Banten, 30 Oktober 2002

Assalamu'alaikum wr wbr.

Yusuf bin Jussac MR


Penulis ingat ketika bulan pertama kuliah di Fakultas SOSPOL Jurusan Hubungan Internasional, UGM tahun 1974 (sekarang dinamakan FISIPOL), mata kuliah Sejarah Timur Jauh membahas antara lain (a/l) penetrasi kolonialis Barat ke Tiongkok dan Jepang. Nasionalisme dua bangsa di Timur Jauh itu mempersulit upaya terobosan para bule imperialistik.

Ketika upaya diplomasi tidak jalan, cara cara kasar pun dipakai. Tiongkok dihancurkan via "Opium War" (perang candu), sedangkan Jepang (di bawah Tokugawa) di-"gebrak" oleh Komodor Perry (a/n Kolonialis Barat) dengan "Gun-boat Diplomacy" (kata Unyil, "Main todong nih, ye?"). Itulah bentuk awal premanisme bangsa bule imperialistik! Di abad 20, "military solution" macam itu semakin diintensifkan, berkat kemajuan pesat dalam teknologi penerbangan (aviation).

Serbia dan Kosovo diluluh-lantakkan oleh gabungan mesin perang darat, laut, dan udara NATO dikomandani para jenderal Amrik berpayung otoritas PBB (the United Nations). Begitu pula atas Irak. Lebih sejuta anak dan bayi Irak mati akibat malnutrasi, akibat embargo PBB (baca: Amrik!) – belum termasuk yang mati akibat kebejatan tentara Amrik meracuni PAM Irak (baca: "Seven Big Lies About Iraq").

Kini, di abad 21, dengan "pretex" (dalih) ancaman teror ekstrimis Muslim, diplomasi kapal perang (Barat dikomandani Amrik) itu dipoles dengan fitur baru "WAR ON TERRORISM". Berdalih memburu Panglima Al-Qaeda, Osamah bin Laden, yang didakwa TANPA BUKTI telah mengotaki serangan atas gedung kembar WTC di New York (11/9/2001); Taliban di Afghanistan diluluh-lantakkan pula – oleh mesin perang Amrik dibantu segelintir preman-budaknya di Barat.

Ratusan, bahkan ribuan penduduk sipil Afghanistan dibantai. Dalam satu insiden salah ngebom, 125 penduduk desa yang sedang pesta perkawinan tewas; lebih dari 600 pejuang Taliban dieksekusi, digelandang di dalam ouluhan peti kemas ke wilayah terpencil Afghanistan. Sebagian mati kepanasan, sebagian diberondong M60 tentara Amrik! Gagal di Afghanistan, Bush cs. siap menggelar seperempat juta pasukannya, dilengkapi a/l persenjataan mutakhir SCALAR, dalam upaya melengserkan Saddam Hussein. Kiamat PD-3 sudah di depan mata!

Semua itu esensinya sama: aksi sepihak memaksakan kehendak/hasrat imperialistik Amrik, Inggris dan sebagian negeri di Barat. Sebagian negara ASEAN, utamanya Singapura, Malaysia, dan Pilipina serta merta menyerah kalah sebelum berperang! Ribuan tentara (utamanya US Marines) bergentayangan di Pilipina, dengan pretex latihan militer bersama dengan Angkatan Bersenjata Pilipina. Nevermind dengan Singapura, bekas jajahan kolonialis Inggris, yang sejak 1970-an menjadi basis formal MOSSAD untuk memantau NKRI (baca: "Every Spy a Prince").

Namun Malaysia? How come, bangsa serumpun (dengan Indonesia) dan sesama berpen- duduk mayoritas Muslim, kok ikutan ber-nyinyir-ria bersikap galak terhadap NKRI? Ratusan ribu TKI diusir; "Dewa Penegakan Hukum" Indonesia, DR. Adnan Buyung Nasution, dicekal pula! Tidak mengherankan, sebab Malaysia (dan Singapura) bagian dari "Commonwealth" atau negara Persemakmuran Inggris. Status ini membawa keuntungan komersial, a/l jaminan akses ekspor non-migasnya ke Inggris yang kini bagian dari Uni Eropa. How can you resist such temptation?

Maka, the HELL dengan bangsa serumpun dan sesama negara berpenduduk mayoritas Muslim! Begitu NKRI di mata "Little Soekarno" palsu, DR. Mahatir. How ‘bout NKRI sendiri? Megawati Soekarnoputri, berdarah 100 persen Bung Karno – ternyata – sama sekali tidak mewarisi semangat juang dan militansi ayahndanya versus imperialisme Barat! NKRI dia jual dengan harga sangat amat murah! US$ 26 juta dari Bush yunior, plus US$ 10 juta dari PM Australia, sebagai bantuan awal dalam rangka memerangi terorisme (Mesir & Israel masing2 US$ 3M/th GRATIS).

Sebagian besar elit penguasa NKRI telah melakukan rekapitulasi terhadap intimidasi rezim Bush cs. Megawati, seorang hajjah, pandai "ngaji", salat lima waktu, puteri seorang presiden yang juga haji, Ir. Soekarno; Yusril Ihzra Mahendra, Pendiri sekaligus Ketua Umum Partai Bulan Bintang berazaskan Islam, putera tokoh Masyumi – kini, willingly, menjadikan sebagian kalangan Ulama "keras" Indonesia sebagai musuh bersama yang layak ditumpas!

Abu Bakar Ba’asyir pun didakwa sebagai teroris dan polisi pun menculiknya secara sangat BRUTAL dari RS PKO Solo! Polisi SENGAJA melanggar prosedur hukum yang berlaku, yaitu bahwa penangkapan dilakukan HARUS ada pendaming penasehat hukum si tersangka. Dalam kasus di RS PKO Muhammadiyah itu, Tim Polisi mengabaikan ketentuan itu!

Ironis, para tokoh nasional itu yang mendaku (klaim) diri Muslim, orang orang pinter bukan morons, menggelepar berserah diri kepada SATANIST, penyembah Lucifer, George W. Bush. Ya, sangat ironis, sebab di saat yang sama justru banyak bule di Amrik, Inggris, Australia (seorang pendeta!), ummat Katolik di Pilipina dll; utamanya kalangan jurnalis independen dan kalangan kampus (profesor dll), jenderal Pentagon (mengundurkan diri), dll berani melakukan perlawanan versus perilaku neo-imperialistik Bush cs. itu. Begitu pula sebagian Yahudi ta’at.

Barangkali penulis di Israel Uri Avnery, contoh dari sebagian Yahudi yang di Al-Qur’an dikategorikan ta’at dan disebut "Reformist Jew". Jadi seperti yang telah beberapa kali penulis tekankan di postings terdahulu, sungguh salah sebagian dari kita Muslim di NKRI "menggebyah uyah" (menggeneralisir) seluruh Yahudi jahat dan wajib dimusuhi. Begitu juga sebagian ummat Nasrani "….. yang lebih dekat kepada kamu (sekalian – Muslim), karena di antara mereka ada Pendeta yang beramal sholeh …….", seperti disebut di satu surah (Ali-Imron) di Al-Qur’an.

Penulis kutip secara utuh pendapat dan analisisnya Oil, Sharon and the Axis of Evil. The Great Game., tentang sikap "petakilan" si "semak belukar" bule George W. Bush (cs) atau GWB. Penulis lebih suka mengartikan W.B.WickedBully, sebab sangat cocok dengan karakter dan perilakunya selaku presiden dan ketika masih gubernur negara bagian Texas (sangat korup).

Wicked, kalau anda buka "thesaurus" pada Menu MS WORD 2000 atau Word Perfect for Windows versi 10, akan anda temukan berarti juga "evil", "bad", "immoral", "heinous", "sinful" (he IS!)– alias pendosa, JAHAT, dan keji! Klop 100% dengan bule semak belukar itu! Sedangkan "bully" (n-) berarti "tormentor", "oppressor", "tyrant", dan "intimidator". Ini pun cocok dengan karakternya! Maka penulis artikan the Wicked Bully, sebab dengan kampanye War on Terrorism dan disusul pemberlakuan PATRIOT ACT, bule sakit jiwa itu kini menebar intimidasi terhadap warga sipil, kelompok patriot sejati, wartawan kritis dll di Amrik dan penentangnya di bumi!

Presiden Megawati, Jenderal SBY, Bung Yusril, Ketua DPR pun menggelepar! Mereka menyerah kepada intimidasi Bush, Jr. dan kroninya. Maka lahirlah PERPU, yang disusul segara dengan Undang Undang Anti Terorisme! Mbok yaterang-terangan saja, kalau mau menindas LAGI Muslim istiqomah NKRI! Kerjaanbaru buat para Neo-Kopkamtib. And you guys can mail the invoice straight to George Wicked Bully!

Sungguh pathetic, keberadaan Presiden Megawati S. (MS) di KTT APEC, dan "berhasil" mendapat "bantuan" PM Jepang sebanyak US$ 26 juta (PM Aussie dan GWB menjanjikan juga tetapi dengan syarat), oleh Editorial Harian MEDIA INDONESIA (Senin, 28/10/02) dikategorikan sebagai keberhasilan peran Public Relations MS! Koran itu juga menekankan, bahwa terorisme sudah menjadi persoalan dunia (bukan satu-dua negara), sehingga penyelesainnya pun diperlukan upaya internasional! Blah! Itulah lah, ngomong TANPA pengetahuan!

Pertama: manakala seorang pemimpin negara/pemerintahan "memberikan" bantuan dana, berapapun jumlahnya, kepada mitranya pemimpin negara/pemerintahan lain; maka itu BUKAN pemberian bantuan! "Strings are always attached". "Bantuan" cuma US$ 26 juta itu dikaitkan dengan upaya penanggulangan teror di NKRI.

Instansi mana yang segera mendapat kucurannya, pun jelas utamanya lembaga yang baru saja MENCULIK Ba’asyir dari RS PKO Solo, dengan cara cara sangat tidak profesional! Yakni memecahkan kaca ruang rawatnya, dan menodong Ulama tua renta yang bahkan tidak bersenjata itu!!! Apa bedanya tim Polriitu dengan polisi rahasia Nazi GESTAPO! Tuan Tuan, Mas Jenderal SBY Yang Terhormat, itulah bentuk nyata FASISME!

Editorial koran di atas menyebut bantuan dana itu sebuah prestasi MS! Tuan (PemRed or whever you did the writing), izinkan penulis memberikan pencerahan kepada anda sbb: meskipun tidak disebut secara spesifik di KTT itu, namun bantuan seperti itu dikategorikan "technical assist-ance" (bantuan teknik) bilateral (Jepun-RI; Amrik-RI, Aussie-RI). Dalam konteks itu, bahkan yang berkategori "grant" (hibah 100% gratis tidak perlu dikembalikan, tetapi silahkan dikorupsi seperti selama ini!), tidak 100 persen murni merupakan bantuan (seperti membantu adik sendiri, "Udah, kagak usah dipikirin. Buat beli susu untuk anak kau!").

Dalam konteks itu ("bantuan" melawan "teror"), maka sebagian besar dari dana itu untuk membeli peralatan pendukung, seperti alat komunikasi (transceiver/HT dll); alat pengintaian (night vision); "body armor" alias rompi tahan pelor; dan pelor standar polisi yang di NKRI kaliber 38 Special. Dari mana anda beli itu semua? Dari Jepun atau negara yang ditunjuk oleh Jepun (klien Amrik!), termasuk untuk membayar "per-diem" (uang saku, makan dan penginapan serta transpor) tenaga ahlinya dari kepolisian Jepun/interpol dll!

Jadi tidak gratisan Bung! Apalagi bantuan multilateral, anugerah bagi yang "membantu". Kita pikir, selama ini, lebih banyak menguntungkan pihak manakah semua bentuk "bantuan" itu?

Dalam buku "THE WHITE MEN’s BURDEN" (penulis lupa pengarangnya, namun jelas ibekas pejabat penting di Merika), disebutkan bahwa "bilateral grant" (hibah) maupun "technical assistance" (Amrik via USAID; Jepun via JICA; Kanada via CIDA, Denmark via DANIDA dll) memberikan keuntungan "balik" bagi pemberinya. Yaitu berupa (syarat mutlak bagi si penerima) pembelian peralatan termasuk armada mobil off-road dll, dan "gaji" para teknisi dari negara donor.

Penulis buku itu menemukan FAKTA bahwa dalam hal "modal balik" itu, Jepun ternyata lebih pintar ketimbang Amrik vis-à-vis negara negara berkembang di Afrika, Asia, dan Amerika Latin. Modal balik itu mencapai sampai 40-an persen bagi Jepun, sedangkan Amrik hanya 15%. Bank Dunia dan IMF, apalagi! IMF dan IBRI murni lintah darat!

Sudilah kiranya anda dan utamanya eks mitra penulis di Harian "M.I.", membaca (kilik), GLOBAL LOAN SHARKS, How IMF, World Bank debase nations, steal wealth, undermine sovereignty; IMF's Four Steps To Damnation. Gregory Palast
The Observer – London, From Rumor Mill News 4-29-1.

Dengan segala hormat, bumi ini sudah terselubungi jaringan Internet; sumber berita dan analisis dapat dipero-leh di media alternatif seperti itu, bukan cuma kantor kantor berita di Barat yang obyektifitasnya layak dipertanyakan! Bukankah sudah penulis utarakan, di artikel terdahulu juga di surat khusus kepada boss sampeyan (Maret 2002 dan sebelumnya!), bahwa penulis sudah membaca berita lengkap tentang rencana gelar 600 US Marines di Timor Leste – TIGA hari sebelum koran sampeyan memuatnya yakni di

Khusus menyangkut FLASH NEWS bencana WTC 911, penulis wajib "mengangkat topi", BRAVO kepada METRO TV. Keep up the damn great job dalam konteks itu. Dalam telewancara hari itu dengan penulis (memang, penulis yang menawarkan diri selaku pihak yang pernah bolak balik WDC – New York City 11 kali selama empat tahun, dan pernah ke WTC dua kali), penyiar cantik (sudah dinikahi Pamen Polri di Depok) masih meragukan "prediksi" penulis tentang angka korban berkisar 2000-an orang tewas.

Benar, dimuat 2001, total body count 2840-an. Bukan 20 ribuan seperti yang – waktu itu – ia khawatirkan. Analisis penulis selama telewancara itu, dikutip majalah SABILI. Saran penulis seyogyanya METRO TV juga mencoba narasumber di Internet, bukan melulu CNN dan/atau kantor berita di Barat (UPI, Reuter, dll); nampaknya tidak "direken". Lha, maklum; yang ngomong cuma bekas diplomat RI (keluar); bukan penasehat politik seorang presiden!

Aneh, wong media besar di Amrik dan Inggris pun akhirnya mengakui kesahihan berita /analisis jurnalis-investigator independen di Internet, kok METRO TV (tetap?) menafikkannya! Coba, mana ada CNN, TIME, New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek pernah mengekspos kejahatan MONSANTO dalam isu genetically-modified organism/GMO atau masalah transgenik serta "Terminator Seeds"? Mana pula tentang BAHAYA susu sapi Amrik dan Aspartame?

Back to isu "bantuan" di depan, siapa yang HARUS membayar hotel dan makan mereka, selama mereka "studi lapangan" (minimal sebulan) di negara calon penerima bantuan? Si penerima bantuanlah yang harus mengongkosinya, dipotong dari komponen bantuan! Belum "Commission Fee" (2,5%) untuk Bank Dunia! Demikian amat sangat alot negosiasi atas "Commission Fee" itu vs. "Economists" Bank Dunia/IBRD dalam satu "Loan Negotiation" dengan IBRD di Washington, D.C. (1988/89); sehingga sebuah tim satu departemen di NKRI memutuskan "agree to disagree" – balik ke Tanah Air atas perintah menteri di Jakarta.

Kedua: keberhasilan P.R.? Tentang apa? Benar bahwa Presiden MS – akhirnya – berani mengingatkan (dalam bahasa Jawa, "sesambat"; dalam bahasa Inggris "self-pity" alias "kasihani- lah daku") bahwa NKRI merupakan korban "teror", sehingga tidak semestinya negara negara lain mengucilkan dengan melarang warga mereka mengunjungi NKRI.

Kalau "self-pity-ism" macam itu disebut keberhasilan, masih harus dibuktikan follow-up nya. Yaitu bahwa negara negara EU, Jepang dll mencabut larangan kunjungan ke Indonesia itu. Semoga, himbauan Sang Ratu itu benar benar didengarKAN para sekutu Bush itu.Amin.

Orang orang pinter di negeri ini, termasuk kalangan jurnalis yang really cerdas (pinter) atau yang cuma "keminter"/ "minteri" alias "sok tahu", suka banget menyoal fenomena "conflict of interests" – tetapi cuma yang menyangkut birokrat sipil/non-sipil dan politisi! Wartawan atau pemilik media cetak/elektronik membutakan diri, bahwa mereka juga rentan terhadap konflik kepentingan itu. FAKTA: ketika seorang boss media cetak/elektronik "hire" (mempekerjakan) seorang Penasehat Politik Presiden RI sebagai redaktur khusus, maka independensi analisis dan opininya terhadap kebijakan dan perilaku politik presiden pun -- patut dipertanyakan!

Simaklah, statements ybs (redaktur khusus itu) manakala ia memandu dialog interaktif di tv yang meng-hire dirinya, ketika tamunya beropini kritis terhadap kebijakan polekkam presiden. The Host, pemandu acara itu -- tidak lain tak bukan si redaktur khusus, sekaligus penasehat politik presiden -- tidak nampak memiliki independensi lagi! "Ke-kritis-annya" terhadap kebijakan polek- sosbudkam presiden pun lenyap! Selaku "host" acara "buka-bukaan" itu, ybs. menjadi gagap! Ia tidak memiliki independensi lagi (dialog isu TKI eks Malaysia dan "rating" presiden).

Kalau harus mengakui keberhasilan P.R. Presiden MS, presiden (via penasehat politiknya) memang sangat berhasil menyeimbangkan opini (Editorial koran tsb yang selalu dinarasikan di TV-nya) koran/TV tersebut, yang selama ini galak terhadap perilaku & kebijakan poleksosbudkam sang presiden! Keberhasilan lain, di pihak media massa yang mempekerjakan penasehat politik presiden itu sebagai redaktur khusus, adalah mendapat "first hand information" tentang isu isu penting di seputar Istana dan Rumah Dinas Presiden RI. "Hebat" sekali! Lha punya "insider"!

Menyangkut isu teror, dari statement dalam Editorial tsb. jelas sekali, bahwa koran/TV itu meyakini bahwa teror yang selama ini mengguncang Amrik (WTC 911) dan Bali; merupakan teror murni yang dialakukan teroriis beneran! Di sini pun sebagian awak koran/TV itu nampak tidak kritis dan tidak cerdas!

Tidak kritis dan tidak cerdas, sebab – sejauh menyangkut Editorial tsb – ybs membeo saja terhadap DISinfor-masi yang dilancarkan CIA via media massa (cetak/elektronik) utama di Amrik, terutama CNN, menyangkut "teror" WTC 911 dan Bali. Please, cermati satu unsur saja mengenai WTC 911 dan Kiamat Legian: PASPOR "pilotpembajak" "ditemukan" agen FBI masih UTUH di lokasi reruntuhan (=TKP) di kota New York; sedangkan di Bali, KTP seorang warganegara NKRI NON-Bali ditemukan UTUH pula oleh polisi di TKP bom Legian! Weleh weleh ………

Rupanya, "legenda pilot pembajak" yang diciptakan CIA dan FBI (dan disebar-luaskan oleh CNN dan Press-whores Amrik lainnya kurang seminggu paska WTC 911) yakni Mohammad Atta, sekian sekon sebelum ia menghajar WTC sempat melemparkan Paspornya --- "Hei, CNN dan FBI, nih paspor gue! Itu sebagai BUKTI bahwa gue pelaku serangan teroro ini!" Begitu pula pemilik KTP "pengebom" di Legian!

Persis kejadian yang dialami seorang kenalan, wong Jawa di Jakarta; sedulurnya dan kawannya pakai mobilnya jam 01.00 WIB pergi ke Bandung via jalan alternatif di wilayah Cileungsi. Distop dua "aparat" yang ‘kali lagi "iseng". Beres, sebab surat surat kendaraan komplit. Sepuluh menitke depan, mereka distop LAGI oleh "aparat" unit sama, dan APES – di mobilnya ditemukan narkoba! Pemilik mobil mengaku kepada penulis, harus menebus mobil dan sedulur serta kawannya Rp. 13 juta!!! Ini yang disebut "evidence planting".

Coba, gunakan akal pikir secara jernih. Paspor "pilot pembajak", yang melaju dengan kecepatan 200-plus km perjam (cruising speeddi ketinggian 30 ribuan meter mencapai 400 –800 km/jam) ketika menuju target WTC; kok ujug ujug – tlepok! – jatuh tak jauh dari reruntuhan WTC! Edan! Hanya morons yang mau menelan mentah mentah opsus penyesatan macam itu! Juga, KTP di TKP bom Legian itu. Mana mungkin peledak (bom plastik) C4 dengan "wind blast" beradius di atas 100 meter, kok tidak menerbangkan KTP tsb? Ketoprak Humor gulung tikar!

Badutan intelijens macam itu, berkaitan dengan WTC 911 disebut "meninggalkan jejak jejak bukti" oleh kalangan intel otak sebenarnya teror! Gedung Putih dan kroninya di FBI, CIA,NSA, Pentagon, Departemen Kehakiman dan CNN dll, sengaja "mbodohin" publik dengan rekayasa menanam "bukti bukti" semacam itu. Semua ditujukan pada satu entitas yang HARUS diyakini publik dunia sebagai pelaku utama teror, yaitu jaringan Al-Qaeda dan Osama bin Laden!

Di artikel ini Tuan Tuan redaktur/pemred dsb dapat temukan, analisis-investigative bebe-rapa kalangan LSM, jurnalis independen, profesor, anggota US Congress dll di A.S., Australia, ISRAEL dll; yang menemukan jejak jejak berdarah FBI, CIA, PENTAGON, Gedung Putih, elit intelijens Pakistan, serta jurnalis TV/cetak berjiwa pelacur (Press-whores oleh Sherman Skolnick) menyangkut "teror aspal" WTC 1993 dan WTC 911. Begitu pula "peran" Walikota New York Guliani dan "gang" Rockefeller dalam bencana WTC 911.

Coba, pernahkan anda lihat di CNN dan dengar di VOA serta baca di TIME dll, ngapain Walikota New York (preman paling jelek dan korup!) menimbun 6000 galon bahan bakar diersel di salah satu gedung WTC; sedangkan hal itu sangat DILARANG oleh peraturan kota New York? Hanya satu jurnalis koran kecil di New York yang punya nyali mengungkapkan kejahatan Guliani itu. Juga, kalangan intelijens bermoral amat sangat bejat yang mana pula, kalau bukan FBI & CIA, yang telah memasang peledak berdaya ledak amat sangat tinggi, di basement dua WTC – sehingga terekam dua "spikes" (lonjakan) seismik beberapa detik SEBELUM WTC ambruk?

Demikian dahsyat dan sangat tinggi (melebihi titik bakar avtur bahan bakar jet) titik bakar peledak di basement WTC itu (dan sekujur gedung itu pada titik titik lemah tangkanya), sehingga baja tebal pembungkus fondasi beton (juga rangka bajanya) LUMER, seperti perak dilumerkan panas api tidak lebih dari 600 derajat celcius di Sentra Kerajinan Perak Kotagede, Yogya! Justru akibat bom dahsyat di basement WTC itulah, kedua gedung itu runtuh secara mulus; persis efek demolisi gedung gedung bertingkat menggunakan dinamit/peledak lain.

Silahkan baca hal itu, dalam artikel periset Mike Rivero Controlled Demolition At WTC -New Revelations. By 10-4-2 (Masih baru, rek! Empat minggu yl). Sedangkan film/ rekamannya di

Ketika TERBUKTI bahwa penge-boman pertama atas WTC tahun 1993 diotaki FBI (di Pengadilan TIDAK dibuka rekaman rahasia "informan" FBI, sebab ditakutkan bisa merontokkan pemerintah Federal!), dan dituduhkan bahwa pelakunya "teroris"Muslim Arab – tidak logiskah (berdasarkan banyak temuan baru itu dll) kalau tudingan kemudian ditujukan JUGA kepada FBI, CIA dan White House selaku otak WTC 911? Untuk WTC 911, prime suspect Al-Qaeda/Osama!

FBI di New York (punya kantor di WTC juga!), juga di WDC Ibukota Amrik, jelas dari bukti bukti lapangan yang dinafikkan FBI dalam kasus WTC 1993, mereka TAHU seluk beluk termasuk akses kepada "blue print" gedung kembar itu di New York City Council (dibawahi Walikota Guliani!), sehingga sangat gampang memasang peledak di rangka WT/basement!

Kini, cermati Café di Legian yang EKSKLUSIF untuk turis asing doang. Sangat mungkin (99%!) agen agen dinas rahasia CIA/FBI (dan Mossad) pernah menyusup ke Café itu menyaru sebagai turis, dan TAHU tata letak/ruangan Café – termasuk sangat mungkin tidak dilengkapi fasilitas "water sprinkle" sehingga terjadi kebakaran hebat di sana. Something WAS not right!

Hanya bom napalm (bom api seperti yang digunakan Amrik di Vietnam) yang mampu membumi-hanguskan properti! Kebakaran hebat di Café tsb, bukan akibat langsung dari ledakan C4! Melainkan akibat tabung tabung LPG di dapur Café! Jika di sana ada fasilitas "sprinkle" itu, meskipun sulit berfungsi secara normal akibat hempasan ledakan C4 tsb, paling tidak (kalau ada) timbunan air di dalam tanki air di lantai atas mampu mengurangi ekef bakar di bawah! Tetapi hal itu tidak terjadi! Dan para spion asing itu tahu banget sitkon tersebut!

Ndak ada intel Melayu berkulit coklat yang punya akses untuk berleha-leha di Café yang eksklusif turis asing itu! Kalau ada unsur intel "nakal" lokal yang dimanfaatkan spion asing itu, paling banter peran mereka sebatas wilayah di luar Café dan sebagai supervisor penaruh peledak C4. Hanya unsur lokal (eks prajurit-pamen sampai eks Pati) amat sangat bejat moralnya, yang bersedia melibatkan diri dalam skenario amat sangat jahat itu!

Coba, siapakah otak pengeboman atas Mal Cijantung? Bekas tentara! Bukan "teroris" Muslim bergaris keras di NKRI! Peledakan beberapa bomdi wilayah konflik ambon dan Maluku, Tim SABILI juga menemukan indikasi sangat kuat di lapangan, juga pernah diotaki "bad guys" dalam kesatuan tertentu TNI. Tetapi, lagu lama, hal itu selalu disanggah perwira di lapangan!

Selalu dan selalu orang orang naif dalam kelompokIslam "keras" tertentu, yang dijebak menjadi pelaku lapangan! Kalangan Muslim tertentu memang menjadi "easy target" untuk terus "dimainin" oleh unsur jahat di dalam intelijens/tentara. Tidak berarti bahwa the entire (seluruh) jajaran pimpinan intelijens/TNI mengetahui apalagi mengamini skenario jahat macam itu.

Pengeboman WTC pada September 1993, Muslim etnis Arab yang direkayasa FBI sebagai pelaku utama. Padahal, perakit bom, penyedia alatnya dll adalah seorang agen dinas rahasia Israel MOSSAD di New York! WTC 911, silahkan baca sendiri di teks aselinya yang judulnya penulis cantumkan di akhir artikel ini. Baru ambil kesimpulan yang bener mengenai apa itu terorisme.

Penggelaran "teror" oleh elit penguasa Amrik, dalam rangka memuluskan agenda "New World Order" (NWO) (neo-imperialisme terselubung Amrik dan Inggris), resmi dicanangkan oleh komunitas super rahasia pengendali seluruh kebijakan poleksosbudkam Amrik tahun 1969! Insya’Allah penulis kutip di bawah nanti, paling tidak judul/topiknya tentang hal itu. Yaitudari pengakuan blak-blakan seorang dokter, bekas "insider" penguasa bayangan Amrik.

Pengakuan di depan para dokter mitranya dalam satu acara resmi itu, demikian sangat amat rahasia sehingga hadirin TIDAK BOLEH merekam dan menuliskannya! Seseorang yang hadir di acara itu, kenal dokter yang "nyanyi" itu, akhirnya membeberkan super secret itu setelah tahun 1988 dokter itu meninggal. Motivasi orang itu membeberkan rahasia itu, sebab sejak hal itu diungkapkan s/d 1998 (dan urutan insiden lainnya sebelum 1969) – semuanya COCOK dengan "grand design" rahasia penguasa bayangan Amrik (mahadalang) yang diungkapkan sang dokter!

Apa itu komunitas super rahasia, yang di artikel ini penulis sebut "mahadalang"? Semua itu bukan bagian dari "teori konspirasi"! Komunitas rahasia sangat rakus kekuasaan global itu benar benar ada! NKRI menjadi salah satu target mereka.

Silahkan baca "The History of the New World Order". Itu rangkuman record RESMI, Tuan Tuan; bukan karangan atau dongeng fiktif orang orang/pakar yang selalu diejek sebagai "nuts" (sinting/paranoid), akibat keberanian mereka mengungkapkan rencana superjahat komunitas rahasia itu.

Penulis kutipkan, hanya satu-dua paragrap, tentang FAKTA (re: teror yang diungkap 1969) di artikel ini, sebagai pengetahuan (dan pencerahan), bagi anda yang tergolong cerdas tidak mau dibodohin terus oleh disinformasi Bush cs. mengenai "War on Terrorism". Tim reporter CNN berperan sangat besar dalam Opsus penyesatan publik dunia menyangkut WTC 911 dll. Silahkan baca sendiri analisis dan investigasi yang dilakukan, antara lain, oleh Center For Research on Globalization, Joe Vialls, David Icke, dll. Semoga anda "enlightened".

Kembali pada isu di depan, khususnya menyangkut follow-up actions pemerintah paska tragedi Bali, ternyata, para pemimpin negeri ini hanya berani bersikap keras terhadap warga sipil NKRI. Anak Yogya bilang, "Wanine mung neng omahe dewe!" Itupun cuma sama wong cilik pribumi dan Ulama tua yang sedang tergeletak sakit! Sama konglomerat jahat, yang meneror buruhnya sendiri dan mahapenipu konsumen, Tuan Puteri kagak b’rani. Sungguh pathetic!

Penulis dapat membuktikan hal itu. Mau buka buka’an di mana, Pansus DPR? Percuma, isinya sebagian politikus berjiwa maling! Mau debat terbuka di TV swasta dan media cetak? Yang mana pula? Wong sebagian bossnya juga antek media Zionis di Amrik dan Eropa. Ada yang sok patriotik, tetapi medianya tidak memberikan kontribusi kepada "character building" bangsa.

TV mana yang pra- dan paska subuh tak ada "kuliah subuh"; padahal mayoritas kompenen bangsa ini Muslim! Why not ditayangkan saja ke Hong Kong, dan stop ngecap tentang semangat kebangsaan! Sebab masyarakat Muslim NKRI (at least Jabotabek/sebagian Banten yang ter-cover tayangan siarannya) selaku komponen MAYORITAS bangsa ini dianggap tidak eksis! De-agama-isasi seperti itu merupakan ciri khas Mahadalang dimaksud, termasuk the United Nations sebagai wahana utama para mahadalang mencapai "Global Enslavement" via "Tata Dunia Baru" (NWO).

NKRI bukan lagi negara berdaulat! WTO, IBRD, IMF, Malaysia, Parlemen Uni Eropa (UE), RRC (kasus komunitas – penulis lupa namanya berawalan F, semacam senam Taichi – yang telah dilarang di Cina, eksistensinya di Indonesia digugat RRC!), dan kini, penguasa A.S. bersatu-padu nggebuki NKRI. What else do we possess now, folks? NOTHING but S**T!Bung Karno, kalau masih hidup, tentu murka! Nduk, cah ayu. Kon ORA amanah karo rakyatmu! Opo kon wis ng’lalekke wasiatku? "Kutitipkan negeri ini kepadamu!" ("Nak, puteriku; kamu kok tidak amanah terhadap rakyatmu! Sudah kamu lupakankah wasiatku?")

Back to si bule paling sinting di bumi (Bush), "track record" GWB juga amat sangat menjijikkan selaku pebisnis. Terjadi skandal S&L Savings and Loan ketika ayahnya Wapres (penulis saat itu tahun kedua di USA).

GWB bermasalah sejak muda di kampungnya Texas, ia terlibat kasus kriminal berat seperti pembunuhan, pelecehan seksual, dll. Kalau tidak ditolong sang ayah, George Bush senior (GBS) dan kroni GBS para barons BBM, maka GWB sudah lama tammat riwayatnya.

Mengapa dan bagaimana orang paling konyol seperti GWB dapat melejit, dari gubernur akhirnya menjadi "Kaisar" A.S. melalui cara cara curang dalam putaran akhir Pemilu di Florida – pemenang sebenarnya Al Gore – tidak banyak diketahui orang orang yang buta sejarah berdirinya Amerika Serikat. Artikel ini (atau apapun anda mau kategorikan) mencoba membedah misteri, di balik kemelut panjang di A.S. dan dunia; yang bias atau riaknya menerpa juga NKRI.

Hal itu tidak mudah dipahami dan dicerna oleh "orang awam" di sana dan di luar Amrik, bahkan oleh sebagian S3 jebolan USA yang buta tentang "Washingtonian politics" atau "Beltway politics". Sebab mereka (sebagian S3 dan S2 kita jebolan PTS USA) lebih banyak berkutat dengan kehidupan di kampus. Beltway adalah jalan lingkar Rute 495, mengitari kota Washington, D.C. memotong sebagian wilayah Maryland (MD) bawah/Selatan dan Virginia (VA) atas/Utara.

Ketidak-mudahan memahami intrik politik itu oleh kalangan awam, dan sebagian PhD kita jebolan USA, akibat mereka lebih banyak hidup di kampus kampus pada wilayah pedalaman USA, seperti di Mid-West, juga di Pennsylvania – komunitas kampus yang jauh dari denyut dan gejolak politik di pusat kekuasaan Washington, D.C. (selanjutnya di sini disingkat WDC, harus dibedakan dengan Washington tanpa D.C., kota di Negara Bagian Seatle di pantai Barat. Sebab apabila anda berkirim surat kepada mitra/kawan di Wasghngton, D.C., tetapi anda tuliskan tanpa D.C.; maka surat anda akan nyasar ke Seatle! D.C. adalah singkatan District of Columbia).

Bukan hanya sebagian S3 eks Amrik (apalagi orang awam dan wartawan yang belum pernah hidup minimal setahun di seputar Beltway 495), yang tidak mengetahui kekuatan rahasia yang sebenarnyamenentukan kebijakan poleksosbudkam CIA, White House, Foggy Bottom (Kemlu), PENTAGON, the United States Congress (Senate dan House of Representatives) di Capitol Hill -- melainkan juga sebagian besar birokrat sipil/non-sipil NKRI. Sebab eksistensi mahadalang super jahat itu TIDAK pernah diekspos oleh "the mainstream media".

Mungkin Menkopolkam (S2 militer di USA), Gubernur BI bekas pejabat tinggi di IMF, dan Presiden Megawati sebenarnya tahu, dalam batas batas tertentu, "permainan tingkat tinggi" di Amrik dan dunia Barat itu. Lebih lebih Pati/bekas Pati TNI, yang tanpa diketahui lingkungan institusinya sendiri – apalagi awam – selama ini berperan (diam diam, "low profile") sebagai "go between" (mak comblang) antara dunia intelijens (lapisan atas) CIA, DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency di Arlington, VA.) dan NSA alias National Security Agency di Fort Meade, Maryland danjajaran intel serupa NKRI. Badan intel merupakan bagian terpenting dari mahadalang itu.

Jauh di bawah di artikel ini, anda akan menemukan pemaparan tentang masyarakat super rahasia USA (dan Barat) itu, oleh pesejarah (revisionist) dan analis kritis elit USA dll. Kalau anda tergolong intelektual berdada lapang (terbuka pada hal hal "baru"), maka anda akan membenarkan sinyalemen penulis tentang "local (NKRI) setting" itu. Yaitu bahwa elit penguasa NKRI sedikit banyak juga mengetahui grand design operator para mahadalang Satanist itu.

Dalam rangka upaya bersama mencoba mengetahui tingkah polah petakilan (seperti "Buto Cakil" vs. para Ksatria Pandawa; perilaku petakilan atau blingsatan ciri khas "buto" alias bangsa raksasa/berdarah raksasa seperti para Kurawa) George W.B. cs. itu, kita perlu buka mata, telinga dan kesadaran terhadap sejarah dan sepak terjang masyarakat super rahasia penyembah berhala dan Lucifer itu. Ini fenomena "mahabesar" yang tidak boleh diremehkan, oleh siapapun apapun orientasi idelologi dan agama mereka.

Believe me, Kristen (non-Vatican!) sasaran utamanya! Demikian pula Islam!!! Dinasti Bush (Prescott Bush kakeknya, ayahnya Bush Senior dan dirinya sendiri) adalah anggota sub-kelompok super rahasia Skull & Bones (klik kata/terminologi blue-undelined di artikel ini, yang ada Link ke, Rense.comdll, sebagai fitur baru dalam opini ini).

Bush senior dan yunior (dan banyak lagi elit pemerintah Amrik di Kongres, CIA, NSA, dll) BUKAN Kristen! Mereka penyembah LUCIFER!!! Silahkan, SEGERA, beli buku "Rulers of Evils" – anda yang beragama "Kristen" utamanya Katolik ta’at bakal terperangah! Menangis! Seluruh "establishment" (pemerintah) Amrik merupakan jelamaan Romawi dan NAZI – yang jejaknya dapat ditelusuri di Vatican sampai ke era elit Babilonia penyembah berhala/iblis!

Penulis harus wanti wanti, khususnya penganut Roma Katolik, agar tidak berang & murka saat membaca masalah amat sangat peka menyangkut Vatican/Jesuit di artikel ini. Pengungkapan tentang kaitan Vatican/Jesuit dan anything America harus dilakukan, sebab tanpa meneropong secara mikroskopis dua entitas itu, maka pemahaman tentang berbagai gejolak poleksosbudkam di bumi (imbasnya di NKRI) tak akan lengkap. We’ll be groping in the dark, forever, and die stupid.

Seluruh gejolak poleksosbudkan skala global merupakan dampak langsung persaingan kotor komunitas rahasia Illuminati/dinasti Rothschild, dinasti Rockefeller, danJesuit/Vatican; dalam perebutan wilayah pengaruh (geografi/"spiritual") di seluruh dunia. Sekali lagi, khususnya bagi anda penganut Katolik – please, I beg you – jangan buru buru berang dan murka, sebelum anda membaca tuntas teks aselinya (dan Link ke Homepage yang ada) tentang fenomena itu.

Ini BUKAN pelecehan atas keyakinan relijius non-Muslim. Islam dilecehkan, dizalimi dan difitnah, disalah-pahami terus sudah lumrah, bukan fenomena baru. Tak perlu disebut, penulis punya sahabat penganut Katolik tergolong fundamentalis (fundamentalis tak harus selalu diartikan berkonotasi negatif, seperti yang dilabelkan terhadap Muslim!), penulis lupa ada kaitannya dengan isu besar mana; ia berkomentar bahwa quote "Mas, Amerika memang negeri Iblis!" end quote.

Sungguh benar sohib penulis itu. Sebab Amerika (rezim penguasanya, bukan warga awam, yang kalau anda amati di VA, MD dan negara bagian lain, terutama di kampung kampung apalagi Amish, merupakan ummat Protestan/Katolik dll yang tergolong soleh dan soleha) dikendalikan oleh kelompok super secret penyembahberhala & IBLIS (Lucifer) di atas.

Kota WDC adalah JELMAAN dan/atau "copycat" Kekaisaran Romawi. Sertifikat lahan Capitol Hill, dulu atas nama seorang Paus berlatar belakang Jesuit. Seorang periset jejak jejak berdarah Jesuit di seluruh dunia menemukan fakta tentang itu. Hal itu ia ungkapkan di buku Rulers of Evils di depan yang TIDAK dijual di toko buku seperti Crown Books di Amrik.

Jelas, seperti Dubes Amrik di Jakarta (SCTV, kalau tak salah Sabtu ketika menayangkan analisis eks Ka-BAKIN ZA Maulani), ketika nyinyir bahwa pihak pihak di NKRI yang menuduh keterlibatan rezim Amrik dalam bom Bali, berujar "… sungguh memalukan pihak yang berfikiran macam itu" – so pasti elit FASCISTS di Amrik serta merta menampik tuduhan, bahwa mereka bagian integral dari konspirasi jahat para mahadalang itu!

Tata kotanya (termasuk puluhan patung di setiap bundaran jalan dan gedung Capitol dll), struktur organisasinya antara lain CIA, kampus kondang (Georgetown University, sentra penetasan (breeding camp) dan pembinaan bagi kader milisi militan Jesuits yang dipersiapkan menduduki posisi posisi kunci di pemerintahan, intelijens, dan Konggres seperti Bill Clinton dan Fidel Castro) – seluruhnya merupakan jelmaan gabungan sisa sisa antara Kekaisaran Romawi dan NAZI.

Dengan segala hormat, no offense; kalau anda tergolong (justru) Katholik ta’at, artinya tidak pernah absen ke gereja dan "Bible Study" (which one, anyway?), namun tidak pernah secara serius dan khusus mempelajari hal ihwal Kekaisaran Romawi (dan sepak terjang serta "jejak jejak berdarah" milisi rahasia JESUITS di seluruh dunia sejak abad pertengahan) – maka, sekali lagi, with all due respet, you DO NOT know anything mengenai the REAL Vatican.

Vatican merupakan super secret organization, yang bergerak dan berkiprah sangat aktif dan sangat serius di dunia bisnis perbankan/agrobisnis/finance; dan segala bentuk bisnis global yang mendatangkan keuntungan material. Termasuk praktik cuci uang (read Skolnick’sReport)!Selain itu juga merupakan institusi poli(trick), diplomasi, dan lembaga intelijens skala global.

Masyarakat (awam) dunia terkelabui penampilan "necis", "smart", santun, dan simpatik para "komandan lapangan" Sang Kaisar! Jejak jejak berdarah mereka? Hanya segelintir pesejarah jujur dan periset sejarah yang mengetahui & berani mengekspos di jalur informasi bebas hambatan internet dan "underground books" (ratusan buku diberangus di Amrik, can you imagine ‘bout it?).

Dalam perwujudannya sebagai itu (entitas non-relijius), FAKTA menunjukkan jejak jejak berdarah Jesuits/Vatican dalam nyaris seluruh pertikaian antarnegara sebelum PD1 dan PD2 s/d Revolusi Bolsheviks dan Perang Vietnam. Kedua institusi itu bertanggung-jawab (alias otak) atas pembantaian jutaan ummat Yahudi (non-Talmudic) dan 40-an jutapenganut Gereja Ortodoks di Eropa Timur/Russia. Begitu pula dengan – surprise! – kemelut di Timor Timur, Poso, Ambon!

Era Deformasi mencatat, FAKTA (paling tidak seperti yang ditulis media cetak dan buku yang dirilis paska era BJH) bahwa BJH selaku presiden bertanggung-jawab atas lepasnya Timor Timur dari NKRI. Penulis, Demi Allah, tidak anti BJH.

Menyinggung sedikit tentang BJH di sini, dimaksudkan sebagai bagian dari upaya mencoba memahami berbagai kemelut poleksoskam di NKRI (yang seperti ditegaskan di depan, TIDAK terlepas dari permainan global kelompok super rahasia di atas utamanya Vatican). Fakta: belasan tahun BJH hidup di Jerman (waktu itu) Barat.

Penulis dua kali mendampingi BJH (secara aktif-substantif, artinya ikut berbicara bukan cuma "bawa tasnya") dalam dua kali kunjungan kerja di WDC, bertemu antara lain, kalangan US Congress, "Sekneg" Gedung Putih. BJH Muslim tergolong ta’at di atas rata, tidak pernah absen dan telat shalat lima waktu; paling tidak yang penulis amati selama BJH dua kali di WDC.

BJH dikenal sebagai jenius di bidangnya (aeronotika/konstruksi badan pesawat – seluruh armada AIRBUS, "fuselage" atau badan pesawat bagian belakang dirancang/digambar oleh BJH). Orang orang yang tergolong jenius (menonjol) di bidang bidang tertentu, apalagi bidang seperti yang dikuasai BJH (juga para jenius lain di bidang Poleksosbudkam) di seluruh dunia; tidak lepas dari teropong/pengamatan/pemantauan dan upaya rekrutmen kelompok super rahasia di depan.

Seperti yang (30 – 60 menit ke depan) akan anda dapat simak di bagian belakang artikel ini, anda akan temukan penjelasan (berdasarkan FAKTA sejarah gelap Illuminati/Freemasons dan Jesuits/Vatican); bahwa peneropongan intens oleh "the DALANG" tidak dilakukan hanya terhadap figur figur kondang di A.S., Eropa, Timur Jauh dll. Melainkan juga terhadap kelompok orang yang dinilai (si dalang) berpotensi menduduki posisi top/kunci.menentukan bidang poleksosbudkam di NKRI. "Grooming" (pembinaan) atas non-Americans dan Barat lain itu dilakukan, antara lain, via puluhan bahkan ratusan "Tax-free Foundations" atau berbagai yayasan/LSM di Amrik.

Yayasan yayasan yang esksis di Amerika, Inggris dll itu, tak disadari orang awam (bahkan yang "highly educated", seperti sebagian PhD jebolan Amrik dan Inggris dll); mereka sebenarnya merupakan kedok ("front") empat penguasa bayangan. Yakni dalam perang abadi memperebutkan wilayah pengaruh ("sphere of influence") di seluruh dunia. Illuminati/Rothschild vs. Rockefeller/ Fremason, Jesuit/Vatican vs. Protestan & Gereja Ortodoks serta Freemason.

Nazi, Fascism, Komunisme dan Kapitalisme, merupakan wayang wayang ciptaan "maha" dalang itu. Jesuits/Vatican atas Nazi, dinasti Rockefeller, Illuminati Rothschild atas Komunisme dan Kapitalisme. VOC, dan missi Jesuit/Vatican di Nusantara (abad 16) bagian dari itu semua!

Terutama di Amrik, berbagai yayasan bebas pajak itu (padahal mesin uang trilyunan dolar, ada di artikel yl) antara lain "Rockefeller Foundation", "Ford Foundation", "Carnegie Endowment for International Peace", "Rand Corporation", "Eisenhower Fellowships", "Fulbright", "The ASIA Foundation" (markas besar di San Francisco) dll. Yayasan yayasan itu "generous" menyediakan beasiswa, utamanya untuk studi S2 dan S3, serta program kunjungan jangka pendek (maksimal tiga-empat bulan) di Amrik; untuk kalangan elit organisasi kepemudaan (KNPI, AMPI, jurnalis).

Untuk SLTA, dikenal "the American Field Service" atau AFS. Penulis kehilangan peluang mengikuti AFS, 1972 (untuk hanya siswa kelas dua slta). Sebab seminggu sebelum testing, penulis mengalami kecelakaan di jalan dan gegar otak ringan, dirawat di RS PKO Muhammadiyah selama tiga minggu. Salah satu pesaing penulis, Samhari Baswedan (SMA 3B, terakhir s/d 1992, dokter di satu badan PBB di Jakarta) mewakili Yogyakarta, "home stay" dan sekolah setahun di satu negara bagian di Amrik (biasanya, bukan di kota kota besar seperti WDC, LA, SF, Boston, Chicago dll).

Allah Mahabesar, peluang yang hilang itu digantinNya dengan (1) beasiswa Japan Airlines (JAL) Summer 1977, di Tokyo (dan seharusnya Program Kapal ASEAN mewakili DIY, tetapi satu finalis dari hanya dua termasuk penulis, menghimbau agar Program ASEAN untuk dia. Sebab dia lebih dulu ketimbang penulis melihat pengumuman, di kampusnya, di saat sama penulis ternyata pemenang lomba menulis essay JAL); (2) beasiswa Asia Foundation, "Congressional Fellowship" selama musim gugur 1987; dan – subhanallah – (3) penugasan pertama di KBRI di WDC, Amrik (seharusnya di Perutusan Tetap RI di United Nations, New York, tetapi "diberikan" kepada mitra penulis sesama "perwira ekonomi" di HELN, Deplu – saksi eks Sekjen DEPLU, masih ada).

Berkat keterpajanan (exposure) penulis terhadap "setting" internasional itu, utamanya empat tahun penuh di sentra kekuasaan elit Amrik di WDC (termasuk meski hanya 4 bulan tetapi full-time di US Congress); maka – alhamdulillah – penulis mampu mencermati dan membedah geger poleksosbudkam global itu. Because the Dalangs are based in WDC, Amrik (dan Eropa)!

Dengan artikel inilah, kini, Insya’Allah penulis dapat berbagi dengan pembaca mengenai sebagian dari fenomena di atas. Mereka yang kini menduduki posisi top pemerintahan, paling tidak dari pejabat senior (eselon 3-1) di birokrasi sipil & non-sipil (mayor TNI dan Polisi ke atas) serta di "Senayan", juga dinas intelijens nasional seyogyanya meluangkan waktu menyimak artikel ini.

Di bagian bawah artikel ini, pembaca dapat menyimak hal ihwal seputar sejarah panjang permainan kotor para dalang di atas; yang saling berebut kekuasaan pamungkas menuju the "New World Order" atau NWO atau yang di-Indonesia-kan Tata Dunia Baru (TDB). Diekspos di sana (juga di buku buku pesejarah revisionis yang TIDAK dijual di toko toko buku di Amrik) bahwa tidak seluruh individu (yang berpotensi dijadikan "wayang" di negaranya masing masing) yang di-grooming itu sadar, bahwa mereka sebenarnya "diprogram" untuk secara maksimal membantu/ memfasilitasi dan memuluskan realisasi NWO. Yaitu via posisi posisi top mereka di manapun.

Semua "wayang" itu berada pada komunitas sel masing masing dan strata berbeda, serta mempunyai pengetahun tidak sama mengenai siapa sesunguhnya dalang atau pengendali mereka. Sebab masing masing tidak di-groom (dibina) pada institusi yang sama, meskipun institusi institusi itu puncak pimpinannya melapor kepada boss yang sama: sekelompok top VVIP yang di belakang layar menjadi anggota sub-komunitas rahasia itu.

Salah satu ciri wayang wayang yang terbina itu: berperilaku otoriter; feodalistis; "nggugu karepe dewe" vs. publik; dan kaya materi/uang. Disebut di salah satu dokumen, posisi top, fasilitas dan materi (uang) merupakan reward duniawi bagi para wayang sejagat. Apapun orientasi ideologi dan agama mereka! Uang melimpah dan materi menjadi tuhan mereka! Jerat jerat Illuminati dll itu telah berhasil membelenggu jiwa para pemimpin yang berjiwa jongos!

Dunia ini akan "diapain", mereka yang mengarahkan dan memutuskan! Contoh dari sub-komunitas rahasia itu adalah The Bilderberg, beranggotakan seluruh tokoh poleksosbudkam global non-formal birokrasi, termasuk elit media massa cetak/elektronik/digital budak CIA. Organisasi ini melakukan pertemuan sekali dalam setahun, berpindah-pindah lokasi dijaga amat sangat ketat oleh aparat kemananan dan militer setempat host country. Sulit dipercaya, bukan? Macam serial X-Files saja; bedanya ini REAL, bukan dongeng fiksi-futuristik; dapat anda verifikasi eksistensinya.

Apa yang anda saksikan di X-Files, ET, Independence Day, Man in Black dan film fiksi-futuristik, sesungguhnya representasi dari hal hal yang benar benar ada! Antara lain, isu UFO dan Alien Being, fenomena yang benar benar ada. Penguasa dan kalangan intelijens Amrik dan Eropa sengaja menutup rapat rapat fakta tentang itu.

Dalihnya, antara lain, menjaga kerahasiaan transfer teknologi "alien" dari kemungkinan bocor ke pihak "lawan"; menghindari kepanikan massal warga sipil, dll. Anda dapat menyimak tentang isu isu itu di beberapa Websites, antara lain, (klik), yang mengekspos opsus rahasia penguasa/intel Amrik. Sebagian penampakan UFO di Amrik dan Eropa, sebenarnya bagian dari "test flight" mesin terbang mutakhir Amrik, yang teknologinya diperoleh dari hasil UFO crash landing di New Mexico dll (1947, 1960-an).

R&D tentang manipulasi gravitasi, SUDAH berhasil dicapai oleh IBM yang bekerjasama dengan lembaga riset senjata mutakhir angkatan bersenjata Amrik DARPA. Begitu pula teknologi "cloaking" atau "stealth" (bodoh amat narator satu TV swasta baru, bukan METRO TV, mengu-capkan kata stealth itu "stilt", padahal seharusnya "stelth, "e" seperti dalam "cuek", lidah digigit).

DARPA kini nyaris merampungkan teknologi gabungan stealth-holografik, menyelimuti mesin terbang – kelak mungkin juga tentaranya dan tank/pansernya serta kapal – dengan ribuan semacam transistor (atas-bawah badan "UFO" Amrik), untuk menayangkan seluruh background lanskap (gunung, awan, langit, pepohonan dll) ke bagian depan mesin terbangnya; sehingga benda itu nampak seperti lenyap dari pandangan mata kita! Pesawat pembom/pengintai Stealth 177 kuno! "Cloaking technology" dirintis sejak 1942, dalam the "Philadelphia Experiment".

Di negara bagian New York (bukan NYC), kalau tidak salah di Staten Island, terdapat fasilitas intelijens-militer amat sangat rahasia (NSA, CIA, DIA, Airforce, dll) tempat R&D dan uji lapangan berbagai jenis teknologi super canggih, seperti "time travel", "teleportation" (sudah berhasil diuji-coba dengan stasiun intelijens Amrik di Pine Gap, Australia!) Mendapat bocoran dari seorang mitranya periset di stasiun yang di New York itu, seorang pakar fisika Amerika menyusup ke sana. Ia terbengong bengong menyaksikan kanguru (binatang khas Aussie) berada di lokasi super rahasia di New York itu! Itu hasil teknologi "teleportasi" materi.

Demikian sangat amat dirahasiakan (dari publik, bahkan kalangan US Congress) R&D itu, termasuk "Alien technology", seorang bekas "insider" dunia tertutup itu dibunuh setelah ia nekad membuka kerahasiaan tsb kepada publik (saya cari dulu artikel itu, nanti Insya’Allah saya berikan teksnya di bagian lain bertanda @). Sedangkan seorang eks Pati militer Amrik menyatakan kepada seorang Anchor TV swasta di Amrik, bahwa ia (eks Pati intelijens itu) dapat memberitahu Anchor TV itu tentang rahasia rahasia tsb, tetapi setelah itu ia harus membunuh si TV Anchor!!!

Ditujukan untuk apa semua R&D super rahasia itu (bahkan tidak seluruh insider boleh mengetahuinya, kecuali pemegang akses kategori "Cosmic" dua lapis di atas Ultra Top Secret!), tidak lain adalah bagi penguasaan pamungkas atas seluruh ummat manusia dan sumber alam di bumi! Instalasi intelijens-militar Amerik di "Area 51" dan di Groom Lake, merupakan salah satu dari sentra R&D dan "safe house" bagi – you’d better believe it, folk – mitra rahasia mereka dari …outerspace! Kerjasama sangat rahasia itu dicapai di era Presiden Truman. Bulan lalu, Presdein Bush memutuskan meningkatkan "level" (akses) kerahasiaan atas Area 51.

Penulis memaklumi, manakala sebagian besar dari pembaca tidak percaya akan semua itu. Why the hell, sebagian besar masyarakat Jawa, utamanya Wong Yogya, juga Sunda dan "Kulon" meyakini – apapun agama mereka – adanya Nyi Roro Kidul; yang bagi penulis meskipun ada per-cikan darah Mataram Solo dan Yogya, Nyai Roro Kidul tidak lebih daripada Jin jenis perempuan. Dan, mind you folks, WAJIB hukumnya bagi Muslim mengimani hal ghaib, utamanya eksistensi para Jin sesat maupun yang soleh/soleha (diciptakanNya sebagai penghuni bumi, sebelum ummat manusia diciptakan. Baca Al-Qur’an). Tetapi itu TIDAK berarti Muslim harus menyembahnya!

Kalau anda pernah membaca buku "MIND WAR" (1980-an awal, penulis sudah membaca tammat ketika masih di Amrik), anda baru percaya bahwa CIA dan (dulu) KGB menyibukkan diri dengan perk’lenikan moderen melibatkan super teknologi quantum dan elektronik! CIA ternyata jauh di belakang R&D KGB di bidang persantetan elektronik itu; utamanya dalam pengembangan teknologi "telekinetic power".

Disebutkan di buku itu, dalam ekserimennya seorang pakar bayaran KGB telah berhasil membunuh seekor kambing – berjarak puluhan meter – hanya dengan sorot matanya (ilmu "netra dahana" di Kerajaan Mataram Solo dan Yogya dulu). Beberapa "suhu" kelompok silat tenaga dalam MERPATI PUTIH (berasal murini dari Mataram, Yogya) pun mampu mematikan api lilin dari jarak 6-7 meter – hanya dengan tatapan matan mereka!

Kemampuan mematahkan per daun mobil (selapis saja!), batu, pompa air dragon (lokal non-elektrik), bukan karena ayunan pukulannya; melainkan (pada tataran tertentu) pancaran tenaga dalam di telapak tangan melumerkan "massa" besi/logam sasaran. Olahraga beladiri keras Jepun, seperti Karate (Shotokan), pelakunya perlu berlatih "tameshwari" (mukulin benda benda keras) bertahun-tahun untuk mampu memecahkan batu! Berhenti berlatih, hilang pula kemampuan itu. Lain dengan tenaga dalam murni (olah pernapasan).

Penulis, ketika masih kelas dua slta pernah ikut latihan Karate (dulu PORKI, bukan FORKI), belum dua tahun pun sudah mampu memecahkan satu tegel di tangan, dan 10 batu bata merah hancur semua TANPA penyangga rongga di dasarnya. Kini? Mit-amit, sudah 20 tahun tidak latihan tameshwari, mana mampu? Ditodong bandit bersenjata pisau? Lari saja ……

Lain dengan para anggota (ihwan) PPS PANCA DAYA (dulu ada Homepage di Medan), tenaga dalam TANPA Jin tidak seperti puluhan perguruan sesat di Jawa, Jabar,dll; tidak diajarkan mukulin benda benda keras dan mematikan lilin dari jarak jauh. Panca Daya dapat dilontarkan via klakson mobil, lampu mobil hanya menggunakan pikiran (telekinetik), bisa untuk mengunci rumah, barang, kendaraan dll. Bahkan "membutakan" banyak/kelompok orang (zalim/jahat)!

Bedanya dengan Merpati Putih (tenaga dalam mematikan!), Panca Daya TIDAK bocor ke tangan Amrik/Eropa! Ketika penulis berpamitan Guru Besar di Parung, Maret 1993, akan tugas ke manca negara (dan mendapat mandat "Cabang" untuk mengajarkannya di manca negara), Mbah Gondo (sudah wafat tahun 2001) justru MELARANG! "Jangan, bahaya kalau dikuasai Bule!"

Anda dapat bayangkan, kalau DELTA Force atau NAVY SEAL Amrik menguasai ilmu itu? Tidak perlu menggelar Armada ke-7 untuk menaklukkan NKRI, cukup diprogram TNI tidur semua!! Dulu, 1980-an, ilmu itu eksklusif Muslim, kemudian pemeluk semua non-Muslim boleh menjadi anggota PPS Panca Daya—termasuk Buddhist WNI-Cina di Yogya, yang dihajar truk di Ring Road tidak lecet secuil pun! Motornya hancur, sebab "programnya" hanya ybs selamat.

Jadi "ilmu ilmu" aneh/ghaib semacam itu, yang di NKRI harus dipelajari bertahun tahun oleh para pendekar pencak silat tenaga dalam lokal (PPS Panca Daya, Pranasakti, Bunga Karang, Tedas, SN dll. Merpati Putih bocor, sudah dipelajari orang Barat dan Amrik); oleh dinas intel CIA dan (dulu) KGB sudah berhasil diraih tanpa "puasa mutih", hindari "ma-lima" maupun "laku" berat lainnya! Keunggulan hi-tech dan "laku" Satanist mereka merupakan "anugerah"!

Sudah penulis ungkapkan di artikel NKRI: NEGERI MALING DAN PENYAMUN, bahwa dengan memanipulasi teori "TESLA", komunitas intelijens-militer Amrik dan Russia telah BERHASIL membuat "Scalar Weapon" dan "HAARP". Senjata nuklir sudah usang! Sebab dengan Scalar Weapon dan HAARP, CIA/NSA dan Russia kini mampu "ngoprek oprek" cuaca di seluruh muka bumi! Mau (LAGI) membanjiri Jakarta pun, piece of cake! Mau bikin gempa bumi, tinggal pencet tombolnya di Alaska! "Sidik jari" gempa buatan itu, selalu diawali kilatan kilatan aneh (plasma) di angkasa (gempa di RRC 1976, korban sejuta lebih; Australia Utara, Bosnia, dll).

Sudah penulis singgung di NEGERI MALING, diulang sedikit saja di sini, seusai bertemu dengan Senator terkemuka di Capitol Hill, WDC; di depan staf seniornya dan penulis, BJH menga-takan – bahwa apapun yang diminta NKRI akan diberikan oleh Amrik. Cuma, dengan persyaratan: NKRI jangan coba coba "main main" dengan bom nuklir dan senjata LASER!

Why? Sebab CIA tahu kita punya potensi ke arah itu (utamanya ITB), dan – surprise – di kawasan tertentu Sulawesi terdapat sumber uranium! Selain itu, di Poso terdapat sumber melimpah bbm! No wonder, Poso diacak acak intel Amrik (baca, majalah SABILI, tetapi disanggah secara bodoh oleh seorang Pamen TNI-AD di sana), dan jangan lupa bahwa dinasti Bush adalah penguasa BBM dunia (you will read ditailnya di bagian lain artikel ini). Maka bolak-balik, neo-imperialisme Amrik dan Inggris dimotivasi oleh penguasaan atas sumber bbm di seluruh dunia!

Di bagian lain artikel ini, anda dapat baca teks aselinyas plus topik isu yang sama via Link (anda klik): "The New US and British Oil Imperialism", juga THE OIL FACTOR The geopolitics of the Third World War, OPERATION SHEKINAH: Israel Plans Blitzkrieg to Capture Arab Oil Fields (serial oleh Joe Vialls dimuat di Homepage/Website lain), US Media Preparing Public For Mass Slaughter In Iraqby Bill Vann 10-4-2; Pipeline dream The emerging connection between oil plans and the 9-11 attacksby William Rivers Pitt/; BIG OIL RULERS Part 1 & 2; dan (MUST read!) Plunging the World Into Despotism, By Norman D. Livergood.

Insya’allah, membaca itu semua anda dapat punya gambaran lebih baik tentang perilaku imperialistik Bush cs. dan Tonny Blair. Baca juga OIL PLOT 1 dan BIG OIL and TERRORISTS dalam Sherman Skolnick’s Report. Di kutipan di bawah menyangkut Eurasia sebagai target utama Amrik,adna dapat temukan posisi NKRI sebagai target. Silahkan baca juga yang ini: "If you want to rule the world, you need to control oil. All the oil. Anywhere." (termasuk di Poso, Sulawesi!) di buku Monopoly,by Michel Collon

Cermati, WHY Bung Guruh Soekarnoputra pergi sejauh negeri bekas Uni Soviet di Asia Tengah itu (atas kuasaNya mendapat jodoh di negeri itu)? Negeri itu termasuk sumber bbm yang sudah diincar dinasti Bush & Rockefeller (lihat petanya di bagian lain artikel ini)! Coba, kalau dalam suksesi 2009 nanti Soekarno muda itu berhasil menjadi orang nomor satu di NKRI; maka kepentingan bbm NKRI pun teramankan. BBM, BBM, BBM, nyaris seluruh pertikaian di dunia berkaitan dengan emas hitam itu!

Back to film film fiksi di depan, dari mana, menurut anda, producers film fiksi-futuristik itu mendapat ide pembuatan-nya? Hasil imajinasi orang orang perfilman di Hollywood? Nope! Bukan! Industri perfilman, rekaman, media cetak dan elektronika/digital di Barat, lebih lebih Hollywood, dikuasai komunitas rahasia di atas – komunitas (top level-nya) yang punya akses kepada rahasia (level "Cosmic") penguasa bayangan di atas.

Film film itu sengaja dibuat, dalam rangka sedikit demi sedikit untuk mempersiapkan masyarakat dunia, pada kenyataan yang selama ini tidak terbayangkan pernah eksis! Jadi rahasia tentang UFO dan alien, sedikit demi sedikit dibuka, dipercikkan kepada masyarakat dunia via film. Masyarakat dunia dibuat terbiasakan oleh fenomena itu, yang selama ini dianggap satu dongeng futuristik; agar manakala kelak (harus) dibuka secara tuntas tidak mengalami kepanikan massal!

Kembali kepada BJH di atas, belasan tahun di Jerman (Barat), sehingga mimpi pun sangat mungkin BJH ngomong dalam bahasa Jerman. Sekali lagi, penulis tidak anti BJH dan juga bukan pemujanya. Namun harus diakui, "suaranya" didengarKAN bahkan oleh kalangan US Congress.

Di bawah, di salah satu paragrap artikel ini ada mengenai hal itu. Meskipun di kalangan elit politik dan pengamat politik/ekonomi NKRI ada yang nyinyir terhadap BJH, namun fakta: BJH diperhitungan secara internasional – bahkan oleh kalangan top elit US Congress!

Kira kira faktor mana yang membuatnya diperhitungkan dunia? Pertama, BJH salah satu top eksekutif perusahaan/konsorsium Eropa pembuat (yang di Jerman) pesawat AIRBUS;pesaing utama BOEING Corporation (Amrik) setelah FOKKER Belanda gulung tikar. Itu yang pertama.

Kedua, belasan tahun hidup, bekerja/berkarya di Jerman membuatnya menjadi "orang Jerman" bukan bule (perawakannya yang relatif kecil tidak impresif seperti, misalnya, Jenderal Purn. SBY, menyebabkan penulis menjulukinya Napoleon). Airbus Jerman, paling tidak, adalah andalan industri aviation sipil di Eropa. Tidak semua orang Asia, apalagi NKRI, dapat menjadi bagian dari top manajemennya. BJH, sekali lagi, sudah menjadi bagian di dalamnya (fakta).

Jerman, manakala anda mencermatinya, merupakan "negara Katolik" di Eropa. Hitler, pendatang dari Austria, adalah pencetus Nazi yang mempunyai "penasehat spiritual" (dan donatur) seorang tokoh Jesuit yang kemudian menjadi salah satu petinggi di Vatican! Temukan kaitan erat antara Jesuit/Vatican & Nazi/Hitler di bagian bawah artikel ini (jauh di bawah). Apa kaitan semua itu dengan BJH? Please, jangan salah menyimpulkan (jump to conclusion).

Penulis TIDAK mengajak pembaca berkesimpulan salah, bahwa BJH bagian dari "super wayang" dalam rangka membangun kembali kejayaan Nazi! Nazi dan Fasisme sudah "tammat", tidak ada petinggi militer dan sipil Jerman yang ingin menghidupkannya kembali. BUT, dinas intelijens Amrik OSS cikal; bakal CIA merekrut banyak eks perwira dan petinggi Nazi! George Bush senior pernah direktur CIA; ayahnya Prescott Bush punya kaitan erat dengan NAZI. Begitu pula salah satu dinasti Rockeffeler, pemasok gas maut (di artikel BOM BALI yl) versus Yahudi!

Dalam konteks antara dalang di atas dan wayangnya (di beberapa strata), sangat mungkin tanpa sadar BJH (is he?) menjadi salah satu top figur sipil NKRI yang direkrut! Sekali lagi, dalam konteks kaitan erat antara Nazi dan kalangan elit Jesuit/Vatican (Vatican bahkan merestui serbuan Nazi atas Russia berkaitan dengan puluhan juta ummat Gereja Ortodoks Russia yang "mambelo" terhadap Vatican), dan bahwa Jerman merupakan basis Katolik Roma(wi) -- bukan "berteori", cuma "ngotak-atik" (bisa salah, bisa benar) penulis kaitkan "lead" itu dengan hal ini:

Timor (dulu) Timur! TimTim mayoritas Katolik Roma(wi). Selama era "pendudukan" oleh NKRI, "Panglima" Gereja Katolik di Dili berperanan sangat menentukan. Ia tidak tunduk kepada Presiden RI, melainkan "melapor" langsung kepada "Kaisar Romawi Baru" di Vatican.

Kemudian, dilakukan jejak pendapat penentuan sikap TimTim; meu terus menjadi bagian dari NKRI atau melepaskan diri. Itu terjadi di era kepresidenan BJH. BJH "orang Jerman". Sampai hari ini pun, sangat mungkin masih memegang SIM Jerman (berlaku seumur hidup). The rest of the episode, you know it: TimTim merdeka (lepas dari RI). Draw your (own) conclusion.

Tangan "Kaisar Romawi Baru" memainkan peranan kunci dalam peristiwa besar itu. Dari narasumber sangat terpercaya (eks Pati), diperoleh informasi yang mengkonfirmasi jangkauan tangan "Sang Kaisar" itu dalam peristiwa besar lainnya – juga di TimTim. Di mata petinggi TNI, Xanana Gusmau musuh besar yang (dulu) WAJIB ditangkap hidup atau mati. Di mata bangsanya (kubu tidak pro integrasi termasuk Fretilin), ia seorang pejuang dan (kini) pahlawan nasional Timor Leste. Selama Timor bagian NKRI, ia memimpin perlawanan (gerilya) vs. TNI.

Penulis tidak ingat lagi, kapan tahun mana ia akhirnya tertangkap dalam operasi militer salah satu kesatuan elit TNI-AD. Singkat ceritera, Gusmau berhasil ditangkap hidup. Narasumber di atas termasuk Pamen TNI yang saat itu berada di TimTim, tidak jelas apa peranannya namun ybs tahu banyak tentang penangkapan Xanana. Terjadi kontroversi, di lapangan: entah apa pula pertimbangannya secara Opsus militer versus musuh, pokoknya Xanana saat itu harus "dihabisi".

Keputusan lapangan itu dikomunikasikan ke "Merdeka Barat" (Cilangkap belum ada), karena, tentu, dibutuhkan keputusan puncak Panglima (LBM waktu itu?, meski sudah lengser pun ia tetap berkuasa dan didukung banyak "LBM’s boys", sekarang rata rata 2-star minimal 3-star generals). Keputusan Panglima, ternyata, DO NOT execute Xanana Gusmau!

Lho? Kan dia musuh besar NKRI, dan membunuh berapa banyak TNI? Tak ada pilihan, eksekusi dibatalkan (or else, dia tidak jadi presiden pertama Timor Leste!). Begitu pentingnya figur Xanana, sehingga Panglima pun memerintahkan agar ybs (Gusmau) tidak dieksekusi.

Why? Kaitkan ini: LBM was and still IS a former, MOST powerful 4-star general Katolik! Ia tunduk hanya kepada "Kaisar Romawi Baru" – di Vatican. Bukan Pak Harto. Need I say more?

Ceritera dari narasumber lain, kawan penulis kini 1-star general TNI senior. Ketika LBM menjabat orang nomor satu di salah satu kesatuan khas TNI-AD, setiap pk. 04.00 WIB (di wilayah Jakarta Timur) ia "keprak" seluruh anak-buahnya (prajurit s/d Pamen) melakukan olahraga khas militer. Pukul 04/00 WIB, sehingga mereka TIDAK dapat melakukan KEWAJIBAN shalat subuh!

Selain itu, almarhum paman penulis (seangkatan LBM di sekolah perwira di Bandung, bahkan sekamar) menceriterakan, bahwa LBM melarang staf/anak buahnya (Muslim) membawa sajadah di kantor (Merdeka Barat dan Utara).LBM sangat ANTI Islam! Ini FAKTA sejarah. Ia punya dalih melakukan vendetta vs. Pak Harto, sebab ia korban "de-Benny-isasi" atas BAIS!

"Angle" di atas penulis angkat, di sini, untuk menunjukkan bahwa NKRI pun merupakan bagian dari negara target "permainan" empat dalang global di depan. Tidak pernah dibantah LBM maupun "LBM’s boys", adalah investigative reporting sebuah tabloid terkenal di NKRI, mengenai indikasi kuat peranan LBM (setelah lengser dari Menhan) dalam Amuk Massal medio-Mei 1998. Tim investigasi tabloid itu memang hebat, antara lain, mampu mengungkap insiden "Kuda Mati"; yakni bentrok berdarah antara kesatuan kecil Kopasus dan kesatuan Brimob pada tahun 2002.

Mengenai kaitan LBM dan "Kiamat Jakarta Mei 1998", LBM punya dalih kuat untuk – dengan memakai cara apapun –melakukan personal vendetta terhadap Pak Harto yg melengser-kan dirinya dari posisi top (waktu itu) ABRI. Bernara-sumber dua petinggi TNI-AD (satu masih aktif berbintang dua, satu lagi eks bintang tiga TNI-AD), tabloid politik (hebat) itu mengekspos hal hal sangat penting sbb:

(1) Bersumber pada anak buah salah satu jenderal TNI itu (mayor), salah satu jenderal itu menyatakan bahwa mayor itu pernah diajak mitranya (juga TNI) datang ke lokasi pelatihan militer RAHASIA; di kawasan terpencil wilayah Bogor (luar kota, bukan kota Bogor). Di sana ada sekitar 500 "pasukan gelap" di bawah komando LBM yang BUKAN Panglima lagi. Eksistensi "pasukan gelap" LBM itu jauh sebelum terjadi Kiamat Mei 1998 (dua tahun sebelmnya);

(2) Kekacauan komando pengamanan Jakarta (KODAM V Jaya dan KOSTRAD) antara tanggal 13 dan 14 Mei 1998, akibat radio komunikasi dua arah (transceiver) induk di KODAM (dan KOSTRAD?) frekuensinya DITIMPA (target "jamming") frequensi yang sama tetapi dengan "power" jauh lebih besar. Otomotis komunikasi (komando) dari "base station" di KODAM V Jaya ke seluruh Komandan KODIM terputus. Dalam istilah orang ORARI (Organisasi Radio Amatir) dan RAPI (Radio Antarpendudk, atau CB Citizen Band di Amrik), seluruh KODIM di Jabotabek itu "budek". Mencuit-cuit pun (bunyi transceiver ketika terkena jamming) tidak!

Coba anda "ngebrik" dan "mojok" dengan primadona di satu "Kaveling" gaul frekuensi tertentu, lantas pesaing anda yang naksir primadona itu merasa cemburu. Maka pesaing anda yang memiliki "rig" dengan booster 1000 Watts, lantas "nembak" ruang udara antara anda & "pojokan" anda (si primadona yang bermodulasi dapat membuat "kiwir kiwir" "breakers" pria) dengan antena pengarahnya (tinggi 40 meteran). Sedangkan rig anda dengan power 45 Watts (istilah di dunia itu, tanpa "sepatu", alias tanpa Booster) dan antena "omni" jenis HiGain, tidak dapat mengarah ke manapun kecuali ke langit langit (antena "Omni").

Apa yang anda dan "pojokan" anda alami? Kalian berdua budek! Rig anda dengan power hanya 45 Watts, DITIMPA (jammed) transmisi rig (transceiver) berpower 1000 Watts. Wassalam! Sitkon seperti itulah, seperti dituturkan salah satu Pati TNI di atas kepada tabloid tsb, yang dialami KODAM V Jaya pada momen yang amat sangat genting saat itu. Seluruh radio komunikasi dua arah di KODIM se-Jabotabek, termasuk walkie-talkie para Babinsa – budek!

Disebutkan pula bahwa frekuensi kembaran transceiver KODAM itu dipancarkan dari satu hotel, milik LBM, di kawasan Puncak. Narasumber yang sama (salah satu Pati itu) memberitahu tabloid itu, bahwa selain KODAM V Jaya, yang memiliki jenis transceiver tsb hanya Kedutaan Besar Amrik di Jakarta! Seperti penulis kemukakan di atas, Laporan Utama tabloid mengenai indikasi sangat kuat peranan LBM (and his "boys") itu, TIDAK PERNAH dibantah oleh LBM maupun oleh one of his boys/loyalists. Diam berarti setuju atau membenarkan! (hadith shahih)

Masih berkait dengan Kiamat Jakarta Mei 1998, seorang tokoh sipil CSIS (dekat dengan elit TNI) menyatakan (berkaitan dengan dakwaan bahwa Prabowo mengotaki Amuk Mei 1998) bahwa skenario jahat sangat canggih itu tidak mungkin diotaki jenderal TNI semuda Prabowo; melainkan dimainkan oleh eks jenderal senior jauh di atasnya. Pada Awal Juni 1998, penulis mengirimkan artikel mengenai Amuk Mei itu kepada majalah terkenal, tetapi media itu tidak mau memuat. Democracy stops dead at the (sebagian) Editor-in-Chief’s Desk!

Tidak ada demokrasi dalam dunia itu! Penulis sudah angkat fenomena itu, mengutip statement jurnalis gaek di Amrik, di artikel NKRI: NEGERI MALING & PENYAMUN. Bahwa sebagian besar media massa utama di Amrik (juga Inggris dll) merupakan wahana DISinformasi para mahadalang di depan, silahkan kunjungi a/l A Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), dan silahkan baca WHY YOU ARE NOT GETTING THE NEWS? Di sana, anda akan temukan Websites utama di dunia, yang obyekyifitas berita/analisisnya mematahkan disinformasi CNN dll!

Para elit media massa di Amrik dan Barat serta Timur, sengaja "mendukuni" news apalagi opini dalam editorial dan artikel para kolumnisnya. Seluruh media utama Amerika, Barat dan Timur dikuasai modal para baron Zionis dan Mahadalang di atas. Silahkan baca ini, bagaimana PERS Amrik mencuci otak warga Amrik tentang serbuan ke Irak (klik): US Media Preparing Public For Mass Slaughter In Iraq, by Bill Vann 10-4-2. Persis Pearl Harbor, Kuba, Vietnam, dll. Yaitu memainkan/memanipulasi emosi massal untuk MAU mendukung perang!

Dalam pada itu, masih berkait dengan Kiamat Jakarta – yang Prabowo selaku Panglima KOSTRAD dituduh TANPA BUKTI sebagai dalangnya – sebuah tabloid lain (sudah mati) meng-ungkapkan perseteruan lama antara LBM dan Prabowo (Sorry General, saya tidak pakai sebutan Mas di sini, as I normally did in the past). Diungkapkan di tabloid itu, bahwa LBM pernah menco-ba (serius) memasukkan Prabowo (waktu itu masih Pamen) ke dalam inner circle-nya tetapi gagal.

Prabowo selain dikenal jenius (diakui kalangan diplomat asing Barat di Jakarta, dimuat di oleh FEER ketika penulis masih di Amrik) dan mampu berbicara/tulis dalam empat bahasa Eropa (berkat hidup dalam pengasingan 16 tahun bersama ayahndanya di era ORLA), kini plus bahasa Arab (berkat setahun di Yordania) -- ia juga disayangi anak-buahnya (dalam Linud KOSTRAD dan Kopasus) dan dekat dengan kalangan Muslim. Maka tak mengherankan, LBM "benci kepati pati" terhadap jenderal (haji, 1992) muda itu!

Diungkapkan juga di tabloid itu, ketika Prabowo Komandan Batalyon (bukan di Kopasus) pernah menemukan keganjilan dalam pembelian senapan M16 dari Amrik. Dephankam membeli 10 ribu pucuk senapan jenis itu, tetapi Prabowo menemukan ada shipment 20 ribu pucuk tiba di Jakarta. Mau dipakai untuk Opsus apa yang ekstra 10 ribu M16 itu oleh LBM? Hal itu dilaporkan kepada "Indonesia Satu", dan dihimbau agar LBM ditangkap. Tidak ditulis di tabloid tersebut, apa alasan "Nomor Satu" tidak mengiyakan saran Prabowo itu.

Cermati, proliferasi senapan jenis itu di wilayah wilayah konflik seperti Ambon, Maluku, Poso, di kalangan "pasukan Merah". Bisnis dagang senjataa gelap, "gun-running" PLUS narkoba merupakan aktivitas yang sangat menguntungkan kalangan counterintelligence seperti CIA (klik, WAR ON DRUGS). George Bush senior salah satu operatornya sejak menjabat direktur CIA. Al Martin, Webmaster, bekas "field operative" CIA membongkar tuntas bisnis haram CIA itu.

Bahwa LBM sejak muda dekat dengan kalangan MOSSAD, CIA dan DIA, bukan dongeng yang tidak dapat diverifikasi kebenarannya. Anda cukup membaca EVERY SPY A PRINCE, dan BY WAY OF DECEPTION The Making And Unmaking Of A MOSSAD Officer (tidak dijual di NKRI, at least s/d 2001), oleh bekas Pamen AD-Israel yang direkrut MOSSAD Victor Ostrovsky.

Terutama di buku pertama, disebutkan (belasan lembar) bahwa MOSSAD secara resmi telah ber-kantor di Jakarta, quote "…posing as European businessmen, holding Europen passports … an office in downtown Jakarta." end quote. Sayang, buku dipinjam seseorang tahun 1992, tidak dikembalikan; foto-copy halaman yang mengulas NKRI secara khusus diminta seorang Pamen waktu itu (jagoan counterintelligence). Disebutkan oleh Victor bahwa tujuan utama kerjasama dengan kalangan intelijens NKRI itu, adalah dalam rangka mengatasi sisa-sisa PKI dan orang orang militer yang telah terbina Komunis/PKI.

CONFIRMED, bahwa s/d dekade 1980-an masih ada segelintir non-Pamen dan Pamen TNI-AD dll (juga wartawan senior!) yang merupakan "sleepers" kaum Komunis utamanya Uni Soviet/KGB. Tahun 1980-an, aparat BAIS menangkap seorang Pamen TNI-AL agen KGB yang telah menjual peta landas kontinen NKRI di bagian Timur (kadar garam tinggi, sehingga sangat menguntungkan armada kapal selam Uni Soviet di Vladivostok vs. deteksi armada laut Amrik) kepada KGB-Uni Soviet.

Sementara itu, almarhum paman penulis, terakhir kolonel TNI-AD di Inspektorat Jenderal Angkatan Darat (di bawah Kantor KASAD?), dalam inspeksinya akhir dekade 70-an, di Magelang menemukan bahwa seorang non-Pamen pelatih lempar geranat ternyata binaan PKI. Di kota besar di Jawa Barat, ditemukan Pamen TNI-AD juga binaan PKI. Di Semarang, ditemukan juga seorang pebisnis kaya WNI-Cina memiliki "scanner" (alat pendengar frequency kalangan militer!) yang dapat mendengarKAN seluruh transmisi (dulu) Mabes ABRI ke seluruh KODAM di NKRI!

Sudah penulis singgung di artikel ADA UPAYA MENGHIDUPKAN KEMBALI PKI Surat Terbuka Kepada Presiden KH. Abdurrahman Wahid (dimuat juga di beberapa Websites) di Website Ahmad Sudirman (tahun 2000), hal hal tentang MOSSAD itu. Penulis sebut di sana, a/l, dialog dengan seorang eks Pati TNI-AD (3-Star general) ketika penulis masih di manca negara. Ketika penulis coba konfirmasi, siapa kini (1996) yang memanfaatkan "jasa" MOSSAD itu, secara sangat diplomatis beliau menggiring penulis menyimpulkan sendiri. Yakni bahwa salah satu "pelanggan" utama jasa MOSSAD adalah ……. LBM.

Terakhir tentang LBM dalam konteks di atas (Mahadalang dan their local "wayang"), CONFIRMED pula bahwa LBM sejak lama punya hubungan sangat erat dengan kalangan intel utama di Amrik, termasuk DIA – Defense Intelligence Agency (BAIS-nya Amrik). Penulis lupa bulan mana dan tahun mana, ketika penulis masih di Amrik datang berkunjung ke KBRI salah satu Pati Merdeka Barat. Ia hanya transit di Washington, D.C. (urusan dengan Pentagon), tujuan utama ke Texas berkaitan dengan peluncuran paket skuadron F-16 yang dibeli TNI-AU.

Ini tidak lazim. Untuk acara sepenting itu seharusnya dihadiri langsung oleh Panglima, saat itu LBM. Diperoleh informasi, bahwa LBM – yang diketahui dekat DIA dan CIA – tidak diperbolehkan pergi (lagi) ke Amrik. Tebak sendiri siapa yang punya otoritas itu; jelas BUKAN Gubernur DKI! Jelas, sedini itu (1990 ke atas), hubungan antara LBM dan "Nomor Satu" sudah tidak harmonis lagi. Sebab, tidak berkaitan dengan konteks hubungan erat LBM dengan kalangan intelijens Amrik; LBM termasuk segelintir Pati TNI-AD yang berani mengoreksi "Nomor Satu".

Lagi, mengapa "angle" Xanana-Kiamat Mei 1998-LBM-Prabowo penulis angkat di sini, sebab kita tahu siapa LBM dan sikapnya terhadap Islam selama dia "kiprah" di intelijens militer NKRI. Harus penulis tegaskan di sini, tidak semua pemeluk Katolik anti Islam; tetapi FAKTAnya LBM sangat amat anti Islam NKRI (Tanjung Priok 1984 dll). Begitu pula halnya dengan Mayor Jenderal (Purn) Theo Syafei! Tokoh sangat anti Islam (dan BJH) ini, JELAS JELAS melakukan penghinaan dan FITNAH vs. kalangan Muslim NKRI (kecuali, mungkin kubu "Gus-Duris").

What happens dengan kasus Theo Syafei? Di-peti-es-kan, diping-pong antara Gedung Bundar dan POLDA, sehingga kelompok Islam yang menggugat Theo sangat dikecewakan. Kini, dua tokoh Islam (yang selama ini dilabel) Radikal, Ketua FPI dan Ba’asyir ditahan polisi. Theo Syafei mah, bebas merdeka! No surprise lah, wong Theo sangat dekat dengan "mBakyune"!

Kekuatan tersembunyi manakah yang mampu melakukan intervensi terhadap (1) nasib Xanana Gusmau di tangan penangkapnya; (2) masih bebas-merdekanya Theo Syafei? Siapa lagi kalau bukan "Kaisar Romawi Baru" di Vatican! Diungkapkan oleh METRO REALITAS (Kamis, dinihari 24/10/02 dinihari), bahwa berkaitan dengan Kiamat Legian Bali, Bush dalam telpon 20-menitnya kepada Megawati telah "meminta" agar tokoh Muslim "keras" Ba’asyir ditangkap! FAKTA? Ulama tua itu, dalam keadaan sakit, kini berstatus tahanan! Ini negeri GESTAPO!

Siapa pula orang di dalam Tim Gabungan Pencari Fakta Amuk Massal Mei 1998, yang paling NGOTOT menuduh Prabowo dkk otak Kiamat Mei itu? Tidak lain dan tak bukan adalah seorang non-Muslim anggota Tim itu yang – amat sangat mungkin – kader Jesuit di NKRI! Jesuit-Vatican-Nazi-CIA berada dalam satu jalinan hubungan erat, seperti ikan dan air. Silahkan anda baca sendiri, tentang hal itu, di bagian lain pada artikel sangat panjang ini. Yaitu berupa kutipan langsung dari teks aselinya dalam bahasa Inggris.

Sedangkan dokumen lain yang jauh lebih rinci mengenai sepak terjang Jesuit/Vatican, penulis telah cantumkan judul judul topiknya di dalam artikel (UPDATE 15/10-02) Bom Bali. Terlalu panjang, dan besar kilobyte files Jesuit/Vatican itu jika semua diimpor ke artikel ini. Anda tidak akan mempercayai omongan penulis tentang fenomena ini, sebelum anda membaca sendiri mengenai sepak terjang JESUIT & VATICAN dan dua dalang global lainnya.

It’s your choice, tetap berada dalam kegelapan (groping in the dark) tidak berdaya vis-à-vis berbagai kemelut di NKRI selama ini; atau mencoba memiliki keberanian mental menguak –sedikit demi sedikit – "lead" menyangkut peranan sang "Mahasutradara" itu. Bagi penganut Katolik ta’at, penulis menyarankan mengunjungi Homepage atau Website mengkhususkan diri meneropong "kiprah" Vatican dan kaum Jesuit. Juga beberapa artikel (link ke Google/Yahoo search engines, untuk mempermudah anda mencarinya, tinggal klik) sbb:

"The Montauk Project" by Preston Nichols;CIA & Vatican, Holographic Projection Techonology Project Holy See;Best of Watcher Conspiracy Digest 1999-2001;
Marian Apparitions = False Prophecy, Vatican, Mystery Babylon Links;
"Jesuit Vatican Tyranny";
Click here to go to Secret Treaty of Verona;

Berikut ini penegasan Direktur AIC International Christian Ministries, mengenai BUKTI keterkaitan antara komunitas rahasia "Masonic" dan Jesuit (penggunaan cara kekerasan termasuk pembunuhan) versus komunitas pemeluk Kristen non-Vatican, sbb (teks lengkap, plus sub-Link ke topik topik terkait, silahkan cari di Homepage direktur itu di AIC):The Masonic Connection.

The following documents are authentic, and prove that the Masonic link to the Vatican is established and very real. The testimony of this repentant Mason is credible and factual. We have more proof, and evidence of multiple assassination attempts and former plans to have taken the life of Dr. Alberto Rivera.At least two assassins were converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and repented to Dr. Rivera for the attempt they made on his life.

Adapun menyangkut ekspansi Vatican ke Asia Tenggara sejak abad 16, judul di bawah akan membawa anda ke teks lengkap Chapter 16 Catholic Expansionism in Southeast Asia in the 19th Century. Peng-Katolik-an bangsa Vietnam yang dilakukan Jesuit secara sangat mencolok (ambisius), telah memprovokasi ke-tidak-senang-an banyak kalangan di Vietnam yang mayoritas pemeluk Buddhisme. Singkatnya, terjadi perlawanan pisik vs. "pasukan" Vatican, dan perlawanan itu dibalas oleh milisi Jesuit.

Pertumpahan darah tidak terhindarkan. Kaum Jesuit/Vatican itu memberitakan insiden tsb. ke seluruh Eropa, sebagai penindasan terhadap agama (Katolik) oleh non-Katolik Vietnam. Bangsa kolonialis Eropa pun termasuk Perancis bereaksi, mengirim armada kapalnya dan membombardir Viet-nam. Itulah awal dari penjajahan Perancis atas bangsa Vietnam – akibat sepak terjang Jesuit!

Sedangkan yang ini, resensi buku yang menarik dibaca (ditulis oleh bule non-Muslim):

The Jesus Puzzle: Did Christianity Begin with a Mythical Christ? By Earl Doherty Saussy, dan Christ Conspiracy:The Greatest Story Ever Sold. By Acharya S., silahkan baca resensinya oleh Avharya S., Online di, juga Christianity Betrayed.

Mengenai "Panglima" Jesuit paling berkuasa di Amrik, silahkan klik judul berikut ini yang – Insya’Allah – membawa anda via Mesin dan/atau ke teks lengkap:

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The "Black" Pope
Count Hans Kolvenbach— The Jesuit’s General
The Most Powerful Man In The World?

Anda penasaran, ingin mengetahui sumpah rahasia kaum Jesuit? Misi utama mereka, hanya satu: menguasai dunia! BUNUH SEMUA YANG MENGHALANGI! Topiknya (klik):

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Seal of the Society of Jesus
The Jesuit Oath Exposed

"Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-Regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated." Baca pula SUMPAH JESUIT yang teksnya disimpan di the US Congress (artinya, OTENTIK 100 persen!) di halaman terakhir.

Fakta mengenai jejak jejak berdarah Vatican, klik USTASHI dan Inquisition – TEROR dan PEMBANTAIAN terhadap Ortodoks yang menolak Paus! Berikut ini kutipan dari seorang pakar sejarah Inquisition ("Kristen" non-Romawi), mengungkapkan bagaimana dibantu VOC "Romawisasi" Indonesia berjalan mulus (vs. pribumi). Kepada pribumi diberikan dua pilihan:dibaptis atau "wassalam" di-DOR dengan pelor musket (bedil locok) tentara Kompeni!


The Inquisition was a terrifying fact of life to those who lived in areas where it was in force. That domain would eventually include not only much of Europe, but also the far-flung colonies of Europe's Catholic powers (Portugal atas TimTim, Spanyol atas Pilipina dll).

The Inquisition, led by the Dominicans and the Jesuits, was usually early on the scene following each territorial acquisition of the Spanish and Portuguese empires in the 16th and 17th centuries. The methods used, which all too often were similar to those used by Serra in California or the Nazi-backed Ustashis in Croatia, sowed the seeds of reaction and aversion that have proved to be a barrier for true missionaries ever since ("dakwah" dengan bedil dan meriam!)

Albert Close writes of the Jesuit mission to Indonesia in 1559 that "conversion was wonderfully shortened by the cooperation of the colonial governors whose militia offered the natives the choice of the musket ball or of baptism."end quote

Penulis singgung di Bab Pengantar NKRI: NEGERI MALING, kebiadaban panglima dan tentara Spanyol (seperti disebut di teks di atas, Portugis juga Katolik) terhadap Indian suku Astec di Amerika Latin. Ribuan orang Indian dan rajanya, bahkan setelah menyerah baik baik menyerahkan timbunan perhiasan dan emas batangan di gua India; dibantai secara biadap oleh Kolonialis Spanyol! And, pemuka agama (selalu, seperti kasus VOC di Nusantara) yang membonceng tentara pendudukan kolonialis, cuma membisu menyaksikan itu!!!

Tentara Panglima Muhammad saw, dalam perangnya, hanya membunuh lawan dan melakukan perlawanan (bela diri!) manakala diserang lebih dahulu; atau dikhianati kaum Yahudi sesat yang tiga kali melanggar perjanjian dengan Muhammad saw! Tetapi – semoga dilaknatNya—kaum Orientalis Atheists di Barat dan anti Islam, terus menerus – sampai detik ini – memfitnah Nabi Besar alam semesta ini sebagai pengabar agama Islam dengan pedang!

Seorang pendeta di Amrik, baru baru ini, berkaitan dengan War On Terrorism ala Bush, bahkan memfitnah Nabi dan Rasul terkasih Allah itu sebagai seorang teroris! Semoga pendeta tolol bermulut lancang itu disambar petir! Al-Qur’an pun, lagi lagi, kini dipalsukan dan sudah masuk ke NKRI! Siapa penerbitnya kalau bukan kalangan Jesuit itu?! Sungguh amat sangat tolol pemalsunya, ratusan ribu Muslim di bumi (ribuan di NKRI) hafal seluruh isinya, kok dipalsukan!

Lagi, menyangkut jejak jejak berdarah Vatican & Jesuit, bagaimana dengan yang ini?

The Vatican's Holocaust
The sensational account of the most horrifying religious massacre of the 20th century.

By Avro Manhattan

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Avro Manhattan (1914-1990)

About the Author:

Avro Manhattan was the world's foremost authority on Roman Catholicism in politics. A resident of London, during WW II he operated a radio station called "Radio Freedom" broadcasting to occupied Europe. He was the author of over 20 books including the best-seller The Vatican in World Politics, twice Book-of-the-Month and going through 57 editions. He was a Great Briton who

risked his life daily to expose some of the darkest secrets of the Papacy.
His books were #1 on the Forbidden Index for the past 50 years!!

The Vatican's Holocaust - Revealed at Last! A sensational account of the most horrifying religious massacre of the 20th century. Startling revelations of forced conversions, mass murder of non-Catholics, Catholic extermination camps, disclosures of Catholic clergy as commanders of concentration camps; documented with names, dates, places, pictures and eyewitness testimony.

Pasukan USTASHI (direstui VATICAN), JESUIT Croatia, mengekskusi Ortodoks:


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Ustashi cutting the throat of one of their Serbian Orthodox victims. Notice how a Ustashi is holding a vessel to collect the first spurt of blood and thus prevent their uniforms from being blood stained.

The brutal crime—one of many—look place near Cajaice in 1943.

This type of execution was not exceptional. Some Ustashi specialized in dispatching their Orthodox prisoners in this manner. Catholic priests, friars, and, indeed, even some of their pupils, followed their example. The case of Peter Brzica is undoubtedly one of the most incredible in this category. Brzica was a law student and an ardent member of the foremast Catholic organization called the Catholic Crusaders. During the day and night of 29th August 1942, Brzica cut the throats of 1300 prisoners in the Concentration Camp of Jasenovac. He was rewarded with a gold watch and proclaimed King of Cutthroats. Dr. Nikola Kilolic, a Croat and a Catholic, was an eyewitness to the deed.

So much about George Wicked Bush’s WAR ON TERRORISM! Ribuan ummat Yahudi dan 70 ribu Muslim dibantai di Yerusalem dalam Perang Salib; 60 ribu orang Sulawesi (Muslims) dibantai pasukan Kolonel Westerling; belasan Muslim TIDAK bersenjata, di Ambon, dibantai unsur FASCIST Yon-Gab TNI (2001); 70 santri dan Ulama Bantaqqiyah dieksekusi "tentara tak dikenal" (menurut penguasa) sehabis shalat subuh; belasan anggota Brimobdan Polri, di Binjai, dibantai unsur dalam Yon SETIA 100 LINUD (Pangdamnya inkompeten!); 300-plus Muslim, di Tanjung Priok, September 1984, dibantai tentara LBM – semua itu BUKAN teror!

Yang terhormat Jenderal Ryamizard Ryacudu dan Jenderal (Purn) SBY – kindly read your history books, NOT the distorted ones! Darah ribuan Muslim sipil tidak bersenjata, juga ratusan non-muslim di Santa Cruz, dan di Irian Jaya (1999/2000 – Kasdamnya kini Pangdam di Medan!); mati sia sia di tangan personil TNI dan non-TNI selama ORBA dan Deformasi. Mereka mati akibat pelor SENPI DINAS/organik/resmi/legal!!!

Saya TIDAK membenci TNI, tetapi I DESPISE unsur (tidak ada oknum!) TNI yang KEJI dan HAUS DARAH warga sipil tidak bersenjata! How I can I hate the TNI? Jussac muda bagian dari BRIGADE 17 TNI/Tentara Pelajar, bertempur vs. Belanda (Clash 1 & 2) bersama pasukan Letkol Soeharto, di Sektor Timur, Yogyakarta, dan vs. DI/TII di Pegunungan Menoreh. Oleh, waktu itu (1965), Dan-RPKAD Kolonel Sarwo Edhi Wibowo, ia ditetapkan sebagai "Anggota Kehormatan RPKAD". So, only morons yang lancang mulut melabel saya anti TNI!

Hentikan "curigation" berlebihan, NYINYIR, dan menyelisihi tokoh tokoh Muslim istiqomah (tidak ada Islam Keras dan Radikal – dalam Islam hanya ada dua kelompok: Muslim istiqomah dan MUNAFIKIN alias "Islam KTP/KTA"). Teladanilah sikap ta’wadu (santun) Panglima Besar Sudirman – a pious (Muhammadiyah) Muslim. Jenderal gemar menekankan tentang semangat kebangsaan: unsur masyarakat yang manakah merupakan komponen mayoritas BANGSA ini? MUSLIM, General. NKRI bukan negeri tentara bukan pula Polisi GESTAPO!

Tuan Tuan jangan membiarkan diri terus DITIPU oleh Kampanye Anti Teror Bush cs., penyembah Lucifer! They are NOT Christians! They belong to The SKULL & BONES, the SATANIST! Do not take my words at face value, Generals. Kindly READ the Skull& Bones. Lalu, selaku Muslim, sudilah kiranya Tuan Tuan merenungkannya: sejalan dengan ajaran Allah kah tindakan mendukung dan mengAMINI kesesatan Bush cs. versus Ulama "keras" NKRI?

Tuan Tuan selaku bagian dari pemimpin NKRI, kelak akan dimintai pertanggung-jawaban oleh Allah YME di akhirat! Kewajiban penulis selaku sesama Muslim mengingatkan Tuan Tuan. You have the freedom to take it, or leave it … at your own RISK. Menzalimi Ulama Istiqomah yang BELUM dibuktikan dosanya selaku teroris, adalah SAMA dengan menzalimi Rasulullah – dan pada gilirannya menzalimi Allah SWT! Audzubillahmindzalik! Azab Allah (yang disegera-kan) macam mana lagi, yang bakal menimpa negeri berpemimpin sebagian kaum munafikin ini?

Sebagian di antara para elit sipil-non sipil NKRI telah menggadaikan bangsa ini, dengan harga amat sangat murah! INDONESIA FOR SALE, 95.5% OFF! Ooops, pardon us folks; it’s already SOLD to George Wicked Bully et al. Negeri ini telah dijadikan komoditas berkualitas rombengan! Semoga Allah MENGAZAB para penjaja dan penjualnya! Amin.

Di bagian lain, menyangkut Perpu Anti Teror, penulis juga banyak mengutip langsung (diberi komentar/catatan di sana sini) dari beberapa Homepage/Website kritis di Barat. Antara lain, tentang Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB), yang sesungguhnya wahana kelompok "globalis" yang dikendalikan kekuatan rahasia yang telah disebutkan di depan.

Perspektif global ini perlu sebagai studi banding, referensi & sebagai "bearing" (kompas), tentang banyak hal yang harus diwaspadai para pemimpin negeri kusut ini. Anda akan temukan, jauh di bawah di tulisan panjang ini, bahwa yang selama ini terjadi di NKRI (sejak era VOC s/d hari ini) tidak terlepas dari "permainan besar" global komunitas rahasia mahajahat itu.

Badan intelijens CIA, seperti disebut di depan, didominasi orang orang "Romawi Baru" – tidak mengherankan jika dilihat bahwa cikal bakal badan intelijens itu "diawaki" oleh eks perwira Nazi. Sedangkan fakta menunjukkan, Hitler adalah "anak asuh" Jesuit dan direstui Vatican. Seperti bangsa Vietnam (sebelum dijajah Perancis) yang mayoritas Buddhist, sehingga Vatican/Jesuit "ge-er" merasa perlu menyelamatkan mereka dari "kegelapan" menjadikannya target operasi; begitu pula NKRI yang mayoritas Muslim di mata Vaticanis CIA!

Maka NKRI terus dirongrong. Muslim dibidik dan dijadikan target Opsus stigmatisasi. Penguasa NKRI has taken the (CIA’s) bait! Tokoh Muslim "keras" ditangkepi, serta dinyinyiri terus! Penguasa menciptakan hantu baru terorisme, dan menamakannya Muslim ekstrimis/radikal. Penguasa telah kehilangan "bearing" (kompas), reaktif, tidak cerdas, tidak mawas diri, dan senantiasa dikungkung hantu teror aspal CIA dan MOSSAD.

Seperti kemarin, dikutip "Flash" METRO TV, statement keras Jenderal Ryamizard Ryacudu; yang nyinyir terhadap tokoh tokoh Muslim "keras". Tetapi ketika tentara nembakin Polisi/Brimob dan sipil tidak bersenjata, mereka diapologiakan sebagai tentara lapar kurang gaji -- bukan teroris! Senpi DINAS, ternyata, menumpahkan LEBIH BANYAK darah innocent, DEFENSELESS civillians di negeri ini!

With all due respect, General, seperti penulis kritik General re: kebrutalan YON-GAB TNI di Ambon tahun lalu (ada posting penulis di MANDIRI.COM); kali penulis WAJIB meluruskan pernyataan keras anda tentang "tokoh tokoh agama" di NKRI.

General mengatakan, and I just quote yang ditulis dalam Flash News METRO TV; garis besarnya demikian: "Bangsa ini membutuhkan tokoh tokoh yang peduli bangsa; bukan tokoh yang bertkedok agama, dan (seharusnya redaktur METRO menulisnya bukan "dan" melainkan "tapi" atau "namun") menjerumuskan bangsa ke jurang kehancuran!" end quote. Weleh weleh, anda mau bilang tokoh seperti Ba’ashir dan Rizieq saja kok pakai nyindir pula, General. Anda tidak bicara secara jujur. Not surprising-lah, "official line" somejenderal Islamfobia sejak era ORBA!

First; kelompok mayoritas mana yang paling gigih melakukan perlawanan pisik vs VOC, Belanda moderen, Jepang, dan Sekutu? Dari Aceh, the whole Sumatera (termasuk ayahnda Taufik Kimas, tokoh Masyumi), BANTEN, Bandung, BETAWI, Jawa Tengah, Mataram Yogyakarta, Solo, Surabaya dll s/d Sulawesi dan Kalimantan serta Ambon? Mostly civilan Muslims, General!

Please, STOP telling the nation LIES! Surabaya 10 November 1945, ternyata, yang paling berperanan besar dua tokoh Muslim non-TNI Bung Tomo (selalu meneriakkan "Allahu AKBAR!" membakar semangat juang pemuda SIPIL Arek Arek Suroboyo) dan boss Polisi Surabaya Yasin! Sontoloyo, selama itu (sampai METRO TV mengungkapkannya), peran sentral jenderal Polisi itu ditenggelamkan "saudara tuanya" (TNI). Bravo, METRO. Keep up the great job.

Kedua; siapa yang mengotaki pembantaian innocent civilians di ACEH, selama DOM dan disguised neo-DOM (termasuk atas innocent santri Bantaqiyyah, yang 70-an dieksekusi sehabis shalat subuh!), Irian (1999-2000), Timor di Santa Cruz (200-an diberondong M16 prajurit panikan dan haus darah!)? Siapa pula dua Pangdam stupid di Ambon, yang membiarkan unsur jahat dalam Yon-Gab TNI membantai Muslim tidak bersenjata? BUKAN tokoh SIPIL Muslim, General! They are mostly unsur iblis (not all) di dalam "Kompeni", yang ngacak acak NKRI!

Kelompok agama mana pula, di Ambon/Maluku, yang merengek menulis surat kepada Konggres Amerika, meminta campur tangan Pemerintah Amerika Serikat atas kemelut Ambon? Juga bukan tokoh dan kelompok Muslim! Baca kronologi konflik Ambon 1, 2, 3, di SABILI!

Siapa pula yang bertanggung-jawab atas tragedi BINJAI, dan tidak mampu membina unsur jahat (tidak seluruhnya) dalam Yon SETIA 100 Linud TNI? Belasan Brimob/Polisi bukan bandit gugur, akibat kebrutalan unsur jahat dalam LINUD itu! Mayor Jenderal Idris Gassing, kau pantas dilengserkan! If I were you, Bung, gue sudah meletakkan jabatan! You? Ngleges!

Pembunuhan tokoh Papua Theys, siapa pula operator lapangan dan otaknya? Bukan tokoh Muslim sipil, General! Ketiga, selama era kejayaan PKI (1960-an s/d awal September 1965), siapa pula yang jadi korban dan melakukan perlawanan gigih? Tokoh tua-muda PNI-FM Muslim dan Orsospol Islam! Siapa mengotaki Amuk Massal medio Mei 1998? Bukan Ulama, General! Semua bencana poleksosbudkam di bumi yang sudah tua ini, tidak terjadi secara alami, melainkan SENGAJA diciptakan – secara berkala – oleh gabungan kekuatan yang saling berebut pengikut secara global (untuk dijadikan budaknya).

Yaitu Illuminati-Freemason -Jesuit/Vatican; dan Dinasti Rothschild vs. klan Rockefeller. "Sejarah" dunia (apalagi Amerika) yang pernah anda baca sejak di slta, merupakan "sejarah" yang dipalsukan kelompok MAHAJAHAT di atas!

Teror bom di berbagai wilayah NKRI, terakhir di Legian, Bali adalah bagian permainan kotor kekuatan sangat besar di atas (dan kliennya, Islamfobia di NKRI)– kekuatan sangat amat sesat penyembah LUCIFER; penganut agama dan ritual setan di Barat. Minum darah segar bayi dalam ritual "inisiasi" mereka, sepertinya – bagi orang awam dan sebagian anda yang tidak punya akses ke informasi rahasia tentang itu – hanya bagian cerita dalam film film horor di tv, yang selama ini ditayangkan Zionist-Illuminati-Jesuits Hollywood membombardir bawah sadar kita!

Dinasti Bush adalah bagian dari masyarakat rahasia Skull & Bones penyembah iblis itu. Begitu pula para ratu dan raja raja Inggris, yang dengan dinasti Bush masih ada hubungan darah; sama sama keturunan moyang mereka 5000-an tahun yl.

Kelompok super jahat di atas membidik –- untuk memporak-porandakan dan lenyapkan secara total kelak – bukan hanya Islam; melainkan juga Kristen (baca: Protestan dan Ortodoks sebagai dua "ummat" besar yang dianggap mbalelo terhadap Romawi baru Vatican). Yahudi ta’at kepada ajaran Taurat (bukan Zionis Talmudic penganut TALMUD), dalam konteks kusut global itu, cuma wayang yang terus dijadikan sebagai korban. Revolusi industri pun diotaki Jesuit, bukan kaum buruh sekeng seperti yang selama ini diyakini "sosialis kiri". Jejak Jesuit di mana mana.

Nazi Jerman, Fascism, Komunisme (Bolshevik), merupakan produk tiga kubu kekuatan amat sangat jahat di depan:Illuminati-Jesuits-Freemason. Ekspose tentang itu didukung riset puluhan tahun, oleh para pakar dalam kelompok pengoreksi sejarah di Barat, diperkuat data "kuno" dan "moderen" di Eropa/Amerika; berkat bocoran dari kalangan yang – setelah insyaf – membelot dari masyarakat super rahasia itu. Membelot, sebab dipaksa menyembah Lucifer!

Apa kaitannya dengan NKRI? Sekali lagi, nyaris seluruh gegeran poleksosbudkam di NKRI merupakan bagian dari permainan kotor mereka. Anda menangis jika membaca kajian rahasia dari Barat, mengenai ceritera sesungguhnya tentang "Irian Jaya", misalnya. Sriwijaya, Mojopahit, Mataram, Brawijaya; wilayah kekuasaannya tidak sampai ke Irian. Apakah anda temukan, candi candi Buddhist dan Hindu di Papua? Gusti; ternyata, selama ini kita dikelabuhi penguasa (ORLA-ORBA-DEFORMASI) mengenai Papua. Tak heran mengapa Theys wassalam!

Mengapa seluruh rezim pemerintahan, sejak Ir. Soekarno s/d Hj. Megawati Soekarnoputri – seperti ditegaskan Hj. Rachmawati baru baru ini di Jawa Tengah – tidak berdaya vis-à-vis A.S.; penulis kini menemukan, sangat mungkin sitkon itu berkaitan dengan "Irian Jaya". NKRI telah tersandera (hutang budi) kepada Penguasa Amrik semenjak era J.F. Kennedy. Bukankah Kennedy yang menekan Belanda agar "melepaskan" Papua? Sebuah quid-pro-quoantara Amrik dan RI, bagi NKRI untuk tidak "dimerahkan" dalam konteks Perang Dingin versus Uni Soviet! Tanpa intervensi Kennedy, s/d hari ini Belanda masih bercokol di bumi Papua.

Anda selama ini tahu, lokasi peluncuran roket (berawak) di Florida, Amrik, dan di Russia. Seorang eks petinggi NKRI menyatakan, bahwa ada lokasi ketiga yang jauh lebih ideal dibanding yang dimiliki Amrik dan Russia itu. Amrik dan Russia tahu juga lokasi ketiga itu: Papua!

Penulis tidak tahu terminologi yang tepat menyangkut sudut luncur roket sampai keluar atmosfir, namun dalam konteks itu satu lokasi di Papua merupakan titik (spot) luncur paling ideal (menghemat bahan bakar padat roket). Satu kelemahan spot itu, 200 km di kiri-kanannya jalur gempa! Anda kuasai spot itu, anda meluncur ke angkasa luar dengan biaya lebih murah!

Freeport boleh jadi langkah pertama Amrik ke arah itu. Papua merdeka menjadi ancaman bagi "pengendali" (satu dari mahadalang di depan) Freeport, Penguasa baru Papua PASTI minta bagian lebih besar daripada yang disepakati dengan NKRI. That should not happen, therefore, wassalam!

Dengan US$ 100K – US$ 300K (keciiiil bagi "dalang"), you buy your "armed, highly-trained, local friends" "to take care of" any – ANY – trouble makers. Not a bloody single ammo was shot; since it was a "silent ops" – and – "kekk" – the trouble maker is dead; very dead!

Selamat jalan, Pak Theys. Papua Merdeka is now a history! Ketika publik heboh tentang siapa di belakang pelenyapan Theys itu, dan Tim Polisi Militer TNI menemukan pelaku dan "otak lapangan" (dua Pamen TNI, our local, armed friends) kasus itu, OPM pun dikesankan sebagai otak penembakan di seputar wilayah dekat FREEPORT yang menewaskan guru Amrik di Freeport.

Such a dirty job! Ngapain OPM "kelayaban" sampai ke lokasi itu? Same, old, dirty tricks– diversion (opsus penyesatan publik ala MOSSAD dan CIA).

Lalu, kurang dari empat minggu sejak Tim Puspom TNI mengumumkan temuannya itu – tak ada angin tak ada petir – jleger! Kiamat Legian, Kuta, Bali terjadi! Paling tidak sampai detik ini, dari 40-an korban tewas yang berhasil diidentifikasi tim forensik RS Sanglah; hanya dua—ulang hanya d-u-a – warga Amrik yang mati! Sounds familiar, huh? Ya, dalam bencana WTC 911, 4000 Yahudi Amrik yang hari itu "seharusnya" terpanggang jadi abu, ternyata pada hari yg. na’as itu selamat! How come? Odigo connection. Dua jam sebelum WTC dihajar BOEING pertama, seorang staf Odigo mendapat "tip off" via "instant message" re: WTC attack!

Odigo adalah perusahaan jasa telekom penyedia jasa sentra "billing" seluruh sambungan telpun di Amrik (dan beberapa negara Barat), berkantor pusat di I-S-R-A-E-L! Ditail mengenai ini,silahkan baca di bagian belakang, termasuk keterlibatan agen MOSSAD di New York (dan FBI) dalam serangan bom pertama atas WTC pada tahun 1993.

Seorang paranormal muda, kalau tak salah Ki ---- Bodo (low profile banget, sampeyan) diwawancarai sebuah Harian terkenal berkomentar, bahwa Kiamat Legian merupakan bagian dari permainan (kotor) orang orang lokal NKRI (tentu yang punya akses kepada C4, kiriman dari CIA tentunya, sebab C4 TIDAK dapat dibeli oleh sembarang institusi sebab termasuk dalam daftar "export control" Amrik dan Sekutunya).

Catatan: "adonan" (macam Dodol Garut) C4 dapat dibentuk macam batangan coklat atau permen karet, dll; maka angat gampang diselundupkan via bandara internasional manapun! X-Ray, anjing pelacak pun tak dapat mendeteksinya. Apalagi manakala dibawa operative CIA/Mossad, berkedok turis Eropa, via pelabuhan laut. Tercatat, oleh Polda Bali, delapan hari sebelum Kiamat Legian, ada satu kapal asing merapat di Pelabuhan Benoa (kalau tak salah tulis) di Bali.

Seperti yang telah penulis katakan di artikel BOM BALI (13/8/02 Update 15/9/02), Bom Legian, Bali menjadi "blessing-in-disguise" beberapa kasus besar di NKRI; sehingga banyak pihak yang diuntungkan oleh bencana "teror aspal" itu! Teror aspal? Yusuf must be joking or nuts!

Read on, folks. Temukan, di belakang, kutipan (atau judul topikdengan Link via Google /Yahoo) temuan temuan terkini – oleh kalangan periset & pengamat intelijens independen Amrik, Aussie dan di Inggris – mengenai BANYAK SEKALI kejanggalan versi bualan penguasa Amrik (Gedung Putih, CIA, FBI, Pentagon, Dep. Kehakiman, dll) menyangkut bencana WTC 91. Contoh paling mencolok: penemuan PASPOR "pilot", masih utuh (!), oleh agen FBI di seputar reruntuhan WTC. How ’bout KTP a/n BUKAN orang Bali, di TKP Kiamat Bali? Pola yang sama, kan?

WTC 1993, WTC 911, dan Kiamat Bali – prime suspects (tanpa BUKTI!) selalu etnis Arab, paling tidak (yang dicurigai re: Bom Bali) Arab-NKRI dan/atau kalau non-NKRI Pakistan-Amrik! Jelas dalam bom WTC 1993, penyedia alat terkait dan perakit bom agen MOSSAD, yang diadili tetap etnis Arab Muslim! Sebab Muslim garis keras (di mata "jereng" Bush cs., FBI dan CIA), entah etnis Arab, Pakistan, Bangsa Moro di Filipina Selatan, Sulawesi Selatan, Solo, Jawa Barat, Malaysia, Jakarta (FPI) dan lain lain – ALL share common religion, Islam – merupakan common enemy baru (setelah Uni Soviet bubar) bagi Neo-Kolonialis Amrik dan Inggris!

Selain itu, kurang dari empat hari sejak WTC 911, seluruh media cetak/elektronik Amrik (dikendalikan mahadalang via CIA) serentak menyayikan "koor", lagu paling "fals" mendakwa bahwa otak WTC 911 adalah Al-Qaeda/Osamah bin Laden. Sebagian besar disinformasi itu bersumber pada satu-satunya wartawan etnis Arab (kini di Inggris), yang menepuk dada punya akses langsung (bahkan nomor telpon satelitnya) kepada Osamah bin Laden. Info itu ditambah "analisis" wartawan CNN-Asia, Maria ---- di Manila, yang oleh periset di Barat ditemukan bahwa "analisis" wartawan Arab dan CNN-Asia itu banyak "discrepancy" (faktor "kebetulan").

Belum lagi temuan terkini, oleh seismograp di New York, bahwa beberapa detik sebelum WTC dihajar BOEING "pembajak" (FBI menyajikan jatidiri para "pembajak" yang simpang siur, termasuk pilot tak berdosa yang masih hidup dan anak muda Arab Saudi!) terjadi ledakan dahsyat di basement kedua WTC! Ledakan itu menimbulkan "spike" (lonjakan) seismik di kota New York. Bush cs. mau ngoceh apa pula? Maka, diciptakan "teror aspal" baru: petrus di WDC & Va dan Bali serta Zamboaga City. Juga bom mobil di Barat Moscow! Konyol, bualan TIME dibeli!

Pengantar tulisan panjang ini penulis tambahkan, Minggu 20 Oktober 2002; namun bagian terbesar dari tulisan ini sudah diselesaikan 17 Oktober 2002. Jika anda membaca tulisan pertama tentang Bom Legian, Bali, yang penulis kirim kepada Pak Ahmad Sudirman pada 13 Oktober 2002 (UPDATE 15 Oktober 2002), di sana penulis sudah katakan -- dimungkinkan setelah Bali, tiga negara bakal mengalami "teror aspal" bom pula. Yaitu RRC, Russia, dan Perancis.

Subhanallah! Minggu dini hari 20/10/02 pk.02.00 WIB, dalam "news flash" METRO TV diinformasikan; bahwa Sabtu petang sebuah bom mobil diledakkan di sebelah Barat kota Moskwa! Paranormal ‘kali, Yusuf ini? Bukan, selain sangat mungkin petunjuk "dari langit", juga berkat 25 tahun hidup bersama seorang eks Pejuang-Jurnalis-Novelis-Pembela kaum sekeng tertindas (Co-Fouder LBH kedua di NKRI)-Politikus gaek -- yang sempat kiprah di dunia intelijens nasional (Opsus KOMODO di Dili, Jakarta, Bandung, Makau 1975/76 sebelum TNI masuk Dili).

Dua kolega penulis di MEDIA INDONESIA, "menyesal" karena tak menurunkan analisis atau editorial mengenai suatu isu, yang tiga hari sebelumnya telah penulis paparkan (peristiwa penting di NKRI vis-à-vis salah satu negara besar). Ternyata, yang penulis paparkan itu TERJADI tiga hari kemudian! Bagaimana anda bisa terangkan bom mobil di barat Mocsow itu?

Kemampuan (alhamdulillah) menerawang jauh ke depan itu, tidak datang begitu saja dalam 2-3 tahun; melainkan berkat olah pikir - "batin" belasan tahun – utamanya sejak penulis dianugerahi Allah kesempatan hidup empat tahun penuh di USA. Di pusat kekuasaan USA, Washington, D.C. – bukan di kampus kampus kota kota kecil, (selama S2- S3), seperti di Mid-West, Pennsylvania, dll.

This writer, though very briefly, was among the US Congresmen and Senators at Capitol Hill; berasosiasi juga dengan para birokrat Kemlu di Foggy Bottom, D.C., dekat Sungai Potomac; dan pejabat pejabat setara (Economist) di IMF dan Bank Dunia. Juga gaul dekat dan akrab dengan kalangan intelijens BAIS di KBRI (kini rata rata brigjen, dan yang pensiun bintang dua/tiga); plus melanglang di daerah daerah miskin Afrika Timur dan Selatan – juga gaul dekat dengan kalangan TNI-AD, AL, AU, Pamen dan prajurit Kopasus, vis-à-vis isu isu peka di Somalia, Tanzania, dsb.

Itu semua, plus kegemaran membaca multi-isu poleksosbudkam global dan nasional, telah memperkaya "databank" informasi beragam di otak penulis. Pasti, semua itu juga berkat petunjuk-Nya; sesuatu yang dapat kita raih manakala kita memohon kepadaNya, antara lain, dengan (kapan lagi?) – seperti diperintahkanNYA di Al-Qur’an – mengingatNya sebanyak-banyaknya (dzikir, di manapun, termasuk ketika di jalan, di angkot, di Mal Mal termasuk ketika mata kita terbujuk setan untuk menikmati kemolekan cewek cewek bukan bini kita!).

Jauh di bawah, anda dapat baca berbagai isu global-nasional, sebagai bahan referensi dalam rangka mencoba memahami kusutnya negeri kita ini, yang dikelola oleh sebagian besar pemimpin yang tidak amanah terhadap hukum hukum Allah! Maka beginilah jadinya NKRI! Silahkkan luangkan waktu melanjutkan riset anda, dengan mengunjungi Situs Situs maya; seperti yang penulis telah paparkan http-nya dan judul judul topik terkait di artikel pertama Bom Bali.

Sudah "trademark" penulis, menyajikan tulisan tulisannya dengan gaya penuturan lugas, ceplas-ceplos, tanpa basa basi. Jika ada kata kata yang "menyengat" anda, mohon dimaafkanlah. Penulis eks diplomat RI (14 tahun 1 bulan), tetapi dalam menyikapi perilaku KHIANAT sebagian pemimpin kita; penulis tidak hendak memakai cara cara diplomatis (penuh basa basi). No way!

Say the truth, nothing but the truth – straight, tanpa basa basi dan "ewuh pakewuh". Terima kasih kepada yang telah memberikan respons positif, dan harapan serta dorongan, bagi penulis untuk terus menjalankan amar ma’ruf nahi munkar via -- media Internet yang sungguh menakjupkan ini. Mau ta’aat, ta’atlah; mau sesat sesatlah – begitu Gusti Allah berfirman di salah satu Hadith Qudsy dan ayat pendek di Al-Qur’an. Tak seperti hewan, kita dianugerahi "free will".

Mau memuasi nafsu syahwat zina mata, dengan membuka situs situs pornografi – weleh, edannya kaum sesat di Barat itu! – melihat perempuan muda pledang-pleding memamerkan aurat mereka (softcore); ya sak-karep kita to? Bohong dan "muna", kalau penulis bilang tidak pernah melakukannya. Tetapi hal itu AMAT SANGAT JARANG penulis lakukan, dan terbatas softcore.

Malu kepada Allah yang Maha Tahu, demikan kuat bisikan dari langit, untuk menghapus permanen beberapa gambar/foto "serem" seluruhnya. Lha, bukankah Bung Karno pengagum berat lukisan/patung wanita wanita cantik bugil? Orang sok tahu seni berkilah, bahwa semua itu (gemar koleksi lukisan/patung wanita bugil) bagian dari apresiasi terhadap seni lukis/patung (fotografi)!

Mbahmu! Mau ngomong pezina mata saja kok muter muter, mengatas-namakan seni! Baca tuh Hadith, para seniman lukis dan patung, yang gemar melukis dan mematungkan mahluk hidup – apalagi wanita bugil – kelak di akhirat seluruh ciptaan itu akan dihidupkan Allah SWT, dan mereka akan mengeroyok/mencerca anda! Itulah kalau orang BUTA hukum hukumNya!

Tahun 2001 awal, ada seorang psikholog di Amerika melakukan penelitian, ternyata – di perkantoran – 70% pekerja pria-wanita suka nge-brwosing Situs Situs pornografi! Coba, di NKRI, anda pergi ke WARNET. Gusti, "address bar" di Internet Explorer dipenuhi situs situs pornografi hard core! Situs XXX NKRI tidak kalah serunya! Cuma, tidak senorak yang di Amrik, Eropa dll. Anda yang di Inggris, jangan coba coba "wayangan" semalam suntuk ngelayap ke Situs Situs pornografi! Inggris sejak tahun lalu sudah punya Cybercops. Ke manapun anda, terlacak!

Itulah dampak negatif globalisasi, anak anak smp pun pergi ke Warnet membiasakan diri berzina mata dengan mengunjungi Situs Situs hardcore seperti "Facial" dll! Itu semua, bombardir pornografi via Internet, adalah bagian integral dari opsus penggersangan aqidah didalangi maha-dalang super bejat di depan. Read on, dude; you’ll find the Link jauh di bawah sana di artikel ini.

Di RRC, pemerintah MELARANG abg mengunjungi "Public NetCafe". Di NKRI? Ndak ada yang mikirin! Lha wong di Legian, SARI Club saja dibiarin Pemda Bali melakukan praktik APARTHEID, kok! Pribumi kita DILARANG kongkow kongkow di tempat itu yang berlokasi di bumi NKRI! Hebat sekali Pemda Bali!

Lebih edan lagi, di seputar wilayah "Watering holes" (Café, Bar dll) di Bali itu, seperti dilaporkan reporter TV dan media cetak Jakarta, bahkan ada tempat khusus untuk kaum homo! Bisnis MAKSIAT! Mau tahu, badan dunia mana yang mensponsori KESEATAN macam itu? The United Nations! Anda dapat membaca tentang itu di akhir tulisan sangat panjang ini. Dari teks aselinya, bukan karangan penulis. Sori Rek, bukan berbahasa Sunda atau Jawa.

Demi Allah bukan "nyukurin" Café DISKRIMINATIF itu dibom dan menewaskan 184 orang asing dan lokal (yang lokal karyawan, orang lewat di depannya, dll), namun tragedi itu telah membuka BOROK aaparat Pemda di Bali. Utamanya pejabat yang berwewenang mengeluarkan izin usaha: aparat di KanWil Pariwisata dan mitranya di Kantor Gubernur/Walikota/Bupati.

Diungkapkan, oleh SCTV kemarin (Sabtu malam, 19 Oktober 2002), ternyata, mula mula pribumi masih boleh datang minum/makan di SARI Café. Tetapi lalu diterapkan LARANGAN bagi pribumi! Siapa dan PNS daerah instansi & level mana telah mendapat upeti berapa banyak, lakukanlah pengusutan tuntas; wahai para reporter gaek TV swasta dan media cetak! Keep up the damn good job, SCTV. Kapan METRO REALITAS mengekspos kasus itu? Kita tunggu saja.

Edan, pantesan, dulu di USA; ketika adik penulis mau pulang ke Tanah Air via LA – Bali; seorang cewek Amerika di ticket counter bertanya, "Which part of Bali is Indonesia?" Gembus itu bule, cetek amat pengetahuan geografinya. NKRI kok ditanyakan sebagai bagian mana dari Pulau Bali! Ndak heranlah, orang orang aseli Maryland ketika mau pergi ke Washington, D.C. (14 – 15 mil jaraknya) mereka selalu membawa peta. FBI pun teler kalau dulu mau nguntit penulis, wong penulis punya enam rute alternatif antara rumah di MD dan – KBRI di WDC.

Maka, mungkin mulai tahun depan, akibat buta peta/lokasi secara umum di kalangan orang Amerika – di seluruh Amrik akan diberlakukan (WAJIB) seluruh ponsel dipasang GPS. Nah, Lo! Anda mau selingkuh, di sudut manapun di USA, bakal terlacak posisi sampeyan! Itu bukan suatu gagasan baru, melainkan bagian dari program lama (sejak 1950-an) CIA, FBI dll; dalam rangka kampanye nasional pengendalian penduduk (mass control) oleh kalangan mahadalang di depan. Tujuan utamanya? "Population Control" (Klik). Masih mimpi mau jadi warganegara Amrik?

Akan halnya praktik apartheid di Legian, siapa yang gebleg? Aparat yang berwewenang mengeluarkan izin usaha! Jauh lebih tidak bermoral adalah PEMILIK dan/atau operator tempat yang eksklusif untuk kaum HOMOSEKSUAL di sana! Mind you folks, Bali BUKAN mayoritas Muslim. Jakarta, yang mayoritas Muslim, para Ulama dibuat tidak berdaya dengan menjamurnya tempat tempat bisnis super maksiat. Judi/miras/seks/Striptis menari 100% bugil, atau yang cuma pakai super-mini "CD" amat sangat ketat dan tipis; sehingga itu "barang" sungguh provokatif!

Kalau masih ada, tengok "BENGKEL", dekat ARTAGRAHA/Polda, berkaraoke di lantai ke-3 pk. 01.00 s/d 03.00 WIB. Di sana dapat pesan cewek muda 18 tahun/stw, untuk melanggak- lenggok di depan hidung anda tanpa Bra, duduk di pangkuan anda (lap dance)!

Penulis pernah DIJEBAK orang sekantor (rombongan Farewell Party) di "Bengkel". Gusti Allah, cukup sekali saja. Itulah Jakarta-mu, mBakyu! Tidak perlu ke Patpong, Bangkok atau ke 14th Street di NYC! Kini, di wilayah Kota (DKI) pun makin banyak "daging" bule Eropa Timur, Cina-RRC dan Hong-Kong, dll. Taripnya US$ 300 per-20 jam! Asyik, uhuk uhuk sama bule/Cina!

Di seluruh "Private Room" Karaoke di "BENGKEL" terdapat toilet dan shower pula. Lha, buat apa disediakan, kalau bukan buat "ehem-ehem" dengan cewek malam itu! Your privacy is 100% guaranteed, Doel! Pulang ke rumah dini hari, istri anda takkan membaui parfum cewek lain. Lha wong anda sudah "took a shower", di bathroom "BENGKEL". Ternyata, bengkel ngeseks!

Catatan: makanan (menu) di sana cukup enak, tak terlalu mahal (nasgor, bakmi dll). Lha, kalau "daging mentah" 19-an tahun, tak tahu rasanya; wong penulis tidak mencobanya kok. Edan, Rp. 700 ribu – Rp. 1 juta kok dibuang cuma buat mencicipi daging mentah hangat itu! Mit-amit, Doel. Itu mah tergolong murah. Tabloid ADIL, kalau tidak salah edisi menjelang Lebaran 2001, mengekspos praktik bejat (di satu Bar di Daan Mogot, Jakarta Barat) perbudakan cewek cewek muda belia dari Indramayu. Ditulis, tarip perawan "ting ting" 16 – 18 th, Rp. 3,5 juta!

Tetapi si perawan 100% dari Indramayu itu cuma diberi Rp. 700 ribu, oleh boss (pasti WNI-Cina bocengli) pemilik BAR ngeseks terselubung itu. Sebab kepada para orangtuanya, di hanya segelintir kalurahan di wilayah Indramayu, para perawan itu sudah DITEBUS antara Rp. 7 juta – Rp. 9 juta! Sontoloyo tenan, perawan "ting ting", AIDS-free segitu itu harganya! Siapa pula pelanggannya? Siapa lagi kalau bukan boss boss muda Bocengli itu! Sisanya, buat para centeng? Uenaaak tenan Jakarta-mu Pak Sutiyoso! Upeti pun "kenceng", belum dari judi di Mangga Dua!

Jadi selama dijajakan di tempat maksiat seperti Daan Mogot, penghasilan permalam perawan itu (keperawanannya dibeli pria sipit bregajul Jakarta!) dipotong bossnya, sebagai cicilan pengembalian hutang para orangtua mereka di kampung. Gusti! Itu nasib kaummu, Bu Megawati! Perawan "ting ting" itu, puterinya orang orang yang mengaku Muslim, "itu" nya yang masih 100% fresh – dipatok harga cuma Rp. 700 ribu! Pebisnis bejat macam itu yang layak dilibas! Wahai para jenderal, sampeyan Muslim or WHAT? Diem saja vs. kemaksiatan macam itu! Ulama dizalimi!

Seperti SARI Club yang diskriminatif terhadap pribumi, apalagi "Homo Center" di sana, mengapa Bar Bar/Karaoke Striptis di DKI tetap bebas merdeka menjalankan praktik mesum, tentu para bossnya "di-backing-i" kalangan "aparat". Ngga’ usah BOHONG, tengok (kalau masih buka), tempat serupa di I********E Hotel di Melawai. Siapa "Centeng" nya? Dulu, tahun 1991- 1992, bekas tentara! Sekarang, percentengan seperti itu masih berlaku di beberapa tempat mesum serupa; di wilayah Jakarta Barat, Kota, dll. This is your country, Y.E. Megawati. Negeri MAKSIAT!

Dalih usang para petinggi TNI, tentang "moonlighting" (nyambi kerja paroh waktu di malam hari) di kalangan sebagian anggota TNI dan non-TNI, selalu (mengapa terjadi) akibat gaji yang pas-pasan (bahkan kurang) kalangan "bawah" di TNI dan non-TNI. Apa iya? Wong tidak sedikit, TNI maupun non-TNI, yang baru Letnan - Kapten saja hidup makmur kok! Ada eks mayor jenderal TNI, di MPR, kok bed (tempat tidur) nya saja seharga Rp. 56 juta! Jenderal gemblung!

Kaya gitu itu SESATnya Jakarta-mu, Tuan Tuan; Gubernur Sutiyoso dan anak-buahnya nggelendem (cuek) saja. Hj. Megawati cuma mampu meratapi nasib buruk kaum perempuan kita, TIDAK berbuat apapun memberantas perbudakan perempuan di NKRI! Peduli amat nasib para perawan itu (juga puluhan ribu, menurut koran, yang di Hong Kong dan Jepang jadi budak sex).

Lha, kalau presiden punya kepedulian (juga atas nasib terlunta-lunta eks TKI Malaysia di Nunukan dll), tentu tidak akan p’lesiran lagi ke KTT APEC di Meksiko, pekan depan. So pasti, dua jebolan S3 USA Penasehat Politiknya, akan ikut LAGI pelesiran ke manca negara.

Apa pula kerjaan dua "pakar" politik itu, selama di manca negara mendampingi RI-1? Wong di seluruh KBRI ada pejabat Protokol dan Konsuler, serta Kepala Bidang Politik (ndak sedikit yang "sok minteri", padahal kagak mudeng isu isu krusial ekonomi dan perdagangan!).

Penulis "tak habis pikir", apa pula sebenarnya fungsi utama kedua PhD itu? Sebab dalam setiap KTT APEC, ASEAN, dan PBB, Presiden RI didampingi secara aktif (substantif, bukan cuma cengengesan nampang di depan kamera TV, yang seperti rombongan sirkus ikut semua ke KTT dan State Visit lainnya) oleh para diplomat senior RI; sesuai topik dalam Agenda of Meeting konperensi tingkat regional, sub-regional, multilateral maupun bilateral antarnegara.

Para diplomat RI yunior maupun senior, sudah terbiasa (makanan sehari-hari) "wayangan" melek sampai subuh, di konperensi internasional macam APEC itu. Menteri non-Menlu, Wapres dan Presiden RI mau ngomong apa? Tinggal perintah, PASTI jadi -- apapun bentuk dan format pidato mereka. Paling, Presiden atau Wapres selaku Ketua DELRI (Delegasi RI), cuma diminta pidato di Plenary Session. Tidak ikut AKTIF dalam perdebatan di tingkat SOM (Senior Official Meetings), atau di Komite dan Sub-Komite – sesi sesi yang mengharuskan diplomat kita mampu membuat pidato pidato singkat mendadak, yang disebut "Intervensi".

With all due respect, bukan menganggap remeh dua PhD eks USA itu; namun mampukah mereka berdua didadak harus NGOMONG atau bikin intervensi macam itu? Sampeyan bukan di kampus, Bung; mempertahankan essay kelompok dalam kelas debat! You are dealing with G-to-G (antarpemerintah), official matters. Bikin pidato DELRI (dalam bahasa Inggris), pun tidak! Di Meksiko, Presiden juga dijadualkan membahas isu terorisme (ASPAL a la Bush cs).

Lha, orang yang ahli soal itu juga ada di Deplu (direktorat bidang politik, dulu, Organisasi Internasional) serta BIN dan BAIS, minimal Atase Pertahanan RI di KBRI besar. Bukan Penasehat Politik Presiden RI! Therefore, what have you guys contributed kepada RI-1 selama blebar-bleber plesiran State Visit (2-3 kali terakhir)? Bagaimana pula kelanjutan "isu" menyangkut "ayam India", yang diisukan wartawan melibatkan salah satu Penasehat Politik RI-1 itu?

Toblas, Bu Mega, Bu Mega, panjenengan kok tega teganya, merlokke nemu’in Bush lagi di Meksiko, ketika negeri ini semakin morat marit. Penulis ingin titip, kepada siapa dalam anggota DELRI ya? Tempelengin itu George W(icked) Bush! Penulis dengar ada eks kolega nyeletuk, "Huh, Ucup! Ngeritik melulu kerjaannya. Coba jadi Penasehat Politik RI-1 juga; PASTI diem!" Iya, ‘kali bener juga begitu? He-hee, ogah jadi penasehat politik lady ndableg satu itu! Gimana ndak ndableg? Wong Pak Tarmidzi saja, eks Ketua DPD PDIP Jakarta, malah dipecat kok!

Yang mbisikin Ketua Umumnya, kok ndak takut kuwalat lho! Terkena stroke, lantas loyo macam sayur basi (belum sempat dimasak), baru kapok itu tukang ngomporin Ketua Umumnya! Toblas, Mbakyu; gimana PDIP Jakarta bakal menang PEMILU 2004?

Banteng Gemuk bisa jadi banteng beri beri beneran kelak! Itu "terawang jauh" penulis, he-hee wassalam PDIP. 300 ribuan anggota PDIP loyalis Pak Tarmidzi bakal disersi! Ogut sih, jadi warga Kulon sekarang – lagi pula bukan pencoblos "Banteng Beri Beri". Mit-amit, nyuwun ngapunten Pakde Tardjo; njijiki!Kawula putera eks Banteng Mataram PNI-FM, kok. Partai GOLKAR? No way lah! "PKB gimana, Cup?" tanya seorang kawan. Emoh 100 persen!

Di atas, penulis singgung men-delete files teks/foto; bagaimana caranya agar files yang "dihapus" tidak lari ke Recycle Bin: (1) klik File apapun yang anda hendak delete, dengan mouse kanan, untuk memanggil menu "delete"; lalu (2) tekan SHIFT saat klik "delete". Maka wassalam, intel Polda/BIA pun kagak mampu recover files yang telah dihapus dengan cara itu. Harap dicatat, ketika delete files, files lari ke Recycle Bin. Anda DELETE dari recycle bin pun tetap eksis!

Sesungguhnya delete hanya menghapus huruf pertama nama setiap file. Jadi sebenarnya any deleted single file tidak terhapus. Maka dengan program NDD, "deleted files" masih dapat kita recover. Cara "Shift+Del" itu, ditambah program SHREDDER, menjamin files sensitip yang di-delete tidak dapat di-recover lagi oleh orang berniat jahat "ngoprek-oprek" PC anda di kantor.

Cara lain, very simple, yet extremely 100% secure (= unrecoverable" oleh intel manapun, termasuk di PENTAGON) adalah: pilih files sensitive (satu persatu) yang anda ingin hapus secara permanen (surat cinta nggombalin pacar bini orang, padahal anda sudah punya bini; atau files foto pornografi "hard core" – tidak ada satupun di harddisk maupun puluhan disket penulis -- surat bisnis, finance, dan marketing projection rahasia, dll) sbb:

Misalnya, file sensitif "Yusuf2b"; JANGAN anda delete secara tradisional atau memakai cara SHIFT+DEL di atas. Telusuri Windows Explorer, di sub-directory data (standard WINDOWS dinamakan "Document") ambil/buka SATU fail tertentu yang tidak penting (artikel dll), misalnya "Badu2a". Langkah selanjutnya, klik "Safe As", HAPUS "Badu2a" dan GANTI dengan nama "Yusuf2b", lalu tekan SAFE. Piece of cake, file ASELI "Yusuf2b" TERTIMPA oleh fail lain – apapun isinya – yang semula bernama "Badu2a" diberi nama baru "Yusuf2b". Got it? Intelijens Cyber manapun kagak dapat recover file ASELI "Yusuf2b" itu. Give it a try, dude.

Jangan main main, utamanya yang tinggal di Amrik, kalau anda dicurigai sebagai bagian dari -- atau JUST pengagum -- Al-Qaeda, maka FBI (akibat Undang Undang PATRIOT anti teror, di artikel Bom Bali sudah penulis berikan situsnya) berwewenang menyita PC/Laptop anda!

Dengan cara "hardware" (hardisk dioprek secara pisik) plus Recovery Tools (software) standard militer/intelijens, SELURUH isi harddisk anda – biarpun anda kunci password – dapat diambil FBI, dan dipergunakan sebagai bukti material di pengadilan! Namun, sekali lagi, dengan cara bodoh di atas (timpa menimpa files dengan files lain bernama sama) plus program canggih Shredder Tools (seperti WAT dll); maka FBI bakal nyengir kuda tidak dapetin apapun.

How about aktivitas ng-Internet dan ng-Email? Lebih gawat lagi, NO MORE SECRET. Setiap langkah anda di dunia maya, terdeteksi dan TERLACAK oleh the National Security Agency atau NSA, via jaringan satelit intelijens mereka ECHELON. "Firewall" di PC anda? Gembus! NSA mampu menembusnya. PGP hanya dapat dinikmati yang tinggal di USA. Lantas pakai apa?

Download-lah, gratis selama 30 hari, HISTORY KILL (klik, kata/terminologi berwarna biru-underlined seperti ini, yang penulis Link dengan mesin pencari dan Kalau tidak berhasil nge-Link ke sana, ya ketikkan saja topiknya di dua mesin pencari itu. Jika anda menginginkan berbagai jenis software Freeware (gratis), silahkan kunjungi

Uenak, kan? Penulis berikan trik trik gratisan itu. Mau dapetin program canggih pengunci Folder dan File? Ketikkan, di Search Engine Google/Yahoo, "MAXCRYPT", anda akan mendapat alat pengunci itu GRATIS sebagai FREEWARE (bukan Shareware).

Tralala, kolega atau boss anda di kantor, sampai teler kagak dapat membuka files rahasia di PC anda di kantor! Tetapi jika anda lupa password-nya (bukan cuma huruf, tetapi juga seluruh tanda di keyboard anda), anda sampai kiamat tidak dapat membukanya lagi. Ratusan files (bahan buku) penulis wassalam, gara gara files tsb dipindahkan dari Drive C PC besar ke Laptop, dalam kondisi masih encrypted! Jadi kalau mau transfer ke PC lain, de-crypted dulu. Alat canggih itu juga dapat mengacak (encrypt) files apapun di disket. Enjoy. File MaxCrypt cuma 575 kb.

Menyangkut intelijens Amrik dll melongok ke Harddisk PC/Laptop/Notebook anda yang online ke Internet, penulis singgung jauh di bawah. Be very, verrrrry careful ketika anda Online. Aktivitas 24 jam memata-matai warga sipil seperti itu (di Amrik, RRC, Inggris, dll), merupakan pengejawentahan perilaku "Big Brother-ism" seperti yang diantisipasi dalam buku "1984".

Menggunakan program NETDETECTIVE, anda juga mampu "nguping" PC Online orang orang lain (pacar, saingan, anak-buah, boss, dll), untuk mengetahui apa saja yang mereka lakukan ketika Browsing atau ber-email-ria/chatting. Hal itu berlaku utamanya di Amrik, yang rata rata rumah ada PC Online 24 jam. Mau tahu password mitra/kawan anda? Ogah ah penulis beritahu alatnya; ‘ntar disalah-gunakan para boss untuk MEMATA-MATAI anak-buahnya! Tidak etis.

Dengan alat canggih itu, pejabat tinggi, seperti kepala intelijens pun dapat ditembus sistem pengamanan PC-nya (khusus PC standalone) di kantor/rumah; oleh siapapun yang punya akses secara pisik ke PC tsb. Password ybs (berapapun, betapapun rumitnya), dapat diketahui oleh alat itu! Mau coba? Berani? Manajer EDP (IT) pun bakal memble, program macam manapun dapat ditembus alat itu! Mau beli? Berani bayar berapa? He-hee….drop me an email.

UPDATE BOM BALI (artikel itu ditulis selesai Minggu 13/10 Updated Rabu 15/10)

Ditulis di artikel itu, perkiraan (dugaan kuat) penulis Bom Bali itu melibatkan intelijens luar, utamanya CIA. Faktor faktor pendukung dugaan itu sudah penulis paparkan. Antara lain, CIA perlu memberi "pelajaran" Pemerintah Australia yang (benarkah?) belum memutuskan akan ikut mengirim pasukannya dalam serbuan sepihak Amrik ke Irak (awal Januari 2003); gelombang anti perang di Australia, Inggris, dan Amerika. Begitu pula di Manila (maka bom di kota Zamboaga paska bom Bali!); sendi sendi ekonomi Amrik yang keropos; sikap Pemerintah RI yang, akhirnya, TIDAK menyetujui rencana serbuan A.S. ke Irak, dll. Namanya juga ngotak-atik non-paranormal.

Ternyata, seperti diungkapkan sebuah Harian di SYDNEY dan koran di Taiwan, dikutip METRO HARI INI (Minggu petang 18:35 WIB) di METRO TV; CIA, Australia, dan Intelijens Tawian SUDAH MENGETAHUI bahwa akan terjadi serangan bom atas Bali! Ketua Parlemen Koumintang, Taiwan MENGAKUI hal itu; tetapi tidak memberitahunnya kepada elit di Jakarta. Alasannya, informasi dari CIA itu bersifat SANGAT RAHASIA! PM Australia mengingkari hal itu; padahal bersumber orang intelijens (tanpa disebut nama) Australia!

Persis, seperti yang penulis paparkan di artikel itu tentang pengetahuan dini CIA dan GEDUNG PUTIH serta PENTAGON mengenai bencana WTC 911; CIA pun sudah mengetahui bakal terjadinya serangan bom atas Bali! Kesimpulan para aktivis demokrasi di USA tentang hal itu, rezim penguasa Amrik punya andil dalam bencana WTC 911. Silahkan simak, lagi, artikel penulis itu, khususnya Link kepada topik "Controlled Demolition At WTC – New Revelations" (ambruknya si kembar WTC akibat dua ledakan dahsyat di BASEMENT WTC SEBELUM WTC runtuh secara berurutan).

Lupa, tidak penulis singgung di artikel itu, Walikota New York City juga bertanggung jawab atas kebakaran di si kembar WTC. Why? Diungkapkan oleh seorang jurnalis di New York, beberapa minggu (atau bulan) SEBELUM bencana WTC 911 itu, Walikota NYC menyimpan 6000 galon minyak diesel dalam tangki besar di salah satu gedung WTC! Ini SANGAT melanggar peraturan dinas kebakaran NYC! Klik, Giuliani Caused #7 WTC Collapse, by Robert Lederman March 1, 2002, untuk membaca teks aseli lengkap.

Tuan Tuan, inilah sangat berbahayanya kalau kalangan intelijens di manapun, juga BIA dan BIN dll (intel TNI-AD, AU,AL, POLRI, Kejaksaan), kita biarkan seenak perut "ngompori" Eksekutif dan DPR memberlakuan RUU Kerahasiaan Negara! "Penyakit" kronis pemerintah di manapun dan apalagi kalangan intelijens, mereka sok merahasiakan urusan negara, urusan yang merepresentasikan kepentingan 220 juta "rakyat" (Ingat istilah "terrocrats" di artikel penulis Januari/Februari 2002, NKRI: NEGERI MALING dst?) Itulah PENYAKIT seluruh unsur yang disebut "pemerintah" di bumi, kecuali Pemerintah Maddinah di bawah Rasulullah.

Betapa BEDEBAH CIA dan George Bush, tega teganya membutakan Pemerintah RI (by the way, WAS that really the case; bahwa INTELIJENS NKRI tidak telah diberitahu; tetapi seperti intel Taiwan juga SENGAJA tutup mulut, demi tujuan jahat stigmatisasi Muslim NKRI?) menyangkut "fore-knowledge" (tahu lebih awal) Bom Bali. FAKTA ini memperkuat dugaan banyak pihak di NKRI (termasuk penulis, sebelum Letkol Juanda bicara Bom Bali!), bahwa pengeboman Legian, Bali melibatkan CIA, Intel Australia, MOSSAD, dll!

Seperti yang sudah penulis pertanyakan di artikel itu, WHY dari 184 korban tewas di Bali, hanya DUA orang warga Amerika yang mati? WHY? Mengapa pula pada bencana WTC 911, 4000 pekerja Yahudi pada hari kiamat Amrik itu TIDAK masuk kerja di gedung tsb?

Anda sudah mendapat jawaban, dari artikel penulis, khususnya menyangkut "Instant Message" yang diterima ODIGO beberapa jam sebelum WTC diserang! Hanya DUA warga Amerika yang tewas (dari 40-an yang sampai Sabtu 19/10 berhasil diidentifikasi tim otopsi RS Sanglah) dalam Bom Bali itu, kaitkan itu dengan pengetahuan dini CIA! Persis WTC 93 & 9-11.

Orang awam, apalagi orang NAIF, langsung menyanggah analisis seperti itu. "Ndak masuk akal. Tidak mungkin, tidak mungkin! Wong warganya sendiri kok dibiarkan terbantai!" Jawaban terhadap such silly statement adalah, MELEKLAH dan BACA (di Internet dan buku pengungkapan skandal "political assassination" di USA, yang DILARANG dicetak dan dijual di USA!) topik topik menyangkut kasus "PEARL HARBOR", "LUSITANIA" (kapal USA sengaja dibiarkan diterpedo U-Boat NAZI); "Gulf of Tonkin", "TWA 800"; "EGYPT AIR 900", dll.

Bencana yang merenggut puluhan sampai ratusan jiwa warga Amerika (warga sipil dan) itu SENGAJA DISKENARIO oleh Gedung Putih dan cikal bakal CIA, serta CIA di era 1950-an! Mau lagi yang lain? Nih: Joe Vialls membongkar kejahatan CIA di London, penulis lupa tahun berapa (anda cari saja dengan Klik nama dia, atau di Google dan Yahoo untuk cari artikel itu), seorang Polisi wanita di London tewas ditembak "teroris" dari kantor Kedubes Libya London. Ternyata, Joe Vialls menemukan, bahwa penembakan dilakukan oleh agen CIA berkantor di salah satu gedung tingkat di kawasan itu!

Luka tembakan pada tubuh polisi itu, jelas menunjukkan "angle" tembakan BUKAN dari kantor Kedubes Libya, melainkan dari salah satu jendela kantor bisnis swasta – dalam intelijens disebut "Front Company" atau kedok – milik CIA! Tujuannya? Stigmatisasi terhadap Moammar Qaddafy, tokoh penentang paling keras A.S. Peristiwa "Lockerbee" pun (‘kali ejaannya salah), PANAM yang jatuh akibat bom, ada indikasi sangat kuat juga diotaki oleh gabungan intel CIA dan MOSSAD. Bagitu pula pembomam WTC tahun 1993, perakit bom orang MOSSAD!

Kini, penulis ingin mengajukan tambahan "teori" menyangkut tragedi Bom Bali. RRC dan Taiwan merupakan musuh bebuyutan. Di bawah kepresidenan Bush senior dan penggantinya, Bill Clinton; RRC menikmati kemudahan memperoleh BANYAK peralatan telekomunikasi kategori sangat rahasia dari Amerika Serikat (diatur dalam rezim "Export Control" A.S. dan Sekutunya).

Sampai sebelum BJH jadi Menristek/Kepala BPPT, akibat export control itu NKRI tidak diizinkan membeli "Supercomputer" buatan A.S., barang yang dibutuhkan seluruh industri hi-tech. Tak diketahui banyak orang kita, termasuk jurnalis, berkat lobi intens BJH (sekali dalam dua tahun selama jadi Menristek berkunjung ke Washington, D.C.) via Senator Lugar, maka NKRI akhirnya diperbolehkan membeli Supercomputer itu.

Maka hujatlah terus BJH dan ORBA secara UNFAIR dan tidak proporsional, Penulis mengeritik keras kegeblegan sebagian orang era Orba, tidak kritik sekedar mengeritik! Masih anggota KORPRI (otomatis, wong PNS!) pun, tahun 1995, di KBRI, dalam semacam penataran KORPRI sub-unit KBRI penulis sudah ‘brani mengeritik keras GOLKAR!

Maka oleh Kepala Bidang Politik, yang otomatis "didapuk" Pusat sebagai Ketua KORPRI Sub-Unit KBRI; penulis dibilang quote "Pak Yusuf lebih cocok masuk PDI! Sebab oposan melulu (vs. GOLKAR)." end quote. Ndak tahu diplomat senior bidang politik itu (yang tidak becus bikin pidatu dan essay dalam bahasa Inggris!), bahwa penulis putera eks "Banteng Mataram" PNI-FM --sohibnya (sedulur tunggal eyang Buyut) "mBah" Tardjo, wakilnya mBak Mega di DPP PDIP.

Mbak Mega dan Pak Akbar Tanjung pun, sudah baca makalah penulis yang mengeritik tajam GOLKAR itu. Juga bekas boss LANGSUNG penulis, di "Kedoya Barat", Bang "Brewok" yang ternyata sampai kini masih menjadi semacam pembina angkatan muda dalam GOLKAR. Kuping sampeyan merah, ya Bang; akibat penulis mengeritik pedas GOLKAR sejak 1995?

Back to superkomputer di atas, tanpa jasa BJH itu (jelas atas komando Pak Harto), NKRI tidak akan semaju saat ini industrinya! Siapa pula yang merintis satelit PALAPA? Orba pula! Itu salah satu sisi positif ORBA,maka meleklah kawan kawan PRD dan FORKOT.

Kembali menyangkut hal di atas (rekayasa CIA atas beberapa insiden besar skala global), ingat insiden "tabrakan" pesawat intel AU-USA, di atas wilayah udara RRC, dengan pesawat pencegat (fighter-interceptor) RRC tahun lalu?

Pesawat mata mata A.S. itu dilengkapi peralatan telekomunikasi sangat rahasia, yang baru dimiliki hanya oleh intelijens A.S. (Israel, Inggris, Russia, Perancis, Jerman pun BELUM memilikinya). Pemerintah RRC sangat menggebu ingin membeli teknologinya, tetapi ditentang keras oleh kalangan anti RRC di Konggres era Clinton. Keistimewaan alat terbaru itu, antara lain, dapat mendengarkan pembicaraan telpun di seluruh negara yang dipantau! Lobi intens RRC tidak berhasil. Banyak keanehan dalam insiden internasional itu.

Diungkapkan seorang independent investigator di Internet, bahwa di dalam pesawat super rahasia A.S. itu hari itu kok ada penumpang orang CIA, padahal hal itu tidak pernah terjadi dalam operasi operasi sebelumnya. Recovery atas pesawat A.S. (oleh intelijens A.S.) yang DIPAKSA mendarat oleh AU RRC itu, juga memakan waktu cukup lama secara tidak wajar.

Ternyata, selama pihak A.S. belum diijinkan datang ke lokasi pesawat, intelijens RRC telah menguras habis isinya – terutama alat nguping super rahasia itu! Disimpulkan oleh periset intelijens itu, tabrakan itu (yang tidak sangat fatal) jelas diskenario CIA (maka ada intel CIA di pesawat angkatan bersenjata itu!).

Lagi, orang awam apalagi naif bakal segera menyanggah informasi seperti itu. "Tidak mungkin, tak mungkin! Wong pesawat berisi peralatan nguping tercanggih di bumi, kok sengaja ditabrakkan dengan pesawat penyergap RRC! Yusuf gila!" Begini saja, mari berandai-andai. Anda George Bush senior, eks pilot tempur (Perang Korea), eks Direktur CIA, eks DDUBES Amerika di Beijing. Kini, setelah lengser dari kepresidenan, anda jadi juragan industri BBM skala dunia (sejak di Texas, kampungnya), jual-beli bbm sekaligus memasok suku-cadang instalasi bbm.

Anda punya koneksi sangat kuat dengan petinggi di RRC, yang sangat membutuhkan bbm murah dari kawasan Teluk (dan bekas Uni Soviet di seputar Afganistan). Sedangkan anda (sebagai Bush senior) juga big boss beberapa perusahaan BBM dan jasa konstruksi & instalasi bbm global (FAKTA, dapat anda cari di internet, antara lain, Klik a/l UNACOAL penulis lupa nama grup perusahaan jasa bbm Bush senior, inisial "H").

Lalu, Clinton menggantikan anda sebagai presiden (dua periode), Presiden Amrik yang disebut sebagai TRAITOR; berkaitan dengan tindakannya mengobral ekspor peralatan canggih rahasia kepada RRC. Kecuali alat nguping terbaru itu, yang penjualannya ke RRC ditentang keras US Congress.

Ingat kasus suap dana PEMILU kedua Clinton (1996), yang melibatkan JAMES RIADY? Ketikkan, topik berikut ini di, atau Klik; untuk mengetahui "kiprah" James Riady dengan Presiden Bill Clinton: http://www.the THE NORTH CHINA POWER GROUP. By Martin J. Steadman, 08/28/0.

Silahkan simak teks lengkap, (Klik) Foreign Policy for Sale by William Norman Grigg, berikut ini satu paragrap penting tentang "honeymoon" Clinton dan James Riady: see "Clinton's Indonesian Cash Cow" in our November 25, 1996 issue), the Clinton clique's Lippo connections are intimate and numerous. Lippo has also developed strong links with Red China and Vietnam -- and there is reason to suspect that the conglomerate has used its influence within the Clinton Administration to steer U.S. policy in a direction that is beneficial to the two Asian communist regimes. Selanjutnya, kunjungi, Klik juga "Chinagate".

Anda bukan lagi presiden, Clinton belum lengser, tetapi elit intelijens RRC sudah tahu semua RAHASIA pribadi anda dan Clinton (dimuat TIME magazine, 1996, tentang ucapan terima kasih Clinton atas "servis" James Riady, "the Indonesian Goddess"); maka anda dan Clinton ter-fait-a-complie RRC, yang tetap ngotot mau memiliki alat canggih rahasia itu! Pusing sampeyan dan Clinton. Satu satunya cara, harus dibuat INSIDEN internasional dengan korban jiwa seminim-minimnya; dan HARUS melibatkan pesawat mata mata pembawa alat nguping super rahasia itu!

Piece of cake, US Congress dan rakyat Amerika anda "kadalin". Dengan insiden tabrakan "tidak sengaja" itu, maka everybody is happy. Intelijens RRC dapetin alat yg. sangat amat mereka inginkan (GRATIS pula), sampeyan dan Clinton terbebas dari "blackmail" (penyanderaan pribadi vis-à-vis rahasia anda & Clinton).

Kini, RRC telah memilki alat nguping tercanggih itu! KBRI di Beijing, seperti di Nairobi (sejak Desember 1996) dan 7 Perwakilan RI di Amrik; telpon/fax masing masing sudah tersadap Mossad, NSA, dan intelijens RRC (di Kenya juga oleh Istana dibantu Mossad). Teleks KBRI, tetap aman – CIA, Mossad, NSA, pengganti KGB, RRC, M15 dll TIDAK dapat memecahkan kodenya! Ini hebatnya kawan kawan di Unit Komunikasi DEPLU dan seluruh Perwakilan RI di luar negeri.

Somewhere, di artikel ini, penulis singgung mundurnya Let. Jen. (TNI-AD) Yoga Sugomo dari jabatan Kepala BAKIN, ketika Pemerintah RI melakukan normalisasi hubungan diplomatik dengan Pemerintah Cina (RRC); yang putus akibat G/30/S-PKI. Beliau antisipasi, normalisasi itu bakal LEBIH menguntungkan RRC ketimbang NKRI – menurut penulis, tidak hanya komersial (banjir impor produk murah RRC, hasil KERJA PAKSA di sana) -- melainkan juga dari segi keamanan nasional NKRI (disusupi secara gampang oleh operatives intelijens RRC!).

Benar Pak Yoga Sugomo (juga penulis, he-hee…). Kini pedagang elektronik di Glodok dll, juga pebisnis ban vulkanisir, garmen/tekstil NKRI, semua menjerit kelabakan dihajar produk produk Cina Komunis (tahu ngga’, bahwa tiap menjelang Natal; pasar USA dibanjiri kartu ucapan Selamat Natal buatan RRC di salah satu dari BANYAK industri KERJA PAKSA di sana!).

Dua tahun yl, pebisnis ban vulkanisir NKRI heboh, akibat 50% pangsa pasarnya di NKRI digasak habis produk impor ban-ban bekas (truk/bis) dari RRC! Siapa tuh importir mbocengli!

Dari segi intelijens militer pun, NKRI nampaknya TELAH ditembus sangat mudah oleh intelijens RRC. Penulis sudah angkat pula, briefly (mohon perhatian seluruh POLDA dan BAIS!), beberapa kasus terjaringnya (oleh Kanwil IMIGRASI RI dan Serse Ekonomi POLRES) kelompok kecil (pura pura berpenampilan lusuh dan "culun"!) pedagang asongan Cina RRC di beberapa wilayah NKRI (Sulawesi Selatan, Jawa Barat, Bandung, Bogor, JakartaTimur dll).

Orang yang lama gaul dengan orang orang intelijens, polisi dan TNI (tidak berarti bagian dari mereka, sekedar kebetulan sama sama sekantor ketika di KBRI dan dalam klub olahraga keras seperti Sky Diving sejak mahasiswa), melihat Cina RRC berpenampilan "culun" seperti itu tentu "radar" nya (sense of security-nya) – seperti Batman jika ada bahaya – "-cling-cling" bergetar! Never mind dengan sebagian Lurah, Camat, Ketua RW dan RT yang bukan bekas tentara atau polisi! Cina Cina Komunis culun itu JELAS operator lapangan dinas intelijens RRC, atau anggota PLA (People’s Liberation Army) alias TNI-nya RRC.

"Nggerudug" NKRI, "cukup" dengan sejuta PLA saja; TNI bakal kocar kacir tenan! Maka, persenjatailah (seperti di Swiss) setiap kepala keluarga di NKRI dengan bedil dan pestol! JANGAN DILUCUTI melulu! Catat: RRC tidak punya sumber bbm/gas alam; terdekat adalah NKRI! Amrik pun bakal keok kelak.

Coba, buat apa nyusahin diri "b’layangan" (keluyuran) ke pelosok NKRI (juga pedalaman Afrika sub-Sahara sebagai dukun pijat, jualan jamu tradisional Cina), wong RRC tercatat sebagai negara yang memiliki cadangan nasional valas TERBESAR di dunia? Menjamurnya restoran Cina, di Italia, sampai 100 lebih dalam waktu kurang dari dua tahun (diungkapkan TIME, tahun 1996), ternyata, juga sebagai kedok ("front company") TRIAD untuk Opsus penyebaran Narkoba!

Aktivitas "spotting" lokasi via jalan darat itu, sambil menjajakan barang asongannya di NKRI, jelas akan memfasilitasi boss intel mereka (atau PLA) di Beijing – dalam rangka invasi ke NKRI jika langkah itu PERLU dan HARUS dilakukan kelak. Semoga kawan kawan di BAIS dan BIN mewaspadai fenomena pedagang asongan Cina Cina "culun" itu.

Tanya orangtua anda yang mengalami era pra-pendudukan Jepun. Sebelum invasi ke Indonesia, tidak sedikit Jepun Jepun "swasta" bergentayangan di wilayah wilayah Pantura Jawa; tidak jarang berjam-jam memancing ikan. Ternyata, mereka operator lapangan intelijens Jepang! Sama halnya dengan Kolonel Li, "pedagang" Cina dari RRC di Dili, yang hadir di Dili sebelum pecah perang saudara 1975! Bahwa RRC sangat serius "menggarap" negara negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara, lebih lebih NKRI, terkonfirmasi di Kemlunya ada departemen khusus yang mengurus (kepentingan) "Overseas Chinese".

Tentang aktivitas spionase RRC itu di seluruh dunia, bagaimana tidak dengan amat sangat mudah mereka lakukan? Intelijens PLA punya cukup banyak "front companies" untuk menembus negara negara lain! Ngga’ percaya? Silahkan membaca kutipan ini, sama dari artikel di atas tentang "gang" Riadys of LIPPO. BAIS, BIN, please wake up!

"With a financial network covering the U.S., Australia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Singapore, Lippo is our first choice of a long-term business partner." But there was more than business involved in the Lippo/China Resources partnership: By pairing off with China Resources, Lippo became a partner with Communist Chinese Intelligence. As Nicholas Eftimiades explains, Hong Kong comes under the Guangzhou division of the Second Department of the PRC's Military Intelligence Department. Case officers working for Chinese intelligence in Hong Kong "make extensive use of commercial covers,"

Eftimiades explains. "For example, a vice president of the China Resources Holding Company in Hong Kong is traditionally a military case officer from Guangzhou. This officer coordinates the collection activities of other intelligence personnel operating under [China Resources] cover. The division maintains several other cover companies in Hong Kong and Macao as well."

Chinese intelligence actively recruits among ethnic Chinese who reside in other countries. In a September 5, 1995 Toronto Globe and Mail article, David Harris, a former chief of strategic planning with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, pointed out that "PRC diplomatic, cultural and intelligence activity is a seamless web.... Canadians of Chinese ancestry must be warned of the PRC's strong preference for recruiting ethnic Chinese using leverage and 'help China' appeals.

China's use of guanxi networks -- social relationships built on favors -- is the bedrock of Chinese intelligence collection. This approach reflects [Beijing's] tendency to rely on a great many sources, each collecting small -- and not very incriminating -- amounts of information." According to Harris, China Resources' involvement with the Hong Kong Chinese Bank is a "textbook Communist Chinese influence operation."

Kawan kawan, di "Manggis" dan "Pejaten", please be extremely VIGILANT vis-à-vis para "Cina Culun" di depan dan bisnis (baru) "permanen" (ruko, kantor, rumahan, apartemen, Mal, Restoran Cina, Klinik, "technical advisors") "Cina Merah" di NKRI; terutama yang eksis paska normalisasi hubungan diplomatik dengan NKRI. Waspadai "establishment" macam itu terutama yangberlokasi tidak jauh dari instalasi PLTU/PLTD/PLTA, bendungan, markas batalyon TNI, pangkalan TNI-AU, TNI-AL, sentra distribusi/bunker bbmdan gas alam!

Ayah penulis, ketika masih Pembantu Khusus PANGDAM Diponegoro, pernah wanti wanti, "Leno iku mung sepisan; bar iku (kowe) mati!", "Lengah itu cukup sekali saja (tidak akan terulang), sebab kau sudah wassalam (didadak) musuh!"

Pahlawan Revolusi 1965, kecuali Jenderal Nasution -- seperti pada umumnya para Pati TNI kecuali barangkali Jenderal Ryacudu (the tough guy) – tidur tidak membawa lagi .9mm atau .45ACP semi-auto mereka ("condition one" ready for close combat). Mereka mempercayakan keselamatan diri dan keluarganya, 100% kepada para pengawal mereka.

Maka ketika didadak pasukan Kolonel Untung – wassalam; they were ALL defenseless! Begitu juga Presiden Korsel Park Chung-Hee, yang "diembat" oleh kepala intelijensnya di "Istana Biru". The golden rule always IS, do not rely on somebody else for your (and your loved-ones) safety and survival!

Generals, NOW (following Mr. Soeharto’s lengser) you have no idea who your REAL enemies are! Nevermind lah dengan laskar Muslim "keras" – they do NOT posses full-auto, 30-round MP5s, AK-47s, M16s, FNLs, UZIs – let alone granade launchers! Unsur mana saja yang memiliki "assault rifles" dll macam itu (juga TNT, flash granade etc); Tuan Tuan tahulah.

Cukup panjang pemaparan menyangkut "angle" (perspektif) Cina Komunis di atas, dan kaitannya dengan Bom Bali 121002. Namanya juga curah pikir (brainstorming), di depan penulis katakan ingin menawarkan "teori" baru menyangkut Bom Bali – kaitannya dengan "global drive" RRC. Prolog: NKRI menganut kebijakan luar negeri "One China Policy". Artinya, secara resmi Pemerintah NKRI hanya mengakui eksistensi RRC dalam kancah diplomasi bilateral & gobal.

Taiwan, nyengir, sebab secara internasional (juga oleh PBB) kita anggap bukan negara sahabat dalam konteks hubungan diplomatik. Maka tidak ada kantor perwakilan (diplomatik) Taiwan di NKRI. Yang ada cuma, satu (kalau tak salah), Kantor Perwakilan Dagang di Jakarta dulu, di kawasan Kebayoran, CSW.

One-China-Policy itu persoalan super sensitif bagi RRC, dan harga mati! Maka, ketika Agustus 2002 (atau Juli?) WAPRES Taiwan melakukan kunjungan "wisata" ke Bali, dan Jakarta, hal itu membuat BERANGBeijing! Pejambon 6 pun (DEPLU RI) dibuat kelimpungan. Please catat, Wapres Taiwan masuk NKRI via BALI – Bali, man! Baru kemudian ia tetirah ke Jakarta. Kalau anda PM RRC, tentu anda kebakaran jenggot pula terhadap Pemerintahan Megawati (cerdik deh, panjenengan, mBak Mega, mainin kartu Taiwan) dan Gubernur BALI!

"Sontoloyo tenan sampeyan semua (Presiden Megawati; Menlu Hassan Wirayuda, PhD., dan Gubernur Bali)!" Begitu ‘kali keberangan PM (dan Presiden) RRC. "Awas kalian ya, ‘ntar gue kasih pelajaran mahal banget!" Dan, jleger! Tidak lebih dari empat bulan sejak WAPRES Taiwan menginjakkan kakinya di Ngurah Rai, Legian pun diluluh-lantakkan oleh "teror" bom! Jangan buru buru mengutuk penulis sebagai ngawur pula dengan "teori" di atas. Silahkan baca dulu, serial investigasi WTC 9-11 oleh kalangan non-pemerintah/CIA/FBI/Pentagon, di Amerika.

Ternyata, salah satu periset intelijens di A.S., setelah setahun mengendus endus berbagai informasi tertutup dan terbuka; ia menemukan "complicity" elite PLA di Beijing dengan tragedi WTC 911. Ditegaskan oleh periset itu (sayang, penulis belum berhasil menemukan fail tsb di PC penulis), bahwa kecil kemungkinannya para petinggi RRC terlibat dalam WTC 911. Namun, dia katakan, ada FAKTA baru di kalangan petinggi militer RRC; bahwa tragedi WTC itu memberikan keuntungan tertentu bagi mereka (PLA)!

Menyangkut niat RRC – kelak, entah kapan – melakukan invasi ke USA (via Meksiko dan Kanada – maka satu bumn PLA telah menguasai Teluk Panama!); silahkan baca "SEEDS OF FIRE". Cina Komunis menyatakan punya "justification" kuat untuk meluluh-lantakkan peradaban Barat (terutama beberapa negara Eropa seperti Inggris) dan USA.

Hal itu berkaitan dengan dendam kesumat (justified, dong!) bangsa Cina (di RRC), vs. imperialis Barat yang menyengsarakan bangsa Cina dengan "Perang Candu" (Opium War) pada abad 16 (?). RRC punya senjata nuklir. PLA yang menyamar sebagai pebisnis, diplomat, pelayan restoran Cina, dll; mengepung Amrik dari Kanada dan Meksiko.

Manakala terjadi perang antara RRC dan Amrik, PLA di Terusan Panama sewaktu waktu dapat menutup akses armada AL Amrik di Pasifik dan Atlantik. "Pecinan" (China Town) tersebar nyaris di seluruh kota kota besar Amrik di Pantai Timur dan Barat. Ditambah "cuma" 3 – 4 juta tentara darat RRC yang dengan "bonek" melakukan invasi via Kanada dan Meksiko dan Pantai Barat Amrik – Pentagon benar benar bakal dibuatkalang kabut!

NKRI sebaiknya bersikap bagaimana dalam sitkon macam itu? Embuh, gak eruh aku! Mas Jenderal SBY dan Jenderal Ryacudu yang lebih tahu. Bukan bermaksud tak patriotik, namun dalam skenario "Kiamat Pasifik" (Pacific Nightmare) itu; nampaknya (kalau berpihak kepada Amrik) NKRI bakal teler berat! Ngadepin GAM saja repot ……

Mau memobilisasi Laskar Jihad? C’mon, you must be joking; kan sudah (ditekan agar) membubarkan diri?! Horotoyo, pusing kan Panglima TNI? Perango dewe, Doel. Wong rakyat wis dilucuti ngono! Polisi (kecuali Brimob) mau ngapain dalam sitkon macam itu (invasi RRC)? Nyuwun ngapunten Jenderal Da’i; polisi "ngibrit". Insya’Allah, tidak begitulah. Bukankah Pak Yasin (10/11/1945) memimpin perlawanan (bersama Bung Tomo) vs. Sekutu/Gurka?

Astaghfirullah! Bom di Russia terjadi; re: "kasus besar 1998" ("meramal" kepada dua mitra di Media Indonesia/MI) terjadi. 12 Mei 1998 (bloodshed Trisakti), terjadi! Maaf Generals; penulis CABUT "penampakan" Kiamat Pasifik. Penulis ingat, wanti wanti (pertengahan Januari 2000, setelah ibu wafat 14/01/2000) famili jauh "orang pinter", "Mas Yusuf, lidah sampeyan itu persis mendiang ibu; idu geni. Hal baik, lebih lebih hal buruk yang mas ucapkan, dapat terjadi!"

Sebelum topik seputar Perpu 17/10/02-WTC911-Kiamat Legian kita lanjutkan, izinkan penulis meneruskan sedikit tentang "idu geni" (ludah api) itu. I swear to Allah, empat hal di atas – "isu besar awal 1998" (diskusi dengan mitra di MI); tiga hari kemudian terjadi!

Tanggal 11 Mei 1998, pk. 23.00 WIB, penulis pulang meloncat pintu besi pagar rumah, terpana menyaksikan "bulan kalangan" (bercincin). Gusti; musibah apa yang akan terjadi? Begitu tanya penulis dalam hati, ingat "kepercayaan" sebagian orang orang tua di Yogya, bahwa bulan bercincin merupakan isyarat (tak bermaksud syirik/tahayul) akan terjadi musibah besar atau "wong gede" wafat. What happened the following day? Tragedi TRISAKTI, disusul (13 – 14 Mei 1998) nyaris 1000 warga/anak/abg Jabotabek terpanggang di berbagai Mal/Supermarket yang dibakar!

Tahun 2000, istri punya mitra (tidak perlu disebut namanya) "berantem" melulu dengan misoanya yang "keji", "cengkiling" suka memukul istrinya(yang, hmm, meski sudah 40-an masih sexy dan cantik!). Penulis ny’letuk bahwa dua orang itu bakal cerai! Gusti; empat bulan kemudian dua laki-bini itu "bar-ji-bar-beh"! Pisah, for good!

Lalu, paling mutakhir, bom di Russia paska Kiamat di Legian! Manakala penulis dibuat "sebel" oleh seseorang yang zalim (difitnah/dimusuhi tanpa tahu kesalahan penulis), pernah 3-4 kali berucap, Arep ngalami opo wong iku? Gusti; dua orang benar benar "njeglek", satu kena stroke dan kini pikun! Satu lagi, kini, "di ujung tanduk". You asked for it, dude!

Terakhir menyangkut "idu geni" itu, kepada "somebody" – VVIP di negeri kusut ini – penulis tidak ‘nyletukin, bahkan berkirim mesej (message) tertulis, bahwa ybs ndak ada potongan jadi presiden! Lha, gimana mau jadi RI-1, wong meskipun pinter "sundul langit", tetapi orang itu kagak pernah ikut terlibat langsung mengurus isu isu krusial negeri ini? Gusti; tiga minggu terakhir ini "orang itu" dirundung persoalan besar, akibat mitranya se-kubu bermasalah serius! Istighfar, Bapak … Gonjang ganjing kok ndak ada abisnya negeri ini!

Dalam kaitan itu semua, penulis hanya ingin mengingatkan, utamanya sesama Muslim; jangan menzalimi orang orang lain, apapun keyakinan agama mereka. Ingat salah satu Hadith Qudsy, bahwa Allah mendengarKAN (baca: mengabulkan!) rintihan doa orang orang yang terzalimi; rintihan orang kafir sekalipun manakala kita menzalimi!

Manakala mereka memohon kepada Allah SWT, agar mengazab (azab yang disegerakan, artinya selama masih hidup) orang orang yang menzaliminya; maka – believe me folk – orang orang zalim itu benar benar bakal "njeglek"! Tammat! Kekuasaannya, posisinya, statusnya, dan kekayaannya – tammat semua. Mending tidak mendadak lumpuh total, macam sayur, akibat stroke berat. Seperti itulah nasib orang orang munafik dan zalimin!

Maka para Jenderal TNI dan POLRI Yang Terhormat, JANGAN menzalimi para Ulama; jangan mendakwa TANPA BUKTI, bahwa mereka (seperti yang dituduhkan si KAFIR Bush cs) Muslim keras dan teroris! Mana buktinya, bahwa Al-Qaeda dan Osamah bin Laden mengotaki serangan atas Gedung Kembar WTC pada 11 September 2001? MANA?? Muslim kok menelan mentah mentah ocehan Bush cs. penyembah Iblis (Satanists "Skull & Bones").

‘Ntar "njeglek", badan separoh lumpuh akibat stroke, baru tahu! Gendheng, para santri tidak bersenjata tajam pun (di RS PKO Muhammadiyah, Solo) dihadapi dengan ratusan aparat bersenjata M16 & SS-1 berpeluru tajam! Mau mengulang pembantaian Tanjung Priok 1984 dan Santa Cruz 1991?! Y.M. Ibu Megawati dan Yth. Pak Kimas, ingat baik baik, yang telah saya sampaikan dalam surat pada Agustus 2002. Kawula, jare wong, idu geni lho mBak Mega ..... panjenengan aja nyalahke aku, nek mengko "ana opo-opo" tenan ….aku wis ngelingke. Gusti Allah boten tilem (wa laa na’um), boten ngantuk, Ibu …..

Pengeboman WTC tahun 1993: Agen Israel Terlibat! FBI "Ada Main".

Untuk mampu memahami, lalu berupaya mengurai, misteri tragedi WTC 9-11, orang tidak perlu jauh jauh mengendus-endus serpihan berbagai informasi yang beredar (seluruh informasi, keterangan resmi yang dikeluarkan "gang" Cabal Bush, Jr. dianggap tidak kredibel oleh banyak kalangan non-pemerintah di USA. Bahkan Konggres melakukan investigasi); cukup menengok misteri WTC 1993.

Dalam kasus WTC 1993 (tiga tahun sebelumnya penulis & keluarga di lantai paling atas gedung itu, WTC bergoyang manakala diterpa angin kencang) tersangka utamanya keturunan Arab. Namun, ternyata, si Arab itu nampaknya hanya "patsy", sebab di kutipan langsung analisis di bawah ini terungkap bahwa ada orang Israel (sangat mungkin operative Mossad) di New York; yang di apartemennya TERBUKTI ada jejak-jejak residu bahan kimia bom WTC 1993.

Patsy istilah bagi orang orang yang sengaja dipersiapkan – dikelabuhi – minimal setahun sebelum "hari H", untuk melakukan aksi teror yang diotaki oleh CIA. Yaitu sebagai pembenaran bahwa kasus seperti pembunuhan Presiden J.F. Kennedy; juga adiknya Robert Kennedy, teror bom paket s/d 1995; dan peledakan Gedung Federal MURRAH di Oklahoma 1996 dilakukan oleh "lone nuts" Oswald (Dallas) dan Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma) – bukan didalangi penguasa. Farouq pun, re: niat pembunuhan terhadap Megawati, jelas CIA’s patsy!

Analisis di bawah sangat perlu dibaca para Pamen dan Pati Polri, Ka-BIN, Ka-BAIS yang penulis YAKIN tidak seluruhnya pernah membaca hal ini. Analisis ini mampu menguak rekayasa pengeboman WTC tahun 1993 oleh FBI – ulang – FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation! Selain itu juga mengekspos ketidak-jujuran FBI dan CIA menyangkut perakit bom sekaligus penyedia alat teror terkait, yaitu agen dinas intelijens Israil MOSSAD di New York!

Satu kasus ledakan (bom?) di sebuah hotel di wilayah Kota, Jakarta (2000? 2001?) juga mengindikasikan jejak jejak orang Israel. Ditulis di koran, di hotel itu ada tamu Israel; namun sayang sekali tidak ada follow-up investigasi insiden itu! Persis kasus Mossad di New York ini.

Berikut ini teks lengkap mengenai WTC 1993, yang polanya (keterangan resmi elit penguasa Amrik, utamanya FBI) sama dengan seluruhbualan Bush, cs. menyangkut WTC911 dan Bom Legian, Bali 12/10/02. Artikel ini PERLU diangkat di sini, sebagai referensi utamanya para jongos Bush cs. versus jaringan Al-Qaeda" dan Jemaah Islam di NKRI. Kalau mereka mem-bebek-ria, tak mampu berfikir cerdas, membiarkan intelektualitas mereka dilecehkan TIME maga-zine yang CONFIRMED media propaganda CIA – WHY NOT juga mencermati analisis ini?

Percuma saja, negara (dari mayoritas profesional, pedagang, dan pelerja swasta) telah membiayai mereka sekolah/diklat di akademi dan sekolah tinggi angkatan; kalau mereka kini membeo kepada imperialis baru Amrik dan Inggris. We don’t need bloody stupid bunch of birokrat sipil dan non-sipil!

Gimana tidak stupid, kalau tindakan hukum didasarkan HANYA pada Cover Story TIME yang SANGAT diragukan keabsahannya? Tuan Tuan, Al-Farouq IS just another CIA’s PATSY! Tahu kagak apa itu patsy? Suwondo was BulogGate 1 patsy! Begitu pula "Pakde" (Kasus "Dice"). Pasty adalah orang orang yang "diempankan" dalam kasus teror dan pembunuhan (politik). Otak-nya, sampai kiamat kagak bakal ditemukan!

Silahkan baca teks lengkap Troubling questions in troubling times. A critical look at the history of attacks on the World Trade CenterBy James S. Adam(dari LondonDaily). (Jajaran POLRI, TNI, BIA, dan BIN sebaiknya baca ini).Penulis baru saja HAPUS teks lengkap topik itu dari artikel ini, sebab mengakibatkan kilobyte file ini jadi sangat besar!

Insya’allah anda temukan cukup dengan meng-klik judulnya. Bagi yang menginginkan teks lengkap, sudah penulis ubah jenis huruf dan formatnya (TANPA mengurangi sepenggal pun dari aselinya), silahkan email penulis dan Insya’Allah dapat penulis kirim secara terpisah (sekitar 30-40an kilobyte)

Sedangkan artikel bagus tentang imperialisme baru Bush dan Israel yang penulis singgung di awal artikel ini, silahkan klik judul berikut. Teks lengkap juga penulis hapus dari sini guna mengurangi beban kilobyte. Oil, Sharon and the Axis of Evil. The Great Game. By Uri Avnery (Yahudi di Israel, yang penulis maksudkan di dalam pengantar halaman 1). Yang ini juga dapat penulis kirimkan secara terpisah, kalau Link di atas gagal (broken). Enjoy.

Masih berkait dengan Zionis super sesat di depan, tahukah pula anda, bangsa kulit putih manakah yang kehidupannya lekat dengan perkelenikan; jauh sebelum Isa Almasih lahir? Bangsa ROMAWI penyembah berhala (sebelum itu, biangnya bangsa Babilonia).

Dari mana pula asal usulnya, ujug ujug beberapa puluh tahun yang lalu, di "Romawi Baru" muncul penggunaan "Twisted Cross"? Lha iya, akibat pengaruh pelembagaan perkelenikan dan "berhalaisasi" oleh Penguasa Romawi, terhadap "rezim Romawi Baru" ("sinergi" dua paham baru dan kuno) di era paska Isa a.s. wafat! Judul analisis dan KRITIK sangat tajam (bukan olehMuslim) tentang pelembagaan ritual kuno Romawi itu, Penulis cantumkan pada Posting kemarin.

Apa pula hubungannya dengan Amerika moderen? Yang dianugerahi Allah dengan ni’mat duniawai uang berlimpah (SUAP dari elit BUMN, eselon 1 departemen, badan pemerintah, dan konglomerat jahat dll); jalan jalanlah ke kotaWashington, D.C. Pergilah ke wilayah North East di seputar Capitol Hill, komplek The United States Congress; lalu jalan ke depan gedung Capitol dan amati kubah ROTUNDA. Lha, kok di puncaknya ada patung seorang "Dewi" (overlooking the whole city, Ibukota USA!)? Siapa itu sang "Dewi"? Sesembahan bangsa dan elite Romawi!

Kota Washington, D.C., tata kotanya (patung patungnya di setiap "bundaran"), merupakan "copy cat" Ibukota Romawi Kuno! Lha! Penulis sudah kutip, penuturan sang pembongkar konspirasi abadi Jesuits, Vatican, dan Freemason; tentang sejarah sungguhan as to how the City was built (itu, di depan, yang penulis sebut Sertifikat tanah Capitol Hill dulu a/n PAUS!).

Paragrap paragrap berikut tidak berurutan seperti aselinya, tetapi TIDAK penulis hilangkan satupun kalimat dari paragrap pilihan ini. Dari uraian "Revisionist Historians" ini, dapat dipahami (jika ada KEMAUAN dan KEBERANIAN moral!) sepak terjang Pemerintah (bukan warga) A.S. di seluruh sudut bumi (bahkan ratusan meter di bawah kedua Kutub menguji-coba "Exotic Weapon" termasuk SCALAR) – dalam rangka penaklukan global (global enslavement)!

WHY? Sebab mereka mengemban missi rahasia "Romawi baru". Tuan tuan, Ibu Ibu; di antara kita nyaris semua "melek", tetapi sebenarnya "merem" alias "tidur (otak kita)"!

Keajegan sehari-hari "cari makan", plus euforia berlomba pamer kekayaan material dan praktik permalingan, sampai di rumah pencet remote control TV gonta-ganti film; dan kanal musik ngak-ngik-ngok yang diperagakan orang orang mati citarasa – tanyakan kepada peternak sapi Kobe Jepun, musik macam mana yang bikin sapi jadi gemuk dan menghasilkan susu lebih banyak; dan musik gombal macam mana yang bikin sapi mereka teler kagak mau makan -- bikin sebagian besar dari kita terhipnotis kampanye (Bush cs dan Tonny Blair) global Perang Melawan Teror! Lha wong mereka dkk preman bule biang teror, kok bengak bengok memerangi "teror" Muslim!

Faktor faktor di bawah inilah, yang memotivasi gerombolan nihilis preman bule itu bersikap gemagus, kurang-ajar, congkak, sok paling kuasa -- terhadap NKRI dan lain lain:

"We are naturally drawn to things Italian."
— E.M. Forster (maksudnya Amerika)

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From the trickster / Mercury, "the Trickster," Roman god of commerce and evildoers, hands a bag of gold to Superintendent of Finance Robert Morris, highest government official under the Articles of Confederation. This remarkable transaction was painted into the U.S. Capitol Rotunda by Vatican artist Constantino Brumidi in 1866. It lucidly visualizes the well-known Golden Rule of political economies, "He who holds the gold . . .rules." …. demonstrates how Brumidi actually depicted historic truth about Roman influence over the
formation of United States government.

Many Americans are legally forced, beyond their desire or ability, to work for powerful foreign operators. Consider the American farmer whose crop prices in his own country are permitted by Congress to be undercut by imported grain that must be sold here to keep a foreign bank’s debtor from defaulting. Or the American taxpayer whose home is seized by the IRS, its value going to compensate the International Monetary
Fund for some middle-eastern loan that went bad.
Could it be that the coercion of American citizens into an international economic agenda is
the logical outworking of a religious manifesto?

The Problem(Vatican bukan institusi agama, melainkan Pol-Ek-Bisnis-Intelijens)

A manifesto known as "Vatican II" — the Roman Catholic "Constitution On The Church" propounded by the Second Vatican Council in 1964 — summons Roman Catholics who hold office in secular government to "vigorously contribute their effort so that the goods of this world may be more equitably distributed among all men."

Many Americans who know little and care less about Roman Catholicism elect to important public offices men and women subject to Vatican II. In so doing they place their fortunes at the disposal of Vatican internationalism. The truth is, American secular authority clings to a Catholic infrastructure which the celebrity newscasters give us only occasional glimpses of.

We caught a fleeting glance eight years ago in Carl Bernstein’s remarkable Time Magazine article on how the President of the United States "conspired" — Bernstein’s word, not mine— with Pope John Paul II to bring about the demise of the Soviet Union. (Two weeks later, Time published the shocked response of a University of Massachusetts sociology professor:

Last week I taught my students about the separation of church and state. This week I learned that the Pope is running U.S. foreign policy. No wonder our young people are cynical about American ideals.)

Bernstein noted that the leading American players behind the secret Reagan/Holiness conspiracy were all "devout Roman Catholics"— namely CIA Director William Casey, National Security Advisors Richard Allen and Judge William Clark, Secretary of State Alexander Haig, Ambassador-at-Large Vernon Walters, and Ambassador to the Vatican State William Wilson.

But he failed to mention that the entire Senate Foreign Relations committee was governed by Roman Catholics as well — specifically, Senators John Kerry (Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Communications), Daniel P. Moynihan (Near Easter and South Asian Affairs), Paul Sarbanes (International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans & Environment), and Christopher Dodd (Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affairs); not to mention that American domesticpolicy was under the leadership of Roman Catholics George Mitchell (Senate Majority Leader) and Tom Foley (Speaker of the House of Representatives)

Indeed, when Bernstein’s story hit the stands, there was virtually no arena of federal legislative activity that was not directly controlled by a Roman Catholic senator or representative.

Each and every one of these legislators was a Roman Catholic layperson subject to Vatican II’s instructions to use his or her secular offices to advance the cause of Roman Catholicism. Vatican II calls upon Catholic politicians, "whoever they expend all their energy for the growth of the Church and its continuous sanctification" so as "to make the Church present and operative in those places and circumstances where only through them can it become the salt of the earth" (IV, 33).

Catholic politicians having secular monetary and taxing authority ("by their competence in secular disciplines and by their activity") are called upon to redistribute worldly goods according to the Church’s design -- "[to] vigorously contribute their effort so that...the goods of this world may be more equitably distributed among all men, and may in their own way be conducive to universal progress in human and Christian freedom" (IV, 36).

Nothing in American law forbids this from happening. The "free exercise" clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects a religious establishment’s right to encourage its believers not only to ensconce themselves in secular government, but also to use any legitimate means to subject otherwise uncooperative fellow-citizens to its agenda of internationalizing private American wealth. When legislators, executives, and judges seem to put the welfare of other nations ahead of their own, it may not be treason they are committing. They may well be freely exercising the Roman Catholic religion of Vatican II.

The Remedy

But what of those millions of Americans who do not believe they are looking to Roman Catholicism for their moral guidance? Is there some legal or theological premise that requires non-Catholics to part with large portions of their income annually in order to underwrite Vatican II’s international agenda?

I can’t speak for all moral disciplines, but I know that the Bible urges the followers of Christ not to pay self-assessed taxes. When Jesus and Peter arrived at Capernaum, the customs agents asked Peter "Doth not your master pay tribute?" To which Peter replied,"Yes."Although the New International Version distorts the context of Matthew 17:24-27 to Rome’s advantage by rendering Peter’s crucial reply as "Yes, He does," the fact remains that Peter was affirming a negative"Yes, He doth not"is the grammatically correct inference. Jesus was not a taxpayer.

Tribute, in law, is a sum paid to a superior potentate to secure his friendship or protection. Since the potentate for whom the Capernaum agents were soliciting— Tiberias Caesar— was not superior to Jesus, our Lord took Peter aside and lectured him briefly on why the children of God are not required to pay tribute.

Having excluded himself and Peter from taxation, Jesus then defined the law of tribute: "However, lest we offend them,...give unto them." If excluding ourselves offends the potentate, we give to him. And if the potentate is not offended by our exclusion, we are free to dedicate our resources to the family of God.

The American potentate, which the facts identify as Roman to the core, demands tribute through uniform excise taxes on a wide range of objects — petroleum, chemicals, alcohol, hazardous waste, insurance, tires, etc. We secure its friendship and protection by paying these taxes without flinching. But the potentate makes no such demand on income earned by United States citizens from sources derived within the nation’s borders.

It is as though Internal Revenue law was written by biblical scholars impeccably well-versed in Matthew 17! For the law denies the potentate the right to be offended by the exclusion of the children of God from income taxation. Indeed, just as Jesus declared, "the children are free."

However, many U.S. citizens, among whom are huge numbers of nominal Christians, have empowered the potentate to demand tribute. They have done this by making themselves liable for taxation on domestically-sourced income by that process the IRS calls "voluntary self-assessment."

Since the assessment does not arise from the potentate but from the citizenry, the potentate rightly takes offense when a citizen attempts to renege on his self-assessment.

There is important Christian scripture on self-assessed tribute, the ignorance of which I believe has robbed American Christianity (as opposed to the Body of Christ) of the power of God.

The precept, given at II Kings 20:12-18, is that if sanctified resources are voluntarily disclosed to a potentate, God authorizes the potentate to capture those resources and dispose of them at its pleasure.

Until those who profess Christianity begin examining and exercising the U.S. citizen’s miraculous exclusion from income taxation, America will continue suffering under the divine curse that attends voluntary self-assessment. American Christianity will continue, as Paul put it, "having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof..." Study history as self-help, who examine the past in order to make sense of the present and not be caught unprepared.

Mr. Phelps challenges all truth-seekers to go through the annals of history and examine the diabolical interference of the Jesuits in the affairs of all governments. Find out why the Jesuits were expelled from almost every country in Europe, and how they have been using the United States of America to further their mission to:destroy the Protestant Reformation and restore the Dark Ages with the Pope exercising his temporal power as the Universal Monarch, ruling from the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem." (telah ada SECRET AGREEMENT antara Paus dan P.M. Israel menyangkut Yerusalem!)

Since 1550 A.D., the Pope has sought to reverse the Protestant Reformation and return the total power economically, diplomatically and militarily to the Vatican, as in the days before Martin Luther. To establish this goal, the Vatican established the Order of the Jesuits, turning to Black Magick Witchcraft through the Society of Loyola.

Using old forgotten books, Mr. Phelps takes us through war after war, showing the Jesuits' hand in instigating and provoking revolution and bloodshed in one nation after another. The Jesuits wreaked such havoc on the world that our own early American presidents and patriots warned of the dangers of letting the Jesuits in our land. Most of the nations in Europe have thrown the Jesuits out at one time or another because the Jesuits were planning and fomenting revolution against the throne!

General Lafayette, in 1799 wrote: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country" the United States of America "are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuits Priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe".

In 1816, John Adams wrote to President Jefferson: "Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as painters, publishers, writers and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell it is this Society of Loyola’s."

Abraham Lincoln, who was assassinated by the Jesuits, wrote in a personal letter to Charles Chiniquy: "This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to Popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons".

The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the Order, Abbate M. Leone, 1848. In 1825, the Jesuits held a meeting at Chieri, Italy. A young Jesuit, named Leone (later became the black pope) took notes of that meeting. In 1848, they were translated into English and thoroughly "authenticated". Now you can read how the Jesuits plan on world domination and the destruction of Protestantism, using duplicity and a secret war. Romanism as a World Power, Luther S. Kauffman, 1922.: (1921) A warning to Americans of the true dangers of Roman Catholicism and her drive for world domination.

As interesting as these wonderful resources are, we feel that the author is lacking one critically important perspective: he does not understand Black Magic Witchcraft. The Jesuits were founded on Black Magic, as was the Masters of the Illuminati. The Vatican -- with the Jesuit Black Pope in the background -- opposed the Illuminati until Pope Paul VI, who ascended the Papacy on June 21, 1963. Immediately, this Pope displayed the Satanic Twisted Cross Crucifix, a Black Magick Symbol of Antichrist!

Di depan (Opini BOM BALI yl), penulis singgung tentang "penasehat spiritual" Hitler. Silahkan simak ceritera lengkapnya di bawah sbb:

"From this room, Your Grace, I govern not only Paris, but China; not only
China, but the whole world – and all without anyone knowing how it is done."
Society of Jesus Superior General Tambourini to the Duke de Brissac,
Constitutions of the Jesuits, edited by Paulin, Paris (1843)

Sleuthing Munich

About eighty-two years ago something important happened in Munich, capital of the south German state of Bavaria. The event consisted of no more than a short conversation between strangers and a gift of money. It was a stone dropped quietly in a pond, yet we all have been affected in some way by its ever-expanding ripples.

It happened in a mansion, the residence of the ambassador from the Holy See to Bavaria. Such residences are officially called "nunciatures;" the ambassador is the "nuncio." It was not enough for me to know what the nuncio did that night in 1919, I wanted to experience the real estate he did it in.

So I went to Munich looking for a nunciature. I wanted to photograph and sketch it, touch its walls, pass through its doorways, peer out its windows, stand on its floors, sniff its odors.

As I studed Munich by map, a name leapt out at me. Pacelli Strasse. That's the name of the nuncio in question: Eugenio Pacelli! Had this boulevard been dedicated to the memory of Pacelli's auspicious Bavarian career? Was the nunciature located in Pacelli Strasse? The street was right around the corner from my hotel. Excitedly, I grabbed my raincoat and went looking for clues.

Pacelli Strasse is tiny, no more than a few blocks long. I found an Austrian Consulate and a Café Pacelli – but alas, no former nunciature. But there was still hope, for Pacelli Strasse's main attraction is the Office of Archbishop's Affairs.

I entered and explained my needs through a glass window to the receptionist. She summoned a jolly little man whose intense face evidenced a strong commitment to print. He was the archbishop's Archivist.

"I'm sorry to tell you," he said, "that the nunciature was not in Pacelli Strasse, and I would not know where it was." I pressed. "Do you happen to have any telephone directories from the year 1919?" The Archivist brightened. "Ah, come with me," he said.

He took me down a flight of stairs into the archbishop's stacks, disappeared a few moments, and returned with an old telephone book. Our fingers did the walking until they arrived at 15 Brienner Strasse. "That is the correct address," the Archivist beamed. "The Nunciature of the Holy See was located at 15 Brienner Strasse. Will you be taking a cab, or would you like directions?"

It was a distance of about two miles on foot under a cloudy November sky with occasional drops of rain. Brienner Strasse is a fashionable thoroughfare bordered by wide sidewalks and decked with affluent high-rises, shops, and restaurants. I stopped in at Café Luitpold for a quick luncheon salad before arriving at …. disappointment.

Number 15, the mansion of my imagination, was not there. In fact, there was nothing but a simple park ornamented by a granite monument surmounted by a large cubic grid. The monument was inscribed:


Later, back at the hotel, my German-English dictionary told me that these words mean:


wpe6.jpg (4992 bytes)Anyone researching rulers of evil would know this rhetoric was more than just another civic-minded apology for the ravages of Nazism. I had amassed facts that reveal this granite cage, whose bars are crosses interlaced with swastikas (study the design carefully), to be a historical marker that every human being should know. It proves that mankind is ruled by a legitimate authority that most of us ignore or misjudge at our peril. Let me acquaint you with some of these facts:

Who's Who at Number 15?

Eighty-two years ago, 15 Brienner Strasse housed three vital players in world politics: Eugenio Pacelli, Archbishop of Sardi, nuncio to Bavaria, and administrator of the Vatican's foreign affairs; his housekeeper, a Holy Cross nun named Pascalina; and his Jesuit speech-writer Robert Lieber.

Eugenio Pacelli had served in the Church's diplomatic service since his ordination in 1899. His international sensibilities had been mentored by the Jesuits, one of whom—Vladimir Ledochowski—he idolized. I say "idolized"because this is the exact word an elderly Jesuit I interviewed in Rome employed to describe Pacelli's relationship to Ledochowski. He'd known both figures personally.

Vladimir Ledochowski was a Polish aristocrat who by 1906 had demonstrated such exceptional skills in international diplomacy that Jesuit Superior General Franz Xavier Wernz (under whose tutelage Pacelli had done his postgraduate research in Canon Law) appointed him Consultor General for Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, and Poland, as well as Belgium and the Netherlands.

"Consultor General" is the equivalent of a cabinet post. It empowered Ledochowski to lace the future of his nations with alliances that lay buried like so many land-mines. This is not an unusual feat for a Jesuit strategist. Indeed, the Society of Jesus (which is the pope's private CIA and veritable Mother of spies) is renowned for "Othelloizing"nations—setting them up for mutual destruction, as when Othello's trusted but treacherous advisor Iago gloats to the audience,

"Now whether he kill Cassio or Cassio him, or each do kill the other, every way makes my gain." (It's foolish, in my opinion, not to suspect a covert military strategist of anything he has authority, means, and requirement to do. To ignore him is to be conquered by his strategy, which is usually to foster ignorance of his most decisive operations.)

Triggering World War

Most historians agree that the first World War was triggered by the Serbian Concordat of June 1914. Eugenio Pacelli was the Concordat's acknowledged author, but Vladimir Ledochowski had authority, means, and requirement to ghost it.

The Serbian Concordat promised (a) Vatican support of Serbia's liberation from Roman Catholic Austria-Hungary, while (b) pitting Roman Catholic evangelism against the Serbian state religion, Eastern Orthodoxy, a faith that denies the supremacy of the Roman papacy.

Such a policy was sure to provoke belligerency between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, just as Jesuit military strategy created enmity between America and Great Britain to incite a Revolution that resulted in the world's first republic governable by Roman Catholic laypersons. The underlying purpose of the Serbian Concordat, like the Declaration of Independence, was to restructure the world according to the requirements of Rome. What those requirements were we shall learn presently.

Four days after Eugenio Pacelli signed the Concordat, a Serbian terrorist assassinated the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. Within weeks, nations with no more reason to make war than the alliances they had signed began outfitting their respective soldiery for what looked like Armageddon.


Death hit the Vatican, too. On August 19, 1914, Jesuit General Wernz died suddenly, followed the next day by Pope Pius X—of heartbreak, it was rumored, over the world's disintegration. To succeed Pius, the college of cardinals chose a professional diplomat, Giacomo della Chiesa, who assumed the name Benedict XV.

It took the Jesuits six months to elect a Superior General to succeed Wernz. There's no more powerful political office on earth than Superior General of the Society of Jesus. It commands absolute, unquestioned obedience. The proposition that Jesus Christ is to be seen in the person of the Superior General is repeated no less than five hundred times in the Society's Constitutions. Vladimir Ledochowski was chosen General by his Jesuit electors.

The man idolized by Eugenio Pacelli now had full authority to cause America to desire war against Germany. We have heard many reasons why America entered World War I. Statesmen argued that it was "the war to end all wars," while pacifists charged it was a war to support British imperialism. Actual outcome points to another, less apparent yet more practical reason.

The Purpose of World War I

Immediately upon assuming his Generalate, Vladimir Ledochowski fled Rome (Austria, after all, was now at war with Italy) and set up office with two assistants in his mother's castle at Zizers, Switzerland. In 1917, Ledochowski invited Mathias Erzberger, a deputy from the German Catholic Center party, to Zizers for a secret meeting.

Erzberger later reported to friends that the General had persuaded him to support a strategy of destroying the unified Reich under the Protestant Kaiser Wilhelm II in order to bring the Catholic nations of central and eastern Europe together in a pan-German federation under a charismatic dictator charged with subduing the communist menace from the east.

Dr. Hans Carossa, documenting the deputy's fact patterns after Zizers, observed that "Every political maneuver that Erzberger has engaged in since his discussion with the Jesuit General has only served to advance this Jesuit political strategy." (Manfred Barthel. The Jesuits, William Morrow, p. 254-5)

Means A: The Lusitania (Opsi atau Rekayasa A)

As much as Ledochowski needed to mobilize America against Germany, America was disinterested in European events. In fact, President Woodrow Wilson repeatedly declared that Europe's calamities were of absolutely no concern to Americans.

But soon after Ledochowski ensconced in Zizers (locals pronounce it "Caesar's"), things started going his way. A German submarine sank the RMS Lusitania off the coast of Ireland with 128 Americans aboard.

This act, wrote Jim Marrs in his study of clandestine governments (Rule By Secrecy, HarperCollins, 2000), "set off a firestorm of anti-German feeling throughout the United States, fanned by the Rockefeller-[J.P.] Morgan dominated press."

Marrs added that "Morgan was the Rothschilds' American representative—some say partner."

The house of Rothschild is bound by fiduciary duty to facilitate the Jesuit General's needs. According to Encyclopedia Judaica, the Rothschilds are "Guardians of the Vatican Treasury."

The Rothschild press used the Lusitania to foment hatred among Americans toward "the hideous Hun." But a stunt even more dramatic was needed to secure a declaration of war. (Catatan Yusuf: rings a bell? Pearl Harbor, TWA-800, Flight KAL 007, WTC 9-11, and just four days ago "Bali Armageddon"!)

Means B: The Zimmerman Telegram (Opsi atau rekayasa B)

War resulted from the famous Zimmerman Telegram, which the Rothschild press sensationally published in America on March 1, 1917.

In the telegram, supposedly decoded by British interceptors, German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann proposed to the German ambassador in Mexico a German-Mexican alliance against the United States, in which Germany would support the Mexican recapture of territory in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. A German official talking secretly of invading Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico brought the war suddenly home!

WTC 911, dijadikan pretex oleh Bush cs. untuk membombardir Afganistan! Bencana skala nasional, regional dan global seperti itu, juga Bom Bali 121002; merupakan rangkaian insiden yang PERLU DICIPTAKAN. Ini bukan omong kosong, sebab dicanangkan beberapa "Dewa Kebijakan Luar Negeri" A.S., seperti Henry Kisinger, Brzezinski, Paul Wolvowitz dll; di dalam Foreign Policy Doctrine.

"Full-spectrum Dominance" (Klik)

Normally, when the alleged proponent of such an explosive notion -- true or not -- is asked for verification, he follows good diplomatic form and categorically denies responsibility. Not Arthur Zimmermann.

At a Berlin news conference on March 3rd, a reporter for the Hearst papers—which columnist George Seldes terms "the most pro-Catholic press in America"—caught Zimmermann's attention and stated: "Of course Your Excellency will deny this story." Zimmermann replied, "I cannot deny it. It is true."

Is this a script, or what? Zimmermann's inexplicable admission (and shamefully unprofessional, unless done in obedience to the General or the Rothschilds) gave President Wilson no alternative but to ask Congress for precisely what Vladimir Ledochowski desired: a declaration that a state of war existed with Germany.

Congress complied on April 6, the Guardians of the Vatican Treasury cranked out the credit (through the Rothschilds' brand new Federal Reserve), and over the next year and a half, more than 364,000 American lives were sacrificed (out of 4,355,000 mobilized) to Ledochowski's objective of destroying the Reich and replacing its Protestant Kaiser with a charismatic dictator. (ini pula pola renstra serangan terhadap Irak!)

Came Armistice Day, November 11, 1918, the Reich was devastated. The Kaiser had fled for the safety of Holland. Power-drunk from overthrowing czarist Russia, Bolshevik mobs flying red flags overran Bavaria. All Munich's diplomatic legations returned to their home countries. The Vatican nunciature alone remained. (Bolshevik & Vatican share common enemy, yaitu gereja Ortodox).

On June 28, 1919, the Allies presented the Treaty of Versailles for Germany to sign. The Diktat, as Germans called it ("dictated peace"), only perfected their devastation -- forcing them to accept sole responsibility for the war, ripping great chunks of territory away from the Reich, and reducing German naval and military power to practically nil.

The moment had arrived for the introduction of Vladimir Ledochowski's "charismatic dictator."

He entered history at 15 Brienner Strasse, late one blustery night, during the winter following the Diktat...

Mission Accomplished (Damn right 100%. NKRI also IS SOLD OUT! Megawati et all surrender!)

Sister Pascalina recalled the moment for her biographers, Paul Murphy and Rene Arlington (La Popessa, Viking, 1983).

The nunciature was asleep. Pascalina heard knocking at the door. She answered to find a young Austrian soldier standing there, a corporal and a Catholic, bearing a letter of introduction from a leading Bavarian politician citing him for acts of bravery during the war.

Pascalina issued the young man into the sitting room and awoke Archbishop Pacelli. Their meeting went fast. The soldier vowed to check the spread of atheistic communism in Munich and elsewhere. Pascalina heard Pacelli say, "Munich has been good to me, so has Germany. I pray Almighty God that this land remain a holy land, in the hands of Our Lord, and free of communism."

She then saw Pacelli give the soldier "a large cache of Church money to aid the rising revolutionary and his small, struggling band of anticommunists." "Go, quell the devil's works," the archbishop told him. "Help spread the love of Almighty God." Sister Pascalina never forgot the young soldier's face or his name -- Adolf Hitler.


Of course, in 1939 Eugenio Pacelli was elected Pope Pius XII, whom John Paul II moved toward sainthood with beatification in 1998.

Catholic author and Cambridge scholar John Cornwell contends in Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII (Viking, 1999) that Pacelli's tactical subservience to Hitler, particularly his refusal to intercede with the Fuhrer's treatment of the Jews, depended upon "a fatal combination of high spiritual aspirations in conflict with soaring ambition for power and control." In other words, "Ignore Vladimir Ledochowski; look no further than His Holiness, in the same way you look no further than Oswald, Ray, Koresh, or McVeigh."

Although it fails to consider the pope's very real legal relationship to the man he idolized (immediately after Ledochowski's death in 1942, Pius nominated him for canonization), Cornwell's estimable book is still our most revealing examination of Pacelli's inner career.

Scholars need to learn that the Church is perennially at war with every non-Catholic, a fact proved by the existence and record of the Jesuits. His task of defending the sacraments places the Superior General in control of the entire Church Militant. In certain circumstances, he is entitled to require obedience of the pope —for the sake of Rome.

And so I submit that the policies of Pius XII were not his to make but rather those of Vladimir Ledochowski. The Society of Jesus will never agree to this, I know. As Manfred Barthel has explained, "Jesuit sources always blandly insist that the General concerned himself entirely with spiritual and administrative matters and never gave politics a thought." – (Official line denial ketika boroknya exposed!)

We've seen how 15 Brienner Strasse is dedicated "to the victims of the national-socialist despotism." The word translated "victims" is opfern, which means "sacrificial victims," opfern being a cognate of "offerings." Are we being told here that the Holocaust, such as occurred, was a form of ritual, a human sacrifice perceived necessary to propitiate some divinity? (Yes, sir. You should’ve read The Black Sun – Kaitan antara Hitler dan mistik di Tibet)

If so, it is a message consistent with my hypothesis that the vast, amorphous institution known as Rome, under the military leadership of the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, is divinely empowered to rule evildoers under the seal given by Yahweh to Cain. An evildoer, according to the Bible, is anyone who prefers other gods to the Jesus Christ of Scripture.

With its crown of interlocking swastikas and crosses, 15 Brienner Strasse pays tribute to those souls, regardless of religious persuasion, who placed their faith in a ministry of righteousness operated by the satanic majesty. The many who denied Christ yet escaped the sacrificial altar did so only by the grace of God.

With profound appropriateness typical of the Vatican Way, the Last Reigning Empress of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Zita von Hapsburg, lived out her final twenty years of life in the very castle from which the destruction of her Empire was administered. She died at Zizers in 1989 at the age of 97.

Jelas gamblang bukan? Yang ngomong (berdasarkan riset puluhan tahun, antara lain atas ribuan dokumen otentik) para pakar sejarah yang orang bule Katolik, Protestan – tidak satupun orang Muslim!

Buku buku revisi sejarah di depan, juga (mungkin) satu satunya di NKRI – The Unseen Hands milik penulis – merupakan rujukan (referensi) bagi kita untuk mampu mencerna/memahami gonjang ganjing global pada saat ini. Gonjang ganjing di seluruh sektor kehidpuan kita – poleksosbudkam.

You would better believe this writer (Yusuf); di dunia ini TIDAK ADA krisis eko-moneter disebabkan oleh faktor faktor alami (bencana alam pun, kini dengan SCALAR WEAPON Amrik & Russia, bisa dibikin!). Seluruh konflik poleksosbudkam dan "economic meltdown" di seluruh dunia, termasuk "The Great Depression" (1930-an) SENGAJA diciptakan para Cabal di depan: Triumvirat Illuminati (dinasti Rothschild), Jesuits/Vatican, dan Dinasti Rockefeller!

Ekonomi Amrik menjelang kiamat, maka diciptakan WTC 911. Sekali lagi, BANYAK buktinya tentang skenario supaer bejat itu. Berikut ini, beberapa topik yang anda dapat baca dengan mencari teks lengkapnya via mesin pencari dll. Bombing of Baghdad Staves Off Financial Uncertainty by Professor Michael Chossudovsky, University of Ottawa (19/2/2001) How War and Globalization Support American Business.

Sekitar 2-3 bulan yang lalu penulis men-downloaded artikel SANGAT BAGUS, dari, tentang penyelamatan nyaris ambruknya New York Stock Exchange, dengan suntikan dana sampai US$ 80 Milyar! Oleh pihak mana? RRC! Why RRC?

Terlalu panjang dibahas di sini, sudah disinggung diatas, sangat dekatnya Clinton gang dan Bush senior gang dengan elit RRC. RRC dan Amrik pura pura bermusuhan, saling bersitegang melulu; persis selama era Perang Dingin antara Uni Soviet dan Amrik (dua kubu Kurawa wayang Illuminati!). Sayang, artikel itu belum penulis temukan di belasan folder PC ribuan files yang ada.

Berikut ini, teks lain, juga dari, menggambarkan kinerja negatif perekonomian Amrik selama s/d di bawah George Wicked Bully (Bush). Untuk membatasi beban kilobyte teks, penulis kutip hanya sebagian kecil paragrap penting sbb: The US Economy Is In BIG Trouble 7-28-2, teks sengaja penulis ganti dengan Font Ariel Narrow ukuran 10, bold, warna biru, plus highlight kuning dari penulis (Yusuf) sbb:

NOTE: This document is not an attempt to promote or discredit any particular Political Party. Our present economic situation is a bi-partisan problem and will continue to be a problem requiring immediate attention regardless of who is in the White House or which Party is dominant in Congress. (Further Note - does not necessarily endorse the purchase of the materials offered at the end of this article and are passing it along as part of the primary article as received -ed) 


This report will be one of the most important and timely pieces of information you have ever read. It is alarming, but not speculative nor intentionally sensational for the purpose of selling. When I returned to the States a year ago after being overseas for two years, I noticed an escalation of debt in this country. The danger signs present today are nothing short of incredible.

After a lot of research on my part, I found that not only were my personal fears correct, but there are a lot of finance wise people who see the same thing coming -- people who are getting out of harm's way. Our economy is in DEEP DEEP TROUBLE, and that means your investments, your pensions, and your savings are exposed to incredible risk.


The Forerunner

Early Tuesday morning Oct. 29, 1929, the stock market opened as usual. The only difference on this particular day was that all the trading activity on the floor was to sell, not buy. Not only did the "crash" that followed affect multitudes of Americans, it affected people and economies all over the world. Thousand of people lost their jobs; their homes; and their life savings. The middle class was wiped out. By the end of the year, commodity markets lost an unbelievable sum of 40 billion dollars in equity. 

Four years later, at the depth of the depression, the national income fell by 50% and 5000 banks had closed their doors. From the very beginning, our founding fathers had always advocated that the federal government should not interfere with the free enterprise system. However, due to the suffering induced by the depression, the American people wanted relief and allowed the new President Roosevelt to take action with programs that had been considered illegal up to that time.

The President boldly initiated his socialistic "New Deal", and for the first time in history, the U.S. government intervened in the affairs of private business with helps called "entitlements." The stage was set for the federal government to dominate American business, banking, commerce, and the economy as a whole.

Not only did this "New Deal" allow for more government control in private enterprise, it also was the beginning of the cancerous government debt that will eventually be financially perilous to our economy. This country saw a great depression in 1929. We are dangerously close to repeating history but with much more devastation. (Maka direkayasa WTC 911, DIBORONG "Put Options" SEBELUM WTC 911, ini GUGATAN pakar Jerman vs. Insider Tradings tsb SEBELUM terjadi bencana WTC 911 sbb judul doang German Experts Press For Truth Of Pre-911 Stock Activity By Erik Kirschbaum 12-19-1)

The America that you and I grew up to know and appreciate is a thing of the past. The upcoming crash is going to make the crash of 1929 look like a mild recession in comparison. Your job, your company and your industry is much more dependent on other industries today than it was in 1929. If our government continues to spend more than it takes in, with 100 percent certainty, it will go broke. A time of rectification is certain, it's only a matter of when. 

The Problem Defined 

Our government has the ability to generate $1.2 Trillion in taxes. It spends $1.4 to $1.5 Trillion per year. The U.S. government is spending more money each year than it raises in taxes. How does it do that? It borrows the money to make up the difference. In 1992, it had to borrow about a quarter of all the money it spent. This amount borrowed is called the deficit. The government has been operating this way since the 1960's. The accumulation of yearly deficits is called the National Debt. By 1992, the National debt was estimated at over 4 Trillion dollars. (Anda dapat BACA National Debt itu dalam FLASH di satu tower di Manhattan) 

The government has given up on trying to pay back the national debt and is struggling to just keep up with the interest payments. Right now, interest payments is one of the top three expenditures in the National budget each year. In just a few years, it will be the largest expenditure. In 1980 the percentage of income tax used to pay the interest of the debt was about 30%. In 1992, just 12 years later, that had doubled to 60%. (Siapa di NKRI atau Wong Indonesia di Amrik, yang tetap mau NGOTOT, sok pinter, bahwa Amrik negara digdaya dan kaya raya? Then you DON’T read the statistics! Para pialang di BEJ, NDOBOS!)

Experts project that within just a few years, the interest payments alone will absorb all of the taxes collected. At this point, there will be no money to run the country and America will be bankrupt. ("Consumers’ Spending" sebagai indikator ekonomi penting di Amrik, pun 90% lebih memakai CREDITCARDS! So, menciptakan efek gelembung sabun alias "bubble"; sementara itu menumpuk pula tunggakan KPR oleh konsumen properti. Maka KIAMAT ekonomi Amrik IS a certainty! WTC-911, sementara, "menyelamatkannya" plus serbu Irak!)

Even if our budget was balanced, we would still be in trouble because we don't have the cash flow left over to pay the interest on our existing debt. This means we borrow to pay the interest which means the existing debt is compounding. (Pinjam kepada siapa? The FEDERAL RESERVE, Bank Sentral Amrik milik PRIBADI geng Rothschild dan geng Rockefeller, baca Who Controls The Federal Reserve System? by Victor Thorn
5-9-2, 70% saham dimiliki para "mahadalang"! Ini gerombolan penguasa bumi itu: 1) The Rothschild Family - London 2) The Rothschild Family - Berlin 3) The Lazard Brothers - Paris 4) Israel Seiff - Italy 5) Kuhn-Loeb Company - Germany 6) The Warburgs - Amsterdam 7) The Warburgs - Hamburg 8) Lehman Brothers - New York 9) Goldman & Sachs - New York 10) The Rockefeller Family - New York.

Mau tahu para bagaimana para garong penyembah LUCIFER itu "morotin" Amrik (Pemerintah & publik)? Nih, kutipannya dari artikel itu: menangislah yang punya deposito jutaan dollar A.S. Sebab your money IS worthless!!! Macam toilet kakus! USD anda TIDAK dijamin EMAS lagi ("fiat money"). J.F. Kennedy mau mengembalikan sistem emas itu, seperti Abraham Lincoln, mbalelo vs. Mahadalang – DIBUNUH! Berikut ini kutipan dari artikel WHO CONTROLS THE FED di atas, dalam teks merah, format paragrap CENTER:

We all know that the Federal Reserve CORPORATION prints money - then loans it, at interest, to our government. But wait until you see what a total scam this process is. But before we get to the meat of this issue, let's remember one thing about the very essence of banking - primarily that money should have 

some type of standard upon which its value is based. In the case of America, we operate on what is 

called a "gold standard" (i.e. our money is backed by gold).

So, with that in mind, let's look at how money is actually created, and at what cost. If the Federal Reserve wants to print 1,000 one-hundred ($100) bills, their total cost for ink, paper, plates, labor, etc. would be approximately $23.00 (according to Davvy Kidd in "Why A Bankrupt America"). Now, if you do the math, 

the total cost of 10,000 bills would be $230.00 ($.023 x 10,000). But, and here's the catch - 10,000 $100 

bills equals $1,000,000! So, the Federal Reserve can "create" a million dollars, then LEND it to the 

U.S. Government (with interest) for a total cost of $230.00! That's not a bad deal, huh!

The banking industry calls this process "seignorage." I call it outright THEFT. Why? Well, regardless of the immense profit margin ($1,000,000 for $230), plus the huge interest payments, our government then needs to STEAL the American people's money to payoff their debts via a Mob-like agency called the IRS. So the bankers steal from the government, then the government turns around and steals from the people. I'm no genius, but who do you think is getting screwed in this process? US - the people at the bottom rung of the ladder.

What's worse is that - now catch your breath - there's NO MORE gold left in Fort Knox! It's all gone. In other words, the GOLD STANDARD that our financial system was based upon is now an illusion. We can't convert our money into gold --- only other currency. The entire underlying basis for our money is now a lie - a sham. The Federal Reserve has become so arrogant that they've become a literal MONEY MAKING MACHINE, creating currency out of thin air! So that's where the Fed gets their money - they literally make it, then 

Lend it to us so they can make even MORE money off of it.

Nah, sudah mudeng atawa belum? So, WHY Tuan Tuan NGOTOT menyelisihi Sistem Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam berdasarkan SYARI’AT ISLAM? Sungguh STUPID! Di manakah EMAS Fort Knox itu kini? Di Jerman dan Inggris, milik cucu ROTHSCHILD. Para raja minyak Timur Tengah menyimpan Petrodollar-nya di bank bank Barat termasuk Amrik; berhubung menikmati BUNGA deposito HARAM hukumnya (Protestan, Katolik, Islam -- kecuali Yahudi/Yudaisme – MENGHARAMKAN riba!), maka bunga deposito itu diambil para garong Zionis dan Kristen PALSU di atas! 


It doesn't take an expert to realize the eventual results of that. If we continue to spend more than we take in, the U.S. government is heading for an eventual collapse. In the beginning of our country, the only time it borrowed money was during time of war. This changed in the 1960's.

When John F. Kennedy was inaugurated as President, federal revenues and spending was less than $100 Billion per year. The deficit was $3 Billion per year. After 1963 when Kennedy was assassinated, President Johnson made some drastic changes in this country's economic policies. Johnson declared war on poverty, war on Viet Nam and began borrowing money to achieve these goals at record rates.

By 1981, Federal spending had increased to $500 Billion. By the time Ronald Reagan left office, federal spending was up to about $1 Trillion per year. Federal debt, which was $914 Billion in 1981, had increased to 2.8 Trillion in 1989. By the end of the Bush presidency, the debt was 4.2 Trillion. 

The total federal debt today is around $6 Trillion (including off budget debt which with unfunded retirement liabilities is another $2.5 Trillion). Consumer debt was $794 Billion in 1990. Business debt was $700 Billion. Only 2 percent of Americans own their home. Banks now hold nearly $2 Trillion in first mortgages. In addition, they hold $80 Billion in home equity loans. The average household debt is 84 % of their income.

(Ketika saya masih di Amrik, tahun 1990 ada 30-an juta "homeless" di sana)

America owes (on-budget) 4 Trillion dollars. It must borrow 1 Billion, 100 Million dollars every day in order to maintain the pretense of prosperity. For a number of years, the U.S. has not only been using up its capital -- that's all gone now -- but it has also been using up its borrowing power. When its borrowing power is all gone; when no one like Japan, Germany, etc., will be willing to invest into the American economy, then that will be the "breaking point" -- and the breaking point is upon us. KIAMAT Amrik di depan hidung! Maka digelar kampanye Anti Teror dan versus Irak! Ini disebut "Escapism Policy", lari dari problim! Alihkan perhatian publik, ganyang Jema’ah Islamiah, ganyang Al-Qaeda!

Sori, belasan paragrap saya pangkas di sini, terakhir indikator sbb: "Kurangajar Yusuf!" ‘kali gitu Gubernur BI berujar, karena saya beberkan rahasia boss-nya di FEDERAL RESERVE.

Our economy is in grave danger of collapsing. It would be prudent to notice the indicators and heed the warning. The following chart demonstrates the parallels between the indicators in 1929 and what we see today: 

PARALLELS 1929 - 1990's 

1. (1929) Explosion of consumer installment debt 
- (1990's) ditto 

2. (1929) Mountain of mortgage debt 
- (1990's) ditto 

3. (1929) Giant business debt 
- (1990's) ditto 

4. (1929) Sharp drop in Corporation Liquidity 
- (1990's) ditto 

5. (1929) Shaky Banking system 
- (1990's) ditto 

6. (1929) Record Government Debt 
- (1990's) ditto 

7. (1929) Consumer optimism and complacency 
- (1990's) ditto 

8. (1929) Bull market since 1921 
- (1990's) Bull market since 1982 

9. (1929) Large amount of unsophisticated investors 
- (1990's) ditto 

10. (1929) Price to earnings ratio = 19 
-- (1990's) Price to earnings ratio = 31 

11. (1929) Dividend yield = 3% 
-- (1990's) Dividend yield = 3% 

12. (1929) Yield on long term Treasury Bond 
--- 1920 = 7.8% 
--- 1929 = 4.7% 
-- (1990's) Yield on long term Treasury Bond 
--- 1983 = 14% 
--- 1993 = 6% 

13. (1929) Fed began policy of "easy money" in 1924 
-- (1990's) Fed began policy of "easy money" in 1989 

14. (1929) Gluttony on commercial real estate 
-- (1990's) ditto 

15. (1929) Rising tide of trade protectionism 
-- (i.e. Smoot Hawley Protective Tariff) 
-- (1990's) Protective legislation introduced 
-- (trade war with Japan) 

16. (1929) Interests were high - then low - 
--- when started back up, the banks failed....... 
-- (1990's) interest rates have been low, and are 
--- on their way back up....... 

** Courtesy of JEREMIAH FILMS (P.O. Box 1710 - Hemet, CA 92546 - [800] 828-2290), this Free Report includes excerpts taken from their video "The Crash: The Coming Financial Collapse of America" --- Featured speakers include Ed Meese, former U.S. Attorney General; Bill Dannemeyer, U.S. Congressman; Larry Burkett, Author, "The Coming Economic Earthquake"; Chuck Missler, International Executive; Mark Richie, Commodity Trading Advisor; Grover Norquist, Economist, U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Robert Unger, Assoc. publisher, New York 

Guardian; Emanual McLittle, Publisher Destiny Magazine ** 

To the best of our knowledge, the text on this page may be freely reproduced and distributed

Apa pula relevansi dua artikel menyangkut sitkon perekonomian Amrik itu, dengan isu/ masalah teror di artikel ini? Jelas ada dong, yaitu menelusuri motif dan "agenda tersembunyi si penyembah Iblis George Wicked Bully Bush dkk menggelar kampanye vs. terorisme! Dalam kaitan ini, with all due respect utamanya kepada Mas Jenderal SBY Menkopolkam; yang kemarin di Jakarta (diliput, a/l oleh METRO TV—thanks dude!) ber-apologia; bahwa PERPU Anti Teror telah dipersepsikan bakal mengancam HAMdan kelompok Islam!

Beliau kemudian mendesak DPR untuk segera membahas RUU ANTI TEROR. Maaf jenderal, tak bermaksud memburuk-sangkai motif anda dkk di Kabinet; namun BELIEVE me; PERPU tsb apalagi kelak Undang Undang Anti Teror – mau diakui atau tidak – merupakan bagian dari pakert global arahan Bush cs. dalam WAR ON TERRORISM!

PERPU dan kelak U.U. Anti Teror NKRI, tak lain dan tak bukan adalah VERSI lokal dari PATRIOT ACT Amrik yang telah disahkan – secara aklamasi TANPA DIBACA teksnya –oleh the US Congress (hanya ditentang kurang dari tujuh Congressmen dan Senators!).

Anda, Jenderal SBY dan Bung Yusril (I’m older than you are, Dude!) dan para Wakil Rakyat serta elit Parpol pendukung PERPU dan U.U. Anti Teror—cukup menyimak PATRIOT ACT. Bagaimana dampaknya atas HAM warga sipil dan jurnalis dll di Amrik – jelas jelas MEMASUNG HAM mereka!

Sedangkan PERPU Anti Teror, sudah DISELEWENGKAN oleh Polri dalam penangkapan Abu Ba’asyir di RS PKO Muhammadiyah, Solo! Tim Polri itu telah melakukan PENCULIKAN! Siapa lagi yang akan diculik? Azaz Praduga Tidak Bersalah pun dilanggar! Hanya PKI dan FASCIST yang melakukan tindakan sebrutal itu! Tuan Tuan bakal KUWALAT!

Istighfar Tuan Tuan! Theo Syafei, jenderal TNI ANTI ISLAM yang JELAS JELAS telah menghina ummat Muslim dan PROVOKATOR kerusuhan massal di NTB (?), dibiarkan bebas merdeka! Abu Bakar Ba’asyir, TANPA BUKTI sebagai TERORIS, dianiaya!

Jenderal SBY dan Bung Profesor Yusril, kindly READ – ulang – READ kajian pakar hukum Amerika mengenai PATRIOT ACT, di judul judul sbb: Justification For The Patriot Act Is Gone By Peter Erlinder (Profesor hukum)Commentary Minneapolis Star-Tribune 5-26-2; Human rights 'suffer in terror crackdown' Vikramjit Singh (Send Email) Tuesday, 5/28/2002 2:08 PM MDT;

Sedangkan ini, teks UTUH pendapat seorang Congressman dan analisis pakar hukum:

House Approved Anti-Terror Bill WITHOUT EVEN READING IT! By Kelly Patricia O'Meara Insight Magazine 11-10-1

"Our forefathers would think it's time for a revolution. This is why they revolted in the first place. They revolted against much more mild oppression."

Rep. Ron Paul (anggota US House of Representatives)

Rep. Ron Paul says the text of the USA PATRIOT bill was not made available for review before the vote. 

If the United States is at war against terrorism to preserve freedom, a new coalition of conservatives and liberals is asking, why is it doing so by wholesale abrogation of civil liberties? 

They cite the Halloween-week passage of the antiterrorism bill - a new law that carries the almost preposterously gimmicky title: "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act" (USA PATRIOT Act). 

Critics both left and right are saying it not only strips Americans of fundamental rights but does little or nothing to secure the nation from terrorist attacks.

Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, one of only three Republican lawmakers to buck the House leadership and the Bush administration to vote against this legislation, is outraged not only by what is contained in the antiterrorism bill but also by the effort to stigmatize opponents. Paul tells Insight:

"The insult is to call this a 'patriot bill' and suggest I'm not patriotic because I insisted upon finding out what is in it and voting no. I thought it was undermining the Constitution, so I didn't vote for it and therefore I'm somehow not a patriot. That's insulting." 

Paul confirms rumors circulating in Washington that this sweeping new law, with serious implications for each and every American, was not made available to members of Congress for review before the vote. "It's my understanding the bill wasn't printed before the vote - at least I couldn't get it. 

They played all kinds of games, kept the House in session all night, and it was a very complicated bill. Maybe a handful of staffers actually read it, but the bill definitely was not available to members before the vote." (Bush cs. mem-FAIT-A-COMPLI Konggres, indikasi I’TIKAD JAHAT)

And why would that be? "This is a very bad bill," explains Paul, "and I think the people who voted for it knew it and that's why they said, 'Well, we know it's bad, but we need it under these conditions.'" Meanwhile, efforts to obtain copies of the new law were stonewalled even by the committee that wrote it.

What is so bad about the new law? "Generally," says Paul, "the worst part of this so-called antiterrorism bill is the increased ability of the federal government to commit surveillance on all of us without proper search warrants." He is referring to Section 213 (Authority for Delaying Notice of the Execution of a Warrant), also known as the "sneak-and-peak" provision, which effectively allows police to avoid giving prior warning when searches of personal property are conducted.

Before the USA PATRIOT Act, the government had to obtain a warrant and give notice to the person whose property was to be searched. With one vote by Congress and the sweep of the president's pen, say critics, the right of every American fully to be protected under the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable searches and seizures was abrogated. (Klop dengan U.U. Darurat 1952 anti HAM !)

The Fourth Amendment states: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." 

According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which is joining with conservatives as critics of the legislation, the rationale for the Fourth Amendment protection always has been to provide the person targeted for search with the opportunity to "point out irregularities in the warrant, such as the fact that the police may be at the wrong address or that the warrant is limited to a search of a stolen car, so the police have no authority to be looking into dresser drawers." Likely bad scenarios involving the midnight knock at the door are not hard to imagine. (Sitkon seperti inilah yang dialami Abu Ba’asyirvs. Polisi!)

Paul, a strict constructionist (see Picture Profile, Sept. 3), has a pretty good idea of what Americans may anticipate. "I don't like the sneak-and-peak provision because you have to ask yourself what happens if the person is home, doesn't know that law enforcement is coming to search his home, hasn't a clue as to who's coming in unannounced & and he shoots them. This law clearly authorizes illegal search and seizure, and anyone who thinks of this as antiterrorism needs to consider its application to every American citizen." (Polisi kita, seenak perutnya melakukan penggeledahan di rumah/toko/kendaraan!)

The only independent in the House, Rep. Bernie Sanders from Vermont, couldn't support the bill for similar reasons: "I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and I'm concerned that voting for this legislation fundamentally violates that oath. And the contents of the legislation have not been subjected to serious hearings or searching examination."

Nadine Strossen, president of the ACLU and professor of law at New York University, tells Insight, "The sneak-and-peak provision is just one that will be challenged in the courts. We're not only talking about the sanctity of the home, but this includes searches of offices and other places. It is a violation of the Fourth Amendment and poses tremendous problems with due process. By not notifying someone about a search, they don't have the opportunity to raise a constitutional challenge to the search." 

Even before the ink on the president's signature had dried, the FBI began to take advantage of the new search-and-seizure provisions. A handful of companies have reported visits from federal agents demanding private business records. (Dengan PERPU 2002, Polisi MENCULIK Abu Ba’asyir. FAKTA !)

C.L. "Butch" Otter (R-Idaho), another of the three GOP lawmakers who found the legislation unconstitutional, says he knew this provision would be a problem. "Section 215 authorizes the FBI to acquire any business records whatsoever by order of a secret U.S. court. The recipient of such a search order is forbidden from telling any person that he has received such a request. This is a violation of the First Amendment right to free speech and the Fourth Amendment protection of private property."

Rep. Otter says the new "PATRIOT law" gives federal agents unconstitutional police powers. 

Otter added that "some of these provisions place more power in the hands of law enforcement than our Founding Fathers could have dreamt and severely compromises the civil liberties of law-abiding Americans. This bill, while crafted with good intentions, is rife with constitutional infringements I could not support." 

Like most who actually have read and analyzed the new law, Strossen disagrees with several provisions not only because they appear to her to be unconstitutional but also because the sweeping changes it codifies have little or nothing to do with fighting terrorism. "There is no connection," insists Strossen, "between the Sept. 11 attacks and what is in this legislation. 

Most of the provisions relate not just to terrorist crimes but to criminal activity generally. This happened, too, with the 1996 antiterrorism legislation where most of the surveillance laws have been used for drug enforcement, gambling and prostitution." 

"I like to refer to this legislation," continues Strossen, "as the 'so-called antiterrorism law,' because on its face the provisions are written to deal with any crime, and the definition of terrorism under the new law is so severely broad that it applies far beyond what most people think of as terrorism." 

A similar propensity of governments to slide down the slippery slope recently was reported in England by The Guardian newspaper. Under a law passed last year by the British Parliament, investigators can get information from Internet-service providers about their subscribers without a warrant. Supposedly an antiterrorist measure, the British law will be applied to minor crimes, tax collection and public-health purposes. 

Under the USA PATRIOT Act in this country, Section 802 defines domestic terrorism as engaging in "activity that involves acts dangerous to human life that violate the laws of the United States or any state and appear to be intended: (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping." (Jadi DEMOpun dipasung!)

The ACLU has posted on its Website,, a comprehensive list of the provisions and summarizes the increased powers for federal spying. The following are a sample of some of the changes as a result of the so-called USA PATRIOT Act. 

The legislation: * minimizes judicial supervision of federal telephone and Internet surveillance by law-enforcement authorities. * expands the ability of the government to conduct secret searches. * gives the attorney general and the secretary of state the power to designate domestic groups as terrorist organizations and deport any noncitizen who belongs to them. * grants the FBI broad access to sensitive business records about individuals without having to show evidence of a crime. * leads to large-scale investigations of American citizens for "intelligence" purposes. 

More specifically, Section 203 (Authority to Share Criminal Investigative Information) allows information gathered in criminal proceedings to be shared with intelligence agencies, including but not limited to the CIA in effect, say critics, creating a political secret police. No court order is necessary for law enforcement to provide untested information gleaned from otherwise secret grand-jury proceedings, and the information is not limited to the person being investigated. 

Furthermore, this section allows law enforcement to share intercepted telephone and Internet conversations with intelligence agencies. No court order is necessary to authorize the sharing of this information, and the CIA is not prohibited from giving this information to foreign-intelligence operations in effect, say critics, creating an international political secret police. 

According to Strossen, "The concern here is about the third branch of government. One of the overarching problems that pervades so many of these provisions is reduction of the role of judicial oversight. The executive branch is running roughshod over both of the other branches of government. I find it very bothersome that the government is going to have more widespread access to e-mail and Websites and that information can be shared with other law-enforcement and even intelligence agencies. 

So, again, we're going to have the CIA in the business of spying on Americans something that certainly hasn't gone on since the 1970s." Strossen is referring to the illegal investigations of thousands of Americans under Operation CHAOS, spying carried out by the CIA and National Security Agency against U.S. activists and opponents of the war in Southeast Asia. 

Nor do the invasion-of-privacy provisions of the new law end with law enforcement illegally searching homes and offices, say critics. Under Section 216 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Modification of Authorities Relating to Use of Pen Registers and Trap and Trace Devices), investigators freely can obtain access to "dialing, routing and signaling information." 

While the bill provides no definition of "dialing, routing and signaling information," the ACLU says this means they even would "apply law-enforcement efforts to determine what Websites a person visits." The police need only certify the information they are in search of is "relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation." This does not meet probable-cause standards that a crime has occurred, is occurring or will occur. 

Furthermore, regardless of whether a judge believes the request is without merit, the order must be given to the requesting law-enforcement agency, a veritable rubber stamp and potential carte blanche for fishing exhibitions. 

Additionally, under Section 216, law enforcement now will have unbridled access to Internet communications. The contents of e-mail messages are supposed to be separated from the e-mail addresses, which presumably is what interests law enforcement. To conduct this process of separation, however, Congress is relying on the FBI to separate the content from the addresses and disregard the communications. 

In other words, the presumption is that law enforcement is only interested in who is being communicated with and not what is said, which critics say is unlikely. Citing political implications they note this is the same FBI that during the Clinton administration could not adequately explain how hundreds of personal FBI files of Clinton political opponents found their way from the FBI to the Clinton White House. 

And these are just a few of the provisions and problems. While critics doubt it will help in the tracking of would-be terrorists, the certainty is that homes and places of business will be searched without prior notice. And telephone and Internet communications will be recorded and shared among law-enforcement and intelligence agencies, all in the name of making America safe from terrorism. 

Strossen understands the desire of lawmakers to respond forcefully to the Sept. 11 attacks but complains that this is more of the same old same old. "Government has the tendency," she explains, "to want to proliferate during times of crisis, and that's why we have to constantly fight against it. 

It's a natural impulse and, in many ways, I don't fault it. In some ways they're just doing their job by aggressively seeking as much law-enforcement power as possible, but that's why we have checks and balances in our system of government, and that's why I'm upset that Congress just rolled and played dead on this one." 

Paul agrees: "This legislation wouldn't have made any difference in stopping the Sept. 11 attacks," he says. "Therefore, giving up our freedoms to get more security when they can't prove it will do so makes no sense. I seriously believe this is a violation of our liberties. After all, a lot of this stuff in the bill has to do with finances, search warrants and arrests." 

For the most part, continues Paul, "our rights have been eroded as much by our courts as they have been by Congress. Whether it's Congress being willing to give up its prerogatives on just about everything to deliver them to an administration that develops new and bigger agencies, or whether it's the courts, there's not enough wariness of the slippery slope and insufficient respect and love of liberty." 

What does Paul believe the nation's Founding Fathers would think of this law? "Our forefathers would think it's time for a revolution. This is why they revolted in the first place." Says Paul with a laugh, "They revolted against much more mild oppression." 

Kelly Patricia O'Meara is an investigative reporter for Insight Magazine


Dengan Undang Undang Darurat 1952, produk ORLA yang SANGAT tiranikal, Polisi telah MEMASUNG, MENGINJAK-INJAK, MENGINGKARI, MENZALIMI dan memperkosa HAM warga sipil dalam HAM PALING MENDASAR: yaitu mendapat RASA AMAN, melindungi diri/keluarga/properti/lingkungan RW/RT dari POTENSI (apalagi RI’IL/nyata!) ancaman/gangguan/serangan pelaku tindak kriminal; yakni menggunakan SENJATA TAJAM, SENJATA API, ketapel, panah, tombak, keris, senapan angin dll!

FAKTA-FAKTA-FAKTA TIDAK TERBANTAHKAN! Selama tiga tahun terakhir, RIBUAN warga sipil, pebisnis, karyawan, karyawati dll MENJADI KORBAN tindak kriminal dengan pemberatan (dilukai) – Sementara itu, TIDAK PERNAH ADA POLISI YANG PADA SAAT TERJADI TINDAK KEJAHATAN ITU memeberikan perlindungan! Polisi dalam banyak kasus seperti itu SELALU datang terlambat!

Hanya dalam 2-3 kasus perampokan bank, KEBETULAN ada satuan BRIMOB/Polri – the rest, 90 persen lebih – TIDAK ADA! Di sinilah KESALAHAN BESAR paradigma Penguasa versus tindak kriminal! Mereka pikir hanya mereka yang MAMPU mencegah dan mengatasinya! NONSENSE! Mereka TIDAK MEMPERCAYAI warga sipil (middle-income ke bawah) guna mendapat SENPI LEGAL untuk perlindungan/pengamanan diri/keluarga/RT/RW/property dll.

Kemanan diri/keluarga/property ADALAH HAK setiap individu untuk melakukan upaya perlindungan/pengamanan (dengan senjata tajam/panah/tombak/keris/senpi legal). You CANNOT RELY ON SOME ELSE (inculding the Cops) FOR YOUR SAFTEY and YOUR FAMILY’s!

Betapa tidak konyol? Puluhan SUPIR TAKSI disembelih penjahat, akibat POLISI tidak memberi mereka kesempatan membawa bahkan hanya belati/parang!!! Begitu pula nasib puluhan SATPAM di Jabotabek, akibat mereka hanya diijinkan bawa belati dan pentungan karet 30 cm! Bawa bedil angin kaliber 4.5 pun, DITANGKAP polisi! Apa maunya Polisi???

U.U. Darurat 1952 adalah UTOPI Penguasa dalam mengatasi kriminalitas. Utopi, sebab mereka pikir hanya mereka yang BERHAK melakukan poerlawanan keras-proporsional versus tindak kriminal bersenjata senpi! Utopi mengharapkan warga sipil melakukan perlawanan vs.penjahat bersenpi dan atau gerombolam bandit bersenjata tajam!

Statistik di Amerika Serikat menunjukkan, bahwa di negara bagian dan/atau kota kota yang memberikan keleluasaan bagi warga sipil menyimpan SENPI legal (tidak ada pembatasan kaliber, seperti di NKRI sipil DILARANG memiliki kaliber 38 ke atas!) di rumah dan property lainnya (kantor/toko/ruko dll)—apalagi izin membawa pistol kemana pun di wilayah kota/negara bagian ybs (namanya CONCEALED CARRY LICENSE/CCL) – maka angka kriminilatitas sangat amat minim! Penjahat SANGAT TAKUT vs. warga sipil/wanita BERSENPI legal!

Setahun yl, sebelum bencana WTC 911, seorang walikota di A.S. bahkan MEWAJIBKAN seluruh Kepala Keluarga di wilayah kotanya memiliki dan membawa pistol legal! Dampaknya? Kriminalirtas, termasuk perkosaan langsung turun drastis! New York City, Washington, D.C. dua kota PALING STUPID Gun Law-nya, menjadi sentra kriminalitas berat! Virginia, Maryland dll yang membolehkan seluruh orang waras memiliki senpi berbagai kaliber di rumahnya; angka kriminalitas rendah!

Inggris? Sangat amat STUPID Gun Law-nya, kriminalitas tinggi! Begitu pula NKRI, dengan undang undang STUPID dan menghina HAM warga sipil!

Pelucutan senpi legal di kalangan warga sipil, adalah CIRI KHAS Fascisme, Komunisme dan pre-kondisi bagi WORLD GOVERNMENT (baca: via PBB) dalam rangka penindasan dan perbudakan global! Kelak, jika NKRI diinvasi Amerika dan Sekutunya (atau RRC), silahkan TNI berperang sendiri, warga sipil tinggal berdoa di masjid, Vihara, gereja, Pura dll. Polisi (kecuali BRIMOB)? Ngacir! Kita LUCUTI kelak polisi, bagi kita agar dapat bersama TNI memerangi agresor asing! Polisi b’raninya cuma sama Ulama SAKIT, tua renta, TIDAK bersenjata apapun!

Tidak cukup amankah Penguasa dengan Undang Undang FASCIST itu, sehingga merasa perlu memberlakukan Undang Undang Anti Teror? Undang undang yang jelas alat penguasa di USA untuk semakin memperkukuh cengkeramanya versus warga sipil! Tuan Tuan, baca lagi analisis dan opini orang orang waras di Amerika itu mengenai BAHAYA undang undang tsb!

Satu lagi tentang PATRIOT ACT (S**t!) itu: Congressmen Say 'Anti-Terrorism' Provisions Unconstitutional Jeff Johnson, Friday Nov. 23, 2001.

Berikut ini satu paragrap penting tentang PERLAWANAN (dengan senpi, semprotan gas air mata/pepper spray, alat kejut Stun gun) terhadap pelaku kriminal perkosaan:

With regard to studies of rape, although samples typically include too few cases of self-defense
with a gun for separate analysis, McDermott,[9] Quinsey and Upfold,[10] Lizotte,[11] and Kleck and
Sayles[12] all found that victims who resisted with some kind of weapon were less likely to have
the rape attempt completed against them

Teks Lengkap Isu Terkait silahkan cari dengan Google/Yahoo, para LAWYER Senpifobia, silahkan baca ini;dan BAYANGKAN manakala anak gadis anda dan istri anda yang masih STW dan oke, diperkosa di depan mata anda, sedangkan anda ANTI kepemilikan Senpi sah oleh warga sipil. Silahkan BACAKAN KUHP kepada pemerkosa istri anda!!!

Armed Resistance to Crime:
The Prevalenceand Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun
by Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz*

Keterangan Menyangkut "Sertifikat Tanah" CAPITOL HILL

Inilah BUKTI, FAKTA tidak terbantahkan, bahwa Amerika Serikat merupakan jajahan – poleksosbudkam dan spiritual—kaum JESUIT dan VATICAN!

Yang tidak pernah menginjakkan kaki di WDC Ibukota Amrik, lebih lebih bekerja di sana termasuk empat bulan PENUH di CAPITOL HILL – sudilah kiranya tidak bersikap sok tahu, sok "minteri", dan buru buru mengutuk penulis. Tarik nafas dalam dalam, lantas renungkan kembali yang diungkapkan di bawah ini. Further, ask yourself IF you have been told the TRUTH about VATICAN dan "Sejarah" Amrik.

It is your choice; keep on groping in the dark, FOREVER LOST; or SEE the light.

The Mystery Woman

wpe5.jpg (4908 bytes)

Do you recognize this statue?

She is arguably the most observed, the most seen, artifact in the world.
She is broadcast in millions of media impressions every day. Rich in legal importance, she defines
the relationship between American government and anyone in the world contracted to it.
She is officially classified as "the only authorized Symbol of American heritage." Yet of the millions who
see her on a daily basis, very few have ever seen her. She's the figure that stands on top of the
United States Capitol Building in Washington, DC.
The act of standing upon property is an aggressive legal demonstration. Your lawyer will tell you that
standing upon a thing is an ultimate proof of ownership in adverse possession.
Could it be that the Capitol's mystery woman literally... owns the entire facility she crowns?
Could the United States Congress belong to her?
Officials named her Freedom because her classical identity, Persephone, was meaningless to most
Americans. Persephone was a Graeco-Roman goddess abducted by Saturn’s son Hades, who enthroned
her as queen-consort of his dominion, the underworld.
She rules over the earth’s interior, particularly the metals and minerals. America’s Freedom is Goddess of Petroleum, a fact one should bear in mind when examining her government’s military presence in Afghanistan.
How on earth did Saturn’s daughter-in-law acquire the supreme place of honor over Washington? Who
put the mystery woman there? When? Why? Under what circumstances? What is the theological history
of this "only authorized Symbol of American heritage"? What is her future?
The one sure fact of American history is that the United States was conceived in secrecy. Our history’s
most trustworthy witness, Charles Thomson, a classical scholar who kept detailed minutes of the
clandestine proceedings of the Continental Congress from 1774 to 1789, destroyed all of his personal
papers relative to these defining events.

Thomson, a protégé of Benjamin Franklin, enjoyed a unique reputation for truth-telling. Hired by colonists to keep minutes of critical pow-wows with Native Americans, he was honored by the Delaware tribesmen with the name "the man who talks the truth."
Later on, during the Revolution, when he would bring his daily reports of congressional proceedings to the streets of Philadelphia, eager mobs would cry "Here comes Charles Thomson! Here comes the Truth!"
After the ceasing of hostilities, leading citizens besieged Thomson to write his account of the new republic’s conception and birth.

The definitive insider declined, saying in the presence of Dr. Benjamin Rush, I ought not, for I should contradict all the histories of the great events of the Revolution. Let the world admire the supposed wisdom and valor of our great men. Perhaps they may adopt the qualities that have been ascribed to them, and thus good may be done. I shall not undeceive future generations.
On another occasion, Thomson commented to friends that "If the truth were known, many careers would be tarnished and the leadership of the nation would be weakened."
What did Charles Thomson know that textbook histories do not tell us? What did Thomson know that even well-educated Americans are deceived by not knowing?

I was thrust into digging for the answers by situations few if any textbook historians have ever experienced. In 1984, the government that Charles Thomson helped bring to life attacked me with personnel and strategies foreign to the American sense of fairness.
As the attack wore on year after year, I began to wonder. Could the same quality of personnel and strategies arrayed against me have founded the United States? Could this be why Charles Thomson was so bitterly (or perhaps fearfully) reluctant to tell the truth?
My investigation began with a general overview of the federal district, Washington, DC. No studious observer looking for meaning can help but discern in Washington an architectural and monumental presence that is almost overwhelmingly Roman.

I focused on the city’s most hallowed edifice, the Capitol. A cursory title search on the real estate
upon which it stands turned up a surprise. In 1663, the property that would become the Capitol’s site was inscribed in the Maryland property records as "Rome," its owner a man named "Pope." The southern
boundary of this property was shaped by a river named for the river that runs through Rome, the Tiber.

I further discovered that "Rome" was transferred to the federal government in the years following ratification of the Constitution by its owner, Daniel Carroll. Carroll was the chairman of a three-man
commission appointed by President George Washington to find a suitable location for the capital city.
A signer of the Declaration of Independence, Daniel Carroll was a Roman Catholic educated by
Jesuits in Maryland and France. His brother John was a Jesuit priest.
John Carroll became the first Catholic bishop in America, presiding over the See of Baltimore, which included Washington, D.C. John also founded Georgetown University, which has long been regarded as the incubator of federal policy, domestic and international.

Strikingly secular in curriculum and student body, Georgetown is still owned and operated by Jesuit priests. Its seal proclaims the union of the Roman Church with the secular State, depicting the Roman eagle with the global world in one talon and a cross in the other, surmounted by the motto Utraque unum, "Both together."

Now, what made these discoveries particularly relevant to my life was that the assistant United States
attorney who represented the IRS in its prosecution of me (for the violation of some law that is yet to be
found anywhere in the revenue statutes) was himself a Jesuit priest.

The Jesuits are members of the Society of Jesus, which I discovered was founded in 1540 for a singular purpose: to neutralize the effects Protestantism was having on the rights, interests, and authority of the
Roman Papacy. Their mission was, and remains, to infiltrate non-Catholic cultures and, by whatever
means may be necessary, subjugate the people to Roman Catholicism. The term used by the
Church to describe this process is "missionary adaptation."

What if the Society’s mission in America was to incite a Protestant population to separate itself from its Protestant monarch and unwittingly make of itself the Catholic nation America has in fact become?
Finding myself caught in such a unique tangle of facts and circumstances gave me to believe, not too unrealistically I hope you will agree, that perhaps the task of investigating Roman Catholic involvement in the American secular establishment had been assigned to me by whom religious people call God.

Rather than pass through the gates of the prison camp in Atlanta, where the court had sentenced me to serve a year for violating the law that does not exist, I embarked on a journey that would last ten years. A homeless fugitive separated from wife, children, friends, and native identity, yet protected at every turn by invisible powers that will be discussed in a forthcoming book, I pursued my pursuers in the District of Columbia, Georgetown University, and in libraries all across America.

I discovered hidden American founding fathers every bit as important as Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Adams, and Sherman—men like Lorenzo Ricci, Nikolaus von Hontheim, Joseph-Marie Amiot, Francis Thorpe, Daniel Coxe, the 3rd Earl of Bute, and Robert Bellarmine.

To comprehend my discoveries, I had to become knowledgeable in both Roman Catholicism and its foe, Protestantism. Because Protestantism fought Rome with the Bible, I had to learn what the Papacy disliked about the Bible. This ordered a certain immersion in biblical scholarship.
I was further obliged to delve into yet another dimension of the secular struggle between Catholics and Protestants: Freemasonry. The Papacy threatened excommunication to Catholics who as much as spoke
well of Freemasons; Freemasons wanted to purge the world of Catholicism. I discovered an important
link between the two rival camps, a "secret bridge" controlled by the Papacy.

Finally, since Roman Catholicism requires its members to advance the Church through secular
governmental offices, my investigation required me to amplify an already extensive study of constitutional
law, which had begun in the late seventies with the preparation of The Miracle On Main Street.

Pembaca, itulah sedikit gambaran tentang SEJARAH Amerika yang SEBENARNYA; yang tidak ada satu pun (dokumen lengkapnya) di seluruh perpustakaan public library, public school, public university, dsb di Amerika Serikat. Buku yang saya miliki, THE UNSEEN HANDS yang saya sebut di depan/di bawah (Bagian ke-2 artikel ini), termasuk buku langka yang sekarang sulit diperoleh lagi. Sebagian besar buku semacam itu bahkan DILARANG diterbitkan – alias DIBREDEL atau DIBERANGUS! Sulit dipercaya? Itulah Amrik!

Silahkan meneruskan ke BAGIAN ke-2 (834 kilobyte). Anda menyesal kalau melewatkannya; ada kutipan langsung (1) SUMPAH JESUIT; (2) PETA DUNIA MENURUT Kroni BUSH cs.; (3) OSAMAH TERBANG DENGAN MAGIC CARPET DIKEJAR F-16 USAF; (4) POSISI NKRI di MATA AMRIK, dll.


Ada tiga bagian artikel yang diimpor dari Hanya bagian 1 yang saya impor, silahkan KLIK sendiri untuk membaca teks lengkap 2 dan 3. Sebab kalau diimpor semua ke artikel saya, kilobyte bertambah besar. Teks dan format saya ubah, Font diganti Ariel Narrow, untuk hemat ruangan. ENJOY!

Jajaran POLRI dan BIN, terutama Deputi V BIN, Mayor Jenderal MUCHDI PR, selaku Ketua Gabungan Intel Investigasi Bom Legian, WAJIB membaca ini dan bagian 2 & 3. Mas Jenderal, sampeyan KUDU baca ini. OK? Malu-maluin kalau sampeyan termakan TEROR ASPAL George Wicked Bush (Bully – preman bule)! Baca juga analisis jurnalis Inggris tentang KETERLIBATAN Dinas Intel ISRAEL MOSSAD dan FBI dalam pengeboman WTC 1993.

9/11 and The Smoking Gun that Turned On its Tracker

by  Chaim Kupferberg

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG),  Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation (CRM), ,   4 September/ septembre 2002
For a simplified synopsis and summary of this important article, click here.

It was supposed to be the key chain of evidence linking the September 11 hijackers to Osama bin Laden - a wire transfer of $100,000 to lead hijacker Mohamed Atta. For a public increasingly skeptical of evidence culled from passports in the rubble and flight manuals in the glove compartment, here was the "money" shot, a financial trail leading to the fall of the Twin Towers. Yet less than five months later, the man initially fingered as the paymaster of 9/11 would be sitting in a Pakistani jail, accused of a wholly different crime - the murder of Daniel Pearl.

Depending on where or when you have read his name, he is known as Ahmad Omar Saeed Sheikh, or Umar Sheikh, or Syed Sheikh(if you write for CNN). For simplicity's sake, we will refer to him as Omar Saeed, a Pakistani-born former student of the London School of Economics who grew up in the suburbs of Great Britain. Under the alias of Mustafa Mohammed Ahmad, he was reported to have wired $100,000 to a bank account in Florida belonging to 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta.

"U.S. investigators believe they have found the 'smoking gun' linking Osama bin Laden to the September 11 terror attacks," wrote Julian Borger and John Hooper of The Guardian on October 1, 2001. That very same day, a terror group based in Pakistan, the Jaish-e-Mohammed, claimed responsibility for a suicide attack against the provincial legislature in Kashmir, leaving 38 dead - and Pakistan on the brink of war with India.

As reported by Maria Ressa of CNN on October 8, 2001, here is Omar Saeed's connection to that incident: "The Pakistan-based group, Jaish-e-Mohammad, initially claimed responsibility for the attack. It was formed by Pakistani cleric Maulana Mazood Azhar, shortly after he was released from an Indian prison in 1999.

Azhar was one of three jailed Islamic militants freed by Indian authorities in exchange for passengers of the hijacked Indian Airlines 814. Indian and U.S. authorities now see a link between that hijacking and the September 11 attacks in the United States. Freed with Azhar was Ahmed Umar Syed Sheikh [Omar Saeed], whom authorities say used a pseudonym to wire $100,000 to suspected hijacker Mohammad Atta, who then distributed the money in the United States."

According to a CNN posting dated October 6:

"[Omar Saeed] would still be in prison were it not for the December 1999 hijacking of Indian Airlines Flight 814 - an ordeal strikingly similar to the four hijackings carried out on September 11. The plane, with 178 passengers on board, was en route from Katmandu, Nepal, to New Delhi, India, when terrorists used knives to take control of the aircraft, slitting the throat of one passenger to force the pilots to open the cockpit door…Because investigators have now determined that [Omar Saeed] and Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad [the pseudonym] are the same person, it provides another key link to bin Laden as the mastermind of the overall [9/11] plot."

Notice the implication here: the bin Laden connection to 9/11 is considerably strengthened by reason of bin Laden's connection to Omar Saeed, whose own connection to the 1999 Indian Airlines hijacking bears a gruesome similarity to the modus operandi reportedly employed in commandeering the airplanes on September 11. Lest there be any doubt as to Omar Saeed's status in al-Qaida, terrorism expert Magnus Ranstorp offered this assessment in the same October 6 article: "He [Omar Saeed] is also linked to the financial network feeding bin Laden's assets, so therefore he's quite an important person...because he transfers money between various operatives, and he's a node between al Qaeda and foot soldiers on the ground."

That is the testimony from CNN. And, as far as I can tell, CNN's October 8 article was - at least for several months - practically the American "mainstream" media's last mention of Omar Saeed and his $100,000 deposit for 9/11. For on that very next day - October 9 - The Times of India broke with this bombshell:

"While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed that former ISI [the "Pakistani CIA"] director-general Lt-Gen Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on Monday, the truth is more shocking.

Top sources confirmed here on Tuesday that the general lost his job because of the "evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Center. The U.S. authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that $100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh [Omar Saeed] at the instance of General Mahmud [Ahmad]. Senior government sources have confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing the link between the money transfer and the role played by the dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they said that Indian inputs, including [Omar Saeed's] mobile phone number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link."

Thus, courtesy of The Times of India, by October 9, Omar Saeed was not only tagged as the "bagman" of 9/11, but he was now reported as acting under the orders of the chief of Pakistani intelligence. That in itself is not so surprising, as the ISI was long acknowledged as being the primary backer - pre-9/11 - of the Taliban. Yet why, then, would the U.S. government insist on nothing more punitive than the general's immediate retirement? Here is one possible reason, courtesy of the archives of Karachi News, datelined September 9, 2001 (two days before 9/11, for those who didn't notice):

"ISI Chief Lt-Gen [Mahmud Ahmad's] week-long presence in Washington has triggered speculation about the agenda of his mysterious meetings at the Pentagon and National Security Council. Officially, State Department sources say he is on a routine visit in return to CIA Director George Tenet's earlier visit to Islamabad...What added interest to his visit is the history of such visits. Last time Ziauddin Butt, [General Ahmad's] predecessor, was here during Nawaz Sharif's government, the domestic politics turned topsy-turvy within days. That this is not the first visit by [General Ahmad] in the last three months shows the urgency of the ongoing parleys."

In the light of what followed, one might hazard a guess as to what was so urgent. Whatever the case, Omar Saeed, by way of General Mahmud Ahmad, had now garnered his very own - albeit indirect - connection to the Pentagon. Under normal circumstances, The Times of India article could be effectively quashed simply through being ignored by the mainstream American media (which it was, save for a brief, almost sluggish, mention from the Wall Street Journal). Nevertheless, there now remained the sticky matter of dealing with that $100,000 money trail - possibly one of the greatest examples (if the only one) of a smoking gun turning on its tracker.

Put simply, here was the problem: as early as September 18, the gun was simmering on low heat, gradually drawing flavor as the days passed. As reported by Jim Stewart of CBS News that day: "From apartments, homes and cars once belonging to the dead hijackers, agents have uncovered a money trail that they hope will lead to the hijackers' accomplices." And, sure enough, by September 30, it did, when ABC News "This Week" reported:

"...federal authorities have...tracked more than $100,000 from banks in Pakistan to two banks in Florida to accounts held by suspected hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta. As well this morning, TIME magazine is reporting that some of that money came in the days just before the attack and can be traced directly to people connected to Osama bin Laden."

The next day, October 1, 2001, the smoking gun sprouted an alias - Mustafa Ahmad, as reported by Judith Miller of the New York Times (and not to be confused with General Mahmud Ahmad, the ISI Chief). Similarly, Borger and Hooper of The Guardian that very same day named bin Laden's paymaster as Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad, pointing out that this was the alias for a "Sheikh Saeed", who was reported to have wired the money from the United Arab Emirates before he left for Pakistan.

The money trail story was now in full swing, yet trouble - perhaps traces of the brewing ISI revelation - now seemed to be lurking in the background. By October 3, 2001, things started to get unsettlingly murky. For on that day, British Prime Minister Tony Blair released his infamous report, summarizing - for a skeptical public - the "persuasive" case against bin Laden for involvement in the events of September 11. Yet amid all the innuendo that was employed in the report to nail down bin Laden's culpability, there was nary a mention of that key piece of evidence - the $100,000 pay-off to the hijackers.

Even more curiously, on that very day, New York Newsday reporters John Riley and Tom Brune provided an alternative suspect for the Mustafa Ahmad alias: "Mustafa Ahmad is an alias used by Shaykh Sai-id, who has been identified as a high-ranking bin Laden financial lieutenant. In the wake of the bombing of the U.S. embassy in Tanzania in 1998, Tanzanian officials arrested and charged with murder an Egyptian named Mustafa Ahmed. After alleging that he had confessed to being a high-level al-Qaida operative, Tanzania then released him without explanation a few months later, according to news reports at the time."

Put simply, if Riley and Brune are correct, then "Shaykh Sai-id", alias Mustafa Ahmad, could not possibly be Omar Saeed, as Omar was nicely locked away in an Indian prison in 1998. Keep in mind, too, that this article appears to be one of the first American references to Mustafa Ahmad as being an alias for a "Shaykh Sai-id."

A follow-up article by The Guardian's Julian Borger, dated October 5, 2001, does not make matters any clearer. Critiquing Blair's definitive report on al-Qaida, he wrote:

"It omits mention of a key link in the evidential chain discovered by U.S. investigators: the money trail between a group of the hijackers and an al-Qaida operative in Dubai, known as Mustafa Ahmad. It is not clear whether it is Ahmad, an al-Qaida paymaster, that Mr. Blair has in mind when the document claims 'one of Bin Laden's closest and most senior associates was responsible for the detailed planning of the attacks.' He could instead have in mind someone higher up in the chain of command such as Mohamed Atef or Abu Zubeidah, both of whom are al-Qaida military commanders."

  As to Borger's consideration of Mustafa Ahmad's status in the al-Qaida hierarchy:  "A lower-level al-Qaida figure, known as Sheikh Saeed, alias Mustafa Mohamed Ahmad, organized money transfers from Dubai to the hijackers and received return transfers of unused money before leaving for Pakistan on September 11." By the end of the first week of October, various news correspondents had apparently provided alternative personas for the Mustafa Ahmad alias - and nobody seemed to notice.

That first week of October 2001 was indeed a busy one in the War Against Terror. It began with a high-profile terror attack in Kashmir, perpetrated, reportedly, by a group with links to the man tagged by CNN as paving the money trail to 9/11. Mid-week saw the release of Tony Blair's much-touted report on the evidence against bin Laden, conveniently timed for the invasion of Afghanistan. By week's end, October 7, 2001, a text of the indictment against the would-be "twentieth hijacker," Zacarias Moussaoui, was released, detailing money transfers between the hijackers and the Mustafa Ahmad alias. If, by late September, the smoking gun was shaping up to be the starting gun for the race into Afghanistan, at some point in that first week of October, there was enough smoke blowing in all directions to keep everyone well and thoroughly diverted.

On December 18, 2001, the Associated Press - acting as the mouthpiece for the mainstream press in absentia - would officially (and matter-of-factly) put on record for us the identity of the paymaster behind 9/11, unveiling him as:

"Shaihk Saiid, also known as Sa'd al-Sharif and Mustafa Ahmad al-Hisawi. A Saudi, Saiid, 33, is bin Laden's brother-in-law and financial chief. Saiid has been with bin Laden since his time in the Sudan. Saiid allegedly wired money to Atta in preparation for the Sept. 11 attacks, according to court documents."

The "court documents" in question are, presumably, the October 7 Mossaoui indictments listing "Mustafa Ahmad" as paymaster. With a deft sleight of hand, and seemingly from out of nowhere, the Associated Press had managed to replace a 28-year old Pakistani militant tied to the ISI (Omar Saeed) with a 33-year old Saudi (Shaihk Saiid) tied - by marriage- to Osama bin Laden himself.

The Associated Press had gradually edged toward its December 18 announcement, supported by a convenient paper trail - in particular, President Bush's Global Terrorist Executive Order, signed September 23, 2001, in which a "Shaykh Sai'id (aka Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad)" was mentioned as a financial operative in al-Qaida, among a list of 27 individuals and entities slated to have their assets frozen. On October 13, 2001 (four days after The Times of India bombshell), the Associated Press announced that "the government [had] widened its financial dragnet," including on a "new list": "Sa'd Al-Sharif, a brother-in-law of bin Laden and a senior associate believed to head bin Laden's complex financial network."

Note that the October 13 piece made no mention of any aliases for Sa'd al-Sharif, nor did it connect him to the - by then - well-publicized money trail. It took a third list, announced on December 18, for the Associated Press to complete the syllogism: Sa'd al-Sharif = Shaykh Sai'id = Mustafa Ahmad = 9/11 bagman. By then, however, bin Laden's culpability was long settled, and any money trail long forgotten.

More conveniently, an alternative home could now be found for that $100,000 revelation, distancing it from The Times of India and CNN, circa Oct. 6-8. Now all that remained was to prepare alternative "lodgings" for Omar Saeed and the retired ISI general. Sometime in November 2001, the Justice Department complied by laying out the bedding, "secretly" indicting Omar Saeed for a 1994 kidnapping, and thus setting the stage for his later appearance in an entirely different performance - the murder of Daniel Pearl.

The Disinformation Thickens

If, by December 18, the money trail to 9/11 was now a settled fact, nobody seemed to take much notice. Earlier that week, on December 13, the Bush Administration had presented a new, more "sexy", smoking gun - the certified Osama bin Laden Videotape Confession. That would probably explain why, five days later, no headlines were screaming "Bin Laden Brother-In-Law Linked To 9/11!" And perhaps that would be for the better, as such a headline might have triggered a keen sense of deja vu in anyone who was able to recall another bin Laden brother-in-law who was linked to the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 - Mohammed Jamal Khalifa. Ramzi Yousef, the alleged terrorist bomber convicted of that crime, was "said to have received money from bin Laden's brother-in-law," according to Steve Macko in a July 25, 1997 item from ERRI.

Curiously, it was this particular brother-in-law who was first mentioned in connection with the events of September 11, as early as two days after. According to correspondent Jaime Laude of Philippine Headline News Online, "...the government announced it is stepping up efforts to hunt down Mohammad Jamal Khalifa, a brother-in-law of Bin Laden, the prime suspect in Tuesday's terrorist attacks on the U.S." A CNN article by Maria Ressa, dated September 28, 2001, linked Khalifa to the terrorist Abu Sayyaf group in the Philippines, and, through Ramzi Yousef, to the 1993 WTC attack.

As reported by Ressa in that article, "Part of the Osama bin Laden money trail [for September 11] may lead to the Philippines and the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group." In other words, if the money trail did lead to Abu Sayyaf, we would possibly be faced with the following syllogism: Abu Sayyaf = Mohammad Khalifa = Mustafa Ahmad = 9/11 bagman. As Ressa, by October, had explicitly tagged Omar Saeed as the alleged paymaster, we can safely assume that CNN was no longer pursuing the brother-in-law angle to the money trail.

And what of this other brother-in law -The "Shaihk" With The Many Aliases? It appears that with the authoritative - and shockingly brief - proclamation from the Associated Press on December 18, no further commentary on the Man Behind The Money Trail was needed. The Shaihk's disappearance from the world's headlines was as sudden as his appearance. In any case, the world was by then distracted by the December 13 attack by Kashmiri terrorists on the Indian Parliament in Delhi - an attack that once more placed India and Pakistan on the brink.

Coincidentally enough, Omar Saeed was linked to that attack by - another coincidence - Maria Ressa, in a CNN article dated June 7, 2002. If, by then, she had already forgotten her previous designation of Omar Saeed as the 9/11 bagman, her memory was now jogged by the revelation that "Al Qaeda funded the [1999 Indian Airlines] hijacking operation" that resulted in Omar Saeed's release from prison. Omar Saeed, through his purported membership in Jaish-e-Mohammed, would now find an alternative bin Laden link (and cover story), courtesy of Maria Ressa and colleagues.

As the above-mentioned July 7 article reports: "Evidence is surfacing that al Qaeda is controlling key Kashmiri separatist groups and fueling tensions - something al Qaeda successfully did in Chechnya and Southeast Asia." In a June 12 report, Maria Ressa elaborated: "What Osama Bin Laden has done, intelligence officials say, is to hijack regional movements and exploit them for his purpose." The CIA must be green with envy.

One wonders if the October 9 Times of India article might have aroused bin Laden's wrath toward India, for it was a mere five days later - on October 14, 2001 - that The Times of India reported:

"Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda terrorist group has now formally and publicly adopted the Kashmir issue as one of their causes...In a new video-taped message released through Al-Jazeera television network, an unnamed Al-Qaeda spokesman added the Kashmir cause to their familiar list of grievances that include US presence in Saudi Arabia, the Palestinian issue, and the situation in Iraq."

Now that bin Laden's people had formally announced his updated business plan, he was free to plan some spectacular mischief in India - presumably while dodging all those "daisy cutter" bombs being hurled his way. And his "apparent" agent of choice - Omar Saeed, by way of the Jaish-e-Mohammed terror group.

The Developing Cover Story

While CNN's October articles on Omar Saeed linked him to the September 11 hijackers, it made no mention at all of any links to ISI Chief Mahmud Ahmad. As to those mainstream news outlets that neither mentioned Omar Saeed nor the ISI Chief in their reports on the money trail, frequent reference was made to the paymaster's alleged pseudonym - Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad. By fortuitous happenstance, the pseudonym also had the odd feature of sounding confusingly similar to the ISI Chief's name.

Thus, in the early days of October, one could read an American article about the paymaster Mustafa Ahmad and, assuming he came across The Times of India's piece on ISI General Mahmud Ahmad, conclude that the Indian article was just an alternative version of the American articles on Mustafa Ahmad. Assuming a reader caught the anomaly early on, he would have a hell of a time making his case at any dinner parties. Mahmud Mustafa? Muhammad Ahmad? This, in intelligence parlance, would be a textbook example of "muddying the waters" over the ISI Chief's link to the money trail.

Similarly, bin Laden's brother-in-law, "Shaihk Saiid," bears more than a passing resemblance to the name Omar Saeed Sheikh. Drop the "Omar", and one could easily see how a well-intentioned correspondent (like Maria Ressa) and a well-informed terrorism expert (like Magnus Ranstorp) could mistaken bin Laden's 33-year old V.P. of Finance for bin Laden's 28-year old V.P. of Finance In Kashmir.

Whatever the case, after October 9, Omar Saeed, as a news item, largely receded into the background while the money trail story died a slow, subtle death. In the meantime, an explanation was gradually being elaborated for the ISI Chief's "sudden" retirement.

As early as October 10, 2001, Vernon Loeb and Alan Sipress of the Washington Post reported that Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf "ousted several influential intelligence and military leaders who remained close to the Taliban, most notably purging Gen. Mahmoud Ahmed of the [ISI], which long served as the Taliban's patron." Vernon Loeb here seemed to be replicating a technique that was used to great effect the day after September 11 - briefly reporting on an anomaly with an authoritative tone that appeared to say, Move on, folks. Nothing to see here.

For the sake of economy, we will refer to it as the Shrug Technique of disinformation. Loeb had previously provided a demonstration of the technique soon after the Twin Towers had collapsed, in a brief capsule obituary on World Trade Center security chief John O'Neill, where Loeb blandly informed us that: a) John O'Neill was formerly the main FBI agent in charge of investigating all terrorist acts linked to bin Laden; b) O'Neill was banned from Yemen by Ambassador Bodine; c) O'Neill recently left a 30-year career in the FBI "under a cloud" to d) take up the position at the WTC only two weeks before 9/11. Nothing to see here, folks. Move on.

On October 22, more than a week after President Bush decided to freeze bin Laden brother-in-law Sa'd al-Sharif's assets (presumably to accompany his "Shaykh Sai'id" alias, whose assets were frozen on September 23), Johanna McGeary of Time Magazine drew a lawyerly distinction between President Musharraf and the policies of his ISI:

"Most startling was the premature retirement of [Musharraf's] trusted friend Lieut. General Mahmoud Ahmad, chief of the formidable...ISI, widely regarded as the country's invisible government. As a staunch patron of pro-Taliban policies, Ahmad is thought to have opposed Pakistan's new alliance with the U.S. Musharraf had reason to fear that segments of the ISI might thwart promised cooperation with U.S. intelligence."

In the parlance of propaganda, the above could be termed as an example of a "limited hangout." It begins with a frank admission of a fact that, on its surface, appears to be damaging (i.e. ISI support of the Taliban, and, through them, al-Qaida), yet instead serves to protect a far more damaging revelation (i.e. American/CIA influence over the ISI). By conceding the most transparent evidence against the ISI, one may then resort to the Shrug Technique to dismiss those who might be inclined to ask their own questions.

For instance: if President Musharraf "had reason to fear" being thwarted by segments of his ISI, then why would he send someone so clearly unreliable as General Ahmad to negotiate the handover of Osama bin Laden? Tim McGirk, in an April 29, 2002 piece for Time Magazine, provides the backdrop for that answer:

"The first move Musharraf made to tame the ISI was dumping its chief, [General Ahmad]. He and [Musharraf] were close friends and fellow plotters in the 1999 coup that brought Musharraf to power. But the intelligence chief proved too radical for Musharraf's purposes.

Former comrades of [General] Ahmed's say he experienced a battlefield epiphany in the Himalayan peaks during a 1999 summer offensive against India and began to pursue his own Islamic-extremist agenda. At a cabinet meeting, he once yelled at an official, 'What do you know? You don't even go to prayers.' Of more concern than these outbursts was [General] Ahmed's sympathy for the Taliban. When the President sent him to Kandahar six days after Sept. 11 to persuade Taliban chief Mullah Mohammed Omar to hand over bin Laden, the spymaster instead secretly told Omar to resist, an ex-Taliban official told TIME. Word of this double cross reached Musharraf, who on Oct. 7 replaced [General] Ahmed as ISI boss."

Apparently, General Ahmad was quite adept at pulling the wool over one's eyes. According to a September 12, 2001 article from the Scripps Howard News Service, Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.) and Rep. Porter Goss (R-Fla.) were sitting down for breakfast with the ISI Chief when they received word of the 9/11 attacks. "[He] was very empathetic, sympathetic to the people of the United States," Graham reported of Ahmad. If Ahmad was opposed to any U.S. alliance, as Johanna McGeary reported, Graham certainly wasn't seeing past the "love-me" vibes that Ahmad was apparently flashing him over coffee and danishes - a considerable oversight for someone who is Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Incidentally, Graham and Goss are the co-chairmen in charge of the commission to investigate the events behind September 11. Graham, a former Florida governor, and Goss, a veteran of the CIA, "are guarding their intelligence turf, saying they and their staffs are uniquely qualified to sift through tens of thousands of sensitive intelligence documents and interview spies and spymasters without compromising classified sources and methods," according to an Associated Press item dated May 30, 2002.

"Colleagues say Graham and Goss bring a pragmatic, bipartisan style to intelligence committee work that leaves politics outside their mostly secret meetings." We can trust they will give each other a probing, "independent" grilling as to their itinerary in the days leading up to 9/11.

The above-referenced article, by Curt Anderson, also contains a superb demonstration of the Shrug Technique. Witness:

"The morning of Sept. 11, Sen. Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss were doing what the two intelligence committee chairmen frequently do - having breakfast together at the Capitol. With them was then-Pakistani intelligence chief [Mahmud Ahmad]. [General Ahmad's] task was to persuade Afghanistan's Taliban leaders to hand over terror suspect Osama bin Laden. As the three men talked over the knotty problem, an aide handed Goss a note saying an airplane had hit the World Trade Center. A few moments later the Capitol would be evacuated, and the following month [General Ahmad] was fired." Move on, folks. Nothing to see here.

End Game

On January 22, 2002, a terror attack was launched on the American Cultural Center in Calcutta (which was eventually linked to Omar Saeed). The next day, Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl disappeared off the streets of Karachi, Pakistan. As the mainstream media reported it, Pearl was investigating Pakistani links to Richard Reid, otherwise known as "the shoe bomber." Yet as Tariq Ali of The Guardian reported on April 5, 2002: "Those [Pearl] was in touch with say he was working to uncover links between the intelligence services and terrorism. His newspaper has been remarkably coy, refusing to disclose the leads Pearl was pursuing."

Whether Pearl's leads had anything to do with the laptop hard drive that the Wall Street Journal passed on to the Defense Department sometime in December 2001 is a question that some have parsed. The story, according to Wall Street Journal reporters Alan Cullison and Andrew Higgins, of "how a computer apparently stuffed with al-Qaida secrets came to light, involves a combination of happenstance and the opportunism of war..."

As reported by Dan Kennedy of The Boston Phoenix: "The Journal's foreign editor, John Bussey, says that Cullison had been covering the Northern Alliance for about a month and a half when his computer was destroyed." In one of those fortuitous examples of happenstance, as Cullison went computer shopping in Kabul, he was informed that a local computer merchant had on sale a genuine al-Qaida computer, certified by the looter himself, who claimed to have filched it from the bombed-out headquarters of bin Laden lieutenant Mohammed Atef.

Among the incriminating hard drive documents that basically confirmed everything ever told to us by every counterterrorism expert throughout the '90's, Cullison - who was on the Northern Alliance beat - was lucky enough to find the smoking gun implicating al-Qaida in the assassination of Northern Alliance leader Ahmad Shah Massoud, who was mortally wounded just two days before September 11.

The smoking gun, as reported by Cullison and Higgins on December 31 2001, was a "letter, written in clumsy French in the name of an obscure, London-based Islamic information agency." The letter - carrying the name of Yasser Al-Siri - involved an interview request of Massoud. The Northern Alliance leader, as it turned out, was killed by "two men who posed as journalists to interview Massoud Sept. 9, both French-speaking Arabs, [who] carried stolen Belgian passports."

As luck would have it, the incriminating letter also happened to confirm the hunch of Her Majesty's Government, which had already arrested one Yasser Al-Siri in London in October, charging him with conspiring to assassinate Massoud. London. Al-Siri. Clumsy French. Stolen Belgian passports - to any aspiring Sherlock Holmes or Perry Mason, al-Qaida is the gift that keeps on giving.

So where was the Pearl angle in all this? In the July/August 2002 issue of The Columbia Journalism Review, the former president of NBC News, Lawrence K. Grossman, presented the possibility that Pearl was kidnapped due to the Wall Street Journal's decision to publish the laptop documents. He quoted James Goodale, a former lawyer for the New York Times, as saying, "No matter what, they should not have published that they cooperated with the government...I will say flat out what the WSJ did is detrimental to the safety of U.S. journalists abroad."

Columbia Journalism students take note: what Grossman has authored is a superbly crafted exercise in disinformation (for an article that runs barely 1,000 words). You can almost feel the directed implications cresting over your brain as you read Grossman's account of what those al-Qaida computer files contained: "... a remarkably detailed account of its agent Abdul Ra'uff's travels in Israel and Egypt in search of terrorist targets. Ra'uff's itinerary matched that of the would-be shoe bomber, Richard C. Reid...U.S. officials who reviewed the files are convinced that Ra'uff and Reid are the same person."

Implication #1: The contents of those computer files might have sent Pearl on his purported quest for the shoe bomber. His quote of Goodale leads us to Implication #2: The Wall Street Journal's admitted assistance to the government may have led Pearl's captors to conclude that Pearl was a CIA agent. Most importantly, Grossman establishes his bona fides with this little anecdote:

"...The late William Colby, a CIA director, once confided to a reporter friend of mine, Stanley Karnow, that several major news organizations actually were complicit in helping the CIA plant agents posing as reporters in their overseas bureaus. To this day, the CIA has refused to make clear that it no longer uses reporters as agents or agents posing as reporters..."

All of which leads us to Implication #3: He is shocked - shocked! - that propaganda happens here because - take his word as a media insider - it's not the norm.

Note to aspiring investigators: Be careful as to which facts you "ingest" in constructing your theories. Some stories - like The Al-Qaida Computer Tale - serve as nothing more than a red herring "cluster bomb", meant to forever obscure the truth by forcing an accommodation with a "well-known fact" - a sort of modern update on the "Oswald In Mexico" gambit. Whichever lead Daniel Pearl was pursuing - which we may never know - the important fact to keep in mind is the man who would eventually be tagged for his murder - Omar Saeed Sheikh.

Only four days after the disappearance of Daniel Pearl, Omar Saeed once more bobbed up into the world's headlines after staying submerged for more than four months. As reported by Rajeev Syal and Chris Hastings for The Telegraph on January 27:

"The London School of Economics...has been host to at least three al-Qa'eda-linked terrorists, The Telegraph has been told. An intelligence report says that the trio studied or lectured at the London University college between 1990 and 1993, when it became a breeding ground for Islamic extremism...The three - including one man called Ahmed Omar Sheikh [Omar Saeed] - have been revealed as having links with the LSE in an intelligence file seen by this newspaper and now being studied by police."

The reason for Omar Saeed's sudden reappearance in this article had nothing to do with Daniel Pearl. As Syal and Hastings reported:

"Omar [Saeed], 28, a former mathematics student at the LSE, is said to have been linked to last week's drive-by shooting in Calcutta that killed five policemen. He has also been named as one of the key financiers of Mohammed Atta, the pilot of one of the jets that hit the World Trade Centre on September 11."

Unfortunately, Syal and Hastings did not provide the names of the other two terrorists, but they did report that one of them "was arrested in Delhi last month for reported involvement in the recent attack on the Indian Parliament."

As we shall soon see, Omar Saeed's link to the largely forgotten money trail was now being carefully resurrected, leaving bin Laden's ever-marginalized brother-in-law off to the sidelines once more. What had changed in the interim? An October 1 attack on the provincial legislature in Kashmir, a December 13 attack on the parliament in Delhi, a January 22 attack in Calcutta, and - the coup de grace - the January 23 kidnapping of Daniel Pearl. If, after October 9, Omar Saeed had largely gone underground, he was purportedly a busy little mole in the months following.

While the average news reader would now care less about any arcane financial dealings, the money trail story was nevertheless "out there" and ultimately had to be accounted for in a definitive version. Somebody was playing for the history books. In the months following October 9, a working "legend" was being elaborated for Omar Saeed, one that would increasingly distance him from the implications of his relationship with the ISI chief.

Now, as the purported perpetrator of all sorts of al-Qaida-linked mischief - helped along by bin Laden's well-timed October 14 plug for Kashmir - Omar Saeed's link with the 9/11 hijackers could be obscured and/or minimized amid a veritable buffet of terrorist activity. By the time of Omar Saeed's debutante "outing" as a suspect in the kidnapping of Daniel Pearl on February 6, 2002, the Omar Saeed/Money Trail Story was now fully ripened for the Shrug Technique.

On February 10, Time Magazine's Unmesh Kher offhandedly mentioned Omar Saeed's $100,000 link to 9/11. But more importantly, that very day, the Associated Press, courtesy of Kathy Gannon, would officially snub bin Laden's brother-in-law (and thereby refute itself) by reporting: "Western intelligence sources believe Saeed sent $100,000 to Mohamed Atta, the suspected ringleader of the Sept. 11 terrorist hijackings, through a money transfer system known as hawala that bypasses banks and official financial institutions."

Alas, it appears in retrospect that bin Laden brother-in-law Sa'd al-Sharif (alias Shaykh Sai'id alias Mustafa Ahmad al-Hisawi) was merely a "temporary hide-out" for the money trail.

The February 10 article by Gannon, while making a redemptive stab at a limited hangout of the truth, nevertheless spoiled its record by grabbing at another juicy morsel of disinformation: "Kamal Shah, chief of police in Sindh province...said investigators were trying to track Saeed. 'We feel we are close,' he said. 'We can't give you a timeframe. But we don't think we are far off.'"

As far off as the upstairs bathroom, perhaps - for Saeed had already been in custody for five days by that time. Saeed "surrendered Feb.5 in the presence of Ejaz Shah, a former top ISI official now working as home secretary of Punjab province," reported Karl Vick and Kamran Khan of the Washington Post on May 3.

On February 12, the Pakistani authorities finally decided to formally announce the arrest of Omar Saeed. So how did he spend his week-long secret hideaway with the Pakistani authorities? As reported by the Associated Press on July 1 2002, "Saeed said authorities illegally detained him and tortured two of his fellow defendants in order to give police more time to fabricate a case against him."

As the Washington Post framed it on May 3: "Officials acknowledge that Saeed remained in ISI custody for a week while Pakistan's president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, visited Washington and said he was 'relatively certain' Pearl was alive."

If Musharraf was being somewhat shifty, he ratcheted it up a notch on February 9, when he suggested that Indian intelligence played a hand in Pearl's kidnapping. His evidence, according to a February 9 Washington Post item by Kamran Khan:

  "So far, investigators said, the suggestion of an Indian connection revolves around three phone calls to New Delhi placed from the same cell phone that was used to lure Pearl to a restaurant in Karachi on Jan. 23, the last time he was seen in public. Police sources say they have traced the calls, with the help of the FBI, to numbers for an Indian cabinet minister and two members of parliament. But the sources said they believe those phone calls were made to mislead investigators into concluding that India was involved."

In almost an exact mirror image of the October 9 Times of India allegations, Omar Saeed was now being pawned off on the Indians.
I n the same article, on that very day, the disinformation was coming fast and furious:

"Police today also took the unusual step of turning for help to the jailed leader of Jaish-i-Muhammad, Masood Azhar. The sources said they persuaded Azhar to make a call from his prison cell to Saeed requesting Pearl's release."

More likely, he used string attached to two styrofoam cups to reach Saeed in the neighboring cell.

As the "official" story had it soon after Saeed's "official" arrest on February 12, the case was solved when the authorities successfully traced a series of e-mails back to one of Saeed's alleged accomplices, who then confessed that he was only acting under Saeed's orders. The government's case, as reported by Zarar Khan of the Associated Press on July 1, "rests heavily on technical FBI evidence, which traced the e-mails to fellow defendant Fahad Naseem."

Thus, it would appear that the FBI had a hand in linking Omar Saeed to the kidnappers of Daniel Pearl. This is an important fact to consider, for -remember - The Times of India, on October 9, had linked Saeed to ISI Chief Ahmad, reporting that Indian intelligence had supplied evidence to the FBI. In the aftermath, ISI Chief Ahmad was "quietly retired" at the insistence of the U.S. government, according to the Oct. 9 Times of India.

Eventually, the American mainstream media - mostly through Time Magazine - would provide the cover story for General Ahmad, tagging him as "pro-Taliban" yet omitting any suggestions that he might have been orchestrating payment for the 9/11 hijackers, with Saeed as his primary agent.

And while the mainstream media began to effectively distance Saeed from the money trail soon thereafter (while simultaneously "smothering" the money trail story), the Justice Department waited a month after the October 9 revelations to finally move against Saeed by issuing an indictment - but not by reason of any alleged 9/11 links. According to a CNN item posted February 28, 2002:

"U.S. officials said that [Omar Saeed] was secretly indicted in November in connection with the 1994 kidnapping in India of western tourists, including an American. Justice Department officials won't say what prompted that indictment, which came more than six years after the incident."

The revelation - in February - that the FBI had already moved against Saeed back in November was an excellent exercise in "plausible deniability." The indictment itself would provide a cover story for any future "limited hangout" concerning Saeed's links to the money trail. Citing "uncertainty" as to the true identity of the pseudonymous paymaster Mustafa Ahmad, the Justice Department could then claim that it played it "safe" in November by indicting Saeed for an offense to which he could definitely be linked. Any notion of a "cover-up" could then be dismissed by evidence for the admitted confusion surrounding the identity of "Shaykh Sai'id" as Mustafa Ahmad.

By late February, most of the components for the full cover story were coming together in the mainstream media. Omar Saeed could now simultaneously be linked to al-Qaida and "rogue" elements in the ISI, distancing him from President Musharraf and the post-September 11 "good" ISI. As reported by Nancy Gibbs in a February 25 article for TIME:

"Pakistani investigators and newspapers in the U.S. have speculated that rogue elements linked to the ISI wanted to demonstrate to Musharraf and the world that they were not so easily tamed...[Musharraf] was able to cut the extremists loose after Sept. 11 and replace the hardline, pro-Taliban ISI Chief [General Ahmad]..."

In short, the mainstream media were laying the groundwork for a possible future "hangout" on explicit links between General Ahmad's "rogue" ISI clique and Omar Saeed. In this respect, Saeed and General Ahmad would be portrayed as having a common intention. As reported by Kamran Khan and Molly Moore of the Washington Post on February 18:

"Saeed said attacks outside the U.S. cultural center in Calcutta, the Indian Parliament in New Delhi and a legislative assembly in Kashmir were aimed at provoking India into taking action against Pakistan. Extremist organizers - some with ties to Saeed - hoped Musharraf would be forced to back away from his public stand against militant activities, Saeed told police."

While the Post item by Khan and Moore also mentioned Saeed's links to bin Laden - "Saeed told [police] he had traveled to Afghanistan 'a few days after September 11' to meet Osama bin Laden" - at no point was General Ahmad or the 9/11 money trail mentioned.

Yet Khan and Moore introduced a seemingly innocuous new "wrinkle" to the story - Saeed's admitted "relationship with Aftab Ansari, the alleged gangster and chief suspect in the shooting outside the U.S. cultural center in Calcutta...Saeed said he met Ansari while the two men were jailed in New Delhi's Tihar prison."

To anyone reading that snippet - unaware of the Saeed/ISI/9/11 Money Trail link - the offhand mention of Ansari would barely register. As we shall shortly see, though, the addition of Ansari to an eventual "hangout" of the full cover story would be absolutely crucial, for it also involves the participation of the Times of India.

As we have seen, the Times of India, through its October 9 revelation, set in motion a huge degree of activity surrounding the evidence implicating bin Laden for September 11. Moreover, India was repeatedly being led to the brink with Pakistan through terror attacks that would eventually be linked to Saeed and/or rogue elements in the ISI. If, theoretically, India had the "goods" on Pakistan and the U.S. government, apparently other forces were at work to maintain countervailing pressure on India.

If the October 9 revelation seemed - on its face - to be an attempt by India to soil the reputation of Pakistan, by February 13, the Times of India was explicitly backing away from the sinister implications of its October 9 outing.

When the news of Saeed's "official" arrest broke on February 12, here is how the Times of India would describe Saeed's connection to the 9/11 money trail a day later:

"...there were allegations that [Saeed] had organized at least one bank remittance to the terrorists who were responsible for the September 11 strikes in the US and that Lt. Gen. Mahmood Ahmed had helped him in this regard. There was, however, no evidence to indicate whether Ahmed was aware that this amount was meant for the terrorist strikes in the U.S."

This was a crucial point to emphasize, for it was widely known that General Ahmad had been involved in several intense discussions with American officials in the months leading up to 9/11. The importance of any cover story, then, would be to divert attention and thought from The Implication That Dare Not Speak Its Name - that General Ahmad's ISI were the operational commanders of the 9/11 hijackers, acting themselves as proxies for the U.S. government/U.K./EU (i.e., the coalition spearheading the War On Terrorism).

With General Ahmad's involvement in 9/11 thus somewhat obfuscated by the Times of India on February 13, the Times of India then proceeded, on February 14, to fully "inoculate" against the virus that it had released on October 9. Its main vaccine - Aftab Ansari:

"Aftab Ansari arranged for $100,000 for Omar [Saeed] Sheikh, prime accused in the kidnapping of WSJ reporter Daniel Pearl...Ansari arranged a series of e-mails with [Saeed] and Asif Reza Khan [who was killed on December 7] in August 2001, where he was asked to help out with a 'noble cause'... Indian officials interrogating Ansari said that, on August 8, 2001, Ansari asked Khan over e-mail whether he agreed to part with $100,000 for a 'noble cause' as requested by [Saeed]...on August 11, Ansari sent an e-mail to Khan saying that 'the amount mentioned had been sent to [Saeed]'...On August 19, [Saeed] e-mailed Ansari again, saying, 'The money that was sent has been passed on.'"

Thus, after attempting to clip ISI General Ahmad out of the picture on February 13, the Times of India then attempted the next day to insert Aftab Ansari into the money trail story. Conveniently, Ansari was deported from the United Arab Emirates to India only a few days before, where he was arrested for the terror attack in Calcutta. As the UAE was previously reported by the American media to be the country from which the pseudonymous paymaster "Mustafa Ahmad" made the $100,000 wire transfer, Ansari's link to that country would provide further confirmation for this developing cover story.

And while Pakistan was not quite let off the hook, the Times of India - by way of Ansari - now more firmly linked the money trail back to al-Qaida:

"Officials said the e-mails also hint at Ansari's possible linkages with the al-Qaeda network. The e-mails also refute Pakistani authorities' rebuttal of their nexus with the deported gangster. Interestingly, the mode of communication adopted by them is similar to that used by Mohammad Atta and other al-Qaeda members to carry out the September 11 attacks...This gives credence to the perception that Ansari had arranged $100,000 for the terror attacks on America, officials said."

In short, by February 14, the Times of India was officially touting the Saeed/Ansari duo rather than the Saeed/General Ahmad coupling.

On July 15, 2002, Omar Saeed was sentenced to die by a Pakistani court. By this time, all contingencies had long been covered. The confusion surrounding the identity of the pseudonym Mustafa Ahmad could provide a "plausible" explanation as to why the media neglected - even after Saeed's February 12 "arrest" - to consistently link him to the money trail, which by then had long taken a backseat to the Official Bin Laden Videotape Confession of December 13.

Moreover, by linking Saeed up with all that post-9/11 terror activity, Saeed's pre-9/11 role would be effectively minimized. Most importantly, the mainstream media would - as of this writing - observe an iron-clad rule for reporting on Saeed - that is, never mention Saeed, al-Qaida, the money trail, the ISI, and General Ahmad in the same article. In those articles that would mention Saeed's links with the money trail, they would also now mention his links to al-Qaida but omit any mention of General Ahmad. Where those articles mentioned Saeed's links with the ISI, they would omit mention of the money trail and General Ahmad.

Of those articles that mentioned General Ahmad and the ISI, General Ahmad would be tagged as "pro-Taliban" while "rogue" elements in his ISI would then be linked to al-Qaida - with any mention of Saeed and the money trail safely omitted. Now, with the Ansari angle credibly in place, it is a safe bet that the mainstream media - probably courtesy of Time Magazine - will one day "put it all together" for us, detailing how Ansari and Saeed, at the behest of al-Qaida, organized the money transfers to the hijackers as rogue elements in the ISI looked the other way, possibly not realizing that their "pro-Taliban" sympathies would facilitate the actions of September 11.

The whole cover story, however - with its endless obfuscations, diversions, and fallback explanations - cannot obscure the fact that it depends on a huge number of coincidences and conveniently timed set-ups to keep it in place. Moreover, evidence can be marshaled to show that the mainstream media - either as willful agents or as passive mouthpieces of the intelligence apparatus - planted disinformation that was meant to structure perceptions in a specific direction. The elaboration of the cover story bears the marks of its apparent mistakes and missteps.

But more disturbingly, the Omar Saeed/ Money Trail Story effectively shatters the credibility of the media/intelligence apparatus that provided virtually all the information on bin Laden and his al-Qaida network over the years. If this one small element of the overall 9/11 terror picture shows this much evidence of information management, one wonders how many other elements in this tale bear the marks of elaborate orchestration by the parties who have fed us all the data. (POLRI dan BIN, camkan ini !)

In intelligence operations, a credible "legend" is created through acting out all elements in the story rather than simply fabricating them for later use. Thus, "lead" hijacker Mohamed Atta most likely did receive a wire transfer of $100,000, arranged by an operative who was connected to al-Qaida, an organization that was fully financed, structured and "false-flagged" by Pakistanis and Saudis acting as operative proxy agents/patsies for what appears to be a globally connected Western elite intelligence apparatus.

As a crucial element in constructing the "legend" of 9/11, it was necessary to provide the links between the hijackers and al-Qaida. The paradox is this - an apparently sophisticated terror entity like al-Qaida would be required to maintain an elaborate evidential trail leading to its hijackers. Put simply, the names on those boarding passes would have to be the same names linked to various credit cards, witnesses, apartments, cell phone records, etc. (Nah! An ELABORATE EVIDENTIAL TRAIL …….PASPOR di WTC911, KTP di Legian!)

Whether or not a hijacker by the name of Al-Suqami, al-Shehhi, or Atta was using a false passport would be largely irrelevant if it could be shown that someone employing the same false alias was linked to the same incriminating evidence. The evidence - culled from credit card charges, Internet communications, cell phone calls, and ATM withdrawls - revealed, according to a November 4, 2001 article in the New York Times, "...a picture in which the roles of the 19 hijackers are so well-defined as to be almost corporate in their organization and coordination." And that is the paradox. If the names on those boarding passes were used only once, there would be no evidence at all linking those hijackers to al-Qaida. (NEED I SAY MORE?)

Here was an example of an anomaly "hiding in plain sight." With the hijackers conveniently sowing a consistent trail of the same names or aliases all over the place - establishing a "legend" that could be corroborated by real witnesses - the media could then be used to plant all kinds of disinformation and red herrings to divert attention from this most obvious anomaly.

For example, where ABC News would report on September 12 that a passport belonging to a hijacker named Satam Al-Suqami was found in the rubble of the World Trade Center, the other mainstream outlets would widely report the discovery of the "mystery passport" days later - on September 16 - as having some kind of evidential significance. But it was an obvious red herring. At best, it would signify this - that a passport was found which bore the same name as someone whose boarding pass bore the same name as someone linked to an al-Qaida training camp in Afghanistan. (BOROK CIA, FBI, White House, PENTAGON terkuak!)

More "smoke" would then be wafted over the "mystery" surrounding this discovery when it was widely reported that FBI honcho Barry Mawn would not reveal the name on the passport (when all the media had to do was to check their Sept. 12 file clippings from ABC News).

Other red herrings would follow. The "full" passenger lists, for instance, would be released without the names of the purported hijackers on it - leaving some to sniff that the government had "something to hide." But quite simply, the main fact worth hiding is the notion that the hijackers worked so assiduously to build a convenient evidential trail with their supposed aliases.

Take Mohamed Atta, for example. If he weren't so wedded to spreading his name like seed, then we would have no money trail story, no incriminating flight manuals in rented cars, no surveillance videos, no flight school witnesses - in fact, nothing at all on which we could hinge a legend for Mohamed Atta. The mainstream media repeatedly assured us that the hijackers were quite meticulous in staying below the radar, following the professional protocols of the Al-Qaida Handbook. Yet at every step of the way, they risked blowing their cover, going so far as to book flights under names that were either already on FBI watch lists or that could easily be linked to "shady" associates. (hahahahaaa…..GOBLOKNYA CIA dan media budaknya!)

By smothering the public with an apparent abundance of evidence, by conjuring the illusion that thousands of federal agents were compiling a comprehensive paper trail, the terror "experts" diverted us from the obvious fact that the 9/11 hijackers - purportedly the most cunning operatives for the most sophisticated terror operation in history - were instead certified morons, leaving us the gift of their boarding passes as the slim thread that would tie them to the Potemkin facade that is al-Qaida.

Someone by the name of Marwan Al-Shehhi was careful to rent a hotel room in Deerfield Beach, taking further care to leave behind Boeing 757 manuals and "an eight-inch stack of East Coast flight maps." Someone under the name of Marwan Al-Shehhi was also careful to use that name in activating his cell phone account so that one day, on November 4, 2001, Don Van Natta and Kate Zernike of the New York Times would be able to write: "Mohamed Atta, in seat 8D in business class, dialed his cellphone ... [reaching] Marwan Al-Shehhi in seat 6C on United Airlines Flight 175." How Van Natta and Zernike were also able to report that Atta called Al-Shehhi his "cousin" on that particular phone call perhaps reveals my ignorance over what can be divined through paper records of cell phone calls.

Moreover, it was convenient that someone by the name of Mohamed Atta took care to fasten his name tag on the luggage that he so thoughtfully left behind - in addition to the rented car he abandoned in the airport parking lot - so that authorities could find "a five-page handwritten document in Arabic that includes...practical reminders to bring 'knives, your will, IDs, your passport, all your papers." The existence of a written reminder for professional hijackers - who were presumably intensively trained to commandeer those airplanes with knives - to pack blades for their flight bears no rational explanation (except to confirm to us that, indeed, the hijackers did use sharp implements to take those planes). (Pembajak kok NINGGALIN jejak!)

But for all his credit card charges, cell phone calls, and bar tab receipts, Mohamed Atta was most fastidious in setting up a bank account in his name, so that he would be able to receive a wire transfer of $100,000 from someone who could definitively be linked to al-Qaida. That would be the paper trail, the "money" shot, the financial link to 9/11.

And, best of all, the evidence would be unimpeachable because the whole transaction was in fact carried out by this "lead" hijacker who so consistently provided the evidence in elaborating the "legend" of 9/11. But it was not meant to be. At some point, the lines crossed, a seam showed, a careless inconsistency bore its ugly head. Amid the confusion, this emergent "smoking gun" needed to be aborted.

In the aftermath, new "smoking guns" would emerge, more smoke would be blown. And what of that illusion - the one that in those early days after 9/11 seemed to conjure an image of thousands of federal agents building a paper forest of evidence implicating the hijackers?

"The hijackers left no paper trail," declared CIA director Robert Mueller on April 30, 2002. "In our investigations, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper ... that mentioned any aspect of the Sept. 11 plot." In other words, they no longer needed to stand guard and defend the mountains of innuendo and smoke that was blown in those early days to provide you with the authorized account of 9/11. Mueller, with his carefully worded lawyerly formulation - "piece of paper", "mentioned", etc. - would thus have it both ways: throwing up the innuendo without legally obligating himself to defend it.

In the end, the smoking gun was not the money trail. Nor was it the "whistle-blowing" article that appeared to expose it. Instead, the smoking gun lay in the actions, words, and deceptions of those who so cynically took it upon themselves to direct our perceptions - to tell us what, why, and how we know what we know. For in so closely managing the flow of information, by weaving in so many coincidences and synchronicities that could only be explained by willful orchestration, they exposed the seams of their duplicity, and in so doing, exposed before our eyes the intricate workings of a vast, all-pervasive disinformation apparatus that now risks its own destruction - for its contours can now be perceived by all who care to look.

Copyright  Chaim Kupferberg 2002.  Chaim Kupferberg is a freelance researcher and writer. His previous CRG article , The Propaganda Preparation For 9/11, describes a general media campaign, in the years leading up to 9/11, to present al-Qaida as a plausibly sophisticated nemesis with the motive, means, and opportunity to destroy the World Trade Center.  BAPAK BAPAK di BIN dan SERSE, baca dong itu ……..

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Bagi yang tetap masih meragukan bahwa WTC 911 merupakan "proyek" CIA/FBI /Pentagon/ White House dan (memanfaatkan) Kepala Intel Pakistan (sebagai "Patsy" yang order kirim dana US$ 100 ribu ke jaringan Al-Qaeda di Florida) – silahkan baca CNN AND THE PENTAGON PSY-OPS, tentang eksistensi intel Pentagon di CNN! Cari sendiri di (klik)

TIME magazine, juga NEWSWEEK, sami mawon – media DISinformation CIA! Lha, gitu kok Cover Story tentang Al-Qaeda di NKRI dan Ba’asyir (ocehan "patsy" CIA, Al-Farouq) DITELAN MENTAH MENTAH oleh Direktur SERSE POLRI dan Mas MayJen Muchdi! Njijiki tenan!Saya TIDAK perlu sekolah di PTIK atau Sekolah Intel di INTELSTRAT Bogor, untuk bisa jadi "intel Melayu" macam itu! Wis Pak, memburu penjahat Narkoba saja dan koruptor!

Kapan sampeyan mencermati CIA/MOSSAD! Tuh, di Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan ada kantor orang Yahudi yang "dekat" dengan CIA dan MOSSAD!

Bapak, bapak; kalau saya tidak keluar dari Dinas Luar Negeri (1 Okt. 1997) – saat ini jenjang diplomatik saya sudah setara dengan brigadier jenderal TNI (karena per-1 Januari 1995 dianugerahi MENLU RI Kenaikan Pangkat Istimewa)! Jadi intel Melayu (BIN & Polri), mbok ya rajin BACA analisis macam di atas! Juga buku buku non-fiksi tentang CIA, KGB, MOSSAD. Mau saya pinjami? Bayar berapa? Hehe … Rama kawula rumiyin intel ugi, kok.


Yusuf bin Jussac