asking why there has to be War in the first place. I wonder if it is because AmeriKas' economy is based on the sale of Arms? When they could not start a war anywhere, gangs were formed and war waged on AmeriKas' streets.

Zimbabwe is being "cleansed" by the Mugabe Administration while his own people are being murdered with AIDS and starvation. He himself is plagued by ghosts of his past. The Old Bastard will die very soon, because of his paranoia. Then the Corporations of AmeriKa will move in and take over everything in the name of "charity and righteous cause" and they will then be in control of the natural resources and will not have to fight to tap them. Give out a little food, build a few bathrooms, give all of them work and then kill them with toys, cars and disease.

Families are being singled out in Amerikan states by bureaucracies for "sins" against the children, with the parents being thrown in jail, and the children sent to foster homes. Most of the charges are the fantasies of Social Workers and Psychologists who "believe" they are doing the right things for the "kids". The poor and homeless are being murdered by marauders with weapons that are being confiscated by the police from law abiding citizens.

The corporations that have taken over this country by bribing the populace into mass coma with toys and technology that kills, are cannibals. They eat other companies and spit out dying employees (akuisisi/merger berakibat jutaan PHK!). People run around radiating their brains with their cell phones and killing each other with their cars with their ears growing around the earpiece of their yakboxes. The toys are too noisy, too polluting, and too damned dangerous.

The days of peacefull demonstrations are gone. The Paramilitary here attack the peaceful demonstrators while allowing the BlackClothed CIA operatives to destroy property. The peaceful demonstrators tried to stop the CIA operatives from their path of destructions and received tear gas, mace and pepper spray and brute force that broke bones and hospitalized others. None of the Black Ops were hurt or stopped and they received alot of air play for the main stream media.

We are being herded toward a totalitarian police state that will control the air, the weather, our food and water supplies and there is only one logical explanation. We have been subjected to the needs of ET aliens. We have been traded for the technology.

They can experiment on us at will, with impunity. The powers of the world justify that by referring to the masses as UselessEaters, and vermin. As though the people in charge are not. I do believe that is the only explanation for what is happening.

And that is the Alien Agenda. Because, ultimately, they do not need anything here on the planet but the gold. (Cadangan EMAS di Fort Knox, FEDERAL RESERVE USA, sudah dipindahkan ROTSCHILD ke Jerman dan Inggris! Jutaan USD deposit anda, cuma Toilet PAPER, tidak dijamin EMAS!). They do not need water, food, or air to sustain their lives. They are not carbon units like we are. They will do to the earth what they already did to Mars half a million years ago.

There is only one race on the planet and we are all in deep doo. The question is never what kind of God would allow any of this? But rather, what kind of people would. All of this is man made. People need to make themselves heard. Start petitions, start meeting together. Give God a chance, go to Church. Study a good and generous philosophy. Then act on it.

If we are going to die anyway, why not do so by acting with dignity, and expressing what you believe? Start at the dinner table. We are people with phenomenal minds that cannot be duplicated by machinery. We have creativity and generosity on our sides. Go with it, do something kind for one person every day. Family or stranger. Send a card. But do something that will make someone else smile, tomorrow you might make them think.

And as always: By our silence we allow. By our silence we allow. By our silence we allow.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sheryl Jackson

Ms. Sheryl, I have been doing what you suggested. Saya hanya BERBAGI apa yang saya ketahui, agar ORANG ORANG NKRI MAMPU BERFIKIR secara jernih; tidak MAU terus menerus DIBODOHI unsur JAHAT di dalam penguasa Fascist!


ALPHABETICAL Index to Articles **USE YOUR BACK BUTTON TO RETURN HERE **March 21, 2001 Ini Virtual library data Opsus MIND CONTROL dll. Read!

Raven1 Cover/Monument Page
SUBJECT Index to Articles


One reason that the general public, media, and uninformed government officials scoff at the truth of our story is that people tend to focus on the personal testimonial aspect, and ignore the crucially important unclassified and commercial devices which can duplicate, right now, some of the effects we report.

For a concise report collecting the best information on unclassified and commercial mind control equipment available to the wealthy, see:

In one big file:
As separate pages:

If you ignore the fact that devices exist and are available right now to the public, which can produce neuroelectromangetic effects and hypnosis at-a-distance, then you will be ignoring HALF of the story.

The articles and images on this site are simple enough that most "non-technical" people can see quickly the principles which are involved. We involuntary experimentees beg you to spend a portion of your time looking at the hard evidence technology side as well as testimonial reports.


CAHRA handout summary sheet
NSA admission that mind control is gravely serious
Bodily umped into the same category as computer crimes. So here is a glossary of the "Information Warfare" buzzwords, some of which may be used in dealing with our issue:

Other Web Sites

Electronic MKULTRA:

To subscribe to the MC-L mind control emailing list, send a BLANK email message to: To submit messages, see instructions which will be emailed to you upon subscribing. The submission email address is:

Jeff Rense (Sightings Radio Show) Mind Control Patent Page. WOW!

Mind Control Forum, main site
Mind Control Forum, backup site maintained by More Than Conquerors group

Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse, Cheryl Welsh, California. CAHRA's purpose is public education and research.

Citizens Against Human Experimentation, Tim Donoghue, President. CAHE's purpose is to persuade the public and to lobby, activities which are not permitted for non-profit groups like CAHRA above.

Blanche Chavoustie's web site - part MKULTRA, part neuro - electromagnetic

Government Mind Control, by Margo Cherney, one of our best researchers

Mind Control Technology, a comprehensive web site by Judy Orr

Stop Covert War, Sueann Campbell's response to electronic mind weapons harassment.

Meet the Neuro-Influence Device Victims,, Patricia Mougey, Toledo OH

Government Harassment Site, including some overlap into psycho-electronic harassment. (Posted Jan 8, 2001)

Welcome to the World of Guinea Pigs, a site by psycho-electronic victim Edward Kats.

Mind Control Research, a site maintained by Ground Zero Minnesota, a human rights and democratic principles group
v0000005.htm, if the above link doesn't work or has changed topic.

Mind Control: Technology, Techniques, and Politics, Allen L. Barker

Psychoelectronic Threat to Democracy, maintained by an international group, this site takes time to load

Institutional/drug/surgical/child abuse MKULTRA:

MKULTRA Prosecution Letter - if you would like to help get this to the media, because I am being harassed to the point where I am unable to get this sent to the media list at:, please call the letter up, modify it if you wish, and continue sending to media: a. Letters to the editor, b. National/World editors, c. Media web site forums and message boards. PLEASE HELP if you can. Even one MKULTRA perpetrator simply brought to trial would markedly advance our cause and credibility!

MKULTRA information and beautiful memorial garden site by one of MKULTRA's child abuse victims, dedicated to helping other MKULTRA victims with their healing process

Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors - Mind Control, group effort from U.S. and Canada

SMARTNEWS, a web site by Neil Brick, who hosts annual conferences dealing with ritual abuse with major participation by MKULTRA survivors. This link gives you a clickable file list - I didn't want to give one of the index files to avoid your getting a "not found" notice should he change the current file name. WELL worth a scan, since the MKULTRA ritual abuse survivors dramatically underscore the reality of the psycho-electronic in-home torture being practiced covertly today.

Georgia Perimeter College (14,000 students/6 campuses) Excellent MKULTRA documentation resource surgical experiments on children during the cold war. Powerful!

Parascope, an excellent compilation of MKULTRA information

The sketches on the left were drawn by MKULTRA institutional kidnap victim Lynne Moss-Sharman, who a Canadian member of Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors - Mind Control. Ms. Moss-Sharman was kidnapped and experimented on as a child, and her sketch shows one of her memories, many electrodes, including a genital electrode. Such experimentation included involuntary surgery. Nazi doctors were HANGED for crimes like these! MKULTRA perpetrators were never even charged! We DEMAND the MKULTRA perpetrators be charged and punished, and public controls placed on the development, possession and use of psycho-elctronic weapons so that any activity of this type can be stopped and prevented! 

Skip back to HANDOUTS
Skip back to GLOSSARY
Skip back to OTHER SITES


ACHES-MC web site Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors - Mind can order a video there on non-electronic experimentation
Acoustic heterodyne principle, a diagram illustrating the principle behind American Technologies Corp. San Diego "electronic ventriloquism" speaker system.
Acoustic heterodyning US Navy contract for American Technologies Corp., San Diego
"Acoustic spotlight", very similar to the American Technologies acoustic heterodyne, under development at MIT
Acoustic levitation starting point for our "power researcher" members (di Tibet, dilakukan "orang suci")
Acoustic manipulation of the nervous system, subliminal, U.S. patent #6,017,302, an article on the life and work of neuro-electromagnetic researcher, Dr. Ross Adey
Advice, Quick, for people who have recently discovered they are psycho-electronic targets, and journalists
Aerial Mind Control - The Threat to Civil Liberties, Judy Wall, Nexus magazine Oct. -November 1999
Altered States Ltd, a New Zealand supplier of "learning" tapes that are obviously "silent sound hypnosis" tapes, using the "voice-FM" technology
American Reporter 'zine, publishes article by Eleanor White. Special thanks to Joe Shea, Editor. Joe has experienced some harassment as a result.
American Technologies Corp. of San Diego CA announces the successful patenting of their "acoustic heterodyne" aka "HSS" or "Hypersonic Sound" technology, clearing the way for commercial release of one form of voice-to-skull technology. Teknologi memancarkan "suara" ke otak target! REAL!
American Technologies Corp. of San Diego CA announces the U.S. military is interested in their acoustic heterodyne or "Hypersonic Sound" technology
Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves, U.S. Patent 3,951,134 (1974); this description matches targetted individual experience closely
Army (US) War College article, excerpted, demonstrating the military's clear interest in e-weapons. The reader should remember that writing an unclassified article like this one available to the military public is tantamount to admitting they possess such weapons at the classfied level.
Artificial vision for the blind, using brain implants, signals to which generate primitive images in the blind. Early form of the technology used to force visions on involuntary experimentees.
Atrocities - why won't the media expose them?
Audio-sensing add-on for [Tri] Field Meters

B, Bibliography, Psychoactivity of Electromagnetic Fields, about 90K (long)
Biological amplification, a biological response to radio signals which makes pulsed microwave "voice to skull" work, an excerpt from a book edited by Dr. James C. Lin, University of Illinois
bird.rm or bird.wma, FAKED bird calls, obviously electronic when heard live, which "follow" about one victim in three as they go about their daily business
Blanche Chavoustie's anomalous weapon effects, stemming from MKULTRA institutional kidnap research
Blanche Chavoustie's involuntary implants
Bonacci case:, mind control (Judge's term) victim awarded $1 million (ritual abuse case - same mentality as neuro-electromagnetic)
Book review, Excalibur Briefing, by Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden, USAF (Ret), copyright 1978, revised and expanded 1988
Book review, War at Home, Brian Glick, lawyer and former activist. A great debate-ender!
Brain chip lets stroke victim 'talk' again, article from Toronto Star, Oct. 21, 1998
Brain wave remote sensor, U.S. Army, can sense criminal intent in street situations ... at a distance, a distance
British Medical Journal article appealing for medicine to guard against it's knowledge being usef for weapons development


CAHRA award list, plaque facsimiles showing the text used on the actual award. (Limited detail to facilitate quick loading.)
CAHRA handout cover sheet, viewable with good enough resolution to print directly. See handout section above, also.
CAHRA web site Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse...Cheryl Welsh's well researched site
CAHRA membership cards, with membership qualifications
Canadian prisoner's experience making it brutally plain that torture is not just a third world phenomenon

Changing memories, New York Times article, September 2000 - describes memory changing technology which DELIGHTS MKULTRA, psycho-electronic, and all child sex abuse perpetrators! Cheryl Welsh's endorsement by one of her professors at California State University urging public investigation of electromagnetic weapons
Center for Neural Communication Technology, U.S. National Institutes of Health, lays to rest any doubts about the existence and intent of human electronic implantation
CIA harassment, or, how the current psycho-electronic harassment regimen was born
CIA tortures involuntary test subjects, successful Canadian court case PROVES BEYOND DOUBT
Commando Solo, the introductory topic in the article by Judy wall titled Aerial Mind Control - The Threat to Civil Liberties, Nexus magazine October-November 1999

Classified weapons: Blanche Chavoustie's anomalous weapon effects, stemming from MKULTRA institutional kidnap research (BACA INI! Polisi USA sudah punya pistol laser-burning vs. bandit/mobil)
Commercial and unclassified technologies which are capable of generating some of the observed mind control effects (long)
As separate pages:, for PRINTING PURPOSES ONLY
Common effects observed by neuro-electromagnetic device targetted people
Contact info for victims who want others to be able to contact them in the event of email failure
Countermeasure success chart, for experimental countermeasures against psycho-electronic harassment

D (saya tambahkan: "DARPA")

Delgado, Dr. Jose, MKULTRA perpetrator. Article translated from Spanish - broad coverage
Delgado, Dr. Jose, MKULTRA perpetrator. Monkeys in restraint with electric shocks being administered to electrodes in their brains. Demonstrates MKULTRA's utter disregard for life, pain, and suffering
Demo LIDA machine, notes on building a live demonstrator device
NOTE: Following diaries represent small vignettes in the lives of various victims. Not comprehensive, and not updated, but always relevant:
Diary, Volume 1, Diary, Volume 2, Diary, Volume 3, Diary, Volume 4, Diary, Volume 5, Diary, Volume 6
Diary, Volume 7, Diary, Volume 8, Diary, Volume 9
Doctors' registry, public, of medical professionals who are MKULTRA and neuro-electromagnetic experimentee friendly
"Dr." Ewen Cameron, MKULTRA psychiatrist-torturer as described on CBC's Fifth Estate, January 6, 1998


ECHELON, a network of countries whose security agencies scan virtually all electronic communications looking for key words to eavesdrop on people and groups "under suspicion". Helps to establish a pattern of motive for the neuro- electromagnetic harassment problem. (Anda diMATA-MATAI di Internet dll!)
EEG-GSR experiments, with plants, aim is to create a detector which is independent of signal types (classified signals are undetectable so far)
Effects observed by neuro-influence device targetted people
Eleanor White's photo album
Eleanor White's statement to be read at the 1999 U.S. Psychotronics Association conference, July 16-19, Columbus, Ohio
Eleanor White's victimhood experiences, interview format
Electromagnetic weapons usage result form
Electromagnetic weapons usage survey form
Electronic mind control, "Timmy McVeigh Was Right", an article by researcher Kathy Kasten
"Electronics and Brain Control", Popular Electronics, July 1973, Vol. 4, Number 1
ELF URL, describing how ELF electromagnetic fields can entrain the brain/nervous system, causing debilitating effects
Email and Web Tips for Internet activists ANDA DIPANTAU DI INTERNET! Kiat kiat vs. intel
ESN (Exit and Support Network), a U.S. based source for the MKULTRA-oriented CKLN radio (Wayne Morris) interview tapes, with order form

Etobicoke Ontario map showing location where Eleanor White first experienced intensive e-weapons harassment. See also Hamilton
European Parliament resolutions as passed. Not spectacularly great, but hopeful for the 21st century.
European Parliament Political Control Weapons position paper, text part only; or go to for the original with images.

Excalibur Briefing, book review, by Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden, USAF (Ret), copyright 1978, revised and expanded 1988
Experiments, human, secret, history of ... If link doesn't work, Click here
Eye's visions read and displayed electronically


Faking visuals now a breeze, says Washington Post reporter William M. Arkin
Filer, William J., - asserts in this document that these are the NSA mind control methods - UNVERIFIED!!
French Government recognizes the reality of
neuro- electromagnetic weapons technology, an article from NATURE magazine
Frey, Allen, paper showing early e-weapons principle (di USA dan Inggris dipancarkan via tower GSM!)


Government involvement in e-weapons (saya singgung di akhir NKRI: NEGERI MALING)
Greenbaum speech, the inside story of mind control from the psychiatrist's perspective
Greer, Dr. Steven (MD), prominent UFO researcher, announces that his research has uncovered a perpetrator group much like the group behind electronic mind control. (There is no UFO-psychoelectronic connection established to date, although the advanced mind control technology performs at the sophistication level reported associated with UFOs.)


HAARP project related article from May 1998 Media Bypass magazine (bisa bikin GEMPA, BANJIR dll)
HAARP project, excerpts from Angels Don't Play This HAARP, courtesy Patricia Mougey
Hamilton Ontario map showing Eleanor White's past two residences,
both places where e-weapons were used. See also Etobicoke
Harlan Girard contributed to an October 1998 report by the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT)
Handout 1003 Laserjet "house" image for handouts or posting
Handout 1004 Inkjet "house" image for handouts or posting
Handout 1005"Surveillance" image for handouts or posting
Handout 1006 "Dish-brain" image for handouts or posting
Handout 1007 U.S. "Tombstone" image for handouts or posting
Handout 1008 CANADIAN "Tombstone" image for handouts or posting
Heartbeat detector, LADS, or Life Assessment Detector System, a product of VSE Corporation, which can detect the human heartbeat through non- or partially-conductive substances like snow or rock, at distances up to 135 feet.
Hemi-Sync, a company selling specially prepared music recordings which use sound to entrain the brain in to relaxation. (Force-awake rhythms also possible.) See also US Patent #5,356,368
Human experiments, secret, history of ... If link doesn't work, Click here


IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers takes serious notice in 1996 of Finnish researcher's anti-gravity effect (IBM sudah BERHASIL dalam R&D anti gravitas! Jepang juga, sangat rahasia)
Images, seen by the eye, read and displayed electronically
Improbable incident, typical, with good data cable
Implants, at the Center for Neural Communication Technology, U.S. National Institutes of Health, lays to rest any doubts about the existence and intent of human electronic implantation
Implants, involuntary, Blanche Chavoustie
Implants, nanotechnology, proves the current level of even UNclassified implant technology - visitor, ponder the classified implants!
If above link is broken, copy of article is here
Implants, New Mexico prison style, a 1999 proposal by NM Governor Gary Johnson, which explicitly uses the phrase "we can insert microchips into people's brains and control their behavior"
Implants, Professor Warwick's unclassified experiment demonstrates that on a first try, human implants work, and are predicted as likely to improve to the point of direct brain/nerve interaction
Implantation backup article
Implants, human, for use with satellite tracking system, means and motive! (alat KONTROL massal!)
Implants, recent, possible purpose
Implants, "Telectrode", for wireless monitoring of both physical and psychological parameters, AF contract
Involuntary "voice", forced upon Eleanor White as Eleanor tries to lie as still as possible but is fully awake (SOUND)
Italian Doctor discovers in-body implants in people who have not knowingly been research subjects


Jeff Rense (Sightings Radio Show) Mind Control Patent Page. WOW!
Joan K. Christensen's letter to Eleanor White in which the New York State Assemblywoman claims to have classified knowledge about the neuro-influence weapons currently being illegally tested.
Joan Siegemund's neighbourhood map in West Los Angeles showing her current home and torture site
Judy Wall's letter to 180 editors, summer 1999
Judy Wall's timeline, covering the development of neuro-electromagnetic weapons (uji coba di Somalia!)
Justesen says VOICE TO SKULL WORKED IN 1974! (nembak SUARA "Tuhan" di otak anda!)
Julianne McKinney's report and letters, from one of the most knowledgeable e-weapons victims, who is an ex-US Army career intelligence officer (dipakai FBI vs. "pembangkang", teror FBI nembakkan impuls impuls senjata elektromaknetik, agar target STRESS berat, paranoid, pemarah, vertigo,dll! BACA!)


Kilde, Dr. Rauni Leena, the brave former chief medical officer of Finland, tells it like it is on global mind control
Kilde, Dr. Rauni Leena, the brave former chief medical officer of Finland, Microchip Implants, Mindcontrol, and Cybernetics


LADS, Life Assessment Detector System, a product of VSE Corporation, which can detect the human heartbeat through non- or partially-conductive substances like snow or rock, at distances up to 135 feet.
Laws relating to e-weapons
Levitation, using diamagnetism of living things, as demonstrated on the CBS Evening News and CNN in April 1997, as reported in Science News Dec. 6, 1997 issue, vol. 152
LIDA machine, a Soviet device which demonstrates the potentially good uses for the technology used to torment us involuntary experimentees over the past couple of decades
LIDA machine, notes on building a live demonstrator device
Lin, Dr. James C., on biological amplification, a biological response to radio signals which makes pulsed microwave "voice to skull" work at low signal levels, an excerpt from his book Electromagnetic Interactions With Biological Systems

M (Klik juga "Microwave Weapon", saya singgung di NKRI: NEGERI MALING)

Map showing MKULTRA and mind-weapon incident sites
Membership cards, CAHRA, with membership qualifications
Memories, changing, New York Times article, September 2000 - describes memory changing technology which DELIGHTS MKULTRA, psycho-electronic, and all child sex abuse perpetrators! Microwave auditory response references, which have been studied for use as bird clearing radar signals
Microwave bioeffect references, a researcher's smorgasbord
"Microwave Harassment and Mind Control" by Julianne McKinney (vs. pendemo instalasi AS di Inggris)
Microwave hearing threshold for human beings
Microwave News article excerpts
Microwave "Ray Gun", USMC, at long last the U.S. government has stopped denying microwave weapons exist!
"Mind Control" article Napa Sentinel, Harry V. Martin and David Caul, 28 pages
Mind control victim awarded $1 million, (ritual abuse case - same mentality as neuro-electromagnetic)
Mind Control Forum - Probably the largest collection of documentation and links
Mind Control Within the United States - A 1998 book by author Kai Bashir (reviews/ordering information)
MKULTRA documentation page - EXCELLENT!
Mind switch, one more device pointing towards the fact that classified science has already accomplished sub-vocal thought reading
MKULTRA cover page, U.S. Senate hearings in 1977
MKULTRA CKLN radio series, by Wayne Morris, 8 months of weekly one-hour interviews with MKULTRA survivors and supporters
MKULTRA research site full of articles on covert government misbehaviour in general, with reference material on MKULTRA and related secret programmes. Richard G. Gall's excellent article on MKULTRA; supports the success of voice-to-skull for hypnotic purposes

MKULTRA Prosecution Letter - if you would like to help get this to the media, because I am being harassed to the point where I am unable to get this sent to the media list at:, please call the letter up, modify it if you wish, and continue sending to media: a. Letters to the editor, b. National/World editors, c. Media web site forums and message boards. PLEASE HELP if you can. Even one MKULTRA perpetrator simply brought to trial would markedly advance our cause and credibility!

MKULTRA survivors, a site by an MKULTRA child abuse victim dedicated to helping other MKULTRA victims with their healing process
MKULTRA U.S. Senate hearing excerpts
MKULTRA electronic projects with summaries of the specific purposes.

Monkey victims of Dr. Jose Delgado, MKULTRA perpetrator. Monkeys in restraint with electric shocks being administered to electrodes in their brains. Demonstrates MKULTRA's utter disregard for life, pain, and suffering
Monument, a list of victims' names


Nancy's EMW "Attack Article List"
Nancy's EMW "Belligerent Booklist" (Use it to fight back!)
"Neighbors.." A cartoon showing a probable "researcher" setup
Neuro-electromagnetic effects observed by neuro-electromagnetic device targetted people
Neuron's tiny current requirements for triggering
NLPA (National Legal Professional Associates) a lawyers' organization which has worked on the Gregory Lambros implantation case, affirms the reality of covert mind control
Non-Lethal Weapons paper by neuro- electromagnetic weapons victim and
Non-Lethal Weapons Policy, military vs. law enforcement
NSA (US National Security Agency) - alleged mind control methods - UNVERIFIED!!
NSA (US National Security Agency) confirms mind control is "for real", by confirming classification of a document about it. A KEY document for researchers. Original in possession of Cheryl Welsh.
NSA surveillance laws, worth a good belly laugh for those of us who have been under surveillance for years and decades!


Orgasm, electronic, forced, one of the effects experienced by psycho-electronic victims
Oscilloscope trace, one type of harassment signal


Patents related to e-weapon technology (Saya downloaded juga DAFTAR Paten dari
Petition and advertisement, by victim and activist Mike Sadeghy, a bold initiative
Plant/EEG-GSR experiments, aim is to create a detector which is independent of signal types (classified undetectable so far)
Posters for picketing the lack of awareness about neuro-electromagnetic weapons and involuntary human research
PROOF: CIA tortures involuntary test subjects, successful Canadian court case PROVES BEYOND DOUBT
PROOF: Hemi-Sync's specially prepared music recordings prove that simple sound can entrain the brain into relaxing biorhythms. (Force-awake rhythms also possible.) See also US Patent #5,356,368
PROOF: The LIDA machine, a Soviet device which PROVES the existence of radio signal mind altering technology has been in existence since the 1960s.(Anda ditembak ini, jadi Wayang!)
Psychiatrist's perspective, the Greenbaum speech, the inside story of mind control
Psychotronic, U.S. Association, a group studying consciousness and advanced technologies - which is to say the type of studies which in the hands of other, unethical researchers have produced the electronic mind weapons from which we now suffer. Dr. Eldon Byrd, an ** ethical ** psychotronic researcher, is a member
Public doctors' registry, of medical professionals who are MKULTRA and neuro-electromagnetic experimentee friendly


Quick Advice, for people who have recently discovered they are psycho-electronic targets, and journalists


Radar Flashlight, the actual device as displayed at
Radar Flashlight for through-the-wall detection of humans, Georgia Tech, developers (nembus TEMBOK!)
Radio Signals vs. Nerve Cells, an explanation of how pulsed radio signals reach into our nervous systems
Rats Control Robots, an article that pretty well shatters arguments that electronic thought reading isn't possible

Rauni Leena Kilde, MD, the brave former chief medical officer of Finland, tells it like it is on global mind control
"Ray Gun", USMC, at long last the U.S. government has stopped denying microwave weapons exist!
Ready Answers to have handy when the police psychiatric squad comes to call, or when you are in psychiatric court

Registry, public, of medical professionals who are MKULTRA and neuro-electromagnetic experimentee friendly
Researcher's smorgasbord of microwave bioeffects
Record your 24-hour voice-to-skull harassment, suggested ways to try this. One report of success.

Ross Adey and LIDA machine, a Soviet device which demonstrates the potentially good uses for the technology which is used to torment us involuntary experimentees over the past couple of decades
Ross, Colin, Dr., psychiatrist, who has carefully investigated alleged CIA-MKULTRA atrocities and is now satisfied they did happen
Roy Bercaw Cambridge, MA publishes ENOUGH ROOM to raise awareness of marginalized subjects in the media. He is the founder of the Anti Censorship and Deception Union.
Roy Bercaw's research subject protection bill submitted to the Massachusetts legislature
Roy Bercaw's speech to Cambridge, Mass. city council
Roy Bercaw's TV show on Cambridge MA cable
Russian psychotronics video, shown in 1998 on the German ZDF network, dialogue translated here. Includes descriptions by Dr. Igor Smirnov, who was invited by the U.S. to intervene at the Waco Branch Davidian standoff.


Satellite tracking system, for use with HUMAN implants, means and motive!
Satellite tracking system, for parolees, USA Today (diaplikasikan, 2003, di seluruh PENSEL di USA!)
Scheflin, Alan W., California lawyer with a track record of working to expose the mind control conspiracy
Secret human experiments, history of ... If link doesn't work, Click here
Signal details for Frey-type voice-to-skull transmitter (pernah akan dicoba di Perang Teluk 1 Suara Allah! Tapi kolonel MARINIR Kristen, membatalkan sebab TIDAK ETIS!)
"Silent Sound", Altered States Ltd version, a New Zealand supplier of "learning" tapes that are obviously "silent sound hypnosis" tapes, using the "voice-FM" technology
Silent Sound demo device, construction drawings, Corel 3
"Silent Sound", how hypnosis (and other effects) may be transmitted without the target being aware using voice-FM, with or without microwave to carry the signals over distance
"Silent Sound", one of the US military's UNclassified thought-influencing technologies, used in the Persian Gulf War (diuji coba dlm Perang Teluk 1, maka tentara Saddam MENYERAH dlm satu battle)
"Silent Sound" or "Silent Sound Spread Spectrum" or "SSSS" or "SQUAD" - one of the US military's classified thought-influencing technologies, used in the Persian Gulf War
"Silent Sound", the LOWERY patent, #5,159,703
Smirnov, Dr. Igor, a documentary sound track transcript, as shown in 1998 on the German ZDF network. Dr. Smirnov was invited by the U.S. to intervene at the Waco Branch Davidian standoff.
Speech, proposed, to inform local doctors
Sharks' use of neuro-magnetic fields of prey proves that the surveillance we experience is not only possible but has been done for millions of years by sharks
Standler, Dr. Ronald B., a clear, concise listing of serious medical ethics violations, for doubters
Soviets' microwave research into mind-altering use of microwave equipment released by US DIA in 1976
Spectrum analyzers, and why we targets are wise to avoid spending large sums to have one
Stocklin patent #4,858,612, multi-channel microwave voice to skull device
Success chart, for experimental countermeasures against psycho-electronic harassment
Subliminal acoustic manipulation of the nervous system, U.S. patent #6,017,302
Symptom list 1, 8.5" x 11" paper/light cardboard of neuro- electromagnetic harassment effects, for those who believe they may be targetted. Try the RIGHT-mouse-button to download the image for printing on laser or ink jet. Big file: 289K
Symptom list 2, 8.5" x 11" 10-business-card-sheet as manufactured by "Geographics" Co., Blaine WA. Try the RIGHT-mouse-button to download the image for printing on laser or ink jet. Big file: 267K


Tactics, verbal, for use with skeptics
"Telectrode" implants, for wireless monitoring of both physical and psychological parameters, AF contract
Telemetry is Coming of Age, article showing that implant-based radio telemetry is routinely do-able
TEMPEST technology, or, how someone can read your PC screen from some distance from your home
Test equipment listing for experimenters
Thought reading, electronic, how it can be done (Kepala kita ditembak impuls elektromagnetik!)
Thought reading unclassified equipment
Time line, Cheryl Welsh's, of events in the history of neuro- electromagnetic weapons development
Time Line, Judy Wall's from RESONANCE Newsletter, covering the development of neuro- electromagnetic weapons
"Timmy McVeigh Was Right!", an article on electronic mind control by researcher Kathy Kasten
Toledo OH - e-weapons torture site, currently Toledo's unique Microwave Harassment Training Center

Through-the-wall radar article from 1995 Popular Mechanics, confirms this equipment has existed for some time (SONNY, 2001, berhasil membuat Handycam color TEMBUS pakaian! Ditarik dari peredaran. Ada di Jkt, dimiliki bberapa WNI-Cina kaya, bisa menonton CEWEK nampak BUGIL di kantor!)
Through-the-wall radar, Millivision Corp., Northampton MA, manufacturer of passive millimeter wave radar
Through-the-wall radar, National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (National Institute of Justice, NIJ), a through the wall tracking/locating device for law enforcement
Through-the-wall radar, Patriot Scientific Corp., manufacturer of ground penetration radar, shows how penetration of even steel studded walls can be done using single cycle pulses
Toledo OH - previous e-weapons torture site at Franklin Mall
Toledo OH - previous e-weapons torture site at Monroe Street
and Bellevue Road. Way to go, Toledo!
Tone trigger programming, Eleanor White's


UFO connection?Dr. Steven Greer (MD), prominent UFO researcher, announces that his research has uncovered a perpetrator group much like the group behind electronic mind control
Unclassified and commercial technologies which are capable of generating some of the observed mind control effects (long)
As separate pages:
Unclassified technologies used in e-weapons, quick summary
U.S. Army brain wave remote sensor, can sense criminal intent in street situations ... at a distance, a distance
U.S. Psychotronic Association, a group studying consciousness and advanced technologies - which is to say the type of studies which in the hands of other, unethical researchers have produced the electronic mind weapons from which we now suffer. Dr. Eldon Byrd, an ** ethical ** psychotronic researcher, is a member


Vehicle Stopper, electromagnetic, calls for design submissions by US National Institute of Justice (Why bother? They already exist in classfied circles.)
Verbal tactics for use with skeptics
Vision for the blind, using brain implants, signals to which generate primitive images in the blind. Early form of the technology used to force visions on involuntary experimentees.
"Voice", "God's", article of Feb. 5, 2000, Sydney Morning Herald, speaking about USAF's use of "pulses" to create a voice within the skull of a target
"Voice", involuntary, forced upon Eleanor White's vocal cords as Eleanor tries to lie as still as possible but is fully awake (SOUND)
Voice to skull article by Richard Gall, reports successful transmission of WORDS
Voice to skull hearing threshold for human beings
Voice to skull patent, Stocklin,#4,858,612, multi-channel microwave voice to skull device
Voice to skull principle, showing how pulsed radio signals work and why normal radio signals don't
Voice to skull project for the US Department of Defence, by the US Environmental Research and Quality Assurance agency
Voice to skull SPEECH PROCESSOR, browser viewable version
Voice to skull SPEECH PROCESSOR, EDITable Corel Draw (3.0) version, RIGHT CLICK to DOWNLOAD
Visual images read and displayed electronically (dipakai proyeksikan figur "Fatima", Jesus dll!)


War at Home, book review, Brian Glick, lawyer and former activist. A great debate-ender!
Warwick, Professor Kevin's unclassified experiment demonstrates that on a first try, human implants work, and are predicted as likely to improve to the point of direct brain/nerve interaction
Wonder Weapons, an article in the July 7, 1997 issue of US News and World Report, by Douglas Pasternak, very revealing
World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) report, October 1998, on which microwave weapons activist Harlan Girard collaborated

Raven1 Cover/Monument Page

Still Don't Believe In The New World Order?
From From NewsHawk Inc. <> 11-18-99

Silahkan baca teks lengkap di Homepage di atas. Neo-imperialisme Bush cs. dan Sekutunya merupakan bagian integral upaya meREALISASIkan New World Order.

Beyond Repair 7-15-2 KIAMAT EKONOMI-POLITIK AMRIK! Data di artikel yang lalu.

This nation's 'political' and 'economic' systems are beyond salvation. The grotesque revelations of how many major corporations rob, cheat, lie, and steal is not indicative of just a few is indicative of a system which is now so evil and rotten as to be beyond belief, or redemption. 

Mr. and Mrs. America and their children are being raped, ripped off, scammed, hustled, cheated, lied to as a matter of DAILY ROUTINE. 

A few of these 'corporations' either come under investigation or indictment, or either declare bankruptcy or 'restate' their earnings (the newest buzz word for when a company gets caught in a massive criminal fraud/theft and tries to quickly backpeddle and publicly post some more reasonable figures to avoid, hopefully, prosecution.) 

Politics are equally as perverse. The President lied about his oil company sales and the SEC Chairman won't DREAM of releasing those records. He loves his family too much. 

This nation is now a haven for thieves, a paradise of easy pickings from nearly 300 million suckers and chumps. CRIME and CRIMINALITY are STRUCTURAL within both politics and business in the US. Sure, there are exceptions. But it is said evil dies from the top down and to watch the exposition of the TIP OF THE ICEBERG in some of the corporate soap operas, and amongst our highest 'leadership''s clear the rot is massive. 

America, what's left of it, has been sold out and taken over in a silent coup d'etat. The fraud 'War On Terror' is being used to eliminate any nations that would stand in the way of US corporate hegemony. Soon Unocal or Chevron will enjoy control of and direct access to Iraq's oil fields and a puppet will rule from Baghdad. 

Meanwhile, back home our non-elected 'leader' wants 1 out of 24 Americans to become volunteer spies and informers. Spend just a few minutes and think about that one. What type of people will generally be drawn to such 'public service'? And how easy will it be to turn in innocent people? Too damned easy. 

Like the old joke about the man having died years ago but who is still walking around because no one told him about it, so is the status of our once beloved and hallowed nation. 

Sold out early by the Federal Reserve Act passed by a bought-and-paid-for corrupt Congress...and then fast forward to the 'Patriot Act' ... the coup de gras ...passed by a traitorous, treasonous Congress which never ever READ this assassination of freedom and wasn't even PRINTED when the whores in Congress passed it. Think about that. 

One could go on and on...the dysfunctional criminal 'justice' system and the 'attorneys'...the income tax, the skillful destruction of and programming of the once vibrant mass American mind via the DELIBERATE destruction of our public schools, and abetted by teevee, rock/rap 'music' and the popular 'culture', the intentional rape of America by permitting and allowing the invasion and occupation of our country by over 15 million illegal Latin immigrants...the list is overwhelming and almost beyond comprehension 

Yes, there are wonderful, extraordinary, magnificent Americans here who are seeing reality. But there are not enough of them yet; not enough who can force the rebuilding of the baseline moral, economic and political judicial mechanism of this nation. Which is what it will take to 'fix' it. Eisenhower, in his finest (and final speech), warned of the 'military, industrial' and I will add 'Congressional/political' threat to America. Ike's worst fears have long since come to pass. He must be spinning in his grave with rage. 

The point is simple, the colonists came to the New World to escape horrors similar in scope and malignancy of those which are being spewed upon us from nearly every institution of note in this land. The real difference now, however, is that we have nowhere to go... (Ada, Iraq & NKRI!)

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Imigran Indonesia di Amrik, yang TETAP meragukan bahwa perekonomian Amrik SANGAT AMAT KEROPOS, silahkan baca ini (teks lengkap, cari by ngeKlik judulnya "IMMINENT COLLAPSE OF U.S. CURRENCY UNDER A MOUND OF DEBT? THE PARTY IS OVER FOR THE DOLLAR. By Lothar Komp, dimuat ulang dari "Executive Intelligence Review" (ini bacaan para decision makers!). Please, read also David C. Korten’s WHEN CORPORATE RULES (Bung Ucon, METRO-TV, pls kembalikan dong buku saya. Sebab yang satu lagi sudah saya hadiahkan buat your ex boss, Pak Sinivasan)

YOU Might Be A Terrorist! (Yes, me, too; bakal di-black-list Penguasa. Go ahead!)
By Brad Edmonds,, 11-15-1 Inilah EKSES "PATRIOT ACT" Inkonstitusional!

H.R. 3162, "The Patriot Bill," or the antiterrorism bill, might make you a terrorist. Any persons among us who have accepted that certain civil liberties must be abridged in time of war, or forever, for the sake of security, are going to learn Ben Franklin’s lesson the hard way: Those who would give up freedom for security deserve, and will get, neither. 

First, the antiterrorism bill so loved by Congress and the White House has redefined terrorism. According to Sec. 802, (a)(5)(B)(ii), "the term ‘domestic terrorism’ means activities that appear to be intended to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion." Again: If the activity appears to be intended to influence the policy of a government – not just the United States government – by intimidation, it’s domestic terrorism. Most important: Since all we require is intimidation, how would we define that? 

"Intimidation" does not seem to be defined in H.R. 3162. We thus must turn to authoritative dictionaries, which say such things as "to make timid." Put it in the hands of a trial lawyer, and here’s how it could play out: Have you ever felt intimidated by someone smarter, larger, older, wealthier, higher in rank, more attractive, more physically fit, more passionate, or more popular than yourself? That’s all it takes to establish intimidation in court – being made timid. Get a jury or judge to buy your version of events, and you win. 

So while intimidation is a weak criterion, far too easy to establish in a court of law, you don’t even have to establish anyone’s intent to intimidate, much less his success at intimidating someone. You, the prosecutor, have to establish only the appearance of the intention to intimidate any government, and you can try anyone for domestic terrorism. 

So, those of us who disagree publicly with the government’s responses to 9/11 – especially if our disagreements are reasoned, well-supported, and impassioned – are, by definition, terrorists. The only requirement is that someone, somewhere believes it appears we’re trying to intimidate the government. This is an ominous glower over free speech. 

How ominous? It depends in part on whether you’re a foreigner. Suppose a Canadian citizen writes an anti-war column for an American website. Bush signed an executive order on Tuesday, November 13, which allows for any foreigner connected to the events of 9/11 to be tried by military tribunal.

This means, among other things, that the trials can be held in secret, defendants do not get the usual protections (such as an extended appeals process), the death penalty is an option, and Bush decides who is tried. If the notion of "connected" is as vague and potentially encompassing as the definition of "domestic terrorism" mentioned above, all foreigners who speak out in disagreement with the US government might have reason to fear suspicion with regard to 9/11. 

Remember that foreigners aren’t alone – H.R. 3162 applies to everyone. Foreigners are singled out only in Bush’s executive order. The only difference between foreigners and citizens is the option of the military tribunal. (Maka, Muslim Indonesia diburu di Aussie!)

We’ve all heard how new laws won’t function in unintended ways: The Civil Rights Act wouldn’t result in hiring quotas; the Americans with Disabilities Act wouldn’t result in costly and ridiculous lawsuits (such as the Supreme Court deciding the rules of golf); and the Endangered Species act wouldn’t threaten property rights. 

With such unintended consequences being the rule rather than the exception, be careful not to complain about the amount of your Social Security check or tax liability. Don’t complain about emissions regulations. Don’t complain about anything the government says or does. According to the definitions in H.R. 3162, your speech (especially if it’s cogent) need only criticize the government, and you could stand accused of domestic terrorism.

Brad Edmonds, MS in Industrial Psychology, Doctor of Musical Arts, is a banker in Alabama. Link

RumorMillNews Reading Room Forum


Posted By: ArtBishop, Date: Thursday, 24 October 2002, 10:47 a.m.


And NOW the WINNER of this years JINSA JACKSON award!,648,1366,1705

GUESS WHO? THE RIGHT HONORABLE Dr. Paul D. Wolfowitz Deputy Secretary of Defense, the MAN from JINSA! The Wolf in the White House!

WHOSE DEFENSE we ask? Whose National Security? I ask.

"America, must be ready to go to war, and many should bePREPARED TO DIE, for the principle of NATO EXPANSION..."declared Wolfowitz.


The US Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz (a DIEHARD Zionist) occupies the 2nd highest position in our Defense Dept. And his pal Richard Perle (Captain Zion) is the chairman of Pentagon’s advisory Defense Policy Board,a group of outside-the-Pentagon military advisors to the Department of Defense. Paul Wolfowitz/ Richard Perle are both on Board of Advisors of "Washington Institute For Near East Policy" which was founded bythe most feared, most ferocious ISRAELI Lobby AIPAC in Washington .

They both are the MOST DANGEROUS people in the world and themost Hawkish of the Hawks according to many reports. A letter fromJude Wanniski to Secretary of Defense : "Richard Perle and his palPaul Wolfowitz have been calling all their friends in the press corps, urging them to beat the drums for WAR WITH IRAQ. ".

There is no counterbalance to the influence of Paul Wolfowitz in the Department of Defense, Richard Haass in the National Security Council, or Richard Perle in the Department of State, to name a few. "Wolfowitz cabal" within the Pentagon and defence establishment. The hawkishness of the cabal on Iraq is matched only by its devotion to Israel. Wolfowitz, the head and founding father of the cabal, is a Zionist who has family living in Israel.

A few days after the attacks on New York and Washington last September, Wolfowitz said that the US mission was not simply capturing terrorists and holding them accountable, but also "ending states that sponsor terrorism." Wolfowitz is closely connected with Perle, a former Israeli lobbyist who joined the defence department and was investigated for leaking classified information to Israel.

Perle, chair of the Defence Advisory Board, which consults with the Pentagon on policy, is credited with arranging a briefing by a Rand Corporation associate who called Saudi Arabia the font and sponsor of terrorism and recommended that the US occupy its oilfields, freeze its assets and topple its rulers. Cheney and Rumsfeld are said to agree with this assessment.

Both Wolfowitz and Perle are associated with the right-wing Likud section of the US Zionist political spectrum as are others in the cabal. Read this and see why the WOLFMAN was awarded this years wonderfuly Zionist award.

Don/t worry RICHARD PERLE the JINSA will award you the crown NEXT year!

We wish the world was in PEACE. However, as long as the ruthless Warmongers exist in US Defense Department, there will be NO PEACE at all. Only the Atrocity, Repression, Puppet governments, Hegemony exist in the world.

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Were The 911 Hijackers Really Arabs? Maybe Not. By Michael Collins Piper, Information From American Patriot Friends Network,

Were those hijackers really Arabs? Would Israeli agents carry out a suicide mission that could cost American Jewish lives? Consider these little-known facts . . . 

In 1986, the New York-based leader of the terrorist Jewish Defense League, Victor Vancier, gave a prophetic hint of what may have been finally played out on Sept. 11, 2001: 

"If you think the Shias in Lebanon are capable of fantastic acts of suicidal terrorism, the Jewish underground will strike targets that will make Americans gasp: ‘How could Jews do such things?’" 

According to Vancier, quoted by Robert I. Friedman in The Village Voice on May 6, 1986, his allies were "desperate people" who "don’t care if they live or die." Considering this warning it is entirely conceivable the "Middle Eastern" men described by passengers on the airliners were not Arabs at all. 

Evidence to be explored suggests that instead, these hijackers could well have been Israeli-sponsored fundamentalist Jewish fanatics (posing as "bin Laden Arabs") hoping to instigate an all-out U.S. war against the Arab world. 

"Jewish suicide bombers? Impossible!" cry critics (nyinyirisme orang orang tercuci otak!). However, the fact is that there is a "suicide tradition" that is a much-revered part of Jewish history—going back to the famous mass suicide at Masada by Jewish zealots. 

But in modern times, Israeli suicide missions have been undertaken. In The Other Side of Deception***, former [Israeli] Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky described one 1989 venture: the participants were "all volunteers" advised that there was effectively "no possibility of rescue should they be caught." *** Salah Oom, judul yang bener: BY WAY OF DECEPTION

And what about the Arabic language heard on one airplane’s black box? 

Consider a formerly secret CIA assessment, Israel: Foreign Intelligence and Security Services, dated March 1979, which reported that it is a long-standing policy for Israeli intelligence to disguise Jews as Arabs: 

One of the established goals of the intelligence and security services is that each officer be fluent in Arabic. A nine-month, intensive Arabic-language course is given annually ... to students .

As further training, these Mossad officers work in the [Israeli-controlled Arab lands] for two years to sharpen their language skills.... (pakai "deep immersion system, dulu dipakai dinas KGB, TIDURpun dengerin kaset bahasa asing, sebab BAWAH SADAR tidak pernah tidur! Pakai sistem ini, aksen lokal—Sunda, Jawa dll—hilang! Tidak "I laik wacing tepek." Alias TV!) 

Many Israelis have come from Arab countries where they were born and educated and appear more Arab than Israeli ... 

By forging passports and identity documents of Arab and Western countries and providing sound background legends and cover, Mossad has successfully sent into Egypt and other Arab countries Israelis disguised and documented as Arabs or citizens of European countries.... These persons are also useful for their ability to pass completely for a citizen of the nation in question. 

The Israeli talent for counterfeiting or forging foreign passports and documents ably supports the agent’s authenticity. (Maka Operatives MOSSAD di Jakarta nyamar jadi Europeans!)

Pulitzer Prize-winner Jack Anderson, a supporter of Israel, wrote on Sept. 17, 1972 that: 

"Israeli agents—immigrants whose families had lived in Arab lands for generations—have a perfect knowledge of Arab dialects and customs. They have been able to infiltrate Arab governments with ease." (Dulu, pengawal Arafat pun Agen MOSSAD!) 

On Sept. 29, 1998, Yossi Melman, writing in Israel’s Ha’aretz, revealed that: "Shin Bet agents, who worked undercover in the Israeli-Arab sector in the 1950s, went as far as to marry Muslim women and have children with them, in an attempt to continue their mission without raising suspicion." (Persis, unsur jahat PALANGIS Ambon pacarin gadis Muslim Jawa di Ambon!)

In fact, serious questions have been raised about the identities of the Sept. 11 "Arab hijackers." While the [pro-Israel] media reported the ringleader’s passport conveniently landed atop rubble eight blocks from "Ground Zero," The Orlando Sentinel also reported that at least four men identified as hijackers are not dead and had nothing to do with the attacks. 

In The New Yorker on Oct. 8, Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh pointed out

"Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues about the terroristsí identities and preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found. A former high-level intelligence official told me, ‘Whatever trail was left was left deliberately—for the FBI to chase.’" So IS KTP Muslim non-Bali di TKP Bom Legian! POLRI dikadali CIA/Mossad!

Why Arabs would plant evidence implicating their own is a point mainstream [pro-Israel] media chooses not to address. Nor has the [pro-Israel] media ever ballyhooed the "hero" who tipped off the FBI where the hijackers’ car (conveniently filled with "evidence") was parked. 

And for those who would doubt that Israel would endanger American-Jews via terrorism, consider this: hard-line Israelis are willing to kill Jews if it means assuring Israel’s survival. 

The late Rabbi Meir Kahane—founder of the Jewish Defense League and one spiritual mentor of fundamentalists who support Ariel Sharon—exemplifies those willing to sacrifice other Jews to guarantee Israel’s future. Jurnalis Kristen Amrik pun nggak habis pikir, WHY Kristen Amrik ngotot bela’in rezim Zionist Israel! Baca suratnya di RENSE.Com juga. Baca TALMUD!

Kahane called for killing "Hellenist [i.e. Western-oriented] spiritually sick [Jews] who threaten the existence of Judaism." That would include those working in slick offices in the World Trade Center, living on Long Island, rather than kibbutzing in Israel. 

Israeli journalist Yair Kotler reports in Heil Kahane that Kahane wrote: "the adoption of foreign, gentilized [i.e. non-Jewish] concepts by a Jewish state ... opens the door to a national tragedy." In his book, Time to Go Home, Kahane called for all Jews to "go home" to Israel—the only safe place for Jews. Those who refused to "go home" were expendable. The CIA’s 1979 report on Israeli intelligence says this widely-held view mirrors "the aggressively ideological nature of Zionism." 

In fact, this Jewish attitude toward the West (exactly what the media says is the Islamic attitude) has support at the Mossad’s top levels. 

Robert Friedman revealed that "high-ranking members of Mossad" were directing Kahane and that the "central player" was former Mossad operations chief (and later Prime Minister) Yitzhak Shamir, an outspoken critic of America. Abdurrachman Wahid bangga jadi anggota Yayasan Zionist SIMON PERES FOUNDATION! Sebagian pengikutnya, membebek ria pula!

When Kahane said America would become "the major enemy of Israel," due to "economic disintegration, which no administration can stem," he enunciated a popular Israeli view. 

In his Kahane biography, The False Prophet, Robert I. Friedman noted that Kahane’s beliefs "have taken root and have become ‘respectable’" and that Ariel Sharon is one of the "most potent supporters" of such extremism. 

In the Oct. 15 issue of The New Republic, Israeli writer Yossi Klein Halevi echoed this view: 

"The destruction of the World Trade Center has partially rehabilitated, if only by default, the Zionist promise of safe refuge for the Jewish people. 

"In the last year, it had become a much-noted irony that Israel was the country where a Jew was most likely to be killed for being a Jew. For many, the United States had beckoned as the real Jewish refuge; in a poll taken just before the bin Laden attacks, 37 percent of Israelis said their friends or relatives were discussing emigration. That probably changed on Sept. 11. 

"I was among the thousands of Israelis who crowded Kennedy Airport on the weekend after the attack, desperate to find a flight to Tel Aviv. ‘At least weíre going back where it’s safe,’ people joked. 

"Everyone seemed to have a story about an Israeli living in New York who just barely escaped the devastation. If this could happen in Manhattan, the reasoning went, you might as well take your chances at home." 

What Halevi describes reflects the widespread ideology known as "catastrophic Zionism" which rejects America, saying Israel is the only safe Jewish refuge. 

In The Ascendance of Israel’s Radical Right, Israeli scholar Ehud Sprinzak found that these views are "a major school" of modern Israeli thought. 

Sprinzak described the Israeli movement, Sikarikin, which honors ancient Jews who "conducted a systematic terror campaign against Jewish moderates who were ready to come to terms with the Romans on questions of religious purity." Israelis consider these terrorists "the symbolic defenders of religious and nationalist purity." Maka PAUS incar Al-Aqsa!

Another popular rabbi, Israel Ariel, will risk massive loss of Jewish lives to achieve the "elimination" of the Arab countries to guarantee Israel’s survival. The hawkish rabbi proclaims

"There is a ruling that a war is permitted as long as no more than one-sixth of the nation be killed. And this was stated in relation to an ordinary war, a fight between neighbors. 

"A war for Eretz Israel does not depend on the number of casualties. The command is ‘Ase!’ (‘Do it!’), and you may be sure that the number of casualties will thus be minimal." 

As far as non-Jews, Sprinzak cites Rabbi David Bar-Haim who declares the concept Jews and non-Jews are equals "stands in total contrast to the Torah of Moses, and is derived from a total ignorance and an assimilation of alien Western values." 

Ben-Haim cites 10 religious authorities who "repeatedly proposed that Gentiles are more beast than human," whereas, "only two authorities recognize non-Jews as full human beings created in the image of God." Baca, TALMUD sangat sangat MENGHINA Kristen! Nangis Lo, kalau baca.

Bear in mind: these comments from supposed "allies" represent widespread opinion in Israel’s military and intelligence services. Did Ariel Sharon help orchestrate the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to instigate all-out U.S. war against Israel’s enemies? Don’t discount it.


Copyright 2001 American Free Press 

INTERNET-WEB LINKS: Special Internet-Web Links


"The attacks on New York and Washington were an Israeli-engineered attempt at a coup against the government of the United States"

Why Real Face of OBL Does Not Match the Face of OBL in CIA Video?


Evidence Linking Israel To 9-11 Attacks Piling Up Israelis Spying on the U.S.

What Really Happened

The ‘Smoking Gun’ bin Laden Video


Articles About the 9-11 Mystery

Israeli Lobby kills Carl Cameron’s four-part Fox News expose of Israeli intelligence operations in the U.S. Now You See It, Now You Don’t,2933,40679,00.html

Carl Cameron Reports – Some U.S. investigators believe that Israel is spying in and on the U.S. and may have known things they didn’t tell us before September 11 – Part 1

Carl Cameron Investigates – Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S. – Part 2

Carl Cameron Investigates – Comverse, Amdocs, CALEA, Israel and the terror investigation – Part 3

Carl Cameron Investigates – Israeli drug case that went bad four years ago in L.A. - 
Part 4

THE SECRET WAR Pre-9-11, we fought a covert war on American soil – against Israel

THE 9-11 ENIGMA Losing Osama, and everything else, in the ‘fog of war’

9-11 – WHAT WAS ISRAEL’S ROLE? Fox News revelations point to an ominous conclusion

ET TU, ISRAEL? Did the Israelis have advance notice of 9-11? Probably.

Israeli Spies illegally Spy on American Citizens. SUSPECTED ISRAELI SPIES HELD BY U.S. – Fox News

U.S. Should Stop Aiding Israeli Terrorism, U.S. Should Reconsider Aid to Israel

Ariel bin Sharon Outsmarts George bin Bush and Arafat

Israel’s Secret U.S. Agenda

Massive Isreali Spy Operaton Discovered In the U.S. – Part 1

All U.S. Phone Call Records And Billing Done In Israel – Part 2

Wiretaps Through Israeli Company Subject To Leaks – Part 3

Jewish Leaders Arrested in L.A. Terror Plot

EIR Blows Israeli Spies’ Cover In September 11 Case

Passenger Foiled In Try To Blow-Up Jetliner With C-4 Hidden In Shoe

Shedding Light On The FBI’s ‘Magic Lantern’ 

Indian-Hindus Aiming At Strikes On Pakistani Nukes

India And Pakistan On Brink Of War

Operation Northwoods In The Moscow Times

Global Eye – Head Cases

New Afghan Government Completely Snubs U.S. At Inaugural

Brace Yourself For Part Two Of The ‘War For Civilisation’

The Taliban of the West 

This War is Threatening the Very Freedoms It Claims to be Defending

War is Working for Bush: Osama Becomes Saddam; Iraq Becomes the Scapegoat for 

U.S.Government-Produced Anthrax Terror 

George bin Bush: ‘Next Year Will Be War Year’

Will anyone dare to ask why?

The War-On-Terrorism Scam

TERROR IN AMERICA Sept. 11, 2001



America’s Daily Internet Newspaper – Washington DC, USA 


The Power Behind Bin Laden

Rescuing the Constitution 

COINTELPRO: The Untold American Story 


Secret Weapons Technology

Keep Your Eye on the Target




---- Patrick Henry


War Gallery: Catalogue of Evidence (Mabuk sampeyan baca ini: kejahatan FBI!)

The following evidence forms a permanent part of the Museum collection for the War Gallery, and is fully referenced from appropriate points in the exhibit pages.


Doc 1, Dallas Morning News, April 22, 1993: Frank X. Leahy's "prediction" of a Davidian fiery suicide

Doc 3, Dallas Morning News, April 15, 1993: "No easy answers: Law authorities puzzle over methods to end Branch Davidian siege"

Doc 4, Department of Justice Report: Active duty military personnel and equipment involved

Doc 5, Washington Post, May 6, 1996, page 1A: Public Honors for Secret Combat

Doc 6, Title page of the Treasury Report

Doc 7, Washington Times, May 19, 1996: FBI wants to keep Kennedy files secret

Doc 8, Chicago Tribune, April 21, 1993: Waco: Sifting for blame

Doc 9, Chicago Tribune, April 21, 1993: The 9 survivors: They also suffered

Doc 10, Chicago Tribune, April 21, 1993: World sees 'trigger happy' U.S.

Doc 11, Tampa Tribune, March 1, 1996: MacDill Special Forces chief installed

Doc 12, Los Angeles Times (Washington Edition), July 11, 1995: Marines get a taste of "enemies" at home

Doc 13, Dallas Morning News, April 21, 1993: FBI heard cult plans, official says

Doc 15, Department of Treasury Report, Page 62: Organization of National Response Plan

Doc 16, Department of Treasury Report, Page 92: Activity in the Compound

Doc 17, FBI letter to Congressman Gingrich, April 21, 1994: Legal opinion on radio jamming complaint

Doc 17a, page 2 of above

Doc 20a, Autopsy Report diagram: Conrad LeBlue

Doc 20b, Autopsy Report diagram: Todd McKeehan

Doc 20c, Autopsy Report diagram: Robert Williams

Doc 20d, Autopsy Report diagram: Steven Willis


Fig 1, London Sunday Times, March 21, 1993: FBI brings out secret electronic weapons as Waco Siege drags on

Fig 2, Sunday Times, March 21, 1993: Skymaster airborne radar

Fig 3, Time, May 3, 1993: Concrete room with red body flags

Fig 4, Newsweek, May 3, 1993: Loudspeakers and blinding lights

Fig 5, Newsweek, May 3, 1993: Diagram of Mt. Carmel Center

Fig 6, Dallas Morning News, March 9, 1993: Bradley fighting vehicles parked at Texas State Technical Center

Fig 7, Dallas Morning News, March 2, 1993: Tanks at TSTC on March 1, ready to roll

Fig 8, Newsweek, May 3, 1993: Day 2--Military vehicles speed toward compound

Fig 9, Painting by Giovanni Tiepolo (1696-1770), Trojan Horse

Fig 10, US News/World Report, May 3, 1993: Model of Mt. Carmel on final day

Fig 11, Newsweek, May 3, 1993: Front of concrete room with corpse flags

Fig 12, Newsweek, May 3, 1993: Combat Engineering Vehicle attacking building

Fig 13, Dallas Morning News, April 21, 1993: Tank being removed from Mt. Carmel

Fig 14, Dallas Morning News, April 22, 1993: ATF soldiers boarding US Air Force plane

Fig 15, US News/World Report, May 3, 1993: FBI agents disembarking from pickup

Fig 16, US News/World Report, May 3, 1993: FBI HRT team

Fig 17, Treasury Report: Mt. Carmel before raid

Fig 18, Treasury Report: Mt. Carmel site before construction of Center

Fig 19, Treasury Report: Mt. Carmel before demolition of individual houses

Fig 20, Washington Times, June 21, 1996: FBI tanks deployed to Jordan, Montana

Fig 21, Dallas Morning News, March 1, 1993: Front of Mt. Carmel during raid

Fig 21 A, Dallas Morning News, March 1, 1993: Close-up of Mt. Carmel window frame during raid

Fig 21 B, Dallas Morning News, March 1, 1993: Close-up of ATF truck during raid

Fig 21 C, Dallas Morning News, March 1, 1993: Close-up of ATF trailer during raid

Fig 21 D, Dallas Morning News, March 1, 1993: Close-up of front door during raid

Fig 22, Dallas Morning News, March 1, 1993: Armored personnel carrier arrives Mt. Carmel Sunday

Fig 23, Dallas Morning News, March 1, 1993: Legs sticking out of medic truck window

Fig 24, Soldier of Fortune, July, 1993: Front of Mt. Carmel early in raid

Fig 25, Treasury Report: Aerial picture of Mt. Carmel from northwest

Fig 26, Army Times, July 10, 1995: Cover

Fig 26A, Army Times, July 10, 1995: Close-up of helmet figure from cover

Fig 26B, Army Times, July 10, 1995: MH-60 Black Hawk helicopter dropping soldiers

Fig 26C, Army Times, July 10, 1995: Soldiers saluting MH-60 Black Hawk helicopter

Fig 26D, Army Times, July 10, 1995: 160th Airborne organization chart

Fig 26E, Army Times, July 10, 1995: 1st Battalion Nightstalker crest

Fig 26F, Army Times, July 10, 1995: 2d Battalion Nightstalker crest

Fig 27, NCO Journal (Non-Commissioned Officers), Volume XX, No. 8: Ad for the "Army National Guard," showing soldiers launching raid from black helicopter

Fig 28, Mt. Carmel before the February 28, 1993 raid

Fig 29, Washington Times, May 10, 1995 (headline): Pentagon plans to use troops for community service

Fig 30, Melissa Morrison's autopsy picture

Fig 31, Time, July 24, 1995: ATF soldier in training storms a house made of tires

Fig 32, Time, July 24, 1995: Black helicopters and other military equipment at Ruby Ridge in 1992

Fig 33, Waco Tribune-Herald, March 4, 1993: Slain agent is eulogized as one of 'the very best'

Fig 34, Newsweek, May 17, 1993: Davidian child's drawing of bullets coming through the roof of Mt. Carmel.

Fig 35, Waco Tribune-Herald, March 1, 1993: Camouflage Military equipment moving in to Mt. Carmel on February 28

Fig 36, Waco Tribune-Herald, March 1, 1993: plan of attack, maps, and position of cattle trailers

Fig 37, Dallas Morning News, March 3, 1993 (headline): 14 may be dead in compound

Fig 38, Treasury Report, pg. 99, showing position of cattle trailers in front of Mt. Carmel

Fig 40, Time, May 3, 1993, Sherri Jewell on her wedding day

Fig 41, Newsweek, May 3, 1993, pg. 23: Day 1--About 100 federal agents storm the compound outside Waco.

Fig 42, Map of South East Asia, showing Gulf of Tonkin, from "Pentagon Papers."

Fig 43, Army Times, July 10, 1995, pg. 26: New black RAH-66 Comanche Helicopter without insignia

Fig 44, Waco Tribune-Herald, Feb. 27, 1993 (headline): The Sinful Messiah, Part 1

Fig 45, Treasury Report: right side of cattle trailer number 2, showing no bullet holes in canvas


The Dumb Diagrams from the Treasury Report:

Map 2 Dumb Diagram of Mt. Carmel, First Floor

Map 3 Dumb Diagram of Mt. Carmel, Second Floor

Map 4 Dumb Diagram of Mt. Carmel, Third and Fourth Floors

The Smart Diagrams:

Map 5a Smart Diagram of Mt. Carmel, First Floor

Map 5 Smart Diagram of Mt. Carmel, First Floor (full size)

Map 6a Smart Diagram of Mt. Carmel, Second Floor

Map 6 Smart Diagram of Mt. Carmel, Second Floor (full size)

Transcripts of Testimony
. . . see Death: Catalogue of Evidence

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Many people who distrust the mainstream media have turned to alternate news sources, some of which are Internet based. Unfortunately, many of these alternate sources of news simply promote an alternate series of lies.  These alternate lies are of course dressed up as "exposés."  But you can easily tell the phonies from the real thing. The information in the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum is an acid test.

Does your news source promote Mike McNulty's video, Waco: The Rules of Engagement or wring its hands because the Davidian law suit against the government failed?  (See Waco Documentary Is A Hoax! and Waco Suits for Waco Suckers.) Does your alternate news source carry promotional pieces about rebuilding the Davidian church in Waco and mouth nice words about "healing"?  (See The Cover-up Church.)

Remember, since ancient times, inquiries into questionable deaths have started with the bodies of the victims. If your news source won't give you an honest and full account of the forensic information on Waco, or if it does not have a link to the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum ... your alternate news has failed a fundamental acid test.

Published by Public Action, Inc., a news and news analysis service. All commercial rights are reserved. A full statement of terms and conditions for copying and redistribution is available in the Museum Library. "Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum," "SkyWriter," and the sky writing logo are trademarks of Public Action, Inc. To receive occasional dispatches on Waco issues, write to mailto:Curator@Public-Action.comand put SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

All original material is copyright 1996-2000 by Carol A. Valentine, on loan to Public Action, Inc.
Postal Address: Carol A. Valentine, PO Box 10933, Burke, VA 22009

This page last updated February 28, 2001.

WSWS : News & Analysis : North America

US Supreme Court Justice O’Connor says "personal freedom" will be curbed. By John Andrews, 10 October 2001

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On the eve of the October 1 opening of the Supreme Court’s 2001-2002 term, Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor said she foresaw unprecedented restrictions on democratic rights in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks. She declared flatly, "We’re likely to experience more restrictions on our personal freedom than has ever been the case in our country."

Her extraordinary remarks came in a speech commemorating the opening of a Greenwich Village campus of the New York University School of Law. O’Connor went on to say, "It is possible, if not likely, that we will rely more on international rules of war than on our cherished constitutional standards for criminal prosecutions in responding to threats to our national security."

To leave no doubt that this formulation implied the bypassing of constitutional safeguards, O’Connor said the attacks "will cause us to reexamine some of our laws pertaining to criminal surveillance, wiretapping, immigration and so on."

The speech was an invitation to the Bush administration to adopt authoritarian forms of rule. It is one more demonstration that the dominant sections of the American ruling elite have broken with traditional democratic procedures.

O’Connor’s remarks are unprecedented in Supreme Court history. Traditionally the justices scrupulously avoid making public comments on issues likely to come before them, so as not to appear predisposed to make certain rulings. (This practice took a bizarre form during President Bush’s September 14 speech to a joint session of Congress. Chief Justice William Rehnquist signaled O’Connor and the other three justices in attendance—Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Stephen Breyer—when they could join in applauding Bush without compromising the appearance of judicial impartiality.)

Never before has a justice of the Supreme Court gone public with an open-ended assertion that individual rights should be curtailed in the name of national security.

O’Connor, a former Republican Party functionary, usually sides with the three extreme right-wing justices—Rehnquist, Scalia and Thomas. On occasion, however, she has voted against them on questions of civil liberties.

The US high court has been issuing rulings eroding free speech, the separation between church and state, and privacy rights for more than 20 years. The judicial assault on democratic rights reached an apogee last December when O’Connor joined Rehnquist, Scalia, Thomas and Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy to stop the counting of votes in Florida and steal the election for Bush.

O’Connor’s statements evoke the most reactionary traditions of the Supreme Court, an unelected body with vast powers. When she declared that impending restrictions on democratic freedoms would be greater than "has ever been the case," she was alluding to earlier historical episodes when the Court sanctioned police-state measures carried out under the guise of national security.

One example occurred during World War I, when working class leaders such as Eugene Debs of the Socialist Party and "Big Bill" Haywood of the Industrial Workers of the World were prosecuted, imprisoned, or driven into exile for their anti-war views. Following the Russian Revolution of 1917, the US government launched the notorious "Palmer Raids," in which thousands of socialists and anarchists were rounded up, jailed and deported. The Supreme Court upheld the imprisoning of revolutionary Marxists for their political views in cases such as Gitlow v. New York (1925).

The outbreak of World War II was accompanied by the internment of Japanese-Americans in concentration camps, a flagrant violation of constitutional rights that was upheld by the Supreme Court in Korematsu v. United States (1945).

O’Connor’s remarks were a signal that this Supreme Court will not stand in the way should the Bush administration institute "homeland" security measures that go even further than these prior episodes. Her speech should serve as a warning to the American working class of the far-reaching nature of the assault on basic rights that has been launched in the name of the government’s "war against terrorism." See Also:
Nearly 600 detained
Widespread violations of civil liberties in US dragnet
[6 October 2001]
Bush administration moves to silence dissent Masih nekad NYINYIR bahwa Amrik FREE?
[29 September 2001]
US Congress set to approve sweeping attacks on civil liberties
[22 September 2001]
Democratic rights in America: the first casualty of Bush’s anti-terror war
[19 September 2001]

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World Socialist Web Site
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Twenty Things We've Learned Nearly A Year After 911 (Silahkan Klik)
By Bernard Weiner 8-2-2

A Satanic Plot for a One World Government

The World Conspirators: the Illuminati

Who controls the monies

The Pilgrims of Saint Michael firmly believe that the nucleus of all evil stems from those who control the monies of the world, whom we generally refer to as the International Bankers. But one word we seldom here about, much less understand, is the Illuminati.

The Illuminati are elite men, those on the top, who control the International Bankers to control, for evil purposes, the entire world. Their agentur are bred, educated, and trained to be placed behind the scenes at all levels of government. As experts and advisers, they mould government policy so as to further the secret plans of their masters. They lure people away from God by offering them money, the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Those who direct the Illuminati are against Christ and for Satan. They always remain in the dark, unidentified, and generally unsuspected. They use all peoples to serve their diabolical purposes. They divide to conquer, supplying arms and money to both sides, instigating people to fight and kill each other, in order to be able to achieve their objectives. they foster the terrorism of atomic warfare and deliberately cause world famine. Their primary goal is to form a one world government to have complete control of the entire world, destroying all religions and governments in the process.

Recently I came across a tape entitled «The History of the Illuminati» by Myron Fagan in which Mr. Fagan explains in detail what the Illuminati is, how it started, and their conspiracy to form a one world government by the end of the 20th Century. Following are excerpts taken from this tape, based on William Guy Carr's book, "Pawns in the Game". The subtitles are from the "Michael" Journal Melvin Sickler

by Myron Fagan (Terlalu panjang jika saya copy di sini, teks lengkap cari via Google)

Behind the United States and its Constitution is a small group of men whose sole objective is to enslave the whole world and humanity in their satanic plot for a one world govenment. Now to give you a very clear picture of this satanic plot, I will go back to its beginning, back to the middle of the 18th Century, and name the men who put that plot into action.

This satanic plot was launched back in the 1760's when it first came into existence under the name of the Illuminati. This Illuminati was organized by one Adam Weishaupt who became a convert to Catholicism and later a Catholic priest. Then, at the request of the Financiers, he defected from the Catholic Church, and organized the Illuminati which was financed by the International Bankers.

Every war since then, beginning with the French Revolution, has been promoted by the Illuminati operating under various names and guises. I say under various names and guises because, after the Illuminati was exposed and became too notorious, Weishaupt and his co-conspirators began to operate under various other names.

But why did the world conspirators chose the word "Illuminati" for their satanic organization? Weishaupt himself said that the word is derived from Lucifer and means «holders of the light».

The Luciferian conspiracy

Weishaupt was a Jesuit-trained professor of Canon Law, teaching in Inglecot University, when he defected from Christianity to embrace the Luciferian conspiracy. This was in 1770. He began to write out the master plan that was designed to give the Synagogue of Satan, so named by Jesus Christ, ultimate world domination so they could impose the Luciferian ideology on what would remain of the human race after the final social cataclysm by use of satanic despotism.

Weishaupt completed his task on May 1, 1776. (Communist nations continue to yearly conduct celebrations on May 1st in honor of this great event.) That was the day Weishaupt officially completed his plan which required the destruction of all existing governments and religions. That objective was to be reached by dividing the masses of people into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on political, social, economic, and other issues, the very conditions we have in the United States today. The opposing sides were then to be armed, and incidents were to be provided which would cause them to fight and weaken themselves, gradually destroying national governments and religious institutions. Partai orang orang Muslim NKRI dipecah belah!

The plan of operation

The main features of the Weishaupt plan of operation required his Illuminati to do the following things to help them to accomplish their purpose:

1. Monetary and sex bribery was to be used to obtain control of men already in high places in the various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavor. Once influential persons had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati, they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and physical harm, even death to themselves and loved members of their families. Abraham Lincoln, JF Kennedy, dan Puteri Diana!

2. The Illuminati who were on the faculty of colleges and universities were to cultivate students possessing exceptional mental ability and who belonged to well-bred families with international leanings, and recommend them for special training in Internationalism. Such training was to be provided by granting scholarships, like the Rhodes Scholarship, to those selected by the Illuminati. All such scholars were to be first persuaded and then convinced that men of special talent and brains had the right to rule those less gifted on the grounds that the masses do not know what is best for them physically, mentally, and spiritually.

3. All influential people who were trapped to come under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists. They would advise the top executives to adopt policies which would, in the long run, serve the secret plans of the Illuminati's one world conspiracy, and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.

4. They were to obtain absolute control of the press so that all news and inforation could be slanted to convince the masses that a one world government is the only solution to our many and varied problems. They were also to own and control all the national radio and TV channels.

After reading these four points of strategy, we have to admit that our mass communications media is controlled at all levels, and that at all levels our governments are also infiltrated and controlled, just like Weishaupt had planned back in the 1700's. Unfortunately, few people are aware of this fact, which is why they make little sense out of many of the world events that take place today.

The revolutionary program

In 1848, Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto, under the direction of one group of Illuminists, while Professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University wrote the anti-thesis, under the direction of another group of Illuminists. the idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences of those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger members of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other. And, in particular, to destroy all political and religious institutions.

The Third World War is to be fomented by using the so-called controversy agents of the Illuminati would stir up between political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. That war is to be directed in such a manner that all of Islam and political Zionism, Israel, will destroy each other while, at the same time, the remaining nations, once more divided on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion - physically, mentally, spiritually, and economically. The stage will then be set to put the one world government into operation.

A one world government

In the final phases of the conspiracy, the one world government is to consist of a key dictator - the head of the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations (the Illuminati group in the U.S.), a few billionaires, the Communists, and scientists who have proven their devotion to the great conspiracy. All others are to be integrated into a vast conglomeration of monopolized humanity, becoming total slaves of the conspiracy.

In the United States, immediately after World War I, the Illuminati set up what they called the Council on Foreign Relations, commonly referred to as the CFR. This CFR is actually the Illuminati now operating in the U.S. Its hierarchy, the mastermind control of the CFR, to a very great extent, are descendants of the original Illuminati conspirators, even though many of them have changed their names to conceal this fact.

There is a similar establishment of the Illuminati in England, operating under the name of the British Institute of International Affairs. There are similar secret Illuminati organizations in France, Germany, and other nations operating under different names. All of these organizations, including the CFR, continuously set up numerous subsidiary or front organizations that are infiltrated into every phase of the various nations affairs. But at all times, the operation of these organizations were and are masterminded and controlled by the Illuminati.-- Myron Fagan

'The Skulls' - Insider Secrets Of The New World Orderlies

Review By Uri Dowbenko 4-5-00

Ini BUKAN Hoax! Hasil penelusuran FAKTA oleh pesejarah Sutton. Terlalu panjang, silahkan klik judul di atas, langsung ke Ini FAKTA, Bush cs. adalah Wayang Illuminati di dalam Skull and Bones, salah satu masyarakat rahasia di Amrik. It’s your bloody choice. Believe it; or ignore it – but you will die stupid.

The Shadow Government (Terlalu panjang, Klik topiknya. Ada beberapa paragrap penting di bawah) Copyright © 1994 Constitution Society. Permission is hereby granted to copy for noncommercial use.

Secret Rule

It is becoming increasingly apparent to American citizens that government is no longer being conducted in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, or, within states, according to state constitutions. While people have recognized for more than 150 years that the rich and powerful often corrupt individual officials, or exert undue influence to get legislation passed that favors their interests, most Americans still cling to the naive belief that such corruption is exceptional, and that most of the institutions of society, the courts, the press, and law enforcement agencies, still largely comply with the Constitution and the law in important matters. They expect that these corrupting forces are disunited and in competition with one another, so that they tend to balance one another.

Mounting evidence makes it clear that the situation is far worse than most people think, that during the last several decades the U.S. Constitution has been effectively overthrown, and that it is now observed only as a façade to deceive and placate the masses. What has replaced it is what many call the Shadow Government. It still, for the most part, operates in secret, because its control is not secure. The exposure of this regime and its operations must now become a primary duty of citizens who still believe in the Rule of Law and in the freedoms which this country is supposed to represent.<1>

Transition to Oligarchy

It is difficult to identify a single date or event that marks the overthrow, but we can identify some critical steps. The first was the Dick Act of 1903, which repealed the Militia Act of 1792 and tried to relegate the Constitutional Militia to the National Guard, under control of what is now the U.S. Defense Department. The second was the Federal Reserve Act, which established a central bank only nominally under the control of the government.

Further erosion of constitutional governance was motivated by several challenges which the powerful felt required them to put aside their differences and unite. The first was the Great Depression of 1933-1941. The second was World War II and the threat from fascism, followed by the Cold War and the threat from Soviet imperialism and from communism.

The third defies credibility, but cannot be avoided. UFOs and aliens. Despite the lack of hard evidence accessible to ordinary citizens, there is enough testimonial evidence to compel a reasonable person to conclude three things: UFOs exist, they are intelligently directed, and they are not ours.<2> Even if that were all that the government knew about them, minds already paranoid from the Cold War could hardly help but perceive such things as a significant potential threat, one that required secrecy, preparation, and disregard for provisions of a Constitution that were inconvenient. There are, however, enough leaks from government officials to indicate that the government knows a great deal about them that it is concealing from the public.

The fourth is the eco-crisis, which combines both the ecological and economic crises. Many leaders have recognized for a long time that we are headed for disaster, not a kind of cyclical downturn like the Great Depression, but an irreversible decline brought about by a combination of resource depletion, environmental degradation, and overpopulation, playing out in an anarchic international system of disparate nation- states, national currencies, national banks, and multinational corporations, exacerbated by traditional tribal rivalries, class conflict, and different languages and religions.<3>

Confronted with the political fact that to deal with the problems faced in the last half of the 20th century, it was difficult enough to pass legislation thought to be needed, without having to also adopt the amendments to the U.S. Constitution necessary to make such legislation constitutional, it became too easy to just adopt more and more legislation without worrying about its constitutionality, and depend on compliant officials and judges to go along with it, which for the most part, they have done.

This was facilitated by the lack of sufficiently strong protests from the people, many of whom, ignorant of constitutional rights and limitations on governmental powers, and focused on the problems to be solved, supported much of the legislation.<4> PUBLIK YANG DIBODOHIN!

(beberapa paragrap saya potong)

Structure and Decisionmaking (Saya punya Daftar STRUKTUR ini, siapa mau minta copy?)

A key question about the Shadow Government is how does it make decisions and carry them out. Where is the center? Some think it lies in a few major financial institutions. Others that it lies in the intelligence apparatus. Still others that it has no permanent center, but operates by consensus, with shifting factions that confer through various mechanisms. Some think that those mechanisms are reflected in public associations such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Tri- lateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, or the International Monetary Fund.<5>

That the key personalities in every major institution should associate and confer through various associations is not in itself a matter of concern, if all that was involved was the development of a consensus. But there is evidence that a centralized decisionmaking process exists, because too much is done that could not otherwise occur, and that the process is contemptuous of the Constitution and increasingly willing to violate it. That suggests a permanent apparatus, a bureaucracy, and that points to the intelligence and financial bureaucracies. Therefore, the real decisions may be made not by public figures, but by faceless persons operating in secret.

Most available evidence indicates that the center is in the intelligence apparatus, and that it largely controls all the other components of the system, including the financial. However, it also appears that the control is imperfect, subject to resistance if it tries to go too far.

Shadow Finance (di NKRI Lembaga Negara berbisnis, berdalih APBN tidak cukup; non-budgeter!)

Some of the best indications that the Shadow Government is not centered in the financial sector are the things it has to do to finance itself. Shadow Government is expensive. We can identify the main sources of its revenue:

(1) Black budgets. This is the core of its operations, but is not enough to secure its control over the country and the world. (Ini untuk riset senjata hi-tek dan riset UFO di AREA 51, Groom Lake, dll!)

(2) Drug trade. It has seized control of the major part of the illegal traffic in addictive substances, in part by using the organs of law enforcement to eliminate competition, and by gaining control of the money and the ways it gets re-introduced into the economy. (Oleh CIA di era Bush senior. Gubrnur Clinton terlibat!)

(3) Raiding financial institutions. This is what was done with the S&Ls, and is being done, more slowly, with the banks. It involves several aspects: diversion of the funds, seizure of smaller institutions by a few large ones under Shadow Government control, with the seizure financed by the taxpayers, and acquisition under distressed prices of the assets of those institutions, many of which are well-positioned business enterprises that give the Shadow Government both control of the key enterprises in most business sectors and sources of revenue. The Savings & Loan raid was used to finance a major expansion of the Shadow Government. However, it is not a method that can be repeated. (Bush Jr. saat Gubernur Texas 1989!)

(4) Public authorities. These are quasi- governmental enterprises that control substantial assets, often taxpayer-subsidized, without effective accountability. They include housing, port, energy, water, transportation, and educational authorities.<6> To this might also be added various utilities, and both public and publicly-regulated private monopolies, like local telephone and cable companies. They are also a major source of government contracts.

(5) Government contracts. Major source of diverted funds, but must often be shared with others involved.

(6) Arms trade. Another major source of funds, both direct and diverted. But requires payoffs to local officials.

Shadow Control (Di NKRI ada "Shadow Penguasa", kumpulan gabungan bermodal, inisial "K")

The problem with secret government is that to remain secret, it cannot involve too many people who are aware of the situation. The more that become involved, the greater the chance that some of them who retain some sense of honor might defect. An occasional defector can be disabled, killed or discredited, but a flood of them could be disastrous. That is what brought down the Bolshevik regime in the Soviet Union.

Shadow control therefore consists largely of the placement of shadow agents in key positions in all of the institutions that are to be controlled. Since they cannot reveal their true role, they are also somewhat constrained in the actions they can take. What they do has to fit their jobs and not conflict in an obvious way with the mission of the organization, even if they head it. Some of the main targeted institutions are the following:

(1) Top and key lower positions in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Key judges, especially presiding judges who assign cases.

(2) Staff positions under the top positions, such as the congressional staff members who really run Congress.

(3) Intelligence agencies. The CIA<7>, NSA and various military intelligence divisions. Among their functions are death squads that eliminate troublesome persons, although they usually avoid doing that to more prominent ones. They also have developed mind control techniques that can be used to mess up the minds of people they want to discredit or disable.<8> Actually, almost every department of government has an intelligence function, and that function is the Shadow Government's main point of control of the department.

(4) Military organizations, law enforcement, and taxing agencies, especially the IRS. Not only federal, but also state and local, at least in the major cities. The IRS and other agencies are used to harass persons considered troublesome, and sometimes to prosecute them on trumped up charges, in which evidence is planted or manufactured and government witnesses perjure themselves.

(5) Major banks, insurance companies, pension funds, holding companies, utilities, public authorities, contractors, manufacturers, distributors, transport firms, security services, credit reporting services. Forbidden by law from maintaining dossiers on citizens not the subject of criminal investigation, the agencies get around the restriction by using contractors to maintain the data for them, and have amazingly detailed data on almost everyone. When you hire one of the major security services, you are turning over the keys to your premises to the shadow government.

(6) Major media. Newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations. Together, they control the National Election Service, which in turn controls the outcome of computerized elections.<9> They suppress coverage of certain subjects, and are the channel for the Shadow Government's propaganda and disinformation campaigns. A major part of the budget of the CIA is for film and video production. They aren't making training films.

(7) Communications networks. Telephone, telegraph, cable and satellite. The Shadow Government can bug any communication they wish, without bothering with a court order, and they regularly monitor dissidents and other key figures. Major holes in their control here are the Internet and public-key encryption, which the Shadow Government is trying to suppress. Although the Internet can be monitored, it cannot be effectively controlled, and it is emerging as a major threat to Shadow control. PATRIOT ACT 2001, MELEGITIMASI PENGUASA MEMATA-MATAI EMAIL DLL!

(8) Organized crime. Despite occasional convictions, they are now mostly treated as a profit center and as the executors of the dirty jobs. They are also the providers of vices for the corrupt members of government, which vices are also used to blackmail and control people.

(9) Education. Universities and public education. Universities are the least effectively controlled components, but still important, largely for recruitment. Main aim here is to divert student activists into unproductive channels, or to get students so involved in careerism that they ignore the important issues.

(10) Civic, political, and labor organizations. The two major political parties. Political action committees. League of Women Voters. Trade and professional associations, such as the American Bar Association and the American Medical Association. Labor unions.

(11) International organizations. The United Nations, NATO, the IMF. Multinational corporations.

(12) Governmental and nongovernmental institutions of other countries. We are doing many of the same things there that are being done in the United States, especially in the more advanced countries.

Concentration of Power (di NKRI: TNI-POLRI-POLKAM-Intelijens-Istana RI.1-Senayan-BI)

A major aim of Shadow Government control has been to bring most of the assets and revenues of the economy under the control of fewer and fewer people. Part of this is causing the failure of smaller organizations and the absorption of them by a few large chains.

This is being done with banks and other financial institutions, newspapers and magazines, television and radio stations, agriculture and mining producers, distributors and retailers, computer manufacturers, energy and chemical companies, medical providers, and pharmaceutical companies. Anti-trust enforcement has been weak, used only in a few sectors, and then only after major concentrations of economic power has already been achieved.

The process goes beyond normal tendencies toward monopoly or restraint of trade, or the economies of scale that support the old adage that "the rich get richer". It is an attempt to consolidate political control. The result has been for a smaller and smaller proportion of the population to control a larger and larger proportion of the assets and revenues of the economy, while the middle class shrinks. We are moving away from the original model of the universal middle class, and toward a third-world model of a small upper class and a large poor class, with a small middle class that mainly serve as minions of the rich.

The Shadow Plan

The Shadow Government appears to be operating according to some plan. Many commentators have dubbed this plan the "New World Order", suggested by the use of that phrase in a speech by George Bush, referring to the state of affairs following the end of the Cold War. Actually, that phrase goes back to the beginning of the Republic, and appears on the Great Seal of the United States as the motto, Novus Ordo Seclorum. What the Shadow Government itself calls the plan is uncertain, however, some of its elements are now emerging.

One element is the disarming of the people.<10> There are serious plans and preparations for a general warrantless sweep of every location in the country to confiscate weapons. Information about these plans comes from military and intelligence personnel who are involved in preparing to carry them out. Such an action would mean seizing more than 300 million firearms from more than 70 million citizens. Obviously, after such a sweep there would be so much public outrage that there could not be another election. Therefore, it would also be the formal overthrow of the Constitution.

There are indications that after things settled down, the Shadow Government would allow the establishment of a parliamentary system that would provide a façade of democracy, just as it does in other countries that have such a system, without effective limits on the powers of government, where "rights" endure only as long as there is a sufficiently strong constituency that defends them. Such a system is not a republican form of government, based on the Rule of Law, or a representative democracy, but merely a tool for control by an oligarchy.

There is also suspicious circumstantial evidence that part of the plan is the release of diseases, of which HIV/AIDS is one, to reduce the world population, selectively. (AIDS buatan Lab. Microbiologi A.D. Amrik, pengakuan eks tentara periset didukung lebih 100 dokter A.S. dan Eropa. Target: negro dan Afrika, Less than 20 th lagi, Afrika hitam HABIS akibat AIDS! 60% Afsel HIV positive NOW!)

A key part of the plan seems to involve the development and use of mind control technologies, both electronic and chemical, which allow the elite to disable or discredit dissidents and keep the people compliant and productive. The experimentation that has been done on this is one of the great coverups and abuses of human rights of our time, far exceeding that of the radiation experiments that are now coming to light.

Restoring Constitutional Governance

The restoration of constitutional governance need not require a violent revolution, and we should avoid violence if possible. It can be brought about in much the way it happened in the Soviet Union. This involves several elements:

(1) Exposure ("glasnost"). The Shadow Government, even more than the old Soviet regime, depends on secrecy. Uncover it and it loses most of its power. We need to end black budgets, require the declassification of most classified documents, especially those pertaining to UFOs and aliens, and adopt and enforce sunshine laws to require full disclosure of not just meetings and agreements among officials, but also among major organizations of all kinds which may exercise an undue influence on political decisions. We must also require independent audits of all such organizations.

(2) Restructuring ("perestroika"). We need to enforce strengthened anti-trust laws to break up large enterprises into many competing firms, not just two or three, and forbid interlocking directorates, beginning with the broadcast media and the press. Intelligence and law enforcement agencies need to be broken up into several competing ones, which can serve as effective checks on abuses by one another.

(2) Infiltration and defection. We need to get patriots inside key organizations and encourage insiders to become patriots. The most important are military and law enforcement organizations, whose members must be conditioned to come over to the side of the people if there is a confrontation. We must also provide effective protection for whistleblowers. Maka Elit pengusa Amrik bikin U.U. Kerahasiaan Negara!

(3) Harassment. Lawsuits. Liens. Freedom of Information Act requests. Surveillance of principals. Local prosecution of federal agents.

(4) Local organization and publicity. Revive the constitutional Militia on the Swiss model<12>, set up independent investigation teams, alternative newspapers, talk radio, alert networks. We need to inform the public on what is happening, and to reach those who now are all too willing to trust the government to protect them.

(5) Civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance. Protest demonstrations. Tax protests. Defiance of unconstitutional laws. Refusal of juries to convict.<13>

(6) Armed resistance. This must involve non- provocative, but firm, defense of persons from illegal abuses, and exclusion of illegal governmental actions from local areas, county by county, state by state, with insistence on constitutional compliance.

(7) Transition plan. The oligarchy cannot be expected to come up with a plan for an orderly return to constitutional governance. The process must be conducted carefully, to avoid a disastrous collapse.<14> We will need some constitutional amendments, to make legal some of the things the national government can do best. The government needs to end budget deficits and acquire the stock of the Federal Reserve.<15>


The myth is that World War II ended with the defeat of fascism, but what really happened is that fascism got a grip on those fighting it, and is becoming increasingly pervasive and powerful. As it grows, it will induce a reaction, the outcome of which will be a final confrontation. We can all hope that the confrontation will not be a bloody one, and that it will be resolved while we still have time to solve our other pressing problems.

Why so many Muslims deeply resent the West, and why their bitterness will not easily be mollified. By Bernard Lewis (Ini orang Kristen cerdas, MEMAHAMI Islam!)

The online version of this article appears in two parts. Click here to go to part two.

In one of his letters Thomas Jefferson remarked that in matters of religion "the maxim of civil government" should be reversed and we should rather say, "Divided we stand, united, we fall." In this remark Jefferson was setting forth with classic terseness an idea that has come to be regarded as essentially American: the separation of Church and State. This idea was not entirely new; it had some precedents in the writings of Spinoza, Locke, and the philosophers of the European Enlightenment. It was in the United States, however, that the principle was first given the force of law and gradually, in the course of two centuries, became a reality.
If the idea that religion and politics should be separated is relatively new, dating back a mere three hundred years, the idea that they are distinct dates back almost to the beginnings of Christianity. Christians are enjoined in their Scriptures to "render ... unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things which are God's." While opinions have differed as to the real meaning of this phrase, it has generally been interpreted as legitimizing a situation in which two institutions exist side by side, each with its own laws and chain of authority -- one concerned with religion, called the Church, the other concerned with politics, called the State. And since they are two, they may be joined or separated, subordinate or independent, and conflicts may arise between them over questions of demarcation and jurisdiction.

This formulation of the problems posed by the relations between religion and politics, and the possible solutions to those problems, arise from Christian, not universal, principles and experience. There are other religious traditions in which religion and politics are differently perceived, and in which, therefore, the problems and the possible solutions are radically different from those we know in the West. Most of these traditions, despite their often very high level of sophistication and achievement, remained or became local -- limited to one region or one culture or one people. 

There is one, however, that in its worldwide distribution, its continuing vitality, its universalist aspirations, can be compared to Christianity, and that is Islam.
Islam is one of the world's great religions. Let me be explicit about what I, as a historian of Islam who is not a Muslim, mean by that. Islam has brought comfort and peace of mind to countless millions of men and women. It has given dignity and meaning to drab and impoverished lives. It has taught people of different races to live in brotherhood and people of different creeds to live side by side in reasonable tolerance. It inspired a great civilization in which others besides Muslims lived creative and useful lives and which, by its achievement, enriched the whole world

But Islam, like other religions, has also known periods when it inspired in some of its followers a mood of hatred and violence. It is our misfortune that part, though by no means all or even most, of the Muslim world is now going through such a period, and that much, though again not all, of that hatred is directed against us.
We should not exaggerate the dimensions of the problem. The Muslim world is far from unanimous in its rejection of the West, nor have the Muslim regions of the Third World been the most passionate and the most extreme in their hostility. There are still significant numbers, in some quarters perhaps a majority, of Muslims with whom we share certain basic cultural and moral, social and political, beliefs and aspirations; there is still an imposing Western presence -- cultural, economic, diplomatic -- in Muslim lands, some of which are Western allies.

Certainly nowhere in the Muslim world, in the Middle East or elsewhere, has American policy suffered disasters or encountered problems comparable to those in Southeast Asia or Central America. There is no Cuba, no Vietnam, in the Muslim world, and no place where American forces are involved as combatants or even as "advisers." But there is a Libya, an Iran, and a Lebanon, and a surge of hatred that distresses, alarms, and above all baffles Americans.
At times this hatred goes beyond hostility to specific interests or actions or policies or even countries and becomes a rejection of Western civilization as such, not only what it does but what it is, and the principles and values that it practices and professes. These are indeed seen as innately evil, and those who promote or accept them as the "enemies of God."
This phrase, which recurs so frequently in the language of the Iranian leadership, in both their judicial proceedings and their political pronouncements, must seem very strange to the modern outsider, whether religious or secular. The idea that God has enemies, and needs human help in order to identify and dispose of them, is a little difficult to assimilate. 

It is not, however, all that alien. The concept of the enemies of God is familiar in preclassical and classical antiquity, and in both the Old and New Testaments, as well as in the Koran. A particularly relevant version of the idea occurs in the dualist religions of ancient Iran, whose cosmogony assumed not one but two supreme powers. The Zoroastrian devil, unlike the Christian or Muslim or Jewish devil, is not one of God's creatures performing some of God's more mysterious tasks but an independent power, a supreme force of evil engaged in a cosmic struggle against God. 

This belief influenced a number of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish sects, through Manichaeism and other routes. The almost forgotten religion of the Manichees has given its name to the perception of problems as a stark and simple conflict between matching forces of pure good and pure evil.
The Koran is of course strictly monotheistic, and recognizes one God, one universal power only. There is a struggle in human hearts between good and evil, between God's commandments and the tempter, but this is seen as a struggle ordained by God, with its outcome preordained by God, serving as a test of mankind, and not, as in some of the old dualist religions, a struggle in which mankind has a crucial part to play in bringing about the victory of good over evil. Despite this monotheism, Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, was at various stages influenced, especially in Iran, by the dualist idea of a cosmic clash of good and evil, light and darkness, order and chaos, truth and falsehood, God and the Adversary, variously known as devil, Iblis, Satan, and by other names.

The Rise of the House of Unbelief

In Islam the struggle of good and evil very soon acquired political and even military dimensions. Muhammad, it will be recalled, was not only a prophet and a teacher, like the founders of other religions; he was also the head of a polity and of a community, a ruler and a soldier. Hence his struggle involved a state and its armed forces.

If the fighters in the war for Islam, the holy war "in the path of God," are fighting for God, it follows that their opponents are fighting against God. And since God is in principle the sovereign, the supreme head of the Islamic state -- and the Prophet and, after the Prophet, the caliphs are his vicegerents -- then God as sovereign commands the army. The army is God's army and the enemy is God's enemy. The duty of God's soldiers is to dispatch God's enemies as quickly as possible to the place where God will chastise them -- that is to say, the afterlife.
Clearly related to this is the basic division of mankind as perceived in Islam. Most, probably all, human societies have a way of distinguishing between themselves and others: insider and outsider, in-group and out-group, kinsman or neighbor and foreigner. These definitions not only define the outsider but also, and perhaps more particularly, help to define and illustrate our perception of ourselves.

In the classical Islamic view, to which many Muslims are beginning to return, the world and all mankind are divided into two: the House of Islam, where the Muslim law and faith prevail, and the rest, known as the House of Unbelief or the House of War, which it is the duty of Muslims ultimately to bring to Islam. But the greater part of the world is still outside Islam, and even inside the Islamic lands, according to the view of the Muslim radicals, the faith of Islam has been undermined and the law of Islam has been abrogated. The obligation of holy war therefore begins at home and continues abroad, against the same infidel enemy.
Like every other civilization known to human history, the Muslim world in its heyday saw itself as the center of truth and enlightenment, surrounded by infidel barbarians whom it would in due course enlighten and civilize. But between the different groups of barbarians there was a crucial difference. The barbarians to the east and the south were polytheists and idolaters, offering no serious threat and no competition at all to Islam.

In the north and west, in contrast, Muslims from an early date recognized a genuine rival -- a competing world religion, a distinctive civilization inspired by that religion, and an empire that, though much smaller than theirs, was no less ambitious in its claims and aspirations. This was the entity known to itself and others as Christendom, a term that was long almost identical with Europe.
The struggle between these rival systems has now lasted for some fourteen centuries. It began with the advent of Islam, in the seventh century, and has continued virtually to the present day. It has consisted of a long series of attacks and counterattacks, jihads and crusades, conquests and reconquests

For the first thousand years Islam was advancing, Christendom in retreat and under threat. The new faith conquered the old Christian lands of the Levant and North Africa, and invaded Europe, ruling for a while in Sicily, Spain, Portugal, and even parts of France. 

The attempt by the Crusaders to recover the lost lands of Christendom in the east was held and thrown back, and even the Muslims' loss of southwestern Europe to the Reconquista was amply compensated by the Islamic advance into southeastern Europe, which twice reached as far as Vienna.

For the past three hundred years, since the failure of the second Turkish siege of Vienna in 1683 and the rise of the European colonial empires in Asia and Africa, Islam has been on the defensive, and the Christian and post-Christian civilization of Europe and her daughters has brought the whole world, including Islam, within its orbit. Kini Bush cs dan Sekutu DECLARE "disguised" Perang Salib 3!
For a long time now there has been a rising tide of rebellion against this Western paramountcy, and a desire to reassert Muslim values and restore Muslim greatness. The Muslim has suffered successive stages of defeat. The first was his loss of domination in the world, to the advancing power of Russia and the West. The second was the undermining of his authority in his own country, through an invasion of foreign ideas and laws and ways of life and sometimes even foreign rulers or settlers, and the enfranchisement of native non-Muslim elements.

The third -- the last straw -- was the challenge to his mastery in his own house, from emancipated women and rebellious children. It was too much to endure, and the outbreak of rage against these alien, infidel, and incomprehensible forces that had subverted his dominance, disrupted his society, and finally violated the sanctuary of his home was inevitable. It was also natural that this rage should be directed primarily against the millennial enemy and should draw its strength from ancient beliefs and loyalties.
Europe and her daughters? The phrase may seem odd to Americans, whose national myths, since the beginning of their nationhood and even earlier, have usually defined their very identity in opposition to Europe, as something new and radically different from the old European ways. This is not, however, the way that others have seen it; not often in Europe, and hardly ever elsewhere.
Though people of other races and cultures participated, for the most part involuntarily, in the discovery and creation of the Americas, this was, and in the eyes of the rest of the world long remained, a European enterprise, in which Europeans predominated and dominated and to which Europeans gave their languages, their religions, and much of their way of life.
For a very long time voluntary immigration to America was almost exclusively European. There were indeed some who came from the Muslim lands in the Middle East and North Africa, but few were Muslims; most were members of the Christian and to a lesser extent the Jewish minorities in those countries. Their departure for America, and their subsequent presence in America, must have strengthened rather than lessened the European image of America in Muslim eyes.
In the lands of Islam remarkably little was known about America. At first the voyages of discovery aroused some interest; the only surviving copy of Columbus's own map of America is a Turkish translation and adaptation, still preserved in the Topkapi Palace Museum, in Istanbul. 

A sixteenth-century Turkish geographer's account of the discovery of the New World, titled The History of Western India, was one of the first books printed in Turkey. But thereafter interest seems to have waned, and not much is said about America in Turkish, Arabic, or other Muslim languages until a relatively late date. A Moroccan ambassador who was in Spain at the time wrote what must surely be the first Arabic account of the American Revolution. (Buka di, FAKTA di USA, yg menemukan benua Amrik BUKAN Columbus, melainkan Muslim Arab!)

The Sultan of Morocco signed a treaty of peace and friendship with the United States in 1787, and thereafter the new republic had a number of dealings, some friendly, some hostile, most commercial, with other Muslim states. These seem to have had little impact on either side. 

The American Revolution and the American republic to which it gave birth long remained unnoticed and unknown. Even the small but growing American presence in Muslim lands in the nineteenth century -- merchants, consuls, missionaries, and teachers -- aroused little or no curiosity, and is almost unmentioned in the Muslim litetature and newspapers of the time.
The Second World War, the oil industry, and postwar developments brought many Americans to the Islamic lands; increasing numbers of Muslims also came to America, first as students, then as teachers or businessmen or other visitors, and eventually as immigrants. 

Cinema and later television brought the American way of life, or at any rate a certain version of it, before countless millions to whom the very name of America had previously been meaningless or unknown. A wide range of American products, particularly in the immediate postwar years, when European competition was virtually eliminated and Japanese competition had not yet arisen, reached into the remotest markets of the Muslim world, winning new customers and, perhaps more important, creating new tastes and ambitions.

For some, America represented freedom and justice and opportunity. For many more, it represented wealth and power and success, at a time when these qualities were not regarded as sins or crimes. (NOT FOR ME, sebab National Debt Amrik USD 6 Trilyun! Baca di artikel saya yl)
And then came the great change, when the leaders of a widespread and widening religious revival sought out and identified their enemies as the enemies of God, and gave them "a local habitation and a name" in the Western Hemisphere. Suddenly, or so it seemed, America had become the archenemy, the incarnation of evil, the diabolic opponent of all that is good, and specifically, for Muslims, of Islam. Why? (Sebab The US GOVERNMENT is GODLESS! Doa di Public Schools aja DILARANG!)

Some Familiar Accusations

Among the components in the mood of anti-Westernism, and more especially of anti-Americanism, were certain intellectual influences coming from Europe. One of these was from Germany, where a negative view of America formed part of a school of thought by no means limited to the Nazis but including writers as diverse as Rainer Maria Rilke, Ernst Junger, and Martin Heidegger. 

In this perception, America was the ultimate example of civilization without culture: rich and comfortable, materially advanced but soulless and artificial; assembled or at best constructed, not grown; mechanical, not organic; technologically complex but lacking the spirituality and vitality of the rooted, human, national cultures of the Germans and other "authentic" peoples. German philosophy, and particularly the philosophy of education, enjoyed a considerable vogue among Arab and some other Muslim intellectuals in the thirties and early forties, and this philosophic anti-Americanism was part of the message.
After the collapse of the Third Reich and the temporary ending of German influence, another philosophy, even more anti-American, took its place -- the Soviet version of Marxism, with a denunciation of Western capitalism and of America as its most advanced and dangerous embodiment. And when Soviet influence began to fade, there was yet another to take its place, or at least to supplement its working -- the new mystique of Third Worldism, emanating from Western Europe, particularly France, and later also from the United States, and drawing at times on both these earlier philosophies. 

This mystique was helped by the universal human tendency to invent a golden age in the past, and the specifically European propensity to locate it elsewhere. A new variant of the old golden-age myth placed it in the Third World, where the innocence of the non-Western Adam and Eve was ruined by the Western serpent. This view took as axiomatic the goodness and purity of the East and the wickedness of the West, expanding in an exponential curve of evil from Western Europe to the United States. These ideas, too, fell on fertile ground, and won widespread support.

But though these imported philosophies helped to provide intellectual expression for anti-Westernism and anti-Americanism, they did not cause it, and certainly they do not explain the widespread anti-Westernism that made so many in the Middle East and elsewhere in the Islamic world receptive to such ideas.
It must surely be clear that what won support for such totally diverse doctrines was not Nazi race theory, which can have had little appeal for Arabs, or Soviet atheistic communism, which can have had little appeal for Muslims, but rather their common anti-Westernism. Nazism and communism were the main forces opposed to the West, both as a way of life and as a power in the world, and as such they could count on at least the sympathy if not the support of those who saw in the West their principal enemy.
But why the hostility in the first place? If we turn from the general to the specific, there is no lack of individual policies and actions, pursued and taken by individual Western governments, that have aroused the passionate anger of Middle Eastern and other Islamic peoples. Yet all too often, when these policies are abandoned and the problems resolved, there is only a local and temporary alleviation.

The French have left Algeria, the British have left Egypt, the Western oil companies have left their oil wells, the westernizing Shah has left Iran -- yet the generalized resentment of the fundamentalists and other extremists against the West and its friends remains and grows and is not appeased.
The cause most frequently adduced for anti-American feeling among Muslims today is American support for Israel. This support is certainly a factor of importance, increasing with nearness and involvement. But here again there are some oddities, difficult to explain in terms of a single, simple cause.In the early days of the foundation of Israel, while the United States maintained a certain distance, the Soviet Union granted immediate de jure recognition and support, and arms sent from a Soviet satellite, Czechoslovakia, saved the infant state of Israel from defeat and death in its first weeks of life. 

Yet there seems to have been no great ill will toward the Soviets for these policies, and no corresponding good will toward the United States. In 1956 it was the United States that intervened, forcefully and decisively, to secure the withdrawal of Israeli, British, and French forces from Egypt -- yet in the late fifties and sixties it was to the Soviets, not America, that the rulers of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and other states turned for arms; it was with the Soviet bloc that they formed bonds of solidarity at the United Nations and in the world generally.

More recently, the rulers of the Islamic Republic of Iran have offered the most principled and uncompromising denunciation of Israel and Zionism. Yet even these leaders, before as well as after the death of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, when they decided for reasons of their own to enter into a dialogue of sorts, found it easier to talk to Jerusalem than to Washington. At the same time, Western hostages in Lebanon, many of them devoted to Arab causes and some of them converts to Islam, are seen and treated by their captors as limbs of the Great Satan.
Another explanation, more often heard from Muslim dissidents, attributes anti-American feeling to American support for hated regimes, seen as reactionary by radicals, as impious by conservatives, as corrupt and tyrannical by both. This accusation has some plausibility, and could help to explain why an essentially inner-directed, often anti-nationalist movement should turn against a foreign power. But it does not suffice, especially since support for such regimes has been limited both in extent and -- as the Shah discovered -- in effectiveness.
Clearly, something deeper is involved than these specific grievances, numerous and important as they may be -- something deeper that turns every disagreement into a problem and makes every problem insoluble.

The online version of this article appears in two parts. Click here to go to part two.

Copyright © 1990 by Bernard Lewis. All rights reserved. 
The Atlantic Monthly; September 1990; The Roots of Muslim Rage; Volume 266, No. 3; pages 47 - 60. 










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Shadow Government


Tape 2

This is a transcript of the second of three tapes on the "New Order of Barbarians", referred to on the tapes simply as the "new world system."  Tapes one and two, done in 1988, are the reminiscences of Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, a pediatrician from Pittsburgh, who sat through a talk in 1969, while insider, Dr. Richard Day, spoke of the planned future of America and Americans.  Day was speaking to a group of Pediatric Physicians who were told, "No note-taking and no tape recorders."

Tape 2 — continued from Tape 1


    .... Change, nothing is permanent. Streets would be rerouted, renamed. Areas you had not seen in a while would become unfamiliar. Among other things, this would contribute to older people feeling that it was time to move on, they feel they couldn't even keep up with the changes in areas that were once familiar. Buildings would be allowed to stand empty and deteriorate, and streets would be allowed to deteriorate in certain localities. The purpose of this was to provide the jungle, the depressed atmosphere for the unfit. Somewhere in this same connection he mentioned that buildings and bridges would be made so that they would collapse after a while; there would be more accidents involving airplanes and railroads and automobiles. All of this to contribute to the feeling of insecurity, that nothing was safe.

    Not too long after this presentation, and I think one or two even before in the area where I live, we had some newly constructed bridge to break; another newly constructed bridge defect discovered before it broke, and I remember reading just scattered incidents around the country where shopping malls would fall in – right where they were filled with shoppers. And I remember that one of the shopping malls in our area, the first building I'd ever been in where you could feel this vibration throughout the entire building when there were a lot of people in there; and I remember wondering at that time whether this shopping mall was one of the buildings he was talking about. Talking to construction people and architects about it they would say, "Oh no, that's good when the building vibrates like that. That means it's flexible, not rigid." Well... maybe so. We'll wait and see.

    Other areas there would be well-maintained. Not every part of the city would be slums. There would be the created slums and other areas well-maintained. Those people able to leave the slums for better areas then would learn to better appreciate the importance of human accomplishment. This meant that if they left the jungle and came to civilization, so to speak, they could be proud of their own accomplishments that they made it. There was no related sympathy for those who were left behind in the jungle of drugs and deteriorating neighborhoods. Then a statement that was kind of surprising: "We think we can effectively limit crime to the slum areas, so it won't be spread heavily into better areas."

CONSOLIDATING POLICY (Harmonisasi Undang Undang Anti Teror, WTO, APEC, AFTA dll)

    I should maybe point out here that these are obviously not word for word quotations after 20 years, but where I say that I am quoting, I am giving the general drift of what was said close to word for word; perhaps not precisely so. But anyhow, I remember wondering, "How can he be so confident that the criminal element is going to stay where he wants it to stay?" But he went on to say that increased security would be needed in the better areas.

    That would mean more police, better coordinated police efforts. He did not say so, but I wondered at that time about the moves that were afoot to consolidate all the police departments of suburbs around the major cities. I think the John Birch Society was one that was saying, "Support your local police; don't let them be consolidated." And I remember wondering if that was one of the things he had in mind about security.

    It was not explicitly stated. But anyhow, he went on to say there would be a whole new industry of residential security systems to develop with alarms and locks and alarms going into the police department so that people could protect their wealth and their well being. Because some of the criminal activity would spill out of the slums into better, more affluent looking areas that looked like they would be worth burglarizing. And again it was stated like it was a redeeming quality. "See, we're generating all this more crime, but look how good we are – we're also generating the means for you to protect yourself against the crime." A sort of repeated thing throughout this presentation was the recognized evil and then the self-forgiveness thing..."Well see, we've given you a way out."


    American industry came under discussion – it was the first that I'd heard the term GLOBAL INTERDEPENDENCE or that notion. The stated plan was that different parts of the world would be assigned different roles of industry and commerce in a unified global system. The continued pre-eminence of the United States and the relative independence and self-sufficiency of the United States would have to be changed. This was one of the several times that he said in order to create a new structure, you first have to tear down the old, and American industry was one example of that. Our system would have to be curtailed in order to give other countries a chance to build their industries, because otherwise they would not be able to compete against the United States. And this was especially true of our heavy industries that would be cut back while the same industries were being developed in other countries, notably Japan.


    And at this point there was some discussion of steel and particularly automobiles. I remember him saying that automobiles would be imported from Japan on an equal footing with our own domestically produced automobiles, but the Japanese product would be better. Things would be made so they would break and fall apart – that is, in the United States – so that people would tend to prefer the imported variety and this would give a bit of a boost to foreign competitors. One example, was Japanese. In 1969, Japanese automobiles – if they were sold here at all, I don't remember – but they certainly weren't very popular.

    But the idea was, you could get a little bit disgusted with your Ford, GM, or Chrysler product – or whatever – because little things like window handles would fall off more, and plastic parts would break which, had they been made of metal, would hold up. Your patriotism about buying American would soon give way to practicality that if you bought Japanese, German, or imported that it would last longer and you would be better off. Patriotism would go down the drain then.

    It was mentioned elsewhere, things being made to fall apart too. I don't remember specific items or if they were even stated other than automobiles, but I do recall of having the impression, sort of in my imagination, of a surgeon having something fall apart in his hands in the operating room, at a critical time. Was he including this sort of thing in his discussion? But somewhere in this discussion about things being made deliberately defective and unreliable not only was to tear down patriotism but to be just a little source of irritation to people who would use such things.

LOSS OF JOBS — LOSS OF SECURITY (Dislokasi TKI; Gelombang PHK; Akuisisi/Merger dll)

    Again, the idea that you not feel terribly secure, promoting the notion that the world isn't a terribly reliable place. The United States was to be kept strong in information, communications, high technology, education and agriculture. The United States was seen as continuing to be sort of the keystone of this global system. But heavy industry would be transported out. One of the comments made about heavy industry was that we had had enough environmental damage from smokestacks and industrial waste and some of the other people could put up with that for a while. This again, was supposed to be a "redeeming quality" for Americans to accept. You took away our industry but you saved our environment. So we really didn't lose on it.


    And along this line there were talks about people losing their jobs as a result of industry and opportunities for retraining, and particularly population shifts would be brought about. This is sort of an aside. I think I'll explore the aside before I forget it. Population shifts were to be brought about so that people would be tending to move into the Sun Belt. They would be, sort of, people without roots in their new locations, and traditions are easier to change in a place where there are a lot of transplanted people, as compared to trying to changing traditions in a place where people grew up and had an extended family – where they had roots.

Things like new medical care systems. If you pick up from a Northeast industrial city and you transplant yourself to the South Sun Belt or Southwest, you'll be more accepting of whatever kind of, for example, controlled medical care you find there than you would accept a change in the medical care system where you had roots and the support of your family. Also in this vein it was mentioned – he used the plural personal pronoun "we" – we take control first of the port cities... New York, San Francisco, Seattle... the idea being that this is a piece of strategy. The idea being that if you control the port cities with your philosophy and your way of life, the HEARTLAND in between has to yield.

    I can't elaborate more on that but it is interesting, if you look around the most liberal areas of the country – and progressively so – are the seacoast cities; the heartland, the Midwest, does seem to have maintained its conservatism. But as you take away industry and jobs and relocate people then this is a strategy to break down conservatism. When you take away industry, and people are unemployed and poor they will accept whatever change seems to offer them survival; and their morals and their commitment to things will all give way to survival. That's not my philosophy. That's the speaker's philosophy.

WORLD CITIZENS — WORLD SPORTS (Peluang judi, "sampah", Useless!)

    Anyhow, going back to industry. Some heavy industry would remain. Just enough to maintain a sort of a seedbed of industrial skills which could be expanded if the plan didn't work out as it was intended. So the country would not be devoid of assets and skills. But this was just sort of a contingency plan. It was hoped and expected that the worldwide specialization would be carried on.

    But, perhaps repeating myself, one of the upshots of all of this is that with this global interdependence then national identities would tend to be de-emphasized. Each area depended on every other area for one or another elements in its life. We would all become citizens of the world rather than citizens of any one country.

    And along these lines then we can talk about sports. Sports in the United States was to be changed, in part as a way of de-emphasizing nationalism. Soccer, a world-wide sport, was to be emphasized and pushed in the United States and this was of interest because in this area the game of soccer was virtually unknown at that time. I had a few friends who attended an elementary school other than the one I attended where they played soccer at their school, and they were a real novelty. This was back in the 50's. So to hear this man speak of soccer in this area was kind of surprising.

    Anyhow, soccer is seen as an international sport and would be promoted and the traditional sport of American baseball would be de-emphasized and possibly eliminated because it might be seen as too American. And he discussed eliminating this. One's first reaction would be well, they pay the players poorly and they don't want to play for poor pay so they give up baseball and either go into some other sport or some other activity. But, he said that's really not how it works. Actually, the way to break down baseball would be to make the salaries go very high.

    The idea behind this was that as the salaries got ridiculously high there would be a certain amount of discontent and antagonism as people resented the athletes being paid so much, and the athletes would begin more and more to resent among themselves what other players were paid and would tend to abandon the sport. And these high salaries then also could break the owners and alienate the fans. And then the fans would support soccer and the baseball fields could be used as soccer fields. It wasn't said definitely this would have to happen, but if the international flavor didn't come around rapidly enough this could be done.

    There was some comment along the same lines about football, although I seem to recall he said football would be harder to dismantle because it was so widely played in colleges as well as in the professional leagues and would be harder to tear down. There was something else also about the violence in football that met a psychological need that was perceived, and people have a need for this vicarious violence. So football, for that reason, might be left around to meet that vicarious need.

    The same thing is true of hockey. Hockey had more of an international flavor and would be emphasized. There was some foreseeable international competition about hockey and particularly soccer. At that time hockey was international between the United States and Canada. I was kind of surprised because I thought the speaker just never impressed me as being at all a hockey fan, and I am. And it turns out, he was not. He just knew about the game and what it would do to this changing sports program.

    But in any event soccer was to be the keystone of athletics because it is already a world-wide sport in South America, in Europe, in parts of Asia and the United States should get on the bandwagon. All this would foster international competition so that we would all become citizens of the world to a greater extent than citizens of our narrow nations.

HUNTING (Membela diri itu BUKAN Privilege dari Penguasa, melainkan HAK anugerah Allah!)

    There was some discussion about hunting, not surprisingly. Hunting requires guns and gun control is a big element in these plans. I don't remember the details much, but the idea is that gun ownership is a privilege and not everybody should have guns. Hunting was an inadequate excuse for owning guns and everybody should be restricted in gun ownership. The few privileged people who should be allowed to hunt could maybe rent or borrow a gun from official quarters rather than own their own. After all, everybody doesn't have a need for a gun, is the way it was put.


    Very important in sports was sports for girls. Athletics would be pushed for girls. This was intended to replace dolls. Baby dolls would still be around, a few of them, but you would not see the number and variety of dolls. Dolls would not be pushed because girls should not be thinking about babies and reproduction. Girls should be out on the athletic field just as the boys are. Girls and boys really need not to be all that different. Tea sets were to go the way of dolls, and all these things that traditionally were thought of as feminine would be de-emphasized as girls got into more masculine pursuits.

    Just one other thing I recall was that the sports pages would be full of the scores of girls teams just right along there with the boys teams. And that's recently begun to appear after 20 years in our local papers. The girls sports scores are right along with the boys sports scores.

So all of this to change the role model of what young girls should look to be. While she's growing up she should look to be an athlete rather to look forward to being a mother.


    Movies would gradually be made more explicit as regards sex and language. After all, sex and rough language are real and why pretend that they are not? There would be pornographic movies in the theaters, on television. And VCR's were not around at that time, but he had indicated that these cassettes would be available, and video cassette players would be available for use in the home and pornographic movies would be available for use on these VCRs as well as in the neighborhood theater and on your television. He said something like, "You'll see people in the movies doing everything you can think of."

    He went on to say that... and all of this is intended to bring sex out in the open. That was another comment that was made several times – the term "sex out in the open." Violence would be made more graphic. This was intended to desensitize people to violence. There might need to be a time when people would witness real violence and be a part of it. Later on it will become clear where this is headed. So there would be more realistic violence in entertainment which would make it easier for people to adjust.

    People's attitudes towards death would change and they would not be so fearful of it but more accepting of it, and not be so aghast at the sight of dead people or injured people. We don't need to have a genteel population paralyzed by what they might see. People would just learn to say, "well, I don't want that to happen to me."

    This was the first statement suggesting that the plan includes numerous human casualties which the survivors would see. This particular aspect of the presentation came back in my memory very sharply a few years later when a movie about the Lone Ranger came out and I took my very young son to see it and early in the movie were some very violent scenes. One of the victims was shot in the forehead and there was sort of a splat where the bullet entered his forehead and blood and I remember regretting that I took my son, and remember feeling anger toward the doctor who spoke. Not that he made the movie, but he agreed to be part of this movement, and I was repelled by the movie and it brought back this aspect of his presentation very sharply in my memory.

"MUSIC WILL GET WORSE" (Rap Music S**T, cita-rasa RUSAK!)

    As regards music, he made a rather straightforward statement like, "Music will get worse." In 1969, Rock music was getting more and more unpleasant. It was interesting just his words the way he expressed it. It would "get worse"... acknowledging that it was already bad. Lyrics would become more openly sexual. No new sugary romantic music would be publicized like that which had been written before that time.

    All of the old music would be brought back on certain radio stations and records for older people to here. And all the folks would have sort of their own radio stations to hear. Younger people, as it got worse and worse, he seemed to indicate that one group would not hear the other group's music. Older folks would just refuse to hear the junk that was offered to young people, and the young people would accept the junk because it identified them as their generation and helped them feel distinct from the older generation.

    I remember at the time thinking that would not last very long because even young kids wouldn't like the junk when they got a chance to hear the older music that was prettier they would gravitate toward it.

Unfortunately, I was wrong about that, when the kids get through their teens and into their 20's some of them improve their taste in music, but unfortunately he was right. They get used to this junk and that's all they want. A lot of them can't stand really pretty music. He went on to say that the music would carry a message to the young and nobody would even know the message was there. They would just think it was loud music. At the time, I didn't understand quite what he meant by that, but in retrospect, I think we know now what the messages are in the music for the young.

GIVE US THE YOUNG (Anak anak kita dirusak budaya Ngak-Ngik-Ngok! You still JOKE?!)

    And again, he was right. This aspect was sort of summarized with the notion that entertainment would be a tool to influence young people. It won't change the older people, they are already set in their ways, but the changes would be all aimed at the young, who are in their formative years, and the older generation would be passing. Not only could you not change them, but they are relatively unimportant, anyhow. Once they live out their lives and are gone, the younger generation being formed, are the ones that would be important for the future in the 21st century.

    He also indicated all the old movies would be brought back again, and I remember on hearing that through my mind ran quickly the memories of a number of old movies. I wondered if they would be included, the ones that I thought I would like to see again.

    Along with bringing back old music and old movies for older people there were other privileges that would also be accorded older folks: free transportation, breaks on purchases, discounts, tax discounts – a number of privileges just because they were older.

This was stated to be sort of a reward for the generation which had grown up through the depression and had survived the rigors of World War II. They had deserved it, and they were going to be rewarded with all these goodies, and the bringing back of the good old music and the good old movies was going to help ease them through their final years in comfort



    Then, the presentation began to get rather grim, because once that generation passed, and that would be in the late 80's and early 90's where we are now, most of that [age] group would be gone and then, gradually, things would tighten up and the tightening up would be accelerated. The old movies and old songs would be withdrawn; the gentler entertainment would be withdrawn. Travel, instead of being easy for old folks... travel then would become very restricted. People would need permission to travel and they would need a good reason to travel. If you didn't have a good reason for your travel you would not be allowed to travel, and everyone would need ID.

    This would at first be an ID card you would carry on your person and you must show when you are asked for it. It was already planned that later on some sort of device would be developed to be implanted under the skin that would be coded specifically to identify the individual. This would eliminate the possibility of false ID and also eliminate the possibility of people saying, "Well, I lost my ID."

    The difficulty about these skin-implanted ID was stated to be getting material that would stay in or under the skin without causing foreign body reaction whereby the body would reject it or cause infection, and that this would have to be material on which information could be recorded and retrieved by some sort of scanner while it was not rejected by the body.

    Silicon was mentioned. Silicon at that time was thought to be well tolerated. It was used to augment breasts. Women who felt their breasts were too small would get silicon implants, and I guess that still goes on. At any rate silicon was seen at that time as the promising material to do both... to be retained in the body without rejection and to be able to retain information retrievable by electronic means.


    Food supplies would come under tight control. If population growth didn't slow down, food shortages could be created in a hurry and people would realize the dangers of overpopulation. Ultimately, whether the population slows down or not the food supply is to be brought under centralized control so that people would have enough to be well-nourished but they would not have enough to support any fugitive from the new system. In other words, if you had a friend or relative who didn't sign on [side one ends abruptly continue on side two]

    And growing ones own food would be outlawed. This would be done under some sort of pretext. In the beginning, I mentioned there were two purposes for everything – one the ostensible purpose and one the real purpose – and the ostensible purpose here would be that growing your own vegetables was unsafe, it would spread disease or something like that. So the acceptable idea was to protect the consumer but the real idea was to limit the food supply and growing your own food would be illegal.

    And if you persist in illegal activities like growing your own food, then you're a criminal (saya sudah tulis di postings sebulan yl, tentang USDA bikin aturan baru re: daftar tanaman ilegal dan legal!)


WEATHER CONTROL (Via teknologi TESLA yang diselewengkan: HAARP dan SCALAR weapon)

    There was a mention then of weather. This was another really striking statement. He said, "We can or soon will be able to control the weather."

    He said, "I'm not merely referring to dropping iodide crystals into the clouds to precipitate rain that's already there, but REAL control." And weather was seen as a weapon of war, a weapon of influencing public policy. It could make rain or withhold rain in order to influence certain areas and bring them under your control. There were two sides to this that were rather striking.

    He said, "On the one hand you can make drought during the growing season so that nothing will grow, and on the other hand you can make for very heavy rains during harvest season so the fields are too muddy to bring in the harvest, and indeed one might be able to do both."

    There was no statement how this would be done. It was stated that either it was already possible or very very close to being possible


POLITICS --- FooliTricks! Sebab MENIPU publik! Simak Mega vs. KPKPN on Jaksa Agung!

    Politics. He said that very few people really know how government works. Something to the effect that elected officials are influenced in ways that they don't even realize, and they carry out plans that have been made for them, and they think that they are authors of the plans. But actually they are manipulated in ways they don't understand.


    Somewhere in the presentation he made two statements that I want to insert at this time. I don't remember just where they were made, but they're valid in terms of the general overall view. One statement: "People can carry in their minds and act upon two contradictory ideas at one time, provided that these two contradictory ideas are kept far enough apart."

    And the other statement is, "You can know pretty well how rational people are going to respond to certain circumstances or to certain information that they encounter. So, to determine the response you want, you need only control the kind of data or information that they're presented or the kinds of circumstance that they're in; and being rational people they'll do what you want them to do. They may not fully understand what they're doing or why."


    Somewhere in this connection, then, was the statement admitting that some scientific research data could be – and indeed HAS been – falsified in order to bring about desired results. And here was said, "People don't ask the right questions. Some people are too trusting."

    Now this was an interesting statement because the speaker and the audience all being doctors of medicine and supposedly very objectively, dispassionately scientific and science being the be all and end-all... well to falsify scientific research data in that setting is like blasphemy in the church... you just don't do that. Anyhow, out of all of this was to come the New International Governing Body, probably to come through the UN and with a World Court, but not necessarily through those structures. It could be brought about in other ways.


    Acceptance of the U.N. at that time was seen as not being as wide as was hoped. Efforts would continue to give the United Nations increasing importance. People would be more and more used to the idea of relinquishing some national sovereignty. Economic interdependence would foster this goal from a peaceful standpoint.

    Avoidance of war would foster it from the standpoint of worrying about hostilities. It was recognized that doing it peaceably was better than doing it by war. It was stated at this point that war was "obsolete." I thought that was an interesting phrase because obsolete means something that once was seen as useful is no longer useful. But war is obsolete... this being because of the nuclear bombs war is no longer controllable.

    Formerly, wars could be controlled, but if nuclear weapons would fall into the wrong hands there could be an unintended nuclear disaster. It was not stated who the "wrong hands" are. We were free to infer that maybe this meant terrorists, but in more recent years I'm wondering whether the wrong hands might also include people that we've assumed that they've had nuclear weapons all along... maybe they don't have them.

    Just as it was stated that industry would be preserved in the United States – a little bit, just in case the world wide plans didn't work out; just in case some country or some other powerful person decided to bolt from the pack and go his own way – one wonders whether this might also be true with nuclear weapons.

When you hear that... he said they might fall into the wrong hands, there was some statement that the possession of nuclear weapons had been tightly controlled, sort of implying that anybody who had nuclear weapons was intended to have them. That would necessarily have included the Soviet Union, if indeed they have them.

    But I recall wondering at the time, "Are you telling us, or are you implying that this country willingly gave weapons to the Soviets?". At that time that seemed like a terribly unthinkable thing to do, much less to admit. The leaders of the Soviet Union seem to be so dependent on the West though, one wonders whether there may have been some fear that they would try to assert independence if they indeed had these weapons. So, I don't know. It's something to speculate about perhaps... Who did he mean when he said, "If these weapons fall into the wrong hands"? Maybe just terrorists. (Di NKRI, dipikir Penguasa, hanya tentara dan polisi CAPABLE bawa Senjata api! FAKTA: ribuan sipil mati akibat SENPI tentara & Polisi!)

    Anyhow, the new system would be brought in, if not by peaceful cooperation – everybody willingly yielding national sovereignty – then by bringing the nation to the brink of nuclear war. And everybody would be so fearful as hysteria is created by the possibility of nuclear war that there would be a strong public outcry to negotiate a public peace and people would willingly give up national sovereignty in order to achieve peace, and thereby this would bring in the New International Political System.

    This was stated and very impressive thing to hear then... "If there were too many people in the right places who resisted this, there might be a need to use one or two – possibly more – nuclear weapons. As it was put this would be possibly needed to convince people that "We mean business".

    That was followed by the statement that, "By the time one or two of those went off then everybody – even the most reluctant – would yield."

    He said something about "this negotiated peace would be very convincing," as kind of in a framework or in a context that the whole thing was rehearsed but nobody would know it. People hearing about it would be convinced that it was a genuine negotiation between hostile enemies who finally had come to the realization that peace was better than war.


    In this context discussing war, and war is obsolete, a statement was made that there were some good things about war... one, you're going to die anyway, and people sometimes in war get a chance to display great courage and heroism and if they die they've died well and if they survive they get recognition. So that in any case, the hardships of war on soldiers are worth it because that's the reward they get out of their warring.

    Another justification expressed for war was, if you think of the many millions of casualties in WWI and WWII, well… suppose all those people had not died but had continued to live, then continued to have babies. There would be millions upon millions and we would already be overpopulated, so those two great wars served a benign purpose in delaying over-population. But now there are technological means for the individual and governments to control over-population so in this regard war is obsolete. It's no longer needed. And then again, it's obsolete because nuclear weapons could destroy the whole universe. War, which once was controllable, could get out of control and so for these two reasons it's now obsolete.


    There was a discussion of terrorism. Terrorism would be used widely in Europe and in other parts of the world. Terrorism at that time was thought would not be necessary in the United States. It could become necessary in the United States if the United States did not move rapidly enough into accepting the system. But at least in the foreseeable future it was not planned. And very benignly on their part. Maybe terrorism would not be required here, but the implication being that it would be indeed used if it was necessary.

    Along with this came a bit of a scolding that Americans had had it too good anyway and just a little bit of terrorism would help convince Americans that the world is indeed a dangerous place... or can be if we don't relinquish control to the proper authorities.

MONEY AND BANKING (Your US$ is just TOILET PAPER! Worthless! Tdk di-backup EMAS!)

    There was discussion of money and banking. One statement was, "Inflation is infinite. You can put an infinite number of zeros after any number and put the decimals points wherever you want", as an indication that inflation is a TOOL of the controllers.

    Money would become predominately credit. It was already... money is primarily a credit thing, but exchange of money would be not cash or palpable things but electronic credit signal. People would carry money only in very small amounts for things like chewing gum and candy bars. Just pocket sorts of things.

Any purchase of any significant amount would be done electronically. Earnings would be electronically entered into your account. Credit Cards are ALAT KONTROL mengawasi anda! No place to hide!

    It would be a single banking system. [It] may have the appearance of being more than one but ultimately and basically it would be one single banking system, so that when you got paid your pay would be entered for you into your account balance and then when you purchased anything at the point of purchase it would be deducted from your account balance and you would actually carry nothing with you.

    Also computer records can be kept on whatever it was you purchased so that if you were purchasing too much of any particular item and some official wanted to know what you were doing with your money they could go back and review your purchases and determine what you were buying.

    There was a statement that any purchase of significant size like an automobile, bicycle, a refrigerator, a radio or television or whatever might have some sort of identification on it so it could be traced, so that very quickly anything which was either given away or stolen – whatever – authorities would be able to establish who purchased it and when.

    Computers would allow this to happen. The ability to save would be greatly curtailed. People would just not be able to save any considerable degree of wealth. There was some statement of recognition that wealth represents power, and wealth in the hands of a lot of people is not good for the people in charge, so if you save too much you might be taxed. The more you save the higher rate of tax on your savings so your savings really could never get very far. And also if you began to show a pattern of saving too much, you might have your pay cut. We would say, "Well, you're saving instead of spending. You really don't need all that money."

    That basically the idea being to prevent people from accumulating any wealth which might have long range disruptive influence on the system. People would be encouraged to use credit to borrow, and then also be encouraged to renege on their debt, so they would destroy their own credit.

The idea here is that, again, if you're too stupid to handle credit wisely, this gives the authorities the opportunity to come down hard on you once you've shot your credit.

    Electronic payments initially would all be based on different kinds of credit cards... these were already in use in 1969 to some extent. Not as much as now. But people would have credit cards with the electronic strip on it and once they got used to that then it would be pointed out the advantage of having all of that combined into a single credit card, serving a single monetary system and then they won't have to carry around all that plastic.

    So the next step would be the single card and then the next step would be to replace the single card with a skin implant. The single card could be lost or stole, give rise to problems; could be exchanged with somebody else to confuse identify. The skin implant on the other hand would be not loseable or counterfeitable or transferrable to another person so you and your accounts would be identified without any possibility of error. And the skin implants would have to be put some place that would be convenient to the skin; for example your right hand or your forehead.

    At that time when I heard this I was unfamiliar with the statements in the Book of Revelation. The speaker went on to say, "Now some of you people who read the Bible will attach significance to this to the Bible," but he went on to disclaim any Biblical significance at all. This is just common sense of how the system could work and should work and there's no need to read any superstitious Biblical principals into it. As I say, at the time I was not very familiar with the words of Revelations. Shortly after, I became familiar with it and the significance of what he said really was striking. I'll never forget it.


    There was some mention, also, of implants that would lend themselves to surveillance by providing radio signals. This could be under the skin or a dental implant... put in like a filling so that either fugitives or possibly other citizens could be identified by a certain frequency from his personal transmitter and could be located at any time or any place by any authority who wanted to find him. This would be particularly useful for somebody who broke out of prison.

    There was more discussion of personal surveillance. One more thing was said, "You'll be watching television and somebody will be watching you at the same time at a central monitoring station."

    Television sets would have a device to enable this. The TV set would not have to be on in order for this to be operative. Also, the television set can be used to monitor what you are watching. People can tell what you're watching on TV and how you're reacting to what you're watching. And you would not know that you were being watched while you were watching your television.

    How would we get people to accept these things into their homes? Well, people would buy them when they buy their own television. They won't know that they're on there at first. This was described by being what we now know as Cable TV to replace the antenna TV. When you buy a TV set this monitor would just be part of the set and most people would not have enough knowledge to know it was there in the beginning. And then the cable would be the means of carrying the surveillance message to the monitor.

By the time people found out that this monitoring was going on, they would also be very dependent upon television for a number of things. Just the way people are dependent upon the telephone today.

    One thing the television would be used for would be purchases. You wouldn't have to leave your home to purchase. You just turn on your TV and there would be a way of interacting with your television channel to the store that you wanted to purchase. And you could flip the switch from place to place to choose a refrigerator or clothing.

This would be both convenient, but it would also make you dependent on your television so the built-in monitor would be something you could not do without. There was some discussion of audio monitors, too, just in case the authorities wanted to hear what was going on in rooms other than where the television monitor was, and in regard to this the statement was made, "Any wire that went into your house, for example your telephone wire, could be used this way."

    I remember this in particular because it was fairly near the end of the presentation and as we were leaving the meeting place, I said something to one of my colleagues about going home and pulling all of the wires out of my house… except I knew I couldn't get by without the telephone. And the colleague I spoke to just seemed numb. To this day, I don't think he even remembers what we talked about or what we heard that time, cause I've asked him. But at that time he seemed stunned.

    Before all these changes would take place with electronic monitoring, it was mentioned that there would be service trucks all over the place, working on the wires and putting in new cables. This is how people who were on the inside would know how things were progressing.

PRIVATELY OWNED HOMES — "A THING OF THE PAST" (Hak Guna Bangunan: Komunistik)

    Privately owned housing would become a thing of the past. The cost of housing and financing housing would gradually be made so high that most people couldn't afford it. People who already owned their houses would be allowed to keep them but as years go by it would be more and more difficult for young people to buy a house. Young people would more and more become renters, particularly in apartments or condominiums. More and more unsold houses would stand vacant. People just couldn't buy them. But the cost of housing would not come down.

    You'd right away think, well the vacant house, the price would come down, the people would buy it. But there was some statement to the effect that the price would be held high even though there were many available so that free market places would not operate. People would not be able to buy these and gradually more and more of the population would be forced into small apartments… small apartments which would not accommodate very many children. Then as the number of real home-owners diminished they would become a minority.

    There would be no sympathy for them from the majority who dwelled in the apartments and then these homes could be taken by increased taxes or other regulations that would be detrimental to home ownership and would be acceptable to the majority. Ultimately, people would be assigned where they would live and it would be common to have non-family members living with you. This by way of your not knowing just how far you could trust anybody. This would all be under the control of a central housing authority. Have this in mind in 1990 when they ask, "How many bedrooms in your house? How many bathrooms in your house? Do you have a finished game room?".

    This information is personal and is of no national interest to government under our existing Constitution. But you'll be asked those questions and decide how you want to respond to them.

    When the new system takes over people will be expected to sign allegiance to it, indicating that they don't have any reservations or holding back to the old system. "There just won't be any room", he said, "for people who won't go along. We can't have such people cluttering up the place so such people would be taken to special places,"

    And here I don't remember the exact words, but the inference I drew was that at these special places where they were taken, then they would not live very long. He may have said something like, "disposed of humanely", but I don't remember very precisely... just the impression the system was not going to support them when they would not go along with the system. That would leave death as the only alternative.

   Somewhere in this vein he said there would not be any martyrs. When I first heard this I thought it meant the people would not be killed, but as the presentation developed what he meant was they would not be killed in such a way or disposed of in such a way that they could serve as inspiration to other people the way martyrs do. Rather he said something like this. "People will just disappear." Culik, buang di Teluk Jakarta atau pulau tak berpenghuni di Kepulauan Seribu! Wassalam ……….. Tuh, I scanned some crooked minds di Jakarta, sedang menggagas "me-wassalam-kan" pengirim tulisan "nJleger" ini!


    Just a few additional items sort of thrown in here in the end which I failed to include where they belong more perfectly.

    One: The bringing in of the new system he said probably would occur on a weekend in the winter. Everything would shut down on Friday evening and Monday morning, when everybody wakened, there would be an announcement that the New System was in place. During the process in getting the United States ready for these changes everybody would be busier with less leisure time and less opportunity to really look about and see what was going on around them.

    Also, there would be more changes and more difficulty in keeping up as far as one's investments. Investment instruments would be changing. Interest rates would be changing so that it would be a difficult job with keeping up with what you had already earned.

    Interesting about automobiles; it would look as though there were many varieties of automobiles, but when you look very closely there would be great duplication. They would be made to look different with chrome and wheel covers and this sort of thing, but looking closely one would see that the same automobile was made by more than one manufacturer.

    This recently was brought down to me when I was in a parking lot and saw a small Ford – I forget the model – and a small Japanese automobile which were identical except for a number of things like the number of holes in the wheel cover and the chrome around the plate and the shape of the grill. But if you looked at the basic parts of the automobile, they were identical. They just happened to be parked side-by-side, where I was struck with this, and I was again reminded of what had been said many years ago.

    I'm hurrying here because I'm just about to the end of the tape. Let me just summarize here by saying, all of these things said by one individual at one time in one place relating to so many different human endeavors and then to look and see how many of these actually came about... that is, changes accomplished between then and now [1969 - 1988] and the things which are planned for the future, I think there is no denying that this is controlled and there is indeed a conspiracy.

    The question then becomes what to do. I think first off, WE MUST PUT OUR FAITH IN GOD and PRAY and ASK FOR HIS GUIDANCE. And secondly, do what we can to inform other individuals as much as possible, as much as they may be interested.

    SOME PEOPLE JUST DON'T CARE, because they're preoccupied with getting along in their own personal endeavors. But, as much as possible, I think we should try to inform other people who may be interested, and again...Maka, JUST JOKE! Too much Joking-ria IS Unislamic! Baca Hadith!


Continue with Tape Three Back to Shadow Government Council on Domestic Relations Home

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Mengapa MOST Protestan SANGAT membenci Muslim? Sebab mereka (dibuat boss mereka seperti di Website itu) meyakini: Muhammad saw adalah AGEN RAHASIA Vatican untuk menghancurkan Kristen (baca: Protestan dsb yang ANTI Vatican) di jazirah Arab.

Webmaster TOLOL itu menyatakan, bahwa Khatijah adalah pemeluk Protestan yang di-Islamkan Muhammad saw; begitu pula seluruh wong Arab di era Muhammad saw! Tololnya itu Webmaster! Di era sebelum Rasul Terkasih Allah itu diberi Al-Qur’an, di jazirah Arab berkembang penyembahan BERHALA, dan ada komunitas Yahudi serta Nasrani di Madinnah.

Di Website itu juga DITEKANKAN, di era SEBELUM Muhammad saw TIDAK dikenal istilah ALLAH; yang ada Yahweh, dsb! Bodohnya itu orang! Orang KAFIR di Arab pun sebelum dan setelah kenabian Muhammad saw, ketika ditanya siapa pencipta alam semesta ini? Jawab mereka "ALLAH!" Bible di Mesir dan negeri Arab pun menyebut (dituliskan) ALLAH!

Singkatnya, mengapa orang orang sepaham dengan Webmaster SESAT itu sangat membenci Islam; sebab kita Muslim dianggap ummat mbalelo (dari Protestan) yang akibat dipimpin Muhammad saw (Agen Rahasia Vatican) membuat "Sekte Protestan" baru yaitu ISLAM!

Islam mereka LECEHKAN sebagai Sekte baru Kristen; Katolik mereka HUJAT – maka Allah berfirman, a/l "…dan mereka berbantah-bantahan tentang keyakinan mereka."

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In the Name of Allah - the Most Beneficent - the Most Merciful

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By Dr. Norlain Dindang Mababaya


Christian authorities until now are coming up with revisions after revisions and translations after translations of the Bible. But while they are trying to make it appear to the public that it is "the word of God", the different revisions of the Bible by men however, simply belie such an assertion. In fact, these revisions serve as concrete proofs that all the Biblical books are not at all divinely inspired. This is because it is beyond man's ability to correct the work of his Creator, who alone is Almighty and perfect.

Even the Bible also perceives God to be perfect (Matthew 5:48); and that His words are pure (Proverbs 30:5); living and powerful (Hebrews 4:12). As such, no man nor any group of men should ever revise God's Book.

To come up with millions, if not billions of copies of any of the versions and revisions of the Bible does not only entail a waste of money and other resources but more so, a waste of time and effort on the part of its patrons. The Bible, touted to be a Holy Book by Christians but surprisingly, is not I for God did not say so, will just create confusions and deceptions to peoples. This work, just like any of our publications does not intend to insult the Christians of any sect and denominations but to guide and enlighten them to the Truth.

Anyone who reads the Bible will never find a single verse in it that claims that God is its Author. Neither did He inspired it's different authors. Instead, one will read the following Biblical verse that clearly implies that God is not the author of the Bible:

"For God is not the author of confusion but of peace...."

(1 Corinthians 14:33)

The Bible, written by men, creates confusions instead of guidance. It encourages diversity instead of unity and sects instead of universal brotherhood. Above all, it teaches mysteries in life instead of truthful teachings. The worst effect of the Bible is for man to deny the existence of his Creator. It is because of the absurdities and confusion of dogmas it inculcates in the minds of many people.

Without knowing the Qur'an as the Book of God readers of the Bible who know its real nature become atheists. There are American scholars who became atheists because of their disbelief in the Bible. Some of them even wrote about the defective nature of the Bible, for instance, G.W. Foote and W.P. Ball jointly wrote "The Bible Handbook".

The American Atheist Press (John Bowden, ed. 1982, p. 37) made the observations of the said handbook: "Everything I share: absurdities, indecencies, contradiction, unfilled prophecies, broken promises of god, obscenities, sadomasochism, and impossibilities."

Robert G. Ingersoll came up with a booklet concerning the Bible entitled "A Few Resorts for Doubting the Inspiration of the Bible". He enumerated more than 60 different reasons who mans should not believe in the Bible as "an inspired". In "The Bible Contradicts Itself" (1982) edited by John Bowden readers would find it very tiresome to verify in the Bible many contradictions enumerated therein.

The more than 200 discrepancies exposed by the author are sufficient proofs to negate the extravagant and wholly untrue claim that "the Bible is the Word of God". For other presentation of the contradictions and errors of the Bible, readers may find Ahmad Deedat's "Is the Bible God's Word?" (1980) and Maula na M. Rahmatullah Kairvanvi's book, "Izhar-ul-Haq part 2: Contradictions and Errors in the Biblical Text" (1989) very scholarly.

Also, it must be pointed out that the Christian readers of the Bible cannot deny the truth that the Bible exist in different versions. Different versions also call for several revisions to correct the inconsistencies and errors in the Bible. We except its authors to commit inconsistencies because of the individuals references. They commit errors because, as human beings, they are subject to mistake. Very clear. Christian Publisher who kept on producing many revisions of the Bible are only deceiving peoples of the World. Examples of the revisions are follows:

William Tyndale, 1525; Corvedale, 1535; the Great Bible, 1539; the Geneva, 1560; Rheims, 1582; King James version 1611; the 1769 Revision of the King James Version; Revision of the King James Version, 1870; English Revised Version 1881-1885; American Standard Version 1901; Revision of the American standard version, 1937; Revised Standard Version of New Testament, 1946; Revision Standard Version of the Bible, 1952; Second Edition of the Translation of the New Testament, 1971; The New King James Version, 1979.

Why should any sensible man be the object of glaring deception when different men have revised the Bible for many times? How come the Bible has undergone many revisions? Why until now, the Christian World keep on revising the Bible? For instance, just very recently, the National Council of Churches in the U.S. sponsored a major verse-by-verse over haul of the Revised Standard Version (RSV) of 1952. They aimed to come up with the New Revised Standard Version. Rev. Bruce Metzer, the New Revised chief translator mentions:

"No fewer than 26 modern English translation have appeared during the lnadmark Revised Standard Version of 1952. This month a major verse-by-verse over haul of the work.... The New revised Standard Version is being shipped to America Bookstores. In the around the world, for both private reading and public worship.... But as more and more new translation and revisions jostle for market position, the familiar King James phrase are gradually obligated from the common memory bank of the English-speaking peoples, barring a miracle, it appears there will never again be a single standard English Bible - and that is a wrenching change for Christendom." (Richard N. Osting, "Farewell to Thee's and He's," Time, May 21, 1990, p 59).

It must be pointed out that the Reviser of the Revised Standard Version of the New Testament named the King James as their Original source. Unfortunately, the Revisers of the King James Version based it upon the Greek text that was "marred by mistake, containing the accumulated errors of the fourteen centuries of manuscript copying." This bold criticism about the Bible comes from the Christian authorities themselves.

The Christian scholars responsible for the Revised Standard Version mention this in the first Preface of the Revised Standard Version published in 1952 by the Melton Book Company, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., the Reviser made the following comments of the King James Version:

"Yet the King James Version has grave defects. By the middle of the nineteenth century, the development of Biblical studies and the discovery of many manuscripts more ancient than those upon which the King James Version was based, made it manifest that these defects are so many serious as to call for revision of the English translation." (1952, p 3).

Concerning the translation of the Bible, the English speaking peoples until now could not agree with a real standard translation of the Bible. Different groups of Bible scholars have been coming up with the translations of the Bible. The Christian World could not agree which, of the various English translation of the Bible they should follow "for private and public worship."

They get confused as to which, of the following "four popular translations of the Bible" really serves as the standardised translation of the Bible: The King James Version, the Amplified New Testament, the Living New Testament, or the Revised Standard Version.

When will the Christian World stop revising and translating the Bible? Will they ever come up with a final standard version of the Bible? These questions pose confusions to the readers of the Bible who truly seek the Truth and Divine Guidance. Unless they will read and believe the Qur'an as the Book in Truth from Allah, the One and Only God, they will never get away from the confusions that the numerous discrepancies instil in the minds of the readers.


If God is the author of the Bible or that God did inspire its different author, how come the Bible speaks of God, contrary to His very own divine nature? Take for the example the verses allow himself to create confusions about himself? Could one belittle his self? Similarly, is it inconsistencies in the Bible concerning God?

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Ringkasan ini saya impor di sini, dalam konteks FITNAH ngawur oleh Webmaster di depan/atas. Yaitu tentang Muhammad saw sebagai agen rahasia Paus di Vatican, untuk melibas Protestan di jazirah Arab! Keledai pun tertawa ngikik, sampai menangis, kalau membaca "dongeng" Webmaster itu!

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Review buku The BIBLE FRAUD tersebut.

Buruan, beli; sebelum diberangus!

DITAMBAHKAN 5/11/2001 (menjelang maghrib)

  1. Yang berminat/interested mencermati Kajian Re: PATRIOT ACT 2001, silahkan kunjungi Hopmepage "CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS" sudah saya Linked ke mesin dan, sebab saya tidak yakin apakah ini .org atau .com ; dengan menuliskan hanya "PATRIOT ACT" pun, anda akan mendapat banyak pilihan. Good luck.
  2. Bagi yang mencermati dunia FAKTA dan "Foolitricks" BBM (Oil), silahkan kunjungi "The Center For Global Energy Studies" saya link ke mesin Google & Yahoo. Ada rubrik "Monthly Oil Report"; "Global Oil Report"; "Oil Market Prospect"; "Executive Paper"; "Studies & Reports". Ini Homepage mengutamakan statistik dunia bbm. Menyangkut "Fooli(dirty)tricks" para juragan bbm global, anda dapat coba di "Skolnik’sReport" dan beberapa artikel yang sudah saya import di artikel NKRI Sold Out minggu lalu.

Re: Headline Harian RAKYAT MERDEKA Selasa, 5 November 2002, yaitu quote:

Mega ‘Nyuap’ KPKPN (Cuma) Rp 2,2M

Diduga Untuk Kubur Kasus MA Rachman end quote

With all due respect (dengan segala hormat), PemRed TIDAK perlu menuliskan kata "Diduga" pada sub-judul itu, kalau mitra anda yaitu PEMIMPIN PERUSAHAAN bersikap amanah terhadap masukan SUPER LENGKAP saya. Yaitu yang lebih SEBULAN yang lalu (saya hand-delivered, langsung ke kantor redaksi di Jl. Raya Kebayoran Lama, diterima seseorang di halaman dan diberikan kepada SUPIR Pemimpin Perusahaan).

Dari DRAFT BUKU "TEXMACOGATE" saja, koran anda punya DATA super lengkap, dapat DIVERIFIKASI keabsahan datanya kepada BANYAK narasumber saya (RAHASIA!); untuk MENGEKSPOS TUNTASantara lainWHY THE HELL President melakukan itu terhadap KPKPN! Kaitkan kasus itu dengan "Sumbangan DANA pra-PEMILU 1999", yang diberikan oleh Big Boss grup itu, yang oleh Kwik Kian Gie dikategorikan "Konglomerat Hitam".

Tetapi, sayang sejuta sayang; seperti LIMA boss Harian/Tabloid Mingguan/Majalah Mingguan/ TV swasta terkenal yang saya kirim DRAFT buku yang sama; mitra anda Pemimpin Perusahaan ternyata TIDAK AMANAH terhadap upaya bersama mengungkapkan kasus kasus mega-KKN di NEGERI MALING ini! Mitra anda, Pemimpin Perusahaan (dulu di jajaran senior redaktur), seperti para bosses LIMA media cetak/elektronik itu; TIDAK PUNYA NYALI membongkar KEJAHATAN "Konglomerat Hitam" itu—termasuk TEROR terhadap buruhnya, dll!

Koran anda dan at least lima media cetak/elektronik lain itu, BERTANGGUNG-JAWAB atas semakin meraja-lelanya praktik mega-KKN di NKRI! Sebab Tuan Tuan SENGAJA melakukan pe-meti-es-an atau MEMBOIKOT upaya SAH saya mengekspos kejahatan sebagian elit grup itu! Draft Buku kini saya serahkan kepada Pengacara terkemuka NKRI untuk ditindak-lanjuti; sebab seorang ketua LSM anti korupsi pun – ternyata – TIDAK PUNYA nyali!!!

Saya TERPAKSA menyebutkan – kepada LAWYER itu – nama para bosses media cetak dan elektronik itu, yang SENGAJA melakukan BOIKOT terhadap upaya SAH saya mengungkapkan KEJAHATAN (mega-KKN; SUAP kepada sementara elit politisi parpol besar di DPR; TEROR terhadap Pengurus SPSI dan buruh, dll).

Seperti mayoritas media massa di Amerika, TERNYATA, sebagian media massa di NKRI termasuk enam media massa itu; TIDAK PUNYA NYALI mengungkapkan kasus kasus mega-KKN! Gentlemen, you are ALL jurnalis senior TIDAK AMANAH!

Apakah mitra anda, Pemimpin Perusahaan (yang awal tahun ini beribadah haji) akan mengingkari, bahwa dia TIDAK pernah menerima surat/dokumen dari saya itu? Jika ia mengingkari, sedangkan surat/dokumen diserahkan salah satu stafnya kepada supirnya – saya TANTANG dia mengangkat sumpah dengan kitab suci Al-Qur’an. Dia dan saya sama sama Muslim, dan dia sudah haji!

Para bosses lima media cetak/elektronik lain itu (PemRed, PemUmum dan WaPemUmum dan Dirut), saya TANTANG berdebat, buka-bukaan di forum DPR; tentang konspirasi mereka MEMBOIKOT masukan saya itu! Mereka TIDAK menjalankan fungsinya selaku Garda ke-4 demokrasi! Guys, you are ALL chicken! So, STOP complaining tentang KKN di negeri kusut ini! Allah tidak akan meridloi BISNIS orang orang khianat!

5 Nopember 2002


Yusuf bin Jussac